Umrah & Ziarah

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 86
  • Pages: 1
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera.. Kepada semua tetamu Allah yg di muliakan kami menyediakan pakej istimewa sempena Matta Fair. UMRAH ZIARAH MESIR (CUTI SEKOLAH) 15H/13M : 3-17JUN09 & 6-20JUN RM6,790 UMRAH ISTIMEWA CUTI SEKOLAH 15H/14M 30 MEI-13JUN09 RM6,590 14H/12M 01JUN -14JUN09 RM 6,490 "RANCANGLAH PERJALANAN ANDA DARI AWAL..." Our Services Include: Umrah & Haji Package, Visa Application, Haji Wage, Airline Ticketing & Reservation, Domestic/Middle East Ground Handling, Domestic & International Tour Package, Homestay Programme, Special Student Travel Services, Company Trip, Airport Services, Travel Insurance & Water Zam-zam(10lit.)

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