Tomografia para o Urologista Antonio Fernandes Neto
ANATOMICAL FEATURES: 1. Right lobe of liver 2. Aorta 3. Right ventricle of heart 4. Left ventricle of heart 5. Inferior vena cava (IVC) 6. Esophagus 7. Azygous vein 8. Hemiazygous vein 9. Left lobe of liver 10. Fundus of stomach 11. Spleen 12. Right crus of diaphragm 13. Left crus of diapgragm 14. Left portal vein 15. Body of stomach 16. Right portal vein 17. Right adrenal gland 18. Celiac artery (trunk) 19. Splenic artery 20. Hepatic artery 21. Main portal vein 22. Left adrenal gland
23. Body of pancreas 24. Splenic vein 25. Gallbladder 26. Antrum of stomach 27. 1st part of duodenum 28. Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) 29. Right kidney 30. Left kidney 31. Head of pancreas 32. 2nd part of duodenum 33. Left renal vein 34. Right renal artery 35. Right renal vein 36. Superior mesenteric vein (SMV) 37. Hepatic flexure of colon 38. 3rd part of duodenum 39. Jejunum 40. Transverse colon 41. Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) 42. Right common iliac artery 43. Left common iliac artery
ANATOMICAL FEATURES: 1. Right ventricle 2. Left ventricle 3. Aorta 4. Liver 5. Left hepatic vein 6. Middle hepatic vein 7. Right hepatic vein 8. Inferior vena cava 9. Stomach 10. Spleen 11. Right crus of diaphragm 12. Left crus of diaphragm 13. Celiac axis 14. Tail of pancreas 15. Splenic artery 16. Portal vein 17. Body of pancreas 18. Right kidney 19. Left kidney 20. Head of pancreas 21. Jejunum 22. Gallbladder 23. Umbilicus
C/T Scan Abdomen, Level of Liver and Gallbladder
C/T Scan Abdomen, Level of Liver and Spleen
C/T scan of abdomen, level of pancreas:
C/T scan of abdomen, level of kidneys:
C/T scan of kidneys and related structures
C/T scan of abdomen :
1-Liver. 2-Abdominal Aorta. 3-Stomach. 4-Spleen. 5-Azygos vein.
1-Right crus of the diaphragm 2-Left crus of the diaphragm 3-Hemiazygos vein 4-Erector spinae muscle 5-Rectus abdominis muscle 6-Linea alba
1-Right kidney. 2-Left Kidney. 3-Spinal canal. 4-Gall bladder. 5-Jejunum. 6-Inferior vena cava. 7-Hepatic flexure. 8-Descending colon
Abdomen & Pelvis (T11,12) Liver
Abdomen & Pelvis (T11,12) Liver Veia cava inferior Crura do diafragma
Abdomen & Pelvis - approx. L2,3 level Estômago
Vesícula biliar
Colon transverso
Cabeça do pâncreas
Abdomen & Pelvis - approx. L2,3 level
Cauda do pâncreas
Rim direito
Veia cava
Músculo psoas
Artéria mesentérica superior
Abdomen & Pelvis - approx. L3,4 level
Colon descendente
Músculo psoas
Colon ascendente
Reto abdominal
Abdomen & Pelvis - approx. L5 level Colon ascendente
Crista Ilíaca
Colon descendente
Glúteo Máximo
Ureter direito e esquerdo
Abdomen & Pelvis - approx. L5 level Músculo ilíaco Artéria ilíaca comum
Veia ilíaca comum
Abdomen & Pelvis - Female Pelvis 1 Ílium
Músculo ílio psoas
Abdomen & Pelvis - Female Pelvis 1
Músculo reto abdominal
Músculo glúteo menor
Músculo glúteo maior
Abdomen & Pelvis - Female Pelvis 1
Tuberosidade Isquiática
Sínfise púbica Vagina
Músculo glúteo máximo
Abdomen & Pelvis - Male Pelvis 1
Hip joint
Bexiga Vesícula seminal
Obturador interno
Glúteo máximo
Abdomen & Pelvis - Male Pelvis 1
Tuberosidade isquiática
Obturador interno
Elevador do anús
Supra renal direita e esquerda
Tb da adrenal com calcificação
An abdominal CT scan showing an enlarged adrenal gland
71-year-old man with primary hyperaldosteronism due to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Unenhanced CT image shows markedly enlarged adrenal limbs bilaterally (arrows).
Primary hyperaldosteronism due to left aldosterone-producing adenoma.
Nodular bilateral adrenal hyperplasia that was incorrectly diagnosed as aldosterone-producing adenoma by radiologist. Enhanced CT image obtained more caudally shows measurably hyperplastic limbs (arrows) bilaterally with mean limb width of 5.2 mm. Right medial limb width is 4.7 mm; right lateral limb width, 5.1 mm; left medial limb width, 6.1 mm; and left lateral limb width, 5.2 mm.
This scan shows a left adrenal gland (yellow) lying on top of the left kidney (red) and behind the pancreas (green). The spleen is outlined in blue.
Axial CT urography image showing a filling defect in the right renal pelvis consistent with a large urothelial tumor
The CT scan of the pelvis showed a thrombosis inferior vena cava up to the renal veins.
Tumor de Fígado
Tumor renal
A renal tumor is present in the kidney (arrow).
A CT scan of the middle abdomen showing metastasis (cancer that has spread) in the left kidney in a patient with carcinoma of the lung. Note the large dark circular tumor in the kidney on the right side of the picture.
