Tropics Of Paradise - The Screenplay

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  • Words: 22,198
  • Pages: 86
NARRATOR: For millennia, men have fought wars. Cave men fighting sequence Roman soldiers fighting sequence Knights besieging a castle sequence British and French soldiers, with Indian allies, fighting at a fort sequence. Trench warfare during WWI sequence. Atomic Bomb exploding sequence. NARRATOR: And for millennia, men have sought peace. Scene of the Pope going outside of the walls of Rome to meet Attila the Hun and his barbarian army to sue for peace. Newsreels of politicians meeting at the U.N. Newsreels of President Jimmy Carter meeting with Israeli and Arab politicians. NARRATOR: And still there is fighting.., and still there are wars....

EXT.TROPICAL LAGOON.DAY. ROLL UP In the late 1760's, a French navigator, Captain DeBougainville, was sent on a scientific voyage of exploration around the world by Louis XV, the King of France. He was to explore for new lands, perform scientific experiments and find new sources for spices and other goods to trade. France had recently fought a series of disastrously expensive wars with Britain and this expedition was, in part, an attempt to restore the honor and dignity of France in the European community. DeBougainville took along a crew of scientists, cartographers, botanists, their assistants and various scientific instruments. As DeBougainville, with his two ships, the L'Etoile and the La Boudeuse, set sail, unbeknownst to him, he also took along a woman - a stowaway named Jeanne Bare. END ROLL UP Two French sailing ships, the L'Etoile and the La Boudeuse, are anchored in a tropical lagoon. The ships' sails are down and

the French flags are barely being rustled in the gentle breeze. Scores of native canoes (piriaguas) full of half naked Tahitian women surround the two French sailing ships. The canoes have men at the paddles while the women are gesturing to the sailors in various sexual manners to induce them to come back to the island with them and have sex in exchange for various metal and other European goods. A young Tahitian woman wearing just a bark cloth skirt and an Eowtay flower in her hair climbs aboard the ship, casually removes her skirt and looks around. EXT.JUNGLE CLEARING.DAY Three men are in a clearing with the jungle surrounding them on all sides. One is a guard, armed with a sword, a musket and a pistol. The other two, Commercon and Bare are bent over, looking at some plants. Commercon, after studying the plant, pulls it out carefully, roots and all, and hands it over to Bare. COMMERCON Here's another one. They call it yava. Put it in the bag. JEANNE BARE Oui, mon Capitaine. Bare gives a mock salute. Commercon just looks at Bare, smiles and shakes his head. COMMERCON You really need some discipline Bare. JEANNE BARE Oui oui, mon Capitaine. Bare gives Commercon another mock salute. The guard is about 50ft. away from them, leaning against a Palm tree with his eyes closed and fanning himself with a giant breadfruit leaf. Just then we hear the sounds of several people approaching and speaking loudly in Tahitian. The guard opens his eyes, stands away from the tree and walks on over to the two botanists. The botanists straighten up from looking at the plants and look over towards the sounds of the approaching Tahitians. The Tahitians walk into the clearing, spot the three Frenchmen, smile and approach them.

TAHITIANS (cheerfully) Bula, Bula. Ia Orona. Bula. THE FRENCHMEN (as they wave hello) Bula, Bula. The Tahitians draw closer and then peer carefully at Bare. The Tahitians start pointing at Bare and crying out. TAHITIANS Vahine! Vahine! The Tahitians then go over to Bare, grab her and start to remove Bares' clothes. Commercon and the guard look on in surprise, but as Bares' shirt and trousers are removed to show that Bare is a woman, the guard and Commercon are shocked out of their surprised inaction and wade in with their fists and weapons to stop the Tahitians from doing anything further to Jeanne Bare. The guard pulls out his sword and tosses his pistol over to Commercon as they shove aside the Tahitians and stand guard over Bare while she tries to cover herself with the torn remnants of her clothing. All three carefully back away from the natives and return to their ships. INT.LA BOUDEUSE.CAPT. DE BOUGAINVILLES' QUARTERS. Capt. de Bougainville is pacing back and forth while de Commercon and Jeanne Bare are sitting at his table. DE BOUGAINVILLE A woman! A woman! (to Commercon) And you knew that she was a woman! If we were at war with England.., at war with anyone now, I would have you shot! Hung! Drawn and quartered! Do you understand me monsieur, HUNG! (to Bare) And you, Mlle.., what were you thinking? One woman? On board a ship with several hundred men? Alone? At sea? For several years? Mlle, are you insane? Jeanne Bare tucks herself into a fetal position, wraps her arms around her knees, hugs herself and starts to cry. JEANNE BARE (sobbing and crying) I'm sorry. I didn't think that anyone would find out. DE BOUGAINVILLE Wouldn't find out? How in the world..?

(to de Commercon) Monsieur, you KNEW! Mlle Bare stayed with you in your cabin. You knew! She was your mistress! Am I right, monsieur? Am I right? Commercon does not look up at the Captain. Commercon does not reply, he just keeps looking down without saying a word. De Bougainville doesn't say a word. He just angrily strides back and forth, back and forth. Every so often, he turns to the two, starts to say something and then angrily turns away as he keeps striding back and forth and back and forth. DE BOUGAINVILLE (to Commercon) You realize, monsieur, that Mlle Bare cannot stay in the same cabin with you any longer? (to Jeanne Bare) Explain yourself! Why are you here? This is a long and hard voyage. Men have died on these kinds of voyages. Scurvy, native attacks, storms... Why are you here? JEANNE BARE (sobbingly) I am sorry mon Capitaine. My life has been so hard and I didn't think that it would be any harder here. You see, Capitaine, I had nothing in France. Nothing. My mama died when I was very young. It was hard. I did not want to become a paid woman, a putain. Bare keeps sobbing as she talks. JEANNE BARE I dressed up like a man and worked as a valet to a Swiss gentleman in Paris. He discovered that I was a woman and he tried to rape me. I fought him off and ran away. I then saw a posting for a botanists' assistant for this voyage around the world... Bare keeps sobbing as she glances up at Capt. DeBougainville. The Captain is still striding back and forth, but he is now calmer, with his hands behind his back. He stops pacing and looks out a window as he listens.

JEANNE BARE ..I had never seen much of the world before, Capitaine. There was nothing for me in France. I would not be a putain and this voyage has given me a chance to get away, to see the world. DE BOUGAINVILLE To see the world.., yes.., I can understand that, Mlle. But.., but a woman of your age.., or any woman, for that matter, does not usually go off on such long sea voyages. These kinds of voyages are for a man, not a woman.., and yet.., you have spirit mlle... JEANNE BARE Oh Monsieur Capitaine, please do not blame Monsieur de Commercon for my being here, monsieur. I offered to be his mistress and assistant on this voyage. Otherwise he would have accepted a man with botanical experience as an assistant and I wanted to get away from France and see the world. DE BOUGAINVILLE To see the world.., yes, well... you know that I can't let you and M. Commercon share a cabin any longer. Doing so would create problems with my crew. You will have his cabin to yourself. De Bougainville turns to M. Commercon DE BOUGAINVILLE And you.., you will move in with M. Pierre Veron, the astronomer. Is that understood? Oui, oui.


DE BOUGAINVILLE Mlle, you will still assist M. Commercon in his botanical duties. I will speak to the chief here on Tahiti, trade him some metal and make sure that you are not bothered by any of the natives. EXT.TARO FIELD. DAY Jeanne Bare and Commercon are on the island, gathering plants. They move away from each other and Bare gets close to the

jungle where she spots a Tahitian in the bushes, watching her and smiling. He puts a finger to his lips as if saying "Shh.." while he keeps smiling. Bare stares at him and then smiles back. Bare turns away and half runs and half skips back to Commercon as she glances back at the Tahitian and smiles at him. JEANNE BARE (to Commercon) Finding anything new? COMMERCON Nothing useful. Come to me tonight, Jeanne. Come to me. I miss you, my cherie. JEANNE BARE I can't. You know that. The guards. Bare keeps glancing over at the half hidden Tahitian. He is still looking at her and smiling. COMMERCON But I shall die without you my love. JEANNE BARE Love? My love? You never said that to me before. COMMERCON But I do love you. I miss you, cherie. I love you. Commercon reaches for her, grabs her and tries to kiss her while fondling her breasts. Bare resists him, but he's too strong. Just then, a hand falls on the nape of Commercons' neck. He is picked up by the Tahitian and violently thrown down to the ground. The Tahitian puts his foot on Commercons' chest, holds a spear to his throat and looks questioningly at Bare. He draws his thumb across his throat and again looks questioningly at Bare. She finally understands what he means and, waving her arms sideways in front of her, gestures no while she also says... JEANNE BARE Non, non. Mais oui, non. Tu, the Tahitian, removes his spear from Commercons' throat, kicks him away and looks at Bare. Tu smiles at her, extends his arm towards her, palm up and looks at her questioningly. Bare looks at him wide-eyed, puts her hand in his and he leads her away into the jungle, while Commercon looks at them with hate, jealousy and anger in his eyes. DISSOLVE INT.L ETOILE.COMMERCONS' FORMER CABIN.

De Bougainville is at sea with his two ships. There is a storm outside and the ship is violently rocking to and fro. Bare is in a bed in Commercons' former cabin. The ships' doctor is in the cabin as is de Bougainville who is pacing back and forth. DE BOUGAINVILLE Doctor.., How is Mlle doing? The baby... DOCTOR Very soon, Capitaine. Very soon. We hear Jeanne Bare crying out in pain. DE BOUGAINVILLE Give her some more brandy. Can't you see? She's in pain. DOCTOR All women suffer pain when they give birth Capitaine. That is Gods' punishment to women for eating of the forbidden fruit and then enticing man to do the same. DE BOUGAINVILLE I don't want to hear your crazy superstitions, Doctor. You are supposed to be a man of science, not fantasy. Now help her. Give her some laudanum or.., or something for her pain. The Doctor shakes his head, picks up a bottle of brandy and puts it to Bares' lips. DOCTOR Drink, my dear. Drink. It will help to lessen your pain. Bare drinks some brandy and then screams out another cry The Doctor lifts up the covers from over her legs, looks underneath and then reaches in. DOCTOR The baby. I see its' head. Push my dear. Push. Bare lets out another cry of pain, pushes again and then lets out a sigh of relief. DOCTOR The baby. It is out. The Doctor takes the baby and says.. DOCTOR

It is a girl. DE BOUGAINVILLE Mlle.., Is she..? DOCTOR Mlle is alright. She is fine. She is exhausted but she will be alright. The Doctor cuts the cord, places the baby in a blanket, wraps it loosely and hands it over to Jeanne Bare. Bare smiles tiredly, looks at her baby with love in her eyes, opens her shirt and starts to breastfeed her daughter. DOCTOR (to de Bougainville) The child is not white. It is Tahitian. DE BOUGAINVILLE You are wrong, Doctor. It is half French and half Tahitian. In any case, it doesn't matter. It is still a child of God. DOCTOR A child of God? But.., but it is pagan. It is Tahitian. Mlle is not married. The baby is not even baptized by a priest. How can it be a child of God? DE BOUGAINVILLE Away with your superstitions, Doctor. God does not punish an innocent child. We all come to this Earth with innocence in our hearts. It is irrational old men like you who create hate and fear in this world with your religions and other superstitious fantasies. I am a man of science and knowledge and I have yet to see any proof that God punishes the innocent for being innocent. What I have seen is half-baked old men like you who use their beliefs to attack and bring harm to others in the names of their delusions. If there is indeed a God, then by definition that God would be almighty, all inclusive and all love. It is we, with our limited intellect, it is we who create hate and wars, not God. And so, Doctor, just do what you are here to do, Doctor. Just doctor and heal and keep your illusions to yourself.

DE BOUGAINVILLE (to Jeanne Bare) What will you call her, my dear? Your daughter.., what will you call her? JEANNE BARE Te Rai Vahine. Sky girl. Te Rai Vahine. Bare slowly falls asleep with her daughter at her breast. EXT. FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE. 9 YEARS LATER Tera is wrestling with a boy. She has him pinned to to the ground. TERA I've got you, Henri. Do you give up? HENRI Give up? I am Charlemagne. I never give up. Just then, Henri slips a foot around Tera and flips her over. Henri pins Tera down and then he asks her... HENRI Now I've got you, Tera. Do you give up? TERA Give up? Never. I am an Amazon Queen. We die before we give up. Tera hooks her foot around him and flips Henri. Tera pins Henri down and says... TERA Now I've got you again. Do you give up? HENRI Give up? I'm Caesar. I never give up. My legions will destroy you. Henri twists around and flips Tera and pins her again. HENRI Aha.., Now I've got you. Do you give up? TERA Me? Give up? Never! I am Cleopatra, the Queen of the Nile. My forces

will beat your Roman legions and I will rule you... Tera and Henri keep wrestling and flipping each other over, taking on various heroic persona as they do so. FADE OUT EXT. BARN COURTYARD. SAUMERE. FIVE YEARS LATER. Tera is riding a horse in a courtyard. A man is standing watching her and issuing instructions. INSTRUCTOR All right now. Next, take him through the Basse Ecole. First the walk, then the trot and finally the gallop. Tera puts the horse through it's paces. First she takes the horse through it's walk. The Dressage is proceeding smoothly. The horse responds to Teras' hand as if both the horse and the rider are one. Tera next leads the horse through the trot and finally the gallop. She finishes the Ecole with no mistakes, no errors on the parts of the horse or herself. INSTRUCTOR Very good Tera. Very good. Even I am impressed. The instructor turns to some men who were standing beside him watching Tera put her horse through it's paces. INSTRUCTOR She is good, that one. She has skills that would put many a grown, experienced rider to shame. Her other instructors tell me that she also excels in the epee, pistols and wrestling. OBSERVER 1 I wouldn't mind wrestling her myself. OBSERVER 2 Me either. That is one very beautiful young woman. INSTRUCTOR If you did wrestle her and touched her in the wrong way, she would rip your head off, that's how good she is. I've never seen anyone, be they a man or a woman as gifted of an athlete as she is.

