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  • Words: 4,949
  • Pages: 28




Idsaansuniui c++Zuiisiu%ua"num:nis~un%44sn"$u Imvni~i c++aciuisoa~is4sn"$u16 .uinn
2. flsn~u~%~fPlinum (User-Define Function)

1. ds6%duin-b9iw (Standard Libraries Function)

a8unirl~siu~sn"$u~0sniui c++i 1 6 Q n f i ~ n u m l i ~ l # 3 ~ ~ $l a. ~ui ~~ ~a n?" $ ~ i 1 4iiulnnlnu ~

T ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ I P I ~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ~$d1;~~.6f " $ ~ C ~ I U ~ ~ ! ~ ~ - ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ctype.h or cctype J~pGpd?z-baun"nr namespace std int isalnum (int Character); a8uBsn"$unismsaoa~u~aGn~s:.dia$u6aaa"unio isalnum('aJ) value > 0 ex: ~aCnusFmuo:aisii~ua3u~aaavBinina$ugaaavn%


ii'~Gnpr.ioG~Al~1~jl$ o ~~a:w1n~ducn'atus:6uo:1661

6dI.J0 int isalpha ( int character); ex: isalpha('aJ) value > 0


int isdigit ( int character); isdigit('9') value > 0 ex:



I M I ~ A ~ u ~ ~ G ~ Mo~ o : z M ~ I ~ ala:ninIBj~$u~aGnuso:1Xi1~8uo dsiiZua3~63aav~


aisdii%Gh.G'aaav K i w i n a $ u ~ a ~ a v o : ~ u i i ~ l i % o$ aaa:~inI~a~u~aaavo:I6Aia~u o

int islower ( int character); islower('ar) value > 0 ex:


a~~dYsn"~pdnisms~o~oucm"a~nvs:iia~u~aCnus~dn 1mao:dsAi~uadu~aaav $iw1na3uKaGn~sadno:Ru ii$?d$Oaaa:nin?~~8u~a~nusadno:~&~ia~u 0

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int isspace ( int character); ex: isspace(' ') value > 0


aiaz~inlai~Suiosiisoz1Xdii~u O int isupper ( int character); ex: isupper('D') 3 value > 0


int tolower (int Character); toIower('a') 3 'A' ex:

iguRsn"~urnsidas6a5n~lslw$i8u6a~np1sidn TRU

F~uozai~d1dwi8~6aam biwinigu6adnpIs%w$~zdu


int toupper (int Character); toupper('A1) 'a' ex:






nnnnaod 5-1 m~~$~iufianaununaonvsz~au Library ctype #include #include <string> using namespace std; int main ( )

I char Ch; string Message; cout << "Enter character : "; cin >> Ch; cout << endl; if (isalnum(Ch)) { if (isalpha(Ch)) ( if (islower(Ch)) Message = "lower character."; else Message = "upper character."; 1 else if (isdigit(Ch)) Message = "digit."; 1 else Message = "special character."; cout << "\"' << Ch << "\"' << " is " << Message << endl; if (isalpha(Ch)) { if (islower(Ch)) { cout << "\'" << Ch << "\'" << " convert to upper \ ' " ; cout << (char)toupper (Ch) << " \ "'; 1 else ( cout << " \ ' " << Ch << " \ ' " << " to lower \ ' cout << (char)tolower (Ch) << " \ ' "; 1 cout << endl; 1 return (0); 'I;



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Stdlib Library (std1ib.h or cstdlib) do~3J"od?n"~auzu namespace std

I double



atof ( const char *string) ; atof("45.6") 45.6


1 int


atoi ( const char *string) ; ex: atof("30) 30


I 18uJs6$unisudaadi$onaiu1~u6;1"a~avwa~~ ~utudsdiI ~ua8~6;1"a~avq/la6u~~~b3~'~1 double


