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  • Words: 14,045
  • Pages: 125
Transport Information System 2 008

Table of Contents 1. BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................6 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT........................................................................................................9 3. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................11 3.1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW:.................................................................................................................11 3.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:.............................................................................................................11 3.3 PROJECT SCOPE........................................................................................................................11 3.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION:..............................................................................................................12 3.5 ACTUAL DESIGN:.....................................................................................................................12 3.6 UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENT:.......................................................................................................13 3.7 SYSTEM MODULE:....................................................................................................................14 3.8 SYSTEM COMPONENTS:.............................................................................................................16 3.9 POTENTIAL CLIENTS:................................................................................................................16 4. LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................18 4.1 GSM NETWORK......................................................................................................................18 4.1.1 History of GSM.............................................................................................................18 4.1.2 Services provided by GSM............................................................................................19 4.1.3 Architecture of the GSM network.................................................................................20 21 4.1.4 Mobile Station..............................................................................................................21 4.1.5 Network Subsystem.......................................................................................................22 4.1.6 Radio link aspects.........................................................................................................22 4.1.7 Network aspects............................................................................................................23 4.2 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS)..........................................................................................24 4.2.1 GPS...............................................................................................................................24 4.2.2 GPS Receivers..............................................................................................................26 4.2.3 NMEA Data..................................................................................................................27 5. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN......................................................................................................30

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5.1 ACTOR USE CASE DIAGRAM:....................................................................................................30 5.2 ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................32 5.3 DESIGN:..................................................................................................................................59 6. IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................................................83 6.1 APPLICATION INTERFACES:.........................................................................................................83 6.2 USER SERVICE:........................................................................................................................99 6.3 DEVICE SERVICE:...................................................................................................................100 6.3.1 TeltonikaFM4100........................................................................................................101 7. DATABASE IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................................104 7.1.1 Entity Relationship diagrams.....................................................................................104 8. TESTING................................................................................................................................107 8.1 TESTING AREAS.....................................................................................................................107 8.2 TESTING PHASES.....................................................................................................................107 8.2.1 Phase 1.......................................................................................................................107 8.2.2 Phase 2.......................................................................................................................108 8.2.3 Phase 3.......................................................................................................................109 9. RESULTS................................................................................................................................112 10. DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................................119 11. CONCLUSION.....................................................................................................................121 12. FUTURE WORK.................................................................................................................123 13. REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................125 13.1 WEB REFERENCES................................................................................................................125

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List of Figures

FIG. 3.1 SYSTEM VIEW...........................................................................................................13 FIG. 3.2 UPDATED SYSTEM VIEW.......................................................................................14 FIG. 4.3 GENERAL ARCHITECTURE OF A GSM NETWORK [1]..................................21 FIG. 4.4 ORGANIZATION OF BURSTS, TDMA FRAMES, AND MULTI FRAMES FOR SPEECH AND DATA [1].............................................................................................................23 FIG. 4.5 SIGNALING PROTOCOL STRUCTURE IN GSM [1]..........................................24 FIG. 4.6 HOW GPS WORKS [2]...............................................................................................25 FIG. 4.7 GPS SATELLITE [3]...................................................................................................26 FIG. 4.8 GPS SATELLITE CONSTELLATION [3]...............................................................27 FIG. 5.9 USE CASE COMMUTER..........................................................................................31 FIG. 5.10 USE CASE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR.............................................................32 FIG. 6.11 ADD A NEW BUS GROUP.......................................................................................83 FIG. 6.12 ADD A NEW BUS......................................................................................................84 FIG. 6.13 ADD A NEW ROUTE................................................................................................84 FIG. 6.14 ADD NEW STOPS AND THEIR LOCATIONS FOR ROUTE UP......................85 FIG. 6.15 ADD NEW STOPS AND THEIR LOCATIONS FOR ROUTE DOWN..............86 FIG. 6.16 ADD A NEW DEVICE..............................................................................................86 FIG. 6.17 ADD A NEW DRIVER AND ITS INFORMATION...............................................87 FIG. 6.18 ADD STOPS FOR THE ROUTE UP.......................................................................88 FIG. 6.19 ADD STOPS FOR THE ROUTE DOWN...............................................................89 FIG. 6.20 EDIT THE DEVICE NUMBER...............................................................................89 FIG. 6.21 EDIT THE BUS NAME............................................................................................90 FIG. 6.22 EDIT THE ROUTE NAME......................................................................................90 FIG. 6.23 EDIT THE STOP IN ROUTE UP............................................................................91 FIG. 6.24 EDIT THE STOP IN ROUTE DOWN.....................................................................92 FIG. 6.25 EDIT REGISTRATION NUMBER.........................................................................93 FIG. 6.26 EDIT STOP LOCATION FOR ROUTE DOWN....................................................93 3 of 125

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FIG. 6.27 EDIT STOP LOCATION FOR ROUTE UP...........................................................94 FIG. 6.28 DELETE THE BUS THAT HAS LEFT THE COMPANY....................................95 FIG. 6.29 DELETE THE DRIVER INFORMATION.............................................................95 FIG. 6.30 DELETE THE DEVICE THAT HAS BEEN DEFECTED...................................96 FIG. 6.31 TERMINATE THE BUS INSTANCE OF THE BUS THAT HAS REACHED ITS DESTINATION....................................................................................................................96 FIG. 6.32 TRACK THE CURRENT LOCATION OF THE BUSS WITH RESPECT TO THE BUS NAME.........................................................................................................................97 FIG. 6.33 CREATE A NEW INSTANCE OF THE BUS.........................................................98 FIG. 6.34 BUS INSTANCE DETAIL........................................................................................98 FIG. 6.35 TELTONIKAFM4100 [5]........................................................................................102 FIG. 7.36 SYSTEM ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM...............................................105 FIG. 9.37 WRONG STOP NAME...........................................................................................112 FIG. 9.38 REPLY OF WRONG STOP NAME......................................................................113 FIG. 9.39 WRONG ROUTE....................................................................................................114 FIG. 9.40 REPLY OF WRONG ROUTE................................................................................114 FIG. 9.41 WRONG BUS NAME..............................................................................................115 FIG. 9.42 REPLY WRONG BUS NAME................................................................................116 FIG. 9.43 CORRECT FORMAT.............................................................................................117 FIG. 9.44 CORRECT REPLY.................................................................................................117

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1. Background Many vehicle tracker companies are currently working in Pakistan. They are using some dedicated software applications for manipulating GPS coordinates. But no one is working on application that gives the SMS interface for real time query. The field in which we worked is somehow different because we provide the SMS interface for tracking application. When we talk about GPS history in Pakistan it is widely used by the vehicle tracker companies, GPS-GSM device is installed in the vehicle ,it simply send data to the server about the current location of the vehicle ,the particular data is uploaded by using the GPRS facility of GSM modem. Some companies are also using SMS alerts to track the particular vehicle. Data that is received by GPRS or in SMS is basically the Longitude & Latitude of a particular instance, these longitudes & latitudes are then mapped on real map, by using this strategy vehicle’s current location and speed is investigated. The major job that is performed by this type of companies is to make sure that their registered vehicle should be transported within defined boundaries. In case of route violation they will track the vehicle and inform the law enforcement agencies about the current location of the vehicle. Some part of our project task is very much similar with the job of any tracker company. On the other hand we have to maintain the current location of each bus in database. Secondly we have to select a communication technique that is accessible for the majority of the citizens of Karachi. GSM mobile phone is the first option for updating a commuter. Mobile phone users increased rapidly in last few years and today that trend is growing in the same fashion. The major reason

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behind this development is the portability and exponential decrease in the cost of cell phones. On the other hand the GSM service providers are also increasing rapidly in Pakistan. The average cost of the SMS service provided by these companies is reduced to 20 or 10 paisa per SMS. So SMS service is the best option available today for updating the commuter any where and any time. Initially the idea was to build a distributed web application, because the bus starts from two locations and the data of both the busses should be maintained. This idea was turned down because of the cost of the project. If it would have been distributed then the company will have to appoint two computer literate people on both ends and also an extra personal computer.

