Ugc - Minimum Qualification And Career Advancement

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  • Pages: 59
UGC Regulations of Minimum Qualifications and Measures for Maintenance of Standards in HE


UGC Regulation - DJA




UGC Regulation - DJA


Pay Scale – Maintenance of Standards The scheme of revision of pay scales, minimum qualifications for appointment, other service conditions of • University and College Teachers, • Librarians and • Directors of Physical Education

as a measure for the maintenance of standards in higher education. 10/26/2009

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Direct Recruitments are done through All India Advertisements and Selection by the duly constituted committee as per the guidelines of UGC Minimum qualification is prescribed for each post as per UGC The minimum requirements of a good academic record, 55% of the marks at the master’s level and qualifying in the National Eligibility Test (NET), or an accredited test, shall remain for the appointment of Assistant Professors.



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Qualification and Ph.Ds •

Holders of Ph.D. degrees as on the date of notification of these regulations, along with those candidates who are awarded a Ph.D. degree through • • • •

a process of admission, registration, course work and external evaluation

as have been/or may be laid down by UGC through its regulations, and so adopted by the university shall alone be exempted from NET. • This requirement will not be applied to PhD degrees obtained prior to the issue of the guideline by UGC


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Hurdle Points – 55% or PhD •

• •

• •

Entry point Qualification for Assistant Professors, Assistant Librarians, Assistant Director of Physical Education is 55% marks 5% relaxed for SC/ST candidates but with good academic record A relaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks to the PhD degree holders, who have passed their Master’s degree prior to 19th September,1991. PhD is essential for the post of Professor, Librarian and Physical Director PhD is essential for the Direct Recruitment of Assistant and Associate Professors, Deputy Librarian and Deputy Director of Physical Education


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Direct Recruitment


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Professor I.




An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualification and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of publish work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research / policy papers in 3 indexed / ISBN/ISSN numbered journals and as ISBN/ISSN numbered books. A minimum of 12 years of teaching experience including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology – medicated teaching learning process. A satisfactory score as stipulated by API system developed by UGC in this notification.


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Principal I.



A Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks. Ph.D. qualification with evidence of published work and research guidance. Total experience of 15 years of teaching/research/administrati on in Universities / Colleges and other institutions of higher education. A satisfactory score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) system developed by UGC in this notification.


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Associate Professor I. II.



Good academic record with a Ph.D. degree in the concerned or allied disciplines. 55% of the marks, or equivalent grade wherever grading system is followed at the Master’s degree level. A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and / or of research in a regular position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University / College. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology – mediated teaching learning process with evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and research students.


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Assistant Professor i.




Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks or equivalent grade. National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC. Holders of Ph.D. degrees and the regulation of UGC so adopted by the university shall be exempted from NET. NET shall also not be required for such Masters in disciplines for which NET is not conducted


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Selection Committee Specifications


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Assistant Professor in a College: (Government /Government-Aided /Private Colleges) 1.

Chairperson of the Governing Body of the college. 2. The Principal. 3. Head of the Department of the subject. 4. Two nominees of the Vice Chancellor of the affiliating university of whom one should be a subject expert. 5. Two subject-experts not connected with the college to be nominated by the Chairperson of the governing body out of a panel of names approved by the Vice Chancellor. The quorum for the meeting should be five of which at least two must be from out of the three subject-experts.


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Associate Professor and Professors in Colleges The Committee shall consist of 1. The Chairperson of the Governing to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee; 2. The Principal, 3. The Head of the Department, 4. Two University representatives nominated by the vice chancellor, one of whom will be the Dean of College Development Council or equivalent position in the University, and the other must be expert in the concerned subject; 5. Two subject-experts not connected with the college to be nominated by the Chairperson of the governing body out of a panel of names approved by the Vice Chancellor. 10/26/2009

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College Principal 1.

Chairperson of the Governing Body as Chairperson. 2. One member of the Governing Body to be nominated by the Chairperson. 3. Two Vice Chancellor’s nominees, out of whom one should be a Higher Education expert. 4. Three experts consisting of the Principal of a college, a Professor and an accomplished educationist not below the rank of a Professor (to be nominated by the Governing Body) out of a panel of experts approved by the Vice Chancellor. At least four members, including two experts, should constitute the quorum.


