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  • Words: 3,247
  • Pages: 17
Universidad Rural Chimaltenango 001 Ingeniería Civil Ingles III


Guido Lester Echeverría Peña 18-1000057 27/2/2019



Arise Awake Be/ am, are, is Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind Bid Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Buy Cast Catch Come Cost Cut Choose Cling Creep Deal Dig Do (Does) Draw Dream Drink Drive

Arose Awoke Was / Were Bore Beat Became Began Bent Bet Bound Bid Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt / Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Came Cost Cut Chose Clung Crept Dealt Dug Did Drew Dreamt /Dreamed Drank Drove

PARTICIPIO PASADO Arisen Awoken Been Borne / Born Beaten Become Begun Bent Bet Bound Bid Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt / Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Come Cost Cut Chosen Clung Crept Dealt Dug Done Drawn Dreamt /Dreamed Drunk Driven

ESPAÑOL Surgir, Levantarse Despertarse Ser / Estar Soportar, dar a luz Golpear Llegar a Ser Empezar Doblar Apostar Atar, encuadernar Pujar Morder Sangrar Soplar Romper Criar Traer Llevar Radiar Edificar Quemar Reventar Comprar Arrojar Coger Venir Costar Cortar Elegir Agarrarse Arrastrarse Tratar Cavar Hacer Dibujar Soñar Beber Conducir 2

Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Flee Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go (Goes) Grow Grind Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know Kneel Knit Lay Lead Lean Leap Learn Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet Mistake

Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flew Forbade Forgot Forgave Froze Got Gave Went Grew Ground Hung Had Heard Hid Hit Held Hurt Kept Knew Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned Left Lent Let Lay Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistook

Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flown Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got / Gotten Given Gone Grown Ground Hung Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Hurt Kept Known Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned Left Lent Let Lain Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistaken

Comer Caer Alimentar Sentir Luchar Encontrar Huir Volar Prohibir Olvidar Perdonar Helar Obtener Dar Ir Crecer Moler Colgar Haber o Tener Oir Ocultar Golpear Agarrar Celebrar Herir Conservar Saber Conocer Arrodillarse Hacer punto Poner Conducir Apoyarse Brincar Aprender Dejar Prestar Permitir Echarse Encender Perder Hacer Significar Encontrar Equivocar 3

Overcome Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Seek Sell Send Set Sew Shake Shear Shine Shoot Show Shrink Shut Sing Sink Sit Sleep Slide Smell Sow Speak Speed Spell Spend Spill Spin Spit Split Spoil Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick

Overcame Paid Put Read Rode Rang Rose Ran Said Saw Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed Shook Shore Shone Shot Showed Shrank Shut Sang Sank Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed Spoke Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprang Stood Stole Stuck

Overcome Paid Put Read Ridden Rung Risen Run Said Seen Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed / Sewn Shaken Shorn Shone Shot Shown Shrunk Shut Sung Sunk Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed / Sown Spoken Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprung Stood Stolen Stuck

Vencer Pagar Poner Leer Montar Llamar Levantarse Correr Decir Ver Buscar Vender Enviar Poner(se) Coser Sacudir Esquilar Brillar Disparar Mostrar Encogerse Cerrar Cantar Hundir Sentarse Dormir Resbalar Oler Sembrar Hablar Acelerar Deletrear Gastar Derramar Hilar Escupir Hender / partir / rajar Estropear Extender Saltar Estar en pie Robar Pegar Engomar 4

Sting Stink Stride Strike Swear Sweat Sweep Swell Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Thrust Tread Understand Undergo Undertake Wake Wear Weave Weep Wet Win Wind Withdraw Wring Write

Stung Stank/Stunk Strode Struck Swore Sweat Swept Swelled Swam Swung Took Taught Tore Told Thought Threw Thrust Trod Understood Underwent Undertook Woke Wore Wove Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrew Wrung Wrote

Stung Stunk Stridden Struck Sworn Sweat Swept Swollen Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thrown Thrust Trodden Understood Undergone Undertaken Woken Worn Woven Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrawn Wrung Written

