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SYLLABUS 1. Introduction to web programming, software concepts, web development and designing. 2. Highlighting differences between web developments and designing. 3. Web Hosting and Maintenance. 4. HTML5. 5. CSS3. 6. JavaScript. 7. PHP/ Advanced PHP. 8. SQL / MYSQL. 9. JQUERY. 10. Ajax. 11. Dreamweaver. 12. JOOMLA. 13. Photoshop. 14. Flash. 15. Modeling tools like vision and UML, E.T.C 16. Testing.

1. WEB PROGRAMMING Web Designers Make it look good Interior Decorator/Designer Areas of web design: web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardized code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization. It is used to describe the design process relating to the front-end (client side) design of a website including writing mark up. HTML TAGS+CSS+IMAGE+ANIMATIONS+VID EOS+AUDIOS+ GRAPHICS

Web Developers/Programmers Make it work. Backend Works. A Web programmer, to my knowledge, is basically the same thing as a Web developer. They are only concerned with the technical aspects of a Web page. It is used to describe the design process relating to the Middle ware and back-end (serer and data base side) design of a website including writing mark up. PHP, JAVA, .NET E.T.C

Web designer: Someone who designs the look and feel of the web pages Web developer: Someone who writes backing code for pages (ie HTML, CSS, etc) Web programmer: Someone who uses backend server languages, like ASP, PHP, Ruby, etc, to write the logic for a web application. The system logic that may reside behind the scenes would then be coded by other programmers who may refer to themselves as Web Programmers because the end product that they build is an application accessed via the web. Personally, I drop out the term Web Programmer, and simply use: 1. Web Designers: persons responsible for the creative invention of the look & feel of the website from a graphical layout perspective. 2. Web Developers: persons responsible for the execution of pages designed by Web Designers, including the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and server-side components such as PHP, ASP, Ruby, etc. Web designer is someone who designs Web pages. They, along with the client, choose a color palette, position things, and make it visually appealing. They are concerned with the usability and design. It's usually all done in Photoshop, at which point they pass it off to the Web developer. A Web developer creates the Web site - writes the HTML, CSS and, if the page has any dynamic content, will develop that as well. SOFTWARE CONCEPTS It is a set of instruction intended to perform a particular task relating to web site development. Software Development life cycle model: Water Fall Model Phase Explanation Requirements 1. Requirements Document. 2. Prepare Use Cases. Analysis 1. It encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product or project, Design 1. Software Architecture (Tiers). 2. Map the Stake Holders. Implementation/ coding 1. Construct the Software. 2. Data and Storage. Testing / verification 1. Install. 2. Test and Debug. Deployment 1. Putting of the files in client system. maintenance 1. Check errors. 2. Optimize capabilities.

Software: Browser Software Examples 1. Uc Browser. 2. Safari. 3. Chrome. 4. Firefox. 5. IE. 6. Opera. E.t.c

Software: Server Software’s Examples PHPXamp, Lamp, Wamp e.t.c .NetVisual Studio. JavaTomcat, glassfish e.t.c e.t.c

Software: Data Base Software Examples 1. MYSQL 2. MS SQL SERVER 3. Oracle. 4. Ms Access. 5. Fire Bird. DB Classification 1. Light Weight. 2. Medium Weight. 3. Heavy Weight.

WEB DEVELOPMENT / WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT It refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or internet. The web development process includes web design, web content development, client-side/serverside scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks. WEB DEVELOPMENT HIERARCHY 1. Client-side coding. 2. Server-side coding.

3. Database technology.

WEB DESIGNING It has many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. Different Areas of Web Design 1. Web graphic design. 2. Authoring. 5. User experience design.

2. Interface design. 4. standardized code and proprietary software. 6. Search engine optimization.

2. Highlighting differences between web developments and designing. Web Designers Web Developers/Programmers Make it look good Make it work. Interior Decorator/Designer Backend Works. Areas of web design: web graphic A Web programmer, to my knowledge, is basically the design; interface design; authoring, including same thing as a Web developer. They are only standardized code and proprietary concerned with the technical aspects of a Web page. software; user experience design; and search engine optimization. It is used to describe the design process It is used to describe the design process relating to the relating to the front-end (client side) design Middle ware and back-end (serer and data base side) of a website including writing mark up. design of a website including writing mark up. HTML PHP, JAVA, .NET E.T.C TAGS+CSS+IMAGE+ANIMATIONS+VID EOS+AUDIOS+ GRAPHICS

