Tips For Catia-v5r8

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  • Words: 2,894
  • Pages: 50
F&A Hints and Tips 1 - Fundamentals • Sketcher Wireframe & Surfaces Part Assembly Drafting

2 - Reminders • Common Tools

2000-02 page 2

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

• • • •

F&A Hints and Tips - Sketcher Control the activity of the constraint detection ● Inactivate

current detected constraint

Shift Key dynamic deactivation of the auto-detection

Ctrl Key: keep the last detected constraint (reducing the degree of freedom)

2000-02 page 3

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● lock

constraint auto-detection

F&A Hints and Tips - Sketcher Control the activity of the constraint detection (2) ● Direct

directly to the sketcher your intention

Current sketched line

2000-02 page 4

Click MB3 on the chosen element: select the constraint you want in the list

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● Tell

access to the available constraints on the chosen element

F&A Hints and Tips - Sketcher Quick dimensioning the orientation of the current dimension

● Change

the type of the dimension

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● Manage

2000-02 page 5

F&A Hints and Tips - Sketcher Sketch positioning ● You

can pre-position the local sketch axis

1- select one edge as Horizontal direction

3 - select the sketch plane.

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

4 - Go into the sketcher

2- second edge as Vertical orientation

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F&A Hints and Tips - Sketcher Projection / Intersection of 3D axis ● Be

careful: the order of selection can change the result (Action - Object or Object - Action)

A - 1.Object


3. Result: circle


B - 1.Action


Intersection (sel. command first) Sel. Surface = sel. axis 2000-02 page 7

3.Result: point

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Sel. Surface

F&A Hints and Tips - Sketcher Sketch Multi-domain sketch can contain several contours with functional links

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000


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F&A Hints and Tips

1 - Fundamentals

2 - Reminders • Common Tools

2000-02 page 9

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

• Sketcher • Wireframe & Surfaces • Part • Assembly • Drafting

F&A Hints and Tips - Wireframe Datum mode ● Create ● Add

explicit elements (without 3D parameters)

constraints later

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Add 3D dimensions later

You can manipulate datum features because they are free of 3D parameters (by using the compass) Constraints are no more included in the feature but are stored in the constraints tree node 2000-02 page 10

F&A Hints and Tips - Wireframe Helix ● Create

a cylindrical helix with 3 Features

1 - Create a cylinder (i.e. extrude surface) 2 - Create a point On Curve (select the bottom edge of the extruded surface)

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

3 - Line Angle to curve + on support

2000-02 page 11

F&A Hints and Tips - Wireframe Structure the specification tree ● Use

the several bodies to manage the part

● Improve


the access to the tree specifications


Fill an open_body with about 25 features max.

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Rename the Key features

Use change body to reorder the specification tree as you want (sel. a feature to move before)

2000-02 page 12

F&A Hints and Tips

1 - Fundamentals

2 - Reminders • Common Tools

2000-02 page 13

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

• Sketcher • Wireframe & Surfaces • Part • Assembly • Drafting

F&A Hints and Tips - Part File + New from... a new part from an existing part

Default name created and each feature has a new internal number

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● Create

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Encapsulated Show/Hidden (Body and Openbody) ● Be

aware of the hierarchical display status

If you hide the partbody, Extract.1 will be hidden until you show the partbody again

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

You can change the status Show/Hidden of Extract.1 It will not be displayed while the partbody is hidden

If encapsulated The status (Hidden) of the partbody prevails on the status of Extract.1 If Independent

2000-02 page 15

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Hole positioning

can constraint a hole during creation

Circular edge + support = concentricity

1 edge + support = 1 dimension

2 edges + support = 2 dimensions

Point + support = normal to support

Line + support = hole direction

Available selections

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● You

Free positioning also available

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Hole positioning ● You

can move the hole during creation

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Use the manipulators to pre-position the hole

2000-02 page 17

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Circular Pattern ● Think

about the Crown Definition instances

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● Deactivate

2000-02 page 19

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Pattern of body ● How

to pattern several features grouped in a body

1 - Create a body with features to pattern

You can pattern a body only if it is already operated (Assemble,Add)

