Tpavone_portfolio Draft 3

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,579
  • Pages: 44
To n y P a v o n e Po r t f o l i o 2 0 0 9


Urban Avairy


Elevating Scars of History


Sub Hub


Collabrative Arts Commune




Object Encode: Memory Motel


Cybernetic Organism Facility




Body Fixtures


Haptic Material Studies

cover image: pattern design developed to study the morphology of hexagonal structures. “Somatopia”

Tony Pavone

email: [email protected] phone: 1 559 350 2449 address: 20611 rd. 248 Lindsay, CA 93247

hand speaking “b e a u t i f u l”; beautiful hand study fall 2oo4

If a blind man/woman and a deaf woman/man met in the (almost) center of a plaza filled with people, how would they communicate? I want to say that the body of my work coherently considers the root of this question, but i appreciate the obscurity of the scenario enough to understand that every mark i make another mark can be made with equal/opposite and greater force; therefore, the act of making has no beginning or end...just an action.

unlike the the golden rectangle, le modulor or the vitruvian man this contemporary system considers the unraveling of the skin as a measure of spatial sensation.

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009


B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

06 object encode: memory motel

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memory motel is a self contained system of human cognition consisting of 26 voices, traced from san luis obispo, santa margarita, and t


dead city

the organization of my closet consist of a system of three zones. zone 1 has all the objects that i use frequently, zone 2 has the objects that are used continously, zone 3 has the objects that are never used but have alot of mass. all memories have mass. some memories have alot of mass and others have millions of particles that create a single mass.



objects in zone 3 have a single memory associated with it. objects in zone 1 have several memories. objects in zone 2 are continously used such that all memories are recycled. to resist amensia new objects or recycled objects fuse and create a mass.

voice 26


Terry Hargrave Studio spring 2oo6 MEMORY MOTEL, carrizo plain, CA


to carrizo plain. voice 26 (the antagonist) is the architecture of literal and phenomenological echoes. landscape 120,0,8,0;00;10;00








Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

06 object encode: memory motel


(x) (y)







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(y) (yt)






(zt) (y) (ct)

(xt) (ct)





dead city



What is "voice"? “It is the sense of agency that makes a person confident that he or she will be heard” r.grossman- psychotherapist narcissistic voice - “continuous proof of the significance of their voice, narcissists must find people to hear and value them.” r.grossman echo - “is a reflection of sound, arriving at the listener some time after the direct sound.” “Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.” st. basil “The noosphere can be seen as the ‘sphere of human thought’...noosphere is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth” "cognition" is to describe the emergent development of knowledge and concepts within a group that culminate in both thought and action.

voices & echoes of carrizo plains

these echoes in a pyschical sense effect the voices that inhabit the system. phenomenologically the antagonist inhibits the concious experience of the voices through isolated listening of reflected sound. voices indulge sound to be listened too, creating a sense of agency that a particular voice will be encoded and impact the surrounding environment. in essence the psychological voice is life; therefore, the voices needs to be heard to know their alive. inclusively the 26 voices can be heard allowing for a narcissistic existence, and until the duration echolessness the 26 voices will remain echoed in the contained systematic cognitive noosphere.





(xt) (ct) (ct) (yt)


(zt) (x)


road (ct)

(x) (y)

(xt) (yt) 72,60,9,0;00;05;05 120,0,8,0;00;10;00 (zt)

0,168,7,0;00;08;10 84,60,6,0;00;03;00 12,72,5,0;00;04;02 72,12,4,0;00;08;09 24,0,3,0;00;07;08



Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

02 Elevating Scars of History

Tom Fowler Studio, Winter 2005

Elevating Scars of History, Roosevelt Island, NYC Inspired by a the geometry and primary colors of a abstract Mondrian painting, this competition entry attempts to utilize the atrium space as an outlet where architectural program plugs into the structure to deviate from closed circulation paths for a healthy user experience...... ................ ........................ .......... You enter the project through a circulation spine that penetrates through an existing window of the small pox hospital ruin. This spine is inclined and connects the polymer celled spaces that puncture through a glass and perforated steel skin envelope. The transforming pattern of the skin compliments the evening entourage of lights that glow from the Manhattan skyline while the cell spaces extend out to queens. The polymer cell structures provide lighting from two sides to enable a sense of being outside. The entire program fits into these cell spaces and includes a outdoor theater, garden and gallery spaces.................................................