I ~8uJsn"~unis~~nlasdi$ona1ua8u6;1"a~avBiuau1G~~ Fmer I

I I l8u~la6~umrlbdasd1$8nai~~b8u6;1"a1av41uaub~u TRU 1 risdi$u~8usi?mv~iuaub~u1~~1~1 I dsdifiu~8~6;1"~~avBiuauai~~ int


long int atol( const char *string) ; ex: ato1("100000) 100000


int rand ( void) ; ex: rand () 3 ?

long int

18u~sn"$unirrja~16;1"a~av%u~aa 0 to RAND-MAX,

Fmuf~diseed %uni~niis6;1"aaavrju$o 1 dmerriadifiub8u 6a~avBiuau~~u~bp1~1 int

void srand (unsigned int Seed ) ; ex: srand (100 ) value > 0

~8u~sn"biunisfiinumdi Seed ~so~18udi~o:%~%uni3

int abs (int x) ; ex: abs (55) or abs (-55) 3 55

18uJs6$umsmdi~u~sdvo~di x inerdsd,n"uflu

i=-jn4i?mvvosJ.m6$u rand

nismnaes$5-2 nis~~siod~s&'pd"bpd Library cstdlib #include #include <string> using namespace std;

int main ( ) {

int IntValue; long Longvalue; float Floatvalue; string StrValue; cout << "Enter string number :


Page 3 of 28

cin >> StrValue; / / convert string to numeric IntValue = atoi(StrVa1ue.c str()); LongValue = at01 (StrVa1ue.c str ( ) ) ; Floatvalue = atof (str~a1ue.c -str ( ) ) ; tout << endl; cout << "Convert String to Numeric.\nW; COUt << cout << "Convert to integer = " << IntValue << endl; cout << "Convert to long = " << LongValue << endl; cout << "Convert to float = " << FloatValue << end1 << endl; / / init seed value to ranom srand(IntVa1ue); cout << "Now random integer number 10 number:" << endl; COUt << . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . << endl; for( int N = 1, Num ; N <= 10 ; N++) { Num = rand() % 10; cout << Num << " "; 1 cout << endl; return (0); ll**************************\n~l.


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Math Library (math-hor cmath) double ceil (double x) ex: ceil (54.3) 55.0

~3uYs6~unisniii6a~av~wmiu~1uu~sii x %mu

double floor (double x) ex: floor (54.3) 54.0

~ ~ u ~ s 6 ~ u n i s ~ i i i 6 a 1 a u t w m i u ~xi s%mu vosii

double sqrt (double x) ex: sqrt ( 4 ) 2.0

t 3 u ~ s 6 ~ u n i s w i ~ i s 1 n ~ f l o a vxo Fmodsii s~i

double exp (double x) 7.389056 ex: exp (2)

~3uYa6iumrnii-1 exponential v o s h x &?(I






dsdi~ut~u6alavwaGuu ~ul8uKalauwaGuuFW$I x >= o giu e, Fnud e 8 i i 2.718282 Fnudsiin"ul$u 6a~avwaGuu

double fabs (double x) ex: fabs (78.5) or fabs (-78.5) -3 78.5

~~uYs6~unisrniidu~sdvo~ii x Imudsii8u

double log (double x) ex: log (10) -3 2.302585

1guls6iunismnatural logarithm uosdi x

double log10 (double x) ex: log10 (10) -3 1.0

i?!u~s6~urnmiiilogarithm giuzuuosdi x

double pow (double x, double y) ex: pow ( 5 , 3 ) 125.0

1?Ju4.r6~umswiiiun~ia's 4 s x i?Juiigiuaa::





y i?Ju6a$fiia'sFmisidutauhlaunaGuu

double sin (double x) ex: sin (0) 1

13u~t6iumsmdi sin uosii x , ?RUG x d u

double cos (double x) ex: cos (0) -3 1

~3uls6~unirniii cosine uosn'i x


41 radians FmuaisiiGu~~laKa~auwaGu~~

131.4 radians

L ~ U x~ I

, TRU$ x



double tan (double x) ex: tan (0) 0


i$u4s6$unis~iditangent uotdi x ,1muwA x L ~ U x~ L I ~ radians U


waGuu m?jwneesi5-3 n i ? j ~ ~ s i ~ f i s d ~ Library o d ~ o d cmath #include #include


using namespace std;

