Upsr Bi Ramalan 2

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Nama: ____________________________________Kelas : ______________ Sekolah : _____________________________________________ SULIT Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 Ramalan 2/2009 1 Jam

PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN UJIAN PENCAPAIAN SEKOLAH RENDAH (SOALAN RAMALAN 2009) BAHASA INGGERIS KERTAS 1 Ujian Pemahaman Satu jam Arahan Am: 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan. 2. Jawab semua soalan. 3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan yang berhuruf A, B, C dan D. Bagi tiap-tiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. 4. Fikir dengan teliti ketika memilih jawapan. Jika anda hendak menukar sesuatu jawapan, padamkan sehingga bersih tanda yang tidak dikehendaki itu dan kemudian bulatkan pilihan anda yang baru.

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


You may begin your Exam now. Good Luck! Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C, and D Section A Questions 1 – 4 Choose the best word to fill in the blanks

1. The children were very excited to see so many animals in the ________. A. zoo B. bank C. school D. garden 2. A few flies were seen flying over the rubbish. After a couple of days __________ were Seen there. A. tadpoles B. caterpillars C. maggots D. nymphs 3. You are advised to use an ___________ It is hot outside. A. coat B. jacket C. raincoat D. umbrella 4. We normally drink water from a ______________ . A. B. C. D.

vase cup pot plate

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


Questions 5 – 7 Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.


A. B. C.

watch badminton matches. play badminton. buy badminton racquets.


A. B. C.

pair of sports shoes suit of sports shoes pack of sports shoes


A. B. C.

badminton court badminton field badminton room

Questions 8 - 10 Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.


A. B. C.

Amir is playing roller-skates. The boys are dancing. The crowd is small. Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara



A. B. C.

The salesman is watching television. The boy is listening to a radio. The customer wants to buy a good television.


A. B. C.

There are six cats and kittens. There are six cats and one kitten. The cat gave birth to six kittens.

Section B Questions 11 - 15 Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation in the pictures.


A. B. C. D.

Two pupils Four pupils It looks like Kim's I feel fine, thank you.

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara



A. B. C. D.

Two pupils Four pupils It looks like Kim's I feel fine, thank you.


A. B. C. D.

Two pupils Four pupils It looks like Kim's I feel fine, thank you.


A. B. C. D.

Hey, watch it! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. You should watch where you're going. Look out!

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara



A. B. C. D.

I was at a wedding dinner. That's none of your business! Watching television is bad. I don't care what happened.

Section C Questions 16 - 21 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

16. The girl is walking alone __________ the bridge. A. inside B. under C. above D. behind 17. We were _________ our supper when the telephone rang. A. has B. have C. making D. having 18. My brother and I went ot Pangkor last month. _____________ went by car until Lumut. A. They B. Our C. We D. Us

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


19. That is the old man ___________ was here yesterday. A. why B. who C. whom 20. That lady teacher is __________ in the classroom. A. teach B. teaches C. teacher D. teaching 21. They ______________ their free time fishing last Sunday. A. spend B. spends C. spent D. spending

Questions 22 - 23 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. 22.

A. B. C.

Where are you going, Ramli. Where, are you going? Ramli? Where are you going, Ramli?


A. B. C. D.

"Hooray tomorrow is a holiday," says Sarah "hooray tomorrow is a holiday," says Sarah "hooray! tomorrow is a holiday," says Sarah. "Hooray! Tomorrow is a holiday," says Sarah.

Questions 24 - 25 Choose the correct spelling for the given options.

24. He eats _______________ every morning A. baerd B. bread C. breda D. berda

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


25. Every Friday afternoon, Muslims usually pray in the A. moskue B. mosque C. mosqeu D. mogsue

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


There are many ways of traveling. You can travel by air, land or sea. If you wish to travel quickly, you should travel by air. It is the _________ (26) way to travel. If you are not in a hurry, you can travel by sea. It is the _________ (27) way to travel. Traveling by land is _________ (28) than traveling by sea. But it is __________ (29) than traveling by air. The most expensive way to travel is by air. The __________ (30) way to travel is by sea. 26.

