Thursday, March 23, 2000

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Thursday, March 23, 2000

Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998, 1999, 2000. worldwide.


All rights reserved,

ORACLE REPORTS DEVELOPER AND REPORTS SERVER 6i RELEASE NOTES This doc addendum is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of going to press. Information that is discovered subsequent to publication will be available through normal support channels.

-------------------------- Table of Contents -------------------------1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18

Purpose Of This Document Restricted Rights Legend Server Licensing G e n e r a l C o n s i d e r a t i o n s Name and Packaging Changes Relationship of Release 6i to Release 6.0 Release Numbering RSF Components Include Additional Bug Fixes Date Handling Known Limitations Co-existence in the same $ORACLE_HOME with Previous Releases Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Database Objects Names Motif Patch on Solaris Precompilers Compatible With This Release ORAINFONAV_DOCPATH Environment Variable on UNIX Oracle File Packager Not Included Path Requirement for Multiple ORACLE_HOMEs Misleading Installation Message: Acrobat Reader Available Misleading Installation Message: Folder Moved Additional Step Required for Installation of Help on UNIX Module MFC42.DLL Lost After Install and Reboot TEMPLATES Directory Is Missing Database Admin Scripts Require OTM WebDB Image Files Need to Be Added

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2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.16.1 5.16.2 5.16.3 5.16.4 5.16.5 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20

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WebDB Listener Limited to One Copy per Machine Integration with Oracle Repository Problem Connecting to Oracle 8.1.6 Server Custom Install of Wallet Manager Requires Net8 Assistant Access to Quick Tour and Welcome Dialog Box Deinstall of Forms Will Disconnect Quick Tour Use Caution If Deinstalling Intersolve Drivers P r o j e c t B u i l d e r F o r m B u i l d e r R e p o r t B u i l d e r Features and Benefits Demos Additional New Built-in Procedures SRW.SET_XML_PROLOG SRW.SET_XML_TAG SRW.SET_XML_TAG_ATTR Erroneous REP-3000 Message Internationalization of HTML/XML Output Character-Set Identification IANA to Oracle Character-Set Equivalents Converting the Character-Set OAS $ORACLE_HOME Limitation for Cartridge Cartridge Workaround for NT Cartridge Workaround for UNIX Supported PDF Version PDF Page Width Limit Advanced Networking Option Known Issues with Microsoft IE4 and PDF Problems with Netscape and HTMLCSS Output Cue Card Videos Not Functioning Reports and Graphics Integration Data Model Restrictions Reports and Oracle Express Server Versions Oracle8 Server Requirements for Reports and Express Server Integrating Report Builder with Express Server Configuring the .ORA Files Install Express Oracle8 Component into 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME Oracle8 Configuration for Reports and Express Server Express Dimension Sorting -- Requirements for 6.0 Reports Error ORA-28575 When Creating a Report from Express Server Reports and Express Server Integration Restrictions Layout Model Restrictions Web Wizard Mixing Versions


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5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.24.1 5.24.2 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 13.1.4 13.1.5 13.2 13.2.1 13.3

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V1-V2-V8 CONVERSION: Replace Reserved Words in PLSQL V2 Location of Report Width and Height Properties Problem with Null Chart Columns Writing a Custom Security Module for the Reports Server To create a security DLL for Reports 6i security (Win32) To create a security library for Reports 6i security (Unix) Clustering and Clusterconfig Undocumented Server Configuration Parameters Disabling Debugging Heavy Reports Wizard Usage on Windows 95/98 May Cause GPF JRE Requirements for Runtime Customization PLSQL EDITOR: Tab Size Settable Via DE_PREFS_TABSIZE HTML Parameter Forms Built Before Release 6i Need Line Added Width Attribute Now Available for Field Tag UNIX Font Requirements for the Reports 6i Demos Special Characters in Runtime Customization Failure When Sending Report to DESTYPE=MAIL Image Missing from HTML Reports Output Repetition of Internet Explorer Authentication Window Reports Web CGI and Apache Web Server on Solaris Reports-WebDB Integration Error 500 from Reports Servlet under UNIX G r a p h i c s B u i l d e r Additional Steps Required for Cartridge Graphics Cartridge Installation for NT Graphics Cartridge Installation for Solaris Environment Variables Must Be Set on Unix Q u e r y B u i l d e r S c h e m a B u i l d e r T r a n s l a t i o n B u i l d e r P r o c e d u r e B u i l d e r D e m o s O p e n C l i e n t A d a p t e r N a t i o n a l L a n g u a g e S u p p o r t Known Problems for All Languages Report Builder User Interface May Not Be Fully Translated Reports in PDF Format Are Left-to-Right Only Euro Currency Symbol Has Limited Support Some Wizard Buttons Have Untranslated Text Restore Icons During Installation Creates Invalid Menus Known Problems for Double-Byte Languages Editing with Single-Byte Font Known Problems for Japanese


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13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.3.4 13.3.5 13.3.6 13.3.7 13.3.8 13.4 13.4.1

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Cannot Save Modules If Character Set Is JA16EUC Length Limit Moving From Windows to Solaris PL/SQL Editor Display Problems Multibyte Characters Cannot Be Used for PL/SQL Library Name Unable to Use Non-ASCII Fonts in Reports from XML Files Different prefs.ora Files May Be Needed Message Texts from PL/SQL Interpreter Are Mixed Space Requirement for Installing Cue Cards on Unix Known Problems for Arabic Limitations for Displaying Charts on Solaris


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Purpose Of This Document This document notes differences between Oracle Reports Developer and Reports Server Release 6i and their documented functionality.


Restricted Rights Legend This software contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; it is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of software is prohibited. If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency of the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rights and the following legend is applicable: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure of the Programs by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software (October 1988). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065. If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency not within the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-14, Rights in DataGeneral including Alternate II (June 1987). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free.


Server Licensing Please note that if you want to deploy your Reports or Graphics to the Internet, you need the Oracle Reports Server, and its associated deployment licenses. The same policy also applies to situations where you want to schedule your Reports using the Oracle Reports scheduler. Reports Server is included on the Reports Developer CD-ROM for testing and demonstration purposes, but the Server is licensed separately. Please contact your Oracle Sales Representative to get additional information on Reports Server pricing.


G e n e r a l

C o n s i d e r a t i o n s

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Name and Packaging Changes In this release, Oracle Developer has become two separate products: Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Reports Developer. Each contains multiple Builders. Similarly, Oracle Developer Server has become two separate products: Oracle Forms Server and Oracle Reports Server.