(calling out to Tera) That's enough my dear. You can take the horse in now and give him to the grooms. TERA Already? I want to ride him some more. Please? INSTRUCTOR All right. But just remember that this horse is not a race horse. It is for show. Don't go racing around with Henri or any of the other boys any more. Besides, I'm not sure the boys around here like losing to a girl all the time. The men chuckle at this and walk away as Tera wheels the horse around and rides off of the yard.

EXT.SUMMER.FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE. 5 YEARS LATER. Eight horses are racing in the French countryside. The lead rider is a beautiful, young woman - Te Rai - with long black hair that is flowing in the wind behind her. As Te Rai urges her horse on, she glances behind her and smiles as she sees that she is about 50 meters ahead of her nearest competitor. She reaches a wooden post, leaps off of her horse, removes a ribbon from it and tucks it into her belt. Te Rai then draws her sword as the second rider approaches, jumps off of his mount, draws his sword and then prepares to attack her. The rest of the riders arrive, dismount, and draw their swords as they also prepare to attack her. The other riders are males and they spread out in order to attack Tera from several sides at the same time. As they start their attack, she quickly whirls from one side to another and deftly fights back, disarming one attacker after another. After each attacker is disarmed, they sit down, laugh and admiringly watch her fight and disarm the rest of the men, one and two at a time. The last man with a sword still in his hand, Henri, lunges towards her but she performs a degage', knocks the sword out of his hand and puts the tip of her sword to his throat.

Henri laughs, she laughs and they all laugh together. HENRI All right. All right Tera. You win again. You get to keep the ribbon and your virtue for a while longer. But next time... TE RAI VAHINE My virtue? Next time? Tera laughs and tosses her long black hair. You always say next time and I always beat you. And my virtue? You can't win my virtue by beating me. My virtue is mine to give to whomever I want and when I want. She sweeps her hand to include all the men. And I always beat you. All of you. Tera laughs as she says this. Is there no real man amongst you that can overcome a poor, tiny little woman like me and prove that you're a real man? Tera laughs and as she does so, the men jump to their feet and semi-angrily start to approach her. Tera raises her sword again and laughs. HENRI (to the other men) Hold up! Hold up! She's right. None of us beat her. We never beat her. She's won again. Henri goes over and stands next to Tera. He also holds out his sword as he stands beside her and they both face down the other men. HENRI (in an aside to Tera) So.., do I at least earn a kiss for helping you out here? TERA I don't need your help.., but all right. You can have a kiss. Later. Henri quickly grabs her and kisses her. Tera is momentarily startled, but then she pushes him back and holds her sword up to him too. Henri just laughs.

HENRI I'm sorry cherie, but I just couldn't wait. If it makes a difference, I will think about this kiss later. Tera looks at him angrily but he turns away, raises his sword and faces the other men again. They laugh, shake their heads and start to walk away, back to their horses. HENRI Begone you brutes. Can't you see that she's not interested in any of you? Go! Tera looks at him quizzically but keeps her sword up. The men walk away. TERA (to Henri) You can go too. HENRI Tera. Cherie.., but those men. What if they come back? If I go, who will be here to protect you? Tera gives him a disdainful sneer. TERA Huh! And who's going to protect you from me? If you ever try kissing me like that again, I'll.., I'll.., I'll run you through with my sword. A dozen times for each kiss! HENRI Well then let me kiss you a hundred times.., no.., a thousand times. And then, you can run me through with your sword as many times as you wish. The sweet taste of your lips is worth dying a thousand times over for. Kill me now, Tera, but let me die with your sweet lips on mine and when I die, it will be to heaven. Ahh! Men!


Tera turns away with feigned disgust, sheaths her sword, jumps on her horse and quickly rides away. Henri stands there watching her ride away and then calls out after her...

HENRI Wait! Tera! A kiss! Then you can run me through with your blade and I'll die happy. Tera, Tera... Tera glances back at him as she rides away and smiles INT. LIGHTED BALLROOM. MUSIC. A short man walks up to Tera, who is talking and laughing with a group of friends. NAPOLEON Mademoiselle, I am Cpl. Napoleon Bonaparte. My friends and I, we have just graduated from Le Ecole Militaire today and we are here to celebrate. Would mademoiselle care to dance? TERA Tera looks down at him - he is 5'2" and she is 5'10". Tera laughs and so do her friends. Ha, ha, ha..., Dance? With you?. My dear little boy.., when I was a little girl, about your size, I had dolls that were bigger than you. Ha, ha, ha... Tera laughs again and so do her friends. Tera turns away from Napoleon and keeps on talking with her friends again. NAPOLEON Napoleon draws himself up to his full 5'2" height and Laugh now if you want, mlle. One day, you WILL dance with me. One day I will rule Europe and you WILL dance with me. TERA Tera and her friends turn back to face Napoleon again. She looks at him curiously and sighs.. Men.., no! Boys.., Boys and their juvenile, little war toys.... pats him on the head and says... (to Napoleon) Go along now, little man. Maybe when you DO rule Europe, then, maybe, I will dance with you. But not until then. Maybe... Tera laughs again, along with her friends and they turn away from Napoleon and resume their conversation while ignoring Napoleon.

Napoleon gives Tera and the rest of her friends a mean scowl and walks away, muttering to himself. NAPOLEON She will see. I will rule Europe! She will see! And then, she will dance FOR me and not just with me. She will see! EXT.DECK OF SHIP. Tera, Henri and several of their friends are aboard a sailing ship that is sailing from France to Italy. Tera points towards the horizon on her right. TERA Look. Another ship. Out there. Can you see it? PIERRE I do see a ship out there. I wonder what kind of ship it is? English? Spanish? HENRI It's too far away to tell yet. It does look like it's coming our way, though. PIERRE DUBOCHETTE Pirates. I bet it's Arab pirates from Barbary... Oooo... Pirates. Are you scared Tera? Tera doesn't say anything. She just gives him a tired look. JEAN LEGRANDE Let's not talk about pirates. It's probably just another tourist ship headed to Napoli filled with vacationers. Just like us. TERA Mama would have wanted to go to Napoli. She loved traveling.... HENRI We know Tera. She was a beautiful woman with an adventurous spirit, but she is not here now. TERA You're right. Lets not talk about that. She had a wonderful life. And don't forget..,before she died in Mauritius, she did travel around the world. That's something that I

haven't done...,yet. JEAN LEGRANDE You mean that you'd want to sail to the Pacific? It takes months and months to get there. There's disease, pirates, cannibals.., who knows what else is out there. Not me. Peaceful old Europe is good enough for me. I don't need any savages skulking around behind me and trying to cut my head off. TERA My father was one of those 'savages'. My mama loved him. He was a king, a chief. On Tahiti. Maybe.., someday.., maybe I'll travel to Tahiti and visit my father - Tu. I wonder what he's like... Off in the distance, the approaching ship has come closer. HENRI That's strange. I don't see a flag. British? Dutch? TERA No.., The British always fly their flags. They think that they own the seas and they want everyone else to know that they are there. Maybe it's a Dutch ship? Sometimes they don't fly flags when they don't want anyone to know who they are or where they're from. That way, they can pretend that they're pirates and no one comes close. JEAN Mon Dieu. What pirates? Do we board to fight

LEGRANDE if they really are have enough men on them off?

TERA I'm not a man. And I can fight better than any of you. The men don't say anything, they just look at each other Everyone looks at the quickly approaching ship, loosens their swords in the scabbards and checks their pistols to make sure that they are loaded and ready. HENRI They are pirates. I can just feel it.

Just then, there are the sounds of horns on board. The ships crew start rushing about and getting their weapons. The Captain of the ship approaches the group and... CAPTAIN It looks like we are about to be attacked and boarded by pirates. Maybe you should all go below decks until we can fight them off? We'll let you know when it's safe to came back on deck.., later. PIERRE Do you have enough men? We can fight too. CAPTAIN You are all passengers. Fighting pirates is what we have the crew for. However... PIERRE We'll fight. We are Frenchmen, not cowards that hide below deck. We'll fight! CAPTAIN (to Tera) And you Mlle? Will you please go below decks until this battle is over? TERA I fight. I don't hide. The captain looks at her in surprise, notices that she also has a sword and pistol at her side, shakes his head and says... CAPTAIN As you wish, mlle. The Captain then looks at Jean, pokes him in his ample stomach and shakes his head. You might as well stay on deck too. If you look hungry enough, maybe that will scare them away. Jean looks offended but the rest of his friends smile and then look quickly and guiltily away. Scenes of the pirate ship coming along side and the pirates swinging from ropes to board the tourist ship. Scenes of fighting commencing with pistols and swords. Scenes of the tourist ships' crew getting

driven back by

the pirates. Just then, Tera gives a shout and leads her friends into battle. They charge into the pirates and start cutting them down, left and right. Scenes of Tera nearing the pirate captain and engaging him in combat, sword to sword. Tera is much too skilled for the pirate captain and disarms him very shortly. She holds the tip of her blade to his throat and commands him to yield. The pirate captain reluctantly surrenders, along with his crew. Scenes of the pirates being put in chains and some of the tourist ships' crew going aboard the pirate ship, a 60 ft. sloop. They find the pirates treasure below decks, remove the treasure and place the chained pirates there instead, below decks. INT.ITALIAN COURTHOUSE. Scene of the pirates all lined up before an Austrian Magistrates' elevated judges' desk. There are ropes around their necks and their arms are tied behind their backs while guards and various other people are standing in the Courtroom, jeering at the prisoners. COURTROOM GUARD 1 Attencione. Attencione. E Domenico Grimaldi rappresentante le Viceroy e Sicilia, Domenico Caracciolo. Attencione! Domenico Grimaldi, the representative of the Viceroy of Sicily enters the courtroom and seats himself behind the large elevated judges desk. Silencio!


Domenico speaks to the pirates Signore Caracciolo and I do not believe in an inquisition and we have abolished it here. We also believe in equal rights for all..., but you, signores.., you are pirates. As pirates, you steal, you rob, you murder and then you drink and spend your ill begotten gains on all manner of women with loose morals. If you had spent your own hard earned moneys on such, it would still be less than honorable, but it would be your money. However you, signores.., you steal from others. You steal from others and that is what you spend on drink and women and that is wrong. As pirates, you

know what the penalty is - death by hanging. And so.., that is what I sentence you to - death by hanging, tomorrow at noon! PIRATES The pirates murmur angrily amongst themselves. One of them cries out... But we are only simple pirates! The crowd laughs at this and so does the judge. DOMENICO GRIMALDI (laughingly) And tomorrow you will get simply hung. The crowd laughs again while the pirates keep murmuring amongst themselves. Domenico looks around the courtroom and calls out And the Signorina? Domenico looks down at some papers on his desk and pulls one a sheet. Signorina Te Rai Vahine. Where is the signorina? Tera is surrounded by her friends and, as she hears the magistrate call out her name, she pushes forward and stands before him. TERA I am here your honor. I am Te Rai Vahine. DOMENICO GRIMALDI Signorina Vahine, you led the defense of the ship and you captured the pirates. I am impressed. Signorina, for fighting more bravely than most men I know, this court is giving you, as your reward, the pirate ship that attacked you and one tenth of their ill gotten treasure. It is yours. Congratulations Signorina. You can use it for trade, for carrying tourists on vacation.., for anything. Just not for piracy... Domenico laughs as he says this last. The rest of the people in the courtroom also laugh along with him. TERA Thank you your honor. I promise you.., no piracy. She laughs as she says this

DOMENICO GRIMALDI And what will you do with the ship? Sell it? TERA No, your honor. I won't sell it. I want to travel. Just like my mama. I want to travel and sail. I want to sail around the world. The courtroom buzzes with talk and excitement upon hearing these words. Tera walks on over to her friends and they speak to her, all at once TERAS' FRIENDS Sail? Around the world? The South Seas? Tahiti? Mexico? Can I come along? Who's going with you? Treasures! You don't know how to sail... Cannibals.. More pirates. Diseases... Naked island women... Storms... Tera walks on out of the courtroom as her friends follow her out and keep talking amongst themselves. EXT. DECK OF SHIP. NIGHT. THE MOON AND THE STARS ARE OUT. Tera and Henri are leaning on a railing on the deck of Teras' new ship, the Moana Tiare. They aren't talking, just staring out over the railing.., out over the seas. All we hear is the sound of the waters as the ship sails through. All we see is the twinkling of the stars and the moon shining above and their reflections on the waters below. After a while... HENRI And so, cherie..., are you really planning to sail to Tahiti? Why not just set up a business here, in France.., in Marseilles. You can just take tourists to Italy, to England, to wherever they want to go and make a tidy profit doing so. Why sail around the world? What's there? TERA

My father. He's there. They stay leaning against the railing without speaking for a while. Then.., TERA My mamma loved him. She would have stayed on Tahiti, but the Capitaine.., DeBougainville, he wouldn't let her... I want to see my father. HENRI I understand..., I'm going with you, you know that? TERA Tera looks over at him and smiles I know. I was hoping you would. Thank you. Tera impulsively leans over and kisses Henri on his cheek. TERA Don't get any ideas. That was just a thank you kiss. That's all. HENRI Henri just looks over at her and smiles I know. Just friends. Right? TERA Right. Just friends. Tera looks at Henri, blushes and then quickly rushes away. Henri looks after her, shakes his head and smiles. HENRI (to himself) Just friends...? You have no idea how much I love you, Tera.., but alright. For now.., just friends... INT. COUNTRY INN. EVENING. FADE IN Tera is meeting with several of her friends. There are several bottles of wine at their table and it looks like Teras' friends have been drinking the wine liberally. TERA ...and that's where I'm going. The South Seas. Tahiti. I can't promise you any money. I don't have too much of the pirates' treasure left.

