Timelive Requirements V 1[1][1].0

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Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Requirement Document For Time Live Project

Name Draft Preparation Reviewer

Time live ,Hyderabad (STC)


Date 07/10/08

Accepted By



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Table of Content 1) Project Objective 2) Features 3) Assumption 4) Test Environment 5) Test Types 6) Modules in TIMELIVE Project 7) Requirements groups



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Project Objective: Time Live is a web-based, timesheet management application that provides timesheet control and project management for workgroups of any size or complexity. With TimeLive you can record time and expenses quickly and easily at any time, from anywhere with Internet access. Once submitted, timesheets and expenses are automatically forwarded to the appropriate supervisor or manager for approval. Additionally, reports can be generated to track data such as project costs, client billing, utilization, and time off. TimeLive tools: These are the top level tools of TimeLive timesheet suite: 1.


Employee Timesheet Management 1. Time entry using two format: Daily and weekly 2. Timesheet and expense approval (customizable timesheet approval path by defining work-flow path) 3. Allow external users (client) to approve their own project timesheet entered by employees. Billing management Three different types of billing rate types configurable at project level. Billing rate can be defined with its applicable date range with complete history. Timesheet then pick billing rate based on time entry date from billing rate history defined at employee level, project role level or project employee level.

Different billing rate options: • Employee own billing rate (System should pick employee own billing rate) • Project based employee billing rate (System pick employee billing rate defined for each project separately) • Role based billing rate (System pick billing rate of employee based on role wise billing rate defined for each project separately) 3. Employee Attendance 1. Punch in / punch out 2. Leave records (sick leave, casual leave etc) 4. Expense entry 5. Task Management 1. Project manager, team leads, employee can create tasks for their project and can assign those tasks to multiple users. And then whole team which is assigned in that particular task can do these task management activities. • Can add their own comments. • Can attach files at task level • Can change status Page3


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6. Project Management tool 7. Reporting 1. Timesheet reports for time sheet and time billing. 2. Expense report for expense reporting to client. 3. Attendance reports with yearly leave days summaries. Assumptions: • • • • • •

Functional Testing of the Website is completed and the website is fit for use. Testing will be carried out in non-working hours. Testing will be carried out in 100 mbps bandwidth. Internet Explorer version 6.0 will be used during testing. All testing activity will be carried out against mutually agreed scope. All software components of the website have been unit and integration tested by the development team.

System requirements (Non Hosted version): The sections that follow provide the system requirements for each type of TimeLive installation. Standard Full Version: Below are the requirements for the full version of the standard (non-hosted) installation, which requires an application server, a database platform, and client machines. Server Requirements The server on which TimeLive is installed must meet the following requirements. Operating System • Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 • Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or higher (32-bit version only) • Windows 2003 • Windows Vista (Any version) Hardware: • Pentium III, 800 MHz processor • 512 MB of RAM • 1 GB of hard disk space • SMTP-compliant e-mail server



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Recommended Hardware: • Pentium IV, 1.4 GHz processor or higher • 1 GB of RAM or more • 1 GB of hard disk space or more • SMTP-compliant e-mail server Software • Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 (installed automatically) • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (installed automatically) • Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 or higher (installed automatically) • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (standard, Express) database (installed automatically) • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 or higher (freely available in operating system) Web Server requirements: Operating System Windows Vista Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Professional Windows 2000

Web Server Microsoft IIS 7.0 (With IIS 6 Compatibility Mode) Microsoft IIS 6.0 Microsoft IIS 5.1 Microsoft IIS 5.0

Database Requirements: TimeLive requires following database platforms be installed, either on the TimeLive server or on a server accessible by TimeLive. • •

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (installed automatically, if selected)

Client Requirements: For those using an ASP (hosted) implementation or standard version all that is required is one or more client machines to provide users access to the system. Client Requirements: Each computer being used to access the TimeLive system must have OperatingSystem: • • •


Windows 9x Windows NT Windows 2000


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• • • • •

Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista Macintosh OS X Linux workstations and UNIX terminals running X Windows

Hardware(Minimum): • •

Pentium III, 450 MHz processor 128 MB of RAM

Hardware (Recommended): • • •

Pentium III, 800 MHz processor 512 MB of RAM or more 1024 x 768 monitor resolution

Software: Windows-based systems require one of the • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher • Netscape Navigator 7.2 • Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 or higher Test Types: Following Test types should be performed on the Application: 1) Functional Testing. 2) Performance Testing. 3) Security Testing.

Module in TIMELIVE Project: There are three Main modules available in TimeLive:

Home: My Area (My area options include all employees own daily routine options like adding tasks, timesheet entry, expense entry, profile, personal reports etc) • • •


My Tasks (To add and list of employee own task. Employee can then search other employee task also using this page) My Profile (To change profile, password and other personal information) My Projects (Show only those projects in which you are assigned)


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• • •

My Timesheet (Show daily timesheet of a employee. You can switch week view of timesheet by clicking on Week View of timesheet) My Expense Entries (Show daily expense entries. It allow allow to add new expense entry records) My Reports (Show main reporting page)

Project Management (Project management area includes different project management pages like approval of timesheet and expenses) • •

Timesheet Approval (Timesheet approval page) Expense Approval (expense approval page)

Administration (All system administration options) •

Admin options (This page will launch main administration page). Admin options further have these sub options to manage and configure Timesheet solution.

Organization Setup • • • • • •

Locations (To manage locations (branches) of your organization. Departments (To manage departments of your organization) Roles (To manage organization roles of your organization) Working Days (Setting up working days in your organization) Task Type (Setting and customizing task types) Priorities (setting and customizing priorities of tasks)

Timesheet / Project / Billing Setup • • • • • • • • • •


Billing types (billing types setup) Absence types (configure types of absence in your organization) Project types (configure types of project in your organization) Preferences (Timesheet, organization, billing, internationalization preferences) Expense Types (configure types of expenses) Expenses (configure expense code as per your organization needs) External Users (Configuring external users through which you can allow client to approve their own project timesheet using TimeLive system) Clients (To manage clients of your organization) Employees (To manage employees of your organization) Projects (To manage projects of your organization)


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Home: Req_001: Enter the valid Username and Password in Login Page. Req_002: User Id: Enter the Valid User Id and the User Id should be a valid mail ID. It should not be blank and it should not be case sensitive. Req_003: Password: Enter the Password and the password should be in encrypted form and it should be case sensitive and it should accept alphabets, numbers and alphanumeric. Req_004: Sign In: Clicking on Sign in Button it should navigate to Main Page. My Area Module Requirement: Req_MyArea_001: Task that is either assigned to log in employee or task which are reported by logged in employee. If u click on My Area module, My Area page shows Week Timesheet Summary, My Task list, My Reported Tasks Req_ My Area _002: WeekTimeSheet Summary: It displays Date, Week Day and Duration Req_ My Area _003: My Task List: In My Task List Link click on Task Id , it will show all the details of Task Id, Task Name, Project, Type, Priority, and Status. Req_ My Area _004: My Reported Tasks: If u click on My Reported Tasks Link Task Id , it will show all the details of TaskId, TaskName, Project, Type, Priority, Status. My Tasks Module Requirement: Req_MyTasks_001: My Tasks: If u click on My Tasks, page provides list of all tasks assigned to logged in user. User can then change it search criteria to see other tasks also assigned to other employees. Req_MyTasks_ Project Tasks _002: If u click on Search Link it displays Project Task form, here in this form we can search a particular Task by giving the information of search parameters like:



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Req_MyTasks_003: Task Id: It contains the ID of the particular Task which is system generated when the Task is added. Req_MyTasks_004: Task Type: It is a drop down menu where we have to select the Type of the particular Task Req_MyTasks_005: Project: It is a drop down menu where we have to select the Project of the particular Task Req_MyTasks_006: Mile Stone: It is a drop down menu it is in disable mode. Req_MyTasks_007: Report By: It is a drop down menu where we have to select the Report By person of that particular Task. Req_MyTasks_008: Assigned To: It is a drop down menu where we have to select the Assigned To person of that particular Task Req_MyTasks_009: Completed Status: It is a drop down menu which contains completed and uncompleted status select the status.

Req_MyTasks_010: Status: It is a drop down menu which contains Started, On Hold, In Progress, and Completed; select the status to that related Task Req_MyTasks_011: Include Date Range: It is a check box where we have to check if we want to include the Date Range.s Req_MyTasks_012: Created Date From: Select the From Date when that Task is created. Req_MyTasks_013: Created Date Upto: Select the Up to Date when that Task is completed. Req_MyTasks_014: Description: Enter the description about that particular Task Req_ My Tasks _015: Project Tasks: If u click on Show link after giving any of the search parameters it will show other tasks also other then assigned to current user Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _016: After clicking on search, here in list it displays the details like: a. Task Code b. Task Name c. Project d. Task Type e. Assigned By Page9


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f. Deadline g. Status h. Priority i. Assigned To Req_ My Tasks_ My Tasks List _017: Task Code: It displays the Task Code of that particular Task. Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _018: Task Name: It displays the Name of the Task Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _019: Project: It displays the Project Name Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _020: Task Type: It displays the Type of Task Req_ My Tasks _My Tasks List _021: Assigned By: It displays the Name of the person who has Assigned the Task Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _022: Deadline: It displays the Deadline of the Task Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _023: Status: It displays the Status of the Task Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _024: Priority: It displays the Priority of the Task. Req_ My Tasks _ My Tasks List _025: Assigned To: It displays the name of the person to whom the Task is Assigned To. ADD Task: Req_ My Tasks_026_: Add Task: Logged-in employee can add new task in Time Live and can assign this task to any other employee. To Add Task the following details has to be provide: Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_027_: Project: It is a drop down menu where we have to select the Project so that we can add a task to that particular project Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_028_: Parent Task: It is a drop down menu where we have to select the Parent of that particular Task i.e., Root level Req_My Tasks_ Add Task_029_: Milestone: It is a drop down menu where we have to select the milestone. Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_030_: Task Code: Here we have to mention the Task Code. Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_031_: Task Name: We have to mention the Task Name



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Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_032_: Task Description: we have to give the description of the Task Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task _033_: Task Type: It is dropdown menu we have to select the Type of the Task i.e., it is a Task, Bug, Issue or Etc., Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_034_: Duration: Here we have to mention the duration of the Task in Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Weeks, Months, and Years. Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task _035_: Completed%: we have to provide how far the Project is completed Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task _036_: Deadline: we have to mention the Deadline of the particular Task Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_037_: Task Status: It is a drop down menu selects the status of the task whether it is Started, On Hold, In Process, and Completed. Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_038_: Priority: It is a drop down menu selects the Priority of the particular Task like it is Urgent, High, Medium, and Low. Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_039_: All Employee Task: It is a check box if the task should be assigned to all the Employee Tasks then we have to check this box Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_040_: All Project Task: It is a check box if the task should be assigned to all the Projects Tasks then we have to check this box Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task _041_: Completed: It is a checkbox if the Task is completed then check the box Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task _042_: Parent Task: It is a check box if u want the Task to be a Parent Task then check the box Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task _043_: Billable: It is a check box if u want the task to be billable then check the box Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_044_: Assigned To: It is a select box where we have to select the person to which the Task has to be assigned. Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_045_: Estimates: we have to mention the estimated cost and the estimated hours of that particular task.



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Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task_046_: Billing Rate: Here we have to mention the Billing rate, Billing Start Date and Billing End Date. Req_ My Tasks_ Add Task _047_: Add: after giving the above details, click on ADD Button it adds the task.

Sub Module-My Profile : Req_ My Profile_001: to change profile, password and other personal information. Req_ My Profile_002:_Prefix: It is dropdown menu list containing Mr., Mrs. and Miss. Req_ My Profile_003:_Username: Here we have to give the Username which u wants to give. Req_ My Profile_004:_Firstname: Here we have to give the First name of the User. Req_ My Profile_005:_Middlename: Here we have to give the middle name of the user. Req_ My Profile_006:_Lastname: Here we have to give the last name of the user. Req_ My Profile_007:_EmailAddress: Mention the Email Id of the user. Req_ My Profile_008:_Address Line1: Mention the Permanent address of the user. Req_ My Profile_009:_Address Line2: Mention the temporary address of the user. Req_ My Profile_010:_State: Mention the State of the user. Req_ My Profile_011:_City: Mention the city of the user. Req_ My Profile_012:_Zip: Mention the Pin code Req_ My Profile_013:_Country: It is dropdown menu select the country to which the user belongs to Req_ My Profile_014:_Home Phone No: Mention the home phone number of the user. Req_ My Profile_015:_Work Phone No: Mention the work phone number of the user. Req_ My Profile_016:_Mobile Phone no: Mention the mobile phone number of the user. Req_ My Profile_017:_TimeZone: It is a Drop down menu where we have to select the time zone to which the user belongs to. Req_ My Profile_018:_Password: Mention the password which user wants to be secured.



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Req_ My Profile_019:_VerifyPassword: Mention the same password which you have provided in the password field for verification. Req_ My Profile_020:_Update: If we click on Update, it updates all the information provided for the above fields. Req_ My Profile_021:_Cancel: If we click on Cancel, it cancels the data and we can modify if anything is required.