Relationship of Release 6i to Release 6.0 Release 6i is a "drop-in upgrade" to Release 6.0. This means Release 6i is patch-compatible with Release 6.0. With Release 6i, providing you are not implementing new 6i-specific functionality, you get the same benefits as when you take a patch set. Benefits include no required regeneration of fmx files, a dropin installation, and QA certification. You should still schedule patch-set-level testing, as is recommended when any patch-set is applied. (Note that this may require upgrading to the latest certified client and middle-tier stack. The initial release of 6i includes all the fixes in 6.0 through patch set 4, and most of the fixes in patch sets 5 and 6 (only bugs 892177, 995498, 1086525, and 1120902 are not included). The first Release 6i patch set (slated for 16 weeks after production) will be a cumulative patch that will roll forward the remaining items from Release 6.0 patch sets 5 and 6, and all of 7, as well as providing any additional 6i-specific fixes. The final Release 6.0 patch set (patch set 7) is slated for mid-April 2000. For customers with production systems on these latest patch sets for Release 6.0 (patch set 5 or 6) or who are waiting for fixes in the final Release 6.0 patch set 7, it is recommended that you remain on Release 6.0 and plan to upgrade to Release 6i in the timeframe of the first 6i patch set. Release 6.0 customers who (a) do not intend to take advantage of any 6i features, (b) do not have any bugs they consider serious, and (c) do not intend to upgrade their stack in any way, are not required to upgrade to 6i. Customers who plan to build new applications or are using Release 6.0 with a patch set prior to patch set 5 are recommended to utilize production Release 6i.


Release Numbering

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In this initial 6i release of Oracle Reports Developer, most of the major components (Report Builder, etc.) have a 6.0.8 version number. Most of the subcomponents (Toolkit, for example) have a 6.0.5 version number. These are the appropriate versions of the subcomponents for this initial release. It is expected that in the next patch release for 6i, the subcomponents will be renumbered to a 6.0.8 level. 2.4

RSF Components Include Additional Bug Fixes This release of this product includes some RSF components that contain code fixes beyond those in the formal, numbered patches to the component. (These fixes or patch-levels of a component are sometimes referred to as "one-offs.") Specifically, this release includes fixes for bugs 1063571, 1063104, 1028960, 1049171, and 1040536. These bug fixes affect the following components: sqlnet, rdbms, nls and plsql.


Date Handling For important information about date handling in Oracle Reports Developer, please refer to and follow the link to White Papers and Resources.


Known Limitations


Co-existence in the same $ORACLE_HOME with Previous Releases Oracle Developer 1.6.1 and Oracle Reports Developer 6i can co-exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME. Oracle Developer 2.1 and Oracle Reports Developer 6i can co-exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME. Oracle Developer 1.6.1 and Oracle Developer 2.1 CANNOT co-exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME. Oracle Developer 6.0 and Oracle Reports Developer 6i CANNOT co-exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME.


Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Database Objects Names Oracle Reports Developer 6i cannot support Tables, or Columns names that contain non-alphanumeric ASCII characters.

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Motif Patch on Solaris Motif 1.2 runtime library patch 105284-20 is the minimum patch level for Oracle Reports Developer 6i on Solaris 2.6.


Precompilers Compatible With This Release If you are developing user-exits for Oracle Reports Developer 6i using the Oracle Precompilers, please use the version of the Precompilers that is bundled with the Oracle 8.0.6 release.


ORAINFONAV_DOCPATH Environment Variable on UNIX On Unix platforms, the ORAINFONAV_DOCPATH environment variable should be set to the location of the online manuals. The default value for this environment variable is set to the location of the American English version of the online manuals ($ORACLE_HOME/doc60/admin/manuals/US). If you are interested in the Japanese version of the online manuals, you should set the ORAINFODOC_DOCPATH environment variable to: $ORACLE_HOME/doc60/admin/manuals/JA


Oracle File Packager Not Included The Oracle File Packager (mentioned in the Reports Developer documentation) is not included as part of this 6i product.


Path Requirement for Multiple ORACLE_HOMEs In order for the Reports CGI rwcgi60.exe to run successfully on NT when there are multiple ORACLE_HOMEs, it is imperative that the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory be in the machine's PATH environment setting, ahead of any other \bin directories. This path setting has to have been in effect WHEN THE MACHINE WAS LAST BOOTED, in order for it to be "seen" by the CGI (assuming that whatever Web Listener the user is using is being run as an NT service, which will usually be the case). If these conditions are not met, there are two possible consequences: 1. The CGI's may fail to run because one or more DLLs on which they depend, such as core40.dll, cannot be found. This occurs if the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory is not present in the PATH. 2. The CGI's may crash, because an incompatible version of core40.dll is being used. This can occur in the case of multiple ORACLE_HOMEs, if an ORACLE_HOME other than that into which Forms or

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Reports was installed appears in the PATH before the Forms or Reports ORACLE_HOME). Of these, situation #1 should not normally be a problem, because the installation process always adds %ORACLE_HOME%\bin to the PATH and instructs the user to reboot the machine if one of the CGI's was installed. Situation #2 is known to occur if you install Reports into one ORACLE_HOME, then install OEM into a separate ORACLE_HOME (which is in fact mandatory). This second ORACLE_HOME's bin directory will be added into the machine's PATH environment setting, by the installation process, ahead of the first one (giving for example c:\orant2\bin;c:\orant1\bin;c:\winNT\system32;...etc). Once the user reboots, this will cause the Forms and Reports CGIs to fail. Workarounds: 1. Install OEM (into its own separate ORACLE_HOME) BEFORE installing Forms and Reports (into a different ORACLE_HOME). Then reboot. This works because the "last" ORACLE_HOME installed into is left as the DEFAULT ORACLE_HOME. 2. Use the "ORACLE HOME SELECTOR" to ensure that the ORACLE_HOME where Reports was installed is the DEFAULT ORACLE_ HOME. The "ORACLE HOME SELECTOR" may be found in the Oracle for Windows NT program folder). 3. Manually correct the PATH setting and reboot.


Misleading Installation Message: Acrobat Reader Available After installing components from the asset manager, you may see the following message: "Installation Successful. Some of the products you have installed require the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have this installed on your machine, you should select it from the 'Products available' list." However, the Acrobat Reader is not in this particular list. Acrobat can be obtained from


Misleading Installation Message: Folder Moved When Release 6i is installed, the following message may appear: Oracle Developer 6.0

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D:\winnt\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\oracle\Oracle Developer 6.0 is not accessible. The folder was moved or removed. Ignore this message. functionality. 2.14

Press OK.

