Ussc Catalog Of Spiritist Books 2009

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Catalog of Spiritist Books 2009

United States Spiritist Council

Books and media materials may be purchased at: - - Prepared by Jussara Korngold

Spiritism’s Five Basic Books The Spirits’ Book is the initial landmark publication of the five basic works that make up the Codification of Spiritism that has made a profound impact on the thought and view of life of a considerable portion of humankind since the first French edition was published in 1857. It is structured in four parts and has 1,019 questions asked by Allan Kardec, the Codifier of Spiritism. It rationally and logically presents the teachings of Spiritism in their scientific, philosophical and religious aspects. No matter what the religion or beliefs of the reader are, the reading of this book will be of immense value for everyone, for it talks about God, the immortality of the soul, the nature of spirits and their relations to human beings, moral laws, our present and future lives and the destiny of humankind -- subjects of general interest and great practicality. 630 pages Author: Allan Kardec Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council The Mediums’ Book is about mediumship -- a faculty that enables the communication between human beings and the spirits of the so-called dead. Allan Kardec was the first to seriously study mediumship by using the scientific method. This book presents the teachings of spirits on all types of spirit manifestations, the ways of communicating with the invisible world, the different types of mediums and the development of mediumship. Employing scientific strictness, it analyses hoaxes and charlatanism, and proposes methods of verifying and controlling information given by spirits. Finally, it defends the use of reason in dealing with subjects related to spirituality. 624 pages Author: Allan Kardec Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council The Gospel According to Spiritism consecrates the union between science and religion by explaining the moral maxims of Christ, their accordance with Spiritism and their application to various circumstances of life. This book contains the essence of the moral teaching of Jesus. Thus, it attracts followers of all religions -- and even those who don’t have a religion -- because it offers a safe process for our inner change, which according to Christ, is indispensable for us to reach future happiness and self-peace. In order to reach these goals, our immortal spirits must fully comply with the divine laws in our gradual evolutionary journey towards God. 522 pages Author: Allan Kardec Translator: Janet Duncan Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council Heaven and Hell In this book, Allan Kardec approaches divine justice from the point of view of Spiritism. The first part is a comparative analysis of the concepts of different faiths about heaven, purgatory and hell, angles and demons, and future punishments and rewards. The dogma of eternal punishment is especially discussed and refuted by arguments taken from the laws of nature. The second part presents numerous communications with spirits in different situations, and which shed light on the state of the soul after death and its passage from the physical life to the spirit life, which until then had been obscure and feared. By compiling the afterlife experiences of a varied range of persons, Allan Kardec skillfully sketched a picture of future life that infuses people with hope and sustains our faith in a loving God. Author: Allan Kardec Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council Genesis This is the most scientific book by Allan Kardec. It deals with themes regarded as incontestable by religion in the light of the immortality of the soul, unifying Christian thought and scientific discoveries. It offers us a unique opportunity to know and study themes of universal interest, discussed in a logical, rational and revealing manner. It coherently analyzes the origin of planet earth and avoids mysterious or magical interpretations about its creation. It also analyzes the question of miracles, explaining the true nature of the extraordinary phenomena of the Gospels. Finally, it talks about a new generation, whose advent will be the beginning of a new era for humankind, based on the practice of justice, peace and fraternity. 407 pages Author: Allan Kardec Translator: Spiritist Alliance for Books’ Team Published by: SAB - Spiritist Alliance for Books

Life in the Spirit World Collection Nosso Lar - was the first work dictated by the spirit Andre Luiz to the medium Chico Xavier. The book had an enormous impact revealing the daily life of spirits, who study and work in schools, hospitals and work teams in the spirit colony called Nosso Lar. It also reveals how the spirits of those who have died are affected by the thoughts and feelings of their relatives who are still alive. In this book by Andre Luiz, a doctor who lived in Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century, the readers discovers that life after death is full of activity, and that spirits continue to evolve, learn and improve. 335 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Fernando Brito Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council The Messengers - This book reveals that the death of the physical body is only the beginning of a spiritual life in continuous evolutionary process. It focuses on the work opportunity for mediums, warning them about the necessity of an inner change in the exercise of mediumship in order to avoid returning to the spirit world without having accomplished their assumed duties. 335 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council Missionaries of theLight - The spirit Andre Luiz continues his study in the spirit world. This time he unveils the secrets of reincarnation, showing the task of the high order spirits in charge of the rebirth process.The spirit author affirms that the death of the physical body is not the end. He also stresses the importance of self-effort in the self-improvement process. In twenty chapters, he talks about his apprenticeship in the spirit world, the process of reincarnation and the different aspects of mediumistic manifestations. Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Ily Reis Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council Workers of the Eternal Life - Five people, who devoted their entire lives to the practice of good, are at the end of their physical existences. Due to their merit, they have the help of a spirit rescue team. The spirit Andre Luiz tells about his experience as a member of such a team. This is an enthralling narrative that reveals details of the tasks performed by spirits at the moment of the death of the physical body. 390 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Tonia L. Wind, Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

