Tip Of The Day

  • November 2019
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> you can optimize home studio, making it more responsive while mixing in realtime, or allowing more audio tracks to play back. \p to do so, go to help-topics-index, and enter "reducing mixing latency." < > you can register your copy of home studio online. \p to do so, go to help-register online. this will take you to the cakewalk web site, where you can register by following the online instructions. < > the readme file has tons of great information in it. \p you can view it by choosing help-view readme.rtf. < > you can instantly jump to any measure in a song. \p to do so, click the now time box in the position or transport (large) toolbar, choose go-time, or simply press f5. then, type the measure number and click ok/press enter. < > want to create a new song with changing time signatures? home studio lets the time signature of your songs change any time you want. \p choose insert-meter/key change to insert a change in time signature, or choose view-meter/key to see all the time signatures in your song. < > after zooming in or out in the clips pane or piano roll view, you can quickly revert to the previous zoom level. \p to do so, press the u key. < > want to put music on your web site? you can create realaudio g2, mp3 and windows media advanced streaming format files with home studio. \p choose file-export audio to save audio data in the desired format. < > you can mixdown audio tracks, applying all effects and automation data, and producing output tracks that sound identical to you what you hear. \p to do so, choose edit-bounce to track(s). <

> in the clips pane (right half) of the track view, you can select tracks and regions of time -- regardless of clip boundaries. \p to do so, hold the alt key while clicking and dragging to select. < > you can insert markers whenever a midi pedal or key combination is pressed. \p to do so, choose options-key bindings, and create a midi key binding for the insert-marker command. < > if your keyboard recording playing is a little loose in its timing, home studio can fix it up to be as precise as you'd like. \p select the clip(s) you want to modify, and then choose the edit-quantize command. < > is the song in the wrong key for you to sing along? if all the tracks contain midi data, you can change the key in a few seconds! \p choose edit-select-all to select all the clips in the song, and then choose edittranspose to move it up or down as you like. < > you can quickly unmute, unsolo, and unarm all tracks simultaneously. \p to do so, click the mute, solo, or arm indicator in the status bar. you can also click the appropriate button in the playback state toolbar. < > you can visit our web site, which includes news, technical information, free downloads, and lots more cool stuff. \p to do so, choose help-cakewalk on the web-cakewalk home page. this will automatically launch most internet browsers. if yours doesn't, then start it manually and go to "http://www.cakewalk.com". < > you can use key bindings to speed up common procedures, such as adding volume and pan track envelopes, or accessing menu commands. \p to do so, go to options-key bindings, and bind the desired command to a computer key or midi key. you can refer to the home studio's online help for more information on key bindings. < > you can display the now time using a large font, so that it is easier to see. this is handy if you're not close to the computer monitor, but still want to see

the now time. \p to do so, choose view-big time, right-click on the window, and choose a large font. < > you can create markers that label specific points in your song, and then use the marker whenever you want to reference a particular time. \p to create a marker, choose insert-marker, or press f11 while the song is playing. to use a marker, press f5 whenever you'd normally enter a time. < > when you record on an existing track, you can layer new material on top of existing notes, or replace the existing material. \p to choose, click the record options button in the record toolbar, or choose transport-record options. < > made a mistake? you can undo virtually any change you've made to a home studio project. \p to do so, type ctrl-z, or choose edit-undo. < > you can view a history of recent edit procedures. \p to do so, go to edit-history. < > it's easy to create accidentals (sharps or flats) in the staff view. \p to do so, choose the draw tool (pencil), and drag the note while holding down both mouse buttons. < > you can bypass individual directx audio plug-ins and dxi software synthesizers. this allows you to make quick comparisons without deleting plug-ins or adjusting levels. \p to do so, click the small green button next to the effect's name in the fx control. click the button again to re-enable the effect. < > you can set the time signature for a new song before you start recording. you'll want to do this before recording a waltz or tarantella. \p first, choose file-new to create a new song. then click on the meter (time signature) area in the transport (large) toolbar, or choose insert-meter/key change.