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Problem Statement

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2. Problem Statement Majority of population in Karachi travels in public transport, their trouble starts when they reach at bus stop and wait for the arrival their desired bus. Passengers have to spend their precious time at bus stop without any shelter. There is no specific arrival time of these public busses. Now if there is some way that these passengers are get informed by the arrival time of that particular bus they can save their valuable time as well as their trouble is reduced.

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3. Introduction In this chapter we have discussed design, key constituents, requirement specification, and performance specification and block diagram of transport information system.

3.1 System Overview: To develop a system that informs a commuter about the arrival time of his/her desired bus (Public Transport) on their cell phones screens.

3.2 Aims and Objectives: To make information system to facilitate public transport passenger especially in Karachi by informing the commuters about arrival of their desired bus remotely. We can decrease much of their trouble by updating them with the bus arrival time on their stop. For achieving that goal we have to select such a communication technique that is cheap as well as in access of every single person.

3.3 Project Scope The idea of the project is about providing transport operators and passengers an attractive alternate of commuting in the city in their personal vehicles. The project will track and provide availability of public transport information to the commuters easily accessible on the screens of their cell phones.

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3.4 System Description: Transport Information System is a vehicle tracking system having interface with GSM networks. A GPS device is installed in the vehicle to track the vehicle location. This system facilitates the commuters by sending approximate time that a bus needs to get to the stop required by the commuter on the screens of their cell phones. The commuter will send a SMS in the following format <Bus Name> <Stop Name > . The commuter will be updated about the approximate timing of the bus which he/she has queried.

3.5 Actual Design: The complete transport information system comprises of GPS receiver that is installed in the bus. The GPS receiver data that is simply a sentence carrying longitude & latitude of a particular location is uploaded on a real IP by using GPRS technology. Database is continuously updated by current location of the particular bus. On the other hand commuters send SMS that also propagate through GSM network and received on GMSM modem installed on server. Complete system overview of transport information system is described in Fig 3.1. 1. Commuter send an inquiry SMS to server. 2. SMS received at server through GSM network. 3. Server is continuously updated by the current location of each bus on route. 4. Time calculation is performed at server end with respect to the current SMS received.

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5. Commuter is informed by the arrival time of his/her desired bus by reply SMS.

Fig. 3.1 System view

3.6 University Requirement: After the project defense presentation scope of transport information system is revised, according to new scope we have to focus on system design defined in Fig 3.2. Basically the work on GPS receiver and its communication with the server is omitted. University provided a dedicated device FM4100 that has built-in GPS receiver & GSM modem available on a single package. By using that device we able to upload the current location of each bus on a 13 of 125

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real IP by using the GPRS facility of respective GSM modem. Database & application design is our major task; we also have to work on SMS service provided by our application.

Fig. 3.2 Updated System View

3.7 System Module: The system comprises of three modules 1. SMS

2. Database

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3. GPS A GSM modem along with a GPS module will be installed in each bus which will send the exact coordinates of the bus to the internet after every 10 seconds. That data will be downloaded by a windows service to the database server. The SMS that the user will send will be received by the OZEKI Message Server in “.MSG” format. The file will be saved in a folder “SMS IN”. This file will then be read by our application and parse the message and apply the following checks: 1. If the bus name exists or not. 2. If it exists, then does the required stop belong to that bus route? 3. If the stop does not exist, then a SMS will be sent back to the user indicating that the stop

does not belongs to the route. 4. If it exists in the route then the system checks all the buses in that particular route then the bus that is closest to the queried stop is checked first. 5.

The time to reach of the bus whose next stop corresponds to the stop name sent by the user through the SMS is sent back to the user.


If there is not any bus exist whose next stop corresponds to the stop name sent by the user then the system searches for a bus on the stop previous to that. It continues searching until it finds a bus on a stop. The system then adds up the time for the bus to reach each stop up to the required stop.

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The reply will be sent via a text file to the “SMS OUT” folder. The file will have the same name as the user’s cell phone number. The folder is maintained by the OZEKI message server. The server sends the file as a SMS to the user.

3.8 System Components: The system consists of the following components 1. GSM Modem 2. GPS Module 3. Real IP

3.9 Potential Clients: 1. Busses like Metro Bus Service and UTS 2. National Logistic Cell

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Literature Review

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4. Literature Review In this chapter we mentioned the literature review that we studied before the design and implementation of the project, the respective material has truly help a lot in understanding key constituent design & execution of transport information system.

4.1 GSM Network 4.1.1History of GSM In the early 1980s, analog cellular telephone systems were achieving rapid expansion in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, but also in France and Germany. Each country developed its own system, which was unable to coexist with everyone else's in system and processes. This was an unattractive circumstance, because the mobile equipment was bounded to operation within national boundaries, the mobile phones users can communicate only within a selected system boundary. The Europeans understand this early on, and in 1982 the Conference of European Posts and Telegraphs (CEPT) formed a study group called the Groupe Spécial Mobile (GSM) to study and develop a pan-European public land mobile system. The proposed system had to meet certain criteria: 1. Good subjective speech quality 2. Low terminal and service cost 3. Support for international roaming

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4. Ability to support handheld terminals 5. Support for range of new services and facilities 6. Spectral efficiency 7. ISDN compatibility

4.1.2Services provided by GSM From the very first day, the pioneers of GSM wanted ISDN compatibility with respect to services that offered by GSM. However, radio transmission limitations, in terms of bandwidth and cost, do not allow the standard ISDN B-channel bit rate of 64 kbps to be practically achieved. Using the ITU-T definitions, telecommunication services can be composed of bearer services, tele services, and additional services. The most basic tele service supported by GSM is telephony. As with all other communications, speech is digitally encoded and transmitted through the GSM network as a digital stream. A wide range of data services is offered by GSM. GSM users can send and receive data, at rates up to 9600 bps, to users on POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), ISDN, Packet Switched Public Data Networks, and Circuit Switched Public Data Networks using a variety of access methods and protocols. Since GSM is a digital network, a modem is not required between the user and GSM network, although an audio modem is required inside the GSM network to inter work with POTS.A unique feature of GSM, not found in older analog systems, is the Short Message Service (SMS). SMS is a bidirectional service for short alphanumeric (up to 160 bytes) messages. These digital messages are transported in a store-and-forward approach. For point-to-point SMS, a message can be sent or received to another subscriber, and an acknowledgement of the reception 19 of 125

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of the SMS is received by the sender that particular SMS is received by the destination or receiver. SMS can also be used in a cell-broadcast mode; this type of service is used when we have to send same massage to multiple users like news broadcast. SMS can also be stored in the SIM card for later retrieval [1].

