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TopazChat 8.20

Main Chat Screen The Main Screen is divided into four windows. The top left window is where all text from public channels is sent, including information and errors from the server. The bottom left window is where all text is shown that is received from whispers. If you have a private chat window open for a user, then his/her text will be redirected to the chat window rather than the whisper window (see Chat Windows). The two windows on the right are the user lists. The top window displays all users currently in the channel, and their appropriate icon (if chat icons are enabled). The lower window is the custom user list. You can right click on the custom user list at any time to add or delete users. Users on the custom list can be whispered or located at any time, whether they are in the same channel or not. Enter text on the bottom entry line and press "send" or the [Enter] key to talk in the channel. To whisper, select a user from either the user list or the custom user list, and press "whisper". To have your text displayed as an action, type your message and press the "emote" button (this is the equivalent of using the "/me" command). Main Menu Several functions are only available from the main menu. Save Chat Settings Saves all your settings for the chat, including responses, name, password, etc. Open Chat File Loads a chat file, including all responses, name, password, etc. Open Text File Loads a new text file for reading. This may also be reached through the Text File Screen. Setup Macros This sets up responses that are sent when a special key is pressed. Colors Sets up custom colors for many elements of the chat. Fonts

Allows you to change the fonts of the chat and whisper screens. The Tool Bar Most common functions can be executed using the Tool Bar and the pulldown menus. Hold the mouse over a button briefly to see a text description of the button. From left to right, the Tool Bar buttons are as follows: [Connect] This button connects to using the server currently selected in the chat Setup. This only connects, it does not log on. If the server doesn't respond, you can cancel the connection, or wait for the chat to timeout automatically. While connected, the button will remain depressed. Press it again to disconnect the chat. [Log on] The log on button sends your user name and password to the server. You can select a user name and password in the chat Setup, but it MUST be a name you have previously created using Diablo, Starcraft, or other Blizzard games. The chat CANNOT create new accounts on its own. Logging on can take over 30 seconds depending on the server, so please be patient before disconnecting and trying different servers. If no channel or users appear after a minute or so, the server may be down. [Join Channel] This button will open the channel selection screen. From here, pick a channel from the list or type in the channel name, then press "Ok" or the [Enter] key. The chat will then join that channel. Press the "Add" button to add this channel to the list of channels that are loaded when the program starts. [List Users] This brings up the channel selection screen just as if you were joining a channel, but once a channel is chosen, it simply lists the users who are currently in that channel without actually going there (equivalent of the "/who" command). [Setup] The setup button brings up the chat Setup Screen. Most functions of the chat are configured from this screen. See "Chat Setup" or press the "help" button on the Setup Screen for more information. [Text Files] TopazChat has the ability to read text files into a channel or whispered to a user. From the Text File screen, you can chose a text file to read, and an optional user

to whisper the file to. The chat will read one line from the text file every few seconds until the "execute" button is pressed again to stop the reading, or the file is finished. If no user is selected, then the chat will read the file into the channel. The delay between lines can be changed in the Setup Screen. Responses can be configured to read text files as well. Use "/text" or "/whispertext" at the beginning of a response, followed by a filename. If /whispertext is used, the user who triggered the response will be set as the recipient of the text file. Any time the chat finds a line in the text file that is simply "/repeat", the chat will start the text file over at the beginning. In this case, the chat will continue reading the file until it is cancelled in the Text File Screen. [Chat Screen Font] Changes the font of the chat screen. [Whisper Screen Font] Changes the font of the whisper screen and whisper windows. [Setup Colors] Defines colors for the general chat and specific users. [About] This screen gives you information about the TopazChat version and where to mail for help or suggestions. Please note the version before sending questions. [Help] This button displays help on the main chat screen. [Launch] This brings up another toolbar with various Blizzard sites and games. Click on any one of these to load the page or launch the game. [Exit] Exits TopazChat. If you have made changes to your configuration, you will be prompted to save those changes before exiting. [Away] This button sets an away message. Anyone whispering you while this is on will see this message. To turn off Away mode, click the away button again. (This is the equivalent of the "/away" command) [Whisper Lock] While this button is down, all messages typed in the input line are sent to the user selected on one of the user lists, rather than into the channel. If you are