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double Value; '


cout << "Enter floating number : "; cin >> Value; cout << endl; cout << "\nCeiling of " << Value << " is " << ceil(Va1ue); cout << "\nFloor of " << Value << " is " << floor(Va1ue); cout << "\nSquare root of " << Value << " is " <<sqrt(Value); cout << "\nExponential of " << Value << " is " << exp(Va1ue); cout << "\nFloating absolute of " << Value << " is "; cout << fabs(Va1ue); cout << "\nNatural logarithm of " << Value << " is "; cout << log (Value); cout << "\nLogarithm(lO base) of " << Value << " is "; cout << log10 (Value); cout << "\nPower three of " << Value << " is "; cout << pow (Value,3) ; cout << "\nSin of " << Value << " is " << sin(Va1ue); cout << "\nCosine of " << Value << " is " << cos(Va1ue); cout << "\nTangent of " << Value << " is " << tan(Va1ue); cout << endl; return (0);

662304 - 05

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String Library (string.h or cstring) char *strcat ( char *Stringl, const char "String2); ex: strcat("Funct", "ions") "Functions"


char *strchr ( const char *String2 int character); ex: strchr("Funct", 'n') "nct"


int strcmp ( const "Stringl, const char *String2); ex: strcmp("TurboC","TurboC") 0


char *strcpy ( char *Stringl, const char *String2); ex: strcpy(str,"STRINGS") "STRINGS'


size-t strlen ( const char *String ); ex: strlen ("WRITE) 5


char *strncat(char*Stringl,const char *String2,sizze-t n); ex: stmcat ("Micro", "software",4) "Microsoft"


int strncmp (const *Stringl,const char *String2,size-t n); ex: stmcmp ("TurboC", "Turboc",4) 0


char *strncpy(char*Stringl,const char *String2,size-t n); ex: stmcpy ( str, "WRTIER,5) "WRITE


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msnnns-ri5-4 rn~l~~ub&ul:ulu Library cshing #include #include <string> #include using namespace std;


int main ( )

I char Str1[30], Str2 [30]; cout << "Enter string 1 : "; cin >> Strl; cout << "Enter string 2 : "; cin >> Str2; cout << endl; cout << "strcat(Strl,Str2) = " << strcat( Strl, Str2); cout << endl; cout << "strchr(Strl,'sl) = " << strchr( Strl, Is1) << endl; cout << "strcmp(Strl,Str2) = " << strcmp( Strl, Str2); cout << endl; cout << "strcpy(Strl,Str2) = " << strcpy( Strl, Str2); cout << endl; cout << "strlen(Str1) = " << strlen( Strl) << endl; cout << "strlen(Str2) = " << strlen( Str2) << endl; cout << "String 1 : " << Strl << endl; cout << "String 1 reverse : " ; for(int N = strlen( Strl) - 1 ; N >= 0 ; N--) cout << Strl [N]; cout << end1 << endl; return (0);

Page 8 of 28

IOMANIP Library (iomanip) [setw(int w)

I 1Sunirfi1numnaiun~1s~~s3onai%~~0:ii~msm1%~~1u~s w


Cmwaa'wsIn~m4iu%4iaun's~4sn"&u setw


Cmwaaa'wti%n~muai d 9I~iauEu4sn"~ setw u


iaamsdiuauo~~i$uiaujmw~sd"uu 6 wgn dmu%ha6 ibu 123.4 o r





1 showpoint 1 noshowpoint

I uniFinniriam show~oint


1 skipws 1 noskipws

I unt~n6aGnurr$i!hWhiteSpace ~uuorr?u$oya I fiinum~a~nurzdtguWhitespace luumr?ubbyn

showpos noshowpos

uniEnnirtan showpos


IGauiiuiiddn oct n?o hex i ~ o t m ~ t w a a " w & ~ u ~ a uibu ~iudi~~

1 noshowbase

1 boolalpha I no boolalpha

662304 - 05

I uni~nnirianshowbase


I tinsn'iyalu Kiaf.n$u true n?on'iii;oillu false I uniiinmrian boolalpha

Page 9 of 28

#include #include #include using namespace std; int main ( )