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Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

02 Elevating Scars of History

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atrium event hall gallery artist housing art classroom art studios theater

lightwieght polymer structure operable translucent panels

steel track for operable panels high performance low-e curtain wall accessible circulation ramp

anodized perforated aluminum screen



study of artificial & natural light projecting into interior spaces

Sixty miles northwest of Las Vegas Las Vegas

image: nuclear clouds over america; positvie/negative diagram of pnuematic column grid extrapolation

page 13 of 38 15% light source; 20% intrusion

95% light source; 10% intrusion

95% light source; 10% intrusion

05 Amphitheater

25% light source; 8% intrusion

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo 80% light source; 35% intrusion

40% light source; 40% intrusion

5% light source; 95% intrusion

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

4% light source; 18% intrusion

4% light source; 18% intrusion

6% light source; 12% intrusion

10% light source; 30% intrusion

35% light source; 60% intrusion

independent study fall 2oo6 advisors: Terry Hargrave Christina McPhee Thomas Fowler

performance architecture Las Vegas, NV

15% crack of light

40% crack of light

98% crack of light

25% crack of light

94% crack of light

65% crack of light

8% crack of light

5% cra

ck of lig

68% shadow

68% shadow


75% crack of light

2% shadow

44% crack of light

10% crack of light

88% crack of light

72% crack of

85% crack of light

50% crack of light

5% crack of light

98% shadow

4% crack of light 20% shadow

45% shadow


In 2006 the Barbary Coast Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas was demolished and resurrected as a parking structure for its neighboring Flamingo Hotel guest. The beginnings of the parking structure at the former Barbary Coast Hotel continues to serve its purpose for five hundred vehicles set at level (-1). The audience rises 30 feet from the vehicular space to a subsidence stage level (0), where they are interrupted by 928 pnuematic columns that raise and lower to alter the spatial stage qualities. The back drop of the stage is a load bearing concrete habitable wall that serves as gallery space, theater control booth and restaurant 100 feet above stage level that is accessed by a single elevtor............................

“Rejoining Pulsating fragments” Oistat 2007 competition entry

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

05 Amphitheater

page 15 of 38

0’ 8’



potential stage areas






Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

04 Collaborative Arts Commune

page 11 of 38

independent study fall 2oo6 rift advisors: Terry Hargrave Christina McPhee Thomas Fowler

ucle 25 n e d ar t 9 e s t i six es tho COLLABORTIVE ar. S ty t 1 . Fromice a ye h s d m 0% t e n a w u t g o r r t e ARTSC O M M U N E ile w rtis to g g test sit a in p s v i e e o e sit pr vada nc ce pro s no he g Nuclear Testing Site, NV a a in d t m e a s r v the N d durin be du rth re p er fo ar te e ne ucle uce a p stablishe g fo ce we e at thtourist to n d e e h th re a st rod ssion e rm tracts ot t p o l f r e d ia e r o an cu th th is e p that at p m r e t d e e a h r u er ey ea w nect In m mpt abo fo g t r r test n eep. e to coll a impro rm e i d clea of disco ’ u 0 n 2 in im 3 5 t e an t r a e 2 d h g 9 c n g a n s a ‘ u ce 80’ st eno r to eng 990 a prese 2 1 1 e th . ing ave ju ectato es t h n a g n u iv a sp ist h and sp thro site cult ) t r r s ’ e a t 0 a 195 rtist test l. The ar cr g theNevada ucle is crucia ing the a n in r t u s D th e large allow time (the e artist eration from r e t h p ne, t n Cra y pre Seda commu ardly an e h of th rsal and a e reh

