Unit 11 Format

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  • Pages: 15
Sunrise in English

Hello 8

VOCABULARY examine surgery prescription injection quality veterinary surgeon surgeon general practitioner specialist dear organization set up facilities treat free of charge fantastic across nursing staff remote pay for airlines donate totally unfamiliar roll up recover cheer up claim complain mention

‫يفحص‬ ‫حجرة العمليات‬ ‫روشتة‬ ‫حقنة‬ ‫ خاصية‬,‫صفة‬ ‫طبيب بيطرى‬ ‫جراح‬ ‫ممارس عام‬ ‫متخصص‬ ‫عزيز‬ ‫ تنظيم‬، ‫منظمة‬ ‫ يقيم‬، ‫يؤسس‬ ‫تسهيلت‬ ‫يعالج‬ ‫مجانى‬ ‫رائع‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫هيئة تمريض‬ ‫بعيد‬ ‫يدفع الحساب‬ ‫الخطوط الجوية‬ ‫يتبرع‬ ‫تماما‬ ‫عير مألوف‬ ‫يلف‬ ‫يشفى‬ ‫يبهج‬ ‫يزعم‬ ‫يشكو‬ ‫يذكر‬

‫ لئق‬,‫سليم‬ fit ‫غذاء‬ diet ‫التهاب الحلق‬ sore throat ‫كم‬ sleeve ‫ متطوع‬,‫يتطوع‬ volunteer ‫يعتنى بـ‬ look after ‫ المخاض‬، ‫الولدة‬ childbirth ‫خصوصى‬ particular )‫الداية (المولدة‬ midwife ‫سرور‬ pleasure ‫يجرى عملية‬ operate ‫خبير‬ expert ‫ثقب‬ hole ‫خطير‬ serious ‫يميل‬ refer ‫كما ينبغى‬ properly ‫يتنفس‬ breathe ‫عاطفة‬ affection ‫متكيف‬ adaptable ‫بوضوح‬ obviously ‫عائلت مضيفة‬ host families ‫مطلع على‬ aware of ‫ مرعوب‬،‫خائف‬ scared ‫ محيط‬-‫بيئة‬ surroundings )‫يرفق (فى خطاب‬ enclose ‫يزداد وزنه‬ put on a lot of weight ‫يتعرف‬ recognize ‫يؤكد‬ assert ‫يشير إلى‬ indicate

:‫مرادفات لبعض الكلمات‬ look after donate

= take care of = care for = contribute = give 1

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English Hello 8 remote = distant, far, faraway adaptable = adjustable affection = love = kindness = passion fit = hale, healthy examine = check, inspect assert = affirm cheer (me) up = make (me) feel happier, gladden recover = get better, regain one’s health recognize = identify, know again cheerful = happy and pleasant afraid = frightened a specialist

Is someone who is an expert in a particular area of medicine. a general practitioner Is somebody who has a general training in (gp) medicine. a surgeon Is somebody who performs operations in hospital. a dentist Is somebody who looks after people’s teeth. a veterinary surgeon (vet) Is a trained animal doctor. a nurse Is somebody who helps doctors care for their patients. a midwife Is somebody who helps woman in childbirth.

set up free of charge for free at no charge pay for (the journey) take in (a boy) aware of (adj) operate on (her) perform / carry out / do (an operation) 2

‫يؤسس‬ ‫مجانى‬ ‫مجانى‬ ‫مجانى‬ ‫يدفع حساب الرحلة‬ )‫يستضيف (الولد‬ ‫ مطلع على‬، ‫واع لـ‬ ‫يجرى عملية لـ‬ ‫يجرى عملية‬ Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English look after / cars for pay attention to put on a lot of weight

Hello 8 )‫يهتم (يعتنى‬ ‫ينتبه إلى‬ ‫يزداد وزنه كثيرا‬

* stay with ‫)يقيم مع (شخص‬ stay at / in ‫)يقيم فى (مكان‬ -0 He stayed with his relatives. -1 They will stay in a hotel. * look forward to +‫ فعل أو أسم‬+ ing ing+ ‫ السم أو الفعل‬look forward to ‫يأتى بعد‬ -2 We are looking forward to your visit. -3 I’m looking forward to travelling abroad.