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In The Greater World - This book offers important explanation about life in the spirit world and the communication between spirits and human beings, especially during the sleep of the physical body. The spirit author explains the causes of mental disturbances, presenting their respective treatments. It also analyzes the Spiritist view on abortion, epilepsy, schizophrenia and Down syndrome, among other themes. Andre Luiz highlights the immediate rescue by invisible workers of those who need help. These spirits help to prevent - as far as possible - madness, suicide and mental disasters. Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council Liberation - In this compelling narrative, Andre Luiz tells us about his experience as a member of a team who travels to a spirit colony located in the dark regions, where unhappy spirits live in wrongdoings. He emphasizes the importance of the work of beneficent spirits in their efforts to use the power of love to help these suffering spirits.the book is a worthy proof of divine mercy, which offers to all of us a blessed opportunity of liberation through study, work and persevering service in the practice of good. Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Jussara Korngold & Monica Santos Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

Life in the Spirit World Collection Coming soon

Between Heaven and Earth - What can a heartfelt prayer achieve? The spirit author narrates a touching story that begins with a young woman’s prayer, asking assistance for her dead mother. Then, a series of events takes place, leading the characters to forgiveness, self-reconciliation and family harmony. The book demonstrates that the relations we have on earth continue in the life after death. Every page of Between Heaven and Earth introduces new knowledge and higher emotions to the reader. Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council In the Domain of Mediumship - The spirit Andre Luiz follows a team who studies mediumistic communication. Using clear language, he narrates the problems and the victories, the subtleties and difficulties involved in practicing mediumship. The book approaches psychophony, somnambulism, possession, clairvoyance, clairaudience, out of the body activity, fascination, psychometry, and physical effects mediumship, among other related subjects. It is a study of great importance that reveals how spirits act in the intricate processes of communicating with human beings. 327 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Jussara Korngold Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

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Action and Reaction - This book describes the agonies of guilty consciences after death. It explains how the existence of the human being is deeply connected to the actions of past lives, as well as how the attitudes of the present influence the realities of the future. Andre Luiz studies real-life examples, offering guidance on the law of cause and effect, preparations for reincarnation, collective atonements, and the value of prayer Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

Sex and Destiny - The story of a family marked by disappointment and suffering in the area of sexuality will lead the reader to learn and reflect. The book offers important answers to questions about sexual relationships and their implications for the life of the immortal spirit. In his characteristic style, Andre Luiz presents a profound view of sexuality and invites us to reflect upon the prominent role of sex in the divine work. Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

Life Goes On - In a moving narrative, Andre Luiz tells us the story of two gravely ill people, who meet each other on the patio of a rest home. Many years later, they meet again, but this time in a hospital in the spirit world. They discover that life goes on after death and that the bonds between them are much stronger than they could have imagined. This work subtly teaches us not to fear, for life goes on and on… Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

Living Spring Collection Coming soon

Coming soon

Vineyard of Light

Our Daily Bread - 374 pages Translator: Jussara Korngold

The pathway, the Truth and the Life - 381pages Translator: Publio L. V. Coelho

Living Spring

Author: Emmanuel/Francisco C. Xavier The books The Pathway, the Truth & Life; Harvest of Light; Living Fountain; Our Daily Bread an Vineyard of Light integrate the Living Spring Collection. Reflecting upon phrases taken from the New Testament, the author Emmanuel presents moral teachings that lead the reader to a deeper knowledge of the Christian Doctrine, and that encourage its daily practice. These beautifully written texts stimulate ethical conduct, the practice of good and edifying work based on Spiritist principles. Emmanuel teaches and enchants, edifies and consoles through his subtle, compelling and highly spiritual language. Author: Emmanuel/Francisco C. Xavier Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

Other ISC Publications Paul and Stephen - It is the most famous and thickest novel of Spiritist literature. The spirit Emmanuel, through the mediumship of Chico Xavier, describes one of the most emblematic moments of early Christianity: the story of Paul of Tarsus, better known as Saint Paul. The richness of the narrative takes the reader to the Galilee of twenty centuries ago, revealing the spiritual events behind the expansion of Christianity. Besides offering new information on Paul’s conversion at the gates of Damascus, his escape to the desert and his travels, the book talks about the relationship between Paul and Stephen, the first martyr of Christianity. Paul and Stephen is considered one of the top ten Spiritist books of the 20th century. 672 pages Author: Emmanuel/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council Disobsession The faculty of mediumship, with its various manifestations, has been the dominant factor in proving the reality of the afterlife and the transcendental nature of our universe. Through this faculty, a multitude of phenomena has been witnessed, demonstrating to the astonishment of many that intelligence is not merely a product of brain cells. Andre Luiz’s purpose in writing this book was to recruit new groups of workers of goodness, whose intent is to aid in the readjustment of those no longer in the physical plane and who have become distanced from reality. This volume is an important synthesis in the effort to aid those suffering from obsessive processes, through the work of collaborators of varied talents. It is characterized by its absolute simplicity in the expositions of the subjects indispensable to the constitution and sustenance of Spiritist groups devoted to the liberation and healing task of disobsession. 167 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier & Waldo Vieira Translator: Tania Stevanin / Jussara Korngold Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council