< > you can quickly zoom in to perform a detailed edit in the clips pane/piano roll view, then zoom back out to continue working on other areas of a project. \p to do so, hold down the z key, and lasso select the region you want to zoom in on. you can then press the u key to revert to the previous zoom level. < > in any home studio dialog which has a time field, you can quickly enter the location of a marker. \p to do so, press f5. this opens a list of markers you can pick from. the list includes markers you have created, plus various predefined markers (now, beginning, end, from and thru). < > you can quickly set up a time selection in any of the graphical views by dragging the mouse cursor over the horizontal time ruler. \p if you first press the snap button, the time selection will be evenly incremented by the snap duration. < > you can change the scale that is used for meters in the in the track view and console view. \p to do so, right-click a meter, and select one of six scales: 12db range, 24 db range, 42 db range, 60 db range, 78 db range or 90 db range. < > you can make sample accurate cuts of your audio. \p to do so, right-click on the audio clip and select split. you can enter the sample you wish to cut at. < > you can easily edit only envelopes in the clips pane without accidentally editing other events. \p to do so, click the envelope tool button in the track view, or press "e". press the select button (or press "t") to return to the normal editing mode. < > you can permanently delete parts of a clip that are hidden as the result of nondestructive slip-editing. \p to do so, select the clip, or clip boundary, that you wish to permanently delete, the choose the edit-apply trimming command. <

> for persistent time selections, you can insert a pair of markers in any graphical view: one at the beginning time and another at the end time. \p clicking between the markers (in the time ruler) will now select the time range. < > you can quickly find patches that contain specific text. for example, you can find all patches (in any bank) that contains the word "piano". \p to do so, right-click a bank or patch control in the track view or console view. this opens the patch browser. you can then type a specific text string, and home studio will only display patches that contain that specific text string. < > you can jump to any marker by pressing f5 twice. \p press f5 the first time to open the goto time dialog box. press f5 again to choose from a list of markers. the list includes all your own markers, plus various predefined markers (now, beginning, end, from and thru). \p you can also jump to any marker by selecting the marker from the drop-down list in the markers toolbar. < > you can show and hide individual tracks, aux buses, and virtual mains in the track view and console view. \p to do so, click the track manager button in the track view or console view (or press "m"), then select which tracks/aux buses/virtual mains you wish to display. hidden tracks/aux buses/virtual mains can be shown again by checking the proper boxes in the track manager dialog. < > confused about which midi output is assigned to which physical midi device? home studio lets you see which one is which. \p choose options-midi devices. the first selected output device is assigned to port 1, the second to port 2, and so on. < > like to have your windows arranged a certain way? you can create and save your own custom screen layouts, and call them up any time you want. \p choose view-layouts to save your current screen layout or to load a layout you have already saved. < > when moving or copying clips to different tracks, you can constrain the clip(s) the their current position on the timeline. \p

to do so, hold down the shift key while moving or copying clips to other tracks. < > if you like to work with several standard screen layouts, you can assign each of these layouts to a hot key on your computer or midi device. \p to do so, save the layout, and then assign a key binding to the view-layouts command. < > you can easily record on multiple tracks simultaneously. \p to do so, simply assign an input and press the arm button for each track you wish to record on. < > you can get more audio out of your computer by creating submixes of your audio tracks. \p to do so, use the edit-bounce to track(s) command. < > you can quickly create a marker during playback or recording, even if you're not in the markers view. \p to do so, press f11. this is a shortcut for the insert-marker command. < > you can tell home studio where to look for certain types of files. \p to do so, go to options-global, and click the folders tab. this file determine the default directory when inserting wave files, choosing file-open, file-save as, etc. < > you can change the properties of any note in the staff view or piano roll view. \p to do so, click on the note with the right mouse button. < > you can choose to enable or disable the display of vertical lines in the clips pane of the track view. \p to do so, click the right mouse button, and choose view options. then check or uncheck display vertical rules as desired. < > you can quickly apply the from and thru times of a selection as a loop. \p to do so, select the section and then press the copy from/thru button in the loop