There is no impact on the product

Additional Step Required for Installation of Help on UNIX In order for the Reports Developer help system to work properly on a UNIX system, you must set the ORACLE_AUTOREG variable to the value $ORACLE_HOME/guicommon6/tk60/admin. (The help system requires the autoprefs.oar file, which is the toolkit automation registry.)


Module MFC42.DLL Lost After Install and Reboot Problem: On Windows 95, after installing and rebooting, module MFC42.DLL is missing. Workaround:


Invoke the Installer again. Get to the first dialog. Then exit. Installer will install mfc42.dll if it is not present in the machine.

TEMPLATES Directory Is Missing In the manual Oracle Forms Developer and Reports Developer: Guidelines for Building Applications, references are made to TEMPLATES/.... However, the TEMPLATES directory is not included with the product. Use a different method to invoke the Oracle Installer.


Database Admin Scripts Require OTM The Database Admin build/drop scripts will fail if they do not find Oracle Translation Manager SQL scripts. This problem can be avoided by first explicitly installing Oracle Translation Manager from the product CD.


WebDB Image Files Need to Be Added In order for Reports to use the security component of WebDB, some image files need to be added to that WebDB component. These image files are: waccess.gif wavail.gif wdfao.gif

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wdfar.gif wvalid.gif These image files are included on the Reports product CD. Copy them into the ORACLE_HOME\WebDB\images directory. ORACLE_HOME in which WebDB is installed. 2.19

This is the

WebDB Listener Limited to One Copy per Machine Only one copy of WebDB Listener can be installed on a machine. If you try to install a second copy in another Oracle_Home on that same machine, the first copy may stop working.


Integration with Oracle Repository Oracle Reports Developer can be integrated with Oracle Repository. This 6i release is shipped with a d2sc plug-in (similar to those provided for PVCS, Clearcase, and other products) that allows integration with Repository for source control management. Users will be able to check in and check out FMBs, MMBs, and so forth, and can then use Repository's dependency tracking and other advanced functionality. (See the Repository documentation for more information.) This initial feature establishes the potential for enhanced levels of integration in future Reports Developer releases.


Problem Connecting to Oracle 8.1.6 Server Customers may not be able to connect to the 8.1.6 database from any of the Oracle Reports Developer products using operating system authentication. (This problem is due to bug 1139334 in the Server.)


Custom Install of Wallet Manager Requires Net8 Assistant Wallet Manager requires Net8 Assistant in order to launch successfully. In the normal, default install of Forms Developer, both these components will be installed for you. However, if you choose a custom install in which you select the components, and you select Wallet Manager, then you also need to select Net8 Assistant.


Access to Quick Tour and Welcome Dialog Box

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On Solaris, you must ensure that REPORTS60_DEV2K is set to FALSE. If it is not set to FALSE, you will not be able to open the Reports Developer Quick Tour from the Help menu or the Welcome dialog box. 2.24

Deinstall of Forms Will Disconnect Quick Tour If you install both Report Builder and Form Builder, and then deinstall Form Builder, the help menus in Report Builder and the other remaining Builders will no longer show the Quick Tour. To prevent this from happening, copy the map files to another location before you deinstall Form Builder, and then copy them back after the deinstall.


Use Caution If Deinstalling Intersolve Drivers Do not deinstall Intersolve drivers (ODBC) from an Oracle_Home if other products on another Oracle_Home on that machine use them. Deinstalling the drivers from one Oracle_Home will remove them from the entire system.


P r o j e c t

B u i l d e r

No known problems. 4

F o r m

B u i l d e r

(See the separate Release Notes for the Forms Developer product.) 5

R e p o r t

B u i l d e r


Features and Benefits Demos The Reports Features and Benefits demos are shipped on a separate CD. When you install the CD contents on Windows NT, a program group item is created called "Oracle Reports 6i Demos." This group contains three items: Reports 6i Demo Configuration, Reports Benefits and Features on the Web, and Reports Benefits and Features Client/Server (if Forms runtime is also installed on your system). Another start menu item, called "Reports 6i Benefits and Features on the Web," is also created automatically. This start menu item will invoke the demos start page, and will reference the file named rwdemo6i.html in the %ORACLE_HOME%\tools\devdem60\demo\reports\html directory path.

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When you install the demos on Windows 95, only the client/server demos are installed. 5.2

Additional New Built-in Procedures Three new built-in procedures have been added to this release: - SRW.SET_XML_PROLOG - SRW.SET_XML_TAG - SRW.SET_XML_TAG_ATTR They allow you to set the XML output properties in PL/SQL. Explanations of each are provided in the following subsections.


SRW.SET_XML_PROLOG Syntax: SRW.SET_XML_PROLOG(type, 'string'); This procedure replaces the current report's XML prolog. You need to specify the required XML prolog (), but in addition, you can specify the encoding and other comments. type: SRW.FILE_ESCAPE or SRW.TEXT_ESCAPE. It indicates whether the string parameter is a filename or the text to be inserted. string: This is a filename or the text to be used, depending on what was specified for the type parameter. See also: XML Prolog Type and XML Prolog Value properties. Restrictions: SRW.SET_XML_PROLOG should be set in a trigger that fires before the report starts formatting, such as the Before Report trigger. An example of using this built-in is shown in the Converting Character-Set section in these Release Notes.


SRW.SET_XML_TAG Syntax: SRW.SET_XML_TAG(type, 'name', 'string'); This procedure replaces the current report, group, outer group, or column XML tag. type:


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SRW.COLUMN_XML. It indicates whether the object is a Report, Group or Column object. Also, if a Group object, whether it is for the group or outer group XML tag. name: Is the report object XML tag to be set. string: Is the XML text to be used. See also: XML Tag and XML Outer Tag properties. Restrictions: SRW.SET_XML_TAG should be set in a trigger that fires before the report starts formatting, such as the Before Report trigger. Example: function BeforeReport return boolean is begin SRW.SET_XML_TAG(SRW.REPORT_XML, 'DEPT', 'TOOLS_DIVISION'); SRW.SET_XML_TAG(SRW.GROUP_OUTER_XML, 'G_DEPTNO', 'DEPARTMENT_LISTING'); SRW.SET_XML_TAG(SRW.GROUP_XML, 'G_DEPTNO', 'DEPARTMENT'); SRW.SET_XML_TAG_ATTR(SRW.GROUP_XML, 'G_DEPTNO', 'NUMBER="&DEPTNO"'); SRW.SET_XML_TAG(SRW.COLUMN_XML, 'DNAME', 'DEPARTMENT_NAME'); return (TRUE); end;


SRW.SET_XML_TAG_ATTR Syntax: SRW.SET_XML_TAG_ATTR(type, 'name', 'attribute'); This procedure is similar to SRW.SET_XML_TAG, but supplies an attribute value rather than an XLM tag. See the example above.