My Project Module Requirement: Req_Project_001: If u clicks on My Project module, My Project page show all projects in which current logged in user is assigned. Project list contains: 1. Project Code 2. Project Name 3. Client Name 4. Description 5. Task 6. Manage Req_Project_002: If u click on Task Link, it will navigate u to the field “Tasks” show what task u need to perform and also u can add task. Req_Project_003: If u clicks on Manage icon, it will navigate u to the field “Manage Project “where u can update your preferences Req_Project_004: If u clicks on Email preferences, it will navigate u to field “Email Notification Preferences” where u can update your preferences. My Timesheet Module Requirement: It is useful in order to track the actual physical availability of employee on work. i.e. how many hours he has spent on a particular task in a project Req_Timesheet_001: If u clicks on date timesheet picker, it shows particular time entry sheet with day view. U can also switch to week view by clicking on week view. Time Entry Day view list: 1. Project Page13


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2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Task Start time End time Total Time Description

Req_Timesheet_002: Project: It is a drop down menu from which u can select the assigned project Req_Timesheet_003: Task: It is a down menu from which u can select the particular task which has been assigned to u. Req_Timesheet_004: Timesheet format: It is used for entering time entry record in time live a. Total Time: It is useful in organization where only total time information is required for billing & analyzing. b. Start Time: It is useful in organization where we can know when the work is started. c. End Time: It is useful in organization where we can know when to stop the work. Req_Timesheet_005: Description: It gives the brief description of the project. Req_Timesheet_006: Week View: Using Week view of time entry, employee can enter daily timesheet with full view of whole week. Req_Timesheet_007: Project: It is a drop down menu from which u can select the assigned project. Req_Timesheet_008: Task: It is a drop down menu from which u can select the particular task which has been assigned to u. Req_Timesheet_009: Timesheet format: It is used for entering time entry record in time live a. Total Time: It is useful in organization where only total time information is required for billing & analyzing. b. Start Time: It is useful in organization where we can know when the work is started. c. End Time: It is useful in organization where we can know when to stop the work. Requirement Groups: Employee attendance List Req_Eal_001: Attendance list & its forms are available at (Time Entry Day View) can be launched using timesheet menu option. Employee attendance list: 1. Id 2. In/Out Page14


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3. 4. 5. 6.

Time Absent Edit Delete

Req_Eal_002: Id: It shows the particular Employee Id Req_Eal_003: In/Out: It shows the In/Out time of employee. Req_Eal_004: Time: It shows at what time employee enter the organization. Req_Eal_005: Absent: It shows whether employee is present/on seek leave. Req_Eal_006: Edit: U can edit employee attendance from the list by clicking on edit link Req_Eal_007: Delete: U can delete employee attendance from the list by clicking on delete link Req_Eal_008: Adding new attendance record: a. Click on My Timesheet to launch time entry day view b. In employee attendance form, select “In” in (“In/Out”) dropdown.Select”Out”,If you are recording time out of employee. c. In Time field, select time of employee time in d. Select “Present” in (Absence) dropdown Req_Eal_009: Entering employee leave record: a. Click on My Timesheet to launch time entry day view b. In employee attendance form, leave ("In / Out“) dropdown as blank. c. Leave time field empty. d. Select your required leave type in (Absence) dropdown. e. Click on (Add) to add this (LEAVE) entry Req_Eal_010: To modify attendance record: a. In employee attendance list, click on (Edit) on record which you want to modify. b. Update this record with your required modification in (Employee Attendance Information) form. c. Click on (update) button to update this record. Req_Eal_011: To delete attendance record: a. In (Employee Attendance List), click on (Delete) link of record which you want to delete. b. Click on (Ok) to confirm this delete on confirmation dialog box My Expense Entries Module Requirement: It show what all the expenses made by the employee on a particular project.



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Req_Expense_001: If you click on date picker, it shows particular Expense entry list. Expense Entry List: 1. Id 2. Date 3. Project Name 4. Expense Name 5. Description 5. Amount 6. Edit 7. Delete Req_Expense_002: Id: It shows the id of the particular project. Req_Expense_003: Date: It shows the starting date of the project. Req_Expense_004: Project Name: It shows the particular project which you has been assigned. Req_Expense_005: Expense Name: It shows the Expense incurred from work –related task or purchases like travels, meals, office supplies etc. Req_Expense_006: Description: It gives the brief description of assigned project. Req_Expense_007: Amount: if the expense if billable then u can update it. Req_Expense_008: Edit: u can edit the expense entry by clicking on expense entry. Req_expense_009: Delete: u can delete the expense entry if it is rejected by project lead. Requirement Groups: Expense Entry Information Req_EEI_001: Adding expense entry: a. In [Expense Entry Information] form, enter project name whose expense entry you want to enter. b. Select your required [Expense Name]. c. Enter description of expense entry. d. Enter amount of expense entry. e. Click on [Add] button to add this expense entry Req_EEI_002: Deleting Expense Entry: a. In [Expense Entry List], click on [Delete] link of record which you want to delete. b. Click on “OK" on delete confirmation dialog Req_EEI_003: Editing Expense Entry: a. In [Expense Entry List], click on [Edit] link of record which you want to modify. b. Update your required modification in [Expense Entry Information] form. Page16


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c. Click on [Update] button to update this record

Requirements for my reports: The sub modules present in my reports module are My Reports 1) Detail Timesheet Report 2) Attendance Detail Report 3) Employee Attendance Summary Report 4) Employee Absence Detail Report 5) Leave Summary Report 6) Detail Expense Report Project reports 7) All Projects of organization 8) Task Billing by Projects/Clients 9) Task Status Summary Report 10) Expense by Client Report Administrator/Project Reports 11) All Location Report 12) All Department Report 13) All Client Report 14) All Employees of Organization 1)Detail Timesheet Report: Req_DTR_001: When we click on detail time sheet link it should navigate to the filter form of detail time sheet Report. Req_DTR_002: Employees drop down box should list the employee names present in project along with ALL item. Req_DTR_003: projects drop down box should list the projects along with ALL Option Req_DTR_004: Project Task drop down box should list project Tasks along with ALL option Req_DTR_005: clients drop down box should list all client names. Req_DTR_006: approved drop down box should list the items containing Approved, Not approved, both. Req_DTR_007: Billable drop down box should list the items containing Billable, Unbillable, Both. Req_DTR_008: when we check the checkbox the following Start Date and End Date fields should be enabled.