I float Raduis, Angle; const int WIDTH = 9; cout << "t" << setfill('=') << setw(44) << "t" << endl; cout << " : Angle : Sine : Cosine : Tangent : " << endl; cout << "t" << setfill('=') << setw(44) << "+" << endl; cout << setfill ( ' ' ) ; for (Angle = 0.0 ; Angle <= 360.0 ; Angle += 20) ( Raduis = (Angle > 0.0) ? (180.0f*3.14f)/Angle : 0.0; cout << " : " << setw(W1DTH) << fixed << setprecision(2) cout << Angle; cout << " : " << setw(W1DTH) << setprecision(4) << sin(Raduis); cout << " : " << setw(W1DTH) << cos(Raduis); cout << " : " << setw(W1DTH) << tan(Raduis); cout << " : " << endl; 1 cout << "+" << setfill('=') << setw(44) << "t" << endl; return (0); 1

#include #include using namespace std; int main ( ) {

tout << !' Decimal : Octal : Hexa " << endl; cout << setfill << setw(30) << "-" << endl; cout << setfill(' ' ) << showbase; for(int Dec = 0 ; Dec <= 400; Dec += 50 ) { cout << " " << right << setw (7) << setbase(lO)<< Dec << " : cout << right << setw (7) << setbase (8) << Dec << " : "; cout << left << setw(7) << setbase(l6) << Dec << endl; 1 return (0); ( I - ' )

I Page 10 of 28


2. fi~nd%d~%il~foan (User-Define Function) d w 2 d w d lumw C++ mlnsoahs4snauuua1l~s1u~~s~~a~4snaun!6~iana1a6osn1s T~uQy.Juuu Y



Function header Function body

+ +

data-type Function Name (type var1,type var2,. ..)

I variable declaration; statements; return(va1ue);

Cofii~umnisl~Ysn"$u dw



Ysnclru~arfiso:d3:nou&au 2 daun"oFunction header ua: Function body


Tau Function header dsznau&?odata-type, a function name, a parameter declaration 6@110%16( )


IRU Function body dr:nouhu~iksmuiC++ odmulu { )

- l u Function body bsjimsl~itf'sreturn duondspnoun'iot~nni~~isiu i~arl4iiks return 1~saisdiw6sna'~ro1nnisdunl44sn"~u -



div?u Function header o:~~u6aunisfiinumdsz~n~uosniwPilosnis~sn~ua1~os~sn"~u

n1n~nifiiwumdsz~nw!?~~~o~14sn"~udsd1nGut~u~a~au~1uawt~u(int) la(m L L ~ ' & I ! ~ dw


6 ~ ~ ~ l ~ % ~ ~ ~ n " $ ~ ~ ~void i Sfilnum!? d ~ ~ Ll~ ~o uas n" ~~l ~~~ n~' l 6l u ~u ~~n i%~ ~~ 9~j i nli sk ~ dsdin~u(!niijrns%~iiks return)

662304 - 0 5

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61th return OZI~IWGI~2 ~ 6 1 4ZB ~3uni~u0nii0uni~p;i1aiu"u0~4an"~pd iiaz ~ ~ S n i r d a ~ i i


nriuoinmrSun'l( Tnu argument aoaii& return muirnl3u expression 1A Kaoeiia



int Feet2MeterO


void main()

/* /*

char findchar ( str, ch)

*/ 4an"kud~diniiua~n integer */ 1lilnird.tri1ln~n ~ u i u l ~ os d */ dsdintYuigu6a6nur 1$3 */ g~PiinSui8uinteger

