Thursday, November 12, 2009

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It’s a lifestyle choice … p.5

Concert at Delaware on Sunday … p.7

Baked goods plastic no good… p.3

thegazette ... flunking French since 1906



Strike likely as talks fail between union, LTC Mayor urges groups to return to bargaining table, stop using council as pawn By Shreya Tekriwal Gazette Staff

The City has refused to intervene in London Transit negotiations, meaning a bus strike is almost certain. Bus drivers will go on a strike starting Monday, Nov. 16 if they do not reach an agreement with the London Transit Commission. According to recent public statements on the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 741 website, talks have broken off and no discussions have been scheduled before the strike deadline. “Our goal from the outset was to maintain service to the public while negotiating with [LTC], but management […] and the mayor have all declared that they don’t care to negotiate,” a public announcement from the union stated. Anne Marie DeCicco-Best, mayor of London, mentioned the City’s bylaws prohibit the council from getting involved in the negotiations. “The City can’t intervene, and I think that’s what people are misunderstanding. This is not a question of whether we want to or not, we absolutely have no legal ability to be involved with this,” DeCiccoBest said. “The employer is the LTC and it is with the employer the union has its discussions every day. That’s who they work for and that’s who they negotiate with, not the City of London.” According to Emily Rowe, president of the University Students’ Council, the USC and Western’s administration are working together to promote commuting alternatives to students, staff and faculty members. “For the past three weeks, […]

we have done hours and hours of research, considering every single option we possibly could,” Rowe said. Rowe suggested walking to class and encouraged people who rely on the bus to share a ride with a fellow student, faculty or staff member. While the USC continues to do their best to provide students with

alternative options, Rowe said their options are limited. “It is hard to accommodate such a capacity [of students] that the LTC has served,” she added. A press release from the USC stated the University is currently developing a web portal to assist students and employees in connecting with rides.

“We are confident that faculty will show empathy for students that face onerous challenges […] We also request that students only ask for academic accommodation if they are facing undue hardship,” Rowe said in the media release. Western’s campus will remain open and classes will continue during the strike.

“I think both sides need to get back to the table. [The] only way to reach a settlement is to do that,” DeCicco-Best said. “Trying to use the council or the mayor’s office as a political card is distracting from the real issue and that is that they need to accept the reasonable offer which is on the table and not go on a strike.”


Fear of retaliation discouraging reports of hate crimes 78% of victims coming forward to police according to LGBT health survey By Cheryl Stone Gazette Staff

Officials are responding to a recent string of hate crimes in London. Early in September, one man reported being targeted in an antigay attack. Later that same month a gay couple was violently attacked in the city’s core. Most recently members of the city’s Muslim community have been outraged after a London woman’s hijab was torn off by a man carrying a knife. In addition to the problem of hate crime itself, officials are concerned not enough victims are comfortable reporting the crimes. Michelle Boyce, president of Diversity Training Live, echoed this

statement. He cited a London survey on LGBT health where 27 per cent of respondents had been victims of hate crime. Of the victims, 78 per cent had reported to police. However Kristin Buckley, media relations officer for London police, said conditions are improving. “People are not afraid anymore to come out to the police and report these incidents,” she said. Many hate crime victims have trouble coming forward for fear of retaliation, according to Marcel Marcellin, diversity officer for the London Police Service. “Our job is to encourage all victims of crime to report the incidents and we support them through the criminal process,” he added.

These trends have led to the creation of several initiatives to encourage these groups to turn to the police and confront hate crimes in London. “If we want people who have come from a country where the police aren’t trusted there […] we need to get the message out that we are a community police service — we’re not a force,” Buckley explained. The latest initiative to be unveiled is London’s Report Homophobic Violence Period. The awareness campaign will allow the City to educate the public and reduce the fear of reporting hate crimes. According to Boyce, groups rep-

resenting the queer community will also be working with the police on other initiatives that compliment RHVP. According to groups on and off campus, the first priority is ending hate. “Basically we need education […] It’s typically people who are misinformed and uneducated about the situation who are perpetrating these crimes,” Boyce said. “You never can let this stuff go; you have to keep working with people to [help them] understand their behaviours are not acceptable in a peaceful community.” Will Bortolin, vice-president campus issues for the University Students’ Council agreed. “We need

to be better understanding of others and where they come from,” he said. “I think that the best cure of those crimes is to try build bridges of understanding, spread awareness and try to learn about each other,” said Shaimaa Ali, Islam awareness manager for the Muslim Student Association at Western. “We are addressing the underlying stereotypes that can lead to hate,” Bortolin said. “We need to ensure that campus is safe and there is security.” “I have experienced some minor childish behaviour from some people,” Ali said. But she added, “I still think that it’s safe at Western.” —With files from Abid-Aziz Ladhani



theGazette • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009

NEWSBRIEFS Bad looking Brits According to the dating website, people who are British are rated the least attractive. Anyone who applies to Beautiful People must send in a photograph of themselves with a brief profile, which is rated by existing members of the website. Less than 12 per cent of British men and 15 per cent of British women who have applied have been accepted as members. Out of the total number of appli-