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Req_DTR_009: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_DTR_010: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_DTR_011: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 2)Attendance Detail Report: Req_ADR_001: When we click on Attendance detail Report link it should navigate to the filter form of Attendance detail Report. Req_ADR_002: Employee drop down box should list the employee names. Req_DTR_003: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_DTR_004: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_DTR_005: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 3)Employee Attendance Summary Report: Req_EASR_001: When we click on Employee Attendance Summary Report link it should navigate to the filter form of Employee Attendance Summary Report. Req_EASR_002: Employees drop down box should list the employee names present in project along with ALL item. Req_EASR_003: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_EASR_004: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_EASR_005: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 4)Employee Absence Detail Report: Req_EADR_001: When we click on Employee Absence Detail Report link it should navigate to the filter form of Employee Absence Detail Report. Page18


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Req_EADR_002: Employees drop down box should list the employee names present in project along with ALL item. Req_EADR_003: when we check the checkbox the following Start Date and End Date fields should be enabled. Req_EADR_004: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_EADR_005: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_EADR_006: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 5)Leave Summary Report: Req_LSR_001: When we click on Leave Summary Report link it should navigate to the filter form of Leave Summary Report. Req_LSR_002: Employees drop down box should list the employee names present in project. Req_LSR_003: when we check the checkbox the following Start Date and End Date fields should be enabled. Req_LSR_004: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_LSR_005: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_LSR_006: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 6)Detail Expense Report: Req_DER_001: When we click on Detail Expense Report link it should navigate to the filter form of Detail Expense Report. Req_DER_002: Employees drop down box should list the employee names present in project along with ALL item. Req_DTR_003: projects drop down box should list the projects along with ALL Option



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Req_DER_004: clients drop down box should list all client names. Req_DER_005: approved drop down box should list the items containing Approved, Not approved, Both. Req_DER_006: Billable drop down box should list the items containing Billable, Unbillable, Both. Req_DER_007: when we check the checkbox the following Start Date and End Date fields should be enabled. Req_DER_008: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_DER_009: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_DER_010: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 7)All Projects of Organization: Req_APO_001: When we click on All Projects of Organization link it should navigate to the filter form of All Projects of Organization. Req_APO_002: client name drop down box should list all client names. Req_APO_003: Active status drop down box should list Active, Inactive and All. Req_APO_004: project status drop down box should list the project status along with ALL Option Req_APO_005: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 8)Task Billing by Projects/Clients: Req_TB_001: When we click on Task Billing by Projects/Clients link it should navigate to the filter form of Task Billing by Projects/Clients. Req_TB_002: clients drop down box should list all client names. Req_TB_003: Employees drop down box should list the employee names present in project along with ALL item. Req_TB_004: projects drop down box should list the projects along with ALL Option Page20


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Req_TB_005: Project Task drop down box should list project Tasks along with ALL option Req_TB_006: Billable drop down box should list the items containing Billable, Unbillable, Both. Req_TB_007: when we check the checkbox the following Start Date and End Date fields should be enabled. Req_TB_008: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_TB_009: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_TB_010: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 9)Task Status Summary Report: Req_TSSR_001: When we click on Task Status Summary Report link it should navigate to the filter form of Task Status Summary Report. Req_TSSR_002: projects drop down box should list the projects along with ALL Option Req_TSSR_003:Task type drop down box should list project Tasks along with ALL option Req_TSSR_004: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 10)Expense by Client Report: Req_ECR_001: When we click on Expense by Client Report link it should navigate to the filter form of Expense by Client Report. Req_ECR_002: clients drop down box should list all client names. Req_ECR_003: Employees drop down box should list the employee names present in project along with ALL item. Req_ECR_004: projects drop down box should list the projects along with ALL Option Req_ECR_005: Expense type drop down box should list expense types along with ALL option Req_ECR_006: when we check the checkbox the following Start Date and End Date fields should be enabled. Page21


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Req_ECR_007: when we click on button present adjacent to Start date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format. Req_ECR_008: when we click on button present adjacent to End date, calendar should be opened with current month. Selected date should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format Req_ECR_010: when Show button is clicked it should display the Report with given information. 11)All Location Report: Req_ALR_001: when we click on all location report, it should navigate to the report containing Location Id and Location. 12)All Department Report: Req_ADR_001: when we click on all department report, it should navigate to the report containing Department Id and Department name. 13)All Client Report: Req_ACR_001: when we click on all client report, it should navigate to the report containing Client Id, party name, party nick, country, state and phone no. 14)All Employees of Organization: Req_AEO_001: when we click on all employees of organization, it should navigate to the report containing Employee Id, Employee name, Email id, Department, Location and Billing type. Timesheet Approval Module Requirements: Req_001: timesheet approval : timesheet approval page should contain timesheet approval table with following contents 1.project field 2.employee name field 3.include date range checkbox 4.startdate 5.end date 6.show button and .update time entry approvals button separately below the table, and in timesheet approval page ,above timesheet approval table i.e. on left side above timesheet approval table : should be available and right side top of the page available

Login : Project Management : Timesheet Approval LoggedIn As: Anandraj Selvaraj Logout should be

Req_002:project field: select the project name from the drop down box ,it should not allow to write down any thing in the field it should allow to select from drop down box only, and the selected project name should be display in the project field, by default Ignore should be there in the field



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Req_003: employee name field: select employee name from the drop down box, it should not allow to write down any thing in the field it should allow to select from drop down only and the selected employee name should be display in the employee name field, by default Ignore should be there in the field Req_004: include date range check box: select check box ,if u select it then only the start date and end date should be considered else it should not consider start and end date and if u select or click on this field a right symbol in green color should be display in the check box Req_005:start date field:select start date ,it should not allow to enter date, only u can select from the calendar that should appear on clicking on start date field or on the browse button adjacent to start date field the selected date should be display in the field,by default current date should be there in the field. Req_006:end date field:select end date, it should not allow to enter date, only u can select from the calendar if that should appear on clicking on end date field or on the browse button adjacent to end date field the selected date should be display in the field,by default current date should be there in the field Req_007:calander:click on start date field or end date field, or browse buttons beside them ,it should display a calendar, if u click on arrow buttons in calendar it should change the appropriate months in sequences (< click this it should show the previous months)(> click this it should show the next months after current month),and if u click on any date that appropriate date should come in this format ie:mm/dd/yy and the selected date background color should be in blue color in the calendar and the present date color should be in yellow color, Req_008: show button: click on show button after filling all the mandatory fields, it should show the appropriate users timesheet for approval, if include date range is selected then it should show timesheet of users in that date range only Req_009: email: check the email .Time live should send an email notification if any timesheet is waiting for approval,or should send it to user if his timesheet is rejected by approver Req_010: approval tables: My team timesheet approval table should be displayed, when a project’s team lead time entry is due to be approve,, My project time entry approval table should display if a project’s project managers time entry approval is due to be approve,, Client time entry approval table should display if a project’s external user’s time entry is due to be approve,, Administrator time entry approval table should be display if administrators’ time entry is due to be approved Req_011: approve: select approved check box on the time entry record(a right symbol should display in the check box) and pass comment in the approvers comment field (this field should allow u to enter any comment)and then click update time entry approvals button the information should be stored in the data base, Req_012: reject: select rejected checkbox on the time entry record (a right symbol should display in the check box) and u can pass comment in the approver’s comment field (this should Page23


