The Y Design Done

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  • Words: 4,864
  • Pages: 29

Meng Mary Liu


December 2, 2009 EML2023


The purpose of the project is to design a mechanical device that will sort a series of three different parts into their respective containers placed at the end of a conveyor belt. Information on the location and identity of each part will be provided by a computer vision system connected to the device. Using a closed-loop motor control circuit to control the system between the optical encoder, switches, and DC motor along with a control computer to calculate the device positioning, the device must successfully sort each part at a sufficient rate contingent on the speed of the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt and boxes appear as they would in Figure 1.


I love my mom! This computer is also the best IÕve ever seen! <3<3<3<3

Figure 1: Scenario of conveyor belt, parts, and boxes.


Various requirements and restraints were placed on the device design by the set-up of the conveyor belt. Each part on the belt will be separated by at least 18 inches, and the speed of the belt was given at 2.5 inches per second. As a result, the device must be able to sort at least one part every 7 seconds. The parts will be made of ABS plastic, and the coefficient of friction between the part and conveyor belt is nominal. The size and durability of the conveyor also places several restraints on the sorting device. The designed device may be either free-standing or attached to the side plates of the conveyor. Excluding the computer technology and vision system, the entire device must weight no more than 40 pounds. Lastly, any part of the design can extend no more than 12 inches in any direction from the side of the conveyor table due to space constraints. The device will be used with a computer vision system that will locate and identify each part, a close-loop motor control circuit, and a control computer that will calculate the position of the motor based on the type and location of the part traveling down the conveyor belt. No height specifications were given. However, the height of the device will be such that the device’s efficiency will not be compromised. The cost of materials and wires connecting the computer vision system and control computers to the


device is sought to be minimized.


Design Concept 1 The first design concept, shown in Figure 2.3, features a device attached to one side of the conveyor belt via three aluminum rods. The rods —one short, and two longer of equal length, will raise the motor ten inches above the conveyor belt. A fourth rod of length 6 inches, connected to a motor attached to the end of the erected horizontal rod, will hang down to the conveyor belt. This hanging rod will be melded to the revolving slider (top view in Figure 2.4). The motor acts to revolve the arm, and will revolve at most 180-degrees from center. The motor will also serve to lift up the rod when



initially I love my mom! This computer is also the best IÕve ever

placed at center needs to travel down the center

seen! <3<3<3<3

pathway. When location registered computer



part, identity

by visual

the system

approaches the revolving slider, the motor will spin Page22

the slider, which acts like a revolving door to push the part onto the correct side of the table. The change of angle from center will be pre-determined to Figure 2.3/2.4: Design Concept #1 – Revolving Door, front view/top view

three options in accordance with the three desired trajectories to each box at the end of the conveyor belt. Because the design contains for spinning blades, the optical encoder will not need a switch to signal a change of direction, as either the counterclockwise or clockwise direction of angular motion will be chosen.

The optical encoder will be pre-programmed

according to the time it takes to revolve to each of the three changes of angle options, and the computer visual system provides the corresponding information on location and part type to be sorted. The maximum diameter of the cross-shaped revolving door was taken to be less than 18 inches, at a preferred 14 inches, to ensure that the motion of the subsequent part traveling down the belt would not be interfered with indirectly by the revolving motion of the blades.

Design Concept 2 The second design concept features two lever arms, each attached directly to the edges of the conveyor belt stand (Figure 2.5). Two motors are used at the pivot point of each arm, and each motor corresponds to a switch placed on the same edge of the belt stand. The distance between the motor and the switch relates to the length of the lever arm, allowing the tip of the lever arm to flick the switch when the arm is fully extended downwards along the table (Figure 2.6). Collision with the switch sends a signal to the motor to reverse its direction of motion. In addition, an optical encoder attached on the other side of the each lever arm’s pivot point will be preprogrammed to facilitate four angle changes, allowing the lever arm to be at 90 degrees East of South (taking the origin to be the pivot point in the plane of the conveyor belt and positive Y-axis along the edge of the conveyor belt away from the part baskets), 60 degrees East of South, 30 degrees East of South, and 90 degrees South of East (Figure 2.7). If both arms have this range of motion, then coordination between the computer visual systems, optical encoder, and switch successfully sorts any combination of initial part location and desired final part location.


