User Guide - Orange Messenger By Windows Live (english) V1

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  • Words: 3,749
  • Pages: 22
Orange Messenger by Windows Live for mobile phones


Table of contents CHAPTER 1 | INTRODUCTION AND REGISTRATION.......................................................3 ORANGE MESSENGER BY WINDOWS LIVE INTRODUCTION......................................................................3 REGISTERING FOR ORANGE MESSENGER BY WINDOWS LIVE..................................................................3 CHAPTER 2 | HOW TO CONNECT TO THE APPLICATION..............................................3 LAUNCHING THE APPLICATION............................................................................................................3 LOGIN...........................................................................................................................................4 LOGOUT.........................................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER 3 | USING THE CONTACTS LIST AND OTHER FUNCTIONS........................7 OPTIONS FOR SORTING AND DISPLAYING THE CONTACTS LIST...................................................................9 OTHER OPTIONS ACCESSIBLE FROM THE CONTACTS LIST..........................................................................9 CHANGING YOUR USER NAME AND DISPLAYING A NICKNAME.................................................................10 SEARCHING YOUR CONTACTS LIST.....................................................................................................11 REFRESHING APPLICATION INFORMATION ...........................................................................................11 RUNNING THE APPLICATION IN THE BACKGROUND................................................................................11 CHAPTER 4 | MANAGING YOUR CONTACTS LIST.........................................................12 BLOCKING A CONTACT ...................................................................................................................12 ADDING A CONTACT.......................................................................................................................13 VIEWING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BELONGING TO A CONTACT ............................................................13 DELETING A CONTACT....................................................................................................................13 CHAPTER 5 | MANAGING YOUR STATUS..........................................................................14 CHAPTER 6 | HOW TO CHAT WITH A CONTACT.............................................................15 SENDING A MESSAGE......................................................................................................................15 USING EMOTICONS (SMILEYS) IN YOUR MESSAGES...............................................................................17 USING QUICK MESSAGES.................................................................................................................19 PLACING A CALL OR GOING TO A WAP SITE DIRECTLY FROM THE APPLICATION...........................................20 CLOSING THE CONVERSATION WINDOW..............................................................................................20 CHAPTER 7 | MANAGING OPTIONS FOR THE APPLICATION.....................................21 CHANGING THE NOTIFICATION OPTIONS..............................................................................................21 USING T9....................................................................................................................................22 ALLOW ALL CONTACTS...................................................................................................................22 CHECKING THE VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE........................................................................................22 CHAPTER 8 | HELP...................................................................................................................22 CHAPTER 9 | CLOSING THE APPLICATION......................................................................22

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Chapter 1 | Introduction and registration

Orange Messenger by Windows Live introduction With Orange Messenger by Windows Live, you can communicate instantly with text messages to all your friends in the MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger community. You can manage your contacts list and see when your friends are online. With Orange Messenger by Windows Live on your mobile you can always be in contact with your friends! This guide will help you with registration, first steps and personalisation of the service.

Registering for Orange Messenger by Windows Live To use Orange Messenger by Windows Live on your mobile you must: 1) Register at 2) Download and install the application on your mobile after registration.

There will be instructions to help you with registering, downloading and installing the application for your mobile online.

Chapter 2 | How to connect to the application

Launching the application Once you have installed the application Orange Messenger by Windows Live you can access it by selecting the application “Messenger” in the menu of your mobile phone (‘Applications’, ‘Games’ or ‘Java’ folder depending on the handset). On opening the application you are asked you whether you want the application to connect to the Orange network. To be able to use the application, you must select “Yes”.. The first time you launch the application, you will be able to create an Orange Messenger by Windows Live account if you don’t already have one. (This functionality is only available on compatible handsets. If your handset does not support this please create an Orange Messenger by Windows Live account via the internet on your computer.)) Upon connecting to the network a page appears for you to enter your e-mail address and your password before accessing the login screen.

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Login You must now enter your e-mail address and password in the login screen.