Picar Apestar Dar zancadas Golpear Jurar Sudar Barrer Hinchar Nadar Columpiarse Coger Enseñar Rasgar Decir Pensar Arrojar Tirar Introducir Pisar, hollar Entender Sufrir Emprender Despertarse Llevar puesto Tejer Llorar Mojar Ganar Enrollar Retirarse Torcer Escribir


Accept Count Date End





Accepted /Id/ Counted /Id/ Dated /Id/ Ended /Id/

Accepted /Id/ Counted /Id/ Dated /Id/ Ended /Id/

Aceptar Contar Citar Terminar 5

Expect Intend Need Plant Point Rent Repeat Resist Start Visit Wait Want

Expected /Id/ Intended /Id/ Needed /Id/ Planted /Id/ Pointed /Id/ Rented /Id/ Repeated /Id/ Resisted /Id/ Started /Id/ Visited /Id/ Waited /Id/ Wanted /Id/

Expected /Id/ Intended /Id/ Needed /Id/ Planted /Id/ Pointed /Id/ Rented /Id/ Repeated /Id/ Resisted /Id/ Started /Id/ Visited /Id/ Waited /Id/ Wanted /Id/

Esperar Intentar Necesitar Plantar Señalar Rentar Repetir Resistir Empezar Visitar Esperar Querer

/t/ sound Ask Cook Dance Dress Erase Finish Help Jump Like Look Miss Practice Push Shop Smoke Stop Talk Use Walk Wash Wish Work BASE FORM

Asked /t/ Cooked /t/ Danced /t/ Dressed /t/ Erased /t/ Finished /t/ Helped /t/ Jumped /t/ Liked /t/ Looked /t/ Missed /t/ Practiced /t/ Pushed /t/ Shopped /t/ Smoked /t/ Stopped /t/ Talked /t/ Used /t/ Walked /t/ Washed /t/ Wished /t/ Worked /t/ SIMPLE PAST

Asked /t/ Cooked /t/ Danced /t/ Dressed /t/ Erased /t/ Finished /t/ Helped /t/ Jumped /t/ Liked /t/ Looked /t/ Missed /t/ Practiced /t/ Pushed /t/ Shopped /t/ Smoked /t/ Stopped /t/ Talked /t/ Used /t/ Walked /t/ Washed /t/ Wished /t/ Worked /t/ PAST PARTICIPLE

Preguntar Cocinar Bailar Vestir Borrar Terminar Ayudar Brincar / Saltar Gustar Mirar Extrañar Practicar Empujar Comprar Fumar Detener Hablar Usar Caminar Lavar Desear Trabajar SPANISH

Answer Arrive

Answered /d/ Arrived /d/

Answered /d/ Arrived /d/

Responder Llegar / Arribar 6

Belong Change Clean Climb Close Consider Dare Deliver Enjoy Fill Follow Hurry Learn Listen Live Love Name Open Order Plan Play Rain Remember Show Stay Study Travel Try Turn

Belonged /d/ Changed /d/ Cleaned /d/ Climbed /d/ Closed /d/ Considered /d/ Dared /d/ Delivered/d/ Enjoyed /d/ Filled /d/ Followed/d/ Hurried /d/ Learned /d/ Listened /d/ Lived /d/ Loved /d/ Named /d/ Opened /d/ Ordered /d/ Planed /d/ Played /d/ Rained /d/ Remembered /d/ Showed /d/ Stayed /d/ Studied /d/ Traveled /d/ Tried /d/ Turned /d/

Belonged /d/ Changed /d/ Cleaned /d/ Climbed /d/ Closed /d/ Considered /d/ Dared /d/ Delivered/d/ Enjoyed /d/ Filled /d/ Followed/d/ Hurried /d/ Learned /d/ Listened /d/ Lived /d/ Loved /d/ Named /d/ Opened /d/ Ordered /d/ Planed /d/ Played /d/ Rained /d/ Remembered /d/ Showed /d/ Stayed /d/ Studied /d/ Traveled /d/ Tried /d/ Turned /d/

