Ustnotesgroup2010 1st Shifting Last Year

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 303
  • Pages: 59

Lining of respiratory tract (pseudostratified columnar epithelium)

Lining of resp. tract

pointer: cilia

Skin: keratin layer (stratified squamous epith.)

Spinal cord

Gray matter and white matter

Gray matter area -with triangular/stellate shaped nuclei

Spinal ganglion

Spinal ganglion -with fish-eye nuclei With amphicytes

Spinal ganglion With fish-eye nuclei With amphicytes

Skin With Meissner’s corpuscles

Meissner’s corpuscle

Pacinian corpuscle

Section from cerebellum

Purkinje cells of cerebellum

Higher magnification of Purkinje cells

Nerve fiber

Node of Ranvier

Schmidt-Lanterman’s lines

Neurovascular bundle With vasa nervorum below

Tongue -with papillae

Serous glands

Tongue (stratified Squamous epith.) -papillae


Tongue -with taste buds

Tongue -with taste buds

Lining of esophagus (str.squamous epith.)

Esophagus (beneath lining mucus glands

Smooth muscle wall of esophagus


Surface of gastric mucosa -simple columnar epith -with nuclei @ the base

Fundus of Stomach -with granular, acidophilic cells (the Parietal cells)

Fundus of stomach Chief cells cuboidal to columnar shape (paler in color) Parietal cells round, more solid


Pylorus/Pyloric area w/ gastric glands w/ branched, convoluted glands No parietal and chief cells here!

Duodenum (duodenal mucosa surface) Simple columnar epith Spaces occupied by goblet cells

Duodenum Presence of Brunner’s glands

Goblet cell


Papillary structure lining epith With goblet cells NO Brunner’s gland!


w/ crypts of Lieberkuhn

Mucosa of jejunum Lined by columnar epith Absence of Brunner’s gland But with crypts of Lieberkuhn

Ileum -with lymphoid cells the Peyer’s patches With goblet cells


Small lumen

Appendix Rich in lymphoid cells (lymphoid follicles)

Large intestine With nodules!

Large intestine mucosal lining

Rectal part


Parotid gland

Mucus acini

Duct  lined by cuboidal epithelium

Acini (bluish! serous type of acini

Liver lobules with central vein

Central vein…. Where? I don’t know

Portal triad

Portal triad

Pointer: Portal triad

The portal triad


Beside pointer: Islets of Langerhans

Pancreatic acini and islet cells

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