having a private conversation in a public channel, this can avoid embarrassing slips, as nothing can be said out loud while the button is down. NOTE: this button does NOT affect responses or the Emote button. History Buttons To the right of both chat windows, there are history buttons marked with an up arrow. Pressing these will temporarily stop incoming messages for that screen and allow you to go back and read previous messages, as well as copy the text for pasting elsewhere. Press the button again to return to normal chat. Right Click Menu Each user list has a popup menu that appears when you right click a user. You can choose to perform a "/whois" for that user, kick or ban (if you are a channel op), open a private chat window or send a URL. Private Chat Windows Opening a private chat window will redirect all incoming messages from that user to the private window. Sending URL's This will send a web address to another user. If that user is using TopazChat version 4 or higher, a message will popup on their chat asking if they would like to go to that URL. This does NOT work for users of Starcraft, Diablo, or other chat clients. If you do not wish a message to pop up for the URL when someone sends one to you, it can be disabled in the Setup Screen. Chat Setup Screen This is the where most chat functions are configured. The Setup Screen is divided into six tabs. Connection Tab This tab is where you enter your name, password, server and home channel. You may also choose to define owners for the chat by adding them to the Owner List. Name and password This is the name and password used to log on. These must be created using Diablo, Starcraft, or other Blizzard game before they can be used by TopazChat. TopazChat CANNOT create new accounts, it can only use existing accounts.

Home Channel This is the channel that is joined automatically by the chat when it logs on. Server This is the server to use. Sometimes servers are down or split. You can chose a different server from the list and attempt to reconnect with the new server if you are having problems with a particular server. Owners Owners are those users you want to be able to access the chat remotely. Any user on the Owner List can send whisper commands to the chat. Whisper commands from users not on the list are ignored by the chat. The following is a list of all owner commands and their function: /exec - begins reading of a text file /setuser <user> - sets the recipient of a text file. /clearuser - clears the recipient of text files. All text files from this point are read into the channel until the recipient is set using /setuser or typed in manually into the Text File Screen /stop - stops execution of a text file /reset - resets a text file to the first line /join - instructs the chat to join the selected channel /squelch <user> - squelches the selected user /unsquelch <user> - unsquelches the selected user /kick <user> - kicks the selected user out of the channel if the chat is Channel Op /ban <user> - bans the selected user if the chat is Channel Op

/unban <user> - unbans the selected user /addban <user> - adds a user to the list of people to NOT auto-ban /deleteban <user> - removes a user from the ban exception list /add <user> - adds a user to the chat's Owner List /delete <user> - removes a user from the Owner List /say <message> - the chat simply repeats the message whispered /close - instructs the chat to disconnect /response - master switch for responses on and off /phrase - toggles response to phrases /whisper - toggles response to whispers /timer - toggles timer responses /ban - toggles auto-banning of specific users /noban - toggles auto-banning of users not on the No-Ban list /at - toggles responses to excessive "@" characters /repeat - toggles responses to repeated messages

/cap - toggles responses to excessive capital letters /joinres - toggles responses to users joining channel General Options Tab From this tab, you can turn on and off all responses, set general options and text file delay, or a code for ignoring responses. Respond to incoming events This is the master switch for every automatic event. If this is off, the chat will NOT respond to phrases, whispers, users joining, timers, and will not auto-ban. This is simply a quick way to turn on and off all events. Whois on join When this is checked, the chat will send a /whois command for everyone who joins the channel. Include chat icons Uncheck this option if you do not want the users' icons to be displayed to the left of their names on the user list. Auto-rejoin when kicked Instantly rejoins a channel when the channel op kicks you out. (NOTE: this won't work if the channel op bans you... you will still remain banned) Enter/leave notifications Displays a message anytime someone leaves or enters a channel. Log account numbers on /whois Records name/number combinations for a user anytime a /whois is preformed. Display logged accounts on /whois Displays all known numbers for a user and users recorded for this account number when a /whois is performed. Show pop-up hints Turns on/off hints when the mouse is held over buttons. Accept URLs When this is checked, a message will pop up asking to load a URL whenever a user of TopazChat sends a URL to you. If this is unchecked, a message will appear in the whisper window only.