Pertenecer Cambiar Limpiar Escalar Cerrar Considerar Retar / Retar Entregar Disfrutar Llenar Seguir Apurar / Darse prisa Aprender Escuchar Vivir Amar Nombrar Abrir Ordenar Planear Jugar Llover Recordar Mostrar Permanecer Estudiar Viajar Intentar /Tratar Voltear / Dar vuelta

Oraciones afirmativas / negativas en pasado simple 1. You worked very hard last week. (Tú trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada) 2. She lived in Japan last year. (Ella vivió en Japón el año pasado) 3. They learned how to swim two years ago. (Ellos aprendieron a nadar hace dos años) 4. She liked to sit in the sun. (A ella le gustó sentarse en el sol) 5. He always walked to school. (Él siempre caminó para ir a la escuela) 7

6. I painted my house last weekend. (Yo pinté mi casa el fin de semana pasado) 7. Mr. Green worked with my uncle. (El Sr. Green trabajó con mi tío) 8. I married Kelly last year. (Me casé con Kelly el año pasado) 9. He worked in his garden yesterday. (El trabajó en su jardín ayer) 10. He studied for his English class. (Él estudió para su clase de inglés) 11. You watched television every night. (Usted vio televisión todas las noches) 12. They talked on the phone last week. (Ellos hablaron por teléfono la semana pasada) 13. She wanted to learn French. (Ella quiso aprender francés) 14. They worked together for many years. (Ellos trabajaron juntos por muchos años) 15. She wished to learn Italian. (Ella deseó aprender italiano) 16. He lived in Boston. (Él vivió en Boston) 17. You studied in my class last semester. (Tú estudiaste en mi clase el semestre pasado) 18. We listened music until ten o’clock last night (Nosotros escuchamos música hasta las 10 anoche) 19. She wanted to visit London. (Ella quiso visitar Londres) 20. He watched television until twelve o’clock last night. (Él vio televisión hasta las 12 anoche) 21. She smoked a lot. (Ella fumó mucho) 22. He answered all the questions. (Él respondió todas las preguntas) 23. She waited almost an hour for you. (Ella te esperó casi una hora) 24. I mentioned it to you many times. (Te lo mencioné muchas veces) 25. She needed to speak English in order to get a better job. (Ella necesitó hablar inglés para conseguir un mejor trabajo)


26. You arrived ten minutes late. (Tú llegaste 10 minutos tarde) 27. The employee fixed the mistake. (El empleado corrigió el error) 28. El pasado de los verbos irregulares no se forma con ninguna regla y es necesario memorizarlos. 29. Ejemplos: 30. She read the newspaper yesterday. (Ella leyó el periódico ayer) 31. The telephone rang many times, but no one answered. (El teléfono sonó muchas veces, pero nadie respondió) 32. She did the work of two people. (Ella hizo el trabajo de dos personas) 33. He saw her on the street yesterday. (Él la vio en la calle ayer) 34. I lost my wallet yesterday. (Perdí mi billetera ayer) 35. She sent her child to a summer camp. (Ella envió a su hijo a un campamento de verano) 36. We ate together last Saturday. (Nosotros comimos juntos el sábado pasado) 37. She finally sold her car. (Finalmente vendió su automóvil) 38. They made good time on their trip to California. (Ellos hicieron buen tiempo en su viaje California) 39. I spoke several foreign languages. (Yo hablé varias lenguas extranjeras) 40. She went there twice a week. (Ella fue allí dos veces a la semana) 41. They broke the table. (Ellos rompieron la mesa) 42. He had a cold last week. (Él tuvo un resfriado la semana pasada) 43. We gave her a gift in her birthday. (Nosotros le dimos un regalo en su cumpleaños) 44. The plane left from the airport at 8 o’clock. (El avión salió del aeropuerto a las a 8) 45. I drove to work yesterday. (Yo conduje al trabajo todas las mañanas)


