Unit 3

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  • Words: 3,150
  • Pages: 29
Topics Basic fabrication steps. „ Transistor structures. „ Basic transistor behavior behavior. „ Latch up. „

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Fabrication services „

Educational services: – U.S.: MOSIS – EC: EuroPractice – Taiwan: CIC – Japan: VDEC


Foundry = fabrication line for hire. – Foundries are major source of fab capacity today. Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Fabrication processes „

IC built on silicon substrate: – some structures diffused into substrate; – other structures built on top of substrate.

Substrate regions are doped with n-type and p-type impurities. (n+ = heavily doped) „ Wires made of polycrystalline silicon (poly), multiple layers of aluminum (metal). „ Silicon dioxide (SiO2) is insulator. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Simple cross section SiO2

metal3 metal2 metal1



poly n+


n+ substrate substrate Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Photolithography Mask patterns are put on wafer using photosensitive material:

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Process steps First place tubs to provide properly-doped substrate for n-type, p-type transistors: p-tub

p-tub substrate

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Process steps, cont’d. Pattern polysilicon before diffusion regions: gate oxide





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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Process steps, cont’d Add diffusions, performing self-masking:

poly n+


poly n+




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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Process steps, cont’d Start adding metal layers: metal 1

metal 1 vias

poly n+


Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2


poly p+



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Transistor structure n-type transistor:

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

0.25 micron transistor (Bell Labs) gate oxide silicide source/drain poly

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Transistor layout n-type (tubs may vary): L w

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Drain current characteristics

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Drain current „

Linear region (Vds < Vgs - Vt): – Id = k’ (W/L)(Vgs - Vt)(Vds - 0.5 Vds2)


Saturation region (Vds >= Vgs - Vt): d > – Id = 0.5k’ (W/L)(Vgs - Vt) 2

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

0.5 μm transconductances From a MOSIS process: „ n-type: – kn’ = 73 μA/V2 – Vtn = 0.7 V „

p-type: – kp’ = 21 μA/V2 – Vtp = -0.8 V

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Current through a transistor Use 0.5 μm parameters. Let W/L = 3/2. Measure at boundary between linear and saturation regions. g „ Vgs = 2V: Id = 0.5k’(W/L)(Vgs-Vt)2= 93 μA „

Vgs = 5V: Id = 1 mA Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Basic transistor parasitics Gate to substrate, also gate to source/drain. „ Source/drain capacitance, resistance. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Basic transistor parasitics, cont’d Gate capacitance Cg. Determined by active area. „ Source/drain overlap capacitances Cgs, Cgdd. Determined by source/gate and drain/gate overlaps. Independent of transistor L. „

– Cgs = Col W „

Gate/bulk overlap capacitance.

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Latch-up CMOS ICs have parastic silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs). „ When powered up up, SCRs can turn on, on creating low-resistance path from power to ground. Current can destroy chip. „ Early CMOS problem. Can be solved with proper circuit/layout structures. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

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Parasitic SCR

circuit Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

I-V behavior Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Parasitic SCR structure

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Solution to latch-up Use tub ties to connect tub to power rail. Use enough to create low-voltage connection.

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Tub tie layout

p+ metal (VDD) p-tub

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Topics „

Derivation of transistor characteristics.

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

MOSFET gate as capacitor „

Basic structure of gate is parallel-plate capacitor: gate +






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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Parallel plate capacitance „

Formula for parallel plate capacitance: Cox = εox / xox


Permittivity of silicon: εox = 3.46 x 10-13 F/cm2


Gate capacitance helps determine charge in channel which forms inversion region.

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Threshold voltage Components of threshold voltage Vt: „ Vfb = flatband voltage; depends on difference in work function between gate and substrate and on fixed surface charge. „ φs = surface potential (about 2φf). „ Voltage on paralell plate capacitor. „ Additional ion implantation. Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Body effect Reorganize threshold voltage equation: Vt = Vt0 + ΔVt „ Threshold voltage is a function of source/substrate voltage Vsb. „ Body effect γ is the coefficienct for the Vsb dependence factor. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Example: threshold voltage of a transistor Vt0 = Vfb + φs + Qb/Cox + VII = -0.91 V + 0.58 V + (1.4E-8/1.73E-7) + 0 92 V 0.92 = 0.68 V Body effect γn = sqrt(2qεSiNA/Cox) = 0.1 ΔVt = γn[sqrt(φs + Vsb) - sqrt(Vs)] = 0.16 V Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

More device parameters Process transconductance k’ = μCox. „ Device transconductance β = k’W/L. „

