Tpm User Guide

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  • Words: 17,997
  • Pages: 184
Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide 10/20/2007

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DIAGRAM .................................................................................... 4 2. GLOSSARY OF TERMS .............................................................. 6 3. ACCESSING AND SIGNING INTO TPM...................................... 7 A. Under Armour Partner Extranet ............................................ 7 1. Accessing Partner.UnderArmour.Com .............................................7 2. Network Access ..................................................................................8

B. Accessing TPM....................................................................... 9 1. TPM Training .......................................................................................9 2. TPM Production ................................................................................10

C. Signing into TPM.................................................................. 11 1. TPM Sign-In Page .............................................................................11

4. SYSTEM NAVIGATION.............................................................. 12 A. Page Layout.......................................................................... 12 B. Page Navigation ................................................................... 13 1. Application Tabs ...............................................................................13 2. Page Tabs..........................................................................................14 3. Browser Controls..............................................................................14 4. Hyperlinks .........................................................................................14 5. Buttons ..............................................................................................14 6. Dropdown Boxes ..............................................................................15 7. Data Entry Fields ..............................................................................15 8. Checkboxes.......................................................................................15 9. Scroll Bars.........................................................................................15 10. Controls .............................................................................................16 11. Required Fields.................................................................................16

C. Using the Dashboard ........................................................... 16 1. Dashboard Navigation......................................................................17 2. Editing the Dashboard Display........................................................19

5. PURCHASE ORDERS ............................................................... 21 A. Viewing POS......................................................................... 21 1. From the Dashboard.........................................................................21 2. From the PO Tab...............................................................................27

B. Purchase Order Information................................................ 33 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Information Common to All Purchase Order Tabs.........................33 Purchase Order Details Tab.............................................................35 Purchase Order Header Tab ............................................................38 Purchase Order Instructions Tab ....................................................39 Purchase Order Events Tab.............................................................41 Purchase Order Documents Tab .....................................................42 Purchase Order Schedules Tab.......................................................43

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Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

8. Purchase Order LPNs Tab ...............................................................44 9. Purchase Order Shipments Tab ......................................................45

C. Accept/Decline a Purchase Order ....................................... 46 1. Accept a Single Order ......................................................................46 2. Decline a Single Order......................................................................50 3. Approve Multiple Purchase Orders .................................................54

D. Printing the Purchase Order document.............................. 57 1. From the Purchase Order Details Page ..........................................57

6. LPNS.......................................................................................... 59 A. Viewing LPNs ....................................................................... 59 1. 2. 3. 4.

From the Dashboard.........................................................................59 From the PO Tab...............................................................................62 From the LPN Inventory Page..........................................................64 From the LPN Details Page ..............................................................70

B. LPN Information ................................................................... 72 1. Information Common to All LPN Tabs ............................................72 2. LPN Details Tab ................................................................................73 3. LPN Events Tab ................................................................................74

C. Building LPNs....................................................................... 75 1. 2. 3. 4.

Building Single SKU Standard Case Pack LPNs............................75 Building a Musical Case Pack LPN .................................................80 Building Non Standard Quantity LPNs ...........................................85 Building Multi Sku LPNs ..................................................................89

D. Reprinting LPN Labels......................................................... 93 1. From the LPN Detail Page ................................................................93 2. Reprinting LPNs from the LPN Inventory Screen ..........................94

E. Deleting LPNs..................................................................... 100 1. From the LPN Detail Page ..............................................................100 2. Deleting LPNs from the LPN Inventory Screen ............................102

7. ITEMS ...................................................................................... 107 A. Viewing SKU Details .......................................................... 107 1. From the Items Page.......................................................................107

B. Item Information ................................................................. 109 1. Item Details......................................................................................109

C. Editing SKU Dimensions ................................................... 110 1. From the Items Page.......................................................................110

8. SHIPMENTS............................................................................. 113 A. View Shipments.................................................................. 113 1. From the Dashboard.......................................................................113 2. From the Shipments Tab................................................................117

B. Shipment Information ........................................................ 124 1. Information Common to All Shipment Tabs .................................124 2. Shipment Details Tab .....................................................................125

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

3. 4. 5. 6.

Shipment LPNs Tab ........................................................................127 Shipment Documents Tab..............................................................130 Shipment Events Tab .....................................................................131 Shipment Schedules Tab ...............................................................132

C. Working with Shipments ................................................... 133 1. Create a New Shipment ..................................................................133 2. Adding LPNs to a Shipment...........................................................137 3. Remove LPNs from Shipment .......................................................143

D. Update a Shipment............................................................. 150 1. Update an Existing Shipment ........................................................150 2. Update a Shipment to Pending Status ..........................................153 3. Update a Shipment from Pending to Loading Status ..................157

E. Printing the Shipment Packing List .................................. 159 1. From the Shipment Details Page...................................................159

9. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ................................................... 161 A. Printer Administration ....................................................... 161 1. Viewing Existing Printers in TPM ..................................................161 2. Adding a Printer to TPM .................................................................163 3. Editing an Existing Printer to TPM ................................................167

B. Document Administration ................................................. 171 1. Viewing Existing Documents in TPM ............................................171 2. Adding a Document to TPM ...........................................................173 3. Editing an Existing Document to TPM ..........................................177

10. APPENDIX A – SAMPLE DOCUMENTS............................. 180 A. Sample Printed PO............................................................. 180 B. Sample Packlist.................................................................. 181 11. APPENDIX B - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS......... 182

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Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

2. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Dashboard – The home screen of TPM. From here you can access your Notifications, Purchase Orders, LPNs, and Shipments Case – See LPN. Document Items – Under Armour SKU information LPN – License Plate Number: This is the UCC128 number label that will be applied to each carton in order to facilitate shipment Notifications – TPM will send you a notification if you are required to do a task. Notifications can be viewed from the Dashboard as well as the Notifications tab Orders – Under Armour Purchase Orders that have been transmitted from SAP to TPM Shipments – Shipments in TPM are defined as an outbound shipment from your facility. The TPM shipment will be used to create Advanced Ship Notifications for Under Armour and its customers TPM – Trading Partner Management: the name of the software used by Under Armour supply chain partners to improve processes and communication

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3. ACCESSING AND SIGNING INTO TPM A. Under Armour Partner Extranet 1. Accessing Partner.UnderArmour.Com a. From the Internet browser, enter into the address bar. b. If presented with a security alert window (as seen below), the user should click the YES button to accept the security certificate.

Security Alert Window 1

c. The user will be presented with a sign-in screen that will allow them to obtain access to the Under Armour network. On the sign-in, the user must enter their NETWORK Username and Password (this will be provided by Under Armour) in the required fields. Once sign-in information is entered, the user should click the LOGIN button.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Under Armour Network Login Screen 2

2. Network Access a. After the user logs in, a list of available Under Armour applications will be presented to the user on the screen. (As Under Armour expands its supply chain solutions, there will be additional systems available on this screen.)

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Under Armour Partner Applications Screen 3

B. Accessing TPM 1. TPM Training a. To access the TPM Training environment, the user should click on the TPM Training link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Under Armour Partner Applications Screen 4

2. TPM Production a. To access the TPM Production environment, the user should click on the TPM Production link.

Under Armour Partner Applications Screen 1

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C. Signing into TPM 1. TPM Sign-In Page a. Once the user selects their TPM application, they will be presented with a TPM sign-in screen that will allow them to access to the actual application. On the sign-in, the user must enter their TPM credintials (these will be provided by Under Armour) in the required fields. Once sign-in information is entered, the user should click the SIGNIN button. The required TPM credentials include. i. Company ii. User ID iii. Password

TPM Sign-In Screen 1

*NOTE: From the TPM Sign-In Screen, the user may opt to click the Remember My Company ID and Remember My User ID check boxes. This will default their Company and User Ids for future logins on the same PC.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

4. SYSTEM NAVIGATION The following section contains some high level tips and tricks of navigating in the TPM system. It also includes descriptions of some TPM system functionality.

A. Page Layout A typical TPM page is divided in the following sections 1. Application Header (Under Armour Logo – Indicates Current Environment) 2. Main TPM Navigation Bar 3. Page Title Bar 4. Transactional Navigation Bar 5. Function Bar (Links and Print Buttons) 6. Entity Header 7. Criteria 8. Data 9. Product footer

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TPM Screen Layout

B. Page Navigation 1. Application Tabs Across the top of the page in the Navigation Bar are Application Tabs (Dashboard, POs, Shipments, Items, Fulfillment, Notifications and Sign Out). These are clickable Tabs that will take you to the corresponding page in TPM. These Page Tabs are always visible from every screen within TPM. The Highlighted Tab indicates the page that is currently being displayed.

TPM Navigation Bar

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

*NOTE: Tabs may vary by user and some tabs may be disabled based on Under Armour Configuration. 2. Page Tabs Below the Page Name in the Transaction Navigation Bar are Page Tabs (PO Page Tabs – Detail, Header, Instructions, Events, Documents, LPNs, Shipments). These are clickable Tabs that will take you to the corresponding page for the current item you are accessing. These Page Tabs vary based on which Transactional Page (POs, Shipments, etc) the user is accessing within TPM. The Highlighted Tab indicates the page that is currently being displayed.

TPM Transaction Navigation Bar

*NOTE: Tabs may vary by user and some tabs may be disabled based on Under Armour Configuration. 3. Browser Controls The Back and Forward buttons on the browser allow the user to navigate to and from previous pages.

Sample Browser Controls

*NOTE: The Back and Forward buttons may not always load the most updated page. The user should use the list button or click the desired tab to ensure that data on the screen is refreshed. 4. Hyperlinks All characters that are underlined (Accept) are clickable links that will direct the user to another page. 5. Buttons Buttons may be clicked by a user to execute a task within the system. Buttons are depicted as a raised grey box with black letters.

Sample Buttons

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6. Dropdown Boxes A dropdown box allows a user to select a value from a predefined list. To access the predefined list, the user should click on the down arrow ( ) in the box. To select a value from the list, the user should move their mouse over the desired selection to highlight it and then click on the desired selection.

Sample Dropdown Box

7. Data Entry Fields These fields are displayed as recessed boxes on the page that allow users to enter data via their keyboard. The enter data into a Data Entry Field, Page the cursor inside the desired field.