You can choose your status before you log in. Thus you can, for example, select “off line” when you log in. Check “Remember my password” if you wish your password to be saved for your subsequent logins. You can also select the option “auto sign in” so that on launching the application allows you go straight to your contacts list without having to pass by the login screen. Click on “Login” to login to the service.

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From the connection screen, you will be able to manage your Orange Messenger by Windows Live account, you can modifiy your e-mail address or subscribe to an Orange Messenger by Windows Live bundle (for compatible handsets).

Logout You can logout in the menu by clicking on “Logout”. You will have to confirm that you really wish to logout. The initial login window will then be displayed. You can also leave the application directly by selecting “Quit” in the menu. Note: You can also leave the application by pressing the key that allows you to hang up when on a voice call. On some mobile phones, you can choose either to quit the

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application or keep it running in the background. In both cases, you will be automatically logged out when 10 minutes have lapsed.

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Chapter 3 | Using the contacts list and other functions When you are logged on to Orange Messenger by Windows Live, you access the same contacts list as when you login to the service from your PC. This list gives the name of your contacts and with the use of icons, indicates their availability status. The following table illustrates the various availability statuses. There are 7 states represented by 4 icons, this is the same as the PC application: Icon

Status On line Busy Be right back Away On the phone Out to lunch Appear offline

Note: if a person in your contacst list connects from a mobile phone, a small mobile phone will appear on the left of his/her status icon. You can go through the contacts list using the up and down arrows of the navigation keys on your phone. Tip: To go through a long contact list easily on your mobile phone, you can use the keys (#) to go down and (*) to go up the list.

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If you created groups from your PC application they will also appear on your mobile. If not your contacts will be compiled in a single group called “Contacts”. Note: It is not possible at present to create, rename or delete groups using the mobile application. To manage your groups you must use the PC application Orange Messenger by Windows Live. Groups of contacts are sorted in alphabetical order as follows: - Contacts “On line” with a conversation in progress - Contacts “On line” - Contacts “Blocked” - Contacts “Off line”

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Options for sorting and displaying the contacts list Normally contacts are sorted by group. But you can also sort your contacts by status (On line/Off line) by selecting “Sort contacts >> By status” in the “Options” menu of the application. In addition, you can choose to display the contacts with their e-mail address rather than their nickname by selecting “Display contacts >> By email address” in the “Options” menu of the application.

Other options accessible from the contacts list From the menu of your contact list, you can: - manage your contacts (see chapter 4) - change your status (see chapter 5) - send a message (see chapter 6) - change your nickname (see below) - manage the options of the application (see chapter 7) - access on line help (see chapter 8) - request information displayed on the screen to be updated (see below) - log out (see chapter 1) - quit the application. Note: The menu items offered will change dependent on whether you select a contact or if you select a group.

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Menu displayed when the menu bar is focused on a contact.

Menu displayed when the menu bar is focused on a group

Changing your user name and displaying a nickname You can change your user name and display a nickname which your contacts can see instead of your e-mail address. To change your user name, click on “My Profile”. Enter your nickname and click on “OK”. Your nickname is automatically changed and displayed at the top of the window of the contacts list by the side of your current status.

Pop-up for change of nickname

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Searching your contacts list To find someone in your contacts list quickly, use the search tool available at the bottom of the contacts list. Key in the letters corresponding to the name of the person you are looking for and the menu bar will select the contact matching the search criteria. Click on the DOWN or UP key to go to the next contact matching the same search criteria.

Note: For mobile phone with a small screen size (that display less than 5 contacts at a time), the search tool is not displayed. The search tool appears only when you key the letter corresponding to your search.

Refreshing application information The information displayed on the screen is regularly updated automatically in order to show messages received and modifications to the status or nickname of your contacts. In addition, you can also request an update at any time by using the “Refresh” option in the menu.

Running the application in the background Some mobile phones will allow you to run the application in the background in order to access the telephone menu without closing the application.

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Chapter 4 | Managing your contacts list You can add, delete or block a contact. In the contacts list window, choose the name of a contact. Select “menu” and click on “Manage contacts”. A sub-menu is displayed with several options: - Block - Add contact - Delete - Contact information (to display information about a contact profile)

Tip: You can easily select an option from the menu by pressing the corresponding number.

