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University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Register Transfer Level (RTL) In order to build whole systems from gates successfully we need some sort of hierarchy. The next ‘level’ above gates is usually referred to as “RTL”. ❏ “Register” is the name given to a number of flip-flops acting together to hold a single coherent value, such as …




❍ a numerical value ❍ a computer instruction ❍ a colour




❏ “Transfer” refers to the need to move values between registers, possibly … ❍ applying some operation – such as add, compare, etc. – in the process




❍ maybe predicating operations on some condition

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 1


Methods for designing logic blocks

A typical register will comprise a number of D-type flip-flops which each have their own input and output bit but all have a common clock input. This enforces synchronization – all the bits switch at the same time.

Although we have described an adder, we have not yet looked at how blocks of combinatorial logic can be designed and reduced to gates. In this course we are not going to go into detailed methods (there are some keywords below if you wish to find out); instead we will use CAD tools to do a lot of the work.

A clock is normally free-running but it may not be desirable for the register to change every cycle. Usually, therefore, there will be a clock enable (CE) input which is also common to the flip-flops in one register. Different clock enables control different registers whereas the clock will typically be the same signal in all the registers in a system. More rarely other inputs are also present. For example there may be a ‘clear’ signal which sets all the flip-flops to a known value; this may be used for initialising the system. (It has not been shown here.) It is typical for a register to be drawn a bit like a ‘fat’ flip-flop, with buses showing the input and output values and single wires for the clock and control inputs.

However, there are some things you must still do. First, represent the function. For a combinatorial block this will probably be a truth table. It is quite normal to deal with ‘don’t care’ values both in inputs and outputs to reduce the size of a truth table. Two (contrived) examples: Invited Going Buy beer False X False True False False True True True

Coffee Cocoa Sleep False False True False True True True False False X True True

In the first, if you’re not invited you can’t go so the second input is irrelevant. In the second you can’t have both at the same time so the outcome can be anything convenient.


Because the clock is common to all registers, sometimes it may be omitted on ‘informal’ drawings. (We will try to keep it visible in this course!)

The resultant logic may then be simple enough to apply an ad-hoc approach (i.e. it’s ‘obvious’) as we did with the adder previously. If not some form of logic reduction is needed. Some people can do this with Boolean algebra. Another way is to use a graphical approach such as Karnaugh maps which work well for up to four or five inputs. Beyond that, CAD tools are very helpful at implementing (e.g.) the Quine-McCluskey algorithm. Espresso is a logic reduction programme that has been around for many years (since at least 1986) which uses a different algorithm. It is a useful, but somewhat user-unfriendly, tool. In later lab. exercises we will express the problem in a Hardware Design Language (HDL) and leave it to the compiler to minimise the logic to the actual gates.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Finite State Machines






A Finite State Machine (FSM) is a sequential machine that moves from one ‘state’ to another according to some well-defined rules.


The next state is influenced by the current one: ❏ The function is defined by the combinatorial logic. ❏ The state is held in some form of register.

❏ Inputs may influence the behaviour (possibly according to the current state) ❏ Outputs may be state bits or derived separately Definition A register is simply a collection of flip-flops which are acting together. COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Finite State Machines In a state machine ‘what happens next’ is determined by a set of rules and is influenced by ‘where we are now’.

Slide 2

Exercise – Mealy machines and Moore machines These are two often described forms of FSM. Produce a generalised sketch of each and note their differences. Mealy machine

Example Rule: counting in threes. Current state = 0 ⇒ next state = 3 Current state = 3 ⇒ next state = 6 Current state = 6 ⇒ next state = 9

Note: this is not a finite state machine!

A Finite State Machine – usually abbreviated to FSM – works on this principle, but the number of states is finite; for most real machines the number of states is also quite small.

Implementation ❏ To remember its history the machine must contain some state holding devices (i.e. flip-flops). ❏ To represent each state unambiguously there must be at least log2(states) flip-flops. (N flip-flops allow the representation of 2N states.) Number of states

Number of flip-flops











(2N-1+1) - 2N


Moore machine


University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

State Transition Diagrams ❏ It is often useful to have a diagrammatic notation for indicating the sequence of states. ❏ Use a directed graph of nodes (one representing each state) and links (or arcs) corresponding to state transitions (the next state): initial state



1 5 2 4 3 ❏ This represents a counter which cycles through seven states. ❏ This is called a modulo-7 counter Note: ‘traditionally’ numbering starts at zero COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 3

Design Process The complete design process for simple sequential systems usually works something like this:. ❏ First, decide on the inputs and outputs, and determine the different internal states required. Draw a state transition diagram1. ❏ Perform state assignment (i.e. label each state with a unique No,). ❍ State assignment is arbitrary but the particular state assignment chosen may influence the complexity of the finished design; as you gain experience optimal state assignment becomes easier. ❍ Often some of the state bits can be used as output bits directly. In a manual process, proceed as follows: ❏ Complete a state transition table. ❏ Extract (and simplify) all the logic equations – Karnaugh maps may help. ❏ Draw the logic diagram as gates and connect to the appropriate flip-flops. ❏ Test! If using a HDL: ❏ Usually the FSM can be translated directly into HDL code ❏ Compile ❏ Test!