Sample Data Entry Field

8. Checkboxes A checkbox may be clicked on to select predefined data already in the system. Checkboxes are depicted as a small white square box. When selected, a check symbol appears within the checkbox.

Sample Checkbox

9. Scroll Bars These scrollable controls allow a user to navigate within a displayed list scrolling up and down or left to right if the entire display will not fit onto the screen. To use a scroll bar, the user may either click on the bar and drag the desired direction or click on the arrow ( ) at the

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

desired end of the scroll bar to navigate to the undisplayed section of the page. Sample Scroll Bar

10. Controls These controls allow a user to additional pages with in a list by clicking Previous and Next. The Go to Page control allows users to enter a specific page number within the list and then press enter. This will take the user directly to the page entered in the display.

Sample Controls

11. Required Fields All fields on a given page that are displayed with a red asterisk are required input data fields.

Sample Required Field

C. Using the Dashboard The TPM Dashboard functionality provides a TPM user with a live snapshot of actionable TPM information in a format that is both intuitive and insightful. Currently, the following panels are supported: 1. Orders 2. Shipments 3. LPNs 4. Notifications

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Sample TPM Dashboard Page

1. Dashboard Navigation a. Data within the Dashboard is broken out into functional area within TPM. Each functional are is in its own box. Within each box information can be minimized or expanded by clicking on the arrow ( ) next to the desired information.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Sample Functional Area Box

b. Once an area within a functional box is expanded a user can access a specific piece of information (PO, Shipment, LPN, etc) to obtain more information by clicking on the link for the desired item.

Sample Functional Area Box

c. The data within each Dashboard panel can be sorted by clicking on the column headings. The column that is being sorted by will by default sort the table in ascending order (indicated by an up arrow Page 18

next the column heading). To sort in descending order, the user only need click a second time on the same column heading (a down arrow will be displayed next to the column heading).

Sample Sorted Functional Area Box

2. Editing the Dashboard Display a. Users may click the Edit button on the top right side of each panel to personalize their dashboard information, This will allow the user to filter out various statuses for Orders, LPNs, Shipments, and Notifications.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Sample Edit Functional Area Box

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5. PURCHASE ORDERS A. Viewing POS 1. From the Dashboard a. Upon logging into TPM, the user will be taken to the Dashboard page. b. The top section on the right-hand side of the Dashboard page contains information about the Purchase Orders. The purchase orders are broken out by status. *Please note that not all purchase order statuses are reflected here. The number in parenthesis following the status is the number of purchase orders in the particular status. i. New Orders – All orders that have recently been sent to TPM, but have not yet been accepted. You will see declined orders in this bucket as well ii. Accepted Orders – Are all orders that have been accepted and have not had a change made to them since acceptance. iii. Pending Supplier Acceptance – These are all orders that require vendor acceptance. These include New purchase orders that have not yet been accepted and orders that were once accepted, but have had a change made to the request and require reacceptance. iv. Completed – These are all orders have been shipped and received and are in a complete status.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Dashboard Screen – Purchase Order

c. To view the purchase orders in a given status, click on the arrow ( ) to the left of a status to expand the list.

Purchase Order List from Dashboard

d. The expanded purchase order list will display the first 5 purchase orders in ascending numeric sequence with additional POs listed on subsequent pages. The additional pages will be listed numerically at the bottom of the section. The user may view the additional pages by clicking on the link for the desired page.

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Expanded Purchase Orders List 1

e. To view the details of a specific purchase order, click on the link for the desired PO.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Expanded Purchase Orders List

f. The Purchase Order Details page will display additional information regarding the selected PO.

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Purchase Orders Screen

g. To view the item level detail for the given PO, the user may click on the List button.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Orders Screen

h. The item level detail information for the given PO will be displayed in table format.

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Purchase Order Screen with Item Level Details

2. From the PO Tab a. From any screen within TPM, the user may navigate to the PO page by clicking on the PO Tab in the Application Bar.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Dashboard Screen

b. Using the PO Lookup i. From the Purchase Orders Page, if the user knows the specific purchase order number that they would like to view, they may enter the PO number into the Purchase Order Lookup Field.

Purchase Order Screen – PO Lookup

ii. As the user starts to the type the Purchase Order Number into the Purchase Order Lookup field, TPM begin to provide a list of

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Purchase Orders that match the entered text. The user may either continue to type the entire PO number or may select the desired Purchase Order from the list by clicking on it.

Purchase Order Screen – PO Lookup

iii. Once the entire purchase order number is entered, the user may click the Go button to be taken directly to the details of the specific purchase order.

Purchase Order Screen - PO Lookup

c. Using the Purchase Order Search Criteria i. If the user does not know the specific PO number that they would like to access, they can use TPM’s search criteria filter system. POs can be filtered by any of the following fields: • Status – Displays all POs in a particular status

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Accept Status – Displays POs by status of acceptance (Accepted, Declined, etc).For example, this will allow a user to search for all POs that are pending their approval. Ship To – Displays POs based on their final ship to destination. For example, this will allow a user to filter on POs a specific Under Armour customer location. Date Window – Displays POs that are within a certain number of days of a specific event. For example, the user may wish to only view POs that are within 5 days of Cancellation.

Purchase Order Page Filter Criteria

ii. Additional fields are available to filter on by clicking the MORE CRITERIA BUTTON. These include the following additional fields: • Customer PO – Displays all POs for a specific Under Armour Customer’s Sales Order PO Number • UA PO# – Allows the user to search on a portion of a PO number. This can be used if you know part of the PO number but not the whole number. For example, the user may wish to find any Pos that end in 19. • Item ID – Display only the POs that contain a specific item. Please note that the entire item id (including ‘-‘ dashes) must be entered. For example, the user may enter 1098012-00110 to find all POs for that item. • Buyer ID – Display all POs for a specific Under Armour planner. • Season – Display only the POs for a specific season. • Freight Terms – Display only the POs with specific Freight Terms. • Customer Account # – Displays all POs for a specific Under Armour customer Number. (Primarily used by UA.)

Purchase Order Page Expanded Filter Criteria

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iii. Once the user had entered their desired filter criteria, they may click the List button to return all purchase orders for the current location that match the entered criteria. (*Note: If no criteria is entered, all available purchase orders for the current location will be returned.)

Purchase Order Criteria

iv. The purchase orders matching the desired criteria are displayed in table format. (In the example below, the criteria used was to show all POs that are in a Shipping status.)

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Criteria

v. To access a specific PO, click on the Purchase Order Number desired.

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Purchase Order Selection

B. Purchase Order Information Once a user accesses a specific PO, they will be able to view certain information regarding the Purchase Order by Transactional Tab. 1. Information Common to All Purchase Order Tabs a. The information in this section of the Purchase Order pages is the same for all Tabs. b. This section will contain such information as: i. Purchase Order Number – The Under Armour Purchase Order Number. ii. Version – The number of times it has been transmitted to TPM. To the right of the PO Number in the display, there will be a number enclosed within parenthesis (#). The number inside of the parenthesis represents the version of the PO. iii. Accept Status – Indicates if the PO has been accepted by the vendor. Valid statuses include Accepted, Declined and Pending Supplier Acceptance.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

iv. Supplier – The Under Armour vendor to whom the PO was issued. v. Ship To – The final destination of the purchase order. vi. PO Method – The Freight Terms of the PO. vii. Current Requested Ex-Factory Date – The current Ex-Factory date being requested by Under Armour. viii. Ordered Date – The date the order was originally sent to TPM. ix. Confirmed Ex-Factory Date – The Ex-Factory Date agreed upon by Under Armour and the Vendor at the time of PO acceptance. x. Original Ex-Factory Date – The Original Ex-Factory Date requested by Under Armour when the PO was created. xi. Ordered Quantity – The total number of units requested on the PO. xii. Accepted Quantity – The total number of units agreed upon for the PO by Under Armour and the vendor at the time of PO confirmation. xiii. To Be Shipped Quantity – The remaining number of units on the PO that have not yet shipped from the vendor.

Purchase Order Screen – Header Information

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2. Purchase Order Details Tab a. Purchase Order Details Page - Header i. This section of the PO Detail Header Tab will contain such information as: • Sold To – Under Armour address that has issued the PO. • Bill To – The address of the vendor that the PO is issued to. • Ship To – The final destination address of the PO. • Logistics Provider – The address of the party responsible for shipping of the items on the Purchase Order. • Transload Hub – The party responsible for providing Order consolidation. (This field is optional) • Consignee – The address of the requesting party. • Notify Party – The address of the party responsible for international shipping information for the items on the Purchase Order.

Purchase Order Details Screen - Header

b. PO Details Tab – Line Item Details i. On the PO Details Tab, the user may view PO line level item detail by clicking on the List button.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details - Header

ii. This section will contain such information as: • Line Nbr – A next up number line counter for each line of the purchase order. • Musical Id – The musical pre-pack identifier code for the line item on the Purchase Order. (This is only applicable for musical size runs.) • Description – The human readable style description for the line item on the Purchase Order. • Style Id – The Style number for the line item on the purchase order. • Color - The human readable color description for the line item on the purchase order followed by the numeric color code enclosed in parenthesis. • Size - The human readable size description for the line item on the purchase order followed by the size code enclosed in parenthesis. • Item Id – The unique item identifier. Comprise of item Style, Color and Size separated by dashes. For example 1098012001-12. • Under Tolerance % - Allowable over ship tolerance for the line item on the purchase order.

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Over Tolerance % - Allowable under ship tolerance for the line item on the purchase order. Kitting - The kit to be used for production of the line item on the purchase order. UPC – The unique item UPC code for the line item on the purchase order. Customer SKU – The customer specific sku identifier for the line item on the purchase order. Std Case Qty – The standard case quantity for the line item on the purchase order. For musical case packs, this number is the number of musicals per case Musical Quantity – The number of units per musical size run for the line item on the Purchase Order. (This is only applicable for musical size runs.). Start Ship Date – The first allowable ship date for the line item on the purchase order. Unit Cost – The unit cost of production for the item on the purchase order. Ordered Qty - The original ordered unit quantity for the line item on the purchase order. Accepted Qty - The agreed upon unit quantity to be produced for the line item on the purchase order. To ship Qty – The remaining number of units to be shipped for the line item on the purchase order. Shipped Qty – The total number of units shipped for the line item on the purchase order.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details - Item Level

3. Purchase Order Header Tab a. Contain such information as: i. Season - The season code identifier. ii. Payment Terms – The payment terms that are set for payment of the purchase order. iii. Freight Terms – The freight terms that are set for payment of the freight for purchase order. iv. Sold To – Under Armour address that has issued the purchase order. v. Bill To – The address of the vendor that the purchase order was issued to. vi. Ship To – The final destination address of the purchase order. vii. Logistics Provider – The address of the party responsible for shipping of the items on the purchase order.