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cants from all countries, only one out of every six will be accepted as members. Beautiful People’s managing director Greg Hodge suggested unlike other countries, Britain puts less emphasis on beach culture and less time and effort into working out. “The weather in Britain isn’t as nice and the British tend to focus their time more on relaxing and kicking back for a few drinks in the pubs after work,” he said. Applicants are given ratings spanning from “Hmmm no, not really” and “No definitely not” for the less beautiful to “Yes definitely” for the more attractive. Swedish men, as well as applicants from Norway, have proved to be the most beautiful, with hope-

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Interested in journalism? Gazette News has openings for writers and interns. Visit Rm. 263 and talk to managing editor Jaela Bernstien

fuls from Germany and the U.K. the least likely to be accepted. —Mike Macdonald

Banda shares expertise Sylvia Banda, winner of the 2001 Most Outstanding Entrepreneur in Africa award, will be speaking at Brescia University College on Wednesday, Nov. 18. The event will focus on Banda’s story. She started a small catering company when she was 24 and despite not having furniture, the restaurant was a success. Today it has expanded to become a million dollar company, featuring a variety of cafeterias throughout Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, and a culinary school. “She buys locally grown foods and sells them in her company and around the world […] In one of her businesses, she trains farmers to dry and package these products,” said June Matthews, assistant professor of food and nutritional sciences at Brescia. “With up to 50 per cent post-harvest losses, this is a significant contribution to addressing hunger.” Banda’s participation was made possible with help from International Development Enterprises, a group that creates income opportunities for poor and impoverished workers. “IDE has a strong, business-oriented mindset. They ask the farmers to buy their pumps. If these farmers [want] to invest, [the farmers] have to make it work. It’s a business based model, not a charity model,” Matthews added. “Business students might be very interested in how this system works.” The event will be held from 5 - 7 p.m. in the auditorium of Brescia’s St. James Building. Tickets are $2, in support of those who earn less than that a day. The event is open to the public and parking will be free. — Justin D’Angelo

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theGazette • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009



Universities lacking in language opportunities Certificate of business French program at Western an exception to the rule By Meagan Kashty Gazette Staff

Universities aren’t placing enough emphasis on bilingualism, according to a recent report by Graham Fraser, Canada’s commissioner of official languages. The study, titled “Two Languages, A World of Opportunities: Second-Language Learning in Canada’s Universities,” provided an assessment of 84 universities and their efforts to develop second-language skills in students. “What we found through this study is that some universities offer second-language courses to students, but there is a definite lack of more intensive second-language learning opportunities,” Fraser said. While students must obtain a French credit to graduate from high school, no such requisition exists in university, which is an issue for some. “[French] is kind of lost on the university level,” Jeff Tennant, associate professor for the French department, said. “High schools used to require more French language courses. Now, the onus is on the universities to pick up and set academic requirements that are in line with Canada’s requirements for official bilingualism.” Fraser’s study noted it is the responsibility of the federal government and Canadian universities to prepare youth for an increasingly global job market — where language skills are essential for success. “It’s important for students to recognize that in regards to globalization and internationalization, languages are gaining more and more importance,” Tennant said. Chantal Dawar, co-ordinator of the certificate of business French offered at Western,

added the current economic climate has had an effect on the French programs universities have to offer. “With the recession, every faculty and department has trouble with budget constraints,” Dawar said. “The budget is definitely tighter, and to put internships and programs in place, you need money.” Western boasts a wide range of resources for students, including a Business French certificate for students looking to enter the working world with a strong knowledge of French business. “We are unique at Western in this respect,” Dawar noted. “I did a survey about a year ago, and many universities offer French business courses, but not a program.” Darren Meister, associate professor for the Richard Ivey School of Business, emphasized for students looking to work internationally, the ability to communicate is essential. However, a knowledge of languages is also an asset for those looking for local jobs. Tennant noted there are concerns about the renewal of public service, and a prediction there will be a turnover in public service positions. “This means a large workforce of bilingual, universityeducated people will be required,” Tennant said. “Not only French will be needed.” While most students noted bilingualism is an important asset in the working world, many have chosen not to pursue it. “It comes down to where you’re working and what you’re doing,” Nirleen Gill, a secondyear social science student said in regards to the importance of French, citing bilingualism is only essential for certain job fields.


