Trabajo De Ingles Modificado

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  • Words: 1,459
  • Pages: 16

We face a technological revolution; we see a global spread of computers and telecommunications. These new technologies pose new paradigms revolutionizing the world of school and higher education. Education is an integral part of new technologies and this is as well that a growing number of universities around the world are demanding e-literacy as a requirement in their entrance exams and graduation, considering it a main objective to prepare future professionals for the digital age in the workplace. Most institutions of higher education have a greater or lesser extent, to computers that allow Internet access to students. Thus, academics, even those who do not have economic problems at home with computers, can access a world that was previously exclusive to the affluent classes, taking the opportunity to visit museums and free access to knowledge. It is in this sense, the role of university professor is crucial: The more we inculcate in the students the possibility of using new technology, the wider the world that works for them and having the opportunities to find work. The Information and Communication have helped to bring the whole world of communication, facilitating networking among individuals and institutions worldwide, and eliminating barriers in space and time. Are called Information Technology and Communication to the set of technologies that enable the acquisition, production, storage, processing, communication, recording and presentation of information in the form of voice, images and data contained nature of acoustic signals, optical or electromagnetic .

ICTS include electronic technology base that supports the development of telecommunications, computing and broadcasting. We believe that teacher training is a necessity. governments, educational and training institutions should prioritize an increasingly acute concern, the world progresses in technology teacher education. however it is common that many skills to become educators in learning tools for the production of educational content. although the use of technology gives this process an air of novelty, the fact is that often these methodologies or ways to deal merely reiterate the instructions of pedagogy traditional, which involves the production of materials to distribute information or conduct exercises on problems or skills. policies of integration of ICT into education systems must meet standards made by each country or failing to international standards (eg unesco), in peru, the national education project 2021 traces the course of educational policy of integration of ictinto the educational system and with reference to the transformation of teaching practices in basic education, said: "these policies are aim to facilitate the process of changing teaching practices in the institutions that provide basic education. Especially looking to introduce new approaches and practices of good teaching, encouraging the professional responsibility of teachers, promoting a friendly school climate in schools and promote the use of information technologies and communication technologies (ICTS) to improve learning.

SPANISH Estamos ante una revolución tecnológica; asistimos a una difusión planetaria de las computadoras y las telecomunicaciones. Estas nuevas tecnologías plantean nuevos paradigmas, revolucionan el mundo de la escuela y la enseñanza superior. La educación es parte integrante de las nuevas tecnologías y eso es tan así que un número cada vez mayor de universidades en todo el mundo está exigiendo la alfabetización electrónica como uno de los requisitos en sus exámenes de acceso y de graduación, por considerar que es un objetivo esencial preparar a los futuros profesionales para la era digital en los centros de trabajo. La mayoría de las instituciones de educación superior cuentan, en mayor o menor medida, con equipos informáticos que posibilitan el acceso a Internet de los alumnos. Así, los universitarios, incluso aquellos que por problemas económicos no cuentan con computadores en sus hogares, pueden acceder a un mundo que antes era exclusivo de las clases pudientes, teniendo la oportunidad de visitar museos y accediendo a conocimientos disponibles gratuitamente. Es en este sentido, que el papel del profesor universitario es fundamental: Cuanto más se inculque en los universitarios la posibilidad de utilizar las nuevas tecnologías, más amplio será el mundo que obra para ellos y las oportunidades que

La Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación han permitido llevar la globalidad al mundo de la comunicación, facilitando la interconexión entre las personas e instituciones a nivel mundial, y eliminando barreras espaciales y temporales. Se denominan Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicación al conjunto de tecnologías que permiten la adquisición, producción, almacenamiento, tratamiento, comunicación, registro y presentación de informaciones, en forma de voz, imágenes y datos contenidos en señales de naturaleza acústica, óptica o electromagnética. Las TICs incluyen la electrónica como tecnología base que soporta el desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones, la informática y el audiovisual. Pensamos que la capacitación del docente es una necesidad. Los gobiernos, las instituciones educativas y de formación deben priorizar una preocupación cada vez más aguda, conforme avanza el mundo de la tecnología: La formación del profesorado. Sin embargo es común que muchas capacitaciones de educadores se conviertan en actividades de aprendizaje de herramientas para la producción de contenidos pedagógicos. Aunque el uso de tecnología le da a este proceso un aire de novedad, lo cierto es que frecuentemente estas metodologías o formas de abordaje no hacen más que reiterar el carácter instruccionista de la pedagogía tradicional, que contempla la producción de materiales para distribuir información o realizar