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viii. Transload Hub – The party responsible for providing Order consolidation. (This field is optional) ix. Consignee – The address of the requesting party. x. Notify Party - The address of the party responsible for international shipping information for the items on the Purchase Order. xi. Case Label Type - The label format for the shipping labels printed for the purchase order.

Purchase Order Header

4. Purchase Order Instructions Tab a. Purchase Order Instructions Tab - Header i. Header Level Special Instructions – Instructions that relate to the entire Purchase Order.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Instructions - Header

ii. Purchase Order Instructions Tab – Detail • Description – The human readable style description for the line item on the Purchase Order. • Line Nbr – A next up number line counter for each line of the purchase order. • Musical Id – The musical pre-pack identifier code for the line item on the Purchase Order. (This is only applicable for musical size runs.) • Style Id – The Style number for the line item on the purchase order. • Color - The human readable color description for the line item on the purchase order followed by the numeric color code enclosed in parenthesis. • Size - The human readable size description for the line item on the purchase order followed by the size code enclosed in parenthesis. • Item Id – The unique item identifier. Comprise of item Style, Color and Size separated by dashes. For example 1098012001-12. • Under Tolerance % - Allowable over ship tolerance for the line item on the purchase order. • Over Tolerance % - Allowable under ship tolerance for the line item on the purchase order. • Kitting - The kit to be used for production of the line item on the purchase order. • UPC – The unique item UPC code for the line item on the purchase order.

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Customer SKU – The customer specific sku identifier for the line item on the purchase order. Std Case Qty – The standard case quantity for the line item on the purchase order. For musical case packs, this number is the number of musicals per case Musical Quantity – The number of units per musical size run for the line item on the Purchase Order. (This is only applicable for musical size runs.). Start Ship Date – The first allowable ship date for the line item on the purchase order. Unit Cost – The unit cost of production for the item on the purchase order.

Purchase Order Instructions - Item Detail

5. Purchase Order Events Tab a. Contains information regarding each event that occurred against a PO b. This includes but is not limited to i. Event – The human readable description of the event that occurred against the purchase order. ii. Event Code – The event specific identifier code of the event that occurred against the purchase order.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

iii. Event Type – The system level of the event that occurred against the purchase order. iv. Actual Event Date and Time – The date and time that the event occurred. v. Event Location – The location at which the event for the purchase order occurred. vi. Reference Location – The location at which the user was located when the event was performed. vii. References – Reference information regarding the event that occurred against the purchase order. viii. Comments – Any additional comments regarding the event.

Purchase Order Events Screen

6. Purchase Order Documents Tab a. Contains information regarding documents related to the PO that may have been uploaded to TPM. b. This includes but is not limited to i. Action – Indicates what (if any) action is required for the document. ii. Document – The name of the document associated with the purchase order. iii. Rev – The revision number of the document associated with the purchase order.

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iv. Source – The type of document associated with the purchase order. v. File – The file name of the document associated with the purchase order. vi. Status – The current system status of the document associated with the purchase order. vii. Visible – Indicates if the user can view the document details associated with the purchase order. viii. Last Saved – The date and time that the document associated with the purchase order was most recently modified. ix. Last Saved By –The user that last modified the document associated with the purchase order. x. Description – A human readable description of the document associated with the purchase order.

Purchase Order Documents Screen

7. Purchase Order Schedules Tab a. Contains information regarding schedules related to the PO. b. This includes but is not limited to: i. Schedule Code – The numeric identifier code for the schedule associated with the purchase order. ii. Code Status – The current system status the schedule code associated with the purchase order. iii. Code type – The schedule specific identifier code for the schedule associated with the purchase order. iv. Code Source – The document that is the source of the schedule code associated with the purchase order. v. Schedule – The description of the schedule associated with the purchase order.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

vi. Status – The current system status the schedule associated with the purchase order. vii. Type – The type if schedule. viii. Anchor – The event that the schedule is anchored off of. ix. Anchor Date – The date that the anchor event for the schedule occurred on. x. Template – The name of the schedule template document. xi. Template Id – The unique identifier for the schedule template.

Purchase Order Schedules Screen

8. Purchase Order LPNs Tab a. Contains information regarding LPNs built against the PO. b. This includes but is not limited to: i. LPN – The unique identifying UCC128 carton number. ii. Status – The current system status of the LPN. iii. Origin – The vendor assigned to the purchase order that the LPN was built against. iv. Ordered – The date that the purchase order that the LPN was built against was placed in TPM. v. Est Weight – The estimated weight of the LPN. vi. Est Volume – The estimated volume of the LPN. vii. Qty – The total number of units packed in the LPN. viii. Season – The season code associated with the item in the LPN.

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Purchase Order LPNs

9. Purchase Order Shipments Tab a. Contains information regarding all Shipment that have LPNs built against the PO assigned to them. b. This includes but is not limited to: i. Shipment – The unique system generated shipment identifier. ii. Shipped Date and Time – The date and time that the shipment was updated to shipped status in TPM. iii. Status – The current system status of the shipment. iv. Destination – The final ship to destination of the shipment. v. Voyage Id – The identifier for the vehicle carrying the shipment. vi. Carrier – The company responsible for the transportation of the shipment from origin to destination. vii. BOL – The Bill of Lading number associated with the specific PO on the shipment. viii. PRO – The PRO number associated with the specific PO on the shipment. ix. Order Est Weight – The estimated weight of the cases for the given order to be loaded onto the shipment. x. Order Actual Weight – The actual weight of the cases for the given order to be loaded onto the shipment. xi. Order Est Volume – The estimated volume of the cases for the given PO to be loaded onto the shipment. xii. Order Actual Volume – The actual volume of the cases for the given PO to be loaded onto the shipment. xiii. Order Qty – The total number of units for the given PO loaded onto the shipment.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

xiv.Order Cases – The total number of cases for the given PO loaded onto the shipment.

Purchase Order Shipments

C. Accept/Decline a Purchase Order 1. Accept a Single Order a. From the anywhere in TPM, user navigates to the PO that they wish to approve (See View Purchase Order section).

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Purchase Orders Screen

b. From within the Purchase Order, the user will click the Accept link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details Screen

NOTE: The order will inform you that it needs to be accepted c. On the Acceptance page, the user will be presented a screen with two critical fields: i. Accept/Decline – A dropdown from which the user will select either accept or decline. ii. Comments – If the user declines the Purchase Order, they MUST enter a comment as to why they are declining. The user will not be able to Save the decline without a comment. (Comments are optional for acceptance). d. The user will select Accept from the dropdown and enter comments if desired. Once they have completed this, the user will click the Save button.

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Purchase Order Acceptance Screen

e. Once the user has accepted the PO, they will be returned to the PO Details page where they will be able to see that the accept status of the PO changed to Accepted. Next to the acceptance status will be the date the PO was accepted.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details Screen

f. When the PO is accepted, an email with the information regarding the acceptance will be generated by TPM and it will be sent to the Under Armour planner.

2. Decline a Single Order a. From anywhere within TPM, the user will navigate to the PO that they wish to decline (See View PO section).

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Purchase Orders Screen

b. From with in the Purchase Order, the user will click the Accept link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

*NOTE: The order will inform you that it needs to be accepted c. On the Acceptance page, the user will be presented a screen with two critical fields: i. Accept/Decline – A dropdown from which the user will select either accept or decline. ii. Comments – If the user declines the Purchase Order, they MUST enter a comment as to why they are declining. The user will not be able to Save the decline without a comment. (Comments are optional for acceptance). d. The user will select decline from the dropdown and enter their comment. Once they have completed this, the user will click the Save button.

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Purchase Order Acceptance Screen

e. Once the user has declined the PO, they will be returned to the PO Details page where they will be able to see that the accept status of the PO changed to Declined. Next to the acceptance status will be the date the PO was declined.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details Screen

f. When the PO is declined, an email with the information regarding the PO and the comment regarding why it was declined will be generated by TPM and it will be sent to the Under Armour planner so that they may make adjustments as seen fit. *NOTE: Please note that if a Purchase Order is declined inadvertently Under Armour will need to retransmit the PO. The user should contact the UA planner via email to have the PO resent to TPM.

3. Approve Multiple Purchase Orders a. From within TPM, the user navigates to the Purchase Orders page (See View POs Section). b. The user filters the list of POs to be accepted using the Purchase Order Selection Criteria. c. The list of POs that meet the selection criteria will be displayed.

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Purchase Orders Screen – POs List

d. In the displayed list, the first column will contain a Select check box.

Purchase Orders Screen – POs List

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

e. The user will click the Checkbox(es) for the PO(s) they wish to accept. f. Once all desired POs are selected, the user will click the Accept button.

Purchase Orders Screen – POs List

g. The user will be prompted to accept the select orders. Click OK.

Purchase Orders PO Acceptance Confirmation Screen

h. Once the POs are accepted, an email with the information regarding the accepted purchase orders will be generated by TPM and it will be sent to the Under Armour planner. i. The accepted POs, display an accept status of Accepted.

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Purchase Orders Screen – POs List

D. Printing the Purchase Order document 1. From the Purchase Order Details Page a. The user will navigate to the Purchase Order desired (See View Purchase Order Section).

Purchase Orders Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

b. From the Purchase Order Details screen, the user will click on Print PO button .

Purchase Order Details Screen

c. TPM will print the PO to Adobe Acrobat where the user may then either save the document or print it to any local printer associated with their current computer. (See Appendix A for a sample of the printed PO.)

