Through 2 Lenses Contact Sheet Evaluation T
Name: Period:
______ / ______ 10 points Shooting Objective I have shot 24 exposures of black and white film using a variety of compositional strategies. Each of my exposure are of high quality. They have been properly exposed and focused. Comments:
______ / ______ 10 points Film Exposure (shooting) I have accurately used my camera’s light meter to successfully expose my film to have contrast and clarity. Each of my exposures is sharp, clear and have a wide range of values. I have utilized bracketing techniques to ensure that I have good high quality prints. Comments:
______ / ______ 10 points Film Processing
I have properly loaded my film on to a processing reel and into a processing tank. I have carefully used the chemicals in the proper sequence, proper agitation and the proper times. I have correctly cut and organized my negatives in order. I have labeled my negative sleeve properly (in permanent marker, on the negative sleeve before creating my contact sheet). I have included my name, period and title of the shooting assignment . Comments:
______ / ______ 20 points Contact sheet / evaluation I have used a glass easel to successfully print a contact sheet I have used a TEST STRIP to determine the proper amount of time to expose my contact sheet for. I have completed all evaluation questions using complete sentences / thoughts.
______ / ______ 50 points Contact Sheet Brainstorming and Evaluation 1. Use an Exacto knife to cut out the 2 frames you intend to use. Glue them on the back of this as you would like them to be displayed. If you are undecided, cut out multiple sets. Then answer the following questions. 2. What is the main goal you are trying say through these 2 images? 3. Look carefully at these images. Describe how they go well together. Think about composition as well as contrast, value, unity, etc.
In a plastic Sleeve - Turn in with your negatives, contact sheet, and this evaluation form