Word specialist remote familiar host

Opposite non specialist near / close unfamiliar guest


Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English

surgeon surgery surgical donate donation donor

‫جراح‬ ‫جراحة‬ ‫جراحى‬ ‫يتبرع‬ ‫تبرع‬ ‫متبرع‬

Hello 8

‫ يكيف‬، ‫يتكيف‬ ‫تكييف‬ ‫متكيف‬ ‫يجرى عملية جراحية‬ ‫عملية‬

adaptation adaptation adaptable operate operation

1-) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1- ……… helps women in childbirth. a- An oculist

b- A surgeon

c- A specialist

d- A midwife

2- ……..has a general training in medicine. a- A specialist c- A surgeon

b- A general practitioner d- A dentist

3- The nurse asked him to roll up his sleeve to give him……… a- an injection

b- a medicine

c- a pill

d- a tablet

4- A foreign medical team will treat the poor children free of……. a- charge

b- coin

c- change

d- currency

5- An experienced nurse………..all minor injuries. a- deals

b- treats

c- change

d- currency

6- The surgeon who……… on the king released new details of his injuries. a- performed

b- carried out

c- treated

d- operated

7- He frequently ………. large sums of money to charity. a- donates

b- makes

c- cause

d- wins

8- When he traveled to London he adapted effortlessly to his new……… a- behaviour

b- manners

c- spirit

d- surroundings

9- Egypt is going to …………the next Arab summit. a- form

b- host

c- make

d- take part

10- I’m sure he’ll cope with change very well he’s very ……… a-admirable

b- adjustable

c- adaptable


11- The general practitioner ……. the patient to a specialist who decided to operate on him. a- referred

b- preferred

c- preceded

d- gifted

12- A job analysis should include what skills and personal ………. a- means

b- qualities

c- problems

d- defects

13- The problem lies in getting patients to medical … as soon as possible. a- possibility

b- feasibility


c- facility

d- ability

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English Hello 8 14- “The chain of hope” is …… which helps children with heart diseases. a- a community c- a union

b- an organization d- a unity

15- The doctor gave the patient a………….. to take to the chemists’. a- description c- perception

b- presentation d- prescription

16- The doctors ……….. the patient and gave him some medicines. a- looked

b- examined

c- observed


17- The surgeon agreed to ………. the operation the next day. a- perform

b- make

c- operate

d- carry

18- Tom was in the doctor’s …….. demanding to know what was wrong with him. a- park

b- office

c- shop

d- surgery

19- ……….. is someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it. a- a volunteer

b- a professional

c- an employee

d- an official

20- Where you live can………….such a difference to the way you feel. a- take

b- get

c- put

d- make

21- I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up. “ you cheer him up” means that you make him fell………… a- happier

b- depressed

c- annoyed

d- heating

c- curing

d- heating

22- He is………….from a knee injury. a- recovering

b- treating

23- I did not think you could…………my car in the snow. a-realize

b- recognize

c- know

d- acknowledge

24- I sent him a letter and………….my photo in it. a- included


c- director

d- enclosed

25- a …….. performs operations in hospital. a- professor

b- surgeon

c- director

d- surgeon

26-a ……… is someone who is trained to give medical care and treatment to sick animals. a- doctor


c- specialist

d- surgeon

27- They are …………. of snakes. a- scared

b- happy

c- pleased

d- delighted

28- I feel a great ………… for that poor and I’ll do m best to help him. a- affection

b- honour

c- hatred

d- despite

29- Aswan and Sohag are towns in ………… Egypt. a- ancient


c- lower

d- middle

30- a training course was held for the …………. staff in public hospital. 5

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English a- nursery

b- nurse

Hello 8 c- nursing

d- nurse men

31- You are allowed to park free of ……. after 11 am. a- change

b- price

c- cost

d- charge

32- Private medical ………… are found all over Egypt nowadays. a- centers

b- palaces

c- homes

d- flats

33- The novel was written in an easy …………. style. a- soft

b- hard

c- familiar

d- odd

34- Twenty people …………. two children were injured in the accident on the highway. a- enclosing b- consisting