I've bought supplies and provisions and I've hired a few sailors, but I need you, my friends. I need you with me. I was raised with all of you. I trust you. I need you to sail with me. All I can promise you is adventure. If we happen upon any treasures, you can have them. We'll share them equally, but there will be NO piracy. There will probably be fighting.., I know that there will be adventures and for those of you who want it, there will even be women for you on the South Sea Islands. One thing I do promise you, you won't be bored. So..., who wants to come along with me to sail the seas? TERAS' FRIENDS Teras' friends are drunk, drinking, laughing, pinching barmaids etc. I'm in. Island women? Count me in too... Naked island women? Treasure? I'm bored. We need more wine. More wine! More women. Island women. TERA So we're agreed? Alright. We'll all meet tomorrow before noon. On my ship. For tonight.., Tera tosses a small bag of money on the table.. ..the wine is on me. Tomorrow.., before noon. If you're not there.., I need you, but if you're not there.., I'll sail without you. TERAS' FRIENDS More wine... I'll be there. Me too, but Pierre will probably have to carry me. I'm not carrying anyone... I'll drag you behind me... Teras' friends keep drinking, grabbing the serving girls and talking amongst themselves about their forthcoming adventures. TERAS' FRIENDS Gold. I hope we find gold... All kinds of treasures, not just gold. And the women...,

Yeah.., I've heard about the women too... I've heard there's pirates there. And cannibals. So what? Are you scared? Don't go... Treasures. Naked island women... Yeah. Naked island women and treasures... Henri is standing next to Tera. HENRI (Jokingly) And you trust these drunken friends of yours to come along and help you? TERA (Smiling) They're your friends too, Henri. And yes. I do trust them. All of us, and you too Henri, we were all raised here. We know each other. I trust them and I trust you too. Tomorrow.., we're off on an adventure. Tonight, they can get drunk and have a good time. Why don't you join them Henri. Go! Get drunk. Party. Have a good time. Henri just looks at Tera, smiles, shakes his head and says, HENRI No. We're leaving tomorrow, Tera. Someone will have to stay sober and make sure everyone gets on board the ship. I'll party some other time. For now, I'll just watch over everyone and make sure that they don't kill each other or get into any kind of trouble with the gendarmes or anything. Get some sleep Tera. I'll stay here and make sure every thing's going to be alright. TERA She looks at him tenderly and caresses his cheek. Thank you, Henri. EXT. DECK OF SHIP. EARLY EVENING. Tera and Henri are standing on the deck of her ship, the Moana Tiare (Ocean Flower). HENRI

It's been a beautiful day. No clouds, a good wind.., we should reach the Canary's in a few days. TERA And the Cape Verdes' several days later. They say that the Canaries and the Cape Verdes are all thats left of Atlantis. The rest of it has sunk under the seas. Thousands of years ago, if we are to believe the stories of the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks... Plato, Herodotus... HENRI Olof Rudbeck, the great Swedish scientist, wrote that Atlantis was in Sweden. TERA Rudbeck also says that the worlds' civilization began in Sweden. That's just cultural elitism. Besides, Sweden is not a major power anymore. Not since they lost to Russia at Poltava. As for the Canaries, well.., we'll still have to get supplies - fresh fruit, vegetables... HENRI What do we need with fruit? Vegetables? They just take up room that we can use for flour, bread, wine, water, meat... TERA Maybe it's the Tahitian in me, but I need fruits and vegetables. Haven't you heard of Captain Cook, the Englishman? He has also explored the Southern Seas. Before he was killed on Hawaii, he wrote that fruits and vegetables prevent scurvy. HENRI Uh huh.., and he also said that his crew ate sauerkraut. Yech! TERA Well, I just feel healthier when I eat them. A little bit of meat yes. Too much meat - no! I just don't feel as good when I eat too much meat. HENRI (scoffingly)

Tahitian in you...? Hmmph... You were raised in France, not Tahiti. Your father.., your surrogate father, Cpt. DeBougainville, he practically lived at Versailles. Breads, cheeses, wines, meats, sauces.., that's what we need. TERA It's my ship and I hired the crew. You're just along for the ride. HENRI I'm just kidding Tera. But the crew.., what will they say? TERA They'll be healthy and they won't suffer from any diseases. I learned that also from the Captain. They'll listen. Besides, sailors always complain about something. They wouldn't be sailors if they didn't. HENRI I'm not talking about the sailors.., I'm talking about our friends - your friends. They're not sailors. They're not used to vegetables, mealy bread, worms in their food... The wind blows Teras' hair and she brushes it away from Salt water spray spatters both Tera and Henri. Tera laughs, reaches behind her head and starts to tie her hair behind her, in a large knot. HENRI Don't... TERA Don't what? HENRI Don't.., don't tie your hair. You have beautiful hair. Let it flow. TERA (laughingly) Why don't you let your hair grow and flow... Let the wind whip your hair around and see how you like it. Henri doesn't answer. Henri just looks at her and then looks out over the horizon.

HENRI And what will you do then.., after you see your father? What will you say to him? Are you going to stay there in Tahiti or what? Will you come back to France again..? TERA I don't know what I'll do. I haven't really thought about it. I haven't decided. I just want to meet my father. That's all I've thought of doing ever since I was a little girl and the Captain told me about him. He was a Chief..., a king. Mama loved him. Tera pulls herself up proudly and stands tall. TERA I am the daughter of a chief. I want to meet my father and learn who I am. What kind of a Chief is he? Do I have any brothers or sisters? Is my father a great Chief? Is he respected? I have to know. My mama loved him but she barely knew him for just a few days when Capt. DeBougainville forced her to leave Tahiti. Otherwise, I would have been raised there and.., and.., who knows..? HENRI Right. Who knows... (quietly and to himself) And I would have never met you. TERA What? HENRI Well, I guess you'll figure out what to do after you meet him then. If you do decide to stay, what will you do with the boat.., the crew? Just then, a couple of their friends approach the two and start complaining about the food JEAN LEGRANDE Tera! There are bugs in the bread. What kind of bread did you buy anyways? PIERRE DUBOCHETTE Tasteless garbage. I need a fresh baguette...

JEAN LEGRANDE And wine... PIERRE DUBOCHETTE And cheese. JEAN LEGRANDE ... some duck stewed with cucumber, or beef tongue with tomato sauce, or fricandeau of veal, or stewed fruit, or sweet meats, or.., or... TERA (Laughingly) Enough already. We're on board a ship, we're not in Paris at the Grande Taverne de Londres. JEAN LEGRANDE But I'm hungry... TERA We'll reach the Canaries tomorrow and get some fresh food there. What big babies. (laughingly) We've just barely started out and you're complaining already. JEAN LEGRANDE A man must eat... HENRI But a man does not live by bread alone... PIERRE DUBOCHETTE Yes! He also needs an Island woman. And gold. Lots of gold. They all laugh. We see the sloop on the open seas, sailing off. EXT. DOCK. CANARY ISLANDS.LAS PALMAS. DAY The Moana Tiare is docked by a wharf. Dockworkers are busily carrying supplies and placing them on the pier by the ship. Tera, along with Henri, is busily inspecting the supplies, opening various barrels and peering inside. She is followed by a sleazy looking man, Morales, who is following her around as she inspects the goods. Morales, in turn, is followed by a tall black woman who carries a sheaf of papers that she marks off with a piece of lead. MORALES See. Everything is fine. I sell nothing but the best. The salted

meat, the flour.., all is of excellent quality. Tera opens a barrel of flour and reaches in. MORALES What? What are you doing? You are stirring the flour about. It will be spoiled. Tera looks inside and sees maggots in the flour. TERA It's already spoiled. What are you trying to do? Sell me spoiled goods? Tera reaches for her sword. Morales draws back and says.. MORALES Please. Please... I'm not trying to sell you any bad food. I didn't know that the flour was spoiled with maggots. Mistakes can happen. I'll replace the flour immediately. TERA How did you know that it had maggots without even looking inside? The tall black woman who is following Morales quietly laughs. Morales looks angrily at the black woman and then replies to Tera. MORALES Well.., uhm.., you drew your sword. I just guessed that it was spoiled because you said so and you drew your sword. TERA (addressing the black woman) Is that true? Did he not know that the flour was spoiled or is he lying? BLACK WOMAN He knew! He's always trying to cheat ship owners, but they don't realize that they've been cheated until after they leave and are far out to sea. By then it's too late. MORALES Quiet slave or I'll whip you senseless for your lies about me. TERA Slave? You're his slave? How did

that happen? You're educated and a slave? BLACK WOMAN He bought me. I was captured in a raid by Arab slave traders and was sold and resold till I ended up here.., with this... (she points to Morales) ..this maggot.., who lies and cheats everyone he can. Morales starts to raise a whip to silence the black woman. Henri catches his arm and holds a knife to his throat. HENRI What do you want me to do to him Tera? He tried to cheat us. Should I cut his lying throat or...? TERA (to Henri) Wait!

(to Morales) You tried to cheat us. What should I do? What should I do..? BLACK WOMAN Cut his throat. He is a bad man. He always cheats and lies. Always. Morales gives the black woman a fierce look and says MORALES (to the black woman) You'll pay for this! I'll whip you till you lie bleeding and dying at my feet, you worthless, lying slave! TERA No you won't. Not if I give the order to slice your ugly, lying throat you won't. Henri... Henri twists his knife closer into Morales' throat. MORALES No. no.., wait. I'll sell you good supplies. I'll go get them now. TERA And the girl? What are you going to do with her? MORALES (he gives the black woman a hateful and sinister look) Do? To her? Nothing. I swear. She

cost me money when I bought her. I can't afford to lose money. TERA How much did she cost you? MORALES 30.., I mean 60.., 60 thalers BLACK WOMAN He's lying again. He paid 30 and that was only because I know how to write and keep records. Otherwise, I would have only been sold for 15. TERA Lying again? Henri... MORALES Wait.., wait. I will give her to you for only 100 thalers. TERA And the supplies? Good supplies? How much for them? 80


TERA 120 thalers for the woman and the supplies. You'll still make a profit but they had better be good supplies, not the mealy, wormy garbage you tried to sell us before. Send your workers to get them. Until they return with the supplies, you're staying right here. If the supplies are bad, your blood will stain the docks here red. Now.., send the workers to get the supplies!

EXT. DOCK. CANARY ISLANDS. LAS PALMAS. DAY Dock workers arrive carrying barrels of goods and place them down on the dock beside the ship, the Moana Tiare . Tera and Henri open several of the barrels and check the contents. HENRI They look OK to me. What do you think? TERA I think that we had better check ALL of the barrels, not just one or two. He's a thief.

MORALES They're good. They're all good. TERA

We'll see.

Tera checks the barrels one at a time. She finally seems satisfied and nods to Henri. TERA All right. Pay him the 120 thalers and let him go. Let's get the supplies on board before anything else happens here and let's get out fast. Now. Henri reaches inside his shirt, pulls out a bag and opens it. He counts out 120 thalers, hands it to Morales and tells him to leave. Morales takes the money, looks at Tera and then the black woman with hate in his eyes, turns around and starts to leave. The black woman kicks him in the ass and sends him sprawling as she laughs. Tera and Henri also laugh as Morales falls and drops a few of the coins. Morales scrambles to pick up the coins as Tera speaks to the black woman. TERA What is your name? BLACK WOMAN My name is Marya Hasan. You have bought me so I am now your slave. TERA My slave? You're not my slave. Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite. You are free. If you want to come with us, alright, but you'll come with us as a free woman, not as a slave. MARYA Free?... Thank you. Thank you for freeing me, but if I am to go with you as a free woman, we had better leave quickly. Senor Morales will come back with Talamacas' soldiers. We must hurry. HENRI

I'll ask who Talamaca is later, but I agree with you, we had better get out of here now. Quickly. Jean! Pierre! Get the others and hurry. We have to load up quickly. Hurry. We have your wine for you, but we have to leave now - quickly. JEAN LEGRANDE Wine? All right...! Wine...! Let's get to it. Load up! The crew quickly load the barrels of goods on board the ship and cast off. The barrels are on deck - not stowed below as of yet and as the ship leaves the pier, a company of soldiers approaches, led by Morales. Morales and the soldiers watch the ship as it starts to sail away and Morales stomps his feet in anger as he throws down his hat. He grabs a musket from one of the soldiers, shoots at the ship and the musket misfires. Henri, Tera, Jean and Pierre are standing on the ships' deck, along with Marya, and they laugh as they sail away. On the dock, Morales is angrily berating the soldier who's musket misfired. EXT. DECK OF SHIP. EARLY EVENING. AT SEA Tera is standing on the ships' deck talking with Marya. TERA I love the sea. The waters.., the swelling of the ocean as we cut through the waves. It's quiet and peaceful... MARYA (interjecting with a smile) Yes. It is beautiful...