1. Sometimes just called a “state diagram”

State Transition Table State No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Current state C B A 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

Next state C′ B′ A′ 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 δ δ δ

This summarises the state transition diagram, showing what happens next in each state. Note that (in this case) seven states were required but the implementation needs a whole number of bits. Three bits is the minimum which can be used (23 = 8) – the minimum number of state bits is usually preferred – so there are eight states in the state transition table. The undefined state should never be reached, so it doesn’t really matter what its next state is. However in this example it would be preferable if it did not remain in state #7 (i.e. the ‘don’t cares’ all end up as “1”; this would ensure that the circuit would recover if it reached this ‘illegal’ state (e.g. at switch on). A state transition table is not, strictly speaking, a truth table, but it can be reduced to logic equations using the same methods.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

The Synchronous Paradigm When does a state machine move from one state to the next? ❏ In principle this can happen as a result of any input change. ❏ In practice it is normal to change only in response to a clock transition

This is synchronous design – a very useful design simplification: ❏ The state machine is easier to design: ‘all’ you have to do is look at: ❍ where you are now ❍ what your inputs are ❏ … and then write down where you want to be next. ❏ Define all state transitions (correctly!) and your system will work.

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Synchronous design benefits The slide above focuses on design benefit because that is the most immediately important. However there are several other benefits to this paradigm: ❏ Combinatorial logic can produce output ‘glitches’ as signals race down different paths. These can be allowed to settle before the clock transition occurs. ❏ Changes from different parts of the system which arrive in the same clock cycle can be regarded as ‘simultaneous’. ❏ Outputs change ‘simultaneously’ (in the same cycle) if desired. ❏ The timing of the system is easy to predict by counting the number of clock cycles needed in the state diagram. ❏ The design tools are geared towards synchronous machines, that being ‘normal’ practice.

Slide 4

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Example FSM – a Counter Clock A′ B′

E.g. our modulo-7 counter



Current state State no. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Transition table

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine

Simple FSMs

C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1





Next state

A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

C′ 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 δ

B′ 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 δ

A′ 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 δ


Slide 5

❏ Draw the schematic diagram. A

❏ Most sequential circuits have a single clock, which determines the times at which a state change may take place. All changes happen synchronously – i.e. at the same time. ❏ The binary digits which determine the current state are stored in a register; these are sometimes called the state vector, or just the state. ❏ In the counter example (opposite) the state is the output. This is not generally true; sometimes some or all of the state bits are hidden (i.e. used purely internally). ❏ This counter has no Boolean inputs; it is free-running. There will always be a state change for a counter ❏ The next state is determined from the current state by a combinatorial logic network.

A′ B C ❏ B′ and C′ can be determined similarly; again, this is left as an exercise.

Design process ❏ The state transition diagram is given on slide 4. ❏ State assignment for a counter is self-selecting; the numbers represent binary codes in an ascending sequence. (Note that a descending modulo-7 counter is also possible, as would be a number of bizarre variations.) ❏ The state transition table. is shown on slide 5. ❏ For output A′, we select the entries where A′ is true (1), and write down the Boolean equation: A′ = (A and B and C) or (A and B and C) or (A and B and C) A Karnaugh map will reduce this to: A′ = (A and B) or (A and C) Boolean algebra can take this a bit further: A′ = A and (B or C) A′ = A and (B and C)

❏ Test!

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

External Inputs ❏ A typical state machine will allow some external control ❏ Some or all of the transitions will be conditional e.g. a modulo-7 counter with a (synchronous) reset reset = 1

Note: no need for condition here

reset = 0

0 6

reset = 1 reset = 0


reset = 1 reset = 1



reset = 1

reset = 0

reset = 0

reset = 1

4 reset = 0

reset = 0


The synchronous reset forces the counter to state #0 when the next active clock transition occurs. COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 6

Conditional Transitions


0 6

If an FSM has any inputs these must be able to alter its behaviour. This means that transitions may be conditional. up=1








up=0 up=0



up=0 4




up=0 up=0 up=0


Triggerable counter


up=0 4 up=1



Synchronous up-down counter A finite state machine will always behave in some way (even if that behaviour is ‘do nothing’) each time it has an opportunity to change state (usually corresponding to a clock pulse). A state diagram is supposed to represent the behaviour of the state machine. It is therefore essential that it shows the behaviour under all conditions. Note that this may show that the FSM remains in the current state (see example below). Not all arcs need be conditional. In most cases some (or even all) of the inputs will not influence the behaviour in certain states. In the example above the counter is started by a particular input (Go=1) after which the input is ignored until the FSM has completed its counting cycle.