Jaela Bernstien/Gazette

HONOURING THE FALLEN. Students and staff helped close out yesterday’s Remembrance Day ceremony in the University Community Centre by placing poppies on an enclosed grassed area, symbolic of Flanders Fields.

Trash your clamshell plastic By Abid-Aziz Ladhani Gazette Staff

Placing plastics and containers in recycling could contaminate other materials in the recycling process. Clamshell containers, often used to hold salads and baked goods, are often mistakenly treated as recyclable because they are made of plastic. According to Paul Hubert, Ward 8 councillor, sorting out the contaminants is costly for recycling companies especially with the current state of the economy. “The market conditions have drastically changed so [companies]

are getting far less from the product and the open market,” Hubert said. “And having contaminated product increases their costs. It takes more to sort out.” Hubert added people have the misconception of believing the containers are recyclable because they are marked with the “number one” like other recyclable plastics. “This has created a large amount of frustration and confusion,” he said. “We have had a number of complaints.” Jay Stanford, director of environmental programs and solid waste with the City of London,




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affirmed this is causing problems across London and Canada. “The contractors are leaving [contaminated material] behind because it is not on our list of currently recyclable materials,” he said. “We collect plastic bottles, tubs and jugs. The ‘number one’ plastic is not on our list of recyclables,” he said. Despite the difficulty expressed by Hubert in addressing the issue, he mentioned discussions were underway. “I think there’s a negotiation going on at the provincial level to utilize the same kind of plastic,” he said.

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theGazette • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009

thegazette Volume 103, issue 40 I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. — BILL COSBY

Ryan Hendrick

Carly Conway

Jaela Bernstien


Deputy Editor

Managing Editor

Editor - [email protected] Deputy - [email protected] Managing - [email protected] website at University Community Centre Rm. 263 The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7 Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580 Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579 The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council.

Rowe in Catch-22 With a London Transit Commission workers strike looming, University Students’ Council president Emily Rowe has been conspicuous by her perceived absence on the issue, leaving some students to wonder what happened to the visible and vocal candidate who campaigned for the position last winter. The role of USC president is tricky. Due to the relatively small participation in elections by students and a general misunderstanding of the actual role of the position, being USC president usually means representing many different things to many different people. It seems the majority of attention is directed towards the president only in times of crisis. The current situation with the LTC is a perfect example of this. Rowe’s lack of public presence on the issue is somewhat understandable. After all, the president should not feel the need to hold a press conference at the end of every meeting or negotiation. However, as the elected head of the student body, Rowe needs to be aware of how important her visibility on such an important issue is to students. On the other hand, there is also a misunderstanding by the general student population of the capabilities of the USC president. Though the USC represents students’ voices on many subjects, unless the organization is directly involved in the issue they are only able to hold an advisory role. If Rowe were to take on more exposure regarding the LTC, it may create the perception that she has more influence than she actually does. Furthermore, unlike Stephen Lecce or Tom Stevenson — the last two to hold the USC presidential position — Rowe is much more willing to delegate to other members of her executive board. Perhaps Rowe feels more willing to pass on comments regarding LTC negotiations to Dan Moulton, vice-president university affairs, because such negotiations are part of his portfolio. That being said, Rowe should recognize students want to see her publicly involved with this debate, especially because of how far-reaching an LTC strike would be in the student community. Because Moulton was not elected to be USC president, some students may wonder why he appears to be the more public face of the organization. Of course, part of the blame lies at the feet of media, the Gazette included. All too often it makes more sense to contact the individual most directly involved with an issue, which is rarely the USC president. It is understandable some students may wish for Rowe to be more visible on more issues. Her electrifying election campaign last year seemed to indicate a more progressive and public USC than had be seen before. Though Rowe may recognize she is not the most knowledgeable source on all topics, there is nothing stopping her from contacting those more informed and presenting that information to students and the media. Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are decided upon by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff. Letters: Must include the contributor’s name, identification (ie. History II, Dean of Arts) and be submitted to [email protected]. Letters judged by the Editor-In-Chief to be libelous or derogatory will not be published. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters and submissions and makes no guarantees that a letter will be published. All articles, letters, photographs, graphics, illustrations and cartoons published in The Gazette, both in the newspaper and online versions, are the property of The Gazette. By submitting any such material to The Gazette for publication, you grant to The Gazette a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to publish such material in perpetuity in any media, including but not limited to, The Gazette‘s hard copy and online archives. • Please recycle this newspaper •


