Tstc Organization Charter Application 09-10

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 14
2009/2010 TSTC Organization Charter Application Club Name ____________________________ Advisor’s E-mail Address Phone # ____________________________ ____________ Officer’s E-mail Address ____________________________ ____________

Phone #

Date of approval: ______________________

_______________________ Vincent Taylor Coordinator, Student Activities

Requirements for Student Organizations Student organizations may be formed by securing the approval of the Supervisor of Student Activities upon the completion of a student charter application. The application and guidelines are available in the Office of Student Activities. The approval of the formation of new student organizations will be based on the following criteria: 1) The Student Organization Charter Application shall be accompanied by a statement of purpose, the proposed organizations constitution and by-laws, copies of the constitution and by-laws of any related or parent organization and the names of organization officers; 2) Membership in the organization shall be open to all students of Texas State Technical College Waco without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age or disability except in cases of designated fraternal organizations which are exempted by federal law from Title IX regulations concerning discrimination on the basis of sex; 3) The organization shall not duplicate the purpose, functions, or particular activities of a previously established student organization; 4) Organizations shall agree to adhere to all policies, rules and regulations of Texas State Technical College Waco. 5) All student organizations must have an advisor who is employed as a faculty or staff member of Texas State Technical College Waco at least on a half time basis. Texas State Technical College Waco reserves the right to refuse the recognition of student organizations. No organization will be officially recognized if it is determined that the organizations activities or actions are detrimental to the educational purpose of the institution. If recognition is denied, the designated president and advisor will be notified in writing of the denial. Appeals for the denial of recognition will be made to the Vice President of Student Development. Appeals must be in writing and must be submitted within five working days from the date of the denial letter. Approval for activity permits or building use request will be given only to recognized student organizations maintaining an active status. The criteria for maintaining an active status is as follows: Organizations shall file an organizational update within one month of the first day of class each semester. It is the responsibility of the organization president to submit the necessary documents. Failure to do so will result in the organization being placed on an inactive status until criteria is met. 2) Organizations shall demonstrate by their actions that they are working to achieve the goals as outlined by their statement of purpose, constitution, and by-laws. 3) Shall remain in good standing with the institution and shall conduct affairs in a lawful manner in accordance with institutional policies, state, local and federal laws. 4) Recognition of any organization may be withdrawn by the Supervisor of Student Activities for non-compliance of rules set forth in the Student Handbook and the 1)

Code of Student Conduct. Appeals for the revocation of recognition will be made through the Vice President of Student Development. All appeals must be made in writing and must be submitted within five working days from the date of the revocation letter.

Rules Governing Social Affairs 1)

2) 3)

4) 5) 6)


It is the responsibility of the organization president to keep records updated Annually in the Office of Student Activities. Failure to do so will result in the organization being placed on inactive status. Organizations desiring to sponsor a fundraiser must complete an Activity Permit and have it signed by the advisor and the Supervisor of Student Activities. An Activity Permit must be completed and approved prior to any and all organizational activities, whether they are to be held on or off campus. The Activity permit must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities ten days prior to the desired date of the function. The organization’s activities must not disrupt the college or it’s academic process, and the organization must be in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20.U.S.C.1081 et seq.) Attendance at all institutional or organizational activities is limited to Texas State Technical College students and their guests. Use of alcohol and drugs will not be tolerated at institutional functions held on or off campus. Misconduct in the connection will be sufficient reason for immediately stopping the activity in question, and suspension of students participating. Each organization is responsible for enforcing these regulations at their activities. Texas State Technical College Waco has a zero tolerance policy regarding use of alcohol and drugs. Organizations will be held responsible for property damage in or around any facility they use.

Failure to comply with any and all institutional regulations may result in, but are not limited to, disciplinary action.

Student Organizations Texas State Technical College Waco encourages student activities that offer opportunities for individual self-development. Student organizations may be formed with the approval of the Supervisor of Student Activities. Applications and requirements for the formation of a student organization are available in the Office of Student Activities. These requirements must be completed in order to protect the interest of the organization’s members as well as to uphold the mission of the college. Please be advised that any organization that fails to maintain these standards set by the college will be subject to disciplinary action. Violation of any state, federal or local law is also subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is not limited but may include various degrees of probation or discontinuation of the organization. The Vice President of Student Development will administer disciplinary action. All appeals to any decisions must be made in writing to the Dean of Student Services and will follow due process procedures. Texas State Technical College Waco requires that students maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or better to remain active in any organization. Each student organization must have procedures defined in their constitution concerning academic deficiency and must be responsible for administering the policies. Any organizations in violation of the policies are subject to disciplinary action. Student organizations provide students with the opportunities to enhance their social, public service, and leadership skills. It is the intention of the Texas State Technical College Waco to foster an atmosphere that enhances a student’s success in a cocurricular education. The office of Student Activities and its staff are here to assist student organizations with any questions, concerns, or guidance they may need.