Erroneous REP-3000 Message Executing rwrun60 in batch mode raises error REP-3000 while generating output. This is occurring when the rdf file is created in Windows. The output is generated correctly.

The message may be ignored.


Internationalization of HTML/XML Output


Character-Set Identification

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In a 3-tier architecture where the client (browser), the middle tier (the Reports Server) and the database may all be running a different character-set, it is important to make sure that the data is correctly converted and displayed. Net8 handles the Database/Report Server conversion. However, since the report output is being generated in the character-set that the Reports Server has been run in, it is important to let the browser know what characterset the HTML or XML was generated in. You can do this for HTML with the following META tag (usually placed within the and tags): <META CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1251" HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type > For XML, you can do this with the following Prolog (the first line): The above are examples of switching to the windows-1251 characterset. Note: These settings will work for Netscape and Microsoft IE. Some other browsers (for example, Opera) do not support dynamic character-set switching). For more information, please see the W3C organization's reference on this subject at Report developers can find out the character-set the report is being generated under by obtaining the value of the NLS_LANG environment variable. This is of the form LANGUAGE_TERRITORY.CHARACTERSET. (For example: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1.) The last argument is the characterset. Because Oracle character-sets were defined before international organizations (such as IANA) established standards, there are slightly different names between the Oracle and the standardized versions. The browsers only understand the standard names. Therefore, the Oracle character-set name must be changed to the standard equivalent. These equivalents are shown in the next sub-section.


IANA to Oracle Character-Set Equivalents

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Please note this a list of the most common character-sets and their Oracle equivalents, but it is by no means a definitive list. IANA Character-Set ------------------US-ASCII ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-2 ISO-8859-3 ISO-8859-4 ISO-8859-5 ISO-8859-6 ISO-8859-7 ISO-8859-8 ISO-8859-9 windows-1250 windows-1251 windows-1253 windows-1254 windows-1255 windows-1256 windows-1257 windows-1258 EUC-JP Shift_JIS EUC-KR GB2312 Big5 UTF-8


Oracle Character-Set ---------------------US7ASCII WE8ISO8859P1 EE8ISO8859P2 SE8ISO8859P3 NEE8ISO8859P4 CL8ISO8859P5 AR8ISO8859P6 EL8ISO8859P7 IW8ISO8859P8 WE8ISO8859P9 EE8MSWIN1250 CL8MSWIN1251 EL8MSWIN1253 TR8MSWIN1254 IW8MSWIN1255 AR8MSWIN1256 BLT8MSWIN1257 VN8MSWIN1258 JA16EUC JA16SJIS KO16KSC5601 ZHS16CGB231280 ZHT16BIG5 UTF8

Converting the Character-Set The above table has been implemented as a PL/SQL function supplied with the Oracle Reports 6i demos. To take advantage of this, follow these steps: 1. Install the demos. 2. Attach the library rep_util.pll to your report (found in the directory with the demos: %ORACLE_HOME%\tools\devdem60\demo\reports). 3. Create either an AFTER-PARAMETER-FORM or BEFORE-REPORT trigger. For example, the AFTER-PARAMETER-FORM could have the following code: function AfterPForm return boolean is

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reports_nls_lang varchar2(255); encoding varchar2(30); meta_tag varchar2(255); xml_tag varchar2(255); begin /* This example gets the NLS_LANG setting from the environment ** and maps it to appropriate IANA character set (encoding). ** This is later used to set the XML encoding attribute and ** HTML charset attribute in the output. */ -- read the NLS_LANG env. variable tool_env.getvar('NLS_LANG',reports_nls_lang); -- Obtain equivalent IANA character set encoding:=web_nls.encoding(reports_nls_lang); if encoding != '0' then meta_tag:='<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset='||encoding||'">'||chr(10); xml_tag:=''; else meta_tag:=''; xml_tag:=''; end if; srw.set_xml_prolog(srw.text_escape, xml_tag); SRW.SET_BEFORE_REPORT_HTML(SRW.TEXT_ESCAPE, ''||chr(10)|| meta_tag|| ''); return (TRUE); end;


OAS $ORACLE_HOME Limitation for Cartridge The recommended setup is to install Reports and OAS in separate $ORACLE_HOMEs. However, the Reports cartridge will not work properly in that setup. (The Reports cartridge looks for its message file at startup time. Since this message file is not present in the OAS $ORACLE_HOME, the startup fails.) Workaround: There are separate workarounds for the NT and UNIX environments. See the following subsections.

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Cartridge Workaround for NT Assume that your system is configured as follows: You have two $ORACLE_HOMEs -- a Developer $ORACLE_HOME under c:\orant, and an OAS $ORACLE_HOME under c:\oas. This in turn implies that there are two subkeys under the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ORACLE\: HOME0 (corresponding to the Reports $ORACLE_HOME), and HOME1 (corresponding to the OAS $ORACLE_HOME). Note that these subkeys are created by the Oracle Installer. To work around the issue, there needs to be an entry under the OAS $ORACLE_HOME (HOME1) that points to the reports60 directory in the Reports $ORACLE_HOME(HOME0). To achieve this, you must manually create an entry under the OAS $ORACLE_HOME (HOME1) with the following properties: Entry type: String Entry name: RW60 Entry value: c:\$ORACLE_HOME\report60 Also, you will need to add the appropriate entries in the tnsnames.ora file residing in the OAS $ORACLE_HOME (so that the cartridge knows how to access the appropriate reports server). Note that even with this workaround in place, there is a known issue with OAS that prevents the commands showmap, showenv, help, etc., from working. This is documented as bug 1046452.


Cartridge Workaround for UNIX Assume you have two ORACLE_HOMEs: a Reports ORACLE_HOME under /private/oracle, and an OAS ORACLE_HOME under /private/oas. Execute the following steps: cd /private/oas mkdir reports60 cd reports60 mkdir mesg cd mesg cp /private/oracle/reports60/mesg/*.* . This creates the appropriate directory structure in the OAS ORACLE_HOME, and copies the message files across to the appropriate location.