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6. LPNS A. Viewing LPNs 1. From the Dashboard a. Upon logging into TPM, the user will be taken to the Dashboard page. b. The middle section on the right-hand side of the Dashboard page contains information about the LPNs. The LPNs are broken out by status. *Please note that not all LPN statuses are reflected here. The number in parenthesis following the status is the number of LPNs in the particular status. i. New LPNs – All LPNs that have recently created in TPM, are not yet In Stock at the current location. This field should always be zero (0). ii. Label Pending LPNs – All LPNs that been created, but for which there was a problem printing the labels. This field should always be zero (0). iii. Shipped LPNs – All LPNs that have been shipped and are in transit to their destination, but have not yet arrive. iv. Missing LPNs – All LPNs that were loaded onto a shipment, but not receive at the shipment destination. These LPNs are lost and cannot be accounted for. This field should always be zero (0). v. Returned LPNs – All LPNs that have been returned to the vendor. This field should always be zero (0).

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Dashboard Screen

c. To view the LPNs in a given status, click on the arrow ( ) to the left of a status to expand the list.

LPNs List from Dashboard

d. The expanded LPNs list will display the first 5 LPNs in ascending numeric sequence with additional LPNs listed on subsequent pages. The additional pages will be listed numerically at the bottom of the section. The user may view the additional pages by clicking on the link for the desired page.

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Expanded Purchase Orders List

e. To view the details of a specific LPN, click on the link for the desired LPN.

Expanded LPNs List

f. The LPN Details page will display additional information regarding the selected LPN.

LPN Details Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

2. From the PO Tab a. If the user knows the specific PO that the LPNs are build against, they user may access the LPNS via the PO LPNs page. b. From any screen within TPM, the user may navigate to the PO LPNs page by clicking on the PO Tab in the Application Bar.

Dashboard Screen

c. From the POs page, the user will navigate to the desired Purchase Order (See the View Purchase Order Section).

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Purchase Orders Screen

d. Once the user has navigated to the desired, purchase order, they will click on the LPNs Tab for the given PO.

Purchase Order Details Screen

e. From the PO LPNs Tab, the user will be able to see all LPNs built for the given PO and their current status.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order LPNs Screen

f. If the user wishes to see additional details of a specific LPN, they may click on the link for the LPN number they wish to view.

Purchase Order LPNs Screen

3. From the LPN Inventory Page a. From any screen within TPM, the user may navigate to the LPNs page by clicking on the Fulfillment Tab in the Application Bar.

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Dashboard Screen

b. From the Fulfillment Tab, the user may click on the LPN Inventory link.

Fulfillment Screen

c. Using the LPN Lookup i. From the LPN Inventory Page, if the user knows the specific LPN number that they would like to view, they may enter the LPN number into the LPN Lookup Field.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

LPN Inventory – LPN Lookup

ii. Once the entire LPN number is entered, the user may click the Go button to be taken directly to the details of the specific LPN.

LPN Inventory – LPN Lookup

d. Using the LPN Search Criteria i. If the user does not know the specific LPN number that they would like to access, they can use TPM’s search criteria filter system. ii. LPNs can be filtered by any of the following fields: • Item Id – Displays all LPNs at the current location that contain a specific item. Please note the entire item id (with ‘-‘ dashes) must be entered. For example, 1098012-001-10.5 would be used to look up an item.

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• • • • •

Style Id – Displays all LPNs at the current location that contain a specific Style Id (for example1098012). This will include all colors and sizes. PO – Displays all LPNs at the current location for a specific PO. Ship To – Displays all LPNs at the current location for a specific Ship To destination. From Status – Displays all LPNs at the current location with a minimum status of that which is chosen. To Status – Displays all LPNs at the current location with a status less than or equal to that which is chosen. Date Window – Displays LPNs at the current location that are within a certain number of days of a specific event. For example, the user may wish to only view LPNs that are within 5 days of Cancellation.

LPN Inventory Page Filter Criteria

iii. Additonal fileds are available to filter on by clicking the MORE CRITERIA BUTTON. iv. These include the following additional fields: • In Stock More Than XX Days – Displays LPNs at the current location that have been in an in stock status for more than XX number of days • Date Selection – Displays LPNs at the current location that are within the entered number of days from the date specified. For example, the user may wish to only view LPNs that were for purchase orders with an ordered date prior to the first of the year. • From LPN – Displays all LPNs at the current location with a LPN number that is greater than or equal to the LPN number entered. • To LPN – Displays all LPNs at the current location with a LPN number that is less than or equal to the LPN number entered.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

LPN Page Expanded Filter Criteria

v. Once the user had entered their desired filter criteria, they may click the List button to return all LPNs for the current location that match the entered criteria. (*Note: If no criteria is entered, all available LPNs for the current location will be returned.)

LPN Inventory – LPN Search Criteria

vi. The LPNs matching the desired criteria are displayed in table format. (In the example below, the criteria used was to show all LPNs that contain Style 1098012 for PO 4500017200.)

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LPN Criteria

vii. To access a specific LPN, click on the link for the LPN Number desired.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

LPN Inventory - LPN Selection

4. From the LPN Details Page a. From any screen within TPM, the user may navigate to the LPNs page by clicking on the Fulfillment Tab in the Application Bar.

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Dashboard Screen

b. From the Fulfillment Tab, the user may click on the LPN Details link.

Fulfillment Screen

c. From the LPN Details Page, the user must know the specific LPN number that they would like to view. They may enter the LPN number into the LPN Lookup Field.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

LPN Details Lookup Screen

d. Once the entire LPN number is entered, the user may click the Go button to be taken directly to the details of the specific LPN.

LPN Details Lookup Screen

B. LPN Information Once a user accesses a specific LPN, they will be able to view certain information regarding the LPN from the Transactional Tabs. 1. Information Common to All LPN Tabs a. The information in this section of the LPN pages is the same for all Tabs. b. This will contain such information as: i. LPN Number – Unique identifying UCC128 LPN Number. ii. Status – Indicated the current status of the LPN. iii. Location – The current location of the LPN. iv. LPN SIze – The Size box for the LPN. v. Estimated Weight – The estimated weight of the LPN. vi. Estimated Volume – The estimated volume of the LPN. vii. Order – The Purchase Order that the LPN was built for. viii. Ship To – The final destination location of the LPN. ix. Ordered Date – The date that the PO for the LPN was sent to TPM. x. Shipment – The shipment number that this LPN is on. Please note this will only appear if the LPN is loaded onto a shipment. xi. Origin – The origin location of the shipment that contains the LPN.

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xii. Destination – The destination location of the shipment that contains the LPN.

LPN Screens - Header

2. LPN Details Tab a. Contains information regarding the details of the LPN. b. This includes but is not limited to: i. Description – The human readable style description of the item packed into the LPN. ii. Style Id – The style id of the item packed into the LPN. iii. Color – The human readable color description of the item packed into the LPN followed by the numeric color code enclosed in parenthesis. iv. Size – The human readable color description of the item packed into the LPN followed by the numeric color code enclosed in parenthesis. v. Item Id – The unique item identifier. Comprised of the item Style, Color and Size separated with dashes. For example, 1098012-001-10.5. vi. Stock Category – The Under Armour Stock category for the item packed into the LPN. vii. Alternate ID – The unique UPC for the item packed into the LPN. viii. Standard Case Quantity – The Standard Case quantity for the item packed into the LPN. ix. Quantity - The total number of units of the item packed into the LPN.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

LPN Details Screen

3. LPN Events Tab a. Contains information regarding each event that occurred against a PO. b. This includes but is not limited to: i. Event – The human readable description of the event that occurred against the LPN. ii. Event Code – The event specific identifier code of the event that occurred against the LPN. iii. Event Type – The system level of the event that occurred against the LPN. iv. Actual Event Date and Time – The date and time that the event occurred. v. Event Location – The location at which the event for the LPN occurred. vi. Reference Location – The location at which the user was located when the event was performed. vii. References – Reference information regarding the event that occurred against the LPN. viii. Comments – Any additional comments regarding the event.

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LPN Events Screen

C. Building LPNs 1. Building Single SKU Standard Case Pack LPNs a. The user will navigate to the desired Purchase Order (See the Viewing POs section).

Purchase Orders Screen

b. From the Purchase Order Details page, the user will click the Build Cases link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details Screen

c. The user will select the Build Standard or Musical Cases radio button and then click the Next button.

Build Cases Screen Page 1

d. The user will select the proper LPN Size from the LPN Size drop down list. *Note: Please refer to your supply chain SOPs for which carton is approved for each style.

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Build Standard or Musical Cases Screen – LPN Size Dropdown

e. For each item listed, the user will enter the number of standard quantity LPNs that they wish to build in to the Nbr of Cases column.

Build Standard or Musical Cases Screen

f. Once the user has entered the number of LPNs that they wish to build, they will click the Save button.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

*NOTE: If a user wishes to print labels for LPNs as they are created, the Print labels checkbox will need to be clicked prior to clicking the save button. By default, this checkbox will be checked.

Build Standard or Musical Cases Screen

g. Upon submission of the build LPNs job, the user will be returned to the build LPNs page. The number of remaining units and the number of remaining standard cases will be updated to reflect the units that were built to LPNs by the submitted job.

Build Standard or Musical Cases Screen

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h. From here, the user may opt to continue building additional LPNs or to exit the Build Cases option. i. If a user wishes to build ALL remaining unbuilt units for an item into standard quantity cases, they may select the desired LPN Size from the dropdown box and then click the build remaining check box for the desired line(s). Once the user has selected all lines they wish to have built to completion, they will click Save to submit the job.

Build Standard or Musical Cases Screen

*NOTE: When an LPN has no remaining units to be built OR when the quantity remaining to be built is less than the standard case quantity, the line will not have a Build Remaining checkbox. In order pack out any items that are not at the standard case quantity, the user will need to choose the Build Non-Standard Case option.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Build Standard or Musical Cases Screen

2. Building a Musical Case Pack LPN a. The user will navigate to the desired Purchase Order (See the Viewing POs section).

Purchase Orders Screen

b. From the Purchase Order Details page, the user will click the Build Cases link.

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Purchase Order Details Screen

c. The user will select the Build Standard or Musical Cases radio button and then click the Next button.