A. B. C. D.

fastest slowest faster slower


A. B. C. D.

fastest slowest faster slower


A. B. C. D.

fastest slowest faster slower


A. B. C. D.

fastest slowest faster slower


A. B. C. D.

fastest slowest faster slower

Section E Questions 31 - 35 Read the following dialogue carefully and answer the questions that follow. This was what happened when Munirah was alone at home one night. 8.00 p.m.

I was doing my homework when I heard a noise. I stopped doing my homework and went to see where the noise was coming from. When I entered the kitchen, two men grabbed me. One of them was holding a knife and a screwdriver. The other was holding a gun. One of the man was fat and short and the other was tall and thin. The short man who was bald was holding the gun. The tall man kept long hair. Both of them were wearing T-shirts and short trousers. Then I remembered that I had forgotten to lock the kitchen door after I fed the cat. They asked me where the money was. I told them it was in my parents’ room upstairs. Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


They then pushed me upstairs. I showed them my parents’ bedroom. Both of them immediately went in. Then I closed the bedroom door and locked it from the outside. After that I quickly went downstairs and telephoned my neighbor Encik Rashid. Then I called the police. 8.20 p.m.

Encik Rashid arrived. He came with two other neighbors to help me.

8.30 p.m.

The police arrived. They went upstairs and caught the two thieves. The two men fired at the police. The police fired back. Both the thieves and a policeman were injured during the shoot-out. The police called an ambulance.

9.00 p.m.

The ambulance arrived. The police took the injured to the hospital. At the same time, my parents came home. They were glad that I was not hurt. They told me not to be careless the next time.

31. How did the thieves enter the house? A. B. C. D.

From the front door. From the window. From the kitchen. From the room.

32. The thieves had the following weapons except A. gun B. knife C. screwdriver D. axe 33. In the passage, the word immediately means A. B. C. D.

slowly suddenly at once after that

34. Who called the police to inform them about the intruders? A. B. C. D.

Munirah Encik Rashid Munirah's father Munirah's mother

35. From the passage we know that Munirah's neighbours are A. B. C. D.

helpful quiet uncooperative keep to themselves

Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


Questions 36 - 40 Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.


ENGLISH LANGUAGE SOCIETY SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN JAYA Cleanliness Week The English Language Society is organizing Cleanliness Week. It will be held from June the 1st, which is after the semester examination. The activities below are organized to build cooperation among pupils. Besides, pupils and teachers can get to know each other well. Activities Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday:


All pupils will clean and wash their classrooms. Year 1 - 3 pupils will clean and wash the school hall. Year 4 - 6 pupils will clean the toilets. Year 1 - 3 pupils will pick up pieces of rubbish from the school field. Year 4 - 6 pupils will clean the school garden Games between teachers and pupils. These include tug-a-war, and treasure hunt. The teachers will perform for the pupils. There will be a lunch with teachers. All pupils are invited.

Prizes will be awarded to the cleanest classroom for each Year. In addition, a prize will be given to the overall cleanest classroom in the school. All winners will receive hampers.

Azlina Rahman Secretary

36. When is Cleanliness Week held? A. B. C. D.

June the 1st to June the 7th June the 1st to June the 6th June the 1st to June the 5th June the 1st to June the 4th

37. When will all the pupils clean and wash their own classrooms? A. B. C. D.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


38. Who is the organizer of the Cleanliness Week? A. B. C. D.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Maju The secretary of the English Language Society The English Language Society The teachers

39. When will games be held between the teachers and the pupils? A. B. C. D.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

40. Beside the tug-of-war, what other games will be held? A. B. C. D.

badminton tennis hockey treasure hunt


Aqilah AJ 2008 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara


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