Unawarness In The World

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,202
  • Pages: 2
Unawarness in the world The modern political world is dealing with complete disdain with the truth, not that to lie is something new for politicians, but the sort of lies they are telling now are something new, are in complete and undoubfull contradiction with reality. To say in the dawn of the century that our country - the one where you live now - was winning the war imply no big deal, the battlefields were far away and not even the chancellor knows exactly what was going on, it was like a virtual reality. But to state that McCain represents change for the White House when his policies are the very same than the formers ones, or to say the rice price are fine in Colombia when the price to pay for a kilogram in the store is the double than half year ago, is simply crazy, do not match with what you see and eat. Maybe the biggest problem is not with politicians, is with the society. It seems as to lie is becoming a common practice in the globalized world, and doublessly that will bring problems. To twist the reality is a comon practice in the history of goverments. The totalitarian nations are famous because of that, when something went wrong the dictator avoid the press to open up the mouth, by example in the nuclear disaster of Chernobil where, if not because of the radiation detectors of the norther europe, no one would know about the radiactive leak and their preventable harmful effects, the russian people was not aware about. Another classical way to lie is exagerating the own achievements, how the people of --- were the most worth of the world. But that style is rude and obvious, the modern lies are more subtle, and almost always take a little (sometimes a really tiny) bit of reallity that allow them to gain a muddy texture in the brain. Just a moment before i saw an advertisement of a coal minning enterprise, it shows how some workers were planting trees, and says how bother about the environment they are; and i remember the horrible environmental impact they make with his open mine, they have a train to transport the coal, in the trip it release a cloud of powder of coal that make sick the people who lives around. For sure it is true they contract some people with nice collars to plant trees in the middle of a recording, but the gargantuan size of the natural and human damage makes this enterprise an enemy of the environment. The visibility is about a half dozen workers, and the protest of the people, the sneezing children or the images of the disaster in google-earth are seen just by a few interested. The convenient truth, most of the times the meaningless one, are highly spoted; while the harsh, profitable and higly impacting activity is hiden and keeping in the shadows; this visual show it is delivered to the stomach and from there it got into struggle with the informed brain - if the person is blank about the issue the stomach wins for certain - maybe it won´t persuade, but will let the person frozen in the inner combat. The very same technique is applied day after day in every corner of the world, the examples in politics are outrageous: how the Republicans dare to say that drill in the wildlife zones and oceans of USA it’s a fine political choice to tackle the energy issue, it is true than in ten years that will supply less than the 6% of the consumption, and that mean help, but in the same way i help a begger with a coin, it´s not a serious answer. In Colombia the president had make the guerillas the main problem in the mind of most colombians, certainly the guerillas are bad people, but this president has wrecked most of the social security of the country, reduced the pay of the poorest, damaged the political institutions of the country among an horrible and long etcetera; in a ideal world he would be hated but instead of that he has a 80% of favorability, how to explain that?, the people lives here, bought in the store, and see the tv, but what the people grasp in the mind is not about their problems,

is about the guerillas and the great and good president. The first succesful attempt, I know, to control people like this cames from Adolf Hitler, he was a really master in the field, he directed the frustration of the people against the jews first, and later against everybody, and offer the folk with hope, identity among other things; as said in “mine kumpf” his messages was not to the intellect, was to the feelings of the people. He was the first to use the media for propaganda ends, the radio allows him to be in every home in germany, talking to most of the germans. The very same happens today with the tv and the radio. We are connected with the media, we allow them to go inside our brains and stomachs. It´s funny how the means who supposely were to protect us from the powerful, empower us in a democracy and to inform us about what happens or in other words make us aware of our own world, had became in the troyan horse of deranging and manipulation. This makes the people drink coca-cola to feel younger or some other absurd thing. The media blur the heart and mind of the people the truth and the falsehood to a level where they don´t know who they are and what really matters. The truth is in danger. By no means the truth is something easy to grasp, and when that happens to lie is more or less easy to everybody; but when the evidence about some issue is overwhelming, it must be necesary to recognize the truth in that. No matter how good the advertizing, the minning company is bad for people and nature, the republicans are deceiving the americans and Uribe is tricking the country. And what about the liers?, they are shameless, don´t even blink when swindle. They make us to loss some of our human dignity, but they spoil completely their own. The problem is that not only they lie. We all are becoming liers. When fill a Curriculum vitae you never state your defects, even when is obvious for you and the employer its existence no one write them down. In the workplace it´s a common practice, to betray and being dishonest. Someone can ask why to be bother about the truth, that is not a vital need. If the dignity is not a problem for that person, I remind her that the truth is more close to the nature and reality than the lie, you can trick a person, but when you try to trick the nature problems arrived, history is plenty of examples, but even with persons there are problems too, remember how Adolf Hitler and all those beatiful and spirited young germans ends, in the doom. To be aware of you and your surrounding is a vital need.

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