Did you Students, Rowe do best to cope know? Re: “Transit workers set Nov. 16 strike date” Nov. 5, 2009

To the editor: The London transit slowdown has clearly had an effect on many students here at Western. Many of us rely on the buses to get to school and travel around London. However, I have heard and read a number of comments made by students in relation to the bus drivers, which have angered and offended me. I draw your attention to a burgeoning Facebook group entitled “UWO against London Transit Strike.” The group seems to merely serve as a place where students vent their rage against the bus drivers because they have been inconvenienced. Comments like “fuck the bus drivers” and labelling them as overpaid and uneducated are commonly dished out. But you don’t have to go to Facebook to read such things. Simply eavesdrop on a conversation about the slowdown anywhere on campus, and you are bound to hear the same statements being made. How disgusting it is to see and hear students making such cruel and elitist comments about the bus drivers. If you want to discuss the merits of the transit strike on the basis of whether or not the drivers’ demands are warranted, fine. But spewing such hatred because you have been partially inconvenienced is beyond selfish. Here’s a bit of info for those who hold such opinions — this labour dispute is not all about you. It’s about a group of workers who are agitating for what they deem as fair treatment. It seems that many believe this strike was orchestrated to coincide with the school year and the arrival of students back in London. Some even go so far as to think that it has been planned to disrupt students during the midterm and exam season. I can’t prove that this is not the case, but the arrogance inherent in those assumptions demonstrates to me the egotistical nature of such people. For a worker to strike takes real courage in the face of an antagonistic

Section Editors 2009-2010 News Meagan Kashty Abid-Aziz Ladhani Cheryl Stone Shreya Tekriwal Stuart Thompson Arts & Entertainment Amber Garratt Nicole Gibillini Maddie Leznoff Sports Daniel Da Silva Grace Davis Arden Zwelling

Senior Mike Hayes Lauren Pelley Opinions Jaclyn Haggarty Photography Laura Barclay Brett Higgs Corey Stanford Graphics Ali Chiu Jesse Tahirali Web Stuart Thompson

public and an obstinate company. Contrast that with the lack of courage displayed by students who make these vile comments on Facebook about people whom they know absolutely nothing about. Can most of these people even tell me what the dispute is about, or have they simply decided they are against the drivers because they are unwilling to change their routine in order to get to class ontime? The bus drivers do not deserve such treatment. Step into the real world, leave your isolated, pampered bubbles and recognize that sometimes workers find it necessary to strike to get what they need. Many of us who are lucky enough to get a university education will likely never have to do that. We are the privileged ones — not the other way around. Cameron Bryant History IV

Re: “Where in the world is Emily Rowe?” Nov. 11, 2009 To the editor: A recent letter to the editor asked where the University Students’ Council president, Emily Rowe, has been. I wonder if the letter writer has asked her. I did. She’s been in meetings with the LTC and the University, developing plans to assist students getting to school during the strike. However, I didn’t need to ask her. That’s clearly stated in the press release on the USC website, here: It is no secret I don’t always agree with Emily and remain critical of her in many regards. However, on the LTC strike, I do believe that Emily and the USC have been doing the best they can in terrible circumstances and will continue to do so. The LTC has put students in a terrible position and it is unfair to criticize Emily when a few seconds on Google shows otherwise. —Benjamin Singer Political Science IV Former USC presidential candidate who lost, proudly, to Emily Rowe

The Gazette looks back this week to 1992 when universities across Canada were working to ban materials deemed “pornographic” from the Usenet computer system. But Western would not delete its porn. The Usenet system, which housed the files in question, was a distributive computer network with a vast collection of articles on over 200,000 topics. The purpose was to allow users to retrieve, print and distribute files freely and conveniently. “The sex part is only one part of a very large enterprise,” Reg Quinton, news manager of Western Computing and Communications in 1992, told the Gazette. “Calling [the articles in question] pornographic is a hasty conclusion.” The files, titled “sex.bondage” and “sex.erotica,” were deleted from the University of British Columbia’s system six months prior, after administration received complaints about the articles being offensive. “People were complaining the files carried material of an offensive nature,” explained George Chow, UBC Computing Centre consultant at the time. The articles reportedly consisted of stories and pictures depicting sexual imagery and erotic encounters. But despite other universities such as Simon Fraser University and the University of Manitoba following UBC in deleting the material, Western insisted because no formal complaints had been filed, the University saw no reason to ban the material as well. “We wouldn’t want to censor files because we don’t want to impinge on people’s abilities to communicate with one another,” Quinton concluded. “We are not the sex police,” Michael Atkinson, Western sexual harassment officer in 1992, said.