TERA And we've been lucky so far. No storms yet. We should catch the trade winds soon. Then my crew tells me me have to go far south of the Cape before we turn east to reach the Indian Ocean. Tera points to the left of the ship. TERA

That's Africa over there. MARYA The Indian Ocean? I've heard of that. It is east of my homeland, Geledi, where the slavers attacked, killed and captured my people. I don't know where they are now. All gone. All killed or sold off... My brothers, my sisters, my family... all gone. TERA (sighs) More fighting.., more wars... What do you want to do? You can't go back there, can you? MARYA No..., I can't. Maybe there are other villages and towns there.., in the area..., but the Arab slavers would have attacked and killed everyone there too. TERA You're welcome to come along with us. I'm going east. We're all going east.., to the islands in the Pacific..,to a Paradise. We're going to Tahiti and I'm going to find my father. MARYA Tahiti? TERA OeTahiti. That's where my father is. Or was. I don't even know if he's still alive anymore. Capt. DeBougainville told me my mama died nineteen years ago on Mauritius and I was given this ship a few months ago. My friends and I are going to the island of OeTahiti to find my father. He was a great chief there. That's what the Captain told me. MARYA Why did your mama leave him? TERA She was forced to leave. She stowed away on a ship, dressed as a man and when the Capitaine found out that she was a woman, he found out when the ship arrived at OeTahiti, he made her come back to France because she was a French woman. I

was born at sea journey back to Captain told me on Mauritius. I father.

while on the France and the that my mama died never knew my

MARYA Yes.., but you never saw him murdered in front of your eyes. Tera doesn't say a word. She just looks at Marya and then hugs her. TERA I'm sorry. Marya holds back her tears as she accepts the hug. MARYA

Thank you.

DISSOLVE EXT. DECK OF SHIP. DARK CLOUDY DAY. Tera, Henri, Pierre and a few sailors are standing on deck, looking off into the foreground astern. HENRI Look. That line of clouds. Looks like a big storm coming up on us. Sailor 1 Nah. That's just a squall line. It'll be over us and gone quickly. We gotta lower the sails and drag anchor. TERA Lower the sails? Why? SAILOR 2 There's strong winds in a squall. Don't want the mast to get sheared. TERA Ok. Let's lower the sails. SAILOR 3 We'll put up trysails, fore and aft. TERA Fine, let's do it. Hurry. The sailors hurry about on deck, tying and untying ropes on the spars and adjusting the rigging in preparation for the storm.

MARYA Your first storm. I wonder how she'll hold up? She?


MARYA The ship. She. The ship. TERA (laughingly) Oh. Right. I forgot. Ships are always she's. I wonder why...? Just then a strong gust of wind hits the ship and the waves start to swell and get bigger. The ship starts to toss as Jean Legrande holds on to a railing and throws up. JEAN LEGRANDE Oh.., my... hyegh.. He throws up again Jean is holding on to a railing as he keeps throwing up. Henri and Tera look at Jean throwing up and get sick too. They also start throwing up while Marya just holds on to a railing and prays. After a few minutes, the squall passes and the seas calm down again. SAILOR 1 All right mateys. Let's put up the course sail and continue on. C'mon. Let's go. Let's get the jib and spankers on and make some time. Move! Tera, Jean and Henri are still throwing up and looking sick while the sailors lower the trysails, raise the mainsail and adjust the rigging. FADE OUT

KAAPSTAD SOUTH AFRICA DOCK Tera and her friends are standing on the dock, in front of Teras' ship. They are looking at charts while dock workers are busily loading supplies. TERA ...yeah. We'll have to sail about

150 kilometers south before we turn east. There's no other way. If we stick close to the coast, we'll get torn up on the rocks. The current is too swift to go a little further off so we'll have to go south from here instead. PIERRE How about pirates? There aren't any pirates around anymore, are there? HENRI Not anymore. They all retired. By hanging or quiting piracy.., and that was many years ago. But still..., once in a while..., you do hear about a missing ship and.. you wonder why...? TERA Besides, if we do go South, we'll miss the monster waves I've been told about that are due east of here. PIERRE So.., sailing south and then east.., we'll also miss India... TERA But we'll get to the South Seas a lot faster. Besides, Jean would delay us in India.., what with wanting to try all the different foods... JEAN LEGRANDE Hey.., I like good food, not just any kind of food, but India sure does sound tasty. The sounds fade out as we see a wide view of the dock, the dock workers loading supplies and the friends still talking, looking at and pointing at things on the charts etc. EXT. DAY. WIDE VIEW OF TERAS' SHIP ON THE OPEN SEAS. EXT. DAY. DECK OF MOANA TIARE. Henri, Tera, Jean, Marya and Pierre are standing on deck, leaning against a banister and looking out to sea. PIERRE What kind of a ship is that? MARYA It's a junk. PIERRE

I know it's junk, but what kind of ship is it? MARYA It's a junk ship. That's what it's called. A junk. PIERRE Here we go again... Ok. It's junk. But what kind of ship is it? TERA (Laughing) Hold on Pierre. I think Marya's saying that that's what kind of ship it is. It's called a Junk. It isn't made of junk, it's called a junk. MARYA That's what I said. It's a Junk Everyone laughs. The ship comes closer. HENRI No flags. Maybe we should get ready. Just in case. JEAN LEGRANDE Ready? You think that they're pirates? TERA Henri's right. Maybe we should get ready. Just in case. JEAN LEGRANDE Not again... MARYA Again? Did you fight pirates once before? TERA Yes. Once before. That's how I got this ship. JEAN LEGRANDE This used to be a pirate ship but Tera beat them up and took the ship away from them. PIERRE She didn't beat them up. their captain in a sword were attacked, Tera beat captain in a sword fight won the ship.

She beat fight. We the and she

HENRI We can talk about that later. Right now, they are approaching us dead on and it looks like we're in for a fight. Scenes of the pirate junk attacking the Moana Tiare. Scenes of cannon firing from the junk. Scenes of Tera and her crew fighting the pirates who are swinging on board Teras' ship. Scenes of swordplay. pistol firing and other physical combat as Teras' crew fights the pirates and beats them back. Scenes of Teras' crew swinging aboard the pirate ship and fighting there. Scenes of Tera fighting a swarthy pirate and disarming him. Tera holds the sword to his neck and orders him to tell his crew to lay down their arms and surrender. Scenes of the pirates laying down their arms, surrendering and getting tied up. PIRATE CAPTAIN So.., What are you going to do to us? Turn us over to the Dutch? TERA Now that's a good idea. You're pirating in their waters so I'll turn you over to the Dutch. Their governor - The Dutch East India Corporation - they'll know what to do with you. PIRATE CAPTAIN These are our waters, not the Dutch. You have no right to turn us over to them TERA You're a pirate. You have no rights! Tera and her crew lead the pirates off to a hold, place a small crew aboard the pirate ship and prepare to tow it to Fortaleza de Malacca, the Dutch Fort. EXT. DAY. DECK OF MOANA TIARE. Teras' ship and the towed pirate vessel sail up the river by the Dutch Fort in Malacca. There are three cannon shots fired into the air from the fort. TERA All right. Let's furl the sails.

The crew furls the sails and the ships slow down. Anchors are released and the ships lie in wait while a pinnace approaches from the fort. As the boat reaches the side of the Moana Tiare, a short stubby man, dressed in a waistcoat, leggings and shoes, steps aboard the Moana Tiare and approaches Henri... HENRI Mssr. ..? governor? DUTCH REPRESENTATIVE Ah!... You are French? That is good. We do not like the English in these parts. TERA Yes. We are French. We also do not like the English. DUTCH REPRESENTATIVE And you? Who are you? TERA I am the Captain of this ship. DUTCH REPRESENTATIVE You? You are the Captain? A woman? Tera steps up towards the Dutch Representative and looks down at him. TERA Yes. I am the Captain. And.., I am a woman. It was so nice of you to notice that! DUTCH REPRESENTATIVE My apologies Mlle... TERA Te Rai. Captain Te Rai. DUTCH REPRESENTATIVE My apologies Captain Te Rai. It's just that we don't usually meet any female ships' captains in these parts. Here.., the women are.., shall we say.., uhmm.., more demure and dainty.., more genteel.. TERA You mean more controllable? DUTCH REPRESENTATIVE Exactly! I mean.., No. Not controllable, it's just that they have their place in this society and it doesn't include them being captains.

TERA Are you the governor here or just another sycophantic court jester? The Dutch Representative looks up at her, puffs up his chest and says... DUTCH REPRESENTATIVE I am Dirk van Hoorn, representative of Governor Willem Alting. He is away on a hunting expedition now and I am in charge here until he returns. Why are you here? What is that pirate ship that is with you? TERA We are on our way to the South Seas. That pirate ship attacked us and we captured them instead. We are here to get provisions and to turn these pirates over to the proper authorities here - so that means you. DIRK VAN HOORN Ah.., yes. Yes. The pirates. Yes. We will take them off your hands and jail them. These pirates have been darkening our waters here for quite some time now. Thank you for capturing them for us. HENRI And the reward? How much is the reward for capturing them? DIRK VAN HOORN Reward? Ah yes.., the reward. You will get your reward tomorrow. Ah yes..., I will give you your reward tomorrow. In the meantime, if you would sail to under the walls there... Dirk points to a spot under the walls of the fort, just below the cannons. There are also a half a dozen other ships at anchor, but not beneath the cannons. DIRK VAN HOORN You can visit our town and make arrangements to buy what you need there. Van Hoorn turns away, steps towards his pinnace and leaves the Moana Tiare. As van Hoorn walks off the ship, he says..

DIRK VAN HOORN A woman captain! The French.., they do not know how to treat their women. A captain.., humph! Tera starts to reach for her sword. Henri restrains her and waves his finger NO in front of his lips. EXT. DAY. MARKETPLACE. Tera, Henri, Jean, Pierre marketplace.

and Marya are walking through the

There are merchant stalls on either side of the street and large warehouses behind the stalls. People are milling about and haggling with the merchants as they buy and sell goods. The men gaze about while the women walk together as the merchants are barking out offers and prices for their goods in various languages. Marya points to a tall, tanned and bearded merchant. MARYA That one. He will deal honestly with us. PIERRE How can you tell? They all look like thieves to me. MARYA He just put away a scroll with Jewish writing on it. It is called a Torah. He is a Jew. He will be fair and honest with us. The Jews are always fair and honest with everyone that they deal with. Their Torah commands them to do so. The rest of these merchants here are thieves. Just look at them.., their shifty eyes.., especially the Portuguese. TERA Like the one who owned you and who tried to cheat us in the Canaries? MARYA Exactly. Like.., Oh. I see. All right. So not all Portuguese are bad, but these merchants.., you can just see the greed in their eyes. TERA It's the person, Marya. Not the race, nation or kingdom.., it's the

person. MARYA I understand. It's just.., it's just that it's so easy to blame a whole group when the ones who claim innocence do nothing to correct the evil in their midst. TERA It's fear, Marya. If enough people stood up for what is right, the evil would vanish away to where it belongs - to nowhere.., to the ethers, where it would dissipate into nothingness. Come on. Let's go talk to the Jew. The group approach the Jewish merchant and greet him. TERA Peace be unto you, kind sir. We are traveling through here and we have need to re-provision our ship. BARUCH BEN EBRIO And peace be unto you. May you have a profitable journey, God be willing. How may I be of service to you? Food? Water? Spices? Silks and jewels? Gold? Silver..? Just keep in mind that whatever you buy, you will have to pay the Dutch taxes on it. TERA Food and water will do. We have no need for silks and jewels. BARUCH BEN EBRIO You are not traders? Merchants? TERA No. We're just travelers. We are on our way to the South Seas, to OeTahiti. We are going there to find my father. BARUCH BEN EBRIO Just travelers? And you are looking for your father? May the light of God shine upon you and guide you on your search. My friends, if I were you, I would watch out for your purses. There are many thieves about in this place, may God curse them to Gehena, and I think one of them has been following you. Don't look around. I will describe him for you and you can then deal with him in

your own way and catch him by surprise. He looks like a pirate. He is a big man, with black skin, like your's. Baruch points to Marya. From my lips to Gods ears, may your journey be safe and providential. Now.., how may I provide for you? HENRI We need water and food. TERA Do you have any fresh fruits and vegetables? BARUCH BEN EBRIO I can get for you several barrels of some nice dates, figs and fresh vegetables from our gardens here. If you are going to the South Seas, may I also suggest that you bring a lot of red feathers with you. Several years ago, before he was killed, may he rest in peace, an Englishman, Cpt. Cook, came through here and informed me that the natives of those islands consider red feathers to hold a lot of power - they call it mahnah. They will trade much to possess such red feathers. And iron nails. They also have a great desire for nails and other goods made of iron. TERA Take care of the provisions Pierre. Henri, Marya.., lets prepare a surprise for our spy. Pierre and Jean continue talking to the Jewish merchant while Henri, Tera and Marya talk amongst themselves as they walk away. The spy looks after them and then slowly starts to follow them as they walk around the corner of a warehouse and disappear from his view. EXT. DAY. A DESOLATE SIDE STREET BETWEEN WAREHOUSES, STACKED WITH CRATES AND BARRELS. The spy turns the corner into the side street and sees Henri and Marya turn another corner up ahead and leave the side street. The spy hurries towards the end of the street and as he passes a large crate, Tera steps out from behind it and holds a sword to his throat.

