Types Of Software Testing

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  • Words: 1,884
  • Pages: 52
Types of Software Testing Presented by CTS



Types of Software Testing ✔ In the testing phase a software undergoes

various types of testing before it is shipped to the customer ✔ About 50 types of testing are available.



Automation Testing ✔ Determines how well a product functions

through a series of automated tasks, using a variety of tools to simulate complex test data.



Acceptance Testing ✔ Formal testing conducted to determine

whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria - enables a customer to determine whether to accept the system or not.



Alpha Testing ✔ Testing of a software product or system

conducted at the developer’s site by the customer



Automated Testing ✔ That part of software testing that is assisted

with software tool(s) that does not require operator input, analysis, or evaluation.



Beta Testing ✔ Testing conducted at one or more customer

sites by the end user of a delivered software product system.



Black-Box Testing ✔ Functional Testing based on the

requirements with no knowledge of the internal program structure or data. Also known as closed box testing.



Bottom-up Testing ✔ An integration testing technique that tests

the low level components first using test drivers for those components that have not yet been developed to call the low level components for test.



Clear-Box Testing ✔ Another term for White-Box Testing.

Structural Testing is sometimes referred o as clear-box testing, since “white boxes” are considered opaque and do not really permit visibility into the code. This is also known as glass-box or open-box testing.



Compatibility Testing ✔ Determines how well a product works in

conjunction with a variety of other products, on certain operating systems, across a broad range of hardware and component configurations and when exposed to earlier versions of the product.



Database Testing ✔ Most web sites of any complexity store and

retrieve information from some type of database. Clients often want us to test the connection between their web site and database in order to verify data and display integrity.



Dynamic Testing ✔ Verification or validation performed which

executes the system code.



Error-based Testing ✔ Testing where information about

programming style, error-prone language constructs, and other programming knowledge is applied to select test data capable of detecting defaults, either a specified class of faults or all possible faults. 04/09/09


Exhaustive Testing ✔ Executing the program with all possible

combinations of values for program variables.



Failure-directed Testing ✔ Testing based on the knowledge of the

types of errors made in the past that are likely for the system under test.



Fault based testing ✔ Testing that employs a test data selection

strategy designed to generate test data capable of demonstrating the absence of a set of pre-specified faults, typically, frequent occurring faults.



Functionality Testing ✔ Determines the extent to which a product

meets expected functional requirements through validation of product features. This process can be as simple as a smoke test to ensure primary functional operation, or as detailed as checking a variety of scenarios and validating that all output meets specified expectations. 04/09/09


Functional Localization Testing ✔ Determines how well a product functions

across a range of language, localized versions are checked to determine whether particular language translations create failures specific to that language versions.



Heuristics Testing ✔ Another term for fault-directed testing.



Hybrid Testing ✔ A combination of top-down testing

combined with bottom-up testing of prioritized or available components.



Integration Testing ✔ An orderly progression of testing in which

the software components or hardware components, or both are combined and tested until the entire system has been integrated.



Interoperability Testing ✔ Determines, to a deeper extent than

compatibility testing, how well a product works with a specific cross section of external components such as hardware, device drivers, second-party software and even specific operating systems and factory delivered computer systems. 04/09/09


Intrusive Testing ✔ Testing that collects timing and processing

information during program execution that may change the behavior of the software from its behavior in a real environment.



Install Testing ✔ Determines how well and how easily a

product installs on a variety of platform configurations



Load Testing ✔ Determines how well a product functions

when it is in competition for system resources. The competition most commonly comes from active processes, CPU utilization, I/O activity, network traffic or memory allocation.



Manual Testing ✔ That part of software testing that requires

operator input, analysis, or evaluation.



Mutation Testing ✔ A method to determine test set

thoroughness by measuring the extent to which a test set can discriminate the program from slight variants of the program.



Mundane Testing ✔ A test that include many simple and

repetitive steps, it can be called as Manual Testing



Operational Testing ✔ Testing performed by the end user on

software in its normal operating environment.



Path coverage Testing ✔ A test method satisfying coverage criteria

that each logical path through the program is tested. Paths through the program often are grouped into finite set of classes; one path from each class is tested.



Performance Testing ✔ Determines how quickly a product executes

a variety of events. This type of testing sometimes includes reports on response time to a user’s command, system throughput or latency. Although the word performance has various meanings, eg: speed. 04/09/09


Qualification Testing ✔ Formal Testing usually conducted by the

developer for the customer, to demonstrate that the software meets its specified requirements.