c- containing

d- including

35- We expect he …………win race. a- would

b- should

c- will

d- must

36- There’s ……… chance that you’ll catch him before he leaves. a- distant

b- remote

c- far

d- high

37- Malaria can be ……… with drugs nowadays. a- healed

b- dealt

c- treated

d- infected

38- A 5-starts hotel with fantastic ……….. may attract a lot of guests. a- faults

b- facilities

c- drawbacks

d- defects

39- The new laws are ………… to prevent crimes. a- suggested b- supposed c- told d- spoken 40-This food has gone bad. It isn’t ………… to eat. a-useful

b- suitable

c- ready

d- fit

41- He gave me names of the people who can be …………. in the case of emergency. a-connected

b- contacted

c- transmitted

d- transported.

42-He had …….. on his heart. a- a process

b- an appointment

c- an operation

d- an interview

43- A ……….. is a piece of paper on which a doctor write what medicine a sick person should have. a- perception d- transcription


c- description

44- He went to the ………… to buy some medicines. a- optician’s

b- dentist’s

c- doctor’s

d- chemist’s

45- Samir is a perfect ……… He always looks after his guests very well. a- hostess

b- newcomer

c- host

d- visitor

46- Let me look ……….. your homework. Perhaps I can help. a- for

b- at

c- in

d- after

47- Smokers are well aware …….. the danger to their own health. a- for

b- to


d- of

48- Top surgeons treated the patients …… no change. 6

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English a-with

b- by c- at

Hello 8

d- on

49- I’m looking ……… to seeing you next week. a-forward

b- for

c- around

d- up

50- Basem stayed ……….. his relative in Mansura. a- at

b- in

c- with

d- for

51- I can eat what I want but I never put ……… weight. a-up

b- upon

c- off

d- on

52- That sick child was treated in hospital………. free. a- for

b- with

c- on

d- at

53- A specialist is somebody who is expert ……… a particular area of medicine. a- on b- in

c- of

d- about

54- People should be aware………..the side effects of talking medicine unnecessarily. a- from

b- off

c- of

d- about

55- You should find………….. more about these night courses. a- at

b- for

c- in

d- out

3- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are: 1- A: How long have you been feeling unwell? B: Since last week. A: Let me examine you. 2-

A: Can I help you, sir? B: ?I’d like a stripe of aspirin. A: That’s two pounds.

4- Read and write notes on the passage: The chain of hope is an organization which helps children with heart disease. It has branches in many countries where children get treatment free of charge. Top surgeons and medical teams treat them. Many airlines allow children from poor countries to travel for free and a lot of people donate money. The aim of the organization ………………….. Treatment ………………….. Transport ………………….. 5-A) Translate into Arabic: 7

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English Hello 8 It is said that television has destroyed the art of conversation. And made people unhappy by forcing them to want things they do not need. On the other hand, it helps update people’s knowledge of the world affairs, as they can see current events in different parts of the world the moment they occur. B) Translate into English: .‫تبرع الجراح الشهير بمبلغ من المال لتجهيز غرف العمليات الجراحية‬4-

Direct and reported speech 1. He says, “I’ll travel abroad next week.” He says (that) he’ll travel abroad next week. 2. They say to me, “We have just heard the good news.” They tell me they have just heard the good news. 3. Ramy says to me,” I’m living in a furnished flat now.” Ramy tells me (that) he is living in a furnished flat now. 4. He says, “ I left my keys at home.” He says he left his keys at home. :‫ عند تحويل الجملة الخبرية الى الكلم غير المباشر‬:‫لحظ فى المثلة السابقة‬5.)‫إذا كان فعل القول مضارع (أو مستقبل‬ . tell ‫ إلى‬say to ‫ وتتحول‬-‫ كما هو‬say ‫يبقى الفعل‬6.‫ كأداة ربط – ويمكن عدم استخدامها‬that ‫تستخدم‬7.‫تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل القواس ول تتغير الزمنة أو الظروف الزمنية‬8:‫ولحظ طريقة تحويل الجمل السابقة إذا كان فعل القول ماضى‬ 1. He said “I’ll travel abroad next week” He said (that) he would travel aboard the following week. 2. They said to me, “We have just heard the good news.” They told me (that) they had just heard the good news. 3. Ramy said to me, “ I’m living in a furnished flat then. Ramy told me he was living in a furnished flat then. 4. He said, “ I left my keys at home.” He said he had left (or left) his keys at home. :‫لحظ فى المثلة السابقة إذا كان فعل القول ماضى‬ 8