Build Cases Screen

d. The user will select the proper LPN Size from the LPN Size drop down list. *Note: Please refer to your supply chain SOPs for which carton is approved for each style.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Build Standard and Musical Cases Screen - Dropdown

e. For list of items on the purchase order, the user will enter the number of LPNs that they wish to build in to the Nbr of Cases column. Please note that the Standard Case Pack quantity is the number of musicals per LPN.

Build Standard and Musical Cases Screen

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f. Once the user has entered the number of LPNs that they wish to build, they will click the Save button. *NOTE: If a user wishes to print labels for LPNs as they are created, the Print labels checkbox will need to be clicked prior to clicking the save button. By default, this checkbox will be checked.

Build Standard and Musical Cases Screen

g. Upon submission of the build LPNs job, the user will be returned to the build LPNs page. The number of remaining units and the number of remaining musicals (standard cases) will be updated to reflect the units that were built to LPNs by the submitted job.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Build Standard and Musical Cases Screen

h. From here, the user may opt to continue building additional LPNs or to exit the Build Cases option. i. If a user wishes to build ALL remaining unbuilt musicals for a purchase order, they may select the desired LPN Size from the dropdown box and then click the build remaining check box. Once the user has selected all lines they wish to have built to completion, they will click Save to submit the job.

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Build Standard and Musical Cases Screen

3. Building Non Standard Quantity LPNs a. The user will navigate to the desired Purchase Order (See the Viewing POs section).

Purchase Orders Screen

b. From the Purchase Order Details page, the user will click the Build Cases link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details Screen

c. The user will click the Build Non Standard or Mixed Case radio button and then click the Next button.

Build Cases Screen

d. The user will select the proper LPN Size from the LPN Size drop down list. Note: Please refer to your supply chain SOPs for which carton is approved for each style.

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Build Non Standard Case Screen

e. In the Qty column, the user will enter the number of units (not the number of LPNS as in the standard case option) for the line that is to be built to the non standard case.

Build Non Standard Case Screen

*NOTE: If multiple single sku non standard LPNs are to be built for a given PO, they must be built on LPN at a time.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

f. Once the user has selected the number of units to be built into the case, they will click the save button to submit the job to build the LPN.

Build Non Standard Case Screen

*NOTE: If a user wishes to print labels for LPNs as they are created, the Print labels checkbox will need to be clicked prior to clicking the save button. By default, this checkbox will be checked. g. Upon submission of the build LPNs job, the user will be returned to the build non standard case LPNs screen, the remaining units to be built will be decremented by the number of units built in the submitted job.

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Build Non Standard Case Screen

*NOTE: Non Standard quantity LPNs must be built one at a time. h. From here, the user may opt to continue building additional LPNs or to exit the Build Cases option. 4. Building Multi Sku LPNs a. The user will navigate to the desired Purchase Order (See the Viewing POs section).

Purchase Orders Screen

b. From the Purchase Order Details page, the user will click the Build Cases link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Purchase Order Details Screen

c. The user will click the Build Non Standard or Mixed Case radio button and then click the Next button.

Build Cases Screen

d. The user will select the proper LPN Size from the LPN Size drop down list. Note: Please refer to your supply chain SOPs for which carton is approved for each style.

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Build Multisku Case Screen

e. In the Qty column, the user will enter the number of units (not the number of LPNS as in the standard case option) for each line that is to be built to the multisku case.

Build Multisku Case Screen

f. Once the user has selected the number of units to be built into the case, they will click the save button to submit the job to build the LPN.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Build Multisku Case Screen

*NOTE: If a user wishes to print labels for LPNs as they are created, the Print labels checkbox will need to be clicked prior to clicking the save button. By default, this checkbox will be checked. g. Upon submission of the build LPNs job, the user will be returned to the build non standard case LPNs screen, the remaining units to be built will be decremented by the number of units built in the submitted job.

Build Multisku Case Screen

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*NOTE: Multisku LPNs must be built one at a time. h. From here, the user may opt to continue building additional LPNs or to exit the Build Cases option.

D. Reprinting LPN Labels 1. From the LPN Detail Page a. If a user wishes to reprint a LPN UCC128 label for a specific LPN, they may do this directly from the LPN Details page. b. The user will navigate to the specific LPN (See the Viewing LPNs section).

LPN Details Screen

c. From the LPN Details page, the user will click the Print Label button.

LPN Details Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

d. Once the label has printed, TPM will display a message indicating that the printing of the label has been submitted to the printer.

LPN Details Screen

2. Reprinting LPNs from the LPN Inventory Screen a. If the user wishes to reprint multiple LPN UCC128 labels at one, they may do so directly from the fulfillment screen. b. The user will navigate to the LPN Inventory screen (See Viewing LPNS from the LPN Inventory Screen). c. From the LPN Inventory screen, the user will enter their desired search criteria. d. Once the desired criteria is entered, the user will click the list button.

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LPN Inventory Screen

e. The returned results will be all LPNs in stock at the current location that meet the entered criteria.

LPN inventory Screen

f. Print ALL LPNs i. Once the list of LPNs is returned, the user may opt to print UCC128 labels for all LPNs that are in stock at the current

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

location and met the entered criteria by clicking the Print ALL LPNs button.

LPN inventory Screen

ii. Upon clicking the Print ALL LPNs button, TPM will pop up a confirmation screen confirming that the user wants to print all LPNs returned. The user will click OK to continue.

Print All LPNs Confirmation Screen

iii. Upon the print job being submitted, TPM will display a message indicating that the label print was submitted to the desired printer.

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LPN Inventory Screen

g. Print Selected LPNs i. The user may select specific UCC128 labels to be printed by clicking the check box to the left of the LPN ID for the desired LPNs.

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LPN Inventory Screen

ii. Once all desired LPNs have been selected, the user will click the Print Selected LPNs button.

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LPN Inventory Screen

iii. Upon clicking the Print Selected LPNs button, TPM will pop up a confirmation screen confirming that the user wants to print the selected LPNs. The user will click OK to continue.

Print Selected LPNs Confirmation Screen

iv. Upon the print job being submitted, TPM will display a message indicating that the label print was submitted to the desired printer.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

E. Deleting LPNs 1. From the LPN Detail Page a. If a user wishes to delete a specific LPN, they may do this directly from the LPN Details page. b. The user will navigate to the specific LPN (See the Viewing LPNs section).

LPN Details Screen

c. From the LPN Details page, the user will click the Delete link.

LPN Details Screen

d. The user will be taken to the Delete LPNs page where they must click the Delete button.

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Delete LPN Screen

e. Once the user has clicked the delete button, they will be returned to the LPN Details page. The LPN will still be visible in the system, but will not be in a deleted status with the date and time of deletion displayed.

LPN Details Screen

*NOTE: Only LPNs that are In Stock at a user’s current location are eligible for deletion.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

2. Deleting LPNs from the LPN Inventory Screen a. If the user wishes to delete multiple LPNs at once, they may do so directly from the LPN Inventory screen. b. The user will navigate to the LPN Inventory screen (See Viewing LPNS from the LPN Inventory Screen). c. From the LPN Inventory screen, the user will enter their desired search criteria. d. Once the desired criteria is entered, the user will click the list button.

LPN Inventory Screen

e. The returned results will be all LPNs in stock at the current location that meet the entered criteria.

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LPN Inventory Screen

f. Once the list of LPNs is returned, the user may opt to delete all LPNs that are in stock at the current location and met the entered criteria by clicking the Delete ALL LPNs button.

LPN Inventory Screen

g. Upon clicking the Delete ALL LPNs button, TPM will pop up a confirmation screen confirming that the user wants to delete all LPNs returned. The user will click OK to continue.

Delete ALL LPNs Confirmation Screen

h. Upon the delete job being submitted, TPM return the LPN Inventory screen with the LPNs that met the criteria. The LPN(s) will still be visible in TPM, but will be in a deleted status.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

LPN Inventory Screen


The user may select specific LPNs to be deleted by clicking the check box to the left of the LPN ID for the desired LPNs.

LPN Inventory Screen


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Once all desired LPNs have been selected, the user will click the Delete Selected LPNs button.

LPN Inventory Screen

k. Upon clicking the Delete Selected LPNs button, TPM will pop up a confirmation screen confirming that the user wants to delete the selected LPNs. The user will click OK to continue.

Delete Selected LPN Confirmation Screen


Upon the delete job being submitted, TPM return the LPN Inventory screen with the LPNs that met the criteria. The LPN(s) that were selected for deletion will still be visible in TPM, but will be in a deleted status.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

LPN Inventory Screen

*NOTE: Only LPNs that are in an In Stock at a user’s current location are eligible for deletion. If the user attempts to delete an LPN that is in a status other than In Stock, they will receive an error in TPM.

LPN Inventory Screen

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7. ITEMS A. Viewing SKU Details 1. From the Items Page a. From any screen within TPM, the user must navigate to the Items page by clicking on the Items Tab in the Application Bar.

Dashboard Screen

b. From the Items page, the user will click the More Criteria button.

Items Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

c. The user must click on the More Criteria button to be able to look up specific item information. d. The user can look up an item using the following search critiera: i. Item Description contains – The user enters a string that is contained in the Item Description. ii. Item Id – The user enters the full Under Armour sku. Please note that the user must enter the entire item id including dashes. For example, the item id must be entered as 1098012-001-10.5. If multiple items are desired, the item ids may be entered and separated by commas.

Item Extended Search Criteria

e. One the user enters the desired criteria, they will click the list button.

Items Screen

f. TPM will return all items that match the entered search critiera. g. To view the details of a specific item, the user will click on the link for the given item.

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Items Screen - List

h. The user will be taken to the Item Details page.

Item Details Screen

B. Item Information 1. Item Details a. Provides basic information regarding the item. b. This information includes: i. Item Id – The unique item identifier. This is comprised of Item Style, Color and Size separated by dashes. For example 1098012-001-10.5

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

ii. Item Type – Indicates that the item is a standard Under Armour sku. iii. b The human readable color description for the item followed by the item color code enclosed in parenthesis. iv. Size – The size indicator for the item. v. GTIN – The unique identifying Item UPC Number. vi. Description – The Human Readable Item description.

Item Details Screen

C. Editing SKU Dimensions 1. From the Items Page a. The user will navigate to the desired item (See Viewing Item Details section).

Items Screen

b. The user will click on the link for the item to be edited.

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Items Screen

c. From the Item Details page, the user will click the Edit Items Master link to view the Item Dimensions.