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Finally, you need to copy over several libraries from the Reports ORACLE_HOME to the OAS ORACLE_HOME. To do this, execute the following steps: cd /private/oas/lib cp /private/oracle/lib/libzrc60.* . cp /private/oracle/lib/libca60.* . Also, you will need to add the appropriate entries in the tnsnames.ora file residing in the OAS ORACLE_HOME (so that the cartridge knows how to access the appropriate Reports Server). 5.6

Supported PDF Version Reports supports PDF 1.1. The Adobe Acrobat Reader cannot read .PDF report files generated by Report Builder if the report contains certain types of non-English character set languages (typically multi-byte) or Unicode character set. However, you could generate the Postscript from Reports (making sure that Reports is referencing the correct fonts in the Postscript output), and then feed the resultant Postscript file into Adobe's Distiller program with the "Embed all fonts" option enabled. This should result in a PDF file that has the subset fonts embedded. Then use Acrobat to generate the Postscript with the embedded fonts.


PDF Page Width Limit There is a display limit in the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The maximum page width it can handle is 45 inches. If the report's page width is set to greater than 45 inches and generated to PDF format, then nothing will display in the Reader.


Advanced Networking Option The Reports Multi-tier Server does not currently support the Advanced Network Option.


Known Issues with Microsoft IE4 and PDF When running a report to PDF via the Reports Server from within Microsoft Internet Explorer 4, the report output may not be displayed in the browser (a small icon is seen in the top-left corner of the window). A bug in Microsoft IE 4 may cause a PDF file to be displayed as a blank page on redirects. This has been fixed in IE 5.01.

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Problems with Netscape and HTMLCSS Output When resizing the Netscape window, the page may become distorted and need to be reloaded. Also, fonts smaller than 8 points lose their bold attribute. When using the Web Preview option to view Reports that have bookmarks, the bookmark frame does not get refreshed. A new bookmark frame will appear each time you view the report. You must exit and re-start the browser to remove the extraneous frames.


Cue Card Videos Not Functioning The videos included with the Cue Cards will not function with the Windows NT version. This problem will be corrected in a future release.


Reports and Graphics Integration When integrating a Graphics display into a report, you must always specify a connect string when connecting to the database. Even if you have a LOCAL environment variable or registry entry defined, you must still supply a connect string, or the integration will not work properly.


Data Model Restrictions Problem:

Whether you have Tools->Preferences->Suppress Report Editor on Open turned on or off, when you open a module, the report editor never opens at the beginning.

Workaround: Use the Tools->Report Editor option.


Reports and Oracle Express Server Versions Reports has been certified to run with Oracle Express Server 6.2 or 6.3.


Oracle8 Server Requirements for Reports and Express Server A connection between Reports and Express Server requires the Oracle8 8.0.6 database server. In this release of Reports 6i, the intermediate Oracle 8.0.6 gateway to Express will be available on Windows NT, Solaris, Tru64, and AIX only. Please refer to the Reports section on the Oracle Technology Network ( for periodic

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updates on other platforms. 5.16

Integrating Report Builder with Express Server


Configuring the .ORA Files In order for Report Builder to make external calls to Oracle Express Server, the TNSNAMES.ORA,SQLNET.ORA, and LISTENER.ORA files must contain the following entries: TNSNAMES.ORA = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC) (KEY = EXTPROC%ORACLE_HOME_ID%) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = extproc) ) ) SQLNET.ORA ---------names.default_domain = world name.default_zone = world automatic_ipc = off LISTENER.ORA -----------PASSWORDS_LISTENER= (oracle) STARTUP_WAIT_TIME_LISTENER = 0 LISTENER = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = ORCL)) (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = = NMP)(SERVER = YourServer)(PIPE = ORAPIPE)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = <my machine>)(Port = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = <my machine>)(Port = 1526)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROC %ORACLE_HOME_ID%)) ) CONNECT_TIMEOUT_LISTENER = 10 SID_LIST_LISTENER =

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(SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = <my machine>) (SID_NAME = ORCL) ) (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = extproc) (PROGRAM = extproc) ) ) TRACE_LEVEL_LISTENER = 0 Note: The TNS listener must also be running even if the Oracle8/8i database is installed on the same machine as Reports Developer and you are not connecting to the database through Net8.


Install Express Oracle8 Component into 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME In UNIX, the Express Oracle8 External Procedures component is included on the CD with Reports itself. However, that component should not be installed into the Reports $ORACLE_HOME. Instead, install the component into the Oracle Server 8.0.6 $ORACLE_HOME.


Oracle8 Configuration for Reports and Express Server If you want to use the intermediate Oracle 8.0.6 gateway to Express Server on a different platform from that running Reports, you can download the necessary files for the different platforms from OTN ( In addition, these downloadable files contain the components built for use with an 8.0.6 database or an 8i database (8.1.6).


Express Dimension Sorting -- Requirements for 6.0 Reports The new Express dimension sorting feature of Reports Developer Release 6i is not applied to Release 6.0 reports automatically. You must open your Release 6.0 reports in Release 6i in Report Builder, open the Express queries, and save the entire report in Release 6i as well.


Error ORA-28575 When Creating a Report from Express Server This error occurs when the default TNSNAMES.ORA file (which was created when you installed Oracle8) is overwritten. To work around this error, add an entry to the TNSNAMES.ORA file, following the instructions given in "Configuring the .ORA Files," section 5.16.1 above.

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Reports and Express Server Integration Restrictions Problem:

You cannot attach an Express database that requires a password. Workaround: None. Problem:

When a report that contains an Express query is deployed to the web, no Express log-in box is displayed. Hence the user cannot specify the connection and the report will not run in the browser. Workaround: This is intended behavior. It is the same model as the RDBMS connection and can be 'solved' as follows:

1) Manually add the EXPRESS_SERVER parameter to the parameter form using the parameter form wizard that is available from the parameter form editor. 2) Specify the EXPRESS_SERVER parameter in the 'cgicmd.dat' file for the report. 3) Create user parameters for the component parts of the EXPRESS_SERVER parameter and construct the actual EXPRESS_SERVER parameter. Problem:

Parameters cannot be passed to Express queries in this release. Workaround: No workaround.


Layout Model Restrictions Problem:

Chart Hyperlink values may stop after the first ten values. Workaround: None. Problem:

Changing boilerplate text value from single-byte to multi-byte causes GPF. Workaround: Change the font from 'Arial' to 'MS Gothic' before altering the boilerplate text. Problem:

Multi-byte: Issuing a 'Select All' in the live Previewer causes a GPF. Workaround: Use the Object Navigator or Layout Editor to 'Select All' objects. Problem:

Using the Report Wizard in the Header/Trailer sections invalidates the Main layout section.

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Workaround: Use the 'Additional Default Layout' tool to create the layout in the Header/Trailer sections or ensure that you do not alter the data model using the Report Wizard when defaulting into these sections. Problem:

Any layout objects missing 'Name' and 'Comment' properties causes Reports to hang when using the 'Find' feature in the Property Palette. Workaround: Avoid using the 'Find' in the palette and use the Object Navigator to change the name of the object. Problem:

Report Builder may hang when you are developing a report for the web and repeatedly switching from Report Builder to the web browser to check that the output is as expected. Workaround: No workaround. 5.19

Web Wizard Problem:

When developing a report for the Web, and testing with the Web Wizard, occasionally the report will hang.