Sign and Publicity Regulations Anyone wishing to display publicity on campus, with the exception of academic or administrative departments, must obtain approval from the Office of Student Activities. Publicity on the campus of Texas State Technical College Waco is reserved for the academic and administrative departments, recognized student organizations and personal classified handbill for the students of Texas State Technical College Waco. A completed activity permit must accompany publicity for approval. Signs for activities/events outside the campus community, charitable events, private industry, or for the personal economic gain of any individual will not be approved. The distribution of any publicity on vehicles on the Texas State Technical College campus is strictly prohibited. The parties distributing publicity on the Texas State Technical College Waco campus in violation of any parts of this policy are subject to disciplinary or legal action. Signs are to be posted no more than two weeks prior to the particular event and removed within two days after the completion of the event. Signs made by students running for elective office are exempt from this policy.

Texas State Technical College Waco Student Club/ Organization Charter Procedure and Policy Each student club or organization will adhere to Texas State Technical College Waco rules and regulations regarding appropriate conduct and behavior as stated in campus policy and procedures manual. Texas State Technical College student clubs or organizations will practice no membership restrictions based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, or any other manner of exclusion. Should membership restriction occur, said group may lose their charter recognition and any rights to function as a group on the Texas State Technical College campus. CHARTER PROCEDURES/POLICY CHECKLIST – Please return charter application With below information (steps 1-6) to the Student Activities Office. Each club or organization will: ________ 1. Name a faculty advisor who will be present at all functions and bear certain responsibilities for the group. ________ 2. Provide the Supervisor of Student Activities (and any other requested office) with a well-written detailed statement of purpose and how said group will benefit the students of Texas State Technical College. ________ 3. Provide a description of activities, meetings, how meeting will be governed general time and location of meetings. ________ 4. Provide methods of fund raising and how funds will be used. ________ 5. Provide by-laws, rules and regulations, membership requirements. ________ 6. Complete the Bank account information sheet. Copies of bank statements must be submitted to Student Activities at least on a quarterly basis. ________ 7. Provide current lists of members each quarter no later than the end of the third week of the quarter: student’s names, technology, address and phone number. ________ 8. Secure approval of Student Activities for special events, functions and printed material. _________9. A copy purpose Statement must be emailed to: [email protected]


Proposed club or organization name (PLEASE DO NOT ABBREVIATE): _____ _________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __


Faculty advisor(s) 1)________________________________________________________________ Last



________________________________________________________________ Title


Phone Ext.

2)________________________________________________________________ Last



________________________________________________________________ Title 3.


Phone Ext.

Statement of purpose (Please include how the student population of Texas State Technical College will benefit) _________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________

_ _________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___ 4.

Proposed general format of meeting: ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________ _


Proposed fund raising methods and disbursement of funds: _________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ 6.

Please attach by-laws, rules and membership criterion!

____________________________ Faculty advisor

________________________ Student

Student Referral Form Please provide in the following information of whom your organization would like to be the contact person by prospective student members. Organization: ____________________________________________________________ Contact Person: __________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________ Signature