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allow u to enter any comment) and then if u click on the update time entry approvals an email notification should be receive by the user from time live Requirement timesheet approval:Profiles Req_001: profiles: click on profiles icon link that should be on the right side top of the timesheet approval page adjacent to loggedinas.it should navigate to the personal profile page Requirement timesheet approval: project management Req_001:project management: click on project management link on the left side top of the timesheet approval page it should navigate to my project page Requirement timesheet approval: login and logout: Req_001: login: Clicking on the LOGIN link on the left side top of the page it should navigate to the login page Req_002: logout: Clicking on the LOGOUT link should be on the right side top of the timesheet approval page it should logout and navigate to the login page EXPENSE APPROVAL module Requirements: Req_exp _001: expense approval: if click on expense approval it should open page ie:expense approval table with fallowing contents 1.project field 2.employee name field 3.include date range checkbox 4.startdate 5.end date 6.show button and 7.update expense entry approvals. Req_002:project field: select the project name from the drop down box ,it should not allow to write down any thing in the field it should allow to select from drop down only and the selected project should appear in the field after selecting it, by default Ignore should be display in the field. Req_003: employee name: select employee name from the drop down box, it should not allow to write down any thing in the field it should allow to select from drop down only and the drop down box should contain all the user’s names and select the employee name, only selected employee name should be appear in the employee name field,by default Ignore should be display in the field Req_004: include date range: select check box (it should display a right symbol),if u select it then only the start date and end date should be considered else it should not consider start and end date Req_005: start date: select start date, it should not allow to enter date, only u can select from the calendar that should appear on clicking on start date field or on the browse button adjacent to start date field and the selected date only should appear in the start date field, by default current date should be there in the field.



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Req_006: end date: select end date, it should not allow to enter date, only u can select from the calendar that should appear on clicking on end date field or on the browse button adjacent to end date field and the selected date only should appear in the end date field, by default current date should be there in the field Req_007:calander:click on start date field or end date field, it should display a calendar, if u click on arrow buttons it should change the appropriate months in sequences,(< if click this it should show previous months,)(>, if click this it should show next month after this month)and if u click on any date that appropriate date should come in this format ie:mm/dd/yy and the selected date background color should be in blue color in the calendar and the present date should be in yellow color Req_008: show: click on show button after filling all the mandatory fields, it should show the appropriate users timesheet for approval, if include date range is selected then it should show expense of users in that date range only

Req_009: email: check the email time live should send an email notification if any expense is waiting for approval, or should send it to user if his expense entry is rejected by the approver Req_010: approval: My team expense entry approval table should be displayed, when a project’s team lead time entry is due to be approve,, My project expense entry approval table display if a project’s project managers expense entry approval is due to be approve,, Client expense entry approval table display if a project external user’s expense entry is due to be approve,, Administrator expense entry approval table should be display if administrator’s expense entry is due to be approved Req_011:how to approve: select approval check box on the expense entry record and pass comment in the approvers comment field (this field should allow u to enter any comment)and then if u click on the update expense entry approvals the information should be stored in the data base, Req_012:how to reject: select rejected checkbox on the expense entry record and u can pass comment in the approver’s comment field(this should allow u to enter any comment)and then if u click on the update expense entry approvals an email notification should be receive by the user from time live Requirement expense approval:Profiles Req_001: profiles: click on profiles icon link that should be on the right side top of the expense approval page adjacent to logged in as. it should navigate to the personal profile page Requirement expense approval: project management Req_001: project management: click on project management link on the left side top of the page it should navigate to my project page Requirement expense approval: login and logout:



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Req_001:login: Clicking on the LOGIN link on the top left side of the expense approval page it should navigate to the login page Req_002:logout: Clicking on the LOGOUT link on the top right side of the expense approval page it should logout and navigate to the login page .

Module: Administration Administration (All system administration options) 

Admin options (This page will launch main administration page). Admin options further have these sub options to manage and configure Timesheet solution. Organization Setup

• • • • • •

Locations (To manage locations (branches) of your organization. Billing types (To manage Billing types of your organization) Roles (To manage organization roles of your organization) Working Days (Setting up working days in your organization) Task Type (Setting and customizing task types) Priorities (setting and customizing priorities of tasks)

Timesheet / Project / Billing Setup • • • • • • • • • •

Billing types (billing types setup) Absence types (configure types of absence in your organization) Project types (configure types of project in your organization) Preferences (Timesheet, organization, billing, internationalization preferences) Expense Types (configure types of expenses) Expenses (configure expense code as per your organization needs) External Users (Configuring external users through which you can allow client to approve their own project timesheet using TimeLive system) Clients (To manage clients of your organization) Employees (To manage employees of your organization) Projects (To manage projects of your organization)

Requirement Group: Admin options When we click on Admin options it should show the options of Organizational setup and Timesheet / Project / Billing.



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Sub Modules in Organizational setup: • • • • •

• •

Locations Billing types Roles Working Days Task Type Priorities Role Permissions

Requirements for Locations: Req _Loc_001: There should be a location list table with headings Id, Account Location, Edit, and Delete. Req _Loc_002: There should be a location Information table with an edit box (Location) which accepts 50 alphanumeric characters Req _Loc_003: There should be an ADD Button in Location Information table when we once click on add button after inserting a location it should update the location field of Location List table with a unique Id.There should be a edit and delete button for the corresponding location to edit and delete it from the list.

Requirements for Department type: Req_Dep_01: This page should contain two tables with Department type List and Department type Information as titles. Req_Dep_02: In the Department type List table the titles should be Id, Code, Department type Name, Edit and Delete Req_ Dep _03: In Department type Information table there should be edit boxes with Department type Code and Department type name which are mandatory and an Add Button. Req_ Dep _04: When we click on Add Button after writing the code and name of the Department type it should update in Department type List table. Req_ Dep _05: When we click on Edit button in Department type list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Department type. Req_ Dep _06: When we click on Delete button in Department type list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Department type. Req_ Dep _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Department type in Department type list. Requirements for Roles: Req_Role_01: This page should contain two tables with Role List and Role Information as titles. Req_Role_02: In Role List the titles should be Id, Role, Edit and Delete. Req_Role_03: In Role Information table there should be edit boxes with Role and LDAP Role with mandatory and an Add Button. Page27