Divaldo Franco’s Books Self Discovery - An Inner Journey - can certainly be considered a masterpiece on the Spiritist Psychology. Its spirit-author, Joanna de Angelis, through the admirable hands of Divaldo P. Franco, brings the reader what could be considered a doctorate thesis in the topics of human psyche, its disturbances and deepest causes, as well as effective therapeutics for Humanity’s greatest problems. It also summarizes a variety of theories in the field of Psychology and Psychiatry combining them with the Spiritist View of the human being and life. 175 pages Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Translator: Vanessa Anseloni Published by:LEAL The Dynamics of our Sixth Sense - This book came true as a result of a phenomenal workshop given by the Brazilian medium and speaker Divaldo P. Franco on July 22, 2006 in the auditorium of the Lily Dale Assembly. It crowned the I Spiritist Weekend in Lily Dale, sponsored by the Lily Dale Assembly. This workshop represents an unforeseen study of our sixth sense, our mediumship. 76 pages Author: Divaldo Franco Translator: Daniel Benjamin, Vanessa Anseloni and Luis Almeida Published by:LEAL Obsession - This book tells the history of a high society girl that became involved in the obsession presents what a dedicate group of incarnate and discarnate people did to release not only her, but also those who became entangle with her in a ugly story that started way back in a previous life. 240 pages Author: Divaldo Franco/ Manoel Philomeno de Miranda Translator: Ely J. Donato and Herminio C. Miranda Published by:LEAL The New Generation - this book was written by the great spiritual leader and humanitarian Divaldo Franco and the neuroscientist and Spiritist Vanessa Anseloni. This book encompasses a never-before put together multidisciplinary view on the challenges faced by the new generations. It brings relevant information in the areas of Neurosciences, Psychology and Spiritism to help people understand and educate the children of today’s world who will be responsible for the great transition from a world of wars and suffering into a more fraternal and peaceful one. Bilingual book (English - Portuguese). 93 pages Author: Divaldo Franco and Vanessa Anseloni Translator: Vanessa Anseloni and Jussara Korngold Published by:LEAL Understanding Spiritual and Mental Health - The seminar covered a psychiatric analysis on the endogenous and exogenous causes of mental and spiritual disturbances (depression, anxiety, phobias, schizophrenia); a review on its pharmacological therapeutics, and an analysis of spiritual intervention and other effective psychotherapies. It beautifully describes the Spiritist view of the psychological and spiritual disturbances, as much as it gives us a clear idea of its approach to eradicate its causes and effects. Bilingual book (English - Portuguese). 124 pages Author: Divaldo Franco Translator: SSB’s Team Published by:LEAL Open your Heart and Find Happiness - This book encompasses thirty challenges questions that often trouble human beings. Joanna de Angelis, through the hands of Divaldo Franco, addresses them by bringing uplifting messages. Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Translator: Published by:LEAL

Divaldo Franco’s Books “I Love Myself I am addiction-free”: SPIRITUAL TOOLS TO FIGHT ADDICTION- Seminar given by the renowned medium Divaldo Franco in Baltimore, MD - USA, 2005 It covered true stories about drug addiction; family issues in drug-addiction; and genetic, psychosocial, socioeconomic and spiritual issues that induce addiction. Divaldo Franco explored academic and spiritual therapies from a Spiritist perspective. He placed special emphasis on the role of education as a critical factor for the health of the whole person. Bilingual book (English Portuguese). 83 pages Author: Divaldo Franco Translator: Vanessa Anseloni, Marcelo Abnajin, Thiago P. Nogueira Published by:LEAL

After the Storm - 114 pages Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Translator: S. J. Haddad Published by:LEAL

Guidelines for Safety - The two most renowned medium-speakers of the spiritist movement nowadays answer important questions regarding multiple aspects of mediumship according to the Spiritist Doctrine. They offer safe guidelines for those who would like to understand and practice mediumship in a safe and charitable way. 138 pages Author: Divaldo Franco and Raul Teixeira Translator: Ana C. Sinclair Published by:Editora Frater Getting to the Light- Spiritist Therapy for Discarnate Spirits - This small book offers objective guidelines about the therapeutic approach to troubled discarnate spirits according to Spiritism. It's strongly recommended to anyone interested in (1) understanding the dynamics of spirit intervention; (2) using Spiritist therapy for the good of humankind; and/ or (3) serving as a Spirit counselor or psychotherapist. 34 pages Author: Nilson de Souza Pereira Translator: Paulo Ricardo Fonseca Costa and Vanessa Anseloni Published by:LEAL

Happy Life -. 262 pages Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Translator: George Roberts Published by:LEAL

Child of God - 128 pages Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Translator: Ely J. Donato Published by:LEAL

Recipes for Peace - 126 pages Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Translator: Allan H. Riddell Published by:LEAL

Living and Loving - 128 pages Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Translator: Ely J. Donato Published by:LEAL

In these four books received through the medium Divaldo Franco, Joanna de Angelis brings us inspirational messages that will uplift your heart and enlighten your soul.