Set-up and hold times Note that external inputs should not violate the set-up and hold times of the FSM’s registers. This usually requires that they are synchronized to the same clock.

Exercise Complete the state transition table for a modulo-4 up/down counter: State








3 up=1




0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Up 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1


University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Subdividing the State Machine Many sequential systems have a very large number of state bits: e.g: ❏ a 32-bit RISC processor may have 32 registers. The register bank therefore has 21024 possible states ❏ the behaviour of the processor is largely independent of the state of the register bank

The FSM model represents the behaviour of the processor quite well …







… but duplicating each state 21024 times for each possible value of the register bank state would make the bubble diagram unreadable!

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 7

Splitting a System into Data and Control Elements A typical digital system can be divided into data and control parts. The data elements collectively form what is often known as the datapath (the term “data” is usually reserved for the values contained therein) – control is usually referred to as just control. Naturally these two parts of the system interact. In general the control tells the datapath what to do – and when to do it; the datapath has less influence on the control but will occasionally supply values which influence its behaviour. For example a processor fetches, decodes and executes instructions: ❏ Fetch: output an address, input an instruction ❏ Decode: decide what the instruction should do ❏ Execute: change the processor’s register (or control) state ❍ the details of execution depend on the instruction fetched The fetch will normally involve some control sequencing but is totally independent of the value (instruction) fetched. The decode may be different for different instructions, but there will be fewer than 232 categories of operation1 so there will still be a large amount of commonality (e.g. the control probably doesn’t care which registers are being used). Execution may have a (small) number of different behaviours. However the controller may order an ADD instruction but will not care what numbers (from the 264 possible combinations) the datapath adds. Register Transfer Level (RTL) is a means of exploiting this separation of data and control in order to simplify the design process. RTL effectively ignores the different values (states) of the data, instead treating them as individual variables. RTL is therefore a hierarchical ‘level’ of abstraction ‘higher’ than a gate level design. 1. Tacitly assuming a 32-bit RISC processor.

Of course, the subsystems are not completely separate. The datapath will influence the control at the decode stage because it supplies the instruction. In a few cases there is also influence during execution: an example would be a conditional branch; an instruction (BNE) could specify “Branch if Not Equal” (to zero) – IF the specified data value is not zero a jump would occur, ELSE the instruction would be ignored.

However the two subsystems separate at well defined boundaries and this is important in keeping the complexity manageable.

Further subdivision of the datapath may be done: an obvious subdivision here would be to build separate units for each instruction processing stage. This approach is common in high-performance processors. In the MU0 processor we will look at later this approach is not taken in order to keep the size of the design down. Instead a single arithmetic unit is made to serve the needs of fetch and decode at different times. The control may also be subdivided as appropriate to keep its complexity under control. An common example application could be a traffic light controller. Traffic lights follow a fixed sequence but typically spend different amounts of time in each phase. One approach is to have several states which all appear the same. Another approach is to have an FSM which cycles the phases and another which handles the timing. When the first enters a new state it signals this to the timing together with the number of cycles it should remain there; it then waits for the timing FSM to signal that that time has elapsed. All the second machine does is input a time, count off that number of cycles and output a ‘finished’ signal.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

The RTL Model In the register transfer level model we split the complete system state up into registers and consider the flow of information ‘in bulk’ from one register to the next on each clock tick: clk






Here the system state changes on the rising edge of every clock cycle, and the functionality can be described by: f1{reg2} ⇒ reg3; f2{reg1} ⇒ reg2 Note: synchronous operation means changes occur in parallel. This corresponds to pipelined data processing; in general we want more flexible control of the register behaviour, so: ❏ all registers are updated at the same point in the clock cycle ❏ some registers may not change in particular clock cycles It is assumed that the clock cycle is long enough for all logic between registers to stabilise before the next active clock edge COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Register Transfer Level (RTL) As the name might suggest RTL design concentrates on design at the register level, and the blocks which join them. As the datapath is normally many (e.g. 32) bits wide whereas the control is common to all the data bits the datapath normally accounts for most of the gates in a finished design. This means that a surplus ‘gate’ in the datapath design results in (maybe) 32 surplus gates on the chip. For this reason it is usually designed and optimised first. The RTL model handles data movement well but doesn’t give a good representation of the control structure. The FSM model (already encountered) copes with the control structure well but can’t handle data movement. Therefore a typical sequential system is best handled with a combination of the two approaches: ❏ the part of the system which handles data where the behaviour is largely independent of the data value is modelled at RTL ❏ the part of the system which controls the movement of data and contains the different possible behaviours is modelled as an FSM (or, in complex cases, several FSMs) Note a ‘pipeline’ is not the only possible structure; feedback of data values is typical in most computing machines.