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The Academic Performance Indicator (API) system in the process of selection API should involve the following: a. Assessment of aptitude for teaching, research and administration b. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively. c. Ability to plan, analyse and discuss curriculum development, research problems and college development/administration; d. Ability to deliver lecture programmes to be assessed by requiring the candidate to participate in a group discussion or exposure to a class room situation by a lecture. e. Analysis of the merits and credentials of the candidates on the basis of the Performance Appraisal Scoring System (PASS) guidelines developed by the affiliating University based on this notification. 10/26/2009

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Selection Procedures


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API, WP and PASS • The overall selection procedure shall incorporate transparent and credible methodology of analysis of the merits and credentials of the applicants on a scoring system proforma, based on the Academic Performance Indicators (API) and Weightage Points (WP) tables provided in this guideline. • The credit points accrued need to be collated with • (b) performance of the candidate in giving a seminar or lecture in a class room situation or group discussion • (a) Aptitude and ability for teaching & research and to plan, analyse and discuss a research problem and • (c) capacity to technology orientation as applicable to teaching and research.


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Step 1 – Expert in the Committee •

The UGC shall draw up, in consultation with renowned subject experts, exhaustive list of experts in each subject and put them up on its website which may be updated periodically. It should be incumbent on the Universities/Colleges to include at least one of the subject experts on the selection committees for both direct recruitment and Career advancement scheme. The expert from the UGC website in the CAS promotion committees shall act both as a subject expert as well as UGC nominee/observer of the CAS promotion process. He shall submit his report to UGC with a copy handed over to the chairperson of the selection committee, which also be placed before the executive council/Syndicate along with the recommendations of the selection committee . The UGC shall monitor adherence through compliance reports from universities on yearly basis.


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Step 2 – Demonstration or Lecture The selection process in addition to the process so far can generally include making the candidates to give – a seminar or – a demonstration lecture on a given subject before the selection committee

in both direct recruitment and CAS promotions wherever selection committees are prescribed in this notification. 10/26/2009

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Step 3 – Real Time Experience The selection process for College teachers, while adhering the guidelines, greater emphasis may be laid on • actual class room teaching, • holding tutorials, • conducting examinations and • evaluating answer scripts

while considering them for promotion under CAS. 10/26/2009

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Step 4 – Role of IQAC The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) shall act as • the documentation and • record-keeping Cell for the institution including assistance in the development of the API/WP based PASS methodology outlined in this notification. 10/26/2009

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Step 5 – Do it today In order to avoid delays in holding Selection committees in various positions under CAS, • College should start the process at least three months before a teacher becomes eligible for promotion under CAS. • The concerned faculty may also initiate the process by submitting the Performance Appraisal form duly supported by all credentials as per the API and WP guidelines developed in this notification as provided

(Prepare the PASS format - IQAC)


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Step 6 – I and He are the same • The norms of Selection Committees and Selection procedures as well as API weightage points requirements for the cadres either through direct recruitment or through Career Advancement Scheme shall be the same. • However, the Career Advancement of Assistant Professors from one AGP level to the other AGP until they become eligible for promotion to Associate Professor is given separately. 10/26/2009

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Step 7 – I and He are not the same • While the API and WP Tables I and II shall also be applicable to the selection of Assistant Professors/Associate Professors / Professors; Directors/ Deputy Directors/ Assistant Directors of Physical Education; Librarians/ Deputy Librarians and Assistant Librarians for both direct recruitment as well as Career Advancement Promotions, • the ratio / percentage of minimum requirement of category-wise credit points to each of the cadres shall vary from those for university teachers and for College Teachers 10/26/2009

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Step 8 – Screening Committee for CAS •

However, CAS promotions of Assistant Professors from one AGP to the higher AGP shall be conducted by a “ Screening cum Evaluation Committee” adhering to the norms laid out as API/WP and PASS in Table I to III of Appendix-III. The “ Screening cum Evaluation Committee” for CAS promotion of assistant professors/equivalent cadres in Librarians/Physical education from one AGP to the other higher AGP shall consist of – The Chairman of the GB – Principal – The Head of the Department – One subject experts in the concerned subject nominated by the VC from the University Panel of Experts The quorum for the committee shall be four of which at least one subject expert need to be present.


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Step 9 - Recommendation • The Screening cum Evaluation Committee on verification/evaluation of AGP score secured by the candidate through the ‘PASS’ methodology designed by the respective university based on this notification and as per the minimum requirement specified in Tables II &III for each of the cadre of Assistant Professor, shall recommend to the Executive Council /Syndicate of the University about the suitability of the promotion of the candidate(s) under CAS.