4.1.3Architecture of the GSM network A GSM network is composed of several useful units, whose functions and interfaces are specified. Fig 4.1 shows the layout of a generic GSM network. The GSM network can be divided into three broad parts. The Mobile Station is carried by the subscriber. The Base Station Subsystem controls the radio link with the Mobile Station. The Network Subsystem, the main part of which is the Mobile services Switching Center (MSC), executes the switching of calls between the multiple mobile users, and between mobile and fixed network users. The MSC also holds the mobility management operations. Not shown is the process and Maintenance Center, which manages the proper operation and setup of the network. The Mobile Station and the Base Station Subsystem communicate across the Um interface, also known as the air interface or radio link. The Base Station Subsystem communicates with the Mobile services Switching Center across the A interface [1].

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Fig. 4.3 General architecture of a GSM network [1]

4.1.4Mobile Station The mobile station (MS) consists of the mobile tools (the terminal) and a smart card called the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). The SIM provides personal mobility, so that the user can have access to subscribed services irrespective of a specific terminal. By inserting the SIM card into another GSM terminal, the user is able to receive calls at that terminal, make calls from that terminal, and receive other subscribed services. The mobile equipment is uniquely identified by the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). The SIM card contains the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) used to identify the subscriber to the system, a secret key for authentication, and other information. The

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IMEI and the IMSI are independent, thereby allowing personal mobility. The SIM card may be protected against unauthorized use by a password or personal identity number [1].

4.1.5Network Subsystem The central part of the Network Subsystem is the Mobile services Switching Center (MSC). It acts like a normal switching node of the PSTN or ISDN, as well as give all the functionality needed to handle a mobile subscriber, such as registration, authentication, location updating, handovers, and call routing to a roaming subscriber. These services are provided in combination with several functional entities, which together form the Network Subsystem [1].

4.1.6Radio link aspects The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which manages the international allocation of radio spectrum, allocated the bands 890-915 MHz for the uplink; mobile station to base station, and 935-960 MHz for the downlink ;base station to mobile station, for mobile networks in Europe. Since this range was already being used in the early 1980s by the analog systems of the day, the CEPT had the foresight to reserve the top 10 MHz of each band for the GSM network that was still being developed. Ultimately, GSM will be assigned the whole 2x25 MHz bandwidth [1]. Traffic channels A traffic channel (TCH) is used to carry speech and data traffic. Traffic channels are defined using a 26-frame multiform, or group of 26 TDMA frames. The length of a 26-frame multiform is 120 ms, which is how the length of a burst period is defined (120 ms divided by 26 frames 22 of 125

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divided by 8 burst periods per frame). Out of the 26 frames, 24 are used for traffic, 1 is used for the Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH) and 1 is currently unused as mentioned in Fig 4.2. TCHs for the uplink and downlink are separated in time by 3 burst periods, so that the mobile station does not have to transmit and receive simultaneously, thus simplifying the electronics [1].

Fig. 4.4 Organization of bursts, TDMA frames, and multi frames for speech and data [1]

4.1.7Network aspects Ensuring the communication of voice or data of a given quality over the radio link is only part of the role of a cellular mobile network. A GSM mobile can faultlessly wander nationally and internationally, which requires that registration, authentication, call routing and location updating functions exist and are homogeneous in GSM networks. In addition, the fact that the

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geographical area covered by the network is divided into cells requires the implementation of a handover mechanism [1]. As mentioned in Fig 4.3.

Fig. 4.5 Signaling protocol structure in GSM [1]

4.2 Global positioning system (GPS) 4.2.1GPS The law behind GPS is the calculation of distance between the satellites and the receiver. The satellites notify receiver exactly where they are in their orbits by broadcasting data, the receiver on the other end uses that similar data to compute their positions. If we know our precise distance from a satellite in space, we know we are somewhere on the surface of an imaginary sphere with a radius equal to the distance to the satellite radius. If we know our exact distance from two satellites, we know that we are located somewhere on the line where the two spheres intersect. And, if we take a third and a fourth measurement from two more satellites, we can find our location. The GPS receiver processes the satellite range measurements and produces its position Fig 4.4. 24 of 125

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Fig. 4.6 How GPS works [2]

GPS utilizes a method of coordinates called WGS 84, which stands for World Geodetic System 1984. It permits surveyors all around the world to generate maps, all with a common reference frame for the lines of latitude and longitude that trace places and things all over the entire world. Likewise, GPS uses time from the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., to synchronize all the timing constituents of the GPS system, much like Harrison's chronometer was synchronized to the time at Greenwich [2].

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4.2.2GPS Receivers GPS generally means a GPS receiver. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is actually a constellation of 27 Earth-orbiting satellites (24 in operation and three backup in case one fails). The U.S. military developed and executed this satellite network for a military navigation system, but soon opened it everyone else. Fig 4.5 & 4.6 shows the GPS satellites hovering around earth.

Fig. 4.7 GPS satellite [3]

Each of these 3,000- to 4,000-pound solar-powered satellites float around the Earth at about 12,000 miles (19,300 km), making two complete rotations every day. The orbits are arranged so that at anytime, anywhere on Earth, there are at least four satellites "visible" in the sky.

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Fig. 4.8 GPS satellite constellation [3]

A GPS receiver's function is to locate four or more of these satellites, calculate the distance to each one, and use this information to deduce its own location. GPS receiver formulates that data in form of longitude and latitude respectively [3].

4.2.3NMEA Data The National Marine Electronics Association NMEA has developed a design that defines the interface between various pieces of marine electronic equipment. The standard allows marine electronics to send information to computers and to other marine equipment. GPS receiver communication is defined within this specification. Most computer programs that provide real time position information understand and expect data to be in NMEA format. This data includes the complete PVT (position, velocity, time) solution computed by the GPS receiver [4].

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Transport Information System 2 008 NMEA sentence NMEA consists of sentences, the first word of which, called a data type, defines the explanation of the rest of the sentence. Each Data type would have its own unique interpretation and is defined in the NMEA standard. NMEA sentences may repeat some of the same information but will also supply new data. Whatever device or program that interpret the data can watch for the data sentence that it is concerned and simply ignore other sentences that is doesn't care about [4].

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Analysis and Design

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5. Analysis and Design In this chapter we have discussed overall system structure, requirement capture, data handling methods and dataflow techniques.

5.1 Actor Use Case Diagram: Use-cases are used to capture the requirements of the customer. Through use-case modeling, the external actors that have interest in the system are modeled along with the functionality they require from the system (the use cases). The actors and use cases are modeled with relationships and have communication associations with each other or are broken down into hierarchies. The actors and use cases are described in a UML use-case diagram. Each use case is described in text, and that specifies the requirements of the customer, what he or she expects of the system, without considering how the functionality will be implemented. Transport information system has two major actors which is Commuter and System administrator. The use-case diagrams are mentioned in Fig 5.1 & 5.2.

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Send sms Initiate

Receives sms



Fig. 5.9 Use Case Commuter

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Fig. 5.10 Use Case System Administrator

5.2 Analysis Analysis is concerned with the primary abstractions and mechanisms that are present in the problem domain. Analysis provides the software designer with a representation of information, function, and behavior that can be translated to data, architectural, interface, and componentlevel designs. Each analysis method has a unique point of view. However, all analysis methods are related by a set of operational principles:

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1. The information domain of a problem must be represented and understood. 2. The functions that the software is to perform must be defined. 3. The behavior of the software (as a consequence of external events) must be represented. 4. The models that depict information function and behavior must be partitioned in a manner that uncovers detail in a layered (or hierarchical) fashion. 5. The analysis process should move from essential information toward implementation detail.