TERA What's the hurry, my friend? You're not following us are you? Tera presses the sword into his throat and whistles loudly. Henri and Marya hurry back from around the corner. Henri pulls his sword out and holds it against the pirates thoat. The pirate is staring at Marya with lust in his eyes. MARYA Kill him. He is a bad man. I can tell by how he looks at me. HENRI Why are you following us? Start talking or so help me God, I'll run you through! PIRATE I talk. I talk... The pirate keeps staring at Marya. PIRATE I not follow you. I follow her. The pirate points to Marya. PIRATE How much you want for woman? I buy. MARYA Kill him. Marya pulls out a knife. MARYA I'll kill him myself. Marya lunges at the pirate with her knife. The pirate moves aside, grabs her arm, swings her in front of him, takes away the knife and holds it to Maryas' throat. PIRATE You very beautiful. The pirate grabs a kiss from Marya, laughs, releases her and gives Henri her knife. PIRATE Here you go. You not need swords. I tell you what you want know. TERA

Let's start with why you were following us. Was it because of her? She is a free woman, not a slave to be bought and sold. PIRATE She free woman? So.., I cannot buy? So.., how I get woman? TERA You have to win her heart. MARYA You can't win my heart and affections, you dirty pirate. Give me the knife. I'll kill him. PIRATE I want win dis woman heart. Let I join you. I tell you truth why I follow. Guvnor repeesenive tell I do so. Him work with Sulawesi pirates. Him not pay you reward. Him want steal ship. Now.., I join you and leave Fort? Win woman heart? MARYA I don't trust him. Kill him or let me do it. He's a pirate. You can't trust a pirate. TERA So.., he wants to cheat us? He wants to capture my ship? We'll see about that. Tera sheaths her sword and paces around. Tera stops pacing, goes up to the pirate and... TERA What's your name pirate? PIRATE Ehbro. I Ehbro. Yes, repeesenive, him want cheat you and take boat. Dat why him tell you put boat by Fort cannon. TERA Can you show us how to get into the Fort without being detected and caught? EHBRO Yes. I can do. I know guard and guard let I in to Fort.

MARYA I don't trust him. EHBRO I speak true. I want win heart of her. TERA Can you sneak us in after dark? EHBRO Yes. After dark. I can do dis. Why you want in to Fort? Why not sail away after dark? It safe then. No moon tonight and no guards see you go way. TERA He owes us money and I'm going to collect it from him tonight. EHBRO Okay. I sneak you in and I win woman heart. Henri and Tera look at each other, smile and shrug MARYA It'll take a lot more than that to win my heart, you dirty pirate. EHBRO I win your heart. Ehbro love you. I win your heart. MARYA I'll kill him before I let him touch me again. Marya turns away and walks towards the main street. Tera and Henri look at each other, smile and... TERA All right. Come with us pirate.. EHBRO I Ehbro. I not pirate now. I come with you and win woman heart. TERA All right.., . Come with us Ehbro . We have to check on our food and water and make sure that it gets delivered to my ship. Let's go. EHBRO (To Henri) Woman ship? She woman Captain?

HENRI Yep. She's the Captain, all right. And she sure knows her own mind.., usually. Maybe you should ask her on how to treat women when you want to win their hearts and.... The conversation drifts away as they walk to the main street and back to the Jewish merchants' stall. DISSOLVE EXT. NIGHT. OUTSIDE THE FORTS GATES. Ehbro is standing next to the gate. Hidden in the darkness behind him are part of the Moana Tiare's crew, swords and pistols in hand. Ehbro is talking through a grate in the gate... EHBRO I come talk repeesenive. Open. FORT GUARD 1 Hold on, hold on. I gotta get the key. Ehbro turns back towards Tera, Henri and the armed crew and signals them with his arms and palms gesturing downwards to hide and stay quiet. Tera and Henri hear the jingling of the keys and then the creaking of the gate as they look at each other and then at Ehbro as the gate opens wide. Ehbro steps inside. From inside the gate, we hear... EHBRO I see repeesenive with news of French ship. FORT GUARD 1 Wait a second. Let me close the gate and then follow me. After a few seconds, there is a thump from inside the gate and then... EHBRO Come. Guard sleeping. Hehehe... HENRI You didn't kill him, did you? EHBRO Not kill. Hehehe..., Just sleeping.

Hehehe.., TERA All right. Let's not waste time. Where are his quarters? Ehbro points to a two story building with garish moldings. EHBRO That Guvnor Alting house. Ehbro points to another smaller building. That repeesenive house. Shh. Come quiet. Teras' crew sees a light from a window in the representatives' house and quietly approaches it, hiding in the shadows as they do so. Ehbro waves to Tera and the crew to follow him as he guides them to a window on the ground floor. Ehbro pulls out a knife and forces the window open. Ehbro turns to the others in the group nods his head and climbs in through the window. A pair of hands reach out through the window - Ehbros' hands and help another of the group - Henri - up and into the house. INT. REPS HOUSE Ehbro and Henri help Tera and the others quietly climb inside the house and then they look around. Jean stumbles against a chair and makes a noise. Everyone looks over at Jean with horror. Jean guiltily smiles and shrugs his shoulders. Ehbro scowls at him as everyone freezes and waits to see if anyone heard the noise. After a moment of silence, Ehbro waves to the group to follow him quietly over to a door. Ehbro puts up his hand as they reach a door and stop before it. Jean bumps into the person in front of him - one of the sailors - and they make another noise. From the other side of the door there are sounds of... DIRK VAN HOORN What in Laki's name... Ehbro, Tera, Henri and the others burst in through the door. Van Hoorn is still in bed, with a woman sleeping beside him.

Tera holds her sword to the throat of Van Hoorn... TERA If you make just one sound, if you call out for your guards - you're dead. Do you understand? Just nod your head. Dirk doesn't make a sound. He just nods his head up and down in fear. The woman in bed with Van Hoorn doesn't say a word. She just smiles and goes back to sleep. TERA You were going to try and steal my ship, you crook. I captured pirates in your waters, I turned those pirates over to you and it turns out that you work with those pirates and that you were going to try and steal my ship. I should kill you now, where you lie, cringing, like the sniveling little coward that you are. Dirk doesn't say a thing. He is just sitting up in his bed, naked, with a thin cover below his waist. Dirk appears frightened. Tera slowly presses the sword to his throat. The woman in Van Hoorns' bed keeps sleeping. TERA But I won't.., maybe. It depends on you. Now.., Get out of bed. Slo.o.o.wly. And you better not make any sounds. DIRK VAN HOORN But.., but.., I am not dressed. PIERRE DUBOCHETTE If you don't listen to her and she kills you, it won't matter whether you're dressed or not. Van Hoorn slowly gets out of the bed, pulls the sheet off the woman and tries to keep the thin sheet around him. Henri steps on a corner of the sheet as Van Hoorn is walking and the sheet falls off the representative. Henri picks up the sheet and tosses it back on the naked sleeping woman as the other sailors look at her.

PIERRE DUBOCHETTE It's pretty hot in here. Maybe you should have left the sheet off of her. Tera and Henri just look at Pierre and don't say a word. Tera prods Van Hoorn along as he tries to cover himself with his hands. TERA The way I figure it, you owe us about 1000 gold pieces. Your pirates have been stealing from the merchants passing through here for years and the rewards for pirate captures are usually 10% of the loot that is recovered. 1000 gold pieces should just about cover my reward. VAN HOORN 1000 gold pieces? I don't have 1000 gol... Tera puts her sword deeper into his throat and cuts TERA I said..., 1000 gold pieces or you will die now. The other members of Tera's party look at each other as Tera cuts Van Hoorn again. VAN HOORN Wait.., wait.. I remember.., Here. Right here.. .. he leads them over towards a wall and pushes on a panel. As he starts to reach inside the panel, Tera stops him. TERA Hold it. Step back. Now... .. Tera pushes the sword into his neck again. Van Hoorn freezes. TERA I said.., Step back. Now. Van Hoorn slowly and carefully steps back. TERA Watch him Henri. Tera reaches inside the panel and pulls out a pistol.

TERA And what were you going to do with this toy, you mangy little pirate? Tera tosses the pistol over to Pierre, looks inside the panel and then reaches in again. Tera pulls out a heavy chest, opens it and looks at the contents inside. The other members of the crew see the gold coins and collectively let out a long silent whistle. Van Hoorn looks around and tries to quietly slip away when Henri notices and puts a knife to Van Hoorns throat. HENRI Don't even think about trying it. Tera looks over at Van Hoorn. TERA Maybe I should kill you now. VAN HOORN No. Please... TERA You sniveling little worm. Tera hands the chest filled with coins over to Ehbro and looks inside the panel again. She pulls out another chest. This chest is chained and locked. TERA That's enough. Let's go. VAN HOORN You have your gold. Why are you taking the other chest? TERA The gold is my reward for capturing your pirate friends. This other chest is because you wanted to steal my ship. VAN HOORN But.. TERA Shut up. Now, you're going to walk in front of us and get us outside. One false move.., one cry out to the guards and you're dead. Do you understand?

Van Hoorn fearfully nods his head. EXT. NIGHT. DECK OF THE MOANA TIARE Several members of Tera's crew are standing on the deck of the Moana Tiare. A hand reaches up from over the side of the deck and Van Hoorn is hauled up on deck. He is still naked and still trying to cover himself with his hands. Tera climbs on board behind Van Hoorn, a sword in her hand and holds it to Van Hoorns' neck as she calls out to the crew to prepare to raise the anchor and sail away. VAN HOORN What are you going to do to me? You have your gold. Let me go. TERA I'll let you go, but not yet. First we'll sail off a bit and then we'll give you a small boat and you can row yourself back in it. VAN HOORN But it'll be daylight in a short while. I can't walk through the town without any clothes on. TERA Then you will have to row really quickly to get back before the town awakens, won't you? Besides, it looks as if the exercise will do you good, you stubby little worm. Marya looks Van Hoorn up and down and then laughs. MARYA. You were right, Tera. He really is a little man. In more ways than one. The crew laughs at Van Hoorn and goes off to start preparing the boat for departure. EXT. VIEW OF MOANA TIARE. EARLY MORNING A small rowboat is tossed into the sea from the Moana Tiare and a few moments later, a naked man is tossed into the sea beside it. Van Hoorn comes up to the surface, shakes his fist at the Moana Tiare and VAN HOORN You'll pay for this. I swear it. I'll make you pay.

Van Hoorn turns towards the rowboat and swims to it. He climbs on board and starts rowing the boat back towards the town as the Moana Tiare sails away. INT. TERA'S CABIN ABOARD THE MOANA TIARE. Tera, Henri, Jacques, Marya, Ehbro and Pierre are standing in Tera's cabin looking at the gold coins as Tera is counting them out. PIERRE Well.., how many are there. Was it worth our while to capture those pirates or not? TERA One thousand seven hundred and eighty seven. Yes.., I guess it was worth it. Two hundred gold coins for each of us here and the rest to the crew. EHBRO (to Marya) I give you my gold coins. Do I win your heart? MARYA I don't need your gold and you won't win my heart, you pirate. EHBRO I not pirate. I friend. MARYA Go away. Go away or so help me God, I'll kill you. Marya reaches for her knife as Ehbro steps back and Pierre catches her arm. PIERRE Not again, Marya. I hear that every time you try to kill him with your knife, he takes it away from you and kisses you. If you really mean to kill him, please don't do it on this ship. Or, maybe you want him to kiss you again? The rest of the people in the cabin laugh at this last comment and Marya blushes, turns away and runs out of the cabin. HENRI (laughingly) All right! I think you're finally getting to her Ehbro.