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English Hello 8 . told ‫ إلى‬said to ‫ كما هى وتحول‬said ‫تبقى‬-1 :‫يتغير التى داخل القواس‬-2 .‫الضمائر حسب المعنى‬9‫الزمنة مكن المضارع ( بسيط – تام – مستمر) إلى الماضى ولكن تبقى أزمنة‬10‫الماضى كما هى ما عدا الماضى البسيط يمكن أن يظل كما هو أو يتحول إلى‬ .‫الماضى التام‬ )‫الظروف الزمنية وأسماء الشارة (حسب الجدول‬11- He said just now, “I’ll visit the zoo tomorrow.” He said just now he’ll visit the zoo tomorrow. - He said to me a moment ago, “I have sold my car.” He said me a moment ago (that) he has sold his car. :‫لحظ فى المثلة السابقة‬ ‫إذا كان القول ماضى والكلم قد انتهى منذ فترة قصيرة (توا) تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل‬ :‫ وتستخدم مع التغيرات آلتية‬،‫القواس‬ Now, just now, a moment, a minute ago, ….. Direct this these today tonight now ago here

Reported that those that day that night then before there

Direct tomorrow

Reported the following (next) day the following (week) next (week) the week after yesterday the day before the previous last (week) the (week) before

Reported questions 1. He says, “ Will the match start soon?” asks He wonders if / whether the match will start soon. Inquires Wants to know 2. Sherif says, “ Is mother making a cake now?” Sherif wonders if/ whether mother is making a cake now. 3. He says to me, “ Where do you live?” He asks me where I live. 4. He says to me, “When did you buy your car?” He asks me when i bought my car. 5. Hady says to Amir how long he has been playing the piano. 9 Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English Hello 8 :‫ لحظ فى المثلة السابقة عند تحويل السؤال إلى الكلم غير المباشر اتبع التى‬:)‫* إذا كان فعل القول مضارع (أو مستقبل‬ )inquire, wonder, ask, want to know( ‫ إلى‬say ‫يتحول فعل القول‬12. ask ‫ إلى‬say to ‫وتتحول‬13:‫* إذا بدأ السؤال بفعل مساعد أو ناقص‬ – ‫ كأداة ربط‬whether ‫ أو‬if ‫تستخدم‬14.‫* إذا بدأ السؤال بأداة استفهام تستخدم كأداة ربط‬ .)‫يتحول السؤال داخل القواس إلى جملة خبرية (أى فاعل وفعل‬15.)‫تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل القواس (ول تتغير الزمنة أو الظروف الزمنية‬16:‫* ولحظ طريقة تحويل الجمل السابقة إذا كان فعل القول ماض‬ 1. He said, “Will the match start soon?” asked He wondered if/ whether the match will start soon. Inquired Wanted to know 2. Sherif said, “ Is mother making a cake now?” Sherif wondered if mother was making a cake then. 3. He said to me, “ Where do you live?” He asked me when I lived. 4. He said to me, “when did you buy your car?” He asked me when I had bought (or bought) my car. 5. Hady said Ameer, “ How long have you been playing the piano?” Hady asked Ameer how long he had been playing the piano. :‫لحظ فى المثلة السابقة‬ )‫ (تتبع نفس الخطوات السابقة فى الجملة الخبرية‬:‫إذا كان فعل القول ماضى‬17)inquired, wondered, asked, anted to know (‫ إلى‬said ‫يتحول فعل القول‬18. asked ‫ إلى‬said to ‫وتتحول‬ – ‫تتغير الضمائر والزمنة من المضارع (بسيط – تام – مستمر) الى الماضى‬19‫وتبقى أزمنة الماضى كما هى ما عدا الماضى البسيط يمكن أن يبقى كما هو أو‬ .)‫يتحول على الماضى التام‬ .)‫تتغير الظروف الزمنية وأسماء الشارة (حسب الجدول السابق‬20- He said just now, “ What’s your telephone number. - He wondered just now what my telephone number is. - He said to me a minute ago, “Where did you spend your holiday?” - He asked me a minute ago where I spent my holiday.


Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English

Hello 8

:‫*لحظ فى المثلة السابقة‬ ‫إذا كان فعل القول ماضى والكلم قد انتهى منذ فترة قصيرة تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل القواس‬ .)‫(ول تتغير الزمنة أو الظروف الزمنية‬ 1- He said to me, “Fill in this form, please.” He asked are to fill in that form. 2- The doctor said to the patient, “Stay in bed for a week.” The doctor advised the patient to stay in bed for a week. 3- The zoo keeper said to the children, “ Do not put your, hands near the bars.” The zoo keeper warned the children to put their hands near the bars. 4- The librarian said, “ Be quiet, children.” The librarian told the children to be quite. 5- He said to me, “Don’t lend her any money?” He asked me not to lend her any money. : ‫* لحظ فى المثلة السابقة‬ asked, begged, warned, told, ‫ أو‬ordered ‫ إلى‬said to ‫يتحول فعل القول‬21. advised don’t ‫ إذا كانت الجملة منفية بـ‬not to ‫ كأداة ربط ثم المصدر وتستخدم‬to ‫تستخدم‬22. : ‫*ملحوظة‬ .‫يستخدم الكلم غير المباشر للتعبير عن الفكار والمعتقدات والمعرفة‬ -23I thought he was happy. -24He believed he would overcome his problems soon. -25I know what you wanted to do.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1- My boss ………. me that I could have rest that day. a- said

b- told

c- spoke

d- talked

2- She ……….. she was living with her aunt. a- told

b- said

c- asked

d- ordered

3- He said that he ………… a letter then a- wrote

b- was writing

c- would write

d- is writing

4- He told me that he ………. Cairo the following week. a- will reach

b- would reach

c- reached

d- had reached

5- He said he ……….. the next day. 11

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English a- would arrive

b- will arrive

Hello 8 c- arrived

d- had arrive

6- He told me that he ………… many mistakes the week before. a- makes

b- has made

c- had made

d- would make

7- He said that he ……… many mistakes the week before. a- was attending b- had attended c- attends d- would attend

8- He said just now that he ………….. a new car next month. a- would by b- will buy c- has bought

d- buys

9- He said he ……….. us the following day. a- will visit b- would visit

c- is visiting

d- visited

10- She said that she………….the house at moment. a- cleaned

b- was cleaning

c- would clean

d- is cleaning

11- He said that he………..to school the previous day. a- doesn’t go b- wouldn’t go

c- hadn’t gone d- won’t go

12- He said that while he was watching television, the light ……… out. a- had gone

b- went c- would go d- has gone

13- He said a moment ago that he………his car last week. a- sold

b- had sold c- would sell d- was selling

14- He………..he would join the army the following year. a- said

b- told

c- asked

d- ordered

15- He told me that he ………….. again the next year. a- would come

b- came

c- had come d- would have come

16- He told me that he …………. an important meeting the previous night. a- was attending c- had attending

b- would attend d- might attend

17- He said he………..an important meeting the previous night. a- would do b- will do

c- would type

d- had typed

18-He advised me………..her anything. a- not to lend c- don’t lend

b- not lending d- didn’t lend

19- The librarian asked the children………..quiet. a- be

b- to be

c- being

d- are

20- He asked me …………the letter for him. a- posted

b- posting

c- to post

d- will post

21- He wanted to know if………….English well. a- did I speak c- do I speak

b- I spoke d- have I spoken

22- I wondered when………working in that company. a- had you begun c- do I speak

b- did you begin d- do you begin

23- He asked me which exam………….. 12

Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English a- I have passed c- did I passed

Hello 8

b- have I passed d- do I pass

24- Could you tell me why……………for the job. a- did you apply c- have you applied

b- will you apply d- you applied

25- The shop assistant inquired how much material…………… a- I wanted c- will I want

b- do I want d- did I want

26- I ……….what you would like to be. a- said

b- told

c- wondered

d- spoke

27- I wondered whether…………the night before.. a- had you seen c- you had seen

b- did you see d- you would see.

2- Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning: 1. “I have bee playing chess a lot recently.” (Tamer told me) 2. “I’m not going to have anything to eat.” ( Hazem told me) 3. “I don’t want to go out this evening.” (my friend told me) 4. They said to me, “We will go on holiday tomorrow.” (They told me)

5. “ It took me ages to understand you, Hany.” ( Samy said that..) 6. He said to us, “ I’ll show you everything if you come with me.” ( He told us)

7. He said to me, “ Nabil is absent today. He must be ill.” (he told me)

8. “ I can help you with your work later.” ( Ahmad told me) 9. He said to me, “I’ll have done my post graduate studies by next year.” ( He told me)

10- He said to me, “ I went to the airport yesterday to see me brother off.” ( He told me)

11- “ It does look as if I’ll be arriving until after seven, I’m afraid.” ( He said he probably)

12- He said to his friend. “Don’t hesitate to tell the truth.” ( He asked his friend)

13.” Don’t take more than two of these pills.” ( The doctor advised me)

14. “ Remember to ensure your luggage.” ( My father reminded me)

15- “ Leave your keys on the desk, please.” (My receptionist told me)

16- “please don’t forget to bring me your notebook tomorrow.” (My friend asked me)


Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English Hello 8 17- “ Do not put your hands near the bars.” ( The zoo keeper warned us..)

18- my brother said to me, “Do you mind closing the door?” ( My brother asked me)

19- He said “Could you lend me your camera?” ( He asked me)

20- He said “Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?”. ( he wondered)

21- “Is he playing the piano?” (I wonder) 22- He said to me “ Have you finished studying English?” ( He wanted to know)

23- He said, “May I help you?” ( He offered) 24- My friend said to me, “Could you give me your book?” ( My friend asked me)

25- “Were there any animals on the farm?” ( Could you tell me?)

26-“ Whose car did you borrow yesterday?” ( 27- “ Where did you spend your summer holiday?”

I wonder)

( I wanted to know)

28- “ What will you do if you have a lot of money?” ( I wondered)

29- He said to me, “Why didn’t you help your brother?” ( He asked me)

30- “ Who will come to the cinema with me?” ( 31- He said, “Why don’t we go for a walk today?”

He asked me)

( He suggested)

32- “ Why do you keep on looking at me like that?” ( He wondered)

33- “What would you like to start with?” ( The waiter asked me) 34- “ How do you go to work?” ( Can you tell me) 35- “Where the post office?” ( Do you know?) 36- “Can you speak more slowly? I can’t understand.” ( he asked me)


Mr. Mohamed Said

Sunrise in English Hello 8 verb + preposition + object ‫هناك أفعال يتبعها حروف جر ثم مفعول ويعتبر حرف الجر جزء من الفعل ول يعتبر من الفعل‬ .‫ول يغير المعنى الرئيسى له‬ ‫ يضيف الى‬care for ‫ يهتم بـ‬look at ‫ينظر إلى‬ add to ‫ ينصت الى‬pay for ‫ يدفع ثمن‬believe in ‫يؤمن بـ‬ listen to ‫ يوافق على‬know about ‫ يعرف عن‬fight against ‫يحارب‬ approve of ‫ضد‬ ‫ يبدأ بـ‬hear about ‫ يسمع عن‬operate on ‫يجرى‬ begin with ‫عملية على‬ -26A surgeon operates on a patient. -27He believed in superstitions. -28They paid for the goods. -29I’m listening to music.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1- I’d like to began…………a salad. a- by

b- from

c- with

d- on

2- We are listening………pop music. a- to

b- for

c- at

d- from

3- Layla looks……….her you sister while her mother is out. a- for

b- after

c- into

d- up

4- I don’t approve………..smoking in public placer. a-on

b- of

c- at

d- for

5- She added salt………..the salad. a- at

b- over

c- to

d- for

6- Some people still believe…………..ghosts. a- in

b- with

c- by

d- at

7- The surgeon operated………..my friend yesterday. a- in

b- to

c- for

d- on

8- We all have to fight ……….. prejudice. a- on

b- with

c- against


d- on

Mr. Mohamed Said

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