Spiritist Alliance for Books Publications Here and Hereafter - This amazing work, first published in 1909 is divided into 5 parts. The first is a discussion of ancient beliefs and the unifying truths that are found in each of them. The second concentrates on the basics concepts of spiritism such as the immortality of the soul, purpose of life, reincarnation, God and death. The third explores deeper spiritist concepts such as fluids and magnetism, spirit phenomena, nature and science, evolution of the spirit, dangers of Spiritism, and charlatanism . The fourth discusses spirit world related topics such as errant souls, higher life, inferior spirits, providence, free will and hell. The last section discusses ethical topics such as Moral Life, Faith, Consolation, Wealth, Poverty, and Charity. 329 pages Author: Leon Denis Translator: Published and Revised by: SAB - Spiritist Alliance for Books Practical Guide for Magnetic and Spiritual Healing – To heal through passes is not a modern concept; it is as ancient as humanity itself. Healing is indeed a need that surpasses all national boundaries and can be found in the very essence of human nature. Despite modern medicine’s incredible technological advances, its main focus is the physical body. This causes the cure to be one-sided. Equilibrium is needed for perfect health and this is frequently dismissed. When this occurs, there is little or no harmony between body and soul. In modern medicine there is a great demand for highly specialized training, and this leads us to ask: who can heal? When considering spiritual and magnetic healing through the use of passes we can safely say that everyone is able to heal to some degree, and we will be observing this throughout this work. 102 pages. Author: Jussara Korngold Published by: SAB - Spiritist Alliance for Books

Endearing Gems from Francisco Cândido Xavier – The reader will be delightfully pleased with some of the enlightening messages and examples of Mr. Xavier’s life. Francisco C. Xavier dedicated his life to utilizing his aptitude as a medium to bring comfort to as many people as possible. His books sold an estimated 25 million copies, the profits of which were all channeled into charitable organizations. 96 pages Author: Jussara Korngold & Marie Levinson Published by: SAB - Spiritist Alliance for Books

Those Left Behind - This is the first book in English to examine suicide from a Spiritist viewpoint. With extensive research, the author follows the steps of noted Spiritist Allan Kardec to illuminate classic Spiritist attitudes toward suicide. If you have endured the trauma of a loved one taking his or her own life, Those Left Behind will console and comfort, helping you find answers you need to some of your most difficult questions. 109 pages Author: Jussara Korngold Published by: SAB - Spiritist Alliance for Books

Conception of God - Professor Jose Herculano Pires wrote 81 books about philosophical studies and literary compositions inspired in Spiritism. In the present book Prof. Herculano Pires writes about the impossibility to conceive nothingness, and the logic of God's existence. In the words of Prof. Herculano Pires, when we apply the good-sense in accordance with our finite and ephemeral modesty as creatures, before the Infinite and Eternity, we can reduce the unlimited to the limits of the intelligible reality. We do not need extrasensorial perceptions to perceive God’s existence. But God as Existent is the Father who Jesus introduces in rational terms, in order to guide us and to aid us, constantly inviting the whole Humanity to His Kingdom of Harmony and Beauty. 88 pages Author: Jose Herculano Pires Translator: Sonia Theodoro da Silva - Revised by Jussara Korngold Published by: SAB - Spiritist Alliance for Books and Paideia

