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University of Warwick Warwick eRA Portal Administrators Guide for Supporting Your Academic’s Research Profile Warwick Business School

Research Support Services


1: ACCESSING THE SYSTEM AND EDITING A PROFILE a) Access and logging-in b) Editing and Saving a Profile c) General Screen d) Profile Categories Publications e) Other Sections of Note Courses Taught Education Professional Associations and Societies f) Viewing and Printing a Full Profile

3 3 4 5 8 8 11 11 11 11 12

2: WARWICK RESEARCH EXCELLENCE PORTAL a) Searching the portal b) Opting In/Out of the portal

12 12 13






Research Support Services WBSversion1 June09

Research Support Services

SECTION 1: ACCESSING THE SYSTEM AND EDITING A PROFILE The Warwick Electronic Research Administration (Warwick eRA) portal is an online resource which supports funded research activity. Academics are able to store details of their publications (journals, books, chapters, conference publications and others), honours and awards, research projects, plus much more. Using the system academics can manage their personal research profile and track the progress of their submitted research applications. a) Access and Logging in The system can be accessed at the following website address:

The system uses single Sign-on so enter your University username and password.

Note: if you are already logged into a University system using single sign-on, for example using SiteBuilder or accessing restricted areas of the University website, you will automatically be able to access Warwick eRA portal (as you will already be signed-in). You will remain logged-in until you close your signed-in session. It is important, therefore to lock your computer if leaving it unattended so that your profile cannot be accessed by anyone else. 3

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Research Support Services

b) Editing and Saving a Profile Click on the Administration tab at the bottom of the left hand menu

then click on the Investigator Administration link.

The following screen will load. This is an alphabetical surname search facility, enabling you to select any profile within your department for editing purposes. When you enter this screen it defaults to surnames beginning with A. You can select any letter that corresponds with the initial of your academic’s surname.


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Research Support Services

After you have clicked on the ‘initial’ of choice you can either select the name of your academic from the drop down list, as indicated above, or enter their name (or part of) in the free text box, as indicated below.

Once you have found your person of choice, and have clicked on Select, you will be taken to the profile area of your selected individual. c) General Screen The General screen contains information about your academic’s contact details, department information etc. Your academic’s name and contact details are accessed via the card section on the General screen. To add, or amend, information within the Name and Contact Information section you need to click on the Change icon (bottom right of the card). Within the Name and Contact Information screen some fields will already be populated such as: name, email, department, status and academic rank. Please ensure that work address and contact details are correct. (Please note: If you don’t see the card section you may have already entered the Name and Contact Information screen).


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Research Support Services

Once you have entered the main Name and Contact Information screen you can add/amend data. Some of the information held within this section is displayed on your department’s web pages. The Name and Contact Information section has a split screen with the main address and contact fields being shown in the large box area.

The Other Profile Data entry fields are displayed on the right-hand side and contain the fields Web Page (URL), Status, Academic Rank, Departments etc. Mandatory Fields Throughout the system you will find fields that are marked with a red asterisk to denote they are mandatory fields. If the mandatory fields do not have data entered into them you will not be able to save any changes you have made. If you do not have any information for a mandatory field you should enter tba (to be added) in order to save any changes you may have made and simply enter the relevant data at another time.


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Research Support Services

Some fields to note within the Name and Contact Information screen are: Other Title Positions This field holds the information regarding an academic’s current title and other positions (University or non-University associated). Affiliation to Research Centre If your academic belongs to a research centre, you can select the relevant centre from this field.

Once you have made your selection, and saved your change, the centre will appear listed outside of the field. If the centre you require is not available, please contact a member of the project team to request that your centre be added to the list. Biography This field holds information that will be displayed under the heading Expertise on the WBS web pages and should be no more than a couple of paragraphs. Research Interests Summary Enter information about your academics research interests, ideally using no more that a couple of paragraphs. This information is displayed under the heading Research Interests on the WBS web pages. Also of note, under the heading Other Profile Data, are the fields: Status, this should already be set to Active for an academic to represent that they are a current member of University staff. Academic Rank This should already be set. Private Profile The option Private Profile allows you to select whether an academic’s web profile is made available for public viewing i.e. via the University’s web site.

Please Note: by default the Private Profile radio button is ticked ‘ No’. However if an individual specifically wants their profile to be private please tick ‘Yes’ radio button. Image Upload A photograph can be uploaded to a profile by clicking on the Image Upload icon which opens a popup window enabling you to source an image from your PC. The photograph will display on the WBS web pages.