Blocking a contact If you decide to block a contact, this contact will see you displayed in off line status and will no longer be able to send a message to you. The blocked contact will appear in your contacts list with the icon


When one of your contacts is blocked, you can decide to unblock him/her by selecting the “Authorise” function in the menu. When you are talking with a contact and you block him/her, the following message is displayed: “Warning: The conversation with this contact will be terminated. Do you really want to block this contact?”. If you click on the YES key, the contact will be blocked and the conversation automatically terminated.

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Adding a contact To add a contact to your contacts list, select “Menu”, then “Manage contacts” and “Add contact”. You must choose the domain name (,,,, or Others domains) of the contact you wish to add, then enter the e-mail address in the corresponding field. If the person that you want to add does not have a Windows Live account, you will receive the following message “ This e-mail address is not a valid account”. When you add a person to your contacts list, the person receives an invitation message stating that you want to add them to your contacts list. They may accept and add you to their contacts list. In this case, you will be able to see their status. This person may also refuse to add you to their contacts list so you will not be able to see their status. In any event, the contact’s name is added to your contacts list. Note: If you select the menu option whilst a contact is highlighted, the option “Add contact” is displayed. If you select the menu option whilst a group is highlighted the option “Contacts” is displayed.

Viewing additional information belonging to a contact You may obtain more information about a contact by consulting their profile. The profile shows the e-mail address, nickname and status of the contact. To display this you must select the name of the contact in the contacts list then “Menu > Manage contacts > Contact Info”. Pop up contact info

Deleting a contact You can remove a contact from your contact list by selecting “Menu > Manage Contacts> Delete”. You can block a contact at the same time as deleting them. (after having confirmed your wish to delete the contact, a message asks you whether you also wish to block the contact). if you choose to do this your contact will not see your status displayed any more. If you do not block the contact, the contact will still be able to see your status and chat with you.

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Chapter 5 | Managing your status Your status indicates whether you are available for a conversation. You may select a status before you login. When you are logged in you can manage your status from “Menu > My status” (the list of the various statuses is described in chapter 2). If you change your status, the contacts in your contacts list will be updated so they can see your new status.

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Chapter 6 | How to chat with a contact Sending a message Select the name of a contact in the contacts list and click on “Msg” (or use the central key of the navigation keys on your phone. A conversation window will be displayed for you to write your message by using the corresponding key of your phone. The text of your message will be displayed in the text box at the bottom of the conversation window. When you are ready press “Send” or the central key of the navigation keys on your phone to send the message. Your message is displayed in the lower part of the conversation window and when the contact responds, the reply is displayed under your message.

You can change the input mode of the message by clicking, according to your telephone, on the key “*” or “#”: - abc: lower case alphanumeric mode - ABC: upper case alphanumeric mode - 123: numeric mode A different tab is opened for each conversation in progress. When a conversation is open, a new tab appears and a conversation bubble appears by the side of the status icon of the contact who has just sent a message to you. Move the phone navigation key to the left and right to go from one tab to the next one. To navigate during a conversation you can use the up and down keys of the phone navigation key. When you receive a new message, you will notice that the name of the conversation tab changes colour to orange and the conversation bubble by the side of the status icon of the contact who sent the message also changes to orange. Once you have read the message, the name of the conversation tab and the bubble changes back to black.

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Note: - The maximum length for a message is 400 characters. - Within the text box it is possible to select the input mode of the messages (lower case, upper case, numeric) by clicking on the star key of your phone keyboard.

Tip: You can easily access the last message sent by clicking on the UP key of your phones navigation keys and re-sending it if necessary.

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Using emoticons (smileys) in your messages You can send and receive emoticons using Orange Messenger by Windows Live. There are 77 emoticons available! You can access the emoticons to include them in your message in a variety of ways: - When you are in the message text box, click: - When you are in the message text box, click to move DOWN using your phones navigation keys. The list of emoticons is displayed for you to scroll through, click on “OK” or on the central key of your phones navigation key to add the selected emoticon.