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Channel length modulation length parameter λ describes small dependence of drain corrent on Vds in saturation. „ Factor is measured empirically. empirically „ New drain current equation: „

– Id = 0.5k’ (W/L)(Vgs - Vt) 2(l - λ Vds) „

Equation has a discontinuity between linear and saturation regions---small enough to be ignored. Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Gate voltage and the channel gate source



Vds < Vgs - Vt


gate source



Vds = Vgs - Vt


Vds > Vgs - Vt


gate source Id Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Leakage and subthreshold current A variety of leakage currents draw current away from the main logic path. „ The subthreshold current is one particularly important type of leakage current. „

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Types of leakage current. Weak inversion current (a.k.a. subthreshold current). „ Reverse Reverse-biased biased pn junctions. junctions „ Drain-induced barrier lowering. „ Gate-induced drain leakage; „ Punchthrough currents. „ Gate oxide tunneling. „ Hot carriers. „

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Subthreshold current „

Subthreshold current: – Isub = ke[(Vgs - Vt)/(S/ln 10)][1-e-qVds/kT]

Subthreshold slope S characterizes weak inversion current. „ Subthreshold current is a function of Vt. „

– Can adjust Vt by changing the substrate bias to control leakage.

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

The modern MOSFET Features of deep submicron MOSFETs: – epitaxial layer for heavily-doped channel; – reduced area source/drain contacts for lower capacitance; – lightly-doped drains to reduce hot electron effects; – silicided poly, diffusion to reduce resistance.

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Circuit simulation Circuit simulators like Spice numerically solve device models and Kirchoff’s laws to determine time-domain circuit behavior. „ Numerical solution allows more sophisticated models, non-functional (tabledriven) models, etc. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Spice MOSFET models Level 1: basic transistor equations of Section 2.2; not very accurate. „ Level 2: more accurate model (effective channel length, etc.). „ Level 3: empirical model. „ Level 4 (BSIM): efficient empirical model. „ New models: level 28 (BSIM2), level 47 (BSIM3). „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Some (by no means all) Spice model parameters L, W: transistor length width. KP: transconductance. „ GAMMA: body bias factor factor. „ AS, AD: source/drain areas. „ CJSW: zero-bias sidewall capacitance. „ CGBO: zero-bias gate/bulk overlap capacitance. „ „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Topics Wire and via structures. „ Wire parasitics. „ Transistor parasitics parasitics. „

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Wires and vias metal 3

metal 2

vias metal 1 poly n+


Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

poly n+

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Metal migration Current-carrying capacity of metal wire depends on cross-section. Height is fixed, so width determines current limit. „ Metal migration: when current is too high, electron flow pushes around metal grains. Higher resistance increases metal migration, leading to destruction of wire. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Metal migration problems and solutions Marginal wires will fail after a small operating period—infant mortality. „ Normal wires must be sized to accomodate maximum current flow: „

Imax = 1.5 mA/μm of metal width. „

Mainly applies to VDD/VSS lines.

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Diffusion wire capacitance „

Capacitances formed by p-n junctions: sidewall capacitances

depletion region

n+ (ND)

substrate (NA)

bottomwall capacitance

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Depletion region capacitance „

Zero-bias depletion capacitance: – Cj0 = εsi/xd.


Depletion region width: – xd0 = sqrt[(1/NA + 1/ND)2εsiVbi/q].


Junction capacitance is function of voltage across junction: – Cj(Vr) = Cj0/sqrt(1 + Vr/Vbi)

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Poly/metal wire capacitance „

Two components: – parallel plate; – fringe. fringe plate

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Metal coupling capacitances „

Can couple to adjacent wires on same layer, wires on above/below layers: metal 2

metal 1

metal 1

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Example: parasitic capacitance measurement n-diffusion: bottomwall=2 fF, sidewall=2 fF. 1.5 μm „ metal: plate plate=00.15 15 fF fF, fringe=0.72 fF. „

3 μm

0.75 μm

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

1 μm

2.5 μm

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Wire resistance „

Resistance of any size square is constant:

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Mean-time-to-failure MTF for metal wires = time required for 50% of wires to fail. „ Depends on current density: „

– proportional to j-n e Q/kT – j is current density – n is constant between 1 and 3 – Q is diffusion activation energy

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Skin effect At low frequencies, most of copper conductor’s cross section carries current. „ As frequency increases, increases current moves to skin of conductor. „

– Back EMF induces counter-current in body of conductor. „

Skin effect most important at gigahertz frequencies.