Gazette Staff 2009-2010

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Ryan Abreu, Tara Athar, Katherine Atkinson, Erin Baker, Mary Ann Boateng, Jordan Brown, Dylan Clark, Julie-Anne Cleyn, Caitlin Conroy, Sari Rose Conter, Adam Crozier, Angela Easby. Adam Feldman, Mark Filipowich, Jennifer Gautier, Ricki-Lee Gerbrandt, Jeremy Gritten, Eliot Hong, Alan Hudes, Aras Kolya, Aaron Korolnek, Jay LaRochelle, Colin Lim, Julia Lovgren, Kevin Melhuish, Paula Meng, Jessie Murdock, Maciej Pawlak, Jonathan Pinkus, Jaymin Proulx, Gennelle Smith, Cali Travis, Jennifer Urbanski, Dale Williams, Casey Yetman, Emily Zhou

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Laura Barclay/Gazette

ON DECK: Purple Pipe... Friday

Laura Barclay/Gazette

Rowers rigid program renowned nationally By Grace Davis Gazette Staff

“If you can succeed at rowing, you can succeed at anything.” The attitude of men’s heavyweight Sean Addison towards the sport is one shared by Western’s rowing community. With a high roster turnover from last season, Western’s rowing team could have been excused for struggling this year. However, they proved the program is still one of the best in the country with both teams capturing the gold at the Ontario University Athletics championships and the women finishing first at the Canadian University Rowing championships. Men’s coach Volker Nolte, who has been with the program since 1993 and has won 10 OUA championships since then, believes Western’ s reputation has to do with two things. “I really believe we have a good university overall. Academically we have excellent standards and the campus is beautiful. The other thing is that we are making every effort possible to present the best program in the country,” Nolte said. “Even if we are not the best in the standings, I still believe we have the best program. We put in a lot of effort in terms of getting great coaches and keeping things organized. [Women’s coach Al] Morrow and I really believe in developing people, so we put in a lot of effort in making sure the students

learn other things as well.” Not all schools stress academic excellence as well as rowing success. Addison notes many other schools do not focus on balancing a well-rounded lifestyle. “When I went down and I visited [the American schools], it struck me that the members in the top crews in the U.S. are kind of those stereotypical NCAA jock athletes that are great at their sport, but other aspects of their lives aren’t there. I really felt that when I went down on my visits to the U.S. that it was either sport or academics,” Addison said. “[Western] is more a place that fosters your social, academic [and] athletic life at the same time rather than just letting sport dominate everything else.” T h e r e ’s something d i f f e re n t a b o u t rowing than other v a r s i t y sports. While all varsity sports require an i m m e n s e amount of dedication

and determination, rowing is unique in the sense that it becomes a lifestyle, not just a sport for those involved. “One thing about rowing is that it really teaches you that the amount of work you do year round is directly correlated to success,” Addison said. “During rowing season my life is very segmented. It’s practice, class, eat, nap, practice, eat, school work, and then go to bed,” women’s heavyweight OUA and CURC gold medalist Sarah Black said. During training camp and the regular season, Western’s rowing team is up at the crack of dawn six days a week starting their day with a two-hour training session at on the lake at 5:00 a.m. “ Y o u have to show up and be 100 per cent on, mentally and physical-

ly. Every rower will tell you there [are] mornings you wake up and you just don’t want to row,” Addison said. “I think our crew’s biggest motivation is that we felt we have something to prove. We wanted to show that we don’t need to have the big national name [Cam Sylvester] that dominated our program to be the best. We’re showing that a bunch of regular guys that are working really hard can make that happen too.” After winning the OUA championships, the men’s hard work paid off. “I feel like it’s an addiction. It’s easy to be envious of the people that are going out six times a week. You have to

love it, cause we don’t even get Saturday nights off since we row Sunday mornings,” lightweight rower Tim Myers said. Now that the rowing season is done, it is essential for the team to continue training and start thinking about next year. Rowers must be in top physical condition, and the longevity that it requires makes it necessary to train hard year round. “You have to have a special work ethic. This is a clear thing in rowing — the more you put in, the more you get out. Everyone has to adhere to this. There is no short cut in rowing. There are some people that are a little more talented, but if you don’t work hard it won’t take you anywhere,” Nolte explained. The team hopes its hard work will pay off again next year when it looks to defend their provincial title. “[We have] a bunch of guys at the same level and same age pushing each other everyday; we’re all really good friends and it’s a very tight knit crew. It’s a bunch of guys in the same place, wanting the same thing, and working together,” Addison said. “It all builds up en route to winning another OUA banner.”