Slide 8

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

ARM Microprocessor Subdivisions Datapath


Decode Registers Control Memory Shift


COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


The slide shows a possible implementation of an ARM microprocessor, similar to the simpler versions available. The processor occupies the right-hand three quarters of the figure, a memory has been shown on the left hand side.

The ARM is a 32-bit microprocessor, so the thick lines normally show 32-bit buses. The thinner lines show control paths.

The datapath has been shown subdivided into its major blocks such as instruction fetch, instruction decode, the register bank and the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) which performs the actual calculations. Multiplexers allow the selection of inputs at various places.

The control logic is less easy to draw at this scale, so has been concealed.

We will produce a similar, if simpler, picture for a smaller microprocessor later.

Slide 9

Don’t try and memorise this picture! However, later in the course or at revision time, you might like to consider how some of the ARM instructions you have used in COMP10031 use the various buses shown here. Here’s a few to try: ❏ ❏ ❏


R0, R1, R2 R5, [R6, R7] R8, [R9], #&20

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Tools and Methodology (so far) S B A


0 X 0 0 X 1 1 0 X 1 1 X

0 1 0 1

Truth tables Schematics fetch






Timing diagrams State diagrams COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 10

Revision To summarise the major classes of design aids to date:


Truth tables

Schematics can be used to show basic gate functions and how they are interconnected. Gates are drawn using standard symbols.

Truth tables can be used to document the output(s) of a block of combinatorial logic in a compact form. They show the output state for any possible input state.

A hierarchy is typical so that subcircuits can be ‘hidden’ to keep complexity under control. This also promotes the reuse of components.

Truth tables can be a useful design aid in specifying what you want to happen. They are especially good at forcing all possible input combinations to be considered.

Timing Diagrams

State diagrams

Timing diagrams can be used as a design aid to depict how circuits should behave as they evolve through time. They may show individual signals or values if they depict buses. They complement state diagrams in showing the evolution of a system under a particular set of conditions.

State diagrams are useful for depicting what a machine should do under particular circumstances. Like a truth table, they can ensure that all possible combinations of internal and input state are considered.

Timing diagrams are also used as simulation outputs to show what a circuit would really do under a set of test circumstances. This can be compared with what was wanted. When there are errors these can be traced back in time to find the cause.

State diagrams are frequently used to document the behaviour of finite state machines. Note that FSMs are frequently implemented in software too; this is not just for hardware.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Design Example: Car Park Controller Black box controller




❏ Allow cars in, one at a time, unless car park full ❏ Allow cars out, one at a time ❏ Illuminate a sign (and disable the entry barrier) when the car park is full

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 11

Car Park Controller: Specification Before commencing the design it is important (nay, essential!) to specify what the system should do. Even though the slide looks simple it contains more elements than we are going to build. For example we are going to assume that the barrier operation is implicit and the traffic lights will be omitted completely.


Deductions ❏ The occupancy of the car park must be deduced from the number of cars entering and leaving ❏ Some form of controllable up/down counter will be needed

A controller for access to a car park. ❏ Cars may leave at any time. ❍ Cars attempting to leave will be sensed, and counted out ❏ Cars may enter at any time, unless the car park is full ❍ Cars attempting to be entered will be sensed if the car park is not full they will be admitted and counted in else the car park is full so they will not be admitted ❏ If the car park is full, switch on a sign

Interface ❏ Sensors ❍ an input sensor ❍ an output sensor ❏ Actuators ❍ a ‘full’ light ❍ an input barrier control ❍ an output barrier control (The following design neglects the barrier controls. You are encouraged to add outputs to control them.)

❏ The data path width must be great enough to accommodate the largest count values – equivalent to the capacity of the car park ❍ e.g. for 800 parking spaces, (at least) 10 bits are needed

From the foregoing we can sketch a preliminary state diagram.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Design Example: Car Park Controller Supposition: ❏

keep a count of the number of cars in the car park

Here the ‘count’ can be treated as a data item and operations on it considered by the RTL model. An informal control bubble diagram could be: out

dec tot not full

in ready

inc tot

cmp full out

dec tot



where in indicates a car entering, out a car exiting, and full is true when the total equals the maximum capacity of the car park. ❏ need a constant to represent the ‘maximum capacity’ The ready and full states are exited only when out or in is true. COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 12

Design Process

Car Park Controller

To design a digital system (such as a computer processor) it is first necessary to specify its behaviour. The specification should be sufficiently rigorous to determine the behaviour in any combination of internal and input states. This should also help determine the interfaces, i.e. the inputs and outputs (usually abbreviated to I/O).