Item Details Screen

d. The user will be taken to the Item Master Details page where they may enter the dimensions of the item. Please note that Length, Width and Height are to be entered in Centimeters (CM) and Weight is to be entered in Lbs. e. Once the user enters the desired dimensions, they will click the Save button the save the data.

Edit Item Master Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

*NOTE: There is no need for the user to enter the volume as this will be calculated once Length, Width and Height are all entered.

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8. SHIPMENTS A. View Shipments 1. From the Dashboard a. Upon logging into TPM, the user will be taken to the Dashboard page. b. The bottom section on the right-hand side of the Dashboard page contains information about the shipments for the current location. The shipments are broken out by status. *Please note that not all shipment statuses are reflected here. The number in parenthesis following the status description is the number of shipments currently in that particular status: i. New Shipments – Shipments originating from the current location that have been created, but do not have any LPNs associated with them. ii. Outbound Shipments – Shipments that originated from the current location and are currently in a Shipped status (in Transit to the shipment destination, but not yet received). iii. Pending Shipments – Shipments originating from the current location that have had LPNs loaded onto them and have been sent to the Freight Forwarder, but have not yet been Shipped by the Freight Forwarder. iv. Cancelled Shipments – Shipments originating from the current location that have been cancelled.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Dashboard Screen with Shipment List Box

c. To view the shipments in a given status, click on the triangle to the left of a status to expand the list.

Shipment List from Dashboard

d. The expanded shipment list will display the first 5 shipments in ascending numeric sequence with additional shipments listed on subsequent pages. The additional pages will be listed numerically at the bottom of the section. The user may view the additional pages by clicking on the link for the desired page. e. For each shipment displayed, the following criteria will be visible from the dashboard: i. Shipment Number – The unique system assigned identifier for a shipment.

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ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Status – The current system status of the shipment. Origin – The point of origination of the shipment. Destination – The final destination of the shipment. Ship Method – The mode of transportation for the shipment. Vehicle – The vehicle id that is transporting the shipment.

Expanded Shipment List from Dashboard

f. To view the details of a specific shipment, click on the link for the desired shipment.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Expanded Shipment List from Dashboard

g. The Shipment Details page will display additional information regarding the selected shipment.

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Shipment Details Screen

2. From the Shipments Tab a. From any screen within TPM, the user may navigate to the Shipment page by clicking on the Shipment Tab in the Application Bar.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Dashboard Screen

b. Using the Shipment Lookup i. From the Shipment Page, if the user knows the specific shipment number that they would like to view, they may enter the shipment number into the Shipment Lookup Field.

Shipments Page Lookup

ii. As the user starts to the type the Shipment Number into the Shipment Lookup field, TPM begin to provide a list of Shipments

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that match the entered text. The user may either continue to type the entire shipment number or may select the Shipment from the list by clicking on it.

Shipments Page Lookup Dropdown

iii. Once the user has entered or selected the Shipment number, they will click the Go button.

Shipments Page Lookup

iv. The user will be taken to the Shipment Details page.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Shipments Details Page

c. Using the Shipment Search Criteria i. If the user does not know the desired shipment number, they may filter the shipments using the shipment search criteria filter system. ii. Shipments can be filtered by any of the following fields: • Status – Displays all shipments originating from or destined for the current location that are in a certain status • Destination Organization – Displays all shipments for the current location that are destined for any location in the given organization. • Destination Location – Displays all shipments for the current location that are destined for a specific location. • Date Window – Displays all shipments originating from or destined for the current location that have a date with in a given window. For example, all shipments with a shipped date that is within 5 days of the current date.

Shipments Page Filter Criteria

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iii. Additonal fileds are available to filter on by clicking the MORE CRITERIA BUTTON. These include the following additional fields: • Container Number – Display all shipments originating from or destined for the current location that have a given container number entered. • Item ID – Display all shipments originating from or destined for the current location that contain a specific item. (*Note that the item id must be entered in its entirety with all dashes. For example 1098012-001-10.5.) • Ship Method – Display all shipments originating from or destined for the current location that are shipping via a certain method. For example, all shipments being shipped via air. • List of Orders – Display all shipments originating from or destined for the current location that contain a specific PO or group of POs. (*Note that if there are multiple POs, they must each be separated by a comma.) • ASN – Display all shipments originating from or destined for the current location by electronically generated ASN number. • Date Selection – Displays all shipments originating from or destined for the current location that have a date with in a given window. For example, all shipments with a estimated delivery date that is less than 5 days from the last day of the year.

Shipments Page Expanded Filter Criteria

iv. Once the user had entered their desired filter criteria, they may click the List button to return all shipments for the current location that match the entered criteria. (*Note: If no criteria has been entered, all available shipments originating from or destined for the current location will be returned.)

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Shipments Criteria Page

v. All shipments for the current location matching the desired criteria are displayed in table format. (In the example below, the criteria used was to show all shipments that are in a Shipped status.)

Shipments Criteria Page

vi. To access a specific shipment, click on the link for the Shipment Number desired.

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Shipments Criteria

vii. The user will be taken to the Shipment Details page.

Shipment Detail Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

B. Shipment Information Once a user accesses a specific Shipment, they will be able to view certain information regarding the Shipment by Transactional Tab. 1. Information Common to All Shipment Tabs a. The information in this section of the Shipment pages is the same for all Tabs. b. It will contain such information as: i. Shipment Number – The system generated unique Shipment Number. ii. Status – The current system status of the shipment in TPM. iii. Destination – The final destination of the Shipment. *Note that this may not be the final destination of the LPNs on the shipment. iv. Shipment Method – The means of transportation intended for the Shipment. v. Container # – The identifying number of container that is carrying the shipment. vi. Qty – The total number of units loaded onto the shipment. vii. Total Cases – The total number of LPNs loaded onto the shipment. viii. Estimated LPN Volume – System calculated volume of the LPNs loaded onto the shipment. ix. Actual LPN Volume – The total volume of the LPNs loaded onto the shipment. x. Shipped Date Time – The date and time that the Shipment was updated to Shipped status. xi. Est Ship Date – The estimated date that the Shipment will depart its origin. xii. Est Deliver Date – The estimated date that the Shipment will arrive at its destination. xiii. Carrier – The carrier that will be transporting the shipment from origin to destination. xiv.Invoice # – The Tradecard invoice number that corresponds to the shipment.

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Shipment Screen – Common Information

2. Shipment Details Tab a. Shipment Details Page - Header i. This section of the Shipment Detail Header section will contain such information as: • Vessel Id – The identifying characters of the vessel carrying the shipment. • On Board Date – The date that the shipment was loaded for shipping. • Origin Port – The international port of origin for the shipment. • Destination Port – The international port of destination for the shipment.

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Shipment Details Screen - Header

b. Shipment Details Tab – PO Details i. On the Shipment Details Tab, the POs loaded onto the shipment are listed in table format. ii. This section will contain such information as: • Order Number – The Under Armour Purchase Order number for the LPNs loaded onto the shipment. • Ship To – The final ship to destination of the Under Armour Purchase Order. • Vendor – Supplier that the Purchase Order was issued to. • Transload Hub – The Transload point associated with the order. • Order Start Ship Date – The date that shipment may begin for an order. • Order Number – The Under Armour Purchase Order number for the LPNs loaded onto the shipment. • ASN – The system generated electronic shipment number associated with the specific PO on the shipment. • BOL – The Bill of Lading number associated with the specific PO on the shipment. • Order Accepted – The total number of units on the purchase order. • Shipment Qty – The total number of units loaded onto the shipment.

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• •

Shipment Cases – The total number of LPNs loaded onto the shipment. Missing Cases – The total number of LPNs that were loaded but not received at the final destination of the shipment.

Shipment Details – PO Details

3. Shipment LPNs Tab a. Shipment LPNs Page – Search Criteria i. If the user wants to view only specific information regarding the LPNs loaded onto the current shipment, they may filter the LPNs using the Shipment LPNs search criteria filter system. ii. Shipment LPNs can be filtered by any of the following fields: • Item Id – Displays all LPNs for the current shipment that contain the entered item. Note that the item id must be entered in its entirety including “-“ dashes. For example, 1098012-001-10.5. • Style Id – Displays all LPNs for the current shipment that contain the entered style number. • PO – Displays all LPNs for the current shipment that were built from the specified purchase order. • Ship To – Displays all LPNs for the current shipment that have a final destination of the specified location.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Date Window – Displays all LPNs for the current shipment that have a date with in a given window. For example, all LPNs with a cancel date that is within 5 days of the current date.

Shipment LPNs Page Filter Criteria

iii. Additional fields are available to filter on by clicking the MORE CRITERIA BUTTON. These include the following additional fields: • Date Selection – Displays all LPNs for the current shipment that have a date with in a given window. For example, all LPNs with a cancel date that is less than 5 days from the last day of the year.

Shipments Page Expanded Filter Criteria

b. The user will enter their desired search criteria and then click the list button. (*Note that if no criteria has been entered, all LPNs loaded onto the current shipment will be displayed.)

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Shipment LPNs Screen – Search Criteria

c. Shipment LPNs Tab – List Results i. On the Shipment LPNs Tab, the LPNs loaded onto the shipment that meet the entered criteria are listed in table format. ii. This section will contain such information as: • LPN Number – The Under Armour Purchase Order number for the LPNs loaded onto the shipment. • Type – Indicates that the item loaded was an LPN (case). • Qty – The total number of units in the LPN. • Status – The current system status of the LPN in TPM. • ASN – The system generated electronic shipment number associated with the specific PO for the LPN on the shipment. • Order Number – The Under Armour Purchase Order number for the LPNs loaded onto the shipment. • Ship To – The final ship to destination of the PO that the LPN is built against. • Transload Hub – The Transload point associated with the PO that the LPN is built against. • Ordered Date – The date that purchase order was placed in TPM. • Start Ship Date – The first available date for shipment for the PO that the LPN is built against. • End Ship Date – The last possible date for shipment for the PO that the LPN is built against. • Start Deliver Date – The first available delivery date for the PO that the LPN is built against.

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End Deliver Date – The last possible delivery date for the PO that the LPN is built against. Cancel Date – The date PO that the LPN is built against is set to cancel.