Note: This list of emoticons is not accessible if you chose the T9 mode. If you want to insert an emoticon with the T9 mode active, you must enter the code of the emoticon (:-) for example). - The emoticons are also accessible from the menu and you can then choose to send an emoticon by itself without text or add it in the message text box to add text before sending the message.

Note: Below are all the emoticons as well as their corresponding codes:

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Short codes




Short codes





















(I) (P)







































































:-# (r)

:¦ 8o¦

:'( :(























:[ (b)


















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Using quick messages To chat quickly with your contacts you can send a quick message which is predefined, useful messages. Select “Menu” then “Pre-defined msg”. The screen will then display a list of preset messages which you can send instantly.

You can also paste a preset message in the message text box and edit the text before sending it. It is also possible to personalise existing messages by selecting a message with the phones navigation keys and pressing ‘edit’, the text appears in a box for you to edit at which point you can click ‘save’ or ‘cancel’. The new message is then stored in the list of preset messages and you can use it at any time thereafter.

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Placing a call or going to a wap site directly from the application When you receive a phone number or a Wap site URL during a conversation, you may place the call or connect to the wap site within the conversation tab. You must select « Go to » and then you will be able to select the phone number or the Wap site URL detected within the conversation.

You will also be able to send to a contact the phone number or Wap site URL detected in the conversation. To do so, you need to open the contact’s conversation tab, select ‘Go to’ key > number or URL > Send. The number or URL will be automatically sent to your contact.. Note: This function is only available on compatible handsets.

Closing the conversation window You can close a conversation window once the conversation is finished by selecting “Menu > End conv.” from conversation tab.

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Chapter 7 | Managing options for the application Orange Messenger by Windows Live has options that allow you to personalise the application. By setting your preferences, you will be able to save time when using the application and this will make the next time you login easier. Select “Menu > Settings” to change the application settings.

Changing the notification options You will be alerted when one of your contacts logs in or you receive the first message of a conversation. In these 2 cases, an animation appears at the bottom right of the screen and your telephone emits a sound and vibrates. When a contact has logged in, a pop up shows the name of the contact. When you receive the first message of a conversation, a pop up tells you the name of the contact who is sending you a message and the first letters of the message.

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To make changes to the way you are notified, select the “Settings” option in the menu of the application: - Check the box in front of “Alerts” to indicate that you want to receive an animation each time that you receive a new message or one of your contacts logs in or out. - Check the box in front of “Sound” indicating that you want to receive a sound alert each time that you receive a new message or one of your contacts logs in or out. - Check the box in front of “Vibrate” to indicate that you want your mobile phone to vibrate each time a new message arrives or a pop-up window is displayed.

Using T9 Switching T9 on means a larger text box will appear when you are writing a message and you can switch predictive text on in the T9 mode. Whilst T9 is off, a small text box will appear and non predictive text messaging is enabled Check the box located in front of “T9” in the ‘Settings’ option to toggle the setting on and off. Note: The T9 function is not accessible on all phones (Samsung D500,,SonyEricsson W300i among them)

Allow all contacts If you select this option in settings, you will receive messages from all the contacts that know your e-mail address, even those which no longer appear in your contacts list.

Checking the version of the software Whilst on the login screen of the application, go to the menu and select “About…”. A pop-up will appear with information about the application. Click OK when you have finished viewing the information about the application.

Chapter 8 | Help A “Help” option is availablefrom the menu of the application. If you select this option, a dialog box will be displayed giving information on the function you are using. For example, if you click on Help in the contact list, the help window will give you instructions on the use of the contacts list.

Chapter 9 | Closing the application To close / exit the application, select “Quit” in the application menu. You will be automatically logged out of the service and your contacts will see your status as “Offline”. If you quit the application using the key “Hang-up/QUIT” of the phone, you will be automatically logged out 10 minutes later. During those 10 minutes, your contacts will see your status as “Online”. We recommend you to use the menu to “QUIT” the application.

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