Workaround: 5.20


Mixing Versions You cannot mix different release executables. For example: it is not possible to access the Report Server of Release 1.6.1 using Release 6i Executable CLI Command (RWCLI60.exe ), Queue Manager(RWRQM60.exe ), OCX (RWSXC60.exe).


V1-V2-V8 CONVERSION: Replace Reserved Words in PLSQL V2 Conversions from PL/SQL version 1 to version 2 and beyond may encounter problems where a new reserved word is encountered for existing Table or Column names. For example, VARIANCE is a new reserved word in PL/SQL version 2 and beyond. Some of these reserved words may still be used as identifiers to reference a Table or Column name by enclosing the uppercased keyword in double quotes. In general, as documented in Release 6i for the V1-V2-V8 Converter, the suggested fix is to replace all instances of new reserved words with a new unique identifier.


Location of Report Width and Height Properties Previous to Release 6, the width and height of a report were set in the report level property palette. With Oracle Reports 6.0 and 6i, the user is allowed to have different dimensions for different

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sections of the report. Therefore the width and height properties have been moved from the report level property palette, to the section level property palette. 5.23

Problem with Null Chart Columns Problem:

When using the chart wizard, if the data in fields used as chart columns is null, Reports occasionally malfunctions.


Use the NVL function.

For example,

SELECT ALL nvl(TRAVEL.NODENAME,'null') NODENAME, TRAVEL.DESCRIPTION, TRAVEL."VALUE", 'Profiles of'||decode(TRAVEL.COST,'I','Inexpensive', 'E','Expensive',NULL||' Travellers' cost_category FROM TRAVEL


Writing a Custom Security Module for the Reports Server By default, the Oracle Reports Server communicates with Oracle WebDB (R2.2 or later) when requesting security information. The security mechanism has been architected as follows: Reports Server <------> API <-----> WebDB Security Information At runtime, the security check is performed. The server takes the value of the config parameter 'securitytnsname' (located in the <servername>.ora file) and prefixes it with the value of the command line parameter 'authid'. E.g. if securitytnsname="orcl" and the report request is run with the parameter authid=scott/tiger, then the full string that will be used to verify authentication at runtime will be: scott/tiger@orcl Note: This has NOTHING to do with the DATA connect string specified by the 'userid' parameter. The API connects to the 'orcl' instance as scott/tiger and various database objects are checked to verify that: the report can be run, can be run on the specified server, can be run at the specified time, and (optionally) run to the specified printer. This API may be re-written to 'talk' to another security server; for example, to look at a custom security schema written in an Oracle database. Doing this requires writing a C interface as detailed in the subsections below. (The instructions assume your security

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implementation has already been created; if it hasn't, then please do so first.) There are separate instructions for the Win32 and Unix environments.


To create a security DLL for Reports 6i security (Win32) 1. Using a Win32 C compiler (e.g. Visual C++), create a new project and specify that you will be creating a DLL. 2. Create a file called rwkss.c and include the rwkss.h header file (located in %ORACLE_HOME%\report60\server\security). 3. Implement the functions named in the rwkss.h header file (which are called by the Reports Server) to perform the security check against your security repository. 4. Create the dll and link in the rwk60.def definition file (which contains the list of exported functions). This file is located in %ORACLE_HOME%\report60\server\security). Give the dll the filename 'rwk60.dll'. 5. Rename the existing rwk60.dll (located in %ORACLE_HOME%\bin) and copy your dll to this location. 6. Restart the Reports Server.


To create a security library for Reports 6i security (Unix) 1. Create a file called rwkss.c and include the rwkss.h header file (located in $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/pub). 2. Implement the functions named in the rwkss.h header file (which are called by the reports server) to perform the security check against your security repository. 3. Compile and make a dynamic library (please refer to your operating system documentation for information on how to do this). For example, on Sun Solaris: cc -c rwkss.c ld -dy -G -o rwkss.o (on Solaris, MIPS ABI) 5. Check that the library is dynamic by doing a 'file' and make sure the response says that the library is dynamic. 6. Rename the existing (located in $ORACLE_HOME/bin) and then put your new dynamic library in this location. 7. Restart the Reports Server.


Clustering and Clusterconfig Clusterconfig is the configuration of slave servers to the master

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server. Clustering allows you to run reports on multiple Reports Servers. The master server can identify available slave servers and start their engines as needed. You can set up many servers as slaves to the master server. Syntax In the master server configuration file: clusterconfig="(server=server_name minengine=0 maxengine=1 initengine=1 cachedir=m:\cache)" Note: The entire parameter value must be surrounded by double quotation marks. Each slave server definition must be surrounded by parentheses. See the Publishing Reports manual for more information on the values associated with the clusterconfig parameter.


Undocumented Server Configuration Parameters Failnotefile Failnotefile is the path and file name of the notification message template for jobs that fail to run. Succnotefile Succnotefile is the path and file name of the notification message template for jobs that run successfully.


Disabling Debugging Setting REPORTS60_OWSNODIAG or REPORTS60_CGINODIAG to yes (or to any other value), disables all debugging/diagnostic output from R60OWS (e.g., http://your_webserver/r60ows/help? will not work).


Heavy Reports Wizard Usage on Windows 95/98 May Cause GPF Win95 and Win98 may not be able to handle a large number of applications if those applications use a lot of memory. This is not usually a problem for most applications. However, in unusual circumstances, such as when many copies of Windows Explorer have been opened, a memory shortage may develop that can cause a Reports GPF.

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JRE Requirements for Runtime Customization Reports Developer's runtime customization requires a JRE. The runtime customization feature is certified against Sun's JRE 1.1.7.B. In order for the runtime customization feature to work, you must set the following environment variables to point to the necessary jar files. REPORTS60_CLASSPATH must point to the following jar files required by the runtime customization feature: rt.jar, myreports60.jar, and xmlparser.jar. On Windows, you can set REPORTS60_CLASSPATH in your registry. On Solaris, you can set it in a shell script or from the command line. For example (C shell syntax): setenv REPORTS60_CLASSPATH $ORACLE_HOME/network/jre11/lib/rt.jar: $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/java/myreports60.jar: $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/java/xmlparser.jar REPORTS60_JNI_LIB contains the location of the JVM native library (javai.dll on Win32, on UNIX). Other JRE runtime libraries (e.g., on UNIX) should also reside in the same directory. On Windows, you can set REPORTS60_JNI_LIB in your registry. On Solaris, you can set it in a shell script or from the command line. For example: setenv REPORTS60_JNI_LIB $ORACLE_HOME/network/jre11/lib/sparc/native_threads/


PLSQL EDITOR: Tab Size Settable Via DE_PREFS_TABSIZE The Tab size in the PL/SQL editor can be set using the DE_PREFS_TABSIZE registry entry. Set the value of DE_PREFS_TABSIZE to the tab width in characters in the PL/SQL editor. By default, tab size is set to two.