____________________ Date

Club Account Information HOW TO START YOUR BUSINESS OFFICE ACCOUNT: Each organization is assigned an on campus account once the charter application and constitution have been completed and submitted to the Student Activities Office (make sure the required club president and club advisor signatures are on the paperwork). Student Activities upon recognizing the club will in turn make a request to the Business Office to assign the organization an account number. Once an account has been assigned, Student Activities will send the account information back to the organization’s advisor. HOW TO ACCESS YOUR FUNDS: Go to the Student Activities office, and bring the following information about what you want ordered: 1. Vendor name, address and phone number, (if the vendor is a person, you will also need their social security number). 2. Items with unit prices. A requisition will then be done. At that time, it is the responsibility of the organization to have the requisition processed. The steps are as follows: 1. The requestor’s (a club officer) signature is required 2. The advisor’s signature is required 3. Vincent Taylor’s, Fund Manager, signature is required (located in Student Rec Center) 4. If the requisition is for food, VP Wolaver’s signature (located in Presidents Office) 5. Take or mail original and two copies to Budget Control (located in Business Office) for processing 6. If a “Walk-thru”, take Purchase Order to Vendor for purchase of merchandise 7. Return Purchase Order and receipt back to Budget Control within 24 hours or next working day. Vendors cannot be paid without this paperwork!!! Important terms on requisition… “Straight Voucher” – is a requisition that has all required signatures and is sent to Budget Control for processing. This is used in cases of reimbursements, ordering from a catalog, etc. “Rush” – is a requisition that you wish to have processed quickly. Must have the word “RUSH” in the area for notes of the requisition as well as the “Need by Date”. It is hand delivered to Budget Control for processing and verification that “Need by Date” is reasonable. “Walk-thru” – is a requisition you want to walk through in order to go and immediately pick up merchandise. A “Walk-thru” must be for merchandise or services to be rendered that day or the next. Remember, this paperwork has to be turned back to Budget Control with a receipt within 24 hours or next working day.

Information Request One of the responsibilities of the Student Activities Office is to aid student organizations in any way possible. The office is often called upon to make referrals to students. In order to serve you better, we need to know as much about your organization as possible. Please help us help you by completing the below form. Membership Information Membership selection by (circle all applicable methods): Application







Frequency of Membership Selection: _____ Annually (Fall ___ Spring ___)

_____ Bi-Annually _____Open

Briefly list requirements for membership: ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __ Dues $_____ per ________. Other required expenses (clothing, books, etc.): ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Philanthropy National _____________________________ Local _______________________ Publications Newsletter Name ______________________ Alumni Letter Name ___________ Other ____________________________________________________________ The student organization described above hereby applies for registration for the current year and certifies that the officers and advisors have read and understand the Student Handbook and agrees to conduct their business and activities in accordance with the regulations pertaining to student organizations set forth. __________________________________ President’s Signature Date

___________________________________ Advisor’s Signature Date

Constitution Basics 1) State the name of the club, as it shall be known on campus and at any events it sponsors or participates in. 2) Provide a solid description of the club purpose. 3) Provide a clear definition of who is eligible for membership 4) Make clear provisions for officers. A) Define elected officer titles. B) State requirements for holding officer title. C) State appointed officers and their requirements. 5) Make provisions for meeting times and frequency. 6) Establish protocol for committee formation and any special rules the committee must follow. 7) Determine a parliamentary authority – Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition is the most common and well-respected parliamentary authority in current use. 8) Make provisions for amendments. 9) Determine if By-laws are to be used and how they may be edited, or amended. 10) When writing the constitution, or reviewing it, try to remember what is fair for everyone.

Constitution Requirements 1) Under membership, there must be the non-discriminatory clause (Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972). 2) Define clear procedures for addressing academic deficiencies of members. 3) Define procedures for disbanding the organization.

Texas State Technical College Waco (Sample Constitution) Constitution of the ________________________________________ (Name of Organization) ______________ (Date)

Article I Name This organization shall be known as ____________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ Article II Purpose The purpose of this organization shall be _________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Article III Membership (Include requirements for membership and how students become members.)

Article IV Officers (Include names of officers (president, v-pres.), term of office, and duties for each office.)

Article V Meetings (Include how often organization meets, location of meetings, etc.)

Article VI Committees (List all committees and duties of each.)

Article VII Amendments (List provisions for amendments.)

_______________________________ (Signature of Organization President)

________________________________ (Signature of Organization Advisor)

Officially Approved: ________________________________ Supervisor, Student Activities

____________________ Date

Texas State Technical College Waco Student Activities Office 3801 Campus Drive, Waco, Texas 76705 (254) 867-3608

Student Organization Registration Form Name of Organization: _____________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________ Officers: President


E-mailing Address:


_________________ _______________________

____________ Vice-President

_________________ _______________________

____________ Secretary

_________________ _______________________

____________ Treasurer

_________________ _______________________

____________ _________________ _________________ _______________________ ____________ _________________ _________________ _______________________ ____________ _________________ _________________ _______________________ ____________ _________________ _________________ _______________________ ____________ SGA Rep.

_________________ _______________________


Advisor(s) Name:


E-mail Address:

1.________________ _____________________ __________________ ____________


2.________________ _____________________ __________________ ____________ 3.________________ _____________________ __________________ ____________ Month of Officer Elections: ________________ Meetings (regularly scheduled): Day _________ Time __________ Place ___________

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