toolbar. make sure the loop button is pressed. < > you can scrub on multiple tracks of audio at the same time. \p to do so, select the scrub tool, and drag the mouse cursor across the time ruler while holding the left mouse button. < > you can quickly zoom in and out to the minimum and maximum settings in any view. \p to do so, hold down shift while clicking on the magnifying glass. \p in addition, if you keep one of the zoom buttons pressed for a short moment, the view will continue to zoom in/out. < > you can free up your cpu by archiving muted tracks. \p to do so, select the track and then choose track-archive, or right-click the track and select archive from the inspector menu. < > you can change the number of ticks per quarter note. \p to do this, choose options-project, then select the clock tab. < > you can move toolbars to different locations. \p to do this, click and drag the top left corner of the toolbar you wish to move. < > you can maximize your cpu performance when running directx plug-ins in real-time. to improve playback performance, you can apply the effects as offline commands instead. \p to do so, select the track(s) that contain real-time effects, then choose edit | apply audio effects. the track(s) will sound the same, but the cpu won't have to work as hard. < > you can patch effects in any order you want; if the effects are out of order, or you want to change the order. \p to do so, simply use drag and drop to move the effects. < > you can add new tracks in the console view. \p

to do so, simply right click in the console view, and choose add track. you can specify whether you want to add a midi or audio track. < > if you use real-time midi plug-ins and want to save as a standard midi file, use the edit-apply midi effects command to apply the midi effects to the tracks themselves. \p to do so, select the tracks (in the track view) that contain real-time midi plugins, then select edit-apply midi effects. this will ensure that the tracks sound the same as they do when using real-time midi effects. < > you can specify the number of seconds that should be used when auditioning effects. \p to do so, select options-global-general, and specify a number for 'audition commands for [] seconds'. < > in the file open dialog, you can automatically jump to a specific directory that you have specified in options-global-folders. \p to do so, go to file-open, and select a file type from the "go to folder" dropdown list. < > you can specify which editing view home studio should open when double-clicking a midi or audio clip in the clips pane. \p to do so, right-click in the clips pane, and select view options. < > you can resize (zoom vertically) multiple tracks simultaneously. \p to do so, click on the track numbers of the tracks you wish to resize, then hold down the shift key while you resize any of the selected tracks. < > you can change a track parameter in multiple tracks at once. \p to do so, select all the tracks you wish to change, then go to the track-property menu, and select the parameter you wish to modify. < > you can quickly split all selected clips at the now time. \p to do so, press the "s" key. < >

if you use the pc keyboard to navigate in the track view, you can also switch focus between the track pane and mains/bus pane. \p to do so, press shift+down arrow to switch to the mains/bus pane, and press shift+up arrow to switch back to the track pane. < > you can use the pc keyboard to switch cycle through the all, mix, fx, and i/o tabs in the track view. \p to do so, press shift+right arrow to move to the next tab, and shift+left arrow to move to the previous tab. < > you can copy effects between tracks. \p to do so, hold down the ctrl key while dragging an effect to another track's fx control. < > when slip-editing, you can move the data along with the clip boundary. \p to do so, hold down ctrl+shift while slip editing. you can also hold down ctrl+shift while dragging in the middle of a clip to move the data instead of the clip boundaries. < > you can drop markers in on-the-fly during playback. \p to do so, press f11 during playback. < > when working in the track view, you can quickly insert a new track of the same type as the current track. \p to do so, press the insert key. < >you can quickly access the lasso zoom tool without clicking the lasso zoom button. \p to do so, hold down the z key while lasso selecting the section you want to zoom in on. < > home studio allows you to monitor the incoming audio signal while it passes through your audio hardware. this is helpful to audition effects without recording. \p to do so, go to options-audio-input monitoring, and select the driver(s) you wish to use for input monitoring.

note: wdm drivers for you audio hardware are required for low latency. < > you can make an identical copy of a track, then edit one of the copies and compare the results with the original track. \p to do so, select the track you wish to copy, then choose the track-clone command. mute one of the tracks when you wish to a/b the changes between the tracks. < > you can quickly navigate between all open views in home studio. \p to do so, press ctrl+tab. < > you can choose whether or not moving a clip should also move any track envelope nodes that overlap the clip. \p to do so, go to edit-select, and check or uncheck the "select track envelopes with selected clips" options. you can also change this by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the select tool in the track view. if this is an option you frequently need to change, you may wish to assign the "select track envelopes with selected clips" command to a key binding. < > you can quickly reset most slider-type controls, such as volume and pan, to their default position. \p to do so, double-click the control. <

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