1* A



User-define Function for calculate value of power by two int square( int n) { return( n * n );


2.1 nim.kernflddnd$~(Function Prototype)

int FunctionName void main() C int v;







/ * function


FunctionName( variable


int FunctionName( data-type variable {


/ * calling )/*


function * /

Definition Function*/


I #include int square( int ) ; int main ( ) t int x; while ( x <= 10) { printf("%d\n" x = x + l ;


function prototype


, square(x)); / * calling function * /

I return ( 0) ;

I int


square (int



Definition Function


return ( n * n) ;

I 662304 - 05

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#include u s i n g namespace s t d ; f l o a t CalArea ( ) ; i n t main ( )

I f l o a t Area; c o u t << "Progrsm C a l c u l a t e Area o f C i r c l e . " << e n d l ; Area = C a l A r e a O ; c o u t << "Area o f c i r c l e : " << Area << e n d l ; return ( 0 );

1 f l o a t CalArea ( )

I f l o a t R a d i u s , Area; c o u t << " I n p u t r a d i u s : "; c i n >> R a d i u s ; Area = 3 . 1 4 f * R a d i u s * R a d i u s ; r e t u r n ( A r e a );


2.2 2daauumsaisiiwd~szwi~s~sn"tw

1um~imrl~uu1ds~1ns%16a"1.d~:~~~n~sds~1~~iru"0~a1Xn"u~sn"~u~1Gsiu 2 lluu $8 1 ) Pass by Value 19umroian'iuoaain~a11d~ iiwod n4od1n.r~lfln'u~sn"%u~~ndunI4siu I~uiiuoso~nGa


U output


int (


swap( int a, int b) return;


662304 - 05

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2) Pass by Reference Y

~ ~ u n i s ~ i ~ n ' ~ u o a h ~ ~ p l ~ l ~ n " ~ ~ ~ a n~mudiuoa~~lanls~aialX~uot "Gu$~nd~n~~~iu

input/ output




int {





I #include using namespace std; int Min (int V1, int V2) ; int Max (int V1, int V2) ; int main ( ) {

int Valuel, Value2; eout << "Enter first number : "; cin >> Valuel; tout! << "Enter second number : "; cin >> Value2; cout << "Max value cout << "Min value return (0);

: :

" << Max (Valuel,Value2) << endl; " << Min(Valuel,Value2) << endl;

1 int Min (int V1, int V2) {

if (V1 < V2 ) return (Vl); else return (V2);

1 int Max (int V1, int V2) {

if (V1 > V2) return (Vl); else return (V2); ,


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#include using namespace std; void Sort3 (int &V1, int &V2, int &V3); int main ( ) {

int Valuel, Value2,Value3; cout << "Enter three integer number : "; cin >> Valuel >> Value2 >> Value3; int Output1,0utput2,0utput3; Outputl = Valuel; Output2 = Value2; Output3 = Value3; Sort3(0utput1,0utput2,0utput3); cout << Valuel << " " << Value2 << l1 l1 << Value3 ; cout << " in sorted order is " ; cout << Outputl << l1 " << Output2 << " " << Output3 << endl; return (0);

I void Sort3(int &V1, int &V2, int &V3)

I int tmp; if (Vl > V2) { trnp = V1; Vl = v2; V2 = tmp;


if (Vl > V3) { trnp = V1; Vl = v3; V3 = tmp;

I if (V2 > V3) { trnp = V2; v2 = v3; V3 = tmp;


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#include #include <string> using namespace std; void ChangeString(string &S1, string &S2); int main ( )

I string Strl, Str2; cout << "Enter first string : "; cin >> Strl; cout << "Enter second string : "; cin >> Str2; cout << "Data string before call function.\nV; cout << "Strl = " << Strl << endl; cout << "Str2 = " << Str2 << endl; ChangeString (Strl, Str2); cout << "Data string after call function.\nn; cout << "Strl = " << Strl << endl; cout << "Str2 = " << Str2 << endl; ChangeString (Strl, Str2); cout << "Data string after cal function.\nW; cout << "Strl = " << Strl << endl; cout << "Str2 = " << Str2 << endl; return (0);