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Commuter’s Query




Commuter will send a SMS about the information of a particular bus. SYSTEM RESPONSE

ACTOR ACTION STEP 1: commuter will send an SMS about the enquiry of the bus

STEP 2 : System will first check that the bus belongs to the particular route or not STEP 2.1 If the bus name does not exist STEP2.1.1 A SMS will be sent to the user that the bus does not exist. STEP2.2 If the bus exists then STEP3: The stop name queried by the user will be verified STEP 3.1 If the stop does not come in the route of the bus STEP3.1.1 A SMS will be sent to the user that the stop does not belong to the route. STEP 3.2 If the exist in the route of the bus then STEP 4 : All the busses in that particular route will be checked STEP 5: The bus that is closest to the queried stop is checked first. STEP 6: The bus whose next stop corresponds to the stop name sent by the user through the SMS STEP 6.1: if there does not exist any bus whose next stop corresponds to the stop name sent by the user then the system searches for a bus on the stop previous to that. It continues searching until it finds a bus on a stop. The system then adds up the time for the bus to reach each stop up to the required stop. STEP 7: System will send an SMS to the user about the approximate timing of the bus to arrive at the queried bus stop


NONE SMS should be sent at a predefined format NONE NONE

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Add a new bus Group Add a new bus


System administrator System administrator

DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: ACTOR ACTION ACTOR ACTION STEP 1: System administrator will add a STEP 1: system administrator will add a new new Group of bus bus.

Adding a new bus Group. Adding a new bus. SYSTEM RESPONSE SYSTEM RESPONSE STEP 2 : Add New Bus Group STEP 2 : Add new bus

STEP 3: New bus Group is added STEP 3: New bus is added ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Bus not exist in not the database The should bus Group should exist


Bus existshould in theexist database The should bus Group in the database



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Add a new route


System administrator


Adding a new route for new group of busses SYSTEM RESPONSE

ACTOR ACTION STEP 1: System administrator will add a new route for new group of busses.

STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to add a new route STEP 3: New route for new group of bus is added ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION PRE CONDITION

NONE 1. Route of that name should not exist 2. The bus Group to which the Route is to be assigned should exist


Route must exist in the database



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Add a new stop Location for Route Up


System administrator


Adding a new stop location for Route Up



STEP 1: System administrator will add a new stop and the latitude and longitude of that particular stop STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to add a new stop and its latitude and longitude STEP 3: New stop for route up is added ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Stop name and the latitude and longitude should not exist


Stop name and latitude and longitude should exist NONE



Add a new stop Location for Route Down


System administrator


Adding a new stop location for Route Down



STEP 1: System administrator will add a new stop and the latitude and longitude of that particular stop STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to 39 of 125

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add a new stop and its latitude and longitude

STEP 3: New stop for route down is added ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Stop name and the latitude and longitude should not exist


Stop name and latitude and longitude should exist NONE



Add a new stop in existing route for up


System administrator


Adding a new stop in the existing route for up SYSTEM RESPONSE

ACTOR ACTION STEP 1: System administrator will add a new stop in the existing route

STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to add a new stop STEP 3: New stop in the route is added bus is added ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Stop name should not exist. Next Stop must not exist against that particular stop 40 of 125

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Stop Name , Next Stop should exist




Add Driver


System administrator


Adding Driver



STEP 1: System administrator will add the name of a new driver

USECASE NAME: STEP 3: New Driver name is added ACTOR

STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to add a new driver name Add a new stop in existing route for Down System administrator


NONE Adding a new stop in the existing route for Down 1. NIC number of that driver should not SYSTEM RESPONSE exist. 2. License Number should exist in the STEP 1: system administrator will add a new database. stop in the existing route POSTCONDITION Values Should be added in the database ASSUMPTION

STEP NONE2 : System will give instruction how to add a new stop

STEP 3: New stop in the route is added bus is added ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Stop name should not exist. Next Stop must not exist against that particular stop


Stop Name ,Next Stop should exist 41 of 125



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Add a GSM /GPS Device


System administrator


Adding a new GSM GPS Modem



STEP 1: System administrator will add a new GSM/GPS Modem STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to add a new Device STEP 3: New device is added ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



The device of that particular GSM-id should not exist


The device of that particular GSM-id should exist in the database NONE


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Transport Information System 2 008 USECASE NAME:

Change Bus Device


System administrator


Chang the Device for a particular bus



STEP 1: System administrator will change the Device ID for the particular Bus STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to change the Device STEP 3: Device ID for the particular bus is updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



The device ID should not be assigned to any other bus Values Should be updated in the database



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Edit a bus Group


System administrator


Editing a bus Group that has been entered wrong SYSTEM RESPONSE

ACTOR ACTION STEP 1: System administrator will edit Group of bus

STEP 2 : Update the changes STEP 3: Bus Group is updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



The bus Group should not exist


The bus Group should exist in the database



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Edit Bus


System administrator


Editing the Registration Number of the bus



STEP 1: system administrator will edit bus.

STEP 2 : Update the changed registration number STEP 3: Registration Number is Updated




Registration Number should not exist in the database Registration Number should be Updated in the database NONE


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Edit route


System administrator


Edit route for group of busses



STEP 1: System administrator will edit a route for new group of busses. STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to edit a route STEP 3: Route is Updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION PRE CONDITION

NONE 1. Route of that name should not exist 2. The bus Group to which the Route is to be assigned should exist


Route must be updated



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Edit Stop Location for Up


System administrator


Editing stop location for Route Up



STEP 1: System administrator will and the latitude and longitude of that particular stop STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to edit latitude and longitude against a particular stop STEP 3: Latitude and Longitude for a particular stop are updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



latitude and longitude should exist against that particular stop name


latitude and longitude should be updated



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Edit stop Location for Down


System Administrator


Editing stop location for Down



STEP 1: System administrator will and the latitude and longitude of that particular stop STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to edit latitude and longitude against a particular stop STEP 3: Latitude and Longitude for a particular stop are updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



latitude and longitude should exist against that particular stop name


latitude and longitude should be updated



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Edit stop in existing route for Down


System administrator


Adding a new stop in the existing route.



STEP 1: system administrator will edit a complete record in the existing route STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to edit complete record STEP 3:Record Updated STEP-4: System Administrator will edit only certain values against a particular route name STEP-5: System will give instruction how to edit a certain record against a particular route name STEP-6: Record Updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Stop name, next stop, time should exist.


Stop name , next stop and time should be updated against the particular route NONE


49 of 125

Transport Information System 2 008 USECASE NAME:

Edit stop in existing route for Up


System administrator


Adding a new stop in the existing route.



STEP 1: system administrator will edit a complete record in the existing route STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to edit complete record STEP 3:Record Updated STEP-4: System Administrator will edit only certain values against a particular route name STEP-5: System will give instruction how to edit a certain record against a particular route name STEP-6: Record Updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Stop name, next stop, time should exist.


Stop name , next stop and time should be updated against the particular route NONE


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Edit a GSM /GPS Device


System administrator


Editing GSM GPS Modem



STEP 1: System administrator will Edit a GSM/GPS Modem STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to Edit the Device STEP 3:Device ID Updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



The device of that particular GSM-id should exist


The device of that particular GSM-id should be updated in the database NONE


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Edit Driver Information


System Administrator


Editing Driver Information



STEP 1: System administrator will Edit the name of a new driver , CNIC , License Number STEP 2 : System will give instruction how to Edit the record STEP 3: Record is Updated ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION




1. NIC number of that driver should exist. 2. License Number should exist in the database. Record should be updated



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Tracking with respect to Registration Number


System administrator


Tracking of the particular bus



STEP 1: System administrator will track the bus on route by the Registration Number.