46. I understood everything in the book. (Yo entendí todo en el libro) 47. They bought their home last year. (Ello compraron su casa el año pasado) 48. I forgot to bring my jacket. (Olvidé traer mi chaqueta) 49. They told us about their new plans. (Ellos nos dijeron acerca de sus nuevos planes) 50. They sold books there. (Ellos vendieron libros allí) 51. She brought her brother to the party last Friday. (Ella trajo a su hermano a la fiesta el viernes pasado) 52. I felt sick yesterday. (Yo me sentí enfermo ayer) 53. We thought about the problem all night. (Nosotros pensamos en el problema toda la noche) 54. The lamp cost $10.5. (La lámpara costó $10.5) 55. The class began at nine o’clock. (La clase comenzó a las 9) 56. The politician spoke to everybody last night. (El político habló a todos anoche) 57. They came to visit us last weekend. (Ellos vinieron a visitarnos el fin de semana pasado) 58. She wrote a letter to her mother. (Ella escribió una carta a su madre) 59. You didn’t work very hard last week. (Tú no trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada) 60. She didn’t live in Japan last year. (Ella no vivió en Japón el año pasado) 61. They didn’t learn how to swim two years ago. (Ellos no aprendieron a nadar hace dos años) 62. She didn’t like to sit in the sun. (A ella no le gustó sentarse en el sol) 63. He didn’t walk to school. (Él no caminó para ir a la escuela) 64. I didn’t paint my house last weekend. (Yo no pinté mi casa el fin de semana pasado) 65. Mr. Green didn’t work with my uncle. (El Sr. Green no trabajó con mi tío)


66. I didn’t marry Kelly last year. (Me no casé con Kelly el año pasado) 67. He didn’t work in his garden yesterday. (El no trabajó en su jardín ayer) 68. He didn’t study for his English class. (Él no estudió para su clase de inglés) 69. You didn’t watch television every night. (Usted no vio televisión todas las noches) 70. They didn’t talk on the phone last week. (Ellos no hablaron por teléfono la semana pasada) 71. She didn’t want to learn French. (Ella no quiso aprender francés) 72. They didn’t work together for many years. (Ellos no trabajaron juntos por muchos años) 73. She didn’t wish to learn Italian. (Ella no deseó aprender italiano) 74. He didn’t live in Boston. (Él no vivió en Boston) 75. You didn’t study in my class last semester. (Tú no estudiaste en mi clase el semestre pasado) 76. We didn’t listen music until ten o’clock last night (Nosotros no escuchamos música hasta las 10 anoche) 77. She didn’t want to visit London. (Ella no quiso visitar Londres) 78. He didn’t watch television until twelve o’clock last night. (Él no vio televisión hasta las 12 anoche) 79. She didn’t smoke a lot. (Ella no fumó mucho) 80. He didn’t answer all the questions. (Él no respondió todas las preguntas) 81. She didn’t wait almost an hour for you. (Ella no te esperó casi una hora) 82. I didn’t mention it to you many times. (No te lo mencioné muchas veces) 83. She didn’t need to speak English in order to get a better job. (Ella no necesitó hablar inglés para conseguir un mejor trabajo)


84. You didn’t arrive ten minutes late. (Tú no llegaste 10 minutos tarde) 85. The employee didn’t fix the mistake. (El no empleado corrigió el error) 86. She didn’t read the newspaper yesterday. (Ella no leyó el periódico ayer) 87. The telephone didn’t ring many times. (El teléfono no sonó muchas veces) 88. She didn’t do the work of two people. (Ella no hizo el trabajo de dos personas) 89. He didn’t see her on the street yesterday. (Él no la vio en la calle ayer) 90. I didn’t lose my wallet yesterday. (No perdí mi billetera ayer) 91. She didn’t send her child to a summer camp. (Ella no envió a su hijo a un campamento de verano) 92. We didn’t eat together last Saturday. (Nosotros no comimos juntos el sábado pasado) 93. She didn’t sell her car. (Ella no vendió su automóvil) 94. They didn’t make good time on their trip to California. (Ellos no hicieron buen tiempo en su viaje California) 95. I didn’t speak several foreign languages. (Yo no hablé varias lenguas extranjeras) 96. She didn’t go there twice a week. (Ella no fue allí dos veces a la semana) 97. They didn’t break the table. (Ellos no rompieron la mesa) 98. He didn’t have a cold last week. (Él no tuvo un resfriado la semana pasada) 99. We didn’t give her a gift in her birthday. (Nosotros no le dimos un regalo en su cumpleaños) 100.