Other Publications The Soul of Matter - This book provides guidelines for evaluating the contribution of Spiritism to health. It is based on conferences presented in six European countries in October 2002 on the following themes: Principles of Spiritist Medicine and Bioethics, Perispirit, The Reincarnation Process, and Human Cloning. It emphasizes the integral being: Spirit-matter, the complexity of subtle bodies, new concepts of health and illnesses, anamnesis and pathogenesis, and the integration of Spirituality into medical treatments highlighting the healing power of faith and love. This book proposes a definite union between Health and Spirituality in response to the individual’s aspiration and scientific pursuits. 136 pages Author: Marlene Nobre, MD Translator: Publio Lentulus V. Coelho and Jussara Korngold Published by: Folha Espirita-Editora Jornalistica Ltda. Christian Agenda - This book takes as its fundamental basis the wondrous teachings of Jesus, as these are integral part of all Spiritist study and belief. If are to follow these simple guidelines we will surely be able to find greater happiness now and in the next life. 118 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: George C. Hart and Evelyn Morales - Revised by Janet Duncan Published by: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd. UK Eternal Bonds of Love - is a poignant account of a young man's afterlife experiences after his death at age 20. Ricardo passed after an accidental fall at College on September 18, 2005. You will find in this unusual book Ricardo's story about his experiences, feelings, emotions and spiritual development in the first two years after his untimely and unexpected passing. He shares his stages of evolution, his 'new life', changes in his 'body and habits' and the 'people' he encounters along the way. Through his verses one is carried away to another reality where love, compassion, understanding and spiritual growth are the dominant features and goals of those living 'life after death'. 351 pages Author: Ricardo K. Petrillo, Silvia Knoploch (Contributor), Claudio Petrillo (Contributor) Published by: Silvia Knoploch and Claudio Petrillo Happiness without Guilt - This book is a little manual of help to those who are in search of happiness. It has diverse reminders to make easier the comprehension of being happy. It is not a treatise addressed to the intellect, but, little tips of practical application in daily life. To comprehend it better, it is necessary to let the heart open. 143 pages Author: Adenauer Novaes, MD Translator: Emerson Martins Pereira - Revised by: Jussara Korngold Published by: Lar Harmonia Foundation

Who is afraid of Death - Richard Simonetti is a best selling author in Brazil, a spiritist known for making important topics such as reincarnation, karma, divine law, spirit life accessible to the general public.This book is no less as informative and enlightening. Among it's many topics covered and explained are abortion, discarnation, balance, death of children, violent deaths, past life traumas, funerals, cremations, transplants and obsession. 53 pages Author: Richard Simonetti Translator: Published by:CEAC Memoirs of Father Germain - Germain is an orphan that one day strays into a castle of monks. He is then educated by the monks and eventually takes his vows becoming a priest in the Catholic Church. He settles in a poor village and as his reputation as a virtuous and holy man spreads, even royalty arrive for absolution of their crimes. Father Germain teaches love of the Creator and mankind with a belief that even the most hardened heart can be turned toward goodness. This book is the touching, true account of this beloved priest's life relayed to the writer Amalia Domingo Soler of Spain. These stories of intrigue, adventure, human emotion, and morality will provide you with tremendous love, inspiration, and hope. 293 pages Author: Amalia Domingo Soler Translator: Edgar Crespo Published by: iUniverse Past Life Journeys of Gea and Zen: Life in the Jungle - Gabrijela Solomon - Past Life Journeys of Gea and Zen" is a true story of two spirits, whose magnetic bond transcended time and space. It is a collection of novellas that guides us through several of their reincarnations. Each novella is a story of one of their lives. Details about Geaユs and Zenユs past lives were retrieved through channeling conducted during actual past life sessions. In the novella "Life in the Jungle", Gea and Zen were incarnated on Earth around 950 AD. They were born as Aani and Ercu in the lush rainforest of South America near the Iguazu Falls. While growing up in indigenous opposing warring tribes, Aani became a healer and Ercu a hunter who later became a tribal leader. In that life, their purpose was to develop self-denial and an unselfish love. 79 pages Author: Gabrijela Solomon Published by Gabrijela Solomon, 2008

AKES Publications Introduction to the Spiritist Philosophy - A primer of the Spiritist philosophy. It includes two of Allan Kardec's classic works: What is Spiritist and Spiritism in its Simplest Expression. 261 pages Author: Allan Kardec Translator: Allan Kardec Educational Society Published by: AKES The Gospel at Home - Study Guide - This book is a manual for living better on Earth. The human existence is a complex experience, often stunning us with cascades of hard-to-understand events and awkward circumstances. Adding to it all, our souls and hearts seem to be always restless in ways that befuddle reason. The Gospel at Home helps you to reacquaint yourself with your purpose on Earth. The Gospel at Home experience will remake your family environment, giving you a new comprehension of relationships, and making you a more capable citizen of the Earth community. 1710 pages Author: P & R Team Translator: Allan Kardec Educational Society Published by: AKES

