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(Various) 'Productivity, Labor & the Business Cycle' FRB St. Louis Review July/Aug. 05 Abadie Alberto, Guido Imbens 'Large Sample Properties of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects' Econometrica 1/06 Achdou Yves, Olivier Pironneau 'Numerical Procedure for Calibration of Volatility with American Options' Applied Math. Finance 9/05 Agca Senay 'The Performance of Alternative Interest Rate Risk Measures and Immunization Strategies under a Heath-Jarrow-Morton Framework' JF&QA 9/05 Aggoun Lakhdar, Robert Elliott ‘Measure Theory & Filtering’ Cambridge 2004 Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Robert Kimmel 'Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models' 1/05 Allievi A., R. Bermejo 'Finite Element Modified Method of Characteristics for the Navier-Stokes Equation' Inter. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 2000 Alvarez Fernando, Urban J. Jermann 'Using Asset Prices to Measure the Persistence of the Marginal Utility of Wealth' Econometrica 11/05 Alvarez Olivier, A. Tourin 'Viscosity Solutions of Nonlinear IntegroDifferential Equations' Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire 1996 Andersen Torben, Tim Bollerslev, Dobrislav Dobrev 'Nonparametric Exploration of Continuous Time Volatility Models with Leverage and Jumps' wp (in complete) 8/05 Anderson Edward, Huifu Xu 'VarEpsilon-Optimal Bidding in an Electricity Market with Discontinuous Market Distribution Function' SIAM J. Control & Opt. 11/05 Andritzky Jochen 'Default and Recovery Rates of Sovereign Bonds: A Case Study of the Argentine Crisis' J. Fixed Income 9/05 Angeles Maria, Carnero Fernandez, Daniel Peña, Esther Ruiz 'Persistence and Kurtosis in GARCH and Stochastic Volatility Models' Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004 Angelini Flavio, Stefano Herzel 'Consistent Calibration Of HJM Models To Cap Implied Volatilities' J. Futures Markets 11/05 Artzner Philippe, Freddy Delbaen, Jean-Marc Eber, David Heath, H. Ku 'Coherent Multiperiod Risk Adjusted Values & Bellman's Principle' ETH 2003 Asai Manabu 'Comparison of MCMC Methods for Estimating Stochastic Volatility Models' Computational Economics 6/05 Babbs Simon, Andrew Johnson 'Severe loss probabilities in portfolio credit risk models' 1/9/2004 Bailey David, Paul Swartztrauber 'A Fast Method for Numerical Evaluation of Continuous Fourier & Laplace Transforms' SIAM J. Sci. Computing 15(5) 1994 Bailey David, Paul Swartztrauber 'The Fractional Fourier Transform & Applications' SIAM Review 1991 Bakshi Gurdip, Nengjiu Ju ‘A Refinement to Ait-Sahalia’s 2002 “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Discretely Sampled Diffusions:A Closed Form Approximation Approach”’ Sept 05 JofB Baldick Ross 'Applied Optimization:Formulation & Algorithms for Engineering Systems' Cambridge Press Baquero Guillermo, Jenke ter Horst, Marno Verbeek 'Survival, Look-Ahead Bias, and Persistence in Hedge Fund Performance' JF&QA 9/05 Barles Guy, E. Jakobsen 'On the Convergence Rate of Approximation Schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations' Math. Model Numer. Analy 36, 2002 Barles Guy, Panagiotis Souganidis 'Convergence of Approximation Schemes for Fully Nonlinear Second Order Equations' Asymptot. Anal. 1991 Barles Guy, Rainer Buckdahn, Etienne Pardoux 'BSDE's & Integral-Partial Differential Equations' S&SR 1997