Angiomiolipola direito de 7 mm
Angiomiolipola bilateral
Angiomiolipola direito
Abscesso renal
Figure 1. Noncontrast CT scan at the level of the kidneys shows heterogeneous density of the right kidney
Abscesso renal Figure 2. Postcontrast CT scans at the levels of the kidneys. The upper picture shows multiple small abscesses (a) in the right kidney, thickening of the Gerota's fascia (red arrow), pus in the right perirenal space (blue arrows), and a pararenal abscess (Ab). The lower picture shows multiple small abscesses in the lower pole of the right kidney (RK), and an abscess in the right psoas muscle (Ps).
Abscesso subfrênico
Rim em ferradura
Nefroma cistico
Tumor renal
Estenose da JUP
Multilple cysts in left and right kidney.
Doença renal policística
Axial CT image of the liver and kidneys shows a benign (non-cancerous) cyst in the right kidney
Hidronefrose bilateral Hidronefrose direita
Hipoplasia renal
Abscesso subfrenico e clipe cirúrgico
Cálculo renal
Pielonefrite enfisematosa
Pielonefrite crônica
mais hematoma a esquerda
Pielonefrite xantogranulomatosa
Psoas and pararenal space hematoma Contrast-enhanced CT image shows a round hypodense mass involving left posterior pararenal space. Note anterolateral displacement of the left kidney
1 cm more caudal CT image: some areas of the mass have relatively high attenuation values, indicating acute hemorrhage
A more caudal CT image demonstrates enlargement of the mass
Trauma renal direito
Hemangioma renal
Renal hemangioma in a 31-years-old man. A. Enhanced CT scan shows a non-enhancing mass with lobulated margin in the lower pole of the left kidney. Unenhanced CT scan shows a high-attenuated mass suggesting hemorrhage (not shown).
Trombose da artéria renal direita - Rim não contrasta
Traumatismo renal
Traumatismo renal
Traumatismo renal
Contrast enhanced computed tomography of the abdomen demonstrates a moderate-sized left subcapsular hematoma which compresses the renal parenchyma The left nephrogram is slightly diminished and there is no excretion of contrast by the left kidney.
Traumatismo renal
A wedge-shaped low density laceration is seen]in the anterior midpole of the left kidney
There is mild infiltration of the left perinephric fat (arrows),but no large perinephric hematomais seen.
CT scan of the kidneys with intravenous contrast showing a solid mass in the right kidney and a mass anteromedial to the left kidney where one would expect the left adrenal.
C/T scan of male pelvis
C/T scan of a female pelvis:
Axial image from "stone protocol" CT showing left ureteral stone.
ANATOMICAL FEATURES: 1. Umbilicus 2. Rectus abdominis muscle 3. External oblique muscle 4. Internal oblique muscle 5. Transversus abdominis muscle 6. Inferior vena cava 7. Aorta 8. Right kidney 9. Left kidney 10. Psoas major muscle 11. Quadratus lumborum muscle 12. Erector spinae muscle 13. Right common iliac artery 14. Left common iliac artery 15. Right common iliac vein 16. Left common iliac vein 17. Inferior epigastric vessels 18. Iliac crest 19. Iliacus muscle 20. Gluteus medius muscle 21. Sacroiliac joint 22. Ala of sacrum 23. Gluteus minimus muscle 24. Gluteus maximus muscle
25. Iliopsoas muscle 26. Piriformis muscle 27. Bladder 28. External iliac artery 29. External iliac vein 30. Sartorius muscle 31. Tensor fasciae latae muscle 32. Femoral head 33. Seminal vesicles 34. Pubis 35. Ischium 36. Rectum 37. Obturator internus muscle 38. Rectus femoris muscle 39. Femoral artery 40. Femoral vein 41. Prostate 42. Spermatic cord 43. Corpora cavernosa of penis 44. Epididymis 45. Anal sphincter muscles 46. Testes 47. Bulb of penis 48. Crus of penis and ischiocavernosus muscle
ANATOMICAL FEATURES: 1. Ascending colon 2. Right kidney 3. Right ureter 4. Left ureter 5. Left kidney 6. Descending colon 7. Inferior vena cava 8. Aorta 9. Jejunum 10. Right common iliac artery 11. Left common iliac artery 12. Right common iliac vein 13. Left common iliac vein 14. Ileum 15. Cecum 16. Appendix 17. Sigmoid colon 18. Bladder 19. Right ureterovesical junction (UVJ) 20. Left ureterovesical junction (UVJ) 21. Seminal vesicles 22. Rectum 23. Penis 24. Prostate
ANATOMICAL FEATURES: 1. Descending colon 2. Ascending colon 3. Right kidney 4. Left kidney 5. Inferior vena cava (IVC) 6. Aorta 7. Psoas major muscle 8. Right common iliac artery 9. Left common iliac artery 10. Right common iliac vein 11. Left common iliac vein 12. Right ovary 13. Sigmoid colon 14. Uterus 15. Left ovary 16. Rectouterine pouch (cul-de-sac of douglas) 17. Rectum 18. Urinary bladder 19. Cervix 20. Vagina 21. Levator ani 22. Symphysis pubis 23. Urethra 24. Ischiorectal fossa
ANATOMICAL FEATURES: 1. Rectus abdominis muscle 2. Sigmoid colon 3. Right ovary 4. Left ovary 5. Uterus 6. Round ligament of uterus 7. Rectum 8. Cervix 9. Rectouterine pouch (pouch of douglas) 10. Urinary bladder 11. Vesicouterine pouch 12. Vagina 13. Fat in ischioanal fossa (ishiorectal fossa) 14. Urethra 15. Anal canal