3 - Select the body as object to pattern

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

2 - Add it to a body

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Variable Fillet can use planes or points to define intermediary radius values

If you move these planes later, CATIA will compute the intersections again and modify the fillet accordingly. Pick in this box to select new planes

2000-02 page 21

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● You

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Fillet Reroute ● Update

the yellow edges (previous specifications)

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● Check

diagnosis can help you

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F&A Hints and Tips - Part

● You

can draft selecting the neutral element

Warning 1: Detection of tangent adjacent faces

Use smooth or select manually the faces to draft

Automatic selection of all adjacent faces by neutral face selection

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Warning 2: Angle between neutral face and the pulling direction should be greater than the draft angle

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Draft Selection by neutral

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Draft Parting Plane can use a parting element

Use Bodies, duplication and splits for the 2 sides to improve the stability

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● You

Limitation: Mono draft direction

2000-02 page 24

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Copy paste as result with link ● Create

link between 2 parts (i.e. bottle and mold)

1- Copy

An associative link has been created 3 - Check it with the Edit + Links … or File + Desk... menus 2000-02 page 25

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

2- Paste Special… (new part but could be the same part)

F&A Hints and Tips - Part Duplicate and Translate a body ● Link

inner the same part (possible methodology)

1 - Use the Copy-Paste As Result with Link

2 - Translate the new body with the compass (exact positioning with the contextual menu of the Compass)

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000


F&A Hints and Tips - Part Remove lump tool to know

The result is a mono body feature Trim.1 Suggestion: Note: The part has been removed from a mold cylinder

Change the specification of Trim.1 ●

2000-02 page 28

Save As ... Cavity

Save As… Core

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000


F&A Hints and Tips

1 - Fundamentals Sketcher Wireframe & Surfaces Part Assembly Drafting

2 - Reminders • Common Tools

2000-02 page 30

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

• • • • •

F&A Hints and Tips - Assembly New Product or New Component ● Be

aware of the difference

Related to an external document

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Just a container for other parts or components

F&A Hints and Tips - Assembly Part Number Input ● Enter

the Part Number when creating

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Select this option to get the part number panel

Create a new part, component, etc.

2000-02 page 34

Automatic display when creating a new part

F&A Hints and Tips - Assembly Large assemblies performance : Design Mode or Visu Mode ● Activate ● You

the Cache to store a 3D representation at the first opening

can improve performances to explore large assemblies

Visualization Mode: with the Cache activated, only Visualization of the components is available

Design Mode: with the Cache deactivated all specifications of parts are loaded in memory

2000-02 page 35

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Edit menu

F&A Hints and Tips

1 - Fundamentals Sketcher Wireframe & Surfaces Part Assembly Drafting

2 - Reminders • Common Tools

2000-02 page 36

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

• • • • •

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Use SmartPick to Get Middle Point of a Line ➘ While constructing any element, and looking for a point, keep the cursor close to the middle point of any line, and the exact middle point is caught, recognized, and recorded.

2000-02 page 37

Use SmartPick to Get Intersection Point ➘ While constructing any element, and looking for an intersection point, catch a point that stays on a first entity, keep locked with CTRL key, and catch the same point to stay on the second entity. Both entities are highlighted, the intersection point is recognized and recorded.

2000-02 page 38

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

Use SmartPick in Explicit Mode ➘ While constructing any element, ask for a specific line to be built from a selected reference : indicate reference by flying the cursor onto it, and depress 3rd button of the mouse ; pop-up menu gives access to available constructions, that are caught and recorded

2000-02 page 39

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

Fly on the 2 lines

2000-02 page 40

Positioning of point ensured

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Use SmartPick to consider Implicit References ➘ While constructing new element, ask a specific entity by flying the cursor onto it. ➘ SmartPick remembers automatically the 10 latest references, wherever they come from.