In this example some of the complexity is neglected. For example the action out may involve sensing a car’s arrival, waiting for payment, raising a barrier, waiting for the car to clear the barrier and lowering the barrier again. However we could defer all these actions to a separate state machine which would signal each time it had completed this cycle.

When this is done it should be relatively straightforward to determine the requirements for the datapath. The number of variables which must be stored will indicate the minimum number of registers required and the processing operations on these variables will be enumerated. Note that while it is impossible to produce a working system with fewer registers than variables it is perfectly possible to produce one with extra registers; although this is sometimes valuable when attempting to increase performance (techniques such as pipelining will be discussed later) it increases the control complexity and is usually undesirable.

This is another example of hierarchy in the design. Question: the in process is similar but what other signal would it require? (hint below)

A good rule is: “Things should be made as simple as possible – but no simpler.” – A. Einstein The bubble diagram on the slide is ‘informal’; it assumes: ❏ that the process in cannot happen in the full state ❏ that the process out never decrements the total below zero Are these assumptions reasonable? In practice … Nowadays, in practice, no one would build a logic circuit to control a car park barrier. The preferred method would be to use an off-the-shelf microcontroller (single chip computer) and use software to customise its function. Specific hardware (e.g. ASICs – Application Specific Integrated Circuits) are only used when software would be too slow for the job. As a guide hardware should be about 100x faster than a software solution; for a car park barrier this hardly matters! Note that software may implement an FSM, designed this way, though.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Datapath Design The preceding diagram suggests that we need to be able to: ❏ keep a running total ❏ increment the total ❏ decrement the total ❏ compare the total with the maximum allowed capacity ce




This suggests an RTL picture something like: max

The data buses connecting the register, mux, adder and zero detector are all N bits wide where 2N > max.


mux ‘1’


add/ sub

total register

The ‘datapath’ is controlled by 3 input wires (ce, sel and add/sub) and produces one control output (Z).

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine

zero detect




Datapath Design The controller clearly needs only a single variable (register) which counts the number of vehicles in the car park. We do not need to worry much about the size of the register although it clearly must be able to count at least to the maximum number of spaces available. The system clock runs continuously. The clock enable (ce) signal is used to ‘freeze’ the register when no activity is required.

Evaluation functions required include incrementing (+1) and decrementing (-1) this register. To do this the number “1” may be fed to the second port of the adder/subtractor. subtraction is done by: a - b = a + b + 1 (i.e. invert b and put a carry into the LSB)

A slightly less obvious function is the ability to compare the count with the car park’s capacity.

Slide 13

Comparison There are various ways of comparing values. If a comparison alone is required a specialist unit can be built. However in this design we already require the ability to add and subtract and a comparison can be done by subtracting. To compare A and B, subtract one from the other Result(A - B)




positive (not zero)



(The positive/negative result can be determined by testing the ‘sign’ bit (the most significant bit in two’s complement notation); a check for zero can be done with a NOR of all the bits. To compare with the value “max”, the value must be made available to the adder/subtractor. Exercises Think how increment and decrement could be performed without using the explicit constant ‘1’?

Can you simplify the datapath to avoid (most of) the comparison? (Hint: the car park occupancy data may be stored in a different way.)

“MUX” is a common abbreviation of multiplexer.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Control Specification The control FSM can now be defined more specifically:

x x x x 0 1 x x x x

inc dec1 ready cmp ready full full dec2 ready ready


dec1 dec2

0 1 0 x x x 0 1 x x



1 x 0 x x x x x x x

outputs sel


next state









0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

x x x 0 1 1 x x 0 0

x x x 1 0 0 x x 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

Note: ❏ there is no initialisation procedure to ensure this system starts in a defined state ❏ each ‘in’ and ‘out’ event must be seen exactly once – this needs more thought ❏ we must assign a ‘number’ to each state before we can complete the logic design COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 14

Control Specification The ‘first cut’ of the control specification takes the names of the various states from the earlier ‘bubble’ diagram. Some states – for example inc – occur only once because there is only one possible succeeding state; others - e.g. ready – have several possible successors. Input “don’t cares” Writing the table out in full would occupy a great deal of space (and be confusing!). As some or all of the inputs can always be ignored the table can be collapsed by inserting don’t care (“x”) in some places. Thus the table can be written in ten lines rather that forty eight (6 states x 23 input conditions). For example in the ready state the Z input never has any influence. There are four possible combinations of in and out, but only three possible behaviours: let a car in, let a car out and do nothing. Here it has been defined that if out is active (“1”) then in is not considered.