Design Concept 3 The third and final design concept features a Y-shaped funnel device that is attached to a “table” via a cross-shaped rod (Figure 2.8).


“table” is fastened to the side plates of the conveyor belt stand and acts to stabilize the contraption. The cross-shaped rod is connected to the motor on top and the optical encoder from below. The dimensions of the arms of the “Y” funnel are pre-calculated to ensure no interference with the legs of the table.

The motor secured to the top of the table provides angular

motion to the rod, which pivots the funnel clock-wise or counter-clockwise to aim at the desired part box at the end of the belt. The three desired angular shifts are shown in Figure 2.9. Two switches are attached on the side of the table legs tangent to the edge of the conveyor belt. When an arm of the funnel collides with the switch, it sends a signal to the motor to reverse direction. The motor will pause once the switch is hit to allow the part to travel out of the funnel. After the allotted three seconds, the motor will revolve the funnel back to its original center. A pause of three seconds takes place between every rotation to allow for the part to travel down the belt before it is funneled into the desired third of the belt. The placement of the two switches on the legs of the table demonstrates the efficiency of the table to provide a grounding apparatus for more than one device. For all designs, the bottom face of the device is raised at most 0.25 inches away from the conveyor belt to eliminate any opposing forces of




Although each of the three design concepts accomplished the end goal, multiple factors contributed to the final design selection.

The third

design concept was ultimately chosen for its relatively superior usability, simplicity, and performance.

Usability The third design offered the greatest ease of use and construction to the supervisor of the task. The design of each part minimized the need for additional manufactured parts to be used as stands for the motor, the switches, etc.

The primary deflection from the first design concept was

caused by the complexity of the part sorter itself—the manufacturing of the Page22

cross-shaped revolving door and its sloping blades added unnecessary intricacy to the design process. Although the second design concept used merely long shafts of aluminum as the lever arms, complications surrounding the mounting of the

motor directly to the edge of the conveyor belt stand deferred this concept from the final selection.

The second design also required nine different

combinations of the lever arm positions to facilitate the nine total possible routes of each part.

The configurations required for the first and second

design concept demanded far more complexity in the computer vision system wiring and connections than necessary for the third design.

Simplicity The third design employs only one motor, while the second design needs two motors. This reduction from two motors to one greatly decreases the complexity of the computer visual system needed to transfer information to and from each motor.

Also, despite the simplicity of part

design in the second option, the two-motor system requires synchronization and intra-system communication to effectively sort each part. Accordingly, the first design concept, even though it only needed one motor, was not selected because of the complexity required of the motor control system. The revolving door sits in the way of a part initially placed at the center that must travel down the center pathway. As a result, the first design concept specified that the revolving part sorter must be lifted up off the belt via a much more complex and sophisticated motor that can manage both rotational angular motion and linear, vertical motion against the acceleration of gravity. Relative to the aforementioned designs, the third design remains the best choice for the final design.

This design concept requires only three

different positions of the funnel-shaped part sorter, and the optimum location of the two switches on the table contraption utilizes the structure of the design to facilitate an additional aspect of the design’s performance.

Performance The third design was also chosen for its superior performance capabilities. Although it demands slightly more complicated configurations


of the optical encoder (to pause for three seconds before each range of motion), the Y-shaped funnel part sorter is able to control the entire conveyor belt with two simple movements in addition to its centered position.

In comparison, as described above, the second design requires











notwithstanding its motor-to-motor communication system requires far more advanced computer technology. The first design also demands a far more complex motor, causing the success of the performance to be based upon the sophistication and timeliness of the design’s motor rather than the originality and cleverness of the design itself. Table 1 on the next page summarizes the information detailed above.


Table 1: Comparison Matrix of Design Concepts


Descriptio n

Assembly/Ma nuf.

