UPGRADING HOSTAGENT For Windows : 1. Login to Windows System 2. C drive Program files SAP hostctrl exe Right click on Exe cmd prompt Then Execute >saphost exec –stop 3. Now create the folder hostagent under DUSRSAP i.e. DUSRSAP Hostagent 4. Now download hostagent from SMP Software Downloads Browse our download catalogSAP Technology componentsSAP hostagentSelect SAP version (goto cmd prompt and execute >saphostexec –version)Select system bit numberThen download highest patch hostagent (click on patch for sorting) in \\transfer\transfer folder. 5. Now copy this .SAR file under DUSR SAPHostagent 6. Now Uncar .SAR file as Right click on Hostagent foldercmd prompt Execute >SAPCAR –xvf filename 7. Upgrade the patch Execute >saphostexe –upgrade
** Absence of SAP folder under CProgram files implies Hostagent is not present and we are installing it for the first time. For this download hostagent from SMP and execute as >saphostexe –install
For Unix/Linux systems : 1. Goto /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec 2. Execute >saphostexec –stop 3. Download host agent from SMP 4. Create a directory Hostagent under /usr/sap, then copy and uncar .sar file >cp –Rpf sourcepath targetpath >sapcar –xvf filename If you face Permission denied error while extracting Go to root level Give chmod 777 chown <sidadm>: sapsys 5. From root level goto the path where you have extracted the file i.e. /usr/sap/Hostagent Execute >./saphostexec upgrade