Nevada Nuclear Testing Grounds Sixty miles Southeast Nevada Nuclear testing grounds

circumference econd s 0 2 30

er f of orm La ed sV 1 ic al eg 00’ a a ad e ia ven s, N bov ti e e 0‘ belo In on t tha vad gr 100 s, a s w gro ou sp po t a d olar un d e ire iso is t un o nd m po d. M r for g gro e d nin o b n th an we ore p e e h f r o t n i e f r me red by g. e o e d 0% w h st e a T r z r N p 9 a arti than a la s the spec Bar Au The er ev a Nucle p st c t w b ato ar e gu in form ad om deca nad ity allo rs in y C o l l o t c l mu de i o st uit e in the c a L as st H ne late o ive d is fa ter” h t f V o exi Bo ature eg ote a e st in r the h t a n l . s to Du al ble i s i sec even v e n s “i witn to lusi ts re ess the on a p pe withsulting er f r for in t orm ate he an d sk ce i n sw ith no

sedan crater

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

04 Collaborative Arts Commune

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Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

01 urban aviary prototype

UrbanAviar yPrototype inspired from studying a birds wing in flight, this Urban Aviary Prototype offers the occasional to avid bird watching city dewller a place atop, aside or in between building spaces to experience ............... Constructed of tube steel pressure treated with a (1) fire proofing layer, (2) wood particles and (3) bird feed, the integrity of the structure is not compromised while the user experience is heightened with the walking platforms and viewing stations during feeding time. ... Ralph Roesling Studtio winter 2004

image: Constantin Brancusi “Bird in Space”

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Video collage: “Nuclear Bird in a Vacuum”

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

01 urban aviary prototype

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tube steel

bird feed wood particles


fire protection



Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

07 Cybernetic Organism Facility

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Bruce Tomb Studio Winter 2oo7




Fountain Alley, San Jose, CA

In the year 2010 the technological divide will encourage new aspects of survival. The rich will become richer and the poor will continue to strive. By the year 2020 the technological divide will be at its acute potential with the progressive development of genetic engineering and cybernetics that the destruction of the natural human race will be inevitably split into two races [cyborgs and mutants]. In the heart of san jose, within an assumed historic district, a inhabited landscape once began as a metaphorical machine that would activate the mid-afternoon social life by interacting live/work and hostel type sleeping capsules for the publics daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly purchase through an automated currency transaction service. The privately owned human capsule service has recently become a tool for the poor to try and invent themselves into the mainstream society of the rich. Below the landscaped capsules is a framework of initial spaces that facilitate in the development of cybernetic organisms that educate and develop the technologically declined poor. Initially the cyborg facility is situated within the envelope of a concrete sleeve that buries it self 1/6 of a mile below the earths surface. The facility is equipped with the most crucial means of cybernetic advancement. Level (-1) is a artificially daylit, temperature and humidity controlled factory for nutrients encompassing a space that has the capacity to store hydroponic units that feed up to one million. Also at level (-1) factory for construction and production, the necessary equipment and materials for construction and production of micro dwellings and hygiene systems are housed within this factory level. Levels (-2) through (-5) is an open space with steel anchors embedded into the concrete envelope that services the growth and development of the cyborg population. Level (-6) is the factory for cybernetic organism development and a factory for corrupt cyborg extermination. In our lifetime the facility has become over grown with the mutants extending vertically from the earth and the design the of the cyborg facility limited capacity required the construction of cyborg facilities that extend horizontally across the earths surface inter-connecting all portals to its origin portal. The mutants and cyborgs have almost stretched to their potential physical growth that by the 2050 mutants and cyborgs will converge at the earths origin surface


tain A






video stills montage: “Somatopia”

a logitudinal section shows one of the many facilities at maximum capacity during year 2050. At this point in time the cyborgs have become a disposable society, taking on the traits of previous ancestors from the year 2000, and the social tension will, eventually, cause the cyborg race to breach the distraught earth surface causing an upheaval of the elite mutant cultures. It is unclear what will happen at the point...but we shall await the orders. (0)


(-1) (-2)




Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

08 Somatopia

Michael Lucas, Fall 2007 - Spring 2008

AU_C002 Footprint

225 ft2


2 people

Min setup crew

1 person

Min setup time

10 minutes

Min inflation time

5 min.