Shipment LPNs Screen – LPN List

4. Shipment Documents Tab a. Shipment documents are any additional information related to the shipment that has been associated with the shipment. b. Contain such information as: i. Action – Indicates what (if any) action is required for the document. ii. Document – The name of the document associated with the shipment. iii. Rev – The revision number of the document associated with the shipment. iv. Source – The type of document associated with the shipment. v. File – The file name of the document associated with the shipment. vi. Status – The current system status of the document associated with the shipment. vii. Visible – Indicates if the user can view the document details associated with the shipment. viii. Last Saved – The date and time that the document associated with the shipment was most recently modified.

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ix. Last Saved By –The user that last modified the document associated with the shipment. x. Description – A human readable description of the document associated with the shipment.

Shipment Documents Screen

5. Shipment Events Tab a. Contains information regarding each event that occurred against a Shipment b. This includes but is not limited to i. Event – The human readable description of the event that occurred against the shipment. ii. Event Code – The event specific identifier code of the event that occurred against the shipment. iii. Event Type – The system level of the event that occurred against the shipment. iv. Actual Event Date and Time – The date and time that the event occurred. v. Event Location – The location at which the event for the shipment occurred. vi. Reference Location – The location at which the user was located when the event was performed. vii. References – Reference information regarding the event that occurred against the shipment. viii. Comments – Any additional comments regarding the event.

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Shipment Events Screen

6. Shipment Schedules Tab a. Contains information regarding schedules related to the Shipment. b. This includes but is not limited to i. Schedule Code – The numeric identifier code for the schedule associated with the shipment. ii. Code Status – The current system status the schedule code associated with the shipment. iii. Code type – The schedule specific identifier code for the schedule associated with the shipment. iv. Code Source – The document that is the source of the schedule code associated with the shipment. v. Schedule – The description of the schedule associated with the shipment. vi. Status – The current system status the schedule associated with the shipment. vii. Type – The type if schedule. viii. Anchor – The event that the schedule is anchored off of. ix. Anchor Date – The date that the anchor event for the schedule occurred on. x. Template – The name of the schedule template document. xi. Template Id – The unique identifier for the schedule template.

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Shipment Schedules Screen

C. Working with Shipments 1. Create a New Shipment a. From any screen within TPM, the user will click on the Shipments Tab in the Application Bar.

Dashboard Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

b. From the shipments page, the user will click on the New Shipment link.

Shipments Screen

c. The user will be taken to the New Shipment page. The user will select the destination of the shipment from the Destination drop down box by clicking on the desired location name.

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New Shipment Screen – Destination Dropdown

d. Once the user has selected the destination of the shipment, they will click on the Next button.

New Shipment Screen

e. The user will be taken to the second screen of the New Shipments page. The user will be prompted to enter as much information as possible regarding the shipment at that time. This information includes: i. Ship Method – The method of transportation for the shipment. ii. Container Number – The container number of the container carrying the shipment. iii. Est Cases – The estimated number of cases to be loaded onto the shipment. iv. Est Weight – The estimated weight of the cases to be loaded onto the shipment. v. Est Volume – The estimated volume of the cases to be loaded onto the shipment.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

vi. Est Ship Date – The estimated date that the shipment will depart from its origin. vii. Est Deliver Date – The estimated date that the shipment will arrive at its destination. viii. Carrier – The carrier responsible for transportation of the shipment. ix. Invoice Number – The Tradecard invoice number that corresponds to the shipment. x. Freight Terms – The Freight Terms of the shipment. xi. Trailer Loaded By – The party responsible for loading the trailer. xii. Freight Counted By – The party responsible for counting the loaded trailer and confirming the load against the documentation. xiii. Vessel Name – The name of the vessel carrying the shipment. xiv.Vessel Id – The identifier for the vessel carrying the shipment. xv. On Board Date and Time – The date and time that the shipment was loaded xvi.Origin Port – The origination port of the shipment. xvii. Destination Port – The destination port of the shipment. xviii. Comments – Any additional comments regarding the shipment.

New Shipment Screen Page 2

*NOTE: Information not known at the time of Shipment creation or any additional information can be added at a later point.

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f. Once all known information is added to the Shipment, the user will click the Save button.

New Shipment Screen Page 2

2. Adding LPNs to a Shipment a. The user will navigate to the shipment desired (See View Shipments Section).

Shipments Screen

b. From the Shipment Details screen, the user will click on the Add LPNs link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Shipment Details Screen

c. From the Add LPNs to Shipment page the user will enter the desired LPN search criteria to filter the LPNS that are available to be added to the shipment. i. Item ID – The unique item identifier. Comprise of the item Style, Color and Size concatenated with dashes. For example 1098012-001-10.5 ii. Style Id – The numeric style identifier of the item. iii. PO – The PO number that the LPNs were built off of. iv. Ship To – The final ship to destination of the LPNs. v. In Stock Days – The number of days a LPN has been in stock at its current location.

Add LPNs to Shipment Search Criteria

d. Additional search criteria is available by clicking on the More Criteria button i. From LPN – Displays all LPNs at the current location with a LPN number that is greater than or equal to the LPN number entered. ii. To LPN – Displays all LPNs at the current location with a LPN number that is less than or equal to the LPN number entered.

Add LPNs to Shipment Extended Search Criteria

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e. Once the user has entered their shipment criteria, the will click the List button. to display all LPNs that meet the desired criteria.

Add LPNs to Shipment Screen

f. The LPNs at the current location that meet the selection criteria will be displayed in the LPNs table.

Add LPNs to Shipment Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

g. Adding Selected LPNs i. Once the LPNs that meet the desired criteria are returned the user may opt to add selected LPNs from the returned list to the shipment. ii. The user will click on the check box to the left of the LPN number to select the LPNs desired.

Add LPNs to Shipment Screen

iii. Once all LPNs to be added have been selected, the user will click the Add Selected LPNs button.

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Add LPNs to Shipment Screen

iv. TPM will add the LPNs selected to the Shipment and update the shipment from Open to Loading status. The user will be returned to the list of LPNs with all remaining non selected LPNs displayed. From here the user may select additional LPNs or exit the Add LPNs screen.

Add LPNs to Shipment Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

h. Adding ALL LPNs to a Shipment. i. Once the LPNs that meet the desired criteria are returned the user may opt to add All LPNs from the returned list to the shipment. ii. The user will click the Add All LPNs button.

Add LPNs to Shipment Screen

iii. TPM will pop up a window asking the user to confirm that they wish to add All LPNs in the selection to the Shipment. The user will click OK to continue.

Add ALL LPNs to Shipment Confirmation Screen

iv. TPM will add All LPNs from the selection results to the Shipment and update the shipment from Open to Loading status. The user will be returned to the Add LPNs page where the user may enter additional selection criteria to be able to add additional LPNs or they may exit the Add LPNs screen.

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Add LPNs to Shipment Screen

3. Remove LPNs from Shipment a. The user will navigate to the shipment desired (See View Shipments Section).

Shipments Screen

b. From the Shipment Details screen, the user will click on the LPNs Tab.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Shipment Details Screen

c. From the Shipment LPNs page the user may enter the desired LPN search criteria to filter the LPNs that are available to be removed from the shipment. d. This includes the following fields. i. Item ID – The unique item identifier. Comprise of the item Style, Color and Size concatenated with dashes. For example 1098012-001-10.5 ii. Style Id – The numeric style identifier of the item. iii. PO – The PO number that the LPNs were built off of. iv. Ship To – The final ship to destination of the LPNs. v. In Stock Days – The number of days a LPN has been in stock at its current location.

Remove LPNs from Shipment Criteria

e. Additional search criteria is available by clicking on the More Criteria button. This includes the following fields: i. Date Selection -

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Remove LPNs from Shipment Extended Criteria

f. Once the user has entered their shipment criteria, they will click the List button to display all LPN loaded onto the shipment that meet the desired criteria.

Shipment LPNs Screen

g. The LPNs at the current location that meet the selection criteria will be displayed in the LPNs table.

Shipment LPNs Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

h. Removing Selected LPNs i. Once the LPNs loaded onto the shipment that meet the desired criteria are returned, the user may opt to remove selected LPNs from the returned list from the shipment. ii. The user will click on the check box to the left of the LPN number(s) to select the LPNs desired.

Shipment LPNs Screen

iii. Once all LPNs to be added have been selected, the user will click the Remove Selected LPNs button.

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Shipment LPNs Screen

iv. TPM will pop up a window confirming that the user wishes to remove the LPNs selected from the Shipment. The user will click the OK button to confirm.

Remove Selected LPNs From Shipment Confirmation Screen

v. TPM will remove the LPNs selected from the Shipment. The user will be returned to the list of LPNs remaining on the shipment. From here the user may select additional LPNs to remove or exit the Add LPNs screen.

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Shipment LPNs Screen


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Removing ALL LPNs to a Shipment. i. Once the LPNs that meet the desired criteria are returned the user may opt to remove All LPNs from the shipment. ii. The user will click the Remove All LPNs button.

Shipment LPNs Screen

iii. TPM will pop up a window asking the user to confirm that they wish to remove All LPNs in the selection from the shipment. The user will click OK to continue.

Remove ALL LPNS From Shipment Confirmation Screen

iv. TPM will remove All LPNs from the shipment. The user will be returned to the Shipment LPNs page where if additional LPNs remain of the shipment, the user may enter new selection criteria to be able to remove additional LPNs or they may exit the Shipment Details screen.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Shipment Details Screen

D. Update a Shipment 1. Update an Existing Shipment a. The user will navigate to the shipment desired (See View Shipments Section).

Shipments Screen

b. From the Shipment Details screen, the user will click on the Update Shipment link.