Spiritist Group of Brighton Publications Green Light - When reading the edifying pages of this book, it will be easy for us to realize that in each chapter there are signs of light. It opens for us a clear pathway where we should do to others what we wish to be done to us. Thinking in this way, we can go forward to achieve the plans of elevation and progress in peace with others, and ourselves, by the power of peace of mind. 127 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Publio Lentulus V. Coelho Published by: - Spiritist Group of Brighton Courage - This book translates our appeal to the best forces, so we may never be discourage by the presence of conflicts and tests which are necessary for our self-improvement, because even when we are besieged in all directions by difficulty, disharmony, debit and suffering there will always be a way of remaking and freedom, that hope shows us in the presence of God’s mercy. Courage is the title given by the enlightened authors and friends. Through their consoling and edifying messages we will be able to overcome today’s obstacles and darkness. 126 pages Author: Andre Luiz/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Publio Lentulus V. Coelho Published by: - Spiritist Group of Brighton We are all Mediums - This book clarifies mediumship speaking towards those who are working in the mediumistic pathway thus cooperating in his studies. It invites the novice to the blessing task which has been entrusted him in the conscious exercise of his faculties. This book is an important tool for those who search for their own improvement under the light of the Gospel. It concentrates on important topics like: mediumistic exercises, Psychography, Unproductive Mediums, Theory and Practice, Adolescent Mediums, Sick Mediums and Mediumistic Discretion. 138 pages Author: Odilon Fernandes/Carlos A. Bacelli Translator: Publio Lentulus V. Coelho Published by: - Spiritist Group of Brighton Better Day - It is the most recent book launched by The Spiritist Group of Brighton. It presents encouraging messages that give us a clear pathway to face the life’s struggles. Better Days was dictated by the spirit of Brother Joseph and received by the medium Carlos A. Baccelli. 173 pages Author: Brother Joseph/Carlos A. Bacelli Translator: Publio Lentulus V. Coelho Published by: - Spiritist Group of Brighton

Children’s Books Message from a Teen in the Spirit World - The spirit Carlos, the deceased child referred to in the title, writes to his brother Dirceu, who is still incarnate on the earth. He tells about how the soul leaves the body, his impressions at the beginning of his new life with his relatives and new friends; he affirms that life after death is the continuation of life in the physical body, and he emphasizes the fact that we need to live in accordance with the teachings of Jesus. 88 pages Author: Neio Lucio /Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council A Primer on being Good - This is a book dictated by the spirit Meimei to the medium Francisco Xavier. It shows children that there are two forces clashing on the earth: Good and Bad. In order to explain these concepts, Meimei uses the image of hands. She teaches that there are hands that destroy, make wars and cause suffering, but there are also hands that console, instruct, and build schools and hospitals. The title of the book refers to the period in which children learn to write and read. They are taught to use their minds and hands to master reading and writing skills. Likewise, they are encouraged to do good by using their intelligence and hands to help to build a better, more and fraternal world. 32 pages Author: Meimei/Francisco Cândido Xavier Translator: Darrel W. Kimble / Marcia M. Saiz Published by:ISC - International Spiritist Council And for the Rest of our Lives - This great book consists of a collection of 39 short stories. Each parable is a simple but clear suggestion as to how we can improve our lives through ethical growth. It does not matter what religion, gender, age or profession you are, this book will help you re-examine your views on the principals you follow or don't embrace in daily life. 127 pagesAuthor: Wallace Leal V. Rodrigues Translator: Renan & Marcia Lacerda and Jussara Korngold Published by: O Clarim My First Teddy Bear - The author has been writing poems since her youths. After the birth of her 3 children, Elsa began to write childlike stories with their participation. Elsa uses daily situations in order to Create educational stories, thus emphasizing the benefits of not to say lies, not to fight against their brothers and sisters, of forgiving, be tolerant and so on. 40 pages Author: Elsa Rossi Published by: - Spiritist Group of Brighton Annabelle - “Annabelle lived in the spiritual plane. She was a spirit. Each day, she dreamed about her chance to be born. It might happen soon, but when, and where and how?” From this beginning, a young spirit hopes to join the family of Philippe and his parents. But they do not realize her presence–not directly. She tries to reach out and soon realizes her limited powers of influence, but she also discovers what can happen when you remain patient and hopeful. Author: Bety Rosen and Peter Hays Published by: - Bety Rosen and Peter Hays The Legend of the Miracles of Love Author: Selma Lagerlof / Divaldo Franco Translator: Ana C. Sinclair Published by: - LEAL

The Big Bad Wolf Author: Roque Jacinto Translator: S. J. Haddad and Evelyn R. Morales Published by: - FEB

Coming soon

The Legend of the Safe Hide-out Author: Selma Lagerlof / Divaldo Franco Translator: Kayla Deslandes, Gabriel Korngold and Samuel Deslandes Revised by: Jussara Korngold Published by: - LEAL

The Wicked Queen Author: Roque Jacinto Translator: S. J. Haddad and Evelyn R. Morales Published by: - FEB