Exercise Verify that all possible input conditions are covered in the table.

Output “don’t cares” The “don’t cares” in the output set have a different meaning. As the control state must generate these signals we must eventually define what they will be. Note that ce is always defined; this is because it is essential to know if the total register is to change or not on any given clock edge. If it is changing (ce = 1) then sel and add control what it is changing to; however if it is not changing (ce = 0) then it doesn’t matter what value is presented to the register – it will ignore it. Allowing latitude at this time gives more freedom in the logic reduction, simpler equations and thus smaller (& faster) circuits.

Exercise Check that the value assigned to any ‘x’ in the output side of the table cannot affect the behaviour of the system.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

System Initialisation We must add control to ensure that the system starts from a known state; this must put the FSM into a known state, but it must also reset the total count to zero. We can also observe from the state transition table that the dec1 and dec2 states are identical and can be merged, so we can now draw a bubble diagram with initialisation: reset


Note: decision

not full

zero in ready

inc tot

cmp full

out dec tot



This system loops in the ‘reset’ state (not shown!) decrementing the total (subtracting 1 from it) until the total is zero, then it enters the ‘ready’ state and begins normal operation. (An alternative would be to add a reset input to the total register.)

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 15

Initialisation Reset

Physical input and output devices

reset zero

On the slide this (somewhat informal) notation has been used to show that the FSM remains in the reset state until the zero input becomes active. The assumption is made that the state is unaltered unless otherwise shown.

Strictly speaking the behaviour when the zero input is inactive should also be shown explicitly. This tends to clutter the diagram, but it does give an added check that all behaviours have been specified.

Handling the physical input and output devices can often be a problem. There may be a wide variety of different sensors, actuators, etc. which are not necessarily digital. We will look a bit more at I/O later in the course. Here we will look at some machinery to keep the problem separate from out control machine. How can we sense the presence of a car at the car park entrance or exit?


How can we control the barriers safely? How can we keep the system complexity under control?

reset zero

An electronic system may power up in any state, including a state that is unreachable in normal operation - each flip-flop has two stable states and it may come up in either state when power is first applied. The designer must ensure that the system can be brought into a valid initial state however it powers up.

Sensors: input devices that measure some real-world property, such as the presence of a car. A sensor will often produce a signal in a form that is totally unsuitable for direct connection to a digital circuit. It may carry a mains electricity voltage, or it may ba a high-frequency carrier, or it may be too small to be detected by a logic gate, or... So in addition to the digital input conditioning logic we discuss here there will probably be a need for analogue electronics to convert the sensor output into a form suitable for digital processing. Actuators: output devices that change some real-world property, such as the position of a barrier or whether the ‘FULL’ light is on or off. Again, the ‘FULL’ light may be a 240V AC light bulb that cannot be driven directly from our digital output and additional driver electronics is needed. The non-digital interface electronics is beyond the scope of this course.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

System Partitioning So far we have assumed that a car arriving (or leaving) does so in one state; this is unlikely! However this is a a convenient abstraction – like to keep this model. up


Let’s have a ‘barrier’ machine which handles the details of sensing cars and raising and lowering the barrier.

up count



Copies of this machine could be made for each barrier.

car done


This could interact with the original FSM so that the ‘count’ state requested ‘in’ or ‘out’ (as appropriate) and ‘done’ acknowledged that the count has been registered.


down lower down



There is a functional bug in the complete system as described: can you spot it? COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 16

System Partitioning This machine does not need a datapath as all its state is in the figure above. reset full

The five states function as follows: ❏ waiting ❏ raise ❏ count ❏ clear ❏ lower

remain idle until a car is sensed, then go to … raise barrier until sensor indicates it’s up, then go to … signal main FSM that car is entering/leaving; only when the main FSM acknowledges, go to … wait until the car is not sensed before going to … lower barrier until sensor indicates it’s down and return to waiting state

car raise up lower down

in done


out done


This machine deals with the motors, actuators, sensors etc. and simplifies the overall design by appropriate partitioning. The ability to reuse the same design for both barriers is a bonus.


It’s I/O is: ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

car raise up lower down in/out done

sense presence of a vehicle move barrier up (during ‘raise’ state) barrier is fully raised move barrier down (during ‘lower’ state) barrier is fully lowered ready to count count has been done

Can you add a payment system to the state diagram?

Can you find the bug mentioned in the slide? (Not trivial!)

