Uml Diagram

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,550
  • Pages: 29
Use Case Modeling

Use Case diagram for Banking System:


transaction <> <<extend>> invalid card insert card user

<> atm transaction

retail institution invalid pin <<extend>> <>

pin validation

invalid login bank employee web merchant


online transaction <>

Bank Database

<> login <>

logout <>

client desktop transaction

1. Online Transaction - use case specifications 1.1 Brief Description

Account transaction begins when customer is successfully logged in to the site. Several menus where displayed related to profile of customer and the recent transactions and the current account balance. The main purpose of using online account transactions is to transfer cash from one account to another for this purpose the customer is provided fields to specify the accounts to which he is transferring amount. After every transaction a confirmation is displayed to customer. The customer is also provided the possibility to change the account login password, but not the user id, every transaction is added to the bank database. Flow of Events 1.2 Basic flow 1. User enters username and password. 2. Bank Database validates the user. 3. On success user can transfer money, change his password and view his profile. 1.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, the details specified by user are invalid then he is informed that his login is failed .Then the user may quit the system or he may create a new account. 1.4 Pre Conditions The user should have a valid account in the bank. 1.5 Post Conditions The account database is modified after transaction.

2. Client Desktop transaction- Use case specifications

2.1 Brief Description Client desktop is given to each of bank employees and they are provided with account logins with a user id and a password. Every employee switches on his desktop and login to his account through which he can communicate with bank database. An employee can have operations like withdrawal of money, giving loans, furnishing the DD/cheque and customers may want to deposit money. Bank employee is allowed to modify the database accordingly. And the intended services are provided to the customers. Flow of Events 2.2 Basic flow 1. Employee enters his username and password. 2. Bank Database validates the employee. 3. On success employee can withdraw or deposit money, issue loans and DD/cheque to the customers. 2.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, the details specified by employee are invalid the he is informed that his login is failed .Then the person is not employee of the bank and he is not having authority to perform those actions. 2.4 Pre Conditions The employee must possess a account login and password. 2.5 Post Conditions The account database is modified after transaction. Employee issues dd/cheque to user.

3. Login- Use case specifications 3.1 Brief Description The online customer or a bank employee has to login to access their accounts from bank database. A vendor is provided for communication with bank’s database and this vendor provides safety and atomicity. A user may be an invalid user so the system has to prompt the person appropriately. Flow of Events 3.2 Basic flow 1. User enters username and password. 2. Bank Database validates the user. 3. On success user can precede the transaction. 3.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, the details specified by user are invalid the he is informed that his login is failed. 3.4 Pre Conditions The user must possess a login id and password. 3.5 Post Conditions None.

4. Logout- Use case specifications 4.1 Brief Description The person who ever logged in to the system or bank database has to logout after all the work is over. The vendor provided for communication is now closed from database. Flow of Events 4.2 Basic flow 1. User clicks the logout 2. All the transactions he performed are reflected in the bank database. 4.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, if the internet connection is lost user must refresh the page again. 4.4 Pre Conditions The user should have been logged in already. 4.5 Post Conditions None.

5. Invalid Login- Use case specifications 5.1 Brief Description If a person with a invalid user id or password details want login to the system, the system has to prompt the person about failure and should not open the vendor of communication until he furnishes valid user id & password. Flow of Events 5.2 Basic flow 1. User enters username and password. 2. Bank Database validates that the login is invalid. 3. Further he may not be allowed to proceed until enters a valid login. 5.3 Alternate Flow 1. If the user enters a valid login he must be allowed to proceed further. 5.4 Pre Conditions None. 5.5 Post Conditions None.

6. Card transaction - Use case specifications

6.1 Brief Description Card transaction includes a credit/debit card. This service is provided by a retail institution to a card holding customer. The customer may want to buy any thing form merchant, customer provides the card and the merchant stripes the card into the card reader then it is checked for validity and if the card is valid the transaction begins. A credit card will have a credit amount you can deduct amount more than that. A debit card will be having some level of funds if the funds are over the transaction will not continue. Flow of Events 6.2 Basic flow 1. The retailer places the card in card reader. 2. Card reader checks the card validity after that retailer asks the customer to enter pin number. 3. After entering the pin number retailer enters amount to be paid by customer. 4. Card reader proceeds transaction after that it updates bank Database and finally gives a receipt to customer. 6.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, if the card or pin is invalid or the account don’t have sufficient balance the card reader ejects the card out by giving a receipt. 6.4 Pre Conditions The User must possess a debit/credit card. 6.5 Post Conditions The user has to sign in the receipt and put a copy of receipt with him for security reasons.