Las políticas de integración de las TIC en los sistemas Educativos deben responder a Estándares asumidos por cada país o en su defecto a Estándares Internacionales (caso UNESCO). En el Perú el Proyecto Educativo Nacional al 2021 (2006), traza el rumbo de las Políticas Educativas de integración de las TIC en el Sistema Educativo: así en referencia a la transformación las prácticas pedagógicas en la Educación Básica, dice: “Estas políticas se dirigen a facilitar el proceso de cambio de las prácticas pedagógicas en las instituciones que ofrecen la educación básica. Especialmente, buscan introducir nuevos criterios y prácticas de la buena enseñanza, incentivar la responsabilidad profesional del docente, fomentar un clima institucional amigable en los centros educativos y promover el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) para optimizar los aprendizajes”.

II. EXERCISES: 2.1. TRUE OR FALSE: 2.1.1.We face a technological revolution, we see a global spread of computers and telecommunications.

T( )

F( )

2.1.2.These new technologies pose new paradigms revolutionizing the world of school and higher education.

T( )

F( )

2.1.3. Education is an integral part of new technologies and this is as

well that a growing number of universities around

the world are demanding e-literacy as a requirement in their entrance exams and graduation. F( )

T( )

2.2. MULTIPLE CHOICE 2.2.1.ICT include electronic technology base that supports the development :  

a) of telecommunications

b) the workplace

c)of technology. 2.2.2.In peru, the national education project traces the course of

educational policy of integration of ictinto the

educational system



in year b)2020


2.2.3.Most institutions of higher education have a greater or lesser extent: a) to computers that allow internet access to students. b) of computers. c) the information and communication

2.3. GRAMMAR SPOT: ARTICLE : THE OR THESE 2.3.1.THE: use of technology gives this process an air of novelty the fact

is that often these methodologies or ways

to deal merely reiterate

the instructions of pedagogy


2.3.2.THESEnew technologies pose new paradigms revolutionizing the world of school and higher education.

2.4. MATCHING :   2.4.1.The Information and Communication facilitating

A)the development of telecommunications, computing and broadcasting

  2.4.2. Are called Information Technology and Communication 2.4.3.ICTS include electronic technology base that acquisition, supports storage, communication, and presentation information in the form

B) networking among individuals and institution

C) to the set of technologies that enable the production, processing, recording of form of


VOCABULARY : 2.5.1. PARADIGMS: a typical example or sth:aparadigm for students to

copy. 2.5.2. GOVERNMENTS: the group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state: to lead/form a government. 2.5.3. KNOWLEDGE: the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience: practical/medical. 2.5.4. EDUCATION:a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schoolsor colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills. 2.5.5. INSTITUTIONS: a large important organization that has a particular purpose, for example, a university or bank.

2.5.6. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: the techonologyof sending signals, images

and messages over long distances by radio,

telephone, television. 2.5.7. COMPUTERS: and electronic machine than a store, organize and fin

information, do calculation and control other

machines. 2.5.8. TECHNOLOGIES: scientific knowledge used in practical ways in

industry, for example in designing new machines.

2.5.9. PEDAGOGY: the study of teaching methods. 2.5.10. LEARNING: the process of learning knowledge that you get from

reading an studing a woman of great learning.

2.6. STRESS: 2.6.1.FIRST SYLLABLE : Taking Exams Systems Learning Changing Teaching 2.6.2 .SECOND SYLLABLE. Computers Paradigms students Acquisition Production Storage processing

2.6.3. THIRD SYLLABLE: Education Telecommunications Communication Presentation Information 2.7.



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