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Req_Role_04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Role and LDAP Role it should update it Role list table. Req_Role_05: When we click on Edit button in Billing type list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Role. Req_ Role _06: When we click on Delete button in Billing type list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Role. Req_ Role _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Role in Role Information. Requirements for Working Days: Req_Work_01: This page should contain Working days list table with working day and select as columns. Req_Work_02: For every day in working day column there should be check list in select columns so that we can check it as working day. Req_Work_03: There should be an update button to update the working days. Requirements for Task Type: Req_Task_01: This page should contain two tables with Task type List and Task type Information. Req_Task_02: In Task type List the titles should be Id, Task type, Edit and Delete. Req_ Task _03: In Task type Information table there should be edit boxes with Task type which is mandatory and an Add Button. Req_ Task _04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Task type it should update in Task type List table. Req_ Task _05: When we click on Edit button in Task type list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Task type. Req_ Task _06: When we click on Delete button in Task type list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Task type. Req_ Task _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Task type in Task type list. Requirements for Priorities: Req_Pri_01: This page should contain two tables with Priority List and Priority Information as titles. Req_ Pri _02: In Priority List the titles should be Id, Account Priority, Edit and Delete. Req_ Pri _03: In Priority Information table there should be edit boxes with Priority and Priority Order which are mandatory and an Add Button. Req_ Pri _04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Priority and Priority Order it should update in Priority List table. Req_ Pri _05: When we click on Edit button in Priority list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Account Priority. Req_ Pri _06: When we click on Delete button in Priority list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Account Priority. Page28


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Req_ Pri _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Priority in Account Priority. Requirements for Role Permissions: Req_Perm_01: This page should contain two list boxes with select Role and Default page as titles this two list boxes the list should be updated as per there related modules. Req_Perm_02: This page should contain a table with Page Permissions as a title and Category, Page Description, Permissions, Show Data as sub titles for the columns. Req_Perm_03: There should be check boxes in permissions column for every pages in Category column. Req_Perm_04: There should be check boxes for the show data column for Reports pages in Category column. Req_Perm_05: When we select the Role in Select Role Edit box it should show the permissions to that Role for accessing pages and there should be check boxes for every option in every page to add or remove permission to that particular role. Req_Perm_06: There should be an update button to update the changed permissions for the particular role.

Timesheet / Project / Billing Setup Sub Modules in Timesheet/Project/Billing Setup: • • •

• • •

• •

• • •

Billing types Absence types Project types Status Type Preferences Expense Types Expenses External Users Approvals Email Notification preferences Project Templates

Requirements for Billing types:



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Req_Bill_01: This page should contain two tables with Billing type List and Billing type Information as titles. Req_Bill_02: In the Billing type List table the titles should be Id, Billing type, Billing Category, Edit and Delete Req_Bill_03: In billing type Information table there should be edit box with Billing type as title and a list box with Billing Category which are mandatory and an Add Button. Req_Bill_04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Billing type and selecting the billing category it should update in billing type List table. Req_Bill_05: When we click on Edit button in billing type list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Billing type. Req_Bill_06: When we click on Delete button in billing type list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Billing type. Req_Bill_07: It should generate a unique Id for every Billing type in Billing type list. Requirements for Absence Types: Req_Abs_01: This page should contain two tables with Absence type List and Absence type Information as titles. Req_ Abs _02: In the Absence type List table the titles should be Id, Absence Description, Edit and Delete Req_ Abs _03: In Absence type Information table there should be edit box with Absence Description which is mandatory and an Add Button. Req_ Abs _04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Absence Description it should update in Absence type List table. Req_ Abs _05: When we click on Edit button in Absence type list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Absence type Req_ Abs _06: When we click on Delete button in Absence type list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Absence type. Req_ Abs _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Absence type in Absence type list. Requirements for Project Types: Req_Proj_01: This page should contain two tables with Project type List and Project type Information as titles. Req_ Proj _02: In the Project type List table the titles should be Id, Project type, Edit and Delete Req_ Proj _03: In Project type Information table there should be edit box with Project Type which is mandatory and an Add Button. Req_ Proj _04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Project type it should update in Absence type List table. Req_ Proj _05: When we click on Edit button in Project type list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Project type. Req_ Proj _06: When we click on Delete button in Project type list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Project type. Req_ Proj _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Project type in Project type list. Page30


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Requirements for Status: Req_Status_01: This page should contain two tables with Status List and Status Information as titles. Req_ Status _02: In the Status List table the titles should be Id, Status type, Status, Edit and Delete. Req_ Status _03: In Status Information table there should be edit boxes with Status type and Status which are mandatory and an Add Button. Req_ Status _04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Status type and Status in Status Information table it should update in Status List table. Req_ Status _05: When we click on Edit button in Status list table then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Status type. Req_ Status _06: When we click on Delete button in Status list table it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Status type. Req_ Status _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Status in Status type list. Requirements for Application Preferences: Req_Pref_01: This Page should contain a table with Provide your Information as a title. Req_Pref_02: In that table Customer Information, Application Preferences, License Activation and Upload Company Own Logo as sub titles.

Customer Information: Req_Pref_03: There should be an edit box with Account Name as title and it should accept 50 Alpha Numeric characters along with special characters. Req_Pref_Cust_04: There should be an edit box with Email Address as title And it should contain “@” and “.” As Mandatory and can accept 25 characters. Req_Pref_ Cust_05: There should be an edit boxes with Address1 and Address2 as titles and it should accept Alpha numeric characters. Req_Pref_ Cust_06: There should be an edit boxes with Zip Code, Telephone and Fax as titles which should accept only Digits. Req_Pref_ Cust_07: There should be an edit box with City as title and which should accept only Alphabets. Req_Pref_ Cust_08: There should be a check list with Country as title where the list should display all the country names. Req_Pref_ Cust_09: There should be a check list with Default Currency as title where the list should display all the Currency available all over the world. Req_Pref_ Cust_10: There should be a check list with Time Zone as title where the list should display all the time zones in the world. Application Preferences: Page31


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Req_Pref_App_01: In this table there should be check box with Show Clock Start/End as title. Req_Pref_App_02: There should be a check list with Time Entry Format as title and in the list it should display HH:MM and HH:MM AM/PM. Req_Pref_App_03: There should be a list box with Standards and Formats which should display all the Standards and Formats available in the world. Req_Pref_App_04: There should be a list box with Currency Symbol which should display all the Currency symbols available in World. Req_Pref_App_05: There should be an edit box with Session Timeout which should accept only digits. Req_Pref_App_06: There should be a check box with Show Completed Task in Timesheet as title. Req_Pref_App_07: There should be a list box with Scheduled Email Send Time as title and the list should display the time gap of 15 Minutes. Req_Pref_App_08: There should be two edit boxes with From Email Display Name and From Email Address as titles which should accept 100 Alpha Numeric Characters along with Special Characters. Req_Pref_App_09: There should be Update button to update Application Preferences table. License Activation: Req_Pref_Lic_01: There should be an edit box with License Keys as a title which should accept Alphanumeric Characters. Req_Pref_Lic_02: There should be a Button with Activate as title which should activate the License once the code is correct in License Keys edit button.

