Unit 7

  • October 2019
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UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Reading Period : 38 ( five periods 38- 42) • Objectives: Students read the programmers on TV to get information. Students learn new words through guessing meanings, answering questions... • Method: Communicative Approach *Teaching Aids: posters, cards • Procedure: TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES I/ Class stabilization: 1. Checking attendance 2. Check up IF Warm-up: Game: Guessing Words - prepares 6 small pieces of paper on which there are 6 words relating to mass media. - The class is divided into 2 groups. Each group has a representative standing in front of the class. Each representative takes 3 pieces of paper in random and explains the words by his/her own words. His/ Her group has to guess the word within 10 seconds. If this group can't, the other can give their answer to get one mark. - asks sts to arrange the underlined letters to make a meaningful word relating to these six words.

- writes these words on the board and underlines some chosen letters. 1) COMPUTER 2) MOBILE PHONE 3) TELEVISION 4) RADIO 5) NEWSPAPER 6) MAGAZINE -> MASS MEDIA - group work - play the game - look at the board

III/ Before you read: - answer the questions • Task 1: Questions + What do you often do in your free time? + Do you often watch TV? If yes, when? + How many hours per week do you watch TV? + How many channels are there on our national TV? + Which programmers do you like most? * Task 2: Matching

Suggested answers. l. b 2.c 3.e 4.a 5.d - work in pairs - match the words in column A with the correspondent programmers in column B

IV/ While you read: - plays the cassette tape 1 Task 1: Matching Suggested answers: 1. Cartoon: a film made by photographing a series of changing drawings. 2. Drama: a play for the theatre, television or radio. 3. Comedy: A film or a play that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending. 4. Documentary: A film or a television programme giving facts about something. - asks sts not to look at the textbooks when they give the meanings of the words in the left column again.

- open the books, listen to the cassette tape and read in silence - work individually and match each word in the left column with its correspondent meaning in the right column. - individual work - individual work - group work - the class is divided into 2 groups. Sts will have 6 questions to answer and a lucky number. Student in each group in turn chooses a number. The group will receive 1 mark if its members have a right answer or a lucky number. The group having more marks will be the winner.

Task 2: True- False Statements - first, asks sts to work individually and then work in groups of four Suggested answers: 1. T. 2.T 3. F The Nature of Language is the documentary programme at 15:15 on VTV3. 4.T 5. F VTV1 starts at 5:35 and the last programme starts at 23:30. Task 3:Comprehension Questions -Lucky Number - explains the rule of the game Suggested answers: 1. Five films are on. 2.At 9:00 a.m 12:00, 7:00 p.m. on VTV 1 and 7:00 p.m. on VTV3. 3. VTV2. 4. The Quiz Show. 5. You should watch VTV1 1. 6. Football. V/ After you read: Discussion - group work - divides class into 6 groups. Each group chooses one from three following topics to discuss: 1. Which TV programme do you like watching best? Why? 2. Which TV programme do you dislike watching most? Why? 3. How will you design a special TV programme for your city? VI/ Homework: LESSON PLAN UNIT 7 : THE MASS MEDIA


Period : 39 ( five periods 38- 42) A. Aims : - To help Sts practise speaking about different types of mass media and their differences. - Ask and answer about the use of media. B. Teaching aids: poster, pictures, cards, textbook. C . Method: Communicative Approach D. Procedures of teaching Teacher’s act.

Ps’ act.

Warm up:

Dictionary Television .Put the class into 4 groups then ask them to Magazines number from 1 to 10 within in each group Media .Instruct sts that when the T calls out a number, for The Internet example number 1, 4 number ones from 4 groups Radio will come to the teacher and they will be shown a word. As soon as they get the word, they go back to their groups and draw so that their friends can Group work guess the words. The group who works out first will get one point Today we learn some types of the media and their differences. KEY: *Features in common They all provide us with information and Task 1: - work in pairs. Which of the following are entertainment and we receive them from our senses. the types of the mass media ? *The main feature of each types The sts can answer with yes or no. . Radio presents information and entertainment - Teacher asks the questions: orally and we receive them through our ears. 1. What kinds of mass media do you often watch, . Newspapers and magazines present information listen to or read ? and entertainment visually and we receive them 2. Which do you like best ? Why ? through our eyes. . The Internet presents information and entertainment visually and orally and we receive them through our eyes and ears. - Sts work in pairs.