Tera gives Henri a strange look, wistfully smiles at him without Henri noticing and then looks away. TERA Alright now. On to Tahiti. INT. TERA'S CABIN. Tera and Henri are sitting beside a table and looking at the second chest. It is still closed with a large lock and chain on


HENRI Well? Are you ready to open it? Let's see what's in it. He wasn't too eager to have you take it, even though the other chest had more than the 1000 gold coins you were looking for. He ignored the gold and seemed to be more concerned about the second chest instead. TERA I know. I wonder what's in it? HENRI Well open it already. Then we'll both know. Tera stares at the chest for another second or so and then gets up, walks over to the wall and gets a maul. Tera raises the maul, crashes it down on the chain and breaks it apart. Both Henri and Tera look at the chest and then Henri opens it and they both look inside. The chest contains a large, flashing, multi-colored opalescent crystal and an engraved copper scroll with strange and unknown hieroglyphic markings on it. Both Tera and Henri stare at the crystal as if hypnotized After about a minute or so, Tera reaches for the crystal and picks it up. As Tera picks up the crystal, she seems to go into a trance. FADE IN SOFT INDISTINCT VIEW. EXT. JUNGLE, WITH A PYRAMID. The apex of a pyramid is capped with a large crystal that glows and sparkles in the sun. To the right of the pyramid there are beautiful fountains with colorful birds fluttering about, singing the most beautiful songs ever heard. There is a small stream flowing along beside the fountains, with a footbridge crossing it from one side to another while colorful fish swim underneath, in the bridges' shadow. Beyond, in the distance, a volcano sits, occasionally

releasing a puff of steam. In front of the pyramid, a golden robed individual is sitting and meditating. He has a beatific smile on his face as he lifts his arms to the heavens and chants in an unknown language - "Ama, ama, manaua eloa. Ama". SOFT INDISTINCT VIEW. INT. The room is lit with an incandescent and iridescent glow that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It is as if the air itself is suffused with an ethereal light that gives a delicate reality to the form and substance of everything and everyone in the room. There are five individuals in the room - two men and three women - dressed in golden, diaphanous robes with golden tiaras on their heads and a crystal in front of the tiaras, at the forehead. They are each holding a large, flashing, multi-colored opalescent crystal in their hands and each of the crystals are touching each other as the people in the room chant in an unknown tongue, "Ama, ama, ama terraya pak." One man, however, chants a slightly different chant than the rest, "Ama, ama, ama retayya dak." As the odd chant is heard, the others look at the one chanting differently and fear comes into their eyes. The ground in the room starts to shake. The ceiling, beams and the walls start breaking up and falling down. Huge waves of water engulf the scene and.... INT. TERAS' CABIN. Tera shakes her head woozily, places the crystal back into the chest and places her hands on the table to steady herself. HENRI What's wrong. For a second or so, you seemed to flicker out and then back in again.., like you were a ghost or something. Are you ok? TERA I don't know. I saw something, some.., I don't know. I felt dizzy. HENRI What did you see? A vision of some sort? What? .... Here.., sit down. Tera sits down at the table in front of the chest. Henri is standing next to her, holding her hand. Tera doesn't say anything. She just sits there at the table and stares at the crystal without saying a word. HENRI Tera.., ma chere.., are you all

right? Tera still doesn't reply. Then.., she looks absentmindedly at Henri, pats his hand and... TERA I'm alright, hon. I don't know what I saw. It was a vision, but it was a vision of something.., far away... or long ago. Maybe both. I don't know. I saw a beautiful land - a crystal pyramid, gentle streams, birds and then a room with people.., but then it all fell apart. The whole vision shook.., I saw great waves of water and then a blank. I don't know... HENRI Well, I hope that it wasn't Tahiti that you saw. I don't want to sink under the waves there.., or anywhere else. TERA It wasn't Tahiti. I'm sure of that. Tera gets up, closes the chest and picks it up to put it away. TERA I'll look at it again some other time. It is a very strange reward that I found for myself back at the fort. I wonder what that Dutch scoundrel knew about it. I'm curious.., what did he see when he handled it....? Henri looks at her as she walks over to a wall closet to put the chest away. HENRI Tera.., I know that you can take care of yourself, but.., when I saw you get dizzy and then.. when you almost disappeared and then reappeared.., I was worried about you. Really worried. Tera... TERA I know Henri. I know how you feel about me. I'm just not ready for that kind of relationship with anyone right now. There are too many things that I want to do, too many things that I want to see, too many things that I still want to experience in my life. I'm not

ready to settle down yet and play at being a wife and a mother. Please understand, Henri. Please... HENRI You have a wanderlust - just like your mother. I love you Tera. You know that? I love you girl. TERA I know Henri... I'm just not ready yet... HENRI I'll wait my love. I'll wait. You're worth waiting an eternity for. Tera doesn't say anything. She just looks at him and then gives him a kiss. A long, drawn out, passionate kiss. After a minute or two of kissing, she draws away from Henri, looks at him and then says... TERA Goodnight my love. Maybe.., maybe someday, but not now. I'm sorry. Henri looks into her eyes with passion, bows towards her and kisses her hand. Henri backs out of her room, looking at her the whole time with love in his eyes and closes the door while saying... HENRI I love you Tera. If I have to, I'll wait forever, my love. Forever. As the door closes, Tera looks after him and fights back the tears starting to spring into her eyes. FADE OUT EXT. DAY. NEAR MOUTH OF RIVER. Several sailors and crew members of the Moana Tiare are filling casks with water from a stream that is flowing into the ocean. JEAN LEGRANDE Oh boy.., I can hardly wait till we meet some natives - especially the women. I'm going to have me some fun. PIERRE You had lots of fun with the women back in France, didn't you? JEAN LEGRANDE

But they cost me money there. Here, I'll just trade them some nails.., or even for some of those red feathers we picked up back at the Fort in Malacca. We have lots of nails and red feathers. Hmm.., maybe I should pick out a nice young Tahitian girl and just retire in Tahiti. PIERRE Retire? You never did an honest days work in your life and you're talking about retiring? Retiring from what? It can't be retiring from eating. JEAN LEGRANDE Maybe I'll open a nice French Restaurant on Tahiti. A Tavern. Maybe a Pub and an Inn. That way, visitors would have a place to stay, eat and drink when they came to visit. I'll find a nice young Tahitian girl, have lots of kids and they will work at the Inn while I just relax. Ahh.., that's the life for me. PIERRE Oh please. Any visitors to Tahiti would go there to see the local people and to try the local foods. If they wanted French food, they would stay in France. JEAN LEGRANDE Maybe they will want to they will still want to they'll miss the French they are used to eating

visit but eat and food that back home.

PIERRE Maybe, but.. Just then, a spear flies through the air and lands at their feet. PIERRE Merde! A horde of natives rush out of the woods, shaking spears and attacking the group of sailors. The sailors pull out their muskets, pistols and sabers as they prepare to defend themselves. Pierre fires his pistol and kills an attacking native. He then slashes with his saber and kills another native on his left. Pierre glances over at Jean and...

PIERRE Got two. How about you? Jean is busy fighting off several attackers and is too busy to reply. The crew retreat towards the shore and their boats while fighting the attackers back. As they reach the boats, the natives break off the attack and draw back. The crew wade the boats out, get in and start to row back towards the ship. As they row away, Pierre looks back and notices that a couple of the sailors are missing. He looks back towards the shore and sees the natives waving the sailors legs and arms in the air as they dance and cry out in victory. PIERRE Cannibals. They're cannibals. JEAN LEGRANDE Suddenly, I'm not too hungry anymore. None of the sailors say a word. They just look back towards the shore and see the natives start to make a bonfire and prepare to cook the dead sailors. PIERRE And we lost some water barrels. No one says a word. They just start rowing back to the ship. EXT. EARLY MORNING. HITIAA LAGOON The Moana Tiare is anchored in Hitiaa lagoon on Tahiti. It is the same lagoon that Cpt. DeBougainville visited when he came to Tahiti 19 years before. Native canoes - piriaguas - are approaching the ship. They are rowed by native Tahitian men with bare breasted women riding inside, hoping to trade sexual favors for nails and other European goods. EXT. EARLY MORNING. DECK OF THE MOANA TIARE Tera, Henri, Pierre, Jean and most of the sailors are on deck awaiting the Tahitians. TERA (laughingly) Keep a guard on. I've been told that things have a way of disappearing

when my fellow Tahitians visit and say hello. JEAN LEGRANDE Why? Do they steal? TERA They don't steal, they just have a different concept of ownership than we do. They believe that God created everything for our use, so how can anyone own something created by God? If they need something, they use it and then leave it for the next person that needs it. And, if the item needs repair, they repair it, use it and still leave it for the next person to use. There are certain things that they do own personally, like land, pig`s.., but most other goods are owned communally. PIERRE That is a strange concept. If everyone believed that, there would be no need for Kings. TERA Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite. Several Tahitians climb on board and approach the group. Tera steps forward. TERA Bula, bula. Ia Orona. Bula. A male Tahitian steps up to Tera and... TAHITIAN 1 Bula, bula. You speak our language. How did you learn this? Who is the Chief here? TERA I am the Chief. I am the Captain and this is my ship. I learned the language because my mother was here 19 years ago and my father is a chief here - Tu. I have come here to meet him, to meet my father. TAHITIAN 2 Your father is Tu? We will call the ari'uoy - Tetuanui-rea-i-te-rai and you can discuss your father with her. TERA

Tetuanui-rea-i-te-rai? And who is Tetuanui-rea-i-te-rai? TAHITIAN 2 Tetuanui-rea-i-te-rai is the wife of the chief, Tu, of the Tutaha of Paea tribe. We will send her a message. Tahitian 2 calls over another young man and sends him off to deliver a message to Tetuanui. Many other Tahitians have also come on board, including many Tahitian women, who are now busily talking with the crew and trading goods. Several of the Tahitian women are dragging a few of the sailors below decks where they plan to make further trades. Some of the sailors are already kissing and groping various Tahitian women on the deck. Marya is pretending not to notice the numerous amorous goings on. Ehbro is not paying any attention to the Tahitian women, his eyes are only on Marya. A lovely young Tahitian woman is kissing and fondling Jean while fingering the metal clasps and buttons on his shirt and saying... TAHITIAN GIRL 1 I like buttons. You give me buttons? Jean starts ripping off the buttons and clasps on his shirt while she continues fondling and kissing him. JEAN LEGRANDE Buttons? Here. I've got lots of buttons. Let's go below to my cabin and I'll show you buttons. Pierre has an arm around another Tahitian woman and is going below decks with her. Henri is standing around, with an open mouth, looking at the various women. Tera sees him staring at the various Tahitian women and gets an angry and jealous look in her eyes. Henri notices Tera getting angry as he looks at the women, shrugs his shoulders sheepishly, smiles and walks over to Tera. HENRI So.., when are you supposed to meet your father?

TERA What do you care? I thought you said you loved me and now you just can't keep your eyes off of all these women, can you? HENRI Tera.., I'm not blind. I can't help seeing them. But looking at them still doesn't change my feelings towards you. I didn't expect to see them this way - it was a complete surprise, but I still love only you, Tera. None of them can even come close to matching you for your beauty, your strength, your courage or your grace. You are a Chiefs daughter and it shows in your every action, in your every smile and your every word. I look at these women and compare them to you and believe me hon, there is no comparison. I love you Tera. Tera appears to be somewhat mollified, smiles slightly and caresses his cheek. Henri takes her hand and kisses the fingers. There is a commotion on the shore and Tetuanui appears. She gets into a canoe and several of the warriors paddle her over to the ship. Tetuanui climbs aboard the ship and approaches Tera... TETUANUI Bula, bula. Ia Orona.


TETUANUI I have been told that you are here to meet your father. You say your mother was here years ago? Who was your mother? TERA My mother was French. She was here with Captain DeBougainville. It was about 19 years ago. She was the only woman on board. TETUANUI Oh yes.., She was dressed like a man. The Captain.., he did not stay for long, only a few days. Captain

Cook stayed longer. He visited us several times. Why do you say that Tu is your father? TERA My mama said that he was. She told the Captain - DeBougainville - that Chief Tu was the father. I was born on the ship. We were going back to France. Captain DeBougainville told me my mama died on Mauritius after giving me life, so the Captain raised me as his own. But my real father is Chief Tu. TETUANUI So the Captain raised you as his fa'amu? And My husband, Chief Tu is your father? At one time he used to be a great chief. Are you here to help him regain his power? TERA I'm here to learn about my father. What kind of man is he? What kind of Chief is he? Is he loved, respected? I want to know my father. TETUANUI If you are to meet your father, it will be at a ceremony. We will have a ceremony in your honor with yava. It will be an Oehumoo. Men can come to womens feasts and ceremonies but women cannot come to the mens. We can have a Yava ceremony in your honor by the women and the men can come there, including your father and my husband, Chief Tu. TERA Thank you. When and where will this happen? TETUANUI It will happen tonight. I will send for you when it is time. We will also have a Heiva. Music, songs and dances. Your father will be glad to see you. EXT. EVENING. COMMON AREA. PARTY Tera is sitting with a group of natives by a campfire. Several women in the background are chewing yava roots and spitting them into a large bowl. Sitting next to Tera, on her left, is a tall elderly man and on Teras' right is Tetuanui.

There is an empty ceremonial bowl sitting in front of Tera, with a tassel in the bowl facing her. CHIEF TU Yes, your mother was a very pretty woman. We were surprised that the men on the Captains ship didn't know that she was a woman. We noticed that right away... We knew that we did not see a mahoo, we saw a woman. TERA Maybe it was because she was dressed like a man? CHIEF TU You are dressed like a man and we can still see that you are a woman. No.., I think that the men in your country, in the west, have maybe forgotten what is really a woman? Ahhh.. The umete's are almost full. Now we shall strain the yava and drink it. Tera doesn't say anything - she just sits there thoughtfully, thinking about what her father has said and observing the yava being strained into her bowl. CHIEF TU This is a womans' feast but since I am your father, I will offer the first bowl of yava to you. That is why the tassel in the bowl is facing you. You are my daughter and I have never seen you before. We shall all thank Tane for your visit and we will show you honor as a daughter of a chief. You are the guest of honor. The yava is strained into the chief offers Tera the but Henri, who is sitting to take the cup and drink

the bowl that the chief is holding and first bowl. Tera starts to decline across from Tera, motions for her it.