HTML Parameter Forms Built Before Release 6i Need Line Added A problem can arise in pre-R6i reports that use parameter form validation (that is, where the parameter form will report an error). To eliminate this problem, you must manually add the following in the HTML in the BEFORE FORM VALUE parameter or in the code where you

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are setting the value of this property using the srw.set_before_form_html builtin: Add this line between the following existing lines:
Your expanded code should therefore be:

Width Attribute Now Available for Field Tag For runtime customization, an optional width attribute has been added to the tag. Syntax:


width is the length of the field in characters. This attribute applies only to new fields. For existing fields, it is ignored and the original width of the field is used. 5.33

UNIX Font Requirements for the Reports 6i Demos The Reports 6i demos are designed to run under 75 dpi fonts. If you do not have a default printer installed, Oracle Reports will get its font information from the device that is pointed to by the DISPLAY environment variable (which must be running motif). If the X font path for that particular device does not have 75dpi fonts listed first, then the demo output may be corrupted (most notably, the Newsletter and Runtime Customizations demos). You can see the font path value by typing the following at the UNIX command prompt (on the machine pointed to by the DISPLAY environment variable): xset q To put the 75 dpi fonts first in the font path, type the following at the UNIX command prompt: xset +fp /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi where '/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts' is the directory containing the

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font files (on a Solaris machine). Note: This directory will vary depending on the machine. Please consult the machine's system administrator for information on the location of the font files.


Special Characters in Runtime Customization In the XML for runtime customization, any character with an ASCII number higher than 127 must be encoded in HTML ASCII. For example, if you wanted to use the British pound sign (ASCII character 163) in your XML, you would encode it as £. Furthermore, if you wanted to include the pound sign within the formatMask attribute, you would need to encode the double quotes around it. For example: formatMask=""£"NNNGNNNGNNNGNN0D99" To programatically find the ASCII number of a character, you can use the ASCII function, e.g., select ascii('"') from dual.


Failure When Sending Report to DESTYPE=MAIL Problem: Sending a report to destype=mail with desname= fails from both Report Builder and Reports CGI, giving message REP-4204. Solution:


Upgrade Netscape Communicator to Release 4.7. Add the mail recipient address in personal address book.

Image Missing from HTML Reports Output Problem:

When an HTML report is run using a cartridge, images may be missing from the output.

Solution: Go to the Web Server admin page. In the "Applications" section for the appropriate application, click the "Web Parameters" on the TreeApplet. On the right frame, locate the text field titled "Application Mime Types". This is by default initialised to "- jpeg.gif." Remove the "gif" extension for this parameter. 5.37

Repetition of Internet Explorer Authentication Window Problem:

When using Microsoft Internet Explorer to run Reports CGI/Cartridge to authenticate themselves to the

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database/secure server, users see the authentication window repeatedly. Solution: Select the IE option of "check for new versions of stored page for every visit to the page." The option is at : Tools\Internet Options\General\Settings\ Every visit to the page. 5.38

Reports Web CGI and Apache Web Server on Solaris When runnng the Reports Web CGI with the Apache Web Server on Solaris, the shell script you use must set the values of both the ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. Refer to the online help for further descriptions of these environment variables.


Reports-WebDB Integration After you register a report (RDF file) in the WebDB security framework, add it to a WebDB site, and schedule and run the report from the site, you will get the following error: Name " _wwv_rw_log_id_=AAADBKAACAAACzDAAD_wwv_rw_stime_=9615794" has invalid character ' ' (followed by details of the DAD, Procedure and the URL). To avoid this problem, when registering the report within the WebDB framework, choose the PARAMETERS option in the Manage Component screen and choose Save Parameters, even if the report has no userdefined parameters. If you are using the batch registration utility to register many reports within WebDB, then you will need to save the parameters explicitly for each report to avoid this error. This problem has been registered as Bug 1238387 and will be fixed in an upcoming patch to Reports 6i. Please contact Oracle Support Services or refer to Metalink for the latest information on this issue.


Error 500 from Reports Servlet under UNIX Problem:

When you invoke the Reports servlet under UNIX, you will get the following error message: Error: 500 Internal Servlet Error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: rwexec This problem arises because the servlet cannot find the library that it needs to link to.

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Perform the following operation from the UNIX prompt: cp $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ This operation copies the library to the correct location and renames it.

(This issue will be resolved in a future release of the product.)

6 6.1

G r a p h i c s

B u i l d e r

Additional Steps Required for Cartridge If you are going to use Oracle Application Server (OAS) and the Graphics Cartridge, you need to perform additional steps after installing OAS and Graphics in separate ORACLE_HOMEs. There are separate instructions for NT and Solaris. following subsections.


See the

Graphics Cartridge Installation for NT 1.

Install Graphics in the default ORACLE_HOME.


Install OAS 4.0.8 in a separate ORACLE_HOME.

3. In the OAS ORACLE_HOME, create registry entries that point back to the default ORACLE_HOME (the directory in which Graphics is installed). In the following examples, you should replace %ORACLE_HOME% with the actual physical directory for the default (Graphics) ORACLE_HOME, and replace %OAS_HOME% with the actual physical directory for the OAS ORACLE_HOME. Using the NT Registry Editor, add the following registry entries to the OAS ORACLE_HOME registry: Symbol Value ______ ______ DE60 %ORACLE_HOME%\TOOLS\COMMON60 GRAPHOGD60 %ORACLE_HOME%\GRAPH60\GWIZ_OGD GRAPHICS_WEB_DIR %ORACLE_HOME%\GRAPH60\WEB_OGD MM60 %ORACLE_HOME%\TOOLS\COMMON60 OCL60 %ORACLE_HOME%\GRAPH60 OWS_IMG_DIR %OAS_HOME%\ows\4.0\admin\img

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TK60 UI60 VGS60



NOTE: Be sure to replace %ORACLE_HOME% and %OAS_HOME% with the actual full directory paths in all of the value entries. 4. Create a sub-directory named WEB_TMPDIR under the directory that the OAS's ORACLE_HOME/img_dir/ points to.