Barndorff-Nielsen Ole, Neil Shephard 'Power and Bipower Variation with Stochastic Volatility and Jumps' Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2004 Barone-Adesi Giovanni 'The Saga of the American Put' J. Banking & Finance 11/05 Basak Suleyman 'Asset Pricing With Heterogeneous Beliefs' J. Banking & Finance 11/05 Basak Suleyman, Alexander Shapiro ‘A Model of Credit Risk, Optimal Policies & Asset Prices’ July 05 JofB Bauerle Nicole 'Benchmark and Mean-Variance Problems For Insurers' Math. Methods of OR 9/05 Bayraktar Erhan, Li Chen, H. Vincent Poor 'Consistency Problems for Jumpdiffusion Models' Applied Math. Finance V.12,2 June 05 Bedendo Mascia, Lara Cathcart, Lina El-Jahel ‘The Shape of the Term Structure of Credit Spreads:An Empirical Investigation’ Imperial College 2004 Bedendo Mascia, Lara Cathcart, Lina El-Jahel, Lorenzo Liesch 'Trading Down The Slopes' RISK 11/05 Bekaert Geert, Campbell Harvey, Angel Ng ‘Market Integration & Contagion’ Jan 05 JofB Belaygorod Anatoliy, Michael Dueker 'Discrete Monetary Changes & Changing Inflation Targets in Estimating Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models' FRB St. Louis Review Nov/Dec. 05 Benth Fred Espen, Kenneth Hvistendahl Karlsen 'A PDE Representation Of The Density Of The Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure In Stochastic Volatility Markets' Stochastics 4/05 Bergemann Dirk, Stephen Morris 'Robust Mechanism Design' Econometrica 11/05 Berger Allen, Marco Espinosa-Vega, W. Scott Frame, NATHAN H. MILLER 'Debt Maturity, Risk, and Asymmetric Information' JofF 12/05 Bergomi Lorenzo 'Smile Dynamics II' RISK 10/05 Bermejo R. 'Analysis of a Class of Quasi-Monotone & Conservative SemiLangrangian Advection Schemes' Numer. Math 2001 Best Michael, Jaroslava Hlouskova ‘An Algorithm for Portfolio Optimization with Transaction Costs’ MS 11/05 Bielecki Tomasz, Monique Jeanblanc, Marek Rutkowski 'Hedging Of Credit Derivatives In Models With Totally Unexpected Default’ June 30, 2005 Bielecki Tomasz, Monique Jeanblanc, Marek Rutkowski 'Pricing And Trading Credit Default Swaps' 8/1/05 Bielecki Tomasz, Stephane Crepey, Monique Jeanblanc, Marek Rutkowski 'Valuation Of Basket Credit Derivatives In The Credit Migrations Environment' Sept.(?) 2005 Bielecki Tomasz, Stephane Crepey, Monique Jeanblanc, Marek Rutkowski 'Valuation of Convertible Bonds in an abstract set-up' 9/5/05 Bieri David, Ludwig Chincarini 'Riding the Yield Curve: A Variety of Strategies' J. Fixed Income 9/05 Blenman Lloyd, Steven Clark 'Options with Constant Underlying Elasticity in Strikes' Review Deriv. Research 8/05 Bobrowski Adam 'Functional Analysis for Probability & Stochastic Processes' Cambridge Press Borici Artan, Hans-Jakob Luthi 'Fast solutions of complementarity formulations in American put pricing' J. Computational Finance V.9, Number 1 2005 Boyarchenko Svetlana, Sergei Levendorskii 'American Options: the EPV Pricing Model' Annals of Finance 1, 267-292 (2005)