Range of motion

• Four-blade revolving door sorter • Requires vertical and rotational motion

• Complex assembly of blades to revolving rod • Sophisticate motor needed • Success based upon technology of motor • Stand required for levers, attached directly to conveyor belt top plate. • Easy lever arm manufacturing process (two long Alum T6063-T6 shafts) • Two motors • All parts are basic and simple to manufacture • Cross-shaped rod required for torque (transfer of motion)

• 180 degrees • Only one specified direction necessary

• Two overlapping lever arms • Two pivot centers

• Y-shaped funnel • w/table apparatus

Special materials needed • Sophisticated motor* • Stronger metal (larger shear modulus value) needed for supporting rods

Add. Comments

• 90 degrees • optical encoder needed for reverse motion • Four pre-set configuration s (change of angles)

• Advanced computer technology to sync two motors • Increased complexity of wiring from central computer visual system to both pivot arms

*Given computer visual system and optical encoder insufficient for level of complexity required of partto-part communication.

• 60 degrees • Reverse motion signaled by optimally placed switches

• Multiple assemblies • six+ original parts, all in T6063T6 Aluminum

*Placement of optical encoder and switches maximizes design concept and ingenuity.

*Standard Gearhead/Windo w DC Motor is insufficient for multi-planar motion.


The third design concept may be built and assembled in the order prescribed below. From here onwards, this design concept will be referred to as the Y Design. All units are in inches, degrees, or seconds. All parts are to be made from T6063-T6 Aluminum, and all screws except for the set of screws for the threaded inserts are zinc-plated steel, pan-head Phillips screws, with McMaster Part Number 90272A151.

Reasons for selection

details are given below.

Assembly A Preliminary analysis of measurements The main body of the part sorter is shown in Figure 3.1.


sheets with full dimensions for all parts are attached in the appendix.) The distance between the inner faces of the blades making up the funnel is 6 inches. The distance lengthwise of the funnel’s channel is 12 inches, and the total vertical distance is 12 + 12cos(30), which is approximately 22.4 inches.









inches) between parts, the computer visual system is set up to trigger the first oscillation when







surpasses the 6-inch mark measured down from the beginning




Figure 3.1: The Y funnel – primary body of part sorter

blades of the funnel. In this way, the pause of 2.5 seconds pre-programmed into the optical encoder Page22

prior to every range of motion allows the part to move 6.25 inches down the belt and hence out of the funnel onto the desired pathway of motion. See Figure 3.2 on the next page for clarification of the first few scenarios of parts

traveling down the belt. While waiting for the first part to surpass the 6-inch mark, the second part will have entered into the mouth of the funnel, biding its turn to be guided and discharged into its corresponding third of the belt. Note that the pause of 2.5 seconds





trigger another range of motion of the computer visual system signals that the part traveling down the belt is to go down the center.

In such a case, the

funnel’s motor stays still for its allotted


allowing down

the the



Figure 3.2: Scenario of parts with distance approximation through isolated Y funnel.

of part


motion, to of

travel the

Construction of Assembly A/Construction Analysis The exploded view of Assembly A is shown in Figure 4.1 to provide a


summary of the first assembly of the two-part assembly series.

Figure 4.1: Exploded assembly view of Assembly A – isometric summary

The roughly Y-shaped cover of the funnel, along with the funnel itself,

is an original manufactured part. With dimensions provided in the drawing sheets, this cover has a cross-shaped hole with the midpoint of the line between the inner vertices of the arms as the center. This exploded view summary will be the basis of the upcoming discussion of Assembly A’s components. Figure 4.2 shows a close-up of the cross-shaped hole and its corresponding rod and stabilizer.

Four screws reflecting the screw

specifications included in the introduction to this section were used to attach the square stabilizer







Evidently, the hole is cross-shaped to provide resistance and transfer rotational torque of the rod to rotational movement of the funnel. Aluminum






exceptional strength, high shear modulus value, and relatively accessible nature as a building material. In






attached also to the underside of the cover into a threaded hole made on the bottom of the rod.

cross-shaped Figure


provides a bottomup perspective of the cross-shaped rod, the cover, the square stabilizer, and the optical encoder.


figure reveals a key

Figure 4.2: Close-up of crossshaped hole.

hole made on the bottom face of the rod to accommodate for the discreetly placed optical encoder.