7. ATM transaction- Use case specifications

7.1 Brief Description If a customer approaches an ATM, the person is requested to insert card. After inserting the card it is checked for validity if the card is valid transaction continues. And then pin validation is done; if the pin is invalid the transaction is doesn’t allowed. The customer may have transactions like checking balance, draw amount and donation. If there are less funds the transaction is sustained. Flow of Events 7.2 Basic flow 1. User inserts card in ATM. 2. Bank Database validates the card. 3. On success employee must enter pin and select from his list of services appeared on the screen. 7.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, the card or pin is invalid a receipt ejects out from ATM in response to the error. 7.4 Pre Conditions The User must possess an ATM card 7.5 Post Conditions The user must take the receipt.

8. Insert card - Use case specifications 8.1 Brief Description The customer is requested to insert (swipe) card and the card is taken in and kept inside for the whole transaction time. Once the transaction is over card is spelled out Flow of Events 8.2 Basic flow 1. Customer inserts card in ATM or Card reader 2. ATM or Card reader validates the card. 3. On success user can precede the transaction 8.3 Alternate Flow If the card is invalid, ATM ejects the card or then it may be taken back from Card reader and gives a receipt indicating the error number. 8.4 Pre Conditions The User must possess an ATM card or else a debit/credit card. 8.5 Post Conditions None.

9. Invalid card - Use case specifications 9.1 Brief Description The card inserted will be checked for validation. The card may not be inserted properly or it may be out of date or it can be an invalid for specific bank. In those situations it is requested for re-insert. Flow of Events 9.2 Basic flow 1. Customer inserts card in ATM or swipes in Card reader. 2. ATM (Card reader) validates the card is invalid. 3. Customer must re-insert (swipe) the card again. 9.3 Alternate Flow Even after reinserting the card, if the card is invalid ATM (Card reader) gives a receipt indicating that the card is invalid. 9.4 Pre Conditions The User must possess an ATM card or a credit/debit card. 9.5 Post Conditions None.

10. Pin validation - Use case specifications 10.1 Brief Description After inserting the card and if it is checked for validation, the user is requested for pin. The pin is itself present on magnetic strip on back of card and it is checked with the entered one. Flow of Events 10.2 Basic flow 1. Customer inserts card in ATM and enter his pin number. 2. ATM validates the pin. 3. On success user can precede the transaction 10.3 Alternate Flow If the pin is invalid, ATM ejects the card and gives a receipt indicating the error number. 10.4 Pre Conditions The User must possess an ATM card. 10.5 Post Conditions None.

11. Invalid Pin - Use case specifications 11.1 Brief Description The pin entered may be wrong in that case transaction is cancelled. The customer is requested for re-inserting of card and re-entry of pin. The number of wrong trials may be limited according to bank’s specifications. Flow of Events 11.2 Basic flow 1. Customer inserts card in ATM and enter his pin number. 2. ATM founds that pin is invalid. 3. The customer requested to reinsert card or reenter the pin. 4. In case the number of trials exceeded, ATM blocks the card temporarily. 11.3 Alternate Flow If customer enters a correct pin transaction proceeds further. 11.4 Pre Conditions The User must possess an ATM card. 11.5 Post Conditions The user should not enter the pin number more than the number of trials.

Class Diagram for Banking System:

customer console 0..*


+card +pin











0..* 1

pin validation +pin

card validation


check bal

1 1


bank database +profile +log +balance +procesesrequest() bank web page +bankdetails 1 +loginform

client desktop






+frontend +cnctwithDB




+profile +balance +log


DD/ cheque

retail instituition

network to bank




+feasible() +drawamnt()






+accno +amount





+turnon() +turnoff()




+cardholder 0..* 1 +cnctwithDB


draw amount



card reader 1

0..* 0..*





+turnon() +shutdwn()


1 1

employee console +id&pswrd









0..* deposit +amount +accno +transfercash()

+processrequest() 1

loan +amount +feasibility()

1 1 login

+id +pswrd +validity()



0..* transfer of amount +amount +toaccno +feasibility()

Sequence Diagrams and Collaboration Diagrams

Online Transaction Sequence Diagram:

online transaction sequence diagram customer console

network to bank

transaction 1 : loginRequest() 2 : validity()