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Research Support Services

As a guide, please make sure the image is about 125 pixels wide by 175 pixels high, otherwise it may be resized and distorted. A Delete option (trash can icon) is also available should you wish to remove the image. Primary Address The Primary Address section enables you to record more than one address (work and/or home). You should denote one of them as the primary address. d) Profile Categories Information can be entered into the other sections that make up a research profile. Navigate to other sections via the left-hand navigation bar. Use the More link to see further options (likewise use Previous to work back through the screens).

Publications To navigate to the publication categories click on the More link and you will see the publication categories Publ-Journals, Publ-Chapters, Publ-Books etc on the next screen.


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Research Support Services

To enter peer-reviewed journal articles, click on Publ–Journals. Information already in this section will be displayed as a list of journal article records. To add a new journal article record, click Add New.

You will then be taken to the Publ-Journal Detail screen within which you will add the relevant data. The academic’s name is, by default, shown in the author’s field. The name is editable so you can change the author/s name/s to a format more relevant to the publication.

To select a journal title, click the drop-down menu and choose your journal from the list. The ISSN field will automatically be populated once a journal is selected. If the journal you wish to select is not available please contact a member of the Project Team in Research Support Services (refer to Section 3) who will add the journal to the list. 9

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Research Support Services Link This field is for entering the url address of an article that has been published online. When the appropriate url for the publication is entered into the hyperlink field it will appear as an active hyperlink on the academic’s web page. Ready for Public (Promote) To promote a publication simply tick the Ready for Public tick box. Confidential Selecting this checkbox will ensure that the publication will not display on any web pages.

Additional Information The additional information section enables you to record publication status, journal ranking (ABS), author rank and contribution data. Current Status of Publication Please ensure you have selected the relevant status using the Current Status of Publication dropdown list to select a type most appropriate such as published, forthcoming or under review.

Click here to view the publication status list

If you do not know the ABS rank for your publication click on the Click on this link to check Journal Ranking to view a journal ranking list. The Author Rank and Contribution section also contains a link to a page advising you on how to complete the fields. When you have entered all the relevant information into the journal publication fields click on the Save and Return button to save your entry. The same data entry process is followed for Chapters, Books, Non-Peer etc.


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Research Support Services You can enter a publication record at any time to amend/edit its information. To edit a publication navigate to the relevant publication screen and click on the edit icon. You will then enter the editable data screen for that publication. The Publ-Other section is where you will enter data for those publications which are not journal, books, chapters or conferences, for example a working paper or research paper etc. Conferences For your conference publication please select either Proceedings or Presentation, whichever is more appropriate, from the drop-down list of the Type field. Please note, there are two Year fields – one relates to the year the conference was held whilst the other relates to the year of the conference publication. Whilst, in the main, both these fields will contain the same data it is essential to populate both fields.

e) Other Sections of Note Courses Taught Details of the modules taught by your academic can be entered here along with a link to the relevant web page i.e. the web page with the module information. An academic’s learning, teaching and development activity can also be selected using the drop-down list of the Learning, Teaching & Development Activity field. The Courses Taught section is accessed via the left-hand side. Once you are in the Courses Taught screen click on the Add New button and enter the relevant information into the fields. Year – this needs to be the current year or into the future and is a mandatory field. Enter the relevant information into either the Courses Taught Detail fields or the Learning, Teaching and Development Activity field. Title – the title of the course that your academic is teaching should be entered into this field. Description – a brief description of the course should be entered into this field. A hyperlink to any further information can be added into the Course Web Link (URL) field under ‘Additional Information’.

Year Title of course taught Brief description URL (further details)

Learning, Teaching and Development Activity 11

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Research Support Services This data entry field appears at the bottom of the screen under Additional Information. Simply select the relevant activity using the menu list. Click Save and Return to save and return to the summary screen. Please note: for each courses taught and for each activity the records will need to be entered separately i.e. follow the aforementioned steps (‘Add New’, input data, ‘Save and Return’) for each entry regardless as to whether it is courses taught or learning, teaching and development activity. Education Enter your degree details. If, at the time of populating the fields, you are unable to enter mandatory data simply enter tba (to be added) to enable you to save the entry. Professional Associations and Societies Within this section, ensure you complete the required fields Association and Function. f) Viewing and Printing a Full Profile The full profile can be viewed at any time by returning to the General Page and clicking on Full Profile View towards the top of the page.