Note that the optical encoder has


approximately a height of 0.45 inches.

As a

result, the height of the arms of the funnel was made to be 1.5 inches to compensate for the

intrusion of the optical encoder piece onto the pathway of the parts. The Figure 4.3: Close-up of optical encoder, screws.







maximum diameter of 1.50 inches because of aluminum’s relatively tensile nature (re: high value of shear modulus).

Consequently, a length of 0.5 inches for each “arm” of the cross was considered sufficient to supply the torque for the movement of the weight of the funnel. The height of Assembly A was chosen for its maximum durability at a minimum cost of material and assembly. Once secured to Assembly B, the Y funnel is suspended approximately 0.10 inches off of the conveyor belt to eliminate opposing frictional forces. Lastly, the motor is attached to the cross shaped rod directly via a flexible coupling and a motor output shaft adapter. Figure 4.4 shows how the motor was attached to the cross-shaped rod. flexible




(with the






protrusion from the cross-shaped body with the motor output shaft adapter. The motor is secured to a table-like apparatus, a.k.a. Assembly B.


Figure 4.4: Exploded view of DC Motor to output shaft to flexible coupling in Assembly A.

Assembly B The Y Design incorporates a table-like apparatus that a) secures the motor, b) supports the funnel, c) provides an optimum location for two switches, and d) is attached to the side plates of the conveyor belt stand via two McMaster screws that are compatible with the McMaster threaded


insert, Part Number 94615A113.

Figure 5.1 shows this table apparatus

along with the rest of the components of Assembly B.

Preliminary analysis of measurements The height of the table, shown in Figure 5.2 on the next page along with the motor securing mechanism, was chosen to allow for a 0.1 inch suspension of the belt by the funnel. The height also took into account the belt placement inside of the conveyor belt stand, allowing flexibility for the user to choose where to bolt the device according to their model of the conveyor belt stand.

The width of the table is 1.5 inches because when

attached to the belt stand, the edges of the legs in relation to the arms of the funnel provide the perfect location for the placement of a switch. The table is bolted with two threaded inserts (specified McMaster Part No.) on each table leg on either side of the belt stand approximately 16 inches


Figure 5.1: Table apparatus et al of Assembly B

Figure 5.2: Height of table off of conveyor belt – allows for 0.10 in. suspension of Assembly A

away from the back end of the conveyor belt table. The first bolt is placed one-inch on center from the edge of the table, and the second one-inch on center from the end of the leg.

Figure 5.3 depicts the locations of the

holes on the table part that corresponds to the threaded



Construction of Assembly B/Analysis of Construction Figure 5.3: table Locationpart of holes inserts in stand The is corresponding first boltedwith to threaded the side plates of of conveyor belt.

the conveyor belt,

approximately 16 inches away from the back edge away from the part boxes. With a stabilized table, the motor is then secured to the top of the table with the securing device as shown in Figure 5.4. Two screws are used to fasten the part down onto the table top.

The tensile

strength and elasticity of Aluminum T6063-T6





demands of this part, so no changes were made to the composition of the part. Another important aspect of the construction of Assembly B is the location and placement of the two switches. The switches are directly fastened on the arm of the table. No additional apparatus is needed for the switches, and the table is placed in such a way to capture the movement of Figure 5.4: Exploded view of motor securing device on top of table of Assembly B.

the funnel arms. Figure 5.5 shows one of the arms of the funnel part

colliding with the switch just as the other end of the funnel has reached the end





range of motion.

Figure 5.5: Collision with switch by funnel arm..

Further Analysis Combining Assembly A and Assembly B, the Y Design is complete. Figure 6 shows an exploded view of the amalgamation. It is important to remember that the securing part is to be fastened on last, after the


construction of Assembly A and the stabilizing of Assembly B.

Figure 6: Exploded view of Assembly A plus Assembly B, combined to make the Y Design for sorting parts.