3 : profileRequest() 4 : display() 5 : transferRequest()

6 : transfer() 7 : succed() 8 : acknowledgement() 9 : transferRequest()

Online Transaction Collaboration Diagram: 1 : login request() customer console

network to bank 4 : display() 7 : succeed()

9 : transfer request() 2 : validity() 5 : transfer request()

8 : acknowledgement()


3 : profile request()

6 : transfer()

Client desktop Transaction Sequence Diagram:

client desktop transaction sequence diagram employee console

network to bank database

transaction 1 : login request()

2 : validity()

3 : menuChoice() 4 : proceedTransaction()

5 : accountInfo() 6 : succed() 7 : menuChoice() 8 : proceedTransaction()

Client desktop Transaction Collaboration Diagram: employee console

1 : login request()

netwrk to bank db

8 : transaction proceed() 4 : proceed transaction() 5 : account info()

3 : choice menu() 2 : validity()

7 : choice menu() transaction

Login & Logout Sequence Diagram:

6 : succeed()


front end

login & logout sequence diagram

network to bank

1 : enterId&Pswrd() 2 : verify()

3 : validity()

4 : logout()

7 : loggedout()

5 : reqLogout()

6 : succeded()

Login & Logout Collaboration Diagram:


1 : enter id pwd()

2 : verify() front end 3 : validity()

4 : logout() 7 : logged out()

5 : request logout() 6 : succeeded()

ATM Transaction Sequence Diagram:

network to bank

ATM transaction sequence diagram

customer console

ntwrk to bank transaction 1 : insert card()

2 : validation() 3 : verified() 4 : ChoiceMenu() 5 : selectservice() 6 : accountInfo() 7 : feasibility()

8 : give receipt()

9 : another transaction()

ATM Transaction Collaboration Diagram: customer console

9 : another trans()

ntwrk to bank

8 : give receipt()

3 : verified()

7 : feasibility()

6 : account info() 4 : choice menu()

1 : insert card() 2 : validation()

5 : select service() transaction

Card Validation Sequence Diagram: card validation sequence diagram customer panel


1 : insert card()

network to bank

2 : validation()

3 : card valid() 4 : eject card()

Card Validation Collaboration Diagram:

customer panel

4 : eject card() 1 : insert card()


3 : card valid() 2 : validation()

bank network

Pin Validation Sequence Diagram: pin validation sequence diagram customer panel


network to bank

1 : enterpin() 2 : pin validation()

4 : choiceMenu()

3 : validity()

Pin Validation Collaboration Diagram:

customer panel

1 : enter pin()

4 : choice menu()


2 : `pin validation()

bank network

3 : validity()

Web merchant Transaction Sequence Diagram:

Web merchant transaction sequence digram customer


card reader

network to bank

1 : gives card() 2 : insert card() 3 : validation() 4 : verified() 5 : enter amount()

6 : update bank db() 7 : give receipt()

Web merchant Transaction Collaboration Diagram:


1 : give card()


card reader 2 : insert card()

5 : enter amount()

7 : give receipt() 3 : validation() 4 : verified() 6 : update bank DB() bank network

Activity Diagrams

Online Transaction Activity Diagram:

open web page

create account

enter id and pwd no valid login

furnish details yes

choice menu

no valid details

yes submit

amount transfer

view details


change pwd

Client Desktop Transaction Activity Diagram:

customer approaches officer

employee login

no valid login

yes choice menu

passbook entry



proceed transaction

issue dd/cheque

ATM Transaction Activity Diagram:

customer approaches officer

employee login

no valid login

yes choice menu

passbook entry



proceed transaction

issue dd/cheque

Web Merchant Transaction Activity Diagram:

insert card

no card valid yes

enter amount no

sufficient bal

yes proceed transaction

take receipt


Component Diagram for Banking System:

ATM machine

customer console

ATM transaction

Account info Employee console Card reader

Bank Database


Client desktop

webmerchant transactrion

online transaction

client desktop transaction

Deployment Diagram for Banking System:

Customer may be ATM card holder, credit/debit card holder or an online user of a Bank

Customer Console

Card Reader

ATM Machine providing services of ATM transaction

ATM Machine

Bank Database

Bank Database keeping the details of each and every account

Client Desktop

Client Desktop providing services of banking at desks

Web Page

Card reader providing services of credit/debit tranmsaction

Web Page providing services of online transaction

Employee Console

Each employee at Bank given a desktop and provided with own id & password for login to the Bank's Database

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