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Step 10 – Instant Result • All the selection procedures to be completed on the day of selection committee meeting • Minutes are recorded along with scoring proforma and • The Committee’s recommendation is made on the basis of merit and • They are duly signed by all the members of selection committee. 10/26/2009

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Pay Scales


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Pay Scales, Designations and Stages of Promotions under CAR and Newly Appointed


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Upward Movements of Assistant Professors • Assistant Professors, new entrants, placed under this pay band

• An Assist. Prof. completed 4 years with PhD is eligible

• An Assist. Prof with M.Phil completed 5 years is eligible • An Assist. Prof with Master Deg in relevant discipline, completed 6 years, is eligible

Pay Band III of Rs.15600 – 39100 with AGP 6000

Moving to AGP of Rs. 7000

Moving to AGP of Rs. 7000


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The Incumbent • The pay of the incumbents to the posts of Lecturer (Senior Scale) (i.e. the unrevised scale of Rs. 10000-15200) shall be re-designed as Assistant Professor. • They shall be fixed at the appropriate stage in Pay Band III of Rs. 15600 – 39100 based on the present pay, with AGP of Rs.7000. • Assistant Professors with 5 years at the AGP of Rs. 7000 to move up TO AGP of Rs.8000


Rs. 10000 - 15200

Senior Scale

Rs. 15600 - 39100

Pay Band III

AGP of Rs. 8000

5 years

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Upward Movement of Associate Professor Pay Band of IV of Rs.37000 – 67000 with AGP Rs. 9000

Pay Band III of Rs.37000 – 67000 with AGP Rs. 9000

Pay Band III of Rs. 15600 – 39100 with AGP Rs. 8000

Pay Band of Rs. 36000 - 67000

Directly Recruited Associate Professor

Incumbent Readers/Lecturers (SG) completed 3 years service (Rs.12000 – 18300) on 1 -1 – 2006, redesignated as Associate Professor

Incumbent Readers/Lecturers (SG) not completed 3 years service (Rs.12000 – 18300) on 1 -1 – 2006, designated as Lecturer (SG)/ Reader

After completing 3 years, these incumbents move to Associate professorship


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Incumbent Reader • The incumbent Reader, selected on or after 1-1-2006, re-designated as Associate Professor from the date of his selection. • He will be placed in the pay band IV of Rs.37000 – 67000 with AGP OF Rs. 9000. • Assistant Professors, completing 3 years, in the AGP of Rs. 8000 move to the pay band IV of Rs.37000 – 67000 with the AGP of Rs. 9000 and to be designated as Associate Professors. 10/26/2009

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Professors 10%

25: 75

Joint Effort

Integer to be Rounded off

Ten percent of the number of sanctioned posts of Associate Professor in an Under Graduate College provided that there shall not be more than one post of Professor in each Department.

One-fourth (25%) of the posts of Professor in UG Colleges shall be directly recruited and the remaining threefourths (75%) of posts of Professors shall be filled by merit promotion from among eligible Associate Professors of the relevant department of the Under Graduate College.

Identification of posts of Professor in an Under Graduate College for being filled through direct recruitment / deputation shall be carried out by the affiliating/concerned University acting in consultation with the College.

Not an integer, the same shall be rounded off to the next higher integer. The selection shall be conducted through the API/WP scoring system with PASS methodology;


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Post-Graduate College One Post of Professor in Each Department and 25: 75 ratio • There shall be one post of Professor in each Department of a PostGraduate College provided that one-fourth (25%) of the posts of Professor shall be filled on deputation/direct recruitment from among eligible teachers and the remaining three-fourths (75%) of posts shall be filled through merit promotion from among the eligible Associate Professors in the relevant department of the Post-Graduate college.


Joint Effort

Rounded Off

• Identification of posts of Professor in a Post-Graduate College for being filled through direct recruitment/deputation shall be carried out by the affiliating/concerned University acting in consultation with the College.

• Where the number of posts of professor for merit promotion or direct recruitment / deputation worked out as a percentage of the total number of posts in a Post Graduate College is not an integer, the same shall be rounded off to the next higher integer. The selection shall be conducted through the API/WP scoring system with PASS methodology stipulated in this notification;

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Degrees and Deodorants

PhD M.Phil PG 10/26/2009

• Five non-compounded advance Increments at the entry level as Assistant Professor

• Entitled to two non-compounded advance increments at the entry point

• LLM like Degrees accepted by the relevant statutory body, brings you 2 non-compounded increments UGC Regulation - DJA


Motivators PhD

• Teachers completed while in service entitled to 3 non-compounded increments • Going to complete will also get the same


• Have not enrolled so far, can collect three increments after completing PhD • A (Be)ware of Course Work


• Acquired it while in service entitled to one advance increment


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Booster in the Middle 3%

No addl. Increment between two pay bands

Each annual increment equivalent to 3% of total pay in the relevant pay band and the AGP

Increments given as per the existing schemes.