Cost of Assembly A Table 2 shows the detailed bill of materials for Assembly A.


estimated cost of each part is included along with a subtotal for Assembly A. Starting from Item No. 1, the Y-shaped funnel as shown in Figure 3.1 has the stated dimensions because of the nature of the design—


Table 2: Bill of materials for

in order to fully capture the entire surface area of the belt, the diverging Item no. 1





Part no./name





X cost ea. $

= Cost total
















CAD-MP-**** 0001




Machine screws 90272A151

Y-shaped funnel, part sorter

Solidworks, original manufacturing


Y funnel cover

Solidworks, original manufacturing


Solidworks, original manufacturing


Square-shaped stabilizer

Solidworks, original manufacturing


Phillips pan-head 3/4" screw


Steel, Zinc-plated

Cross-shaped rod







Motor output shaft adaptor

Hexagonal shaft adaptor, Hex Shank

Insty-Bit, USA






Optical Encoder

Optical encoder with 0.160” vertical mount.


Stainless steel, brass, gold-plated terminals




3/8”, 3/8” black setscrew, helical beam shaft coupling


Anodized aluminum




Right side, 3 Volts, 35 RPM

DC Gear Motors




600-128-C24 8

Shaft Coupling 2463K401


DC Motor


arms had to be long enough to reach the edges of the table. The angle between a diverging arm and its corresponding component that form the actual funnel of the part would affect how long the arm extends. In the Y Design, the angle is shown to be 150 degrees, which allows measurements to be made based off of the 30,60,90 right triangle. Accordingly, these Page22

angles signify the angular range of motion for the motor, although it is unnecessary for the motor to revolve a full 90 degrees.


For Item No. 2, the funnel cover was made at a thickness of 0.25 inches to minimize the material needed without compromising the resistance needed from the material. The funnel cover, shown isolated in Figure 7.1, contains the crossshaped hole in anticipation of the cross-shaped rod whose rotational torque supplied by the motor will transfer to the cover and therefore to the Y-shaped funnel. In comparison, the crossshaped rod, Figure 7.2, is much thicker. The cylindrical protrusion from the top face of the rod is attached to the flexible

Figure 7.1: Funnel cover part, showing cross-shaped hole.

coupling, on which other end is the motor output shaft adaptor and motor. As such, the materials needed for the design have been starkly minimized by the conservative nature of the Y Design. Lastly, the square Figure 7.2: Crossshaped rod part, showing top face.

stabilizer was dimensioned at a minute 1.5 by 1.5 inch to correspond with the maximum diameter (1.5 in.) of the cross-shaped hole. In order to support the weight

of the design, the square-shaped stabilizer and its four screws adds another level of safety, control, and stability to the design. Design Y needed only one optical encoder, one flexible coupling, and one hexagonal shaft adaptor. The optical encoder chosen has a mount of length 0.160” which is sufficient for the purposes of the cross-shaped rod. With the standard 128 pulses per channel per revolution, the encoder and its rotary action is competent to capture the information regarding the total 60 degrees range of motion. Lastly, the DC motor chosen for Assembly A has a specified 35 revolutions per minute with 4 Volts. Relating the RPM to approximately 0.58 revolutions per second, the Gearhead DC Motor is


sufficient for the merely 0.167 revolutions per second required of the Y Design.

Cost of Assembly B The decisions for Assembly B were made in the same manner. The following table, Table 3, details the bill of materials for Assembly B. Table 3: Bill of materials for Item Part no./name Description no. CAD-MP-**** 10





Machine screws 90272A151


Switches 7779K140


Threaded Inserts 94615A113


Machine screws 91772A092



Supporting table apparatus

Solidworks, original manufacturing


Motor securing part

Solidworks, original manufacturing


Phillips pan-head 3/4" screw


Steel, Zinc-plated

Miniature snap-acting switches, 10 amps, ½ hp @250 VAC, Roller lever, Force 4.2 oz., Actuator Height 0.3”



X cost ea. $

= Cost total












/100 Plastic




Press-Fit knurled, McMaster-Carr 3/16”, length ¼”, Plain finish

Brass Alloy 360


$10.5 2


Phillips pan, ¼”, 3-48 inch thread size, for threaded inserts

18-8 Stainless Steel


/50 4





As stated in the design specifications, the supporting table’s dimensions were crafted to ensure flexibility of placement along the edge of the conveyor belt stand. At a suggested distance of 16 inches, the placement of the threaded inserts and corresponding machine screws are


contingent on the belt location inside of the conveyor belt stand. As a result, the table has a height of 14.75 inches to accommodate for the 7.25 inches above the perpendicular tangent line to the conveyor belt, and the range of flexibility allowed by the 7.5 inches below.