Can you suggest a solution? Note: in this case ‘up’ and ‘down’ are separate because there is also a range of intermediate positions.

car raise up lower down

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

Handshaking The different state machines need to communicate. ❏ Assume a synchronous model: their clock is the same ❏ Sometimes need to synchronize states. clk Control

inc tot




done raise




in up

This is a possible timing scenario from the barrier being raised to the car being counted.

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 17


Physical Interfaces

In computer terms a “handshake” is a protocol which ensures that a transmitted signal has been ‘seen’ by the receiver.

In this example it has been assumed that the external inputs (such as ‘car’, ‘up’) are synchronised with the internal clock.

In the slide the protocol runs as follows:

In practice the world is not so cooperative. It is therefore necessary to synchronize these to the clock to ensure that they do not change at the wrong time, possibly violating the flip-flops’ set-up or hold timing requirements.

❏ the ‘in’ signal is being transmitted when appropriate ❏ ‘in’ remains active until ‘done’ is returned ❍ here this happens on the next cycle, but the control machine may not be ‘ready’, so this could be delayed ❏ ‘in’ is maintained until ‘done’ has been seen ❏ (in this model) ‘done’ can be pulsed because it is known that ‘in’ will be removed as soon as it is seen to be active ❍ another protocol could have required ‘done’ to remain until ‘in’ was inactivated ❏ both machines can proceed independently again

Switch Bounce A mechanical component such as a switch does not switch “cleanly” like a logic gate. A switch has a tendency to bounce as contact is made/broken. Thus the logic state of the output signal as a key is pressed and released will look something like:

Clearly it is important to register only a single ‘clean’ signal here, so the signal must be “debounced”.

Handshaking Handshaking is a means of communicating between subsystems which may be asynchronous, i.e. not always sharing the same clock. The principle of handshaking is that one partner initiates a communication (in this case asserting req) and then waits for some sort of an acknowledgement. In this example req remains asserted until acknowledged by ack. req ack

Several methods of debouncing are possible; perhaps the easiest way is to sample the signal periodically and wait until several sequential samples have the same value. The time/number of samples depends on the mechanical properties of the switch; ~1ms is typical but for a specific application you should consult the switch manufacturer’s data. For simple systems this sampling can be done in hardware, using flip-flops. In systems with a large number of switches this becomes prohibitively expensive and a processor is usually used with the debounce being done in software. The ‘classic’ example of this is a computer keyboard.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

State Assignment Now, examine the full specification again



















inputs state

next state

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 1

0 x 1 x x x x x x x x x

0 1 0 x x x 0 1 x x x x

x x x x 0 1 x x x 0 1 x

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

x x x 0 1 1 x x 0 0 0 x

x x x 1 0 0 x x 0 0 0 x

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

ready dec inc cmp ready full full dec ready reset ready reset

❏ There are six states: need (at least) 3 state bits ❏ States are assigned ‘numbers’ (binary codes) ❍ e.g. 000 for ‘ready’ ❍ choice is arbitrary, but … ❏ Choice may make output derivation easier ❏ Some legitimate codes may be unused ❏ Outputs may be derived from current state

(xxxx is used as shorthand for ‘any state’)

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 18

State Assignment Assigning binary codes (numbers) to states is an arbitrary process, but sensible choice can make the logic simpler. Even if the gate-level logic is generated automatically using CAD tools (more on this later) a sensible choice can make the logic simpler and, probably, therefore smaller, faster and lower power. The first and only essential rule is that there must be enough bits to code for all the states. Remember ‘N’ bits can code for up to 2N states: with this six state machine 2 bits are insufficient, 3 bits will suffice. (More bits could be used; sometimes this is justifiable for later simplifications but we will not investigate that here.) Note that there is some freedom in deciding what some outputs are. If we don’t care about the datapath output in some state it doesn’t matter what it evaluates to. We only care if we are latching the output (‘ce’ is ‘true’) or the ‘Z’ flag needs to be evaluated. Can any of the state bits also be used as outputs? i.e. are any of the outputs ‘true’ for half of the states (or about half if not all the states are used)? In this case, yes; there is enough freedom in outputs like ‘sel’ to choose patterns which obey this for the ‘don’t care (x) states. ‘ce’ is another ‘obvious’ candidate although be careful reading the slide because, for example, ‘ce’ can be ‘0’ in the ‘inc’ state if the ‘reset’ input is asserted. However this can still help a bit; we’ll ignore ‘reset’ for a moment. We can repeat this process of subdivision into halves if other outputs have the same property and are orthogonal – i.e. they divide our previous ‘halves; independently.

Unused states In an example like this, three bits specify one of six states. Two states are unused and should never occur.