Task 2: .T asks Sts to read in silence and explains some new words: - aurally -orally- visually- deliver Sts answer Work in pairs Sts answer the questions. - 2 representatives speak in front of the class. . Work in pairs. Work out what features the types of Sts open their books and answer the questions. the media have in common and what main features each of them has. . T erases some words, phrases and sentences. T asks Sts to speak again.

. T corrects the mistakes. A. What do you often get information ? B. From T. V A. What is the difference between getting information from T. V and radio. B. T.V presents information and entertainment visually and we receive them through our eyes and ears. Task 3: Discuss some questions. Sts work in groups and answer the questions. T walks around the class, observes and helps them if necessary. T checks and corrects the mistakes. Home work : - ( handouts ) -Do exercise part I , 2 in workbook (P45, 46) Prepare listening

LESSON PLAN Theme: Community: UNIT 7 : THE MASS MEDIA Period : 40 ( five periods 38- 42) Time : 45 minutes Objectives: Develop the sts' listening skill. Listen to get information from the radio. Method : Communicative approach. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts and tape. Procedures: Teacher’s act. • Warm up: ( 3 mn) T asks sts to look at the pictures and answer 1. What are they ? 2. What are they called? 3. What is the radio used for?


Ps’ act.

• Pre-listening: (5 mn) 1. How often do you listen to the radio? 2. How many hours per week do you listen to it? 3. What programme do you like listening to? Why'?

Feedback: 1. Computer ,Television, Camera mini , radio and cassette player. 2. They are called mass media. 3. To listen to music, stories, news... Sts' answers may vary.

• While listening: (25 mn) Task 1: -> Activity 1: Slap the board. T. says the adjective words in Vietnamese then asks the sts to slap the correct English words.

-Group work feedback: healthy/ strong/ young/ cloudy/ highest/ wonderful -individual first and then work in pairs to exchange and (or) supplement information feedback:

New Story 1 : strong, cloudy, News story 2: healthy, young, highest, wonderful -group of five. -feedback: News story: 1. has caused floods 2. have left their homes 3. have risen 4. two meters has stopped 6. cloud 7. strong wind News story 2

Activity 2 : Listen to the two radio news stories and tick the words you hear in the right column under News story 1 and News story 2.( T plays the recording once) Task 2: Activity 1: Guessing the missing words. T asks the sts to read the passages and try their best to guess the missing words. -> Activity2: listen to the radio news stories and till in the missing' words.( T plays the recording three times) Task 3: Listen and answer the following questions. - Feedback from the Ss -T asks sts to read the questions carefully before they listen to the tape. -T asks sts to work in pairs to discuss the answers. - T plays the tape -T conducts the correction. ( T plays the recording twice)

Post-listening: (10 inn) -pair work -T divides the class into 4 groups, then asks the Feedback: representative of each group to choose the 1. Heavy rain has caused floods all over the number ( number 1: news story 1, number 2 : country during the night. news story 2) 2. Because the rivers have risen - T asks them to retell the stories. ( 2 groups) 3. The old woman has climbed Mount Whitney 1. twenty- third twenty-three times. 2.4,418 4. Because it has kept her young and healthy. 3. California -Group work 4. wonderful - On behalf of groups retell the stories 5. young and healthy -handouts Homework: (2 mn) a. Put these parts of a piece of news into the right order. The burglar alarm didn't work. He went to the food department and enjoyed a big meal. The following morning, the police caught him sleeping on the floor. There were some empty bottles of wine around him. A few days ago, a man broke into a supermarket downtown during the night. b. You have heard something interesting news from the radio. Write a short piece of news. - Take notes

LESSON PLAN UNIT 7 : THE MASS MEDIA WRITING Period : 41 ( five periods 38- 42) A. Aims: To help Sts know the structure of writing about advantages and disadvantages. B. Teaching aids: poster, pictures, cards, textbook. C. Method: Communicative Approach D. Procedures of teaching Procedures: Teacher’s act. Ps’ act. Warm up : T asks some questions Sts close your books 1. What are some kind of the mass media ? And answer the questions. 2. Which is the most popular ? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of T.V ? Activity 1 : * Read about the advantages and disadvantages of T. V. advantages


Sts read and talk with their partners. Answer the questions Work in pairs Work in groups