Random Testing ✔ An essentially black-box testing approach

in which a program is tested by randomly choosing a subset of all possible input values. The distribution may be arbitrary or may attempt to accurately reflect the distribution of inputs in the application environment. 04/09/09


Regression Testing ✔ Selective re-testing to detect faults

introduced during modification of a system or system component to verify that modifications have not caused unintended adverse effects, or to verify that a modified system or system component still meets its requirements. 04/09/09


Smoke Testing ✔ It is performed only when the build is

ready. Every file is compiled, linked, and combined into an executable program every day, and the program is then put through a “smoke test”, arelatively simple check to see whether the product “smokes” when it runs. 04/09/09


Statement Coverage Testing ✔ A test method satisfying coverage criteria

that requires each statement be executed at least once.



Static Testing ✔ Verification performed without executing

the system’s code. Also called static analysis.



Stress Testing ✔ Determines, to a deeper extent than load

testing, how well a product functions when a load is placed on the system resources that exceeds their capacity. Either stress testing can also determine the capacity of a system by increasing the load placed on the resources until a failure or other unacceptable product behaviour occurs. Stress testing can also involve placing loads on the system for extended periods. 04/09/09


System Testing ✔ The process of testing an integrated

hardware and software system to verify that the system meets its specified requirements.



System Integration Testing ✔ Determine, through isolation, which component of a

product is the roadblock in the development process. This testing is beneficial to products that come together through a series of builds where each step in the development process has the potential to introduce a problem. System integration testing is also used in systems composed of hardware and software. In essence, system integration testing is intended to exercise the whole system in realworld scenarios and, again through isolation, determine which component is responsible for a certain defect. 04/09/09


Top-down Testing ✔ An integration testing technique that test the

high-level components first using stubs for lower-level called components that have not yet been integrated and that stimulate the required actions of those components.



Unit Testing ✔ The testing done to show whether a unit

(the smallest piece of software that can be independently compiled or assembled, loaded, and tested) satisfies its functional specification or its implemented structure matches the intended design structure.



White box Testing ✔ Testing approaches that examine the

program structure and derive test data from the program logic.



Web site Testing ✔ Compatibility Testing – compatibility testing tests your web site across a wide variety browser/operating system combinations. This testing typically exposes problems with plug-ins. ActiveX controls, Java applets, JavaScript, forms and frames. Currently there are over 100 possible combinations of different windows operating systems and various versions of NE and IE browsers. It is important to test across a large number of these to ensure that users with diverse config don’t experience problems when using the web site or application. 04/09/09


Web Site Testing ✔ Content Testing – Content Testing verifies a web site’s content such as images, clip art and factual text.



Web site Testing ✔ Database Testing – Most web sites of any complexity store and retrieve information from some type of database. Clients often want us to test the connection between their web site and database in order to verify data and display integrity.



Web site Testing ✔ Functionality Testing – Funtionality testing ensures that the web site performs as expected. The details of this testing will vary depending on the nature of your web site. Typical examples of this type of testing include link checking, form testing, transaction verification for e-commerce and databases, testing java applets, file upload testing and SSL verification. For testing, which is repetitive in nature, an automated test tool such as Rational’s Visual Test can be used to decrease the overall duration of a test project. 04/09/09


Web site Testing ✔ Performance Testing – Performance Testing measures the web site performance during various conditions. When the conditions include different numbers of concurrent users, we can run performance tests at the same time as stress and load tests.

✔ Eight Second Rule – Every page within a web site must load in eight seconds or less, even for users on slow modem connections, or they risk losing their user to a 04/09/09 competitor site that serves pages more quickly.


Web site Testing ✔ Server Side Testing – Server side testing tests the server side of the site, rather than the client side. Examples of server side testing include testing the interaction between a web and an application server, checking database integrity on the database server itself, verifying that ASP scripts are being executed correctly on the server and determining how well a web site functions when run on different kinds of web servers.



Web site Testing ✔ Stress and Load Testing – Load Testing, a subset of stress testing, verifies that a web site can handle a particular number of concurrent users while maintaining acceptable response times. To perform this type of testing use sophisticated automated testing tools, such as Segue’s SilkPerformer, to generate accurate metrics based on overall system load and server configuration.



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