WEB DESIGN Web design rules everything involved with the visual aesthetics and usability of a website— color scheme, layout, information flow, and everything else related to the visual aspects of the UI/UX (user interface and user experience). Some common skills and tools that distinguish the web designer from the web developer are:  Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) or other design software  Graphic design  Logo design  Layout/format  Placing call-to-action buttons  Branding  Wireframes, mock-ups, and storyboards  Color palettes  Typography Web design is concerned with what the user actually sees on their computer screen or mobile device, and less so about the mechanisms beneath the surface that make it all work. Through the use of color, images, typography and layout, they bring a digital experience to life. That said, many web designers are also familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—it helps to be able to create living mock-ups of a web app when trying to pitch an idea to the team or fine-tune the UI/UX of an app. Web designers also often work with templating services like WordPress or Joomla!, which allow you to create websites using themes and widgets without writing a single line of code. Web Development Web development governs all the code that makes a website tick. It can be split into two categories—front-end and back-end. The front-end or client-side of an application is the code responsible for determining how the website will actually display the designs mocked up by a designer. The back-end or server-side of an application is responsible for managing data within the database and serving that data to the front-end to be displayed. As you may have guessed, it’s the front-end developer’s job that tends to share the most overlap with the web designer. Some common skills and tools traditionally viewed as unique to the front-end developer are listed below:  HTML/CSS/JavaScript  CSS preprocessors (i.e., LESS or Sass)  Frameworks (i.e., AngularJS, ReactJS, Ember)  Libraries (i.e., jQuery)  Git and GitHub Front-end web developers don’t usually create mock-ups, select typography, or pick color palettes—these are usually provided by the designer. It’s the developer’s job to bring those mock-ups to life. That said, understanding what the designer wants requires some knowledge of best practices in UI/UX design, so that the developer is able to choose the right technology to deliver the desired look and feel and experience in the final product.

3. WEB HOSTING AND MAINTENANCE. Web Hosting It is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page on to the Internet. A web host / web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. Websites are hosted / stored / Deployed on special computers called servers. When Internet users want to view your website, all they need to do is type your website address (Domain Name) into their browser. Their computer will then connect to your server and your webpages will be delivered to them through the browser. Most web hosting companies require that you own your domain name in order to host with them. If you do not have a domain name, the web hosting companies will help you purchase one. Web hosting plan features Plan Icon Details CPANEL / PLESK Panels are used for controlling the hosted site. Control Panel Web Space

Used to store website page, video, Audio e.t.c of 1GB / 2 GB e.t.c

Data Transfer

Bandwidth is defined as the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, it is expressed in bits per second/ bytes per second. Used to send emails. There are 3 main types of email accounts: POP3, forwarding, and aliases. POP3 accounts are the traditional inboxes. You have space on the server to store your emails, and at the same time, you can use an email program to download your mail. Each login and password combination usually equates to one account. Forwarding mail accounts are useful if you are employing the service of another company to filter your emails for you. Rather than storing your emails on your mail server, emails are redirected to another email address. Aliases accounts are similar to forwarding mail accounts. Some hosts allow you to setup a catch-all alias, which is often used to collect emails sent to addresses not recognized by your mail server. A subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain; For example, and are subdomains of the domain, which in turn is a subdomain of the com toplevel domain (TLD). After you have created your web pages on your computer, you need to transfer those files to your web server. The files are transferred to the server by use of FTP.FTP is also the protocol of downloading your web files from the server to your computer, ie. backing up your website files. Used to store data that 1GB / 2 GB e.t.c

Web Email

Sub Domains

FTP Accounts

DataBase MySQL/MSql


Technical support will be given for the web hosting.

Price per year

Maintenance: Depends on the hosting Provider he charges for the domain and for web hosting.


Server System System

Software: Browser Software Examples 1. Uc Browser. 2. Safari. 3. Chrome. 4. Firefox. 5. IE. 6. Opera. E.t.c

Software: Server Software’s Examples PHPXamp, Lamp, Wamp e.t.c .NetVisual Studio. JavaTomcat, glassfish e.t.c e.t.c

Client Side Scripting Languages 1. JavaScript. 2. VBScript. 3. Jscript. 4. WML Script.

Server Side Scripting Languages 1. PHP. 2. .NET. 3. JAVA. e..t.c

Data Base System

Software: Data Base Software Examples 1. MYSQL 2. MS SQL SERVER 3. Oracle. 4. Ms Access. 5. Fire Bird. DB Classification 1. Light Weight. 2. Medium Weight. 3. Heavy Weight.

WEB HOSTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Purchase a Domain name from the service provider like godaddy, crazy domains e.t.c . 2. Purchase a web space from the service provider like godaddy, crazy domains e.t.c . 3. Link Domain name to web space using pointer like C-record or A-record.

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