Upload Company Own Logo: Req_Pref_Upl_01: There should be a edit button with Company Own Logo as title and Browse Button corresponding to the edit box from which we can upload the logo of the company. Req_Pref_Upl_02: There should be a check box with title as Show Company Own Logo. Req_Pref_Upl_03: There should be a button with update as title which should update the Company logo. Requirements for Expense Type: Req_Expty_01: This page should contain two tables with Expense type List and Expense type Information as titles. Req_ Expty _02: In the Expense type List table the titles should be Id, Expense type, Edit and Delete



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Req_ Expty _03: In Expense type Information table there should be edit box with Expense type as title which is mandatory and an Add Button. Req_ Expty _04: When we click on Add Button after writing the Expense type in Expense type Information it should update in Expense type List table. Req_ Expty _05: When we click on Edit button in Expense type list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Expense type. Req_ Expty _06: When we click on Delete button in Expense type list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Expense type. Req_ Expty _07: It should generate a unique Id for every Expense type in Expense type list. Requirements for Expenses: Req_Exp_01: This page should contain two tables with Expense List and Expense Information as titles. Req_Exp_02: In the Expense List table the titles should be Id, Expense Name, Billable, Expense Type, Edit and Delete. Req_Exp_03: In Expense type Information table there should be edit box with Expense Name as title which should accept Alpha Numeric along with special characters. Req_Exp_04: Expense Information table there should be dropdown box with the contents which were added in Expense type. Req_Exp_05: There should be a check box with Billable as title. Req_Exp_06: In Expense Information table there should be an add button which should update the Expense name and type in Expense List table. Req_ Exp _07: When we click on Edit button in Expense list then it should allow the Admin to edit the corresponding Expense type. Req_ Exp _08: When we click on Delete button in Expense list it should allow the Admin to delete the corresponding Expense type. Requirements for External Users: Req_Ext_01: This page should contain two tables with External User List and External User Information as titles. Req_Ext_02: In the External User List table the titles should be First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Client Name, Edit and Delete. Req_Ext_03: In External User Information table there should be Personal Information and Login as sub titles. Personal Information: Req_Ext_Per_01: In this Personal Information table there should be a drop down box with Prefix as title and in list it should display Mr., Mrs., and Miss. Req_Ext_Per_02: In this Personal Information table there should be three edit boxes with First Name, Middle Name and Last Name as title which should accept only Alphabets.



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Req_Ext_Per_03: There should be List box with External User Client as a title and the list should display the clients. Login: Req_Ext_Log_01: There should be an edit box with Login Email Address as a title and it should accept Alpha Numeric and compulsorily “@” and “.” Req_Ext_Log_02: There should be an edit box with Password as title and it should accept Alphanumeric and special characters, but it should be displayed in Encrypted Format. Req_Ext_Log_03: There should be an edit box with Verify Password as title and it should accept Alphanumeric and special characters and it should match with the password but it should be displayed in Encrypted Format. Req_Ext_Log_04: There should be a list box with Role as title and it should display the Role content. Req_Ext_Log_05: There should be an Add Button to Update the External User Information in External Users List. Requirements for Approval: Req_Appro_01: There should be a table with Approval type List as title Req_Appro_02: There should be an Approval Type name, Edit and Delete as sub titles in the table. Req_Appro_03: There should be an Approval Type names in a table and Edit and Delete buttons corresponding to them. Req_Appro_04: When we click on Edit button it should allow us to edit the Approval Type Name and when we click on Delete button it should allow us to delete the corresponding empty Approval type. Req_Appro_05: There should be an Add Button to add the Approval type and Approval Path. Requirements for Email Notification Preferences: Req_Email_01: This page should contain the table with Email Notification Preferences as title. And Id, Email Notification and Enable/Disable as subtitles. Req_Email_02: For every Email Notification there should be a check box in Enable/Disable column. Req_Email_03: There should be a button in this page with Update Email Notification Preferences as title which should update the changes in the page.

Requirements for Project Templates: Req_Pro_01: This page should contain two tables with Project Template List and Project Information as title.



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Req_Pro_02: In Project Template List table there should be Id, Project code, Project Name, Client Name, Start Date, Edit and Delete as sub titles. Req_Pro_03: In Project information table there should be a list box with mandatory symbol with Project Type as title. And the list should be updated from Project type module. Req_Pro_04: There should be a list box with Client as title which is mandatory field and it should update from Client Module. Req_Pro_05: There should be list box with Project Billing Type as title where the list should be update from Billing type module. Req_Pro_06: There should be an edit box with Project Code as title with mandatory symbol and it should accept 15 alphanumeric characters along with special Characters. Req_Pro_07: There should be an edit box with Project Name as title with mandatory symbol and it should accept 50 alphanumeric characters along with special Characters. Req_Pro_08: There should be an edit box with Project Description as title with mandatory symbol and it should accept alphanumeric characters along with special Characters. Req_Pro_09: There should be a calendar box with Start Date as title and it should allow us to take the date from the list. Req_Pro_10: There should be a calendar box with Deadline as title and it should allow us to take the date from the list. And the deadline should not be less than the start date. Req_Pro_11: There should be list box with Project Status as title where the list should be update from Project status module. Req_Pro_12: There should be list box with Team Lead as title where the list should be update from Employees module. Req_Pro_13: There should be list box with Project Manager as title where the list should be update from Employees module. Req_Pro_14: There should be list box with Time Sheet Approval Type as title where the list should be update from Approval module. Req_Pro_15: There should be list box with Expense Approval Type as title where the list should be update from Approval module. Req_Pro_16: There should be an edit box with Duration as title where it should accept only Numbers and besides to that there should be a list box with Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks and Years as options. Req_Pro_17: There should be an edit box with Default Billing Rate as Title and it should accept alphanumeric characters along with special Characters. Req_Pro_18: There should be list box with Project Billing Rate Type as title and the list should contain Use Employee Own Billing Rate, Use Project Roles Billing Rate, Use Project Employee Billing Rate and Use Project Task Billing Rate. Req_Pro_19: There should be a button with Add as title and it should update the entire options in Project template list.

Requirements for Clients:



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Req_clien_01: This page should contain two tables with Clients List and Client Information as titles. Req_clien_02: In Clients List Id, Client Name, Client Nick, Email Address, City, State, Country, Edit, Delete, Contacts and Departments as sub titles of the table. Req_clien_03: For every client list there should be Edit, Delete, Contacts and Departments link to view and change in corresponding Columns. Req_clien_04: There should be two edit boxes with Client Name and Client Nick as titles and both should be mandatory fields where they should accept alphanumeric characters along with special characters. Req_clien_05: There should be an edit box with email Address as title and it should be mandatory field where it should accept alphanumeric characters along with special characters but in the edit box it should contain “@” and “.” Req_clien_06: There should be two edit boxes with Address1and Address2 as titles where they should accept alphanumeric characters along with special characters. Req_clien_07: There should be List box with country as title and the list should display all the country names in the world. Req_clien_08: There should be two edit buttons with State and City as titles and both should be mandatory fields where they should accept Alphabets only. Req_clien_09: There should be an edit box with Zip Code as title and it should accept only Numbers. Req_clien_10: There should be three edit boxes with Telephone1, Telephone2 and Fax as titles where they should accept up to 50 Numbers. Req_clien_11: There should be a list box with Default Currency as title and the list should display the total currency symbols available in the world. Req_clien_12: There should be an edit box with Default Billing Rate as title and it should accept alphanumeric characters along with special characters. Req_clien_13: There should be an edit box with Website as title and it should accept 50 alphanumeric characters along with special characters. Req_clien_14: There should be an edit box with Notes as title and it should accept alphanumeric characters along with special characters. Req_clien_15: There should be an add button with Add as title which should update the entire Client information field in Client list.