I void ChangeString(string &S1, string &S2) {

string Temp; Temp = S1; S1 = S2; S2 = Temp;


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2.3 "usu!"un$3aads(Scope of Variables)

d1n?u6~~sds%uni~111d~nisp;ii~iu ~~Eisoonlgu 2 ?rGa so 1. Global Variable ~~uhud~daiuisn~ild tl~6Guuo.r~s~mrutu l~~lu~n~ ~aomsdszniao:fii~ua~a"mda4d6Gu main() Y

2. Local Variable

Faunisdszmaozo~niu~uuo~~1~a:A~6Gu ilguoulu~6a~lds 2 "

d s ,

I. h ~ d r o z d r z m n u u f t l friou$oddnnglu i statement

#include int x, y; char ch, name[40]; void main()

I int

a, b;

1 int

funcl( int



I char c; float f;

I char func2





I int c, x; char name;


msniiiunKia'9oin y

= xn


x, int


I float while

total=l; n > 0 ) total *= x; (



1 return (total);

1 oin y


i ~ u ~ ~ ~ i ~ l s d n i u i s Asn"%u~ds:nia~ad~pi~~u n~~~~~wiz~u




(n In


float powern(f1oat x, int n)

I if (n < 1 ) return (1); else return (exp(nxlog(x)));

1 Page 17 of 28

#include using namespace std; void a (void); void b (void); void c (void); int x = 1; int main ( )


int x = 5; / * lscal variable to main */ cout << "local x in outer scope of main is " << x << endl;

I int x = 7; cout << "local x in inner scope of main is " << x; cout << endl;

I cout << "local x in outer scope of main is " << x << end1 a(); / * a h . 3 ~automatic local x * / b() ; / * b has static local x */ c() ; /* c uses global x */ a(); / * a reinitialize automatic local x */ b 0 ; /* static local x retains its previous value * / c(); / * global x also retains its value */ cout << "local x in main " << x << endl; return (0);


I void

a( )

I int x = 25; / * initialzed each time is called * / cout << "\nlocal x is " << x << " on entering a()"; ++x ; cout << "\nlocal x is " << x << " before exiting a()\nW;

I void


I static int x = 50; / * static initializations only */ cout << "\nlocal static x is " << x << " on entering b o w ; ++X ; cout << "\nlocal static x is " << x; cout << " before exiting b()\n" << endl;

1 void


I cout << "\nglobal x is " << x << " on entering c o n ; x += 10; cout << "\nglobal x is " << x << " before exiting c()\nW;

I 662304 - 05

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2.4 rn=ia~iddd6$'~lsuu Constant Parameters

void Example(const int a, int b, int c) { / / legal assignment b = a + 3; //illegal assignment a = c + 5;


#include #include <string> using namespace std; void ParseName(string &FirstName,string CLastName, const string FullName); int main



string Name = "Stroustrup, Bjarne"; string LastName, FirstName; p~

Page 19 of 28

ParseName(FirstNameILastName); Name = FirstName + " " + LastName; cout << "Name : " << Name << endl; return (0);

1 void ParseName(string &FirstName,string &LastName, const string FullName)

I int I = FullName.find(","); LastName = FullName.substr (0,I); FirstName = Fu11Name.substr(1+2,Fu11Name.size()); 1 3J'uw"neraniswmaos

2.5 n1sarfilafisn~k~an.w Default Parameters d


i ~ u n i ~ ~ i n u m ~ i ~ a s w i ~ i ~ ~ m o ~ l n n u ~ s n " ~ u ~ m i~uu?nj!,"fiiwum o~m~up~"~lun~~~~ni wisiG~mai't=?iw?u%m~fiinum~i default 1~

f(int x


7, int y



/ / prototype for f

f (5, 10); / / legal call; f (20); f0;