In view of the considerable raise in effective pay between the two pay bands, no addl. Increment on movement from the pay band of Rs. 15000-39100 to the pay band Rs. 37400 - 67000


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Other Allowances Allowances such as Leave Travel Concession,

Special Compensatory Allowances,

Children’s Education Allowance,

Transport Allowance,

House Rent Allowance,

Deputation Allowance,

Travelling Allowance,

Dearness Allowance,

area based Special Compensatory Allowance etc.


They shall be at par with those accepted by the Central Government for Central Government employees on the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission and shall be applicable from 1.09.2008. UGC Regulation - DJA


Duty Leave


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30 Days in an Academic Year

Attending Conferences


Delivering Lectures at the Invitation

Working in Another Indian or Foreign University, when deputed by the Institution

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Participating in a Government Delegation

For Performing another duty for the Institution


Condition to Avail DL • To Be considered necessary by the sanctioning authority • Leave granted on full pay. • Duty leave may be combined with EL, half pay leave or extraordinary leave 10/26/2009

UGC Regulation - DJA


Study Leave


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Conditions to Avail Study Leave • Minimum 3 years of continuous service required before availing the study leave. • Probation period is two years. • Entrants are encouraged to complete PhD early • Paid Period is 3 years. First instance only 2 years are given. The period should not be extended further • Executive council sanctions the study leave on the recommendation of HOD • It is not granted to the teacher who is due to retire within five years of the date on which he is expected to return to duty after the expiry of study leave • Study leave may be granted not more than twice during one’s career. • No teacher shall be permitted to alter substantially the course of study without the permission of the EC


UGC Regulation - DJA


Conditions to Avail Study Leave • Pay and allowance during study period is determined based on the amount of scholarship and grant. • Study leave may be suffixed with EL, Half-pay leave and extraordinary leave • A teacher granted study leave shall on his return and re-joining the duty may be eligible to the benefit of annual increment. No arrears. • Study leave stands cancelled in case it is not availed of within 12 months of its sanction • Teachers availed study leave bound to work in the institution at least 3 years. • A bond has to be executed in this regard (with all conditions) • A progress report is to be submitted to the principal


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Sabbatical Leave


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Conditions for Sabbatical Leave • Teachers put seven years of service are eligible • Leave for increasing the proficiency and usefulness to the institution • Duration is not exceeding one year at time and two years in the entire career. • Teachers availed study leave cannot claim sabbatical leave • Teacher is eligible to get full pay and allowances • He should not take any regular appointment elsewhere. • He shall be allowed to draw the increment on the due date.


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Period of Probation and Confirmation

The minimum period of probation is one year Extendable one more year in the case of unsatisfactory performance


Confirmation is Automatic unless it is extended

Probation and confirmation rules are applicable only at the initial state of recruitment

UGC Regulation - DJA

All other Central Govt. rules on probation and confirmation are applicable in appropriate


Teaching Days


UGC Regulation - DJA


Working Days – 180 Days At least 180 working days, i.e., there should be a minimum of 30 weeks of actual teaching in a 6-day week. Of the remaining period, –

– –

12 weeks may be devoted to admission and examination activities, an noninstructional days (e.g. for sports, college day, etc), 8 weeks for vacations and 2 weeks may be attributed to various public holidays.

If the University adopts a 5 day week pattern, then the number of weeks should be increased correspondingly to ensure equivalent of 30 weeks with a 6 day week.


UGC Regulation - DJA


Number of Working Days Teaching and Learning Process



30 (180 Days) weeks

30 (180 Days) weeks

Administration/Examina 12 tions, Preparations for Examinations





Public Holidays (to increase and adjust teaching days accordingly)






UGC Regulation - DJA


Earned Leave • In lieu of curtailment of vacation by 2 weeks, – the university teachers may be credited with 1/3rd of the period of Earned Leave. – However, colleges may have an option of a total vacation of 10 weeks in a year and no Earned Leave – except when asked to work during the vacations for which, as in the case of University teachers, 1/3 of the period will be credited as Earned Leave.


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Work Load


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Direct Teaching Hours and Other Duties • The workload of the teachers in full employment should not be less than 40 hours a week for 30 working weeks (180 teaching days) in an academic year. • It should be necessary for the teacher to be available for at least 5 hours daily in the University/College for which necessary space and infrastructure should be provided by the University/College.


Assistant Professor

Associate Professor


14 Hours 16




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Hours relaxation


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