Laura Barclay/Gazette



theGazette • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009

Leddy’s hot hand leads ladies over Lions Strong first half play key to 2-0 start on opening weekend By Kaitlyn McGrath Gazette Writer

AMANDA ANDERSON 2008-2009 Regular Season GP: 22 MIN: 686 FG: 114 3FG: 51

Corey Stanford/Gazette

after the game. “That’s a change from the last couple of years.” The Mustangs took advantage of a fatigued York squad, who struggled offensively, shooting a mere 22 per cent in the first half. After 20 minutes of play, the Mustangs controlled the game with a 38-23 lead. “This is the first time we have had back-to-back games with this young team,” Pangos explained. “We didn’t respond offensively, or defensively.” The second half saw a reversal of roles as the Mustangs came out looking flat, while a re-energized York team fought to overcome their

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GIVE ME THAT BALL. Mustang forward Katelyn Leddy battles for possession against an unidentified Laurentian player in this weekend’s game against the Lady Vees.

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deficit. Lions guard Brittany Szockyj led her team back with 15 points and four assists. “We could have finished stronger in the second half,” Moss said. Although they finished the weekend with a pair of wins, the Mustangs know they won’t be able to sit back on an early lead against tougher opponents in the division. “We seem to have lapses where we lose focus […] that is just not going to be good enough when we face the top teams in Ontario,” Barrie said. “We need to be better focusing for the whole 40 minutes.” The women’s basketball team

has high hopes for their season, but to achieve their goal of capturing the Ontario University Athletics title, they must continuously improve their play and battle hard for the entire game. “[We need to] get to a place where we are competing with the best teams to put ourselves in a position to win an OUA championship,” Barrie said. “The girls are committed and willing to put in that kind of time.” Next up for the Mustangs is a trip east to take on both the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees and the Carleton Ravens.

LAUREN PARKES 2008-2009 Regular Season GP: 10 MIN: 243 FG: 33 FT: 63

PTS: 103 PPG: 10.30 REB: 70 RPG: 7.0

2009 Mustang Points per Game Leaders

2009 Mustang Rebounds per Game Leaders

Lauren Parkes – 17.0 Rebecca Moss – 13.0 Amanda Anderson – 11.0 Katelyn Leddy – 10.5 Beckie Williams – 8.0

Rebecca Moss – 8.0 Katelyn Leddy – 6.5 Amanda Anderson – 6.5 Melissa Rondinelli – 5.5 Lauren Parkes – 4.5

OUA STANDINGS Women's Basketball - West

HOW TO PLAY Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solving time is typically from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. The Gazette publishes Sudoku puzzles with varying degrees of difficulty.

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One looked good, one didn’t. At the end of the day, the score sheet was all that mattered as the Mustangs women’s basketball team swept the competition this weekend in two games at Alumni Hall. After defeating the Laurentian Lady Vees 75-63 in their season opener on Friday night, the Mustangs added another win against the York Lions on Saturday afternoon. “York is a dangerous team for sure, so we couldn’t really underestimate them,” Mustangs guard Rebecca Moss said. “We had to come out ready to play.” The Mustangs did precisely that as they completed the weekend sweep with a commanding 69-54 win over the York Lions. The Mustangs started out strong in the first half. Forward Katelyn Leddy was instrumental early on, dominating the low post and pacing the team with 16 points and nine rebounds. The Mustangs also controlled the glass, out-rebounding the Lions 43-31. “They exposed our inside game,” Lions head coach Bill Pangos said. “They did a really nice job of creating inside opportunities, and we didn’t have an answer for that.” The Mustangs were able to extend their lead with timely threepoint shots from guards Amanda Anderson and Moss. Both players managed to score in the double digits, getting 13 and 10 points respectively. “We are going to be a threepoint shooting team,” Mustangs head coach Stephan Barrie said

GP 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Brock Lakehead McMaster Western Windsor Guelph Laurier Waterloo

W 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2

PTS 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0

L 0 1 2 4 5 3 3 5 5 3

OTL PTS 0 16 1 13 1 9 1 7 1 7 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 2 4