This needs an example. Consider the two outputs ‘ce’ and ‘add’: state



state coding

























The state codings have been chosen so that their first two bits can be used as the two chosen outputs (except for the reset case we were ignoring). Note that the state codings are all unique. Let’s call the state bits ‘state<2:0>’ ce = state<2> . reset add = state<1> The other outputs are not difficult to derive, now: sel = state<2> full = state<2> . state<1> . reset donein = state<2> . state<0> . reset doneout = state<2> . state<1> . reset [We remembered the reset input again!]

It is normally good practice to ensure that, if these states are encountered, they return to a defined state as soon as feasible. More on this topic later.

The next state bits can also be derived in a similar fashion. However this is an illustration – let’s not get too deep into hand-designed logic here.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

The Final Implementation

(e.g. 10-bit datapath) ❏ 6 x 5 x 5 = 150 states ❏ 7 inputs, 5 outputs ❏ 19 flip-flops ❏ ~150 gates

COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 19

The RTL Design Process RTL Design Summary

Testing How do we go about testing the design fully?

❏ Understand the problem!

Especially tricky (and a common source of design errors): how do we check that the system will reset from every possible state after power up?

❏ Produce a specification; maybe sketch a state diagram; determine the interfaces.

Can we test the behaviour with every possible combination of values of the total register, the state register and the external inputs? Is this necessary?

❏ If necessary and appropriate, partition the design to simplify the problem. ❏ Identify the flows of data; sketch an RTL datapath; list the control signals. ❏ If it helps, draw timing diagrams. ❏ Formalise the state diagram; verify that the specification is fulfilled. ❏ Design the FSM that drives the control signals (process described earlier). ❏ Test!

Unused states In an example like this, three bits specify one of six states. Two states are unused and should never occur. It is normally good practice to ensure that, if these states are encountered, they return to a defined state as soon as feasible. More on this topic later.

Clocking In this example the clock has been neglected. For such a system the clock speed is of little relevance, as long as it is sufficiently fast that the users notice no lag (“latency”). Thus even a clock speed of, say, 1kHz would be far faster than would be required; the system will spend almost all its time idling in the ‘ready’ state. In a ‘real’ system (such as a microprocessor) it is usually desirable to be able to clock the system as fast as possible. The maximum clock speed is determined by the propagation delay of the circuit. Of particular significance is the critical path – the longest (in time) propagation delay from one clock to the next. It is sometimes hard to identify the critical path, but CAD tools exist to help. A possibility in this design would be the time from the state register, through the multiplexer select, arithmetic unit, zero detector and back to the state register via the ‘Z’ bit and the FSM logic. Microprocessor designers spend considerable effort identifying and shortening such paths in order to make faster machines. Fortunately this is not part of this course.

University of Manchester

School of Computer Science

RTL Conclusions We have seen how digital systems can be designed by splitting the functionality up into appropriate areas and using different approaches for the different areas: ❏ Controller ❍ FSMs give a good representation of the flow of control in, and the behaviour of, a system ❍ state assignment can be arbitrary, but intelligent choice can simplify logic design ❍ the FSM can be combined with the state assignment in a state transition table ❍ logic equations can be read directly from the state transition table ❏ Datapath ❍ RTL modelling represents the movement of data around a system where the data has a limited influence on the flow of control ❏ System ❍ the two approaches blend conveniently by connecting the RTL register and functional control lines as FSM outputs, and using the results of data operations (e.g. compares) as FSM inputs This will be applied later in COMP10211 to the design of a general purpose processor for a computer. COMP10211 – The Underlying Machine


Slide 20

RTL Conclusions

Computer Processor Architecture

Although it would be very unusual to design a real car park controller in this way (it is cheaper and more flexible to use a microcontroller) this design has all the elements of a real processing machine such as a computer processor. Although a processor is a more complex problem – as will be seen shortly – the design flow is the same.

This example design contains all the elements used when producing a computer processor. A processor will be more complicated than this but, as we shall see, need not be much more complex to be able to run real programmes.

Exercise Estimate the number of logic gates in the car park controller as a function of the width of the datapath part of the design. ❏ which part of the design (RTL or FSM) dominates the gate count? ❏ which part of the design (RTL or FSM) dominates the design effort?

A processor will include: ❏ A datapath, with ❍ the user’s registers ❍ some processing logic –e.g. an adder/subtractor or ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit) ❍ interfaces to memory for loading and storing ❏ A controller, which ❍ causes the datapath to fetch instructions ❍ receives and decodes these instructions ❍ causes the datapath to obey the instructions ❏ Some input and output, such as ❍ reset – to get things started in a defined place ❍ interrupts – which are not discussed in this course

Differences ❏ One (major) difference is the addition of a memory for storing more values outside the Central Processing Unit (CPU). ❏ One (minor) difference here is that most of the Input and Output (I/O) is dealt with as part of the memory; this allows the programmer access in software. More later …

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