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Shipment Details Screen

c. The user will be taken to the update Shipment page where the user will be able to add or change information regarding the shipment. This information includes i. Priority – The Under Armour priority of the shipment. ii. Ship Method – The method of transportation for the shipment. iii. Container Number – The container number of the container carrying the shipment. iv. Est Cases – The estimated number of cases to be loaded onto the shipment. v. Est Weight – The estimated weight of the cases to be loaded onto the shipment. vi. Est Volume – The estimated volume of the cases to be loaded onto the shipment. vii. Est Ship Date – The estimated date that the shipment will depart from its origin. viii. Carrier – The carrier responsible for transportation of the shipment. ix. Invoice Number – The Tradecard invoice number that corresponds to the shipment. x. Freight Terms – The Freight Terms of the shipment. xi. Trailer Loaded By – The party responsible for loading the trailer. xii. Freight on Board Point – The point at which FOB is determined to occur. xiii. Vessel Name – The name of the vessel carrying the shipment. xiv.Vessel Id – The identifier for the vessel carrying the shipment. xv. Voyage Id – The identifier for the voyage carrying the shipment.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

xvi.On Board Date – The date and time that the shipment was loaded xvii. Origin Port – The origination port of the shipment. xviii. Destination Port – The destination port of the shipment. xix.Comments – Any additional comments regarding the shipment.

Update Shipment Screen

*NOTE: Information not known at the time of Shipment update can be added at a later point. d. Once all known information is added to the Shipment, the user will click the Save button.

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Update Shipment Screen

2. Update a Shipment to Pending Status a. The user will navigate to the shipment desired (See View Shipments Section).

Shipments Screen

b. From the Shipment Details screen, the user will click on the Update to Pending link.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Shipment Details Screen

c. The user will be taken to the update Shipment page where the user will be able to add or change information regarding the shipment. This information includes i. Priority – The Under Armour priority of the shipment. ii. Ship Method – The method of transportation for the shipment. iii. Container Number – The container number of the container carrying the shipment. iv. Est Cases – The estimated number of cases to be loaded onto the shipment. v. Est Weight – The estimated weight of the cases to be loaded onto the shipment. vi. Est Volume – The estimated volume of the cases to be loaded onto the shipment. vii. Est Ship Date – The estimated date that the shipment will depart from its origin. viii. Carrier – The carrier responsible for transportation of the shipment. ix. Invoice Number – The Tradecard invoice number that corresponds to the shipment. x. Freight Terms – The Freight Terms of the shipment. xi. Trailer Loaded By – The party responsible for loading the trailer. xii. Freight on Board Point – The point at which FOB is determined to occur. xiii. Vessel Name – The name of the vessel carrying the shipment. xiv.Vessel Id – The identifier for the vessel carrying the shipment. xv. Voyage Id – The identifier for the voyage carrying the shipment.

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xvi.On Board Date – The date and time that the shipment was loaded xvii. Origin Port – The origination port of the shipment. xviii. Destination Port – The destination port of the shipment. xix.Comments – Any additional comments regarding the shipment.

Update Shipment to Pending Screen

*NOTE: Estimated Ship Date and Invoice # (from Tradecard) are required fields to update a Shipment to Pending status. d. Once all know information regarding a Shipment is entered, the user will click the Update To Pending button.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Update Shipment to Pending Screen

e. TPM will pop up a window confirming that the user wishes to update the shipment to Pending status. The user will click the OK button.

Update Shipment to Pending Confirmation Screen

f. The user will be returned to the Shipment Details page where the shipment will be in a Pending status. The date and time of the status update will be displayed.

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Shipment Details Screen

*NOTE: The Freight Forwarder will update the shipments to a shipped status upon confirmation that they shipment matches all documentation. There is no need to update a shipment to a shipped status. 3. Update a Shipment from Pending to Loading Status a. The user will navigate to the shipment desired (See View Shipments Section).

Shipments Screen

b. From the Shipment Details screen, the user will click on the Update to Loading button.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Shipment Details Screen

c. The user will remain on the Shipment Details page. The shipment will be returned to a Loading status and the date and time of the status change will be indicated.

Shipment Details Screen

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E. Printing the Shipment Packing List 1. From the Shipment Details Page a. The user will navigate to the shipment desired (See View Shipments Section).

Shipments Screen

b. From the Shipment Details screen, the user will click on Print Documents button .

Shipment Details Screen

c. TPM will print one packing list per PO loaded onto the shipment. The packing list will be printed to Adobe Acrobat where the user

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

may then either save the document or print it to any local printer associated with their current computer. (See Appendix A for a sample of the printed Packlist.) *NOTE: Only Shipments in a Pending, Shipped or Received status are eligible to generate the printed packlist document.

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9. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION *NOTE: The System Administration options and system Administration Tab will only be visible to users that have system administration rights.

A. Printer Administration 1. Viewing Existing Printers in TPM a. From any screen within TPM, the user will click on the Administration Tab in the Application Bar.

Dashboard Screen

b. From the Administration Tab, Click on the Organization Details Link.

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Administration Screen

c. From the Organization Details Page, Click on the Printers Tab.

Organization Details Screen

d. To View Current Printers configured, click the List Button.

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Printers Screen

e. Available Printers will be listed in the displayed Table.

2. Adding a Printer to TPM a. From Dashboard Screen, Click on the Administration Tab

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Dashboard Screen

b. From the Administration Tab, Click on the Organization Details Link.

Administration Screen

c. From the Organization Details Page, Click on the Printers Tab.

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Organization Detials Screen

d. To Add a New Printer, click on the New Printer Link.

Printers Screen

e. On the New Printer Page, Enter the Location ID, if known or Click on the Lookup Box Link to pop-up the Location Lookup Search.

New Printer Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

f. If using the location Lookup, enter the location name or a portion of the location name and then click the List button.

Location Lookup Textbox Screen

g. All locations that match the entered criteria will be displayed in the table. Select the desired location by clicking on the Location ID link. (You will be taken back to the New Printer page and the Location ID will be populated.)

Location Lookup Screen

h. Enter the Printer Name. Select Label from the Printer Type from the drop down list. Select the Printer Model from the drop down list. (either Zebra or Monarch). Select Application from the Copy Method drop down. Select Client from the System Type drop down. Enter the address of the printer into the System Address box. If desired, enter a Printer Description. When all information has been entered, click the Save button.

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Edit Printer Screen


Once a printer has been added, it will appear in the list of available printers in the table. To print a test page, click on the link for the name of the desired printer.

Printers Screen


From the Edit Printers page, click the Print Test Document button.

Edit Printer Screen

3. Editing an Existing Printer to TPM a. From Dashboard Screen, click on the Administration Tab

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Dashboard Screen

b. From the Administration Tab, Click on the Organization Details Link.

Administration Screen

c. From the Organization Details Page, Click on the Printers Tab.

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Organization Details Screen

d. To View Current Printers configured, click the List Button.

Printers Screen

e. Available Printers will be listed in the displayed Table. Click on the link for the name of the desired printer to be edited.

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Printers Screen

f. Edit the desired field on the Edit Printer page. Once all information has been edited, click the Save button.

Edit Printer Screen

g. User may print a Test Document from the Edit Printers page by clicking on the Print Test Document button.

Edit Printer Screen

Page 170

B. Document Administration 1. Viewing Existing Documents in TPM a. From Dashboard Screen, Click on the Administration Tab

Dashboard Screen

b. From the Administration Tab, Click on the Organization Details Link.

Adminstration Screen

c. From the Organization Details Page, Click on the Documents Tab.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Organization Details Screen

d. To View Current Documents configured, Click the List Button.

Edit Document Screen

e. Available Documents will be listed in the displayed Table.

Documents List Screen

Page 172

2. Adding a Document to TPM a. From Dashboard Screen, Click on the Administration Tab

Dashboard Screen

b. From the Administration Tab, Click on the Organization Details Link.

Administration Screen

c. From the Organization Details Page, Click on the Documents Tab.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Organization Details Screen

d. To Add a New Document, click on the New Document Link.

Documents Screen

e. On the New Document Page, Enter the Location ID, if known or Click on the Lookup Box Link to pop-up the Location Lookup Search.

New Document Screen

f. If using the location Lookup, enter the location name or a portion of the location name and then click the List button.

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Location Lookup Screen - Text Box

g. All locations that match the entered criteria will be displayed in the table. Select the desired location by clicking on the Location ID link. (You will be taken back to the New Document page and the Location ID will be populated.)

Location Lookup Screen - List

h. Select the desired document from the Document drop down list. Once document has been selected, click the Next button.

New Document Screen


For printed documents other than labels, select Browser from the Printer drop down. Select Letter as the Paper Size from the Paper Size drop down. (ALL documents are configured for printing on Letter size 8.5x11inch paper). When all information has been entered, click the Save button.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

New Document Screen


For printed labels, select the desired label printer from the Printer drop down. When all information has been entered, click the Save button.

New Document Screen

k. Once a Document has been added, it will appear in the list of available Documents in the table. Please note that each document can only have one associated printer per location.

Printers List Screen

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3. Editing an Existing Document to TPM a. From Dashboard Screen, Click on the Administration Tab

Dashboard Screen

b. From the Administration Tab, Click on the Organization Details Link.

Administration Screen

c. From the Organization Details Page, Click on the Documents Tab.

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

Organization Details Screen

d. To View Current Documents configured, Click the List Button.

Documents Screen

e. Available Documents will be listed in the displayed Table. Click on the link for the name of the desired Document to be edited.

Documents List Screen

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For documents printed on label printers, select the desired label printer on the Edit Document page. Once all information has been edited, click the Save button.

Edit Document Screen

ii. For documents printed on laser printers, select the browser as the printer and the desired paper size on the Edit Document page. Once all information has been edited, click the Save button.

Edit Document Screen

Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide


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Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

B. Sample Packlist

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Under Armour Trading Partner Management Partner User Guide

11. APPENDIX B - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: What do I use Tradecard for – vs – TPM? A: TPM should be used to confirm/decline your purchase orders, enter SKU dimensions, print labels, and build shipments. You will continue to build invoices in Tradecard. All Purchase Orders in Tradecard should be autoconfirmed since you have already confirmed them in TPM. If for some reason it is not confirmed in Tradecard you should compare the numbers and dates to the PO in TPM and if they match you should confirm the PO in Tradecard Q: What do I do if I need to make a change to the PO? I used to be able to do this in Tradecard. A: No changes should be made to the PO in Tradecard. If you want to make a change to the PO you will need to decline it in TPM and put in a comment. This will notify the Under Armour planners and they will discuss the change with you Q: I use a report in Tradecard to see all of my Pos. Can I still use this? A: Pos will be displayed in Tradecard only after they are approved in TPM. There are similar ways to look at the information in TPM, however if you wish to continue to use the Tradecard report it will still be correct.

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