CDs Therapeutic Visualizations- Health - is a unique material brought by the spectacular mediumship of Divaldo Franco. His spirit-mentor, Joanna de Angelis, gives us this spiritual tool to find pathways to balance and health. "Meditation becomes an effective way to discipline the will. It facilitates patience which helps you to conquer every day the lower tendencies that disturb you. Meditation is an imperious necessity that imposes itself before any realization. In the meditative state, you calm down your emotions and clarify your discernment, harmonizing your feelings.” Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Voice: Greg Steward and Vanessa Anseloni Published by:SSB Therapeutic Visualizations- Inner Journey - “Live in a way that you leave enlightening footprints in your pathway as if they were stars pointing out the pathway to happiness.” Joanna de Angelis.Deep therapeutic visualizations. Three tracks:1 - Decision to be happy 2 Visualization of Liberation 3 - Visualization for Inner Balance Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Voice: Greg Steward Published by:SSB Understanding Spiritual and Mental Health - The seminar covered a psychiatric analysis on the endogenous and exogenous causes of mental and spiritual disturbances (depression, anxiety, phobias, schizophrenia); a review on its pharmacological therapeutics, and an analysis of spiritual intervention and other effective psychotherapies. It beautifully describes the Spiritist view of the psychological and spiritual disturbances, as much as it gives us a clear idea of its approach to eradicate its causes and effects. Author: Divaldo Franco Voice: Greg Steward and Vanessa Anseloni Published by:SSB Living and Loving - Through the hands of Divaldo Franco, Joanna de Angelis brings us inspirational messages that will uplift your heart and enlighten your soul. Author: Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis Voice: Dave Enway and Amy Biank Published by:SSB

“I love myself, I am addiction-free”: SPIRITUAL TOOLS TO FIGHT ADDICTIONSeminar given by the renowned medium Divaldo Franco in Baltimore, MD - USA, 2005 Author: Divaldo Franco Voice: Greg Steward and Vanessa Anseloni Published by:SSB

Unfolding Our Spiritual Nature - Path of Harmony- In an unmatched wisdom, Prof. Raul Teixeira tells us who we are, our origin, nature and destiny. Combining scientific teachings of physics with the profound insights of Spiritism, Prof. Teixeira enlightens our lives when discussing everyday life topics such as sympathy and antipathy, life and death, suicide and euthanasia, pain relief and past lives Author: Prof. Raul Teixeira Voice: Greg Steward and Vanessa Anseloni Published by:SSB

DVDs Allan Kardec , the Educator - about the life and works of Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail (18041869), widely known as Allan Kardec. Subtitles in English, Portuguese, Spanish and French Directed by Edson Audi - year of the production - 2005 Produced by:DVD Versatil

Bicentenary of Allan Kardec - This DVD contains 287 minutes of Lectures Subtitles in English, Portuguese, Spanish and French With Divaldo Pereira Franco, Jose Raul Teixeira, Nestor Joao Masotti, Dr. Marlene Nobre, Altivo Ferreira, Roger Perez, among others. Year of the production - 2004 Produced by:DVD Versatil Spiritism - From Kardec to Today - This video was produced in celebration to the bicentenary of Allan Kardec’s birth (1804-2004), the Codifier of Spiritism, The Spiritist Brazilian Federation together with Versatil Home Video, produced this DVD "Spiritism: FROM KARDEC TO TODAY". The movie is directed by Marcelo Taranto and narrated by Aracy Balabanian. This DVD brings a general view about Spiritism’s basic precepts and its contribution to the progress and happiness of the human being. It is an excellent introduction to the Spiritist Philosophy, Science and Religion. English Subtitle Author: Oceano Vieira de Melo Produced by:DVD Versatil This is Spiritism - Packed in a deluxe box with 5 DVDs based on Spiritism, codified by the French philosopher, educator and pedagogue Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail (1804-1869), also known as Allan Kardec. English Subtitle Author: Oceano Vieira de Melo Produced by:DVD Versatil 4th Worldwide Spiritist Congress - This DVD contains two lectures in English that were given on the 4th WORLD SPIRITIST CONGRESS (Paris, France, 2004), by Dr Sonia Doi ("Death and the Spirit Life according to the Spiritist Doctrine"), and Dr. Vanessa Anseloni ("Family Ties: Basis of Society") Produced by:DVD Versatil

Divaldo Franco- Humanist and Spiritist Medium -. It was filmed in many places such as: New York, Paris, Lyon, Sao Paulo, and Vienna. In this DVD you will be able to get to know the life of the great humanist of our times and one of the greatest mediums and speaker of the 20th century and, including his first mediumistic manifestation, his first speech during the 40’s, his family and friend Nilson de Souza Pereira, The Mansion of The Way, his spiritual guide Joanna de Angelis, his first adopted children. Divaldo Franco is a worldwide renowned speaker. He has given more than 14 thousand lectures and spoken in 52 countries in the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Mr. Franco is Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanity and also in Parapsychology by American and Canadian Universities. Through his extraordinary mediumship, Mr. Franco has published more than 200 books and 70 of them have already been translated in 16 languages. English Subtitle Author: Oceano Vieira de Melo - Narrated by: Ednei Giovenazzi Produced by:DVD Versatil First Spiritist Weekend in Lily Dale,NY - In this set of two DVDs, you will find the First Spiritist Weekend in the Spiritualist city - Lily Dale ハthat happened on July 21-22, 2006.Divaldo Franco gave an original workshop that inspired hundreds of people. Dr. Anseloni conducted an enlightening workshop on Reincarnation combining the scientific and spiritist views. Mrs. Gertrudes was the instrument of interesting spirit paintings. Published by:SSB