Graphics Cartridge Installation for Solaris After configuring the Graphics Cartridge in OAS as documented, set the following environmental variables in the OAS environment: 1. ORATOOLS_HOME must be set to point to the ORACLE_HOME of Developer. 2. $ORATOOLS_HOME/lib must be added to the end of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 3. GRAPHICS_WEB_DIR must be set to the location of the Graphics displays you wish to run with the cartridge. 4.

OWS_IMG_DIR must be set to $ORACLE_HOME/ows/4.0/admin/img.

5. The directory $ORACLE_HOME/ows/4.0/admin/img/web_tmp must be created. 6. The OAS listener must have a virtual path /ows-img that points to the physical directory $ORACLE_HOME/ows/4.0/admin/img. After you make the above changes, OAS must be restarted to pick up the changes to the environmental variables.


Environment Variables Must Be Set on Unix In order for Graphics integration to work on a Unix system, you must set the following environment variables: setenv PRINTER <printer_name> setenv TK2_PRINT_STATUS echo


Q u e r y

B u i l d e r

No known problems.

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S c h e m a


B u i l d e r

No known problems. 9

T r a n s l a t i o n

B u i l d e r

No known problems. 10

P r o c e d u r e

B u i l d e r

No known problems. 11

D e m o s No known problems.


O p e n

C l i e n t

A d a p t e r

No known problems. 13

N a t i o n a l

L a n g u a g e

S u p p o r t


Known Problems for All Languages


Report Builder User Interface May Not Be Fully Translated Customers who install the Report Builder with a language other than English may find that the user interface is a mixture of local language and English. The Report Builder is not translated fully for some languages. For these languages, please use the English language interface. To do this, set DEVELOPER_NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA. USER_NLS_LANG=< Language>_. on the workstation that is running the Builder. Substitute < Language> with the Language you want to run your report in. Substitute < Territory> with the Territory you want to run your report in. Substitute for the Oracle character set that you wish to use.

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Reports in PDF Format Are Left-to-Right Only Problem:

Reports generated in PDF format will always show left-to-right regardless of the direction set.

Workaround: 13.1.3


If possible, choose a non-PDF format.

Euro Currency Symbol Has Limited Support There is limited support in this release for the Euro currency symbol. To enable a limited use of the Euro symbol in this release, you must do the following: 1. If you are using Windows 95 or NT, update that operating system with the appropriate Euro-related patch from Microsoft. (Windows 98 already contains the Euro support.) 2. Install Microsoft TrueType fonts that contain the Euro symbol. 3. Verify that your database and client NLS_LANG character sets both support the Euro symbol. If you will print the Euro symbol, Euro support on the printer is also required. Microsoft has reserved hexcode 0x80 for the Euro symbol. To enter the Euro symbol on keyboards without an explicit Euro key, click the NumLock key to enable the Numeric Keypad, then click Alt + 0128.


Some Wizard Buttons Have Untranslated Text In the wizards on Unix systems, some buttons appear with their texts in English.


Restore Icons During Installation Creates Invalid Menus Problem:

When using Software Asset Manager during a custom installation and selecting the Restore Icons button, invalid menus are created in 'Start -> Program'.



Reinstalling the 6i release will correctly reset the icons and menus.

Known Problems for Double-Byte Languages

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Editing with Single-Byte Font Problem:

In any double-byte language implementation of the Builders, editing using a single-byte font face (such as Arial) causes characters to become distorted or unreadable. This occurs in any editing field.

Workaround: Use double-byte fonts that display Roman script, instead of using the single-byte font.


Known Problems for Japanese


Cannot Save Modules If Character Set Is JA16EUC Problem:

Cannot save modules in an Oracle Database if the character set is JA16EUC.

Workaround: Use the JA16SJIS character set instead. 13.3.2

Length Limit Moving From Windows to Solaris Problem:

Cannot take objects with names over 30 bytes in length (using Hankaku-Katakana) from Windows to Solaris.

Workaround: No workaround. 13.3.3

PL/SQL Editor Display Problems Problem:

Characters entered on a single line are displayed on multiple lines, overlapping.

Workaround: 13.3.4

Multibyte Characters Cannot Be Used for PL/SQL Library Name Problem:

Trying to create a PL/SQL library name using a multibyte character set does not work correctly.

Workaround: 13.3.5



Unable to Use Non-ASCII Fonts in Reports from XML Files Problem: Embedded font face is in Shift-JIS encoding even if the NLS_LANG is set to American_America.UTF8. In this configuration, other characters in the html, such as boilerplate, are in UTF8 encoding. This means that the output includes both Shift-JIS encoding and UTF-8 encoding. As a result, there is no way to handle

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this file from the browser. Workaround: use an ASCII version of the font. UIGothic" instead of "MS PGothic." 13.3.6

For example, use "MS

Different prefs.ora Files May Be Needed Problem: If a customer selects Japanese installation, prefs.ora for the Japanese language in JA16SJIS encoding will be installed. This causes some problems for customers who develop their applications with other NLS_LANG settings such as: - American_America.JA16SJIS (a) or - Japanese_Japan.UTF8 (b) Workarounds: (a) prefs.ora files for the American language are required. They need to be copied from the installation CD. (b) prefs.ora files in UTF8 encoding are required. Convert the prefs.ora files from JA16SJIS encoding to UTF8 encoding.


Message Texts from PL/SQL Interpreter Are Mixed When running Procedure Builder, error messages (for example, ORA04098) from the PL/SQL Interpreter are sometimes displayed in English and sometimes in Japanese.


Space Requirement for Installing Cue Cards on Unix If you choose to install the Cue Cards on a Unix system, both the Japanese tar files and the US tar files will be installed. The total storage requirement for these tar files is approximately 275Mb. The Cue Cards are optional. If your storage space is limited, you may choose to not install the Cue Cards.


Known Problems for Arabic


Limitations for Displaying Charts on Solaris Customers using the Solaris version of Reports Developer 6i who generate charts should note that the Solaris operating system has less support for fonts and locales than Windows NT. Specifically, Solaris does not have an official Arabic locale. Reports Developer 6i for Solaris has only very limited support for the Unicode locale.

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As a result, charts generated on Solaris will not display text correctly if Arabic or Unicode is used. This will also happen with charts displayed on any Web Client that is accessing a Solaris-based server. This occurs because the chart is rendered into bitmap graphics on the server. If the server is Solaris-based, then Arabic and Unicode fonts are not available. Other text in forms, reports, and graphics is usually sent directly to the client and rendered in the client's locale. The recommended workaround is to select a chart text font that is Western European and not Unicode.

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