Tugas Regresiberganda.docx

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 285
  • Pages: 2
Nama : Nim : Penjualan 85 75 85,75 91,25 102,5 94 120 156,75 150 165 170 201 210 170 162,5 REGRESI BERGANDA

promosi 775 650,75 825,5 950 1100 975 1155,50 1555 1400 1600 1625,75 1700 1750 1650 1625

Tukang jual 5 4 6 7 8 7 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 15

Regression Analysis: penjualan versus promosi, tukang jual Analysis of Variance Source Regression promosi tukang jual Error Total

DF 2 1 1 12 14

Adj SS 27177.6 23.0 558.1 997.0 28174.6

Adj MS 13588.8 23.0 558.1 83.1

F-Value 163.56 0.28 6.72

P-Value 0.000 0.609 0.024

Model Summary S 9.11478

R-sq 96.46%

R-sq(adj) 95.87%

R-sq(pred) 94.06%

Coefficients Term Constant promosi tukang jual

Coef 19.8 0.0194 8.39

SE Coef 14.4 0.0368 3.24

T-Value 1.38 0.53 2.59

P-Value 0.194 0.609 0.024

VIF 33.80 33.80

Regression Equation penjualan = 19.8 + 0.0194 promosi + 8.39 tukang jual

harga 105 110,5 115 116 126 130 135 136 145 150,5 157 121 112 131 152

Regression Analysis: penjualan versus promosi Analysis of Variance Source Regression promosi Error Total

DF 1 1 13 14

Adj SS 26619 26619 1555 28175

Adj MS 26619.5 26619.5 119.6

F-Value 222.53 222.53

P-Value 0.000 0.000

Model Summary S 10.9372

R-sq 94.48%

R-sq(adj) 94.06%

R-sq(pred) 92.26%

Coefficients Term Constant promosi

Coef -10.2 0.11336

SE Coef 10.2 0.00760

T-Value -1.00 14.92

P-Value 0.334 0.000

VIF 1.00

Regression Equation penjualan = -10.2 + 0.11336 promosi Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations Obs 13 R

penjualan 210.00

Fit 188.16

Resid 21.84

Std Resid 2.19


Large residual

KESIMPULANNYA : Dari analysis of variance Nampak bahwa p-value = 0.000 Yang menyatakan model linear signifikan dengan model linear yang dihasilkan adalah : penjualan = -10.2 + 0.11336 promosi

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