Women's Hockey Laurier Queen's Guelph Western Brock Toronto York UOIT Windsor Waterloo

GP 8 8 7 8 9 6 6 8 8 6

W 8 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1

Women's Volleyball - West Waterloo McMaster Western Laurier Guelph Brock Windsor

P 6 5 4 5 3 5 3

W 6 4 3 3 2 2 0

L 0 1 1 2 1 3 3

PTS 12 8 6 6 4 4 0


ArtsEntertainment Crunkrock the secret to success for Stereos MuchMusic’s DisBAND sees Edmonton group become an overnight success By Amber Garratt Gazette Staff

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WE ARE SO CRUNKROCK. They began as an unknown band in the outskirts of Edmonton and now the Stereos are on a cross-country tour with number one singles.

If asked 12 months ago where Stereos imagined themselves in a year, the answer would never have been on a cross-Canada tour with a couple of hit singles — yet this is their reality. Stereos, formerly Stand By Me, started off as an Edmonton-based band playing local shows and hoping for a big break. “I was sending my demo to [Canadian musician and producer] Greig Nori, who was on [MuchMusic reality show] DisBAND, about six months before the show [began] trying to get him to produce our album,” Patrick Kordyback, Stereos vocalist explained. “MusicMusic had come to [Nori] with the show idea and he put us in touch with them. We had been working so hard to get kids out to our shows in Edmonton, and it wasn’t really working, so we figured doing it on TV couldn’t hurt,” he added. DisBAND is a show that gives struggling artists guidance and exposure to Canadian music industry executives. In the case of Stereos, their experience on DisBAND caught the attention of Mark Spicoluk of the Underground Operations record label. Spicoluk contacted the group after their episode of DisBand aired and asked them to play a showcase for Gene Simmons, followed by another showcase in Toronto. The success of the showcases led to Stereos being signed by Universal Music Canada. “Before everything kind of hap-

pened we didn’t even think we would get to this. Our goal was never to get signed — it was just to make music as much as possible and eventually quit our day jobs.” Stereos’ popularity rose immediately following DisBAND, as their first single, “Summer Girl,” hit number one on iTunes less than 48 hours after the show aired in May. “Throw Ya Hands Up,” their second single, made Stereos the first band in history to have two consecutive number one hits on the Billboard Canadian Emerging Chart. The group released their selftitled debut album on Oct. 20 and they describe the sound as “crunkrock” — they draw from a wide range of genres, from 50s and 60s Motown doo-wop to catchy punk rock. Kordyback cites The Supremes, The Dream and Rancid as big musical influences. “Crunkrock is basically a way of explaining that we are R&B meets pop, meets rock and hip-hop, meets 50s Motown. So we came up with the word crunkrock,” he says. It seems crunkrock is making Stereos’ dreams come true. “Number one singles is stuff that we never thought that could happen to us. It is everything we dreamed of,” he says. “We could not get a hundred kids out to our shows in our hometown before and now things are going crazy for us. We are living it right now.” Stereos will be making their debut London performance tonight at 7 p.m. at London Music Hall with openers The Midway State and The Artist Life. Tickets are available at London Music Hall’s box office.

Innovative Craig Cardiff will perform anywhere Singer-songwriter to play for students in Delaware Hall lounge Sunday By Lauren Pelley Gazette Staff

Craig Cardiff has played in living rooms, basements, prisons and bars. No crowd is too small, no venue too obscure. What counts, Cardiff says, is making music in the most unexpected places –– because that’s when something special happens. On Wednesday, Cardiff played the cozy London Music Club. Chatting from his office earlier this week, he recalled his last appearance at the venue. Attendees pushed all the chairs and tables to the back of the room and sat on the floor. It was a typical Cardiff show — surprising and intimate. “When music happens in places where people don’t expect it to, it’s more interesting and makes it more important,” Cardiff says. The veteran singer-songwriter, known as much for his unique venue locations as for his lush folk songs and storytelling, has gained numerous memories from his time on the road. Once, when a house concert planned in Brantford was booked beyond capacity, Cardiff’s show was

moved to the local Best Western motel. “It was a Sunday in Brantford, and we had 150 people crammed into this hotel,” he recalls. Another Cardiff show was a workshop for a camp of youth whom he says ––struggling to find the right word –– had not been given enough love, and made some bad decisions. “It turned into a beat box workshop with live sampling of different things that were happening,” Cardiff says of the memorable experience. In the end, everyone is a potential concert promoter to Cardiff. “You can fit 100 people into your house,” he says. For the residents of Delaware Hall, that’s the intention. Cardiff’s appearance on campus this Sunday is rather unconventional: he’s playing the residence’s formal lounge, a venue typically reserved for movie nights and coffeehouses. Typical musicians wouldn’t say yes to a show like that. But Cardiff is far from typical. “I’d rather connect with 10,000 people throughout North America in a meaningful way than 10 mil-