Boyarchenko Svetlana, Sergei Levendorskii 'General Option Exercise Rules, with Applications to Embedded Options and Monopolistic Expansion' SSRN 11/05 Boyle Phelim, David Emanuel 'Options on the General Mean' U. British Columbia 1980 Boyle Phelim, Mary Hardy, Ton Vorst 'Life after VaR' J. of Derivatives Fall 05 Bozuck Aslihan, M. Ameziane Lasfer 'The Information Content of Institutional Trades on the London Stock Exchange' JF&QA 9/05 Brace Alan 'Rank-2 Swaption Formulae' wp Financial Math. Modeling Analysis 1998 Brau James, Val E. Lambson, Grant McQueen 'Lockups Revisited' JF&QA 9/05 Brooks Chris, Simon Burke, Saeed Heravi, Gita Persand 'Autoregressive Conditional Kurtosis' Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2005 Bubák Pavel, Cornelis V. M. van der Mee, André C. M. Ran 'Approximation of Solutions of Riccati Equations' SIAM J. Control & Opt. 11/05 Buraschi Andrea, Francesco Corielli 'Risk Management Implications Of TimeInconsistency: Model Updating And Recalibration Of No-Arbitrage Models' J. Banking & Finance 11/05 Cakmak U., S. Ozekici 'Portfolio optimization in stochastic markets' Math. Methods of OR 10/05 Camara Antonio ‘Option Prices Sustained by Risk-Preferences’ Sept. 05 JofB Campi L. 'Some Results On Quadratic Hedging With Insider Trading' Stochastics 8/05 Caporale Guglielmo Maria, Christos Ntantamis, Theologos Pantelidis, Nikitas Pittis 'The BDS Test as a Test for the Adequacy of a GARCH(1,1) Specification: A Monte Carlo Study' Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2005 Card David, Dean R. Hyslop 'Estimating the Effects of a Time-Limited Earnings Subsidy for Welfare-Leavers' Econometrica 11/05 Carr Peter, Helyette Geman, Dilip Madan, Marc Yor 'Self Decomposability and Option Pricing' 8/27/05 Casassus Jamie, Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Bob Goldstein 'Unspanned Stochastic Volatility And Fixed Income Derivatives Pricing' J. Banking & Finance 11/05 Case James 'Can Science Outperform the Shamans in Global Financial Markets?' Review of B. Mandelbrot, Richard Hudson's "The (Mis)Behavior of Markets:A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin & Reward"' SIAM News Oct. 2005 Cassesse Gianluca, Massimo Guidolin 'Modelling the MIB30 Implied Volatility Surface. Does Efficiency Matter?' Jan. 05 FRB St. Louis Castañeda-Leyva Netzahualcóyotl, Daniel Hernández-Hernández 'Optimal Consumption-Investment Problems in Incomplete Markets with Stochastic Coefficients' SIAM J. Control & Opt. 10/05 Cerny Ales 'Minimal Martingale Measure, CAPM, and Representative Agent Pricing in Incomplete Markets' SSRN, City University London - Faculty of Management 11/05 Chan Tony, Jianhong (Jackie) Shen 'Image Processing & Analysis:Variational, PDE, Wavelet & Stochastic Methods' 2005 SIAM Books Chang Ganlin, Suresh Sundaresan ‘Asset Prices & Default-Free Term Structure in an Equilibrium Model of Default’ May 05 JofB Chen Bin, Yongmiao Hong ‘Diagnosing Multivariate Continuous-Time Models with Application to Affine Term Structure Models’ SSRN 12/05

Cheridito Patrick, Christopher Summer ‘Utility Maximization Under Increasing Risk Aversion In One-Period Models’ F&S 1/06 Chib Siddhartha, Michael Dueker 'Non-Markovian Regime Switching with Endogenous States & Time-Varying State Strenghts' 2004 wp FRB St. Louis Choi Kyoung Jin, Hyeng Keun Koo 'A preference change and discretionary stopping in a consumption and porfolio selection problem' Math. Methods of OR 7/05 Chong James, Joelle Miffre 'Conditional Risk Premia, Volatilities and Correlations in Commodity Futures Markets' SSRN 10/05 Choom Alexandre, Ole Hald 'Stochastic Tools in Mathematics & Finance' Springer 2005 Chua Choong Tze, Dean Foster, Krishna Ramaswamy, Robert Stine 'A Dynamic Model for the Forward Curve' Singapore Manag. U., U. Penn., SSRN 11/05 Chue Timothy ‘Conditional Market Comovements, Welfare & Contagions:The Role of