Blue curve is predicted distance modulus as a function of Z in EdS spacetime. Red curve is blue curve adjusted for varying-c using Louise’s procedure.
This is the point at Z = 1.5, • = 44.48 and it’s location z = 0.64, • = 43.49 after applying the varying-c adjustment. These are the two points at Z = 0.5 and Z = 1.0 given in Louise’s paper, and their locations z = 0.38 and z = 0.57 after applying the varying-c adjustment. However, if one plots more points it is clear that the curve is not a straight line as shown in Louise’s graph. It is not possible for z to attain values greater than 0.65.
This is a plot of varying-c adjusted z against Z – it maxes out at around z = 0.65 when Z = 1.85 and decreases from then on (as plots at larger Z would show). The relationship (assuming I have interpreted Louise’s procedure correctly) is:
1 + Z (1 + Z ) 2 + (1 + Z ) 2 − 1 1 + Z (1 + Z ) − (1 + Z ) + 1 2