Double-clicking a user should... When a name is double-clicked on one of the user lists, one of five actions can be performed: - Copy name to entry: Copies the user's name to the input line (original Diablo pre-version 1.04 style) - Squelch user: squelches the double-clicked user - Kick user: kicks the user out of the channel if you are channel op - Ban user: bans the user from the channel if you are channel op - Open whisper window: opens a private whisper window to the user Text file delay This is the delay between lines when reading a text file. NOTE: any setting below 4 seconds has a tendency to cause disconnection for flooding on larger text files. Response ignore code Messages beginning with this code are ignore by phrase responses.

Responses Tab This tab is where you can configure the chat to respond to phrases said in channel or whispered to the chat. Response to phrases Click "Add" to add a new phrase to the list if phrases to respond to. If any part of the user's message contains this phrase, the chat will choose one of the 3 responses at random to say. Leave one or more of the responses blank if you only want the chat to respond with less than three random phrases. The responses can contain commands, such as /msg, /ban, /kick, etc. If you want the chat to insert the user's name that triggered the response, include the <user> code in the response. If you want the chat to pick a random user from the list, include the code. When using , the chat will not choose itself. Examples of responses: /msg <user> You have triggered this response When a user triggers this response, the chat will whisper "You have triggered this response" back to the user.

/ban <user> This will ban the user who triggered the phrase. Today's victim is !!! This will pick a random person from the channel and insert their name in place of ... so if it picked me, it would respond with "Today's victim is Topaz!!!" There are two more additional response codes, /text and /whispertext. These cause the chat to start execution of a text file whenever this response is triggered. The syntax is: /text Or /whispertext An example would be as follows: /whispertext c:\textfiles\somefile.txt This response would cause the chat to start reading the text file called "somefile.txt" to the user who triggered the response. /Text works identically, except that the file is read into the channel rather than whispered. Response to whispers Responses to whispers are identical to phrase responses, except that they are only triggered if the user whispers the phrase to the chat. All codes for responses work for whisper responses, phrases, special cases, timers and user join responses. /text and /whispertext are exceptions, as these only work for whisper and phrase responses. User Join/Special Tab This tab is for responses to users joining the channel or special cases. User Join Response User join responses work similarly to phrase responses, but are triggered when a user joins a channel. If responses are defined for "ANY USER", they are triggered by every user who joins, not just specific users. Click "Add" to add a user to the list of users to respond to. Special Responses These are cases that people find annoying, such as when a user types in all

capital letters, uses whole strings of "@" characters, or repeats messages over and over. - Excessive "@" characters If a user's message contains more than 6 "@" characters, this response is triggered. - Excessive caps If a user's message is over 6 characters long and more than half the message is in capital letters, this response is triggered. - Repeated message This response is triggered whenever a message is repeated two or more times. Channel Op Tab From this tab you can control who the chat bans when it has control of a channel. Ban everyone Except... This is a list of people who will NOT be banned by the chat if the ban everyone option is turned on. This usually is a list of approved people, and anyone not on the list who enters the channel is automatically banned. Automatically ban the following... This is a list of users who should be banned instantly when they join the channel. Timers Tab Timer events are responses that happen at regular time intervals. Click "Add" to define a new timer event, and then a phrase to say when that time event is triggered. Then pick a time interval. The phrase will then be repeated every time interval is reached. For example, if the interval is 60 seconds, the chat will say the phrase every 60 seconds. You can define any number of timer events. Note on events: there is no limit on the number of responses, phrases, timers or whispers you may define, only what is limited by the available memory on your system. Channel Server Tab This tab has useful options such as banning certain types of users and setting up access levels/ranks for users. User Type Actions This allows certain actions to be performed when certain types of users join a channel. For example, if the response for "Chat Client/Bot" is set to "/kick