TERA This yava.., it is chewed, then spit out and strained before it is drunk? TETUANUI That is how it is prepared. It is a great honor to be the first to drink from your yava bowl. Then, it is passed to the chief, then to me and after that, to all the rest. Tera sips the yava.

TERA It tastes peppery. CHIEF TU You must drink the whole bowl Teras' eyes open wide when she hears this, she takes a deep breath and drinks the rest of the yava. Tera places the empty bowl in front of her and watches the yava being strained and poured into the chiefs bowl and then the rest . Chief Tu drinks a bowl himself. Tetuanui does the same and the yava gets strained and passed around the fire as one after another, the men and women drink the yava. TERA Ah fil num. M..ands, ligs.. Tera tries to get up and falls over instead. A young girl sits down next to Tera and starts rubbing her arms, her legs and and the rest of her body as Tera starts to fall asleep. the same is happening to the rest of the men and women around the fire - they all start to fall asleep while young girls massage their arms, their legs and the rest of their bodies. EXT. MORNING. COMMON AREA AT THE WOMENS PARTY SITE Henri is waking up and groaning. Tera, Chief Tu, his wife, the chiefs friends, several of the sailors from Teras' ship, Marya, Ehbro, Pierre and Jean are still passed out around the fire. Henri shakes his head awake, sits up and looks around. He sees Tera lying next to him with her head on his lap. Henri smiles at her and gently tries to remove her head from his lap. Tera stirs and slaps his hands away as he tries to move her. A few of the Tahitians notice Henri waking up and approach him with another bowl of Yava. Henri shakes his head no. By then, Tera is opening her eyes, looking around and she also starts to sit up. Tera sees that she has slept with her head on Henri's lap, looks at him and smiles. By this time, the chief, his wife and the rest of the islanders are also waking up and shooing the dogs away. The chief looks around, calls another islander over and tells him to start preparing more food and yava.

TERA Father, last night we drank yava and ate food, but you never told me about yourself. Do the people here love you as their chief? Do they respect you? What kind of chief are you? CHIEF TU I am a chief. I have the right to wear the Maro-ura at Maraetaata. Further than this, my supremacy does not go. At one time, Captain Cook gave me many things, but the other chiefs were jealous and made war upon me after Cook left. Many of my people have been killed or have fled to the mountains. Do you have any guns that you can give us? TERA We do not have many guns. We are not a warship and the guns that we do have are for our own defense. But, we will give you protection in any way we can if your enemies attack you. CHIEF TU That is good. We will not discuss war now. You must tell me about yourself. Tell me about your mother? How were you raised? Did you learn how to fish? Bake breadfruit? Have you learned how to make Hoboo cloth? Have you married and borne any children? Tell me everything, my daughter. As they are talking, a large pit oven is being laden with a pig and yava is being prepared. Tera, Henri and the rest of the sailors are eating, listening and talking. TERA My mama died on the way back to France after she gave birth to me. Captain DeBougainville raised me as his own and made sure I knew how to ride, to shoot and to fight. But I especially wanted to come back here to OeTahiti to meet you. CHIEF TU It is a long and hard journey. We sail to the many different islands here, but you have traveled around the world - just like your mother. I would like to ask you how your mother was when she died, but you would not know. You had just been born.

TERA No. I wouldn't know. All I know is what the Captain - DeBougainville has told me. He said that she died peacefully while holding me in her arms and with your name on her lips. Chief Tu doesn't say anything. His eyes mist over a bit CHIEF TU I loved her too. On the day that the Captain left with his ships, I tried to climb aboard and take your mother away with me. I was caught and brought back to shore. Your mother was on the boat, crying and calling out to me when they took me away. I will never forget her tears. Chief Ty sits quietly, his eyes mist over and then Yes.., I loved your mother. We only spent a few days and nights together, but I still remember the sound of her voice. I still remember the color of her eyes. I can still recall the smell of her skin and the taste of her lips. I fell in love with her from the very first moment that I saw her... Chief Tu sits quietly and doesn't say a word. While the Chief is describing Teras' mother, flashbacks of the Chief and Jean Bare are hazily shown of the two lying on the beach, kissing, with waves breaking over them as we hear sounds of laughter and pleasure from Jean and Tu. Further flashbacks are shown of their faces as they look into each others eyes with starlight and moonlight reflecting their looks of passion towards each other as they bring their lips together for a kiss. TERA And now.., you are married to Tetuanui? CHIEF TU Yes. I am married. But I have no children. I am married, but I still think of your mother. At night,. when I look at the stars, the 3 sisters, I remember the night we spent together. I thank Tane for the magical night we had together. I still think of your mother and what could have been. And now, you are here my child. You are my daughter and Tane has sent you back to me.

Chief Tu reaches over to Tera and hugs her. CHIEF TU And your voyage here? How was that? TERA My voyage here... There are many things that I could talk about but there is one thing about my voyage that stands out the most. At one point during our journey, we were attacked by pirates and we defeated them. We captured their boat, put them in chains and brought them to the Dutch Governor in Malacca. We later found out that the pirates were working with the Dutch and were about to steal my ship. I pretended not to know that they wanted to steal my ship. I purchased more food, red feathers - that I heard you liked,, CHIEF TU Red Feathers? You have red feathers? TERA Yes. I have red feathers on board. Like these. Tera reaches into a bag, opens it and pulls out a few CHIEF TU There is much manna in those red feathers. The gods make use of birds with red feathers when they descend here to earth. These red feathers will help me to regain the Marae - the Tabbootebooa taya. I will then be King of OeTahiti. How many feathers can you give me? Tera looks slightly disappointed to hear that her father wants to make war and rule the island. TERA. I have a few.... more wars.., more power... I thought this land was a land of peace. A paradise. It seems to be no different than the nations of Europe. Tera sighs and looks down while her father holds, carresses and looks on adoringly at the red feathers. TERA I will give you red feathers. If they have the manna that you claim

they do, maybe there will be no need for fighting, no need for wars... CHIEF TU Thank you for the feathers. I will be king and there will be peace.... And.., after you found out that the Dutch wanted to steal... TERA After I found out that the governors assistant wanted to steal my ship, we entered his home at night, made him give us the reward for capturing the pirates and also took a chest that had a large crystal in it, along with a copper scroll that had some strange markings on it. CHIEF TU What did the markings look like? TERA They looked like some kind of stick carvings..., drawings. Tera picked up a stick and drew some markings on the ground. TERA Something like that. I have the crystal and scroll on my ship. Would you like to see them? Tera calls over to Henri and asks him to go back to the ship and bring back the chest with the crystal and copper scroll. Henri gets up and leaves. TERA. When I opened the chest and held the crystal, I saw a strange vision. I saw a beautiful land, strange people dressed in robes, birds, fountains, flowers and then it all just fell into the sea. I don't understand it. CHIEF TU We will consult with a priest - a Tahooa Tarai Too - Uranui Tapanui. He has knowledge of the old markings. We will see what he has to say. If you give him a red feather, that will be his payment. It will add to his manna. INT. AN OPEN WALLED TAHITIAN HUT

Tera, Chief Tu, Henri and Uranui are sitting in a circle, on mats, in the hut. The chest is in front of them. Tera opens the chest, takes out the copper scroll and hands it to the priest - Uranui. The priest opens the scroll and looks at it. His mouth opens wide in amazement as he keeps looking at the scroll and examining the pictographs on it. After several minutes... URUNAI I cannot understand all the words the meanings. It has been a long time ago that my people have known about and read this kind of writing and only a very few of the priests that are left know anything at all. TERA What can you read there?

URUNAI There was once a great nation made up of several large islands, surrounded on all sides by a great sea. The people were people of peace. This nation - Ai'anis - did not conquer by force of arms although they were very powerful and could do so - they conquered with their minds. They conquered with their minds and with their hearts. They were rich and powerful but they were also just. They conquered because of their inspiring example. Their high ideals were an inspiration to all the other peoples of the world, so, although they had a very strong army, they only used that army to defend themselves from attacks by others. They had no need to conquer - other nations willingly joined them because they wanted to be like them. They also wanted to be rich, powerful, wise and just, just like the people of Ai'anis. The rulers of Ai'anis were given 5 crystals. These crystals were crystals of power and they were used to create peace. They were given to the priests and the rulers of Ai'anis from the gods from space, from above. These crystals were to be given, one each, to each of the five races of mankind. Only the holiest, the most spiritual representative from each of the

five races was given the crystal by their rulers for safekeeping. Once, every one hundred years, these five holy and wise men would meet in Ai'anis. They would meet in a room below a great crystalline Marae and would meditate, commune with their gods and chant a prayer of peace. They would chant the prayer of peace, holding the crystal faces touching each other and send out an energy of love and peace that would cover the world. But, one time, an evil man took the place of one of the wise and holy representatives. No one knew that this person was not a holy man - he was evil. He had killed a holy man and had taken his place. Now, instead of saying a prayer for peace, he said a prayer for power and greed. And then, the land vanished under the seas. That is all that I can see here on this scroll. Urunai starts reaching for the crystal. Tera pulls it away from him. TERA No one can touch the crystal. It is a crystal of power and it was once used to create peace. What happened to the other 4 crystals? URUNAI The scroll does not say. If it is indeed one of the crystals of power, then it must be used very carefully. I have heard of a land, far away to the west. It is a land of very high mountains and snows. There are huge, hairy, manlike beasts there who guard the land and there are ancient priests there who may know more. They live in a holy city, in a hidden valley there that is called Sham' balla. More than that I cannot say. Tera sits silently. TERA Thank you, Tahooa. Tera reaches into a small bag that she is carrying...

TERA Thank you. Here are three red feathers for your help. The Tahooa's eyes light up as she hands him the three feathers. Everyone rises and leaves the hut. The chief walks next to Tera. CHIEF TU You said that you have many of those red feathers? That is great manna. With those feathers, I will be a great chief again. Tera doesn't say anything. She just nods. CHIEF We must go back will have pigs, yava... We will to celebrate.

TU to the feast. We bread, fish, have lots of food

Just then, a Tahitian rushes up to the chief and whispers CHIEF TU There is another ship. It is on the other side of the island, on Matavai Bay. TERA Another ship? What flag are they flying? British, Spanish? Dutch? The chief talks to the messenger again and replies... CHIEF TU It has a black flag with a white skull on it. TERA Pirates! What would pirates be doing here? Tera looks over towards Henri. TERA I have to get back to the ship. Henri, can you round up the rest of our crew from the feast and get them back on board as soon as possible? HENRI I'm on my way, Tera. I'm on my way. EXT. EVENING. THE FEAST

Henri runs into the feasting area. He spots Jean... HENRI Jean.., where's Pierre? The rest of the crew? JEAN LEGRANDE They really cook up some excellent pig here. Have you tried the... HENRI I don't have time for this. There's been a pirate ship spotted on the north end of the island. Teras' gone back to our ship to get the crew there ready. Just in case. JEAN LEGRANDE Mon Dieu! More pirates? I think I saw Pierre in that hut over there.. Jean is pointing to a hut on his left, on the edge of HENRI Round up the rest of the crew and get back to the ship. Now! Henri runs over to the hut and enters it. He sees Pierre, half dressed and lying down next to a naked Tahitian girl. They are kissing and fondling each other. HENRI Pierre. We have pirates. Pierre looks up, sighs and rises from the bed. PIERRE (ruefully, to the girl) Sacre Bleu! I'll be back cherie. Business. (to Henri) Pirates? What pirates? We're too far away from anywhere for pirates. HENRI Not far enough. C'mon. Help me round up the crew and get back to the ship. PIERRE (shaking his head and complaining to himself) Why couldn't they get here tomorrow..? EXT. EVENING. ABOARD THE MOANA TIARE

The scene on board the ship is frenetic, but organized. Tera is shouting out orders to the crew to load the cannons, muskets and pistols. HENRI Slow down, Tera. Slow down. We'll be ready. TERA I don't want to meet them here. They don't know that we're here and I would rather attack where they're anchored. They won't expect an attack at night. Raise the anchors. Let's go. EXT NIGHT. MOANA TIARE AT SEA. The Moana Tiare is sailing close to the Tahiti Shore. There is no moon out and it is cloudy. HENRI According to our charts, we have to sail past here - Maahonu Bay. Henri is pointing to a set of charts on a table in HENRI And here, past Point Venus, is Matavai Bay. That is where the pirates are anchored. TERA And there's no moon tonight. We should be able to surprise them. What are pirates doing way out here, anyways? HENRI I don't know. There aren't any treasures out here. No ships to plunder. Both Henri and Tera say.. Strange... the same time. Henri and Tera look at each other HENRI See.., we even talk alike. Our hearts are in love even if our minds don't know it yet... Tera doesn't say a word. She just looks at Henri and smiles. TERA

We'll see... For now, lets just beat these pirates. Let's get up on deck and see what's going on. EXT. NIGHT. DECK OF THE MOANA TIARE Tera and Henri are standing on deck, looking at all the cooking fires lighting up the island on shore. HENRI This really is a paradise. I can just see all of the families here getting ready for the night. Warm days, cool nights, food in the ocean. Food on trees, just waiting to be plucked and eaten. I could retire here and not miss Europe at all. TERA Right.., And all those nice young island girls... HENRI There's only one nice young island girl I want Tera. YOU!. You're the only woman I've ever wanted, from when we were small and us wrestling each other and me beating you to when you were learning to ride a horse and me beating you there again. TERA You beating me? That's not how I remember it. But.., if you want to hold on to your illusions... They both laugh. HENRI All right. So you did beat me once in a while..., but only because I let you win. TERA You let me win? Well.., we'll just have to see about that in the future, won't we? Pierre and Ehbro approach Henri and Tera. PIERRE We're almost there. Ehbro has an idea. A plan. How we can deal with the pirates. TERA What is it Ehbro?