STEP 2: System will give instruction how to use the Registration Number for Tracking

STEP 3: Current Position of that particular bus will be shown ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Bus Instance of the Registration Number’s should be created NONE



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Transport Information System 2 008 USECASE NAME:

Tracking with respect to Bus Name


System administrator


Tracking of the particular bus with respect to Bus name SYSTEM RESPONSE

ACTOR ACTION STEP 1: System administrator will track the bus on route by the Bus Name.

STEP 2: System will give instruction how to use the Bus Name for Tracking

STEP 3: Current Position of the busses in that route will be shown ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Bus Instances of that Bus name should be created NONE



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System administrator


Terminating the instance of the bus when it arrives at its destination.



STEP 1: System administrator will terminate the instance of the bus that has arrived at the destination STEP 2: Terminate the bus instance and the data of the GSM GPS Modem. STEP 3: Bus Instance deleted ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Bus should arrive at the destination





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Bus Instance


System administrator


Creating a new bus instance.



STEP 1: System administrator will create a new bus instance STEP 2 : Create a new instance STEP 3: New instance is created ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



The instance of one bus at the particular date /time and the route will be created only once





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Transport Information System 2 008 USECASE NAME:

Delete Bus


System administrator


Deleting the registration number of the bus that has left the company.



STEP 1: System administrator will Delete the registration number of the bus that has left the company STEP 2 : Delete the Registration Number of the bus STEP-3: Bus Deleted ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Bus should have left the company





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Transport Information System 2 008 USECASE NAME:

Delete Driver Information


System administrator


Deleting the information of the Driver that has left the company.



STEP 1: System administrator will Delete the Driver information that has left the company STEP 2 : Delete the Driver information STEP-3: Driver Information deleted ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Driver should have left the company





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Transport Information System 2 008 USECASE NAME:

Delete Device


System administrator


Deleting the Device that has been out of order



STEP 1: System administrator will Delete the Device that has been out of order STEP 2 : Delete the Device STEP-3: Device Number deleted ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION



Device should be out of order





5.3 Design: In design, the result of the analysis is expanded into a technical solution. New classes are added to provide the technical infrastructure like the user interface, database handling to store objects in a database, communication with other systems, interfacing to devices in the system, and others. The design results in detailed specifications for the implementation activities.

Use case Name Add New Bus Group Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new bus Group Reference: PS-1.0 59 of 125

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Actor Action Step-1: Will select the Bus from the new menu of the menu strip.

Step-3: The System Administrator will click on the ADD button and the values will be saved in the database

System Response

Controls Bus name(Text box)

Step-2: On the response, a new form will open and the following field will be appeared Bus name

Alternate Course Of Events:

Constraints Bus name(Varchar) The name of the bus will be unique



The name of that bus Group should not exist in the database

Post Conditions:

The name of the bus exist in the database



Use case Name Add New Bus Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new bus Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Step-1: Will select the Registration New Bus from the menu Number (Text box) strip. Step-2: On the GPSID (Combo response, a new Box) form will open and the following field will be appeared Registration Step-3: The System Number , GPS ID Administrator will click on the ADD button and the values will be saved in the database Alternate Course Of Events:

Constraints Registration Number(Varchar) GPSID(Varchar) Registration Number and the GPSID against that Registration Number will be unique

None 60 of 125

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GSM Number assigned to that Registration Number should not be belong

to any other Registration Number Post Conditions:

New bus is added

Assumptions: None

Use case Name Add New Route Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new Route Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Step-1: Will select the Bus Name(Combo Route from the menu Box) strip. Step-2: On the Route Name (Text response, a new Box) form will open and the following fields will be appeared Bus Name Step-3: The System Route Name Administrator will click on the ADD button and the values will be saved in the database Alternate Course Of Events:

Constraints Bus Name(Varchar) Route Name (Varchar)



The route name should not exist in the database

Post Conditions:

The route name should exist in the database

Assumptions: None

Use case Name Add New Stop Location for route Up Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new Stop Location for Route Up Reference: PS-1.0 61 of 125

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Actor Action Step-1: Will select the Stop and Up from the New menu strip.

Step-3: The System Administrator will click on the ADD button and the values will be saved in the database

System Response Step-2: On the response, a new form will open and the following field swill be appeared Stop Name ,Latitude, Longitude

Alternate Course Of Events:

Controls Stop Name (Text box) Latitude(Text Box) Longitude(Text Box)

Constraints Stop Name (text) Latitude(Varchar) Longitude(Varchar) Stop Name, Latitude, Longitude should be unique.



Stop Name, Latitude, Longitude should not exist in the database

Post Conditions:

Stop Name, Latitude, Longitude should exist in the database

Assumptions: Latitude and Longitude belongs to the stop

Use case Name Add New Stop Location for Route Down Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new Stop Location for Route Down Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Stop Name (Text Stop Name Stop and Down from the box) (text) New menu strip. Step-2: On the Latitude(Text Box) Latitude(Varcha response, a new Longitude(Text Box) r) form will open and Longitude(Varc the following field har) swill be appeared Stop Name, Stop Name Latitude, ,Latitude, Longitude Step-3: The System Longitude should be Administrator will click unique. on the ADD button and 62 of 125

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the values will be saved in the database Alternate Course Of Events:



Stop Name, Latitude, Longitude should not exist in the database

Post Conditions:

Stop Name, Latitude, Longitude should exist in the database



Use case Name Add New Stop in existing Route for Up Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new Stop in existing Route for Up Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Route Name (Text Route Name Stop In Route and Up Box) (Varchar) from the New Menu Step-2: On the Stop Name(Combo Stop Strip. response, a new Box) Name(Varchar) form will open and Next Stop (Combo Next Stop the following fields Box) (Varchar) will be appeared Stop Number(Text Stop Route Name Box) Number(int) Step-3: The System Stop Name Time (Text Box) Time(int) Administrator will click Next Stop Name on the ADD button and Stop Number the values will be saved Time The stop name in in the database that particular route name should be unique The next stop in that particular route should be unique Alternate Course Of Events:


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The Stop Name, Next Stop in that particular route name should not exist in

the database Post Conditions: Assumptions:

The Stop Name in that particular route name should exist in the database None

Use case Name Add New Stop in existing Route for Down Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new Stop in existing Route for Down Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Route Name (Text Route Name Stop In Route and Box) (Varchar) Down from the New Step-2: On the Stop Name(Combo Stop Menu Strip. response, a new Box) Name(Varchar) form will open and Next Stop (Combo Next Stop the following fields Box) (Varchar) will be appeared Stop Number(Text Stop Number(int) Route Name Box) Time(int) Step-3: The System Stop Name Time (Text Box) Administrator will click Next Stop Name on the ADD button and Stop Number The stop name in the values will be saved Time that particular route in the database name should be unique The next stop in that particular route should be unique Alternate Course Of Events: Preconditions:


The Stop Name, Next Stop in that particular route name should not exist in

the database Post Conditions:

The Stop Name in that particular route name should exist in the database


None 64 of 125

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Use case Name Add New GSM/GPS Modem Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new GSM/GPS Modem Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Device ID (TextBox) GSM DEVICE from New Number(Varchar) menu of the menu strip. Step-2: On the response, the following field will be appeared Device ID Step-3: The System Administrator will click on the ADD button and the values will be saved in the database Alternate Course Of Events:



The GSM Number of that device should not exist in the database

Post Conditions:

The GSM Number of that device should exist in the database

Assumptions: None

Use case Name Add New Driver Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design adding a new Driver Name Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the NIC(TextBox) NIC(Varchar) DRIVER from New Driver Name(Text Driver menu of the menu strip. Step-2: On the Box) Name(Varchar) response, the License License following fields will Number(Text Box) Number(Varchar) be appeared NIC Step-3: The System Driver name 65 of 125

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Administrator will click on the ADD button and the values will be saved in the database

License Number

Alternate Course Of Events:



NIC Number and the License Number should not exist in the database

Post Conditions:

NIC Number and the License Number should exist in the database

Assumptions: None

Use case Name Change Device of a Bus Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of changing the Device for the particular bus Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Registration Registration Change New menu Number (Combo Number (Varchar) strip. Step-2: On the box) Device ID(Varchar) response, a new Current Device form will open and ID(Text Box) the following field New Device ID(Text swill be appeared Box) Registration Number, Current Step-3: The System Device ID , New Administrator will click Device ID on the Change button and the values will be updated in the database Alternate Course Of Events:



Device ID should not be assigned to any other bus

Post Conditions:

The Device ID should be updated

Assumptions: None

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Use case Name Edit Bus Group Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of Editing a bus Group Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Step-1: Will select the Current Bus Bus Name from the Edit name(Combo box) menu of the menu strip. Step-2: On the New Bus Name(Text response, a new Box) form will open and the following field Step-3: The System will be appeared Administrator will click Current Bus Name on the Change button New Bus Name and the values will be updated in the database Alternate Course Of Events:

Constraints Bus name(Varchar) The name of the bus will be unique



Bus Name should exist in the database

Post Conditions:

Bus Name should be updated



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Use case Name Edit Bus Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of editing a Registration Number Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Current Registration Registration Number Registration Number(Varchar) from Edit menu strip. Step-2: On the Number (Combo Registration response, a new box) Number should be form will open and New Registration unique the following field Number (Text Box) will be appeared Current Step-3: The System Registration Administrator will click Number , New on the Change button Registration and the values will be Number Updated in the database Alternate Course Of Events:



Registration Number should not exist in the database

Post Conditions:

Registration Number is updated



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Use case Name Edit Route Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design Editing a Route Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Step-1: Will select the Current Route Route from the Edit Name (Combo Box) menu strip. Step-2: On the New Route Name response, a new (Text Box) form will open and the following fields will be appeared Current Route Step-3: The System Name Administrator will click New Route Name on the Change button and the values will be update in the database Alternate Course Of Events:

Constraints Route Name (Varchar) Route name must be same as the name of the group of buss.



The route name should exist in the database

Post Conditions:

The route name should be updated



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Transport Information System 2 008 Use case Name Edit Stop Location For Up Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design editing a stop’s Latitude and Longitude Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Stop Name (Combo Stop Name (text) Stop and then select Up Box) Latitude(Varchar) from the Edit menu Step-2: On the Current Longitude(Varchar) strip. response, a new Latitude(Combo Stop Name, form will open and Box) Latitude, Longitude the following field Current should be unique. swill be appeared Longitude(Combo Stop Name Box) ,Current Latitude, New Latitude(Text Current Longitude Box) Step-3: The System , New Latitude , New Longitude(Text Administrator will click New Longitude Box) on the Change button and the values will be saved in the database Alternate Course Of Events:



Stop Name, Latitude, Longitude should exist in the database

Post Conditions:

Latitude, Longitude should be updated in the database



Use case Name Edit Stop Location For Route Down Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design editing a stop’s Latitude and Longitude Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Stop Name (Combo Stop Name (text) Stop and then select Box) Latitude(Varchar) Down from the Edit Step-2: On the Current Longitude(Varchar) menu strip. response, a new Latitude(Combo Stop Name, form will open and Box) Latitude, Longitude the following field Current should be unique. swill be appeared Longitude(Combo 70 of 125

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Step-3: The System Administrator will click on the Change button and the values will be saved in the database

Stop Name ,Current Latitude, Current Longitude , New Latitude , New Longitude

Alternate Course Of Events:

Box) New Latitude(Text Box) New Longitude(Text Box)



Stop Name, Latitude, Longitude should exist in the database

Post Conditions:

Latitude, Longitude should be updated in the database



Use case Name Edit Stop in existing Route for Down Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design Editing a Stop in existing Route for Down Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Current Route Route Name Stop In Route and Name(Combo Box) (Varchar) Down from the Edit Step-2: On the New Route Name Stop Menu Strip. response, a new (Combo Box) Name(Varchar) form will open and Current Stop Next Stop (Varchar) the following fields Name(Combo Box) Time(int) will be appeared all New Stop these fields will be Name(Combo Box) disabled. Current Next Stop The stop name in Current Route (Text Box) that particular route Name New Next Stop name should be New Route Name (Combo Box) unique Current Stop Name Current Time(Text The next stop in that New Stop Name Box) particular route Current Next Stop New Time (Text should be unique New Next Stop Box) Current Time New Time The following 71 of 125

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Step-4: The System Administrator will click on the Change button and the values will be updated in the database

Step-6: The System Administrator will click on the Change button and the values will be updated in the database

Step-8: The System Administrator will click on the Change button and the values will be updated in the database

Step-10: The System Administrator will click on the Change button

buttons will be on the interface Edit Complete Record Edit Stop Name Edit Next Stop Edit Time Step-3: If the Edit Complete Record Button is clicked then all the fields will be enabled.

Step-5: If Edit Stop Name Button is clicked then the following fields will be enabled Current Route Name Current Stop Name New Stop Name

Step-7: If Edit Next Stop Button is clicked then the following fields will be enabled Current Route Name Current Stop Name Current Next Stop New Next Stop

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and the values will be updated in the database Step-9: If Edit Time Button is clicked then the following fields will be enabled Current Route Name Current Stop Name Current Next Stop Current Time New Time Alternate Course Of Events:


Preconditions: The Stop Name, Next Stop, time in that particular route name should exist in the database Post Conditions: The Stop Name, Next Stop, Time in that particular route name should be updated in the database Assumptions: None

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Use case Name Edit GSM/GPS Modem Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of editing a GSM/GPS Modem’s ID Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the GSM Number GSM GPS DEVICE from (TextBox) Number(Varchar) Edit menu of the Menu Step-2: On the The Device Strip. response, the Number should be following field will unique be appeared Current Device Number Step-3: The System New Device Number Administrator will click on the Change button and the values will be updated in the database Alternate Course Of Events: Preconditions:


The Device Number of that device should exist in the database

Post Conditions: The Device Number of that device should be updated in the database Assumptions:


74 of 125

Transport Information System 2 008 Use case Name Edit Driver Information Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of editing the Driver information Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select the Current CNIC(text NIC(Varchar) DRIVER from Edit Box) Driver menu of the menu strip. Step-2: On the New CNIC(Text Name(Varchar) response, the Box) License following fields will Current Driver Number(Varchar) be appeared Name(Combo Box) Current CNIC New Driver New CNIC Name(Text Box) Current Driver Current License name Number(Text Box) New Driver Name New License Step-3: The System Current License Number(Text Box) Administrator will click Number on the Change button New License and the values will be Number updated in the database Alternate Course Of Events:


Preconditions: CNIC and the License Number should exist in the database Post Conditions: CNIC and the License Number should be updated in the database Assumptions:


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Use case Name: Tracking with respect to Registration Number Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of Tracking the bus with respect to its Registration Number Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select Registration Registration Current Location and Number(Combo Number(Varchar) then Registration Step-2: On the Box) Number from Track response, a form Menu Strip. containing the following field will be appeared Registration Number Step-3: The System Administrator will click on the Track button and the current stop of that bus will be shown in the text box Alternate Course Of Events:


Preconditions: The bus instance should have been created Post Conditions: Current Stop of the bus should be shown Assumptions:


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Use case Name: Tracking with respect to Bus Name Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of Tracking the bus with respect to its Bus Name Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select Bus Name(Combo Bus Current Location and Box) Name(Varchar) Bus Name then from Step-2: On the Track Menu Strip. response, a form containing the following field will be appeared Bus Name Step-3: The System Administrator will click on the Track button and the current stops of the busses will be shown in the Grid Alternate Course Of Events:


Preconditions: The bus instance should have been created Post Conditions: Current Stop of the bus should be shown Assumptions: None

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Alternate Course Of Events: None Preconditions: The bus instance should have been created Post Conditions: Current Stop of the bus should be shown Assumptions: None Alternate Course Of System Response Controls Events: None Preconditions: The bus Registration instance should have been Number(Combo created Step-2: On the Box) response, a form containing the following field will be appeared Registration Number Alternate Course Of Events:

Constraints Registration Number(Varchar )


Preconditions: The bus instance should have been created Post Conditions: The bus instance should be terminated Assumptions: None

Use case Name: Bus Instance Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of Creating a new Bus Instance Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Registration Registration Number(Combo Number(Varchar) Step-2: On the Box) Bus response, a form Bus Name(Combo Name(Varchar) containing the box) Device ID Step-3: The System following fields Device ID(Read only (varchar) Administrator will click will be appeared Text Box) Date on the Transmit button Bus Name Date Time(Read Time(DateTime) and the data will be ,Registration Only Text Box) Driver started to upload on the Number, Device Driver Name(Combo Name(Text) 78 of 125

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ID , Date Time, Driver Name, Route ,Starting Stop, Remarks

Alternate Course Of Events:

Box) Route(Radio button of up /Down) Starting Stop(Text Box) Remarks(Rich Text Box)

Route(bit) Starting Stop(Varchar) Remarks(Varchar)


Preconditions: None Post Conditions: None Assumptions: None

Use case Name: Delete Bus Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of Deleting the bus that has left the company Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select Bus Registration Registration from the Delete menu of Number(Combo Number(Varchar) the Menu Strip. Step-2: On the Box) response, a form containing the following field will be appeared Step-3: The System Registration Administrator will click Number on the Delete button and that particular bus will be deleted Alternate Course Of Events:


Preconditions: The bus should have left the company Post Conditions: The bus’s registration number should be deleted from the record

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Assumptions: None

Use case Name: Delete Driver Information Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of Deleting the Driver’s information that has left the company Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select Driver Driver Name(Combo Driver from the Delete menu of Box) Name(Varchar) the Menu Strip. Step-2: On the response, a form containing the following field will be appeared Step-3: The System Driver Name Administrator will click on the Delete button and driver information will be deleted Alternate Course Of Events:


Preconditions: The Driver should have left the company Post Conditions: The Driver’s information should be deleted from the record Assumptions: None

Use case Name: Delete Device Actor: System Administrator Description: This use case describes the design of Deleting the Device that has been out of order Reference: PS-1.0 Actor Action System Response Controls Constraints Step-1: Will select GPS Device ID(Combo Device Device from the Delete Box) ID(Varchar) menu of the Menu Strip. Step-2: On the response, a form 80 of 125

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Step-3: The System Administrator will click on the Delete button and Device will be deleted Alternate Course Of Events:

containing the following field will be appeared Device ID


Preconditions: The Device should be out of order Post Conditions: The Device Information should be deleted from the record Assumptions: None

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6. Implementation In this chapter we have discussed some implementation details like application’s major constituent development and interface design of the application.

6.1 Application Interfaces: 1. Administrator can add new bus group name by using following interface in Fig 6.1.

Fig. 6.11 Add a new Bus Group

2. Administrator can add new bus by using following interface, the two fields can get registration number of bus and GPS device id against that registration number Fig 6.2. Each bus contains as GPS-GPRS device.

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Fig. 6.12 Add a new Bus

3. The following interface is used to add new route name against any particular bus name.Administrator can select any bus using drop down menu and define new route name against that stop Fig 6.3.

Fig. 6.13 Add a new Route

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4. Adiministrator can define new stop by entering respective logitude and latitude of the respective stop in up direction,using the following interface Fig 6.4.

Fig. 6.14 Add new Stops and their locations for Route Up

5. Adiministrator can define new stop by entering respective logitude and latitude of the respective stop in down direction,using the following interface he can define it easily by putting the respective values, interface view is mentioned in Fig 6.5.

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Fig. 6.15 Add new Stops and their locations for Route Down

6. When a new device is purchased by the company , administrator can register that device using following interface Fig 6.6.

Fig. 6.16 Add a new Device

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7. When a new driver is recruited administrator can register him by using following interface. Driver’s name, CNIC, license no is updated in the database by using following interface Fig 6.7.

Fig. 6.17 Add a new Driver and its Information

8. Adiministrator can define new stop in route by entering data of the respective stop for up direction by using the following interface Fig 6.8.

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Fig. 6.18 Add Stops for the route up

9. Adiministrator can define new stop in route by entering respective data of the respective stop for down direction by using the following interface Fig 6.9.

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Fig. 6.19 Add Stops for the route down

10. Any device related data that is registered in the database can be edited by following interface,adminitrator can enter new device number with respect to old one Fig 6.10.

Fig. 6.20 Edit the Device Number

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11. Similarly any bus related data that is regitered in the database can be edited by following interface,adminitrator can enter new bus name with respect to current bus name Fig 6.11.

Fig. 6.21 Edit the Bus Name

12. Route name can also be edited by using following interface,by replacing the current with new one, interface view is mentioned in Fig 6.12.

Fig. 6.22 Edit the Route Name

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13. By using following interface administrator can edit data related any stop indivisiually or the complete stop information is also edited by using the same interface,having route for up direction, interface view is mentioned in Fig 6.13.

Fig. 6.23 Edit the Stop in Route Up

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14. Similarly following interface is used to edit data related to any stop indivisiually as well as complete stop information is also edited by using the same interface,having route for down direction, interface view is mentioned in Fig 6.14.

Fig. 6.24 Edit the Stop in Route Down

15. Any bus registertion data that is regitered in the database can be edited by following interface,adminitrator can enter new registeration number with respect to old one, interface view is mentioned in Fig 6.15.

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Fig. 6.25 Edit Registration Number

16. If the respective logitude and latitude of the stop up is changed then it can be edited by using following interface.The old longitude and latitude can be replaced by new ones (Fig 6.16).

Fig. 6.26 Edit Stop Location for Route Down

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17. If the respective logitude and latitude of the stop down is changed then it can be edited by using following interface.The old longitude and latitude can be replaced by new ones (Fig 6.17).

Fig. 6.27 Edit Stop Location for Route Up

18. If any bus is retired form the fleet then administerator can also delete the data e of respective bus by using following interface (Fig 6.18).

