Trooper Simpson Ports Mouth Herald

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6-Portsmouth Herald

(N H ) Mon



Hampton man Four killed Rescued .crewmen save ship WHITEHORSE, Y T (AP) — MONTREAL (AP) -Several an hour after returning to the .helicopter crashed near Fish crew members rescued from •boat aboard a Canada Coast to appear at ALake m the Yukon, ikiljing «ill


Misrepresentation reported CONCORD N H (AP) - A spokesman for Gov Meldnm Thomson says somebody is going to private homes and falsejy claiming to represent the Thomson campaign Jay McDuffee said Sunday a family in Nashua reported that a man knocked on the door

introduced himself as a Thomson worker and began asking a series of personal questions McDuffee said after the man Ie,£t he came back knocked on the door, snapped a picture when the door opened, and ran r off

robbery trial CONCQflD. N # (AP) - A Hampton man who was acquitted 00 bank robbery charges in August was arrested Friday to make surejieappeais at a trial o/ another man charged in the robbery federal marshalls arrested R,ich.ftrd fto^g to make sure he would be at a trial of William Smipson Jr, a former state trooper Hogg aptf Simpson \vere indicte^ for an armed robbery of a West Stewartstown bank last February Hogg was found innocent in a federal cpwHnaJ #e ^35 released on a persona! recognizance after being arrested Friday on the ccwdiUon he wpuld appear AO U S District

We are getting ready for a new look...

four persons aboard, the Royal Canadian Mounted PoKce said Sjnday The victims of Saturday's crash were identified as employees of Foothills Pipe Lines of Calgary

the Yugoslavian srup Wry» by helicopter returned to put out the fire aboard their vessej Sunday The sailors put out the fire m

Guard helicopter with fireJightmg equipment No mjurjes were reported and the cause of the fire wasn't known


Everything you n«ed jto knpw to get st^rtetf Ap credited by State Board Next Cpur^e Begins Oct £5 Call 436 2831 for Details

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noncredit programs for Hie community

Low-level phones William Mcagher left manager of the New England Telephone Co , j$ shown presenting a check for the §eaco^t United Way to Chairman Walter Dormpa Neither ,man is confined to a wheelchajr but they are trying out the new lowlevel phones being installed at the Newmgton

Mall of wiich Dojnina is jnanageir. far the handicapped The United Way serves han dicapped people in a number pf v/ays, »s w*U as other member agencies in the Seacoast, totalling 23 in all (Staffi'hoto)

on e-day workshops Journalism for teachers and $tud«nt «ditor«, In trodycWon «j> Tf»r>*»Ctioi>»l Al«Jysi$, Vjsg«J History of the Piscataqu* Rig&n, Th* Qr»gt Radip Comodi«ns, ,Ho;s P'Ouuyres, Just th* Old Sonfs, St#rs 'n' Stuff, Bachelor Cooking, Making Lampsbfld«, Export Tr*i« for bvemos? man *nd wom»n, P«^jpn PJai) Report*, and

Business Mirror

EANES HOUSE tte.1 Lafayette Rd. HAMPTON, N.H.


Indicators influence election NEW YORK (AP) — During the past wee,k various statistical indicators pointed to a less than buoyant economy, but perhaps of even greater significance they influenced greatly the election race The index of leading economic indicators fejl sharply Wholesale prices .rose The unemployment rate remained

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high Th,e index of indicators is ^generally cp|i sidered one o/ the most significant barometers of economic activity When it is high and rising it suggests fair ecpijonnc weather, wften falling itJEoretetysstorms But the mdex pf leading indicators quivers m,uch, much more than most of us realize so gr,eatly tp fact that the chche all over {the Jot /can almost be applied When ,it fs announced each month it is read by many people as a rigidly set figure, com puter accurate and infallible It psn t It is revised each month month after month The reading for the same month might undergo a dozen monthly revisions The wholesale price index is not subject to so many revisions but it is open to the same amount of questioning Is •the index accurate' Is it meaningful' Some economists baye faith in this index, but Prof facfrarQ fluggles, Yale University economist, isn t among them He maintains it is "quite meaningless ' He suggests it is a concoction rather than an indicator Why should Reggies have such a low op....on7 Because, under government contract he has analyzed the index and, in fact, 15 working to develop a new statistical formula to > replace it The unemployment rate also has its critics Does it overstate unemployment 9 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts maintains it does, and that as a consequence its economy has been damaged by, among other things, higher borrowing costs

