Tyre Pyrolysis Andres

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,043
  • Pages: 6

Total volume of pyrolyser Vapour space Solid space Bulk density of raw materials Raw material change Yield of oil @ 50% Yield after desulpherisation @90% Recovery / batch

= 6.8 m3 = 20% = 6.8 x 0.8 = 5.45 m3 = 0.45 T/ m3 = 0.45 x 5.45 = 2.45 T = 1.225 T = 1360 lit = 1360 x 0.9 = 1225 lit.

b) Total batch duration:• • • • • • •

Charging the producer gas gasifier Charging pyrolyser Assembly & readying reactor for pyrolysis Pyrolysis and oil collection Opening reactor & discharge and readying for charging Total batch duration Theoretical number of batches / day = 24/1.5

Assume:- 10 batches / day (conservative estimate) c)

= continuous = 15 min. = 5 min. = 60 min. = 10 min. = 90 min. (1.5 hrs) = 16 = 300 working days

Oil production / day = 1225 x 10 = 12250 lit. Oil production / year = 12250 x 300 = 3675 x 10 m3 lit. Raw material required / year = 2.45 x 10 x 300 = 7.35 x 10 m3 T Carbon black / year @ 25% recovery = 7.35 x 0.25 x 10 m3 = 1.8375 x 10 m3 T

d) Total sales / year @ 0.56$ / lit. of oil @ 0.66$/kg of carbon black = 0.56$ x 3675 x 10 m3 + 30 x 1.8375 x 10 m3 =2 million +1.22 million ≅ 3.2 million usd

PRODUCTION COST Investment: Plant - 250,000 $ Land - 45,000 $ Facility - Building - 45,000 $ • Shed type • 200 m2 • PCC floor • Installed power 50 KW (3φ) • 10 m3 water Over head crane ( 5 T ) Barrels (1000 nos.) Office investment


9,000 $ 12,000 $ 3,000$

PC • Fax • Furniture Total

---------------364,000 $ ----------------

COSTS Fixed Cost: 1. Interest on investment @ 12% 2. Depreciation @ 20% for first year For plant & machinery: Plant & machinery cost = 250,000 Therefore; Depreciation =250,000 x 0.2


18,200 $



-------------------------= 68,200 $ --------------------------

Total Running Costs: a) Materials & Consumables: 1. Raw materials @ 0.04$ / kg for 7350 T 2. Wood for gasifier @0.04$ /kg for 4000 T 3. Sulphuric acid (for desulphurization @ 5% of raw oil) = 0.05 x 3675 T = 183.75 T And 0.12/kg for H2804 = 183.75 x 120$/ton 4. Lime for neutralizing acid sludge of lime 5. Chemicals for laboratory 6. Stationery Total cost of consumables

= 294,000 = 160,000



= 12,000 = 4,500 = 4,500 ------------------= 485,000 -------------------

b) Salaries: Total

------------= 45,000$ ------------------

c) Power: Pumps Blower Illumination Grinder Miscellaneous

- 10 KW - 5 KW - 2 KW - 10 KW - 5 KW -------------Total installed power - 32 KW Power cost @ 0.17$/KWH = 32 x 24 x 300 x0.17$ d) Contingencies / Miscellaneous / Spares, etc. Total Cost Sales


653,200 ( a+b+c+d)

= 3.1 million

Gross Profit before tax = 2.447 Million US Dollar

= 40,000$ = 15,000$






1. Process Description: Refer Fig.1/ The oil is extracted by the pyrolysis (heating the tyre waste to about 350ºC out of contact with air / oxygen). The reaction takes place in the pyrolysis reactor (PR). The tyres are heated by the combustion gases coming out of the producer gas generator (GJ). The producer gas, before combustion with limited quantity of air is scrubbed with water in the scrubber (SCR) to remove the carbon particles and make the gas clean. In the pyrolysis gases, the raw material is with the raw material the lid is closed and the combustion gases from the burning producer gas is hot in so that the raw material is heated by direct contact. When the temperature of the tyre waste reachers about 200ºC, the pyrolysis reaction sets in. The pyrolysis reaction continues upto a temperature of 350 ºC beyond which it is not allowed to go by a thermostatic relay which would shut off the producer gas supply. The products of pyrolysis reactor consists of the following 3 species: -

Carbon particles Light hydrocarbons Heavy hydrocarbons

The carbon particles are separated from the mixture through two cyclone speartors (CS). The remaining product is then fed to a shell and tube water cooled condenser where the heavy hydrocarbons are condensed to form the fuel oil which is collected in the receiving vessel (RV). The remaining gas consisting of methane, ethane and other light organic components are sucked out of the condenser by a water jet eductor (JE). The mixture of the gas and water coming out of the eductor is then passed through water separator. The above gas is then recycled as fuel to produce the combustion gases that will heat the pyrolysis reactor. Once this is done, there is no necessity of operating the producer gas generator full capacity. Hence GJ may be shut down or operated at a low level to supplement the gaseous fuel of pyrolysis gases. 2. Purification of the pyrolysis oil (Desulphurization) The main impurity in the pyrolysis oil is compounds of sulphur which are formed during the pyrolysis process through chemical reactions between the sulphur used for vulcanization and the hydrocarbon and other chemical species. The sulphuric compounds which are undesirable in the furnace oil are removed as follows:-

Raw oil

Concentrated Sulphuric acid 5 – 6% w/w

ACID …………………… TANK


Purified oil

Acid sludge

Purified oil


Sampling for Sulphur contact, Density, Viscosity, Carbon residue

Acid ………alization of sludge Acid sludge

Samples for testing activity

Calciver sulphate (harmless) + non-sulphurous organic compounds


3. Effluents: They are from the possible two sources:i) producer gas ii) light hydrocarbons of the pyrolysis gases The producer gas is generated in the gas generator by the gasification of wood; the sulphur content of which is practically zero. The sulphur content of the light hydrocarbon is also negligible since formation of any SO2 is nil. Since the reactor operates at oxygen free conditions due to controlled supply of air into the reactor. Hence whatever sulphur present in the original tyre waste gas only to the pyrolysis oil which is eventually removed by the desulphurization process.

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