EHBRO. I have idea. I take powder barrel and swim to pirates. Put powder on ship and blow up. TERA Nice idea Ehbro, but it would take a really large barrel to blow up a ship. PIERRE Wait..., We won't have to blow up the whole ship, just make a hole in it big enough so it can't sail. Then we just sail in and blow it away with our cannon. HENRI You know, that ain't too bad. Can you swim Ehbro? EHBRO Ehbro swim. Ehbro swim and win Marya heart. HENRI I'm going too. Two of us will give us a better chance. TERA Get a small barrel of powder. Wait! Get two barrels. Put one on each side of the boat. We'll wait here for about an hour after you leave. That should be enough time to set the kegs, light the fuses and get away. Then we'll just come sailing in with our cannons firing. EXT. NIGHT. DECK OF PIRATE SHIP There are two pirates at the helm, talking to each other. VAN HOORN She's got to be here. I tortured the Jew and he confessed like a Roman Catholic. Van Hoorn and the Pirate Captain both laugh at this. VAN HOORN She told him that she was coming to Tahiti to see her father. I'll find her. PIRATE CAPTAIN I want her too. She held a sword to my throat and made me order my men to give up. No woman holds a sword

to me and makes me surrender! Ever! VAN HOORN Tell the lookouts to keep alert. She's tricky. If her father is a chief here, maybe she's already got news about us. PIRATE CAPTAIN She may have heard that a pirate ship has arrived, but that doesn't mean that she knows it's us. VAN HOORN It doesn't matter. Just make sure that the lookouts are awake. Not drunk and asleep. How did she ever beat you and your ship anyways? PIRATE CAPTAIN She tricked us. We didn't expect her to fight. It was just another small ship and we thought it would be easy pickings again. VAN HOORN (chuckling) How did she put a sword to your throat? I thought you were a great swordfighter. The pirate captain pulls out his sword and... PIRATE CAPTAIN I am good. Draw your sword and I'll prove it. VAN HOORN All right, all right. So you can fight with swords better than me, but who protects you from the Dutch? Me. Anyways, first things first.., I have to get a chest back from her that she stole from me. You and your men can have the gold that she took, but I need that chest back. PIRATE CAPTAIN What's in that chest? It must be something really valuable for you to give up your gold just for a chest. VAN HOORN Never mind. That chest is mine. You can have the gold, her ship, her.., but that chest is mine.

PIRATE CAPTAIN Aye. I'll have her. I'll have her, my crew will have her and then I'll put a sword to her throat and run her through. EXT. NIGHT. MATAVAI BAY. Ehbro and Henri are swimming towards the pirate ship. They are each carrying a small keg of powder wrapped in oilskin. The pirate ship is ahead and they are slowly threading their way towards it. It is night and the sky is cloudy and dark. Finally, Henri and Ehbro reach the pirate ship and Henri makes a halting sign with his hand. HENRI Ok. Lets tie one to the rudder. That way they can't steer. Ehbro doesn't say anything. He just nods in agreement. Ehbro and Henri take a powder keg, uncoil ropes from around their chests and tie a keg onto the rudder. EHBRO Maybe we put other barrel here too? No where else to tie barrels to ship to make damage. HENRI Yeah. Maybe you're right. Let's tie the other keg to the rudder too. Henri and Ehbro tie the other keg to the rudder, light the fuses and start to swim away. EXT. NIGHT. DECK OF PIRATE SHIP. A guard sees something in the water and calls out... PIRATE GUARD Over there... He points to the starboard. PIRATE GUARD I thought I saw something over there. Van Hoorn and the pirate captain run over to the starboard side and look out. VAN HOORN You see anything? PIRATE CAPTAIN

Not sure. No moon, clouds.., can't be sure. VAN HOORN Well.., let's be sure. Van Hoorn grabs a musket from one of the pirates and shoots out over the water. EXT. NIGHT. ON THE WATER. Henri and Ehbro are swimming away from the Pirate Ship as a musket ball flies over their heads and hits the water ahead of them. They look at each other and dive underwater. Both men swim underwater for a while and then surface and look back towards the Pirate Ship. EXT. NIGHT. DECK OF PIRATE SHIP VAN HOORN Did you hear anything? PIRATE CAPTAIN Water splashing. But I always hear that... VAN HOORN Well, just in case, double the guards. Tell them they'll get a double ration of rum tomorrow. I know she's here somewhere. I'll get her. EXT. NIGHT. OPEN SEA. Teras' ship appears rounding the cape at Point Venus. The Moana Tiare is sailing in, with all sails full, towards the pirate ship. As the Moana Tiare gets closer, a guard on the pirates ship spots her and calls out an alarm. PIRATE GUARD 2 A ship! There's a ship coming right at us from the port side. Teras ship fires her cannons at the pirates, but the cannon balls fall short. PIRATE CAPTAIN Alright mates, that ain't no fellow pirate. I'll wager that it's the woman and her devil ship. Raise the covers and fire away.

The pirate ships crew raises the cannon covers and removes the oil cloths from over the cannon barrels. The pirates fire the cannons and the balls hit Teras' ship. One ball hits Teras' cabin and the cabin disintegrates from the impact. EXT. NIGHT. DECK OF TERAS' SHIP PIERRE Mon Dieu. The explosives didn't go off. What happened? TERA. I don't know what happened. All I know is that we now have a fight on our hands. It's a bigger ship than the one we handled outside of Malacca and it has bigger guns. JEAN LEGRANDE I think we're in trouble. Tera, Pierre, Marya and a few of the crew within earshot look at Jean... TERA Sail right at them. We'll have to ram them. We can't out gun them so we'll have to ram them and outfight them. The Moana Tiare sails straight towards the pirates as the pirates fire their cannons and rip apart Teras' ship, one cannonball at a time. Tera is standing near the prow, sword in one hand, a pistol in the other, waiting to reach the pirates so that she can fight them one on one. Teras' ship keeps firing her own cannons at the pirates, but her small guns don't seem to do much damage to the pirate ship. EXT. DECK OF PIRATES SHIP Van Hoorn and the Pirate Captain are looking at the Moana Tiare sailing towards them and they are laughing and jumping up and down every time Teras' ship takes another hit. Just then, a bolt of lightning streaks across the sky and hits the pirate ship. It explodes in a huge fiery ball and bits and pieces of the pirate ship fly out and land in the water. EXT. DECK OF TERAS' SHIP Tera, Pierre, Marya and the rest of the crew are watching the explosion of the pirate ship with open mouths.

JEAN LEGRANDE It blew. I knew they would do it. They blew it up. Jean is jumping up and down, whooping up a storm. TERA There wasn't enough powder in those kegs to blow that ship up the way it did. PIERRE Maybe they planted the kegs by the powder hold..? TERA Maybe.., but I thought I saw a bolt of lightning hit their ship just before the explosion. Maybe I'm just imagining things... Tera looks backwards to her cabin... TERA Oh my God. My cabin is destroyed. The crystal... There is a look of consternation on Teras' face as she realizes that the crystal is gone. A tear falls from her eye as she realizes that she won't be able to use the crystal to create peace. TERA Peace. No more wars.., gone..., Tera sets her face in a stoic manner, looks forward where the pirates ship was and...


TERA Lets find Henri and Ehbro. They must be cold and tired by now. EXT. EARLY MORNING. OPEN SEA. TERAS' SHIP IS SAILING. The Moana Tiare is sailing slowly. Crew members are on deck looking into the water, trying to spy out bodies or anything else that is floating on the sea. EXT. EARLY MORNING. DECK OF THE MOANA TIARE Jean, Tera, Pierre, Marya and several crew members are standing near the rails on deck, peering into the waters, looking for signs of Henri and Ehbro. Both Tera and Marya are trying to hide their tears. JEAN LEGRANDE Marya, you're crying. How come? It can't be because you miss Ehbro,

can it? You always tried to kill him with your knife and now you're crying? MARYA Shut up. I'm not crying over that big dumb pirate. It's the salt spray. That's all. We had a stressful night. I don't miss that dumb pirate. No way! Tera and Marya look at each other and burst out crying as they hug each other. MARYA I love him. I love him and I didn't even realize it till now. He's dead and I love him. I miss him and I love him. JEAN LEGRANDE Ehbro? TERA Just shut up! Tera is sobbing tears as she also cries. JEAN LEGRANDE Ehbro? They both loved Ehbro? PIERRE Shut up Jean. Marya loved Ehbro. Tera loved Henri. Now just shut up and keep looking. A canoe is approaching from the shore. PIERRE Maybe there's some news coming. Tera and Marya don't say a word. They look towards the canoe, tears still streaming down their faces as they await any news of the two missing men. A Tahitian native reaches the ship and climbs aboard. MARYA News. Do you have any news about Ehbro? Is he alive? What do you know? TERA Henri. Any news? Tera and Marya grab the native and start shaking him. TAHITIAN 3 Have news. Have news. Stop or I shake and forget.

TERA I'm sorry. Please. What kind of news do you have? TAHITIAN 3 Black man wash up on shore this morning. He not conscious. Girls take him to hut and help him. Girls call priest to drive away sickness and heal him. Black man not injured, just not awake. TERA Henri! What about Henri!!!? TAHITIAN 3 Frenchy man ok. He at feast. Frenchy man eating, drinking yava and watching dancers. TERA Eating? Watching dancers? We'll see about that. Tera and Marya climb down into the canoe. The native follows them and they start paddling back to shore. INT. TAHITIAN HUT. Three Tahitian girls are sponging Ehbro with wet cloths on his face, his head, his chest, his legs and his arms. Ehbro is semi-conscious and the girls are taking tender care of him, Marya steps into the hut, sees the three girls, gets mad and chases them out. MARYA Out! Out! All of you.., GET OUT! As Marya chases them out of the hut, she looks at Ehbro with a look of love and concern. Marya takes a wet cloth out of a bowl, squeezes it out a little and then wipes Ehbro's forehead. Marya keeps re-wetting the cloth and wiping Ehbros' forehead, arms, legs and chest while she cries. MARYA Oh Ebbie. My dear Ebbie. Wake up. Please wake up.. I promise.., I won't try to kill you again Ebbie. Just please wake up.

As Marya turns away to re-wet the cloth, Ehbro opens one eye and looks at her. As Marya turns back to sponge Ehbro again, Ehbro quickly closes his eye and pretends to still be unconscious. MARYA Oh Ebbie. Ebbie. Say something. Please Ebbie... Just then, Ehbro grabs Marya, pulls her to him and kisses her while he rolls both of them over and she is now on the bottom. Ehbro keeps kissing her as... MARYA You rat! You dirty stinkin pirate! You rat! Marya pulls out her knife. Ehbro catches her hand and pins her down. He keeps kissing her, with passion, with lust and with love. As Ehbro keeps kissing Marya, she gradually lets go of the knife and it drops out of her hand. Marya puts her hands around Ehbro, around his neck and passionately kisses him back. Marya starts moaning in passion as Ehbro stops kissing her, pulls back from her lips, looks at her and... EHBRO So.., Ehbro win Maryas' heart? MARYA You dirty pirate, you. she kisses him again and again, on his lips, his eyes, his cheeks.., everywhere. EHBRO I think so... EXT. OUTSIDE A HUT Tera is half walking and half running around looking for Henri. She spots a group of people sitting, eating, dancing and drinking yava. She sees Henri there in the group, stops and watches him for a minute or so. He is just sitting there, looking morose. Tera calls out his name and Henri looks up as a smile brightens his face.

HENRI Tera. Cherie.., My love... I heard that your cabin had been destroyed. I thought you were dead and I didn't want to go back to the ship and see it. Oh Tera... Henri reaches out for Tera and she responds. They hug each other, Henri pulls back and looks at her face, her eyes and then he reaches in with his lips for a kiss. Tera responds and kisses him back. TERA Henri, I do love you. I really do. HENRI Don't talk now hon. I'm planning to be busy kissing you. And kissing you, and kissing you and... TERA Alright already. So just shut up and kiss me. Tera and Henri laugh, look into each others eyes and slowly bring their lips together in a long, slow, sensuous kiss. The sun is high in the sky, the feast is going on around them, the dancers are swaying, the singers are singing and Tera and Henri are kissing. FADE OUT! UNDERWATER The camera moves around underwater and the light from the sun ripples as the camera slowly zooms in on the crystal as fish swim along, look at the crystal and swim on. FADE OUT


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