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Fig. 6.28 Delete the Bus that has left the company

19. Similarly if any driver is retired or resigned form the company then administerator can also delete the data of respective driver by using following interface (Fig 6.19).

Fig. 6.29 Delete the Driver Information

20. GPS device can also deleted from database by using following interface.Simply select the respective GPS device-ID from the drop down menu and press the delete button (Fig 6.20).

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Fig. 6.30 Delete the Device that has been defected

21. When the bus of any route reaches to its destination, administrator can terminate that bus with respect to its registration number (Fig 6.21).

Fig. 6.31 Terminate the bus instance of the bus that has reached its destination

22. Adminitrator can also track any bus of any route,he can insatantaneously get the current location of the respected bus by entering the bus name for up or down (Fig 6.22).

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Fig. 6.32 Track the current location of the buss with respect to the bus name

23. following interface is the major interface of the application,when any bus of any route starts its new route cycle means that it started its journy towards the last stop of the route, administraor activate new bus instance by putting the respective data about bus and driver respectivly.The instance can be viewed at any time (Fig 6.23 & 6.24).

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Fig. 6.33 Create a new Instance of the bus

Fig. 6.34 Bus instance detail

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6.2 User Service: User will send a SMS for the enquiry of the particular bus. OZEKI Message Server will receive the SMS and will place it in the SMSIN folder as .MSG file. A window service will receive that SMS file from the folder and perform the following tasks 1. It will check the name of the bus user inquired is valid or not. 2. If it is not valid then the system will send a SMS to the user that the following bus name does

not exist. 3. If the bus name is valid then it will verify the Stop name that user has inquired about whether the stop name belong to the bus name which user has inquired 4. If the stop name does not exist against that bus name which user has inquired then a SMS

will be sent to the user about the validity if the stop name 5. If the stop name is verified and it exist in the route of that bus then service will verify the route. Route can be either 0 or1. 6. If route is not 0 or 1 then the SMS will be sent to the user that the route is not valid

7. If the route is valid then the service will check whether the route is 1 or 0. 8. If it is 1 then the service will check the stop number of the stop which user has inquired. 9. Then all the busses in that route will be checked whose stop number is less then the inquired stop and that bus will be selected which is nearest to the inquired stop name , the stop

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number of that bus will be calculated , the difference between the inquired stop name and the selected stop name will be calculated . 10. Then the approximate timing of the bus to arrive at the inquired stop will be sent to the user

via SMS. 11. If it is 0 then the service will check the stop number of the stop which user has inquired. 12. Then all the busses in that route will be checked whose stop number is less then the inquired stop and that bus will be selected which is nearest to the inquired stop name , the stop number of that bus will be calculated , the difference between the inquired stop name and the selected stop name will be calculated . 13. Then the approximate timing of the bus to arrive at the inquired stop will be sent to the user

via SMS. The service will place a .MSG file in the SMS OUT folder and the OZEKI Message Server will receive it from the folder and send it to the users.

6.3 Device Service: The FM4100 GPS/GSM Modem will send the data on the real IP. The device will send NMEA sentence. That NMEA sentence will be received by a service of the application. The NMEA sentence is parsed and the device ID of the device and longitude, latitude of the current location of the buss will be taken. Those longitude and latitude will be compared with the latitude and longitude of the stop. If those longitude and latitude are similar to the latitude and longitude of a

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stop in that route then the current location of that particular bus will be updated. If those longitude and latitude does not correspond to any stop in the route of that bus then they will be discarded and the current location of the bus will not be updated. The service will do the following as the data appears on the IP. 1. It will parse the NMEA sentence and the relevant fields Device ID, latitude and longitude will be separated from the sentence. 2. The latitude and longitude of that device on the bus will be compared with the latitude and longitude of the stops in the route to which the bus belong. 3. If the latitude and longitude match the latitude and longitude of any stop in that route then the current location of that bus will be updated, if they does not match then they will be discarded

6.3.1TeltonikaFM4100 FM4100 is a terminal with GPS and GSM connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and transfer them via GSM network. This device is perfectly suitable for applications where location acquirement of remote objects is needed. So you can track your remote objects (trucks, cars, ships etc) quickly and easily. It has option of rechargeable battery inside and special controller for power management. Also there is an option of using external backup battery. Thus it can operate for up to 48 hours in Normal (Sending via GPRS) mode with external backup battery. FM4100 can perform tasks on remote objects, such as monitoring temperature, engine status, fuel consumption, controlling

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truck’s door etc. In case of losing connection FM4100 (Fig 6.25) can store up to 8000 records (optionally 64000 records), and once the connection is established the device will send stored data via GPRS. The aluminum case of the device is very robust and perfectly suitable for installation into harsh environment [5].

Fig. 6.35 TeltonikaFM4100 [5]

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Database Implementation

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7. Database Implementation In this chapter we have elaborated database implementation detail by using entity relationship diagram.

7.1.1Entity Relationship diagrams Complete Entity relationship diagram of transport information system is mentioned is Fig 7.1. The major table that is backbone of the data base is “bus instance” table, every time when a bus of any route starts its new trip its instance is created in the database by using that table. It simply gathers all bus related data from other tables and integrate it.

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Fig. 7.36 System Entity Relationship Diagram

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8. Testing In this chapter we have discussed all test cases and test criteria that we used to test application at each stage.

8.1 Testing Areas 1. Phase1: Individual testing 2. Phase2:Partial testing 3. Phase3:Integeration testing

8.2 Testing phases 8.2.1Phase 1 Database testing In first phase of testing we evaluated each module individually. First of all database the backbone of our project is tested which includes. 1. Each stored procedure of insert, delete, and update is tested in query analyzer. 2. Verification of the status of changes done through these statements in tables manually.

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Transport Information System 2 008 Window service testing User service is continuously watching a particular path ( folder”SMSIN”) when it is started and when new SMS is arrived it prompts the application for further processing. Manually service testing is performed by using following steps

1. Placing a file having “.msg” extension in SMSIN folder. 1.1. Writing wrong route no in the SMS and check the response of service. 1.2. Checking the validity of format of the received SMS.

2. Placing a file of other extension in SMSIN folder, service will take no action. GSM interface testing Now comes the interfacing with GSM modem part in which we tested the functionality of OZEKI message server and customize it for our specific use in Transport Information System. SMS is sent from a mobile and the OZEIKI message server receives the SMS and placed the .Msg file in the SMSIN folder. User service receives that SMS and perform all the functionality, created a .Msg file and placed the response to that SMS in that file and placed that file in SMSOUT folder. The Message server receives that file and sent it to the user who sent the message.

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After testing each module individually, we integrated the database with GUI and run particular queries using graphical user interface of the application. GUI database integration 1. If the data is inserted using GUI then a message will prompt “Record inserted”. 2. If the data is updated using GUI then a message will prompt “Record updated”. 3. If the data is deleted using GUI then a message will prompt “You have deleted the following record”. Window service and database integration 1. If the respective bus name is incorrect the application will respond in form of simple text

message having text as follows “Dear customer, bus name is invalid”. 2. If the stop name is incorrect or the stop name does not exist in that particular route then the

application will respond the following “Dear customer, the stop name <stopname> is invalid”. 3. If all the information is correct then application respond approximate arrival time of the

desired bus on user’s particular stop ;format is as follows “Dear customer, the bus will arrive at <stopname> in

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