lion in a way that’s fleeting,” he says. Perhaps this explains Cardiff’s unique take on music distribution. In the past, he has provided CDs of outtakes with album purchases, allowing people to share his music with their friends. Sometimes concertgoers are encouraged to bring USB sticks to his shows to download tunes. “You need to be innovative,” Cardiff explains. “I meet so many artists who are afraid to give their music away.” Cardiff, however, is anything but afraid. Working on his next album, Floods and Fires, Cardiff says the only way to finish is to give the songs to people in a live setting. So it’s no surprise he’s making the most out of his trip to London. “I want to teach people to make music important, make art important, have it happen everywhere,” he says. “As a species, music and art is one of the non-crummy things we do for each other.” Cardiff plays on Sunday at Delaware Hall for students at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 at the door. Students living in residents can bring offcampus guests.

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WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS. Craig Cardiff will add Western’s Delaware Hall to his list of unconventional performance venues when the Waterloo native plays in its formal lounge Sunday.



theGazette • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009

Big budget The Box “ass-numbingly boring” Intriguing plot and message has potential but falls flat in theatres By Laura Daniel Gazette Writer

The Box Directed by: Richard Kelly Starring: Cameron Diaz, James Marsden, Frank Langella Imagine someone gives you a box containing a button. If you push the button, you get $1 million. There’s a catch though — someone you don’t know will be killed as a result of your actions. Would you push the button? This is the premise of director Richard Kelly’s The Box. The movie is based in 1976 and begins with Arthur and Norma Lewis (Marsden and Diaz) lying in bed at 5:45 a.m. when the doorbell rings and they find a package left on their porch. The Lewis’ are then forced to make a decision whether or not to push the button in the box. The first half of the movie revolves around their decision to push the button or not to push the button. Eventually, the protagonists realize that “the box” turns out to be a cruel deal offered to a number of families. The movie is full of symbolic meaning and highlights the possibility of human extinction if people continue to put their own desires ahead of the good of others. The box is a symbol of how confined our own lives have become. We live within figurative boxes — our house, our car, our televisions. While it provides a truthful message, The Box lacks appeal. The $30 million film is anti-climactic and the central prop resembles the Staples “Easy Button,” making it hard to take seriously. Diaz falls short with her faux Southern accent, leaving much to

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TO PUSH OR NOT TO PUSH, THAT IS THE QUESTION. The Box failed to impress as audience members left the theatre halfway through the film. be desired, while Marsden and Langella deliver solid performances. Langella manages to effectively portray the mysterious and rather frightening Mr. Steward. The film’s main focus is on char-

acters rather than special effects. Perhaps drawing more on special effects would have improved the movie, as this is where the film showed promise. Mr. Steward has a portion of his face missing due to

an accident, and the creation of the scar and open tissue was well done with digital effects — on the other hand, the scar distracts from anything Steward says. Overall The Box was an ass-

numbingly boring film and even caused viewers to leave the theatre before the end. Those who did stick around were left to think of all the better things they could have purchased with $10.

The next Jimmy Choo? By Amber Garratt Gazette Staff

Western student Lauren Chan entered Aldo’s Design It Yourself contest with nothing to lose, and to her surprise made it as one of the top nine finalists. “Art, fashion and style have always been something that is important to me. It’s a part of who I am. It’s one of my passions and talents,” Chan says. “Shoes are a girl’s guilty pleasure.” In celebration of the fall season, shoe and bag fanatics had the

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chance to take their autumn shoes and purses and personalize them with studs, sparkles and accessories. The grand prize is the opportunity to collaborate with Aldo’s design team to create a shoe or bag for the fall/winter line. Chan took basic black peep-toe booties and added accents of gold chains and a touch of turquoise, a look one judge on the website says adds a touch of class to the otherwise edgy design. “I think my design reflects me,” she says. “It’s something that could be successful as it is an in-look right now.” Aldo designers and Teen Vogue staff chose the top nine designs, but are leaving the final decisions up to the public’s opinion. Chan is competing against women from around the world — from New York to California and London, England. To vote for Chan’s design go to Voting ends Sunday Nov. 15.

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