#include #include <string> using namespace std; int Sumrnation(int StartNumber=l ,int EndNumber=lO); int main ( )

I int Start, End; cout << "Enter start number cin >> Start; cout << "Enter end number : cin >> End; 662304 - 05

: "; ";

Page 20 of 28

cout << endl; cout << "Summation of Number " << Start << " to " << End; cout << " = " << Summation(Start,End) << endl; cout << "Summation of Number " << 5 << " to " << 10; cout << " = " << Summation(5) << endl; cout << "Summation of Number " << 1 << " to " << 10; cout << " = " << Summation() << endl; return (0);

1 int Sumrnation(int StartNumber, int EndNumber)

I long Sum = 0; for(int N = StartNumber Sum += N; return Sum;


N < EndNumber




2.6 ona?ldl~b6k~!1uu Overloading d


dn~nisar$i94sn"~uo:&os~~o~snvuw!i~in'pd m~ounis$i~i~duo~Ka~~ds i~d%uni~li C++ A

9 9 9, 9,





mmsolnel.aarri~4~n"$u~~~o~~n"$u~~uan'upJinninum ~mtlii~oulunonoiuau~iw~si~i~ilo~ni

aPiin"Pd ~io~trW"muos~isiG~m~~m"o~~5unua:vtrW"m L$U void t

Swap(f1oat &x, float &y)

float Area (float R)

I int tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;

return (R*R*3.14); 1

1 void

Swap(int &x, int & y )

float Area (float L, float W )


I float tmp x = y; y = tmp;


return (L*W)




1 Page 21 of 28

#include #include <string> #include using namespace std; / / Define prototype function void DisplayMenu ( ) ; float Area(const float Radius); float Area(const float Length, const float Widht); int main ( ) t char Choice; boo1 Flag = true; 40 t DisplayMenu ( ) ; cin >> Choice; if (Choice == '1') { float Radius; cout << "\nEnter radius : "; cin >> Radius; cout << "Area of Circle = " << fixed; cout << setprecision(2) << Area(Radius) << endl; 1 else if (Choice == '2') { float Length,Widht; cout << "Enter length and width : "; cin >> Length >> Widht; cout << "Area of Rectangle = " << fixed; cout << setprecision(2) << Area(Length,Widht); cout << endl; 1 else if (Choice == '3') Flag = false; else { cout << "\nYou choose out of range is "; cout << "not process.\n"; 1 ) while (Flag); cout << "\n . . . Exit Program . . .\n"; return ( 0 ) ; 1 float Area(const float Radius) t return(3.14159F * Radius * Radius); 1 float Area(const float Length, const float Widht)


return(Length * Widht);

1 Page 22 of 28

v o i d DisplayMenu ( )

I cout cout cout cout cout cout

<< << << << << <<

endl; " P r o g r a m C a l c u l a t e Area " << e n d l ; " 1. C l r c l e " << e n d l ; " 2 . R e c t a n g l e " << e n d l ; " 3 . E x i t " << e n d l ; " E n t e r y o u r c h o o s e number: ";


d u


2.3 fl~n%troda%ungaa@s (Recursion Function)

aYiulsn"~u~auRun6aaod ~ n e i i i w u m ~ f i i i s i u.lrr~luadou!udtilwumaa" h~


d&srnsJiwarini~lA~ouw~i~uilGsiu 1mebsdo~riuil~idJi!pll4Aao msl8uu Function Recursive Lwdo13uoiru6il~wi86oulu 2 o61.r $8

1. b~~iln~n~8uuiladrnlfio~l~~d~~irrisndun~aaos

2. ~os~6ou!ud~wfu~p1nis~isiuuos~sn".ir"pd 6aoiis nisw161 Factorial uss6alau n!