The motor securing part, item no. 11, has an inner height of 1.38 inches, analogous with the height of the motor. For this part, the material composition was chosen to remain as Aluminum T6063-T6 because of its relatively high shears modulus value and thus tensile strength. The motor is fastened between the table and the securing device to prevent sliding along the top of the table. Conclusively, the approximated cost for Assembly A and Assembly B, which combined forms the Y Design, totals to $257. This price includes both Solidworks generated parts and McMaster-Carr, Honeywell, and Insty-Bit


manufactured parts.


Table of Contents Page I.

Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

II. Design

Specifications------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 III. Design

Concepts------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 - 6 a. Design Concept

1-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 b. Design Concept

2-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 c. Design Concept

3-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 IV. Selection of Design

Approach-------------------------------------------------------------------7-9 V. Design

Description--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 - 18 a. Assembly

A-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 - 14 b. Assembly

B-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 - 18 VI. Cost

Analysis---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 - 22


a. Cost of Assembly

A---------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 21

b. Cost of Assembly

B---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 22 VII. Appendices----------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------- 23 - 33 a. Table of

Contents------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 b. Lists of Tables &

Figures----------------------------------------------------------------- 24 - 25 c. Solidworks Part Drawing

Sheets------------------------------------------------------ 26 - 31 d. Solidworks Assembly Drawing

Sheets----------------------------------------------- 32-33

List of Tables & Figures

Tables Page # 1. Table 1: Comparison matrix of design

concepts--------------------------------------------------- 9 2. Table 2: Bill of Materials for Assembly

A------------------------------------------------------------ 19 3. Table 3: Bill of Materials for Assembly


B------------------------------------------------------------ 21


1. Figure 1: Scenario of conveyor belt, parts, and

boxes-------------------------------------------- 2 2. Figure 2.1: Design Concept

#2-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 3. Figure 2.2: Design Concept

#3-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 4. Figure 2.3: Design Concept #1 – Revolving Door, front

view------------------------------------ 4 5. Figure 2.4: Design Concept #1 – Revolving Door, top

view-------------------------------------- 4 6. Figure 3.1: The Y funnel – primary body of part

sorter-------------------------------------------10 7. Figure 3.2: Scenario of parts with distance approximation

through isolated Y funnel.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 8. Figure 4.1: Exploded assembly view of Assembly A –

isometric summary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 9. Figure 4.2: Close-up of cross-shaped

hole.---------------------------------------------------------- 13 Figure 4.3: Close-up of optical encoder, screws.---------------------------------------------------13


Figure 4.4: Exploded view of DC Motor to output shaft to flexible coupling in Assembly A.------------------------------------------------------------ 14


Figure 5.1: Table apparatus et al of Assembly B----------------------------------------------------15


Figure 5.2: Height of table off of conveyor belt – allows for 0.10 in. suspension of Assembly A--------------------------------------------------------16


Figure 5.3: Location of holes corresponding with threaded inserts in stand of conveyor belt.----------------------------------------------------------------------16



List of Tables & Figures cont. Figure 5.4: Exploded view of motor securing device on top of table of Assembly B.------------------------------------------------------------------------------17


Figure 5.5: Collision with switch by funnel arm.----------------------------------------------------17


Figure 6: Exploded view of Assembly A plus Assembly B, combined to make the Y Design for sorting parts.-------------------------------------------------18


Figure 7.1: Funnel cover part, showing cross-shaped hole.-------------------------------------20


Figure 7.2: Cross-shaped rod part, showing top face.--------------------------------------------20



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