Sts read and put these sentences in the correct What are the advantages and disadvantages of T. column ( handouts ). V? Which one do you agree with ? 1. T.V enables children with limited real world experience to see how people around the world live and think. 2. T.V allows people you watch shows, musicals and sports events that they might not be able to afford to watch live. 3. There is so much violence on T.V that encourages people to become violent. 4. T.V brings the family together in a shared activity. 5. Children see many negative role models on T.V, such as adults smoking or men mistreating women. 6. Children develop a low attention span because they are over stimulated by T.V. Teacher walks around and helps them if necessary. T corrects the mistakes Activities 2 . T divides the class into 6 teams. Two teams have the same topics. T gives them the posters. They work in groups and discuss. Make sure they have a secretary and write in the poster. ( using these cues ) Work in groups Activity : Running dictation Hang a model outside the classroom. Divide the . Sts change their paragraphs and correct their class into 3 groups. Make sure they have secretary and that they know friend's mistakes.

the rules. Sts stand in a line, the St at the back must go to the paragraph to read 1 or 2 sentences , try to remember and go to the secretary who writes down it. . T gives some feed back.

2 representatives read in front of the class Homework: - Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of T. V or computer. (Handouts) UN I T 7 : TH E MA SS M ED I A (LANGUAGE FOCUS) Period : 42 ( five periods 38- 42) Aims: Help students distinguish the pronunciation of /ei/, /ai/, /0i/ Help students review the Present perfect Help students review how to use Because of and in spite of Method: Communicative Approach Teaching Aids: Textbook, cards, handouts... Procedure : Teacher’s act. Ps’ act. I. Class stabilization Key: station, climb, break, fight, destroy, II. New lesson. wildlife, newspaper, buy, day, noise, voice.... 1. Warm-up Game: Guess what this word is a. /'steffn/, /klaim/ , /brerk /, /fait/,/di'stroi/ /, /'waildlaif/ / /'nju;zpeipa(r)/,/bai/ /, /dei/, /in'dzoi/, /vois/, .... 2. Practice: PRONUNCIATION Task 1:Put the word above into the correct column.

- Creating physical condition - Students write and read the word. - Checking attendance - Word-guessing - Teacher takes turn to give the transcription -Group work - Pair work cards. Newspaper they / type / noise Task 2: Practise these sentences. 1. I'm afraid you've made a mistake. 2. They changed the timetable at the end of April. -Students: listen and practice. 3. I have ninety-nine pages to type by Friday. 4. Would you like to go for a ride with me on Friday.

5. This is the noisiest Rolls Royce I've ever heard. Students: Do the commands 6. While you're changing the oil, I'll go and - individually visit my boy. Task 3: Listen to the sentences. Stand up when you hear the vowel lei/, clap your hand when you hear the vowel / all and stamp your feet when you hear the vowel /oi/. a. I have just invited her out for a picnic. b. Kate has painted her room three times. c. The fire has destroyed the building for two days. 3. Practice: The Present Perfect What is the similar point of three sentences above? -T: have students listen to the tape and practise the sentences. Teacher: Read the sentences. - Eliciting questions - Presenting The Present Perfect: HAVE/ HAS + V3 The usage:

4. Practice: Because of and In Spite of 3. Can you do task 6 in one minute? Why (not)? We cannot do it in one minute because it is long. We cannot do it in one minute because of its length We can do it in one minute although it is long. We can do it in one minute in spite of its length. BECAUSE + Clause BECAUSE OF + N/ Noun phrase/ Gerund ALTHOUGH/ THOUGH + Clause IN SPITE OF/ DESPITE + N/ Noun phrase/ Gerund Task 7. Complete the sentences using the information in the box. (P. 81)

- an action has just happened (ex: a) - an action repeated many times in the pst.(ex:b) an action began in the past, happened in present and maybe in the future. (ex:c) Some adverbs are often used with the Present Perfect: ever, never, so far, already, recently, up to now... - pair work Task 1: Complete the letter using the present perfect of the verb in the box. (p. 80) Task 2: Complete the sentences using for, since, ago. (p. 80) -pairwork - filling gaps -presenting

Home work 1. Complete the sentences below. a. Jane lent me some money because...............

2. Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8 (reading) - Matching - Pair work - Handouts

b. Mary lost her bike because of..................... c. They are thinking of going alone although... d. My father was unhappy in spite of...............

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