NOTE: Once you have made the appropriate changes and wish to leave the system you should do so by clicking on the Log Out icon, located in the top left-hand corner of the screen, next to the Save button. SECTION 2: WARWICK RESEARCH EXCELLENCE PORTAL The Warwick Research Excellence Portal showcases the research expertise available at Warwick to businesses and other research funders, potential postgraduate students and researchers and seeks to aid communication with businesses locally, regionally and nationally. The information contained in the Portal is taken directly from your academic’s profile and therefore it is imperative that your profile remains up to date. The Warwick Research Excellence portal can be found here: 12

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Research Support Services a) Searching the Portal Simple searches can be carried out on the portal by typing keywords you would like to search on into the find research expertise search box and clicking the Search prompt.

Your search results will then be shown on a new page from where you look at the information in more detail. You can carry out a more advanced search by clicking on the expertise link which takes you to the Search for Experts page. Here you may choose to search by keyword, profile or faculty/dept/research centre, or a mixture of all of the aforementioned. You also have the option to create reports based on your search results and print them out in word document format.

b) Opting In/Out of the Warwick Research Excellence Portal 13

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Research Support Services If an academic would like their profile to appear on the Portal navigate to the Other Information section of the Warwick eRA portal and tick the check box for Include Profile on Warwick Research Portal. If you wish to opt out of the Portal you can do so by ticking the check box of DO NOT include Profile on Warwick Research Portal. SECTION 3: Support from Research Support Services For help and assistance from Research Support Services, please contact: Carole Harris Information Officer Tel: 024 7657 5733 Email – [email protected] Thomas Crompton Support Training Officer Tel – 024 7657 5303 Email – [email protected] Simon Jones Research System Project Manager Tel: 024 761 50203 Email: [email protected] Tom Sharp Research Operations Assistant Tel – 024 765 24538 Email – [email protected] Justine Pedler Head of Research Support Services Tel – 024 7652 73934 Email – [email protected] Visit the Warwick eRA portal web pages: Warwick eRA portal (My Profile/My Proposals) Forum For all your Warwick eRA portal related queries) please post your queries and problems to the WeRA/My Profile/My Proposals Forum at where members of the Research Operations Division will endeavour to answer your queries.


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Research Support Services SECTION 4: Description of Profile Sections Profile Section General Advisees Backups Biosketch Collaborators Conferences Consultancy Courses Taught Creative Activities Custom Category Donations Editorial Boards Education Employment Honours & Awards Journal Refereeing Languages Memberships Optional Patents Portal Preferences Professional Association and Societies Professional License and Certificates Post-Graduate Students Publ-Journals Publ-Chapters Publ-Books Publ-Reviews Publ-Non Peer Publ-Other Publ-Thesis Ex-Research (Public) Ex-Research (Private) Research Activity Research Interests Reviewed Works

Description Recording of personal details, address, photograph and research interests/background Used to store information on other advisory activities such as government advisors. This does not include consultancy activity and journal reviewing. Not currently in use at Warwick Under development Lists individuals with whom the individual has collaborated on a project, publication etc Record of conferences attended by the user. Details of consultancy expertise. User can select whether to make themselves available for consultancy in the area specified. Lists the courses which the user has taught and any other learning and development activity. List any exhibits, performances, public collections, public artistic presentations, etc. The Administrator has the ability to add institution-specific fields. Currently no fields have been added. Not currently in use at Warwick Details of all Journal Editorial Boards the user has worked on. Within this category, users can add/edit information about their graduate/post-graduate education. Lists users current, and previous employment details. Details of honours and awards received. The title of journals that user has refereed. Details familiarity of languages giving an indication of competence with respect to reading, writing and speaking. Contains a list of all the committees on which the user has served or been a member. For the recording of optional information. Details of patents applied for and patents granted. Not currently in use at Warwick Details of all associations and societies that user is affiliated to. Details of all licences and certificates held/applied for by the user Details of all post-graduate students associated with the user Details of research articles produced along with all details of the journals in which they were published. Details of chapters published and the journals/books in which they were published. Details of books published and associated information. Details of published reviews Details of Non peer-reviewed publications Details of other publications. Details of Thesis produced. Details of all publicly funded research projects Not currently in use at Warwick. Not currently in use at Warwick. Not currently in use at Warwick. Not currently in use at Warwick.


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