Time-Varying Risk Aversion’ May 05 JofB Chung San-Li, Hsiao-Gen Yang 'Pricing Quanto Equity Swaps in a Stochastic Interest Rate Economy' Applied Math. Finance V.12,2 June 05 Cipra Barry 'Control Theorists Chart New Waters for Synchronized Swimmers' SIAM News 11/05 Cipra Barry 'Patient-Specific Models Take Aim at Uncertainty in Medical Treatment' SIAM News Oct. 2005 Ciurlia Pierangelo, Ilir Roko 'Valuation of American Continuous-Installment Options' Computational Economics 2/05 Cohen Benjamin ‘Derivatives and Asset Price Volatility: A Test Using Variance Ratios’ SSRN 12/05 Colin Andrew 'Fixed Income Attribution' Wiley 2005 Cooper Michael, Huseyin Gulen, P. Raghavendra Rau 'Changing Names with Style: Mutual Fund Name Changes and Their Effects on Fund Flows' JofF 12/05 Cosma Antonio, Olivier Scaillet, Rainer von Sachs 'Multiariate Waveletbased Shape Preserving Estimation For Dependant Observation' 2005 FAME Research Paper Series rp144, International Center for Financial Asset Management and Engineering. Crack Timothy 'Heard on the Street: Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews' 2003 Publisher ? Craine R, L. Lochstoer, K. Syrtveit 'Estimation of a Stochastic-Volatility Jump-Diffusion Model' wp U. California Berkeley 2000 Crandall M.G., Pierre-Louis Lions 'Two Approximations of Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations' Math. Comp. 43, 1984 Crawford Dean, Diana R. Franz, Gerald J. Lobo 'Signaling Managerial Optimism through Stock Dividends and Stock Splits: A Reexamination of the Retained Earnings Hypothesis' JF&QA 9/05 Cremers K.J. Martijn, Vinay Nair 'Governance Mechanisms and Equity Prices' JofF 12/05 Cripps Martin, Jeroen M. Swinkels 'Efficiency of Large Double Auctions' Econometrica 1/06 Dai Min, Yue Kuen Kwok 'American Options with Lookback Payoff' SIAM J. Appl. Math Vol 66, #1 2005 Dai Min, Yue Kuen Kwok 'Options with Combined Reset Rights on Strike and Maturity' JED&C 9/05 Danielsson Jon, H. Shin, J.-P. Zigrand 'Asset Price Dynamics with Value at Risk Constrained Traders' LSE 2001

d'Aspremont Alexandre 'Interest Rate Model Calibration Using Semidefinite Programming' 6/03 Davis Mark, Martin P. Johansson 'Malliavin Monte Carlo Greeks for Jump Diffusions' SP&A tobe 2006 Dawande Milind, H. Neil Geismar, Suresh P. Sethi ‘Dominance of Cyclic Solutions and Challenges in the Scheduling of Robotic Cells’ SIAM Review 12/05 Dayar Tugrul, Nail Akar 'Computing Moments of First Passage Times to a Subset of States in Markov Chains' SIAM J. Matrix Analysis & Applications 11/05 De Donno Marzia, Paolo Guasoni, Maurizio Pratelli 'Super-Replication And Utility Maximization In Large Financial Markets' SP&A 12/05 <many assets, Infinite-dimensional stochastic integration; Utility maximization; Admissible strategies; Convex duality> Deacon Mark, Andrew Derry, Dariush Mirfendereski 'Inflation-Indexed Securities' Wiley 2004 Deep Akash 'Optimal Dynamic Hedging Using Futures Under a Borrowing Constraint' Harvard 11/05 Denuit Michel, Anne-Cécile Goderniaux, Olivier Scaillet 'A KolmogorovSmirnov Type Test For Shortfall Dominance Against Parametric Alternatives' 2005 FAME Research Paper Series rp143, International Center for Financial Asset Management and Engineering. Derman Emanuel, Nassim Taleb 'The Illusions Of Dynamic Replication' QF 8/05 Detemple Jerome, Rene Garcia, Marcel Rindisbacher ‘Asymptotic Properties of Monte Carlo Estimators of Derivatives’ <Malliavin path, Malliavin weight, covariation, finite difference, likelihood ratio> MS 11/05 Detemple Jerome, René Garcia, Marcel Rindisbacher 'Intertemporal Asset Allocation: A Comparison Of Methods' J. Banking & Finance 11/05 Detlefsen Kai 'Hedging Exotic Options in Stochastic Volatility & Jump Diffusion Models' Humboldt U. 2005 Deuskar Prachi, Anurag Gupta, Marti G. Subrahmanyam ‘The Drivers and Pricing of Liquidity in Interest Rate Option Markets’ SSRN 12/05 d'Halluin Yahn, Peter Forsyth, George Labahn 'A Semi-Lagrangian Approach for American Asian Options under Jump Diffusion' SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 9/05 Di Graziano Maria Gabriella, Stefano Galluccio 'Evaluating Tracking Hedging Errors for General Processes:Theory & Experiments' BNP Paribas, U. Cambridge 2005 Diebold Francis X., A. Inoue ‘Long-Memory & Regime Switching’ J. Econometrics Nov. 2001 Dieudonné Mathieu, Jean-Christophe Curtillet 'Estimating and Hedging Most Probable Extreme Changes in Multicurrency Term Structures' J. Fixed Income 9/05 Dionne Georges, Genevieve Gauthier, Khemais Hammami, Mathieu Maurice, JeanGuy Simonato ‘Default Risk in Corporate Yield Spreads’ SSRN 12/05 Dokuchaev Nikolai 'Optimal Solution of Investment Problems Via Linear Parabolic Equations Generated by Kalman Filter' SIAM J. Control & Opt. 10/05 Dong Ming 'Option pricing with a non-zero lower bound on stock price' J. Futures Markets 9/05 Dotsis George, Raphael Markellos 'The Finite Sample Properties of the GARCH Option Pricing Model' Athens U., SSRN 11/05 Douglas J., T. Russell 'Numerical Methods for Convection-Dominated Diffusion Problems Based on Combining the Method of Characteristics

with Finite Element or Finite Difference Procedures' SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 1982 Doumpos Michael, Fotios Pasiouras 'Developing and Testing Models for Replicating Credit Ratings: A Multicriteria Approach' Computational Economics 6/05 Dow James, Clara Raposo 'CEO Compensation, Change, and Corporate Strategy' JofF 12/05 Drucker Steven, Manju Puri 'On the Benefits of Concurrent Lending and Underwriting' JofF 12/05 Duarte Jefferson, Francis Longstaff, Fan Yu ‘Risk & Return in Fixed Income Arbitrage:Nickels in Front of a Steamroller?’ UCLA 2005 Duarte Jefferson, Xiaoxia Lou, Ronnie Sadka ‘Option-Based Hedging of Liquidity Costs in Short Selling’ SSRN 12/05 Dubil Robert 'An Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets' Wiley 2004 Duffie Darrell 'Credit Risk Modeling With Affine Processes' J. Banking & Finance 11/05 Duffie Darrell, Nicolae Gârleanu, Lasse Heje Pedersen 'Over-the-Counter Markets' Econometrica 11/05 Düring Bertram, Erik Lüders 'Option Prices Under Generalized Pricing Kernels' Review Deriv. Research 8/05 Dutta Kabir, David Babbel ‘Extracting Probabilistic Information from the Prices of Interest Rate Options:Tests of Distributional Assumptions’ May 05 JofB Dyer James, Warren Hahn ‘Using Binomial Decision Trees to Solve Real-Option Valuation Problems’ Decision Analysis 6/05 Edwards Craig 'Derivative Pricing Models with Regime Switching: A General Approach' J. of Derivatives Fall 05 Emery Kenneth, Richard Cantor 'Default Correlation Among Non-Financial Corporate Affiliates' J. Fixed Income 9/05 Ericsson Jan, Joel Reneby ‘Estimating Structural Bond Pricing Models’ March 05 Ericsson Jan, Kris Jacobs, Rodolfo Oviedo-Helfenberger ‘The Determinates of Credit Default Swap Jumps’ 2004 McGill U. Eyraud-Loisel Anne 'Backward Stochastic Differential Equations With Enlarged Filtration: Option Hedging Of An Insider Trader In A Financial Market With Jumps' SP&A 10/05