<user>", anyone entering who is using a chat client will be kicked out of the channel if you are the channel op. The action can be any phrase or command. Clear Screens This will clear the chat screens after it has filled up with the specified number of lines. Recommended if using the chat as a channel op or server to prevent chat screen from getting too full. Allow Users to Send Email This allows users to use TopazChat as a mail server for delivering simple one line text messages. THIS OPTION MUST BE CHECKED for email to work even if you have user access levels set to allow email. This is the master switch for all email functions. To send mail to a user, whisper to the TopazChat bot acting as the server "/mail name message". For example: /mail -Lady~Topaz- woohoo! You've got mail!! will store the message "you've got mail" for me to receive at a later time. To check to see if you have mail, whisper "/checkmail" to the bot. All stored messages will be read in the order they were sent. use "/deletemail" to remove all messages that have been sent to you. The actual messages sent by users will NOT be visible to the user of TopazChat. The only thing that will appear on the whisper screen is that mail has been sent. This is to protect the privacy of users sending email. Email messages are encrypted before they are saved. User Access Levels You may define up to 10 user access levels to allow users different modes of access to the Chat program. For each of the 10 levels, you can check off any of the options for that level, and any user set to that level (or rank if you prefer) will be allowed to perform those functions. Access levels go from lowest to highest in the list. This only affects the /promote and /demote commands for identifying which rank is higher. You may actually define more options for a lower rank, but keep in mind that wouldn't make much sense. The FIRST level in the list (which defaults to the description "any user") is ALWAYS set to any user who does not have a rank. Use this level to define what options users have when the chat program doesn't have a rank for them.

- Define This Access Level If this is checked, this level will be defined for you to edit and will appear on the right-click menu for the user list on the main screen. Once a level is defined and "enable user access levels" is checked, you may give users a level from the main screen by right-clicking their name and selecting "Access Level", or from the "Access Levels" tab in the setup. - Description This is the description of the access level. If you are playing Starcraft, these can be common ranks like ensign, captain, admiral, etc. For Diablo you may choose knight, queen, king, etc. These can be anything you want. They default to things like guest, member, senior member, etc. This is the description used for the code (can be used in ANY response, the user's access level will be inserted, similar to <user>). This is also the description that appears on the right-click menu on the main screen user list, or when promoting or demoting remotely. - Greeting/Special action This is similar to a user join response, but it is only triggered when someone of this rank enters the room. This can be a greeting, or a command such as /kick, /ban, etc. You may include <user>, or as part of the response, as with any response. - Can Send Email Allow users of this rank to send email to other users. Remember, if the "Allow Users to Send Email" option is NOT checked, users will NOT be able to send email regardless of their level. - Can Receive Email Allow users of this rank to receive email. - Can Promote Users Allow remote promotion of users by users of this rank. If this option is checked for a certain rank, users of this rank may whisper "/promote user" to the chat to raise a user up one rank. Example: /promote -Lady~Topazwill promote me to the next level on the list. Users may NOT promote other users any higher than their OWN level, to prevent people of low level giving others options beyond what they can do themselves. - Can Demote Users Allows users to use the "/demote" command to lower a user by one level. Works the same way as /promote, except that users cannot demote a user below

the first level, nor can they demote users of the SAME or HIGHER rank than themselves. - Can Talk in Channel This option will allow a user to talk in the channel if they are this level. If this option is NOT checked, users of this level will be BANNED if they talk in the channel. Use this option only for guest users or enemies, otherwise it will ban people anyone who talks. - Owner Functions: - /close Allows a user of this level to issue a remote /close command to turn off the chat. - /squelch Allows users of this level to instruct the chat to squelch other users. - /unsquelch Allows users of this level to instruct the chat to unsquelch other users. - /join Allows users of this level to instruct the chat to join another channel - /kick Allows users of this level to instruct the chat to kick other users. - /ban Allows users of this level to instruct the chat to ban other users. - /unban Allows users of this level to instruct the chat to unban other users. - /exec or /stop Allows users of this level to execute text files - gives access to the commands /exec, /setuser, /clearuser, /stop and /reset. Access Levels Tab This tab allows you to set users to certain access levels. Define the access levels themselves in the Channel Server Tab.

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