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Skin effect, cont’d „

Isolated conductor:


Conductor and ground:

Low frequency Low frequency

High frequency High frequency Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Skin depth „

Skin depth is depth at which conductor’s current is reduced to 1/3 = 37% of surface value: δ = 1/sqrt(π f μ σ) – f = signal frequency μ = magnetic permeability σ = wire conducitvity

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Effect on resistance „

Low frequency resistance of wire: – Rdc = 1/ σ wt


High frequency resistance with skin effect: – Rhf = 1/2 σ δ (w + t)


Resistance per unit length: – Rac = sqrt(Rdc 2 + κ Rhf 2)


Typically κ = 1.2.

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Transistor gate parasitics „

Gate-source/drain overlap capacitance: gate t source



Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Transistor source/drain parasitics Source/drain have significant capacitance, resistance. „ Measured same way as for wires. wires „ Source/drain R, C may be included in Spice model rather than as separate parasitics. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Topics Design rules and fabrication. „ SCMOS scalable desgn rules. „ Stick diagrams diagrams. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Why we need design rules Masks are tooling for manufacturing. „ Manufacturing processes have inherent limitations in accuracy accuracy. „ Design rules specify geometry of masks which will provide reasonable yields. „ Design rules are determined by experience. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Manufacturing problems Photoresist shrinkage, tearing. Variations in material deposition. „ Variations in temperature temperature. „ Variations in oxide thickness. „ Impurities. „ Variations between lots. „ Variations across a wafer. „ „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Transistor problems „

Varaiations in threshold voltage: – oxide thickness; – ion implanatation; – poly variations.

Changes in source/drain diffusion overlap. „ Variations in substrate. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Wiring problems Diffusion: changes in doping -> variations in resistance, capacitance. „ Poly, Poly metal: variations in height, height width -> > variations in resistance, capacitance. „ Shorts and opens: „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

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Oxide problems „ „

Variations in height. Lack of planarity -> step coverage. metal t l2 metal 2

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

metal 1

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Via problems Via may not be cut all the way through. „ Undesize via has too much resistance. „ Via may be too large and create short. short „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

MOSIS SCMOS design rules Designed to scale across a wide range of technologies. „ Designed to support multiple vendors. vendors „ Designed for educational use. „ Ergo, fairly conservative. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

λ and design rules λ is the size of a minimum feature. „ Specifying λ particularizes the scalable rules rules. „ Parasitics are generally not specified in λ units. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Wires 6

metal 3


metal 2


metal 1




poly Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Transistors 2 2


3 1 5

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Vias „

Types of via: metal1/diff, metal1/poly, metal1/metal2. 4

4 1 2

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

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Metal 3 via Type: metal3/metal2. „ Rules: „

– cut: 3 x 3 – overlap by metal2: 1 – minimum spacing: 3 – minimum spacing to via1: 2

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Tub tie

4 1

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Spacings Diffusion/diffusion: 3 Poly/poly: 2 „ Poly/diffusion: 1 „ Via/via: 2 „ Metal1/metal1: 3 „ Metal2/metal2: 4 „ Metal3/metal3: 4 „ „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Overglass Cut in passivation layer. „ Minimum bonding pad: 100 μm. „ Pad overlap of glass opening: 6 „ Minimum pad spacing to unrelated metal2/3: 30 „ Minimum pad spacing to unrelated metal1, poly, active: 15 „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Stick diagrams A stick diagram is a cartoon of a layout. „ Does show all components/vias (except possibly tub ties) ties), relative placement placement. „ Does not show exact placement, transistor sizes, wire lengths, wire widths, tub boundaries. „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

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Stick layers metal 3 metal 2 metal 1 poly ndiff pdiff

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

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Dynamic latch stick diagram VDD



VSS phi


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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Sticks design of multiplexer „

Start with NAND gate: +

out b

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2


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NAND sticks VDD a



VSS Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

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One-bit mux sticks VDD ai bi




a outt










VSS Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

3-bit mux sticks select’

select select’


ai bi














m2(one-bit-mux) select’

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2









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Layout design and analysis tools Layout editors are interactive tools. Design rule checkers are generally batch--identify DRC errors on the layout. layout „ Circuit extractors extract the netlist from the layout. „ Connectivity verification systems (CVS) compare extracted and original netlists. „ „

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

Automatic layout Cell generators (macrocell generators) create optimized layouts for ALUs, etc. „ Standard cell/sea-of-gates cell/sea of gates layout creates layout from predesigned cells + custom routing. „

– Sea-of-gates allows routing over the cell.

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Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

Standard cell layout

Modern VLSI Design 3e: Chapter 2

routing area

routing area

routing area

routing g area

Copyright © 1998, 2002 Prentice Hall PTR

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