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Guan Lim Kian, Christopher Ting, Mitch Warachka 'The Implied Jump Risk Of LIBOR Rates' J. Banking & Finance 10/05 Guidolin Massimo 'High Equity Premia and Crash Fears. Rational Foundations' January 2005, Economic Theory, October 2006, 28(3) FRB St. Louis Guidolin Massimo 'Home Bias and High Turnover in an Overlapping Generations Model with Learning' January 2005 FRB St. Louis Guidolin Massimo, Allan Timmermann 'Forecasts of US Short-term Interest Rates: A Flexible Forecast Combination Approach' August 2005 FRB St. Louis Guidolin Massimo, Allan Timmermann 'International Asset Allocation under Regime Switching, Skew and Kurtosis Preferences' June 2005 FRB St. Louis Guidolin Massimo, Allan Timmermann 'Properties of Equilibrium Asset Prices under Alternative Learning Schemes' Sept. 05, tobe Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control FRB St. Louis Guidolin Massimo, Allan Timmermann 'Size and Value Anomalies under Regime Shifts' Jan. 05 FRB St. Louis Guidolin Massimo, Eliana La Ferrara 'The Economic Effects of Violent Conflict:Evidence from Asset Market Reactions' October 2005 FRB St. Louis Guidolin Massimo, Sadayuki Ono 'Are the Dynamic Linkages Between the Macroeconomy and Asset Prices Time-Varying?' July 2005 FRB St. Louis Gul Faruk, Wolfgang Pesendorfer 'Random Expected Utility' Econometrica 1/06 Guo Hui, Kevin Kliesen 'Oil Price Volatility & U.S. Macroeconomic Activity' FRB St. Louis Review Nov/Dec. 05 Han Chirok, Peter Phillips 'GMM with Many Moment Conditions' Econometrica 1/06 Handley John 'On the Upper Bound of a Call Option' Review Deriv. Research 8/05 Hannam William, Gerald Marsh, George Stanford 'Smarter Use of Nuclear Waste' SA 12/05 Hardy M., J. Wirch 'The Iterated CTE:A Dynamic Risk Measure' North Amer. Actuarial J. 2004 Hefferman Janet, Jonathan. Tawn ‘Extreme Value Theory’ Lancaster U. 2003 Heifetz Aviad, Zvika Neeman 'On the Generic (Im)Possibility of Full Surplus Extraction in Mechanism Design' Econometrica 1/06 Hernandez-Lerma Onesimo, Jean Bernard Lasrre ‘Markov Chains & Invarient Probabilities’ Birkhauser 2003 Hilliard Jimmy, Adam Schwartz 'Pricing European and American Derivatives under a Jump-Diffusion Process: A Bivariate Tree Approach' JF&QA 9/05 , 6/03 wp Hobson David, Peter Laurence, Tai-Ho Wang 'Static-Arbitrage Upper Bounds For The Prices Of Basket Options' QF 8/05 , 6/04 Hong Harrison, Jeffrey Kubik, Jeremy Stein 'Thy Neighbor's Portfolio: Wordof-Mouth Effects in the Holdings and Trades of Money Managers' JofF 12/05 Hornstein Andreas, Alexander Wolman 'Trend Inflation, Firm Specific Capital & Sticky Prices' FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly Fall 2005 Huang Shian-Chang, Mao-Wei Hung 'Pricing Foreign Equity Options Under Lévy Processes' J. Futures Markets 10/05 Hugger J. 'Wellposedness of the Boundary Value Formulation of a Fixed Strike Asian Option' J. Comput. Methods Sci. Engin tobe Hui Cho-Hoi, Chi-Fai Lo, Tak-Chuen Wong 'Benchmarking Model of Default Probabilities of Listed Companies' J. Fixed Income 9/05 Hyung N., P. Franses ‘Inflation Rates: Long Memory, Level Shifts or Both?’ Erasmus U. 2002

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