DVDs From Grief to Hope - In this DVD you will find a conference that was presented on March 16, 2006 in Baltimore-MD, USA, as part of the Event メFrom Grief to Hopeモ sponsored by the Spiritist Society of Baltimore.Mr. Franco spoke in his native language (Portuguese) translated into English by Daniel Benjamin.Published by:SSB

The New Generation - In this DVD you will find Divaldo Franco's conference presented on Jan 09, 2007 in Baltimore-MD, USA, as ハpart of a Special night to celebrate the coming of a new generation (Indigo and Crystal Children) and the 150th Anniversary of Spiritist Thought sponsored by the Spiritist Society of Baltimore.Mr. Franco spoke in his native language (Portuguese) translated into English by Daniel Benjamin. Published by:SSB

Beyond and Back - It is the first movie about NDE narrating the experience of people that were declared dead and were later returned to life. English Directed by James L. Conway - year of the production - 1978 Produced by:DVD Versatil

Yesterday's ChildrenWith Jane Seymour, Clancy Brown, Kyle Howard, Denis Conway, Eoin McCarthy, Cillian Caffrey, Stanley Anderson, Claire Bloom, Hume Cronyn Directed by Marcus Cole - year of the production - 2000 Produced by:DVD Versatil

Chico Xavier Inedito Portuguese Directed by Oceano Viera de Melo , Lauro Michielin, C市ar Burnier, Fernando Portela - year of the production - 2007 Produced by:DVD Versatil Pinga-Fogo com Chico Xavier Portuguese Directed by Oceano Viera de Melo - year of the production - 1971 Produced by:DVD Versatil

Saulo Gomes entrevista Chico Xavier Portuguese Directed by Oceano Viera de Melo- year of the production - 1968 Produced by:DVD Versatil

Euripedes Barsanulfo - Educator and Medium - It tells the story of one of the most prominent and respected names in Education and Spiritism in Brazil: Euripedes Barsanulfo (1880 - 1918). Portuguese Directed by: Oceano Vieira de Melo - year of the production - 2007 Produced by:DVD Versatil

Other Materials The Spiritist Magazine - Inspired by Allan Kardec's works in the Revue Spirite (founded on January 1st, 1858), The Spiritist Magazine aims to bring to Spiritists and the lay public updated news about the Spiritist science, including its advancements on the understanding of our origin, nature, and destiny as immortal spirits. The magazine also focuses on revisiting Allan Kardec's foundational works.ハ Initially, The Spiritist Magazine will be published quarterly in print and online starting in April 2008 Subscriptions at

Guidelines to the Groups, Centers and Spiritist Society - Pursuing the resolve of being useful to the work program developed by the directors and the spiritist workers, the International Spiritist Council assembled, in this pamphlet the texts “Get to Know Spiritism” and “Disseminate Spiritism”, transcriptions of Allan Kardec's basic works and other complementary material. In addition, it offers work suggestions to incorporate the guidelines that consist of the referred to documents, especially those relating to the activities of the Groups, Centers and Spiritist Societies, as well as for the Entities and the Federations and of the unification of the Spiritist Movement. Published by: ISC - International Spiritist Council Translated by: Jussara Korngold, Marie Levinson and Anabel Perez Free Download at

Preparation of Workers for Spiritist Activities - This workbook was prepared with the purpose of assisting in the conducting of meetings and seminars destined for the preparation of Spiritist Workers. In this manner we intend to collaborate with the efforts of all Spiritist Institutions and fellow Spiritists, in the preparation and integration of new participants in the noble activities related to the study, dissemination, and practice of Spiritism. Published by: ISC - International Spiritist Council Translated by: Jussara Korngold, Marie Levinson and Ily Reis Free Download at

(Introduction to Spiritism)

(Spiritism's principles)

Course on Spiritism - This is a series of 6 workbooks on the main teachings of Spiritism. It is mostly for study group meetings. The SSB sponsored and coordinated this project on this adaptation of the Systematized Study on the Spiritist Doctrine (FEB) Free Download at

Mediumship Course - It is composed of 4 workbooks to further studies on mediumistic communication. It is a material to be used in study group meetings, to educate and train those who have a desire to work in harmony with the world of spirits and to accomplish with the assistance of spirits good works and bring about spiritual growth. The study of mediumship should be accompanied by gravity and deep respect. This material is the translation of the mediumship course prepared by FEB/ISC Prepared by: Spiritist Alliance for Books/Spiritist Group of New York. Free Download at

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