Rip-stop Polyester and Reinforced PVC

Power source

12 gram C02 cartridge with time released nano air technology

Packed weight

25 lbs.

Packed size

1x2x4 ft.

“Technological developments are rapidly changing, such that, the innovations of today will be obsolete tomorrow. This era of change is naturally reflected in social trends. People, particularly the youth, are no longer satisfied with the same old environment day in and day out. They demand change and variety, and this is manifest in two ways: firstly the greater turnover in material belongings, such as cars, furniture and clothes, and secondly the increase movement, not only from one occupation to another but also between physical environments. The latter has been encouraged by the advances that have been made in communications. A new versatile architecture must surely emerge which can accommodate these trends, perhaps a portable instant architecture or even a short-term throw-away/recycled architecture. Traditional architecture, evolving as it does from rigid structural forms which dictate the environmental conditions within them, could hardly be adapted to suit these requiments” -Dent-......

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insert body here

insert body here

technological divide

the gap between those with regular effective access to technology (digital, genetic, robotic, etc)


a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression disease and overcrowding.


any visionary system of political or social perfection


the co-existence of a dystopia and utopia. at its very minimal engagement begins with an individuals mind; therefore, each individual determines or controls there own interpretation of a ‘topia’ through the body.

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009





B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo









08 Somatopia




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Rip-stop Polyester and Reinforced PVC

5 mm thick Polyvinyl Chloride

braided nylon tension rope

adhered seem, hh-66 adhesive

5.0 min.

2.5 min.

0.0 min.

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

08 Somatopia

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Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

06 Somatopia, not sited

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Rip-stop polyester skin

A Vertical and horizontal braid stainless steel cables

Vertical structure diagram


Horizontal structure diagram

The U.S. world expo 2020 is a showcase of cultures around the world that celebrates its future of “energy and exploration” through interaction, exchange and excitement of the enhanced Paralympics games. Since the beginning of the modern Olympics, paraplegics have fought rigorously to compete in the Olympic Games. But due to controversial circumstances unstated by the Olympic game committee, the physically disabled people are left untried. Now! with modern technology and accelerating advancements of virtual computer software the enhanced Paralympics games will take on a new era of A.I and cyborg individuals competing amongst each other for the kevlar medal. The pavilion is made of a piezoelectric rip-stop polymer that generates energy from the forces of the wind sustaining the air pressure inside. When deflated the pavilion has the potential to stiffen its self creating an open public space. This system of seamed piezoelectric surfaces adapts to program needs and growth by de-laminating the seams to add or subtract sheets from its surface area. By utilizing the simplicity of ancient air inflation techniques to stabilize the structure there is always a constant re-circulation of fresh air eliminating the need for HVAC systems.

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

blanket room body motion chair tetrahedron seat


09 body fixtures

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body motion chair: requires the user to completely relax the body to achieve balance Design constraints: consisted of two 4’x8’ sheets of corrugated cardboard and glue Dimensions: 30” W x 84” L x 18” H

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

09 body fixtures

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video collage: “blanket room”

b l a n k e t r o o m

is inspired by the homeless who attempt to comfort themselves by any means .........................................neccessar y Materials:........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 linear feet of white single faced corrugated cardboard and 1000 brass plated prong ......................................washers and fasteners

tetrahedronseat a experiment with inflatable structures and its ease of constructability and a divergence of practical furniture to find comfort in platonic solids

Materials:.................................. 4’ x 8’ 20 gauge polyvinyl chloride and HH-66 vinyl adhesive...................................

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

08 material studies



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M a t e r i a l s the sense of touch is often described as the least remebered of the senses in daily life, and in the study of architecture it is becoming even more irrelevant. These material studies attempt to engage a person in a multisensory experience where each sense is not revealed as dichotomy of greater importance, but as qualities with equal importance. “Every touching experience of architecture is multi-sensory; qualities of space, matter and scale are measured equally by the eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue, skeleton and muscle...” Juhani Pallassmaa “The Eyes of the Skin”

reference image: heat sensitive material, Plastics 2: materials for inspirational design

used straws o1

Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

08 material studies

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Tony Pavone portfolio 2009

B.Arch from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

08 material studies

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