Requirements for EMPLOYEES Module 1) Employee List 2) Employee Information Requirement for PROJECT Module 1) Project List 2) Project Information



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

EMPLOYEE LIST Req_EL_001: Whenever we click the Employee link, the web page should navigate to the place where employee list is displayed. Req_EL_002: The displayed list should contain ID, CODE, FIRST NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, LOCATION, EDIT and DELETE. Req_EL_003: The displayed ID, CODE, EMAIL ADDRESS should be unique to the other employees list. Req_EL_004: The Edit link should allow to edit the employee information, update it and then save that information. Req_EL_005: The Delete link should allow to delete the entire employee information. EMPLOYEE INFORMATION Req_EI_001: Whenever we click the Employee link, the web page should navigate to the place where employee information sub module is displayed which allows to enter the new employee information. Req_EI_002: The first field in the employee information sub module is the EMPLOYEE CODE which allows to enter the employee code with minimum of 6 and maximum of 60 alpha numeric characters. The employee code should be unique i.e., already entered employee code should not be accepted. Req_EI_003: The username field allows to enter the username of the employee in the form of a email address. This field is also unique i.e., already entered email address should not be accepted. Req_EI_004: The Prefix field is the drop down list which allows to select the one among the option present i.e., Mr. , Mrs. , Miss. Req_EI_005: The First Name field is the mandatory field i.e., it has to be filled compulsory. This field allows to enter the first name of the employee with the minimum of 4 and maximum of 40 alphanumeric characters. Req_EI_006: The Middle Name field allows to enter the middle name of the employee with minimum of 4 and maximum of 40 alphanumeric characters. Its not a mandatory field. Req_EI_007: The Last Name field is the mandatory field i.e., it has to be filled compulsory. This field allows to enter the last name of the employee with the minimum of 4 and maximum of 40 alphanumeric characters.



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Req_EI_008: Address Line 1 allows to enter the first address line. Req_EI_009: Address Line 2 allows to enter the address line followed. Req_EI_010: State field allows to enter the state to which the employee belongs to. Req_EI_011: City field allows to enter the city to which the employee belongs to. Req_EI_012: Zip field allows to enter the zip code of that city to which the employee belongs to. Req_EI_013: Country field is the drop down list which allows to select one among the countries displayed in that drop down list. Req_EI_014: Home Phone No is the field to enter the home phone number. Req_EI_015: Work Phone No is the field to enter the work phone number. Req_EI_016: Mobile Phone No is the field to enter the mobile phone number of the employee i.e., which he always carry with him. Req_EI_017: Time Zone is the field which allows to select the time zone to which the employee belongs to from the drop down list. Req_EI_018: Login Email Address allows to enter the email address of the employee. It’s a Mandatory field. Req_EI_019: Password field allows to enter the password for that email address to login. It’s a Mandatory field. Req_EI_020: Verify Password is to enter the password again. It’s a Mandatory field. Req_EI_021: Role of the employee should be selected from the drop down list. It’s a Mandatory field. Req_EI_022: Department to which the employee belongs to should be selected from drop down list. It’s a Mandatory field. Req_EI_023: Location of the employee should also be selected from the drop down list. Req_EI_024: Currency of the particular country in which the employee is working should also be selected from the drop down list in order to maintain the billing rate. Req_EI_025: Billing Rate of the employee should be entered. Req_EI_026: Billing Rate starting rate should also be selected from the calendar. Page38


Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Req_EI_027: Billing Rate ending rate should also be selected from the calendar. Req_EI_028: Billing type for that employee should also be selected from the available drop down list. Req_EI_029: Add button is used to add the employee information to the employee list. PROJECT LIST Req_PL_001: Whenever we click the Project link, the web page should navigate to the place where project list is displayed. Req_PL_002: The displayed list should contain ID, PROJECT CODE, PROJECT NAME, CLIENT NAME, START DATE, EDIT and DELETE. Req_PL_003: The displayed ID, PROJECT CODE should be unique to the other employees list. Req_PL_004: The Edit link should allow editing the project information, updating it and then saving that information. Req_PL_005: The Delete link should allow deleting the entire project information. PROJECT INFORMATION Req_PI_001: Whenever we click the Project link, the web page should navigate to the place where project information sub module is displayed which allows to enter the new project information. Req_PI_002: The first field is the Project Template which allows to select the particular template from the given drop down list. Req_PI_003: The Project Type field allows to select the type of the project i.e., whether it is the marketing, technical or training type. This field is mandatory. Req_PI_004: The Client field allows to select the client from the displayed drop down list. This field is mandatory. Req_PI_005: The Client Contact is the field which allows to enter the contact information of the client. Req_PI_006: The Client Department field allows entering the department to which the client belongs to.



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0

Req_PI_007: The Project Billing Type is the drop down list which is to select the type of the billing i.e., whether it is to be calculated hourly or as a fixed bid. Req_PI_008: The Project Code is the field which allows to enter the project code of that particular project. The project code stands unique. Req_PI_009: The Project Name field allows to enter the project name. It’s the mandatory field. Req_PI_010: Project Description is the field to enter the description of the project i.e., an overview of what the project is to be entered in that field. Thos field is also mandatory. Req_PI_011: Start Date is to select the starting date of the project. Req_PI_012: Deadline is to select the end date of the project. Req_PI_013: Project Status is the drop down list field which allows to select the current status of the project. Req_PI_014: Team Lead of the particular project is to be selected from the drop down list. Req_PI_015: Project Manager of the particular project is to be selected from the drop down list.

Req_PI_016: Time Sheet Approval Type is the field to select the time sheet approval type of the project from the drop down list. Req_PI_017: Expense Approval Type is the field to select the expense approval type of the project from the drop down list. Req_PI_018: Duration of the project is to be entered i.e., in days or months the particular duration is. Req_PI_019: Default Billing Rate is to filled in order to make the billings easier. Req_PI_020: Project Billing Rate Type field is the drop down list to select the billing rate type for that particular project. Req_PI_021: Add button allows to enter all the details filled up in the project information sub module. This information is displayed in the Project list sub module.



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0



Timelive_Requirements Ver1.0



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