Goodyear puts its footjpTdown on prices

Pre-Seoson Sale On White Wall 'Suburbanite' Winter Tires


Does it understate unemployment 9 Sc,or*s pf municipalities, including ,the City of St LQUIS, says yes Tjjey feel cheated because, they say, the ufldJersJa.ted figures deprive funds Js the jobless total an accurate count7 Jt isp t eyep # count Few people reauzettiat it results from a small sample that is then put through a computer It is a formulation rather than a count It is weighted, averaged, adjusted— and also corrected, but not until after theend of the year Why do we pay so much attention to the numbers? Well, they are indicators Economists generally believe Washington s statistics are the best in the world But professional economists also understand that figures can mislead Much of the public farte to possess such understanding, and therefore often assumes these numbers to be perfect Didn t they come qut of the computer 7 Candidates also find the numbers make campaign material President Ford, who is now being hurt by the numbers, relied heavily on them earlier in the campaign to suggest that he was moving the economy ahead Jimmy Carter has exploited them too Question Should a president be elected by the numbers'

Court weighs of BANGOR, Maine Supreme ^ydjcjaj has taken under advisement a request jar a new itrwl #p$ g change cjf venue Cora 33-year
weekly evening courses Introduction to SOC.IB( Gerontology. Old Tim* Mountain panjQ, farm Animals for Backyard Farmers, Genealogy, Estata Planning. Enjoy the Outdoors More. Investments H, Introduction to Science Fiction, Charcoal Sketching, Restoring 18th Century Home*, Af>!Uqu« Qws. P?pture Framing. Printing and Graphic Artf, Watha Ypga 1, Hpipe Management. Making of a Well Inforrncd Person, Beginning and Adv^cad Quilting, and Local Government Simulation Games

special roinieeursa John and Abigail Slept Here — on» oveMing p on the historical Ad^ms fanfjly £pd « day-long fi«fd »np to£h#Adan>sf&at/9inQu4ncy

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Lawyers for LiVtefrel$ say that pre tnaj publicity thrpu^i newspaper stones resujtep' in an air of Jjostjlity" in Belfast Littlefield claims that his trial should have been moved from Waldo County to County

A78-13blackwall plus $174F£T per tire Ho trade needed

'Subi,ifban?te' Potyestef Get a head start on winter with this winter tire pair that's high in traction, low in price Dependable bias-ply construction Deep (read cleats pull you through snow and slush Take advantage of this Goodyear yalue - stop in today'




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Power tools m*k4 th* handyman chores so mych «9«i^r T not only ttfo niy^cle fpr |obs of sawing planing dri sanding but also particularly in the case of the stationary pojpflr tools provide a cartam amount of built-in skill that »Hgw« »yan iha w>ataur ff turn out vyorfi that can b« yityyail with the profasaional s But thara are portabla Aanal-hafd power tooli available for doing a wide ranga of Jobs Tftna carl tw l»dan 19 >h« axact spot whera the work t* to be (•one end ao «h»y ara ajwfDfnt for odd jobs

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tyot only will you find an outstanding lalaction of tooU and material! at OlON S HOME Of$ait CENTER Rl 1 State Hoed & <"* raady to ojve you any Mlvni you mtn need W« al«o speclafea in cu*U»>) deai^ned homes kitchens and floor a» well a> well coverings Sfop ^y soon and look ua over whether or Aep you ara presently in need of our aav Vice* The coffee K always hot ^oura Won Sat 7 30-S

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