The plane didn’t leave from the airport at 8 o’clock. (El avión no salió del

aeropuerto a las a 8) 101.

I didn’t drive to work yesterday. (Yo no conduje al trabajo todas las mañanas)


I didn’t understand everything in the book. (Yo no entendí todo en el libro)



They didn’t buy their home last year. (Ello no compraron su casa el año pasado)


I didn’t forget to bring my jacket. (No olvidé traer mi chaqueta)


They didn’t tell us about their new plans. (Ellos no nos dijeron acerca de sus

nuevos planes) 106.

They didn’t sell books there. (Ellos no vendieron libros allí)


She didn’t bring her brother to the party last Friday. (Ella no trajo a su hermano a

la fiesta el viernes pasado) 108.

I didn’t feel sick yesterday. (Yo no me sentí enfermo ayer)

Preguntas directas 1. ¿A qué hora es la reunión? ( At what time is the meeting?) 2. ¿Con quién comemos hoy? ( With whom do we eat today?) 3. ¿Por qué carretera vas? ( In which road are you going?) 4. ¿Cómo has hecho ese disparate? ( How did you make such nonsense?) 5. ¿Hay algún médico aquí? (Is there any doctor here?) 6. ¿Siempre eres así? (Are you always like this?) 7. ¿Cuánto has estudiado? (How much have you studied?) 8. ¿María tiene exámenes? (Does Maria have exams?) 9. ¿El periodismo está en crisis? (Is journalism in crisis?) 10. ¿Ha estallado una burbuja? (Has a bubble burst?) 11. ¿Eres un hombre de fe? (Are you a man of faith?) 12. ¿Dónde están mis calcetines? (Where are my socks?) 13

13.¿Haces caso a tus amigos? (Do you pay attention to your friends?) Preguntas indirectas 14.No sé qué libro necesito. (I don’t know what book I need.) 15. Desconozco con quién como hoy. (I don’t know with who I am going to eat today.) 16. Si me dices a qué hora llegas, salgo a buscarte. (If you tell me what time you arrive, I’ll go find you.) 17. Le pregunté cómo había hecho semejante disparate. (I asked him how he had made such nonsense? 18. No sé si hay alguien que sea médico. ( I don´t know if there are someone doctor ) 19. Me alegro, si puedo. (I’m glad if I can) 20. Depende de cuántas horas hayas estudiado. (It depends on how many hours you have studied.) 21. No me dijo si María está de exámenes.(He did not tell me if Maria is on exams.) 22. Pregunté si el periodismo está en crisis. (I asked if journalism is on crisis). 23. La pregunta es si ha estallado una burbuja. (The question is whether a bubble burst). 24. No entiendo qué es lo que pasa. (I don´t understand what happens). 25. No me explico cómo rompes los calcetines. (I can not explain how you break your socks.) 26. La cuestión es si haces caso a tus amigos. (The point is if you listen to your friends.)

Ejercicio - relativos pronombres - elegir el relativo correcto. Ejercicio 1. Escribe el pronombre correcto en los espacios: which, who, where. Ejercicio 2.


En inglés coloquial hablado preferimos el uso de that donde sea posible. Repite el ejercicio con los pronombres that o where. Ejemplo: The camera

I bought yesterday.

Respuesta: that 1) Where is the email

arrived yesterday?

2) The conference

we went to was excellent.

3) I want to watch a film

will make me laugh.

4) The woman

called yesterday wants to buy our car.

5) There are many children in India

6) The mobile application

7) The place

have no school to go to.

I downloaded works perfectly.

I lived when I was a child was very green with lots of trees.

8) We moved into the house

was at the end of the street.


9) This is the room

10) You should ask a friend

we keep our bicycles.

knows a lot about computers.


Bibliografia 1. Brainly.lat - https://brainly.lat/tarea/9629900#readmore 2. https://www.englishspanishlink.com/ejercicios-ingles/relatives.htm 3. https://ingles.celeberrima.com/?s=preguntas+directas


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