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Use Collection of Points to Create Center of Gravity ➘ Select a group of points, and choose the point creation icon. ➘ Center of gravity (barycenter) of points is automatically created.

2000-02 page 41

Justify Texts and Views Through Positioning ➘ Do you need to justify a group of texts of a group of views, so they are automatically aligned with vertical or horizontal lines, or even centered ? ➘ Use the option of text relative position within the positioning toolbar (hidden by default).

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

Use Line-Up on Collection of Dimensions ➘ Do you need to align a group of dimensions, so they form vertical or horizontal systems ? ➘ Use the option of line-up within the positioning toolbar (hidden by default). ➘ First select the dimensions to align, choose line-up option, and indicate the reference dimension or line. Click anywhere in the drawing to specify exact alignment (offset is then equal to 0).

2000-02 page 43

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting Get KnowledgeWare Parameter Value through Attribute Links

➘ Choose “Attribute Link” Option from the Pop-Up menu, and Select any Object (3D in General) to Present its KW Parameters.

➘ Note that String is Kept Associative with the KW Parameter.

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

➘ For any Textual Entity, you can Get the Value of a KW parameter inside the String of this Text. ➘ While Editing the String, Place the Cursor at the desired Location of the Parameter Value, within the Text in the Graphic Area, and Depress 3rd Button of the Mouse

F&A Hints and Tips - Drafting

➘ Ask for a Point from Coordinates

➘ The Coordinate Values are expressed from the Relative Origin. 2000-02 page 46

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Create a Point by Relative Coordinates ➘ Select a Point (or Vertex) which represents the Relative Origin

F&A Hints and Tips

1 - Fundamentals Sketcher Wireframe & Surfaces Part Assembly Drafting

2 - Reminders • Common Tools

2000-02 page 48

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

• • • • •

F&A Hints and Tips - Toolbars Think about the status bar ! ● You

can figure out the current command or panel input




© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000



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F&A Hints and Tips - Toolbars Truncated toolbar the toolbar to discover all functionalities

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● Undock

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F&A Hints and Tips - Toolbars Contextual toolbars ● Sketcher


Default Flexible toolbar


Corner - Chamfer

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Drawing commands (i.e.: line, circle, sketch, …)

F&A Hints and Tips - Toolbars Contextual toolbars ● Boolean

operations toolbar

Where is hidden the permanent toolbar ? 1- Toolbar list: MB3 on an existing toolbar 2- Permanent toolbar: if checked

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Catia Default: Contextual menu

F&A Hints and Tips - Toolbars Polymorph Toolbars ● Compact

Toolbars can be extended

Example: select toolbar - possible use cycle Undocked

1- Drag

Pulling toolbar 2 - Click and hold

3 - Click Permanent toolbar Close Dock this new bar if you want (Drag or double click)

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Docked and Compact (Catia Default )

F&A Hints and Tips - Toolbars Repeat Mode ● Commands

can be repeated

Example: Dimensioning Tool in the Sketcher Select Tool


Exit of

repeat mode

repeat mode © DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Double Click

2000-02 page 54

F&A Hints and Tips - Toolbars Customizing Toolbar ● You

can customize Workbench and Toolbars with Tool + Customize Menu

Example: Extract command Gen. Shape Design Workbench

Drag on existing toolbar

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Extract can be persistent in Part Design workbench

F&A Hints and Tips - Workbench Changing of workbench avoid the creation of an empty document, select the root of the tree before changing of Workbench

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

● To

2000-02 page 56

F&A Hints and Tips - Specification Tree Quick manipulations on the Specification Tree

Select the main branch (3D manipulations are locked) ●Make

a trap on several features to select them PgUp / PgDown to scroll quickly

To allow the 3D manipulations again select the branch or select the axis (right-bottom)

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© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000


Use Center Graph for a quick access to the specification of the selected feature (Spline.1)

F&A Hints and Tips - Selection Search a set of features ● You

can search and select specific features

Edit + …

© DAS SAU L T SY S T EM E S S.A. 2000

Give your criterias

2000-02 page 58

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