14 LOOP long


~ ! = I x ~ x ~ ... x x ~n x ~ x

a e ~ 6 I u ~ r l u s s w a ~ s ~ a e f i ufac = fac x n f a c t o r i a l ( i n t n)

t long fac=l; f o r ( i n t x = 1; x <= n; x++ ) return (fac);

f a c *= x;

1 662304 - 05

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%$Recursion Function e:l&


n! = 1x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x ... x n

dou'lu (1)

n! = n x (n-l)!

long int factorial (int n) { if ( n > 1) return(n * factorial(n-1)); else return (1);

1 n i n K i ~ u afac = factorial (5)


= 5!

Variables (n)

#include using namespace std; unsigned long Factoriall(int Number); unsigned long Factorial2 (int Number) ; int main ( )

I int Value; cout << "Enter integer number(0-20) : cin >> Value;


unsigned long Fac; Fac = Factoriall (Value); cout << "Factoriall of " << Value << " is cout << Fac << endl; Fac = Factorial2 (Value); cout << "Factoriall of " << Value << " is cout << Fac << endl; return (0);




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/ / This function use loop unsigned long Factoriall(int Number) I unsigned long Fac = 1; for ( int N = 1 ; N <= Number ; N++) Fac *= N; return (Fac); 1 / / This function use recursion function unsigned long FactorialZ(int Number) t unsigned long Fac = 1; if (Number > 1) return(Number * Factorial2(Number - 1)) ; else return (1); }

#include #include using namespace std; void UpperStr (char temp [80]) ; int MaxInt (int Vall, int Va12) ; void Swap(int &a,int &b) ; int main ( ) t char Name[80]; int N1, N2; cout << "Enter two number(n1 122): "; cin >> N1 >> N2; cout << "Enter string : "; cin >> Name; cout << endl; cout << "\n Before call function..."; 662304 - 05

Page 25 of 28

cout << "\n nl = " << N1 << ", n2 = " << N2; cout << ", string = " << Name; C O U ~<< "\n Max value of nl & n2 = " << MaxInt(NlrN2); cout << "\n Press key to call function..."; getchar0 ; swap(N1, N2) ; UpperStr (Name); cout << "\n After call function..."; cout << "\n nl = " << N1 << ", n2 = " << N2; cout << ", string = " << Name << endl; return (0);

I int MaxInt(int Vall, int Va12) t return ( (Vall > Va12)? Vall 1


~ a 1 2 );

void Swap (int &a, int &b)

I int tmp; tmp = a;







I void UpperStr( char Str[80])


if (strlen(Str) > 0) for( int index = 0 ; index < strlen(Str) ; index++) Str [index] = toupper (Str[index]) ;

#include #include #include using namespace std; int NumCmp (int vl, int v2) ;

int main ( )

I int val,num,count boo1 flag = true;



cout << "This game for guess numberic . . . \nl'; cout << "Now random number from system\nn; srand( (unsigned int) time(0)); val = (rand() % 100) + 1; do I tout << "Enter number : "; cin >> num; count++; switch ( NumCmp(va1,num) )

I case

1 :

cout << "Your number less than\nW; break; case -1 : cout << "Your number more than\nl';break; case 0 : cout << "\nYour win,match random number "; cout << val << endl; cout << "YOU used " << count << " times\nW; flag = false; brea k;

1 while (flag); . return ( 0 ) ; }

1 int NumCmp (int vl, int v2)


if (vl > v2) return (1); / * more than retrun 1 * / else if (vl < v2) return(-1); / * less than retrun -1 * / else return (0); / * equal retrun 0 * /

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(sin x)2 x (cosx)2

3. a ~ ~ l ° l u o ~ d ~ d s a ~ n s u w s a o a r ~ u ~ a ~ a % ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ alnonf1.~3w@s6~u ~ a % d i u a u ~ w wCheckprime iz~~o~~ ~





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Boolean ~ B ~ $$ohh?u ~ ~ ~ S ~ V ~ ~ J L ~ I X ~ L ~ W

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