The Unspoken Truth Chapter 3

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 5,467
  • Pages: 10
Kiyomi was back to her normal, calm self. Her parents are under the care of a family psychologist, thanks to Jorouchi’s suggestions. It’s strange how she came to school the day after I took care of Wrath in its realm, no longer with bloodshot eyes and spilling out all her beans with a burst of tears in front of the class. Some people like Joseph was apologizing her for making fun of her without really knowing what’s going on. “It’s ok, it’s ok,” Kiyomi said, leaving no spite behind her anymore. All’s well that ends well, right? No. It was only the beginning of more trouble that’s yet to come. This was just the icing on a cake. A few days after Kiyomi’s confession, we noticed that Floramaria looked a bit strange. She is a fashion girl, but she only wears any of her branded or stylish things on weekends and malls. She is also quite a nice girl who knows politeness and respect. Now it’s starting to go the other way around She was starting to sort of break the uniform rules, starting with her bag. It was the limited edition Louis-Vuiton tote bag every girl had dreamed for, when the school rules discouraged bags like those. And then another strange thing happened the next day. She attempted to become a ganguro, despite the fact that she’s already of LatinAmerican descent. Although not like the ganguro I see on those style magazines or on TV a couple of years back, she still had the basic requirements to start with—bright blonde hair, the tanned skin she got from birth, some makeup, and a miniskirt. Our class dazzled with confusion as she entered class like nothing has happened. “What’re ya lookin at?” She said harshly to Teppei who was staring a bit pervertedly at her legs. “Uh, nothing…….” He pretended to turn away. “Geez, Flora isn’t herself this week, is she?” I heard Haruka asked Fuuko. “Yeah, she doesn’t hang around with us much these days, right? And the ganguro style is like ,way out of trend already, isn’t it?” “Uh huh. Beats me, what’s going on her mind. She looks like a prostitute the more I see her,” she commented with a hint of contempt. That’s sadly true, I replied in my heart. A shame that someone like her might work in night pubs. Another disturbing thing is that she has also gotten more attractive sexually. The mini skirt keeps getting mini, and her breasts seem to enlarge day by day. I am not of perverts that tease women like her, thankfully, but honestly, she’s starting to bug me with this sexual charm that she had. She also started to hang out with some other older students of our class, and dating them, but the relationships ended within the count of hours, the reason unbeknownst to us. “Floramaria, I understand that you are a young lady who is aware of fashion, but please, abide with the school rules and don’t go out of the borders. I might even suggest a suspension if you keep on behaving like this,” Hosoya-sensei lectured her when taking morning attendance 2 days later. She didn’t reply. “I’ll leave you to make your own decisions, Floramaria. Your actions will have consequences,” it was the last thing Sensei told her before going through the door. She crossed her legs on her table, seemingly ignoring Sensei’s advice while chewing gum. Her friends are starting to turn away from her, but it seems that she doesn’t even care. Murmurs filled the classroom before the History teacher arrives shortly.

“She’s one hundred percent hot...” “Turned to a whore, say.” “Ganguros are supposed to look horrible, right? Why does she look so good then?” “I think I’m going to spend more tissues today.” “Totally disgusting.” “She must have a condom in her bag somewhere, I know it.” Negative remarks everywhere. Yet, for a short while, I felt pitiful for her, and I don’t know why. On that night, which is Friday night, I went to town to buy some Nintendo Wii games. My gaming spirit is never dowsed out; it keeps burning despite mid-exams coming up next month. I do get consequences for this addiction, which is lower grades, but they’re just really minor decreases, as I’m still considered way above average. On my way to a big store reserved only for games, which is unofficially one of my ‘sacred places’, I saw Flora walking with a couple of men, one is in his twenties and one in his thirties, walking towards Shibuya street. She was wearing a long, beige leather mantle that went down to her knees. Something was up here, and I had a strong hunch to follow her. Delving deeper into the heart of the city and farther from my original destination, I tailed her until I finally reached a small, dark alley. They disappeared as I turned to the alley. There were several entryways and staircases that lead down, but at the 2nd pathway to the right, I swear I saw something moved. Being curious as I always am, I went through the staircases, going down. On my second step I could hear muffled noises of deep techno. What a bad taste of techno, they must’ve hired a cheap DJ, I mumbled, as the muffled noises get louder and louder each time I stepped towards a door. When I opened it, the mixed smell of air conditioning and cigarette smoke rushed out from the place. Hardcore techno reaching 90 decibels disrupted my hearing. I saw lights flashing, people dancing, drinking, and partying. Beer spills, condoms, semen and vomits were a common sight on the floor. A discotheque. And the one famous for its rate of prostitution on top of that, as I read in the newspapers once. Good thing I don’t dress normally today; I was in the stylish mood that night, so I magically blended with others. But what’s more important, I could see Flora being surrounded by men, while they are having drinks. They chatted, and then like a mother duck and her babies, they followed Flora into a room. I followed her, passing through the sea of bodies that were drunk, entranced by the hypnotizing music, their bodies glued to each other as they kissed and embraced lustfully like magnets. For me, it was not a sight to be remembered. I followed her and her company of men down a staircase and smaller alleys with doors, which in some of them could hear groans of pleasure. I shivered. Flora’s company already went through a double door on the end. Only the gods know what’s inside there, I thought. I waited for a couple of minutes, and then I toughened my heart to go inside and see. When I went through the doors, there was an anteroom, and I could see two people guarding behind the other door. Luckily enough, it had a small see-through glass section on the side, so I stealthily tiptoed my way to the door. But I heard voices.

“And now, introducing our guest star for tonight—F-chan!” someone announced. I saw Flora standing up the platform, shoes removed, and only wearing the leather jacket. She opened it and let it drop on the floor. Holy gods and goddesses in heaven, a sex party. Naked men rushed to the platform, doing things that is of utter disgust and wickedness I wish not to talk about, and she is drowned the sea of bodies with a smile. Numbed because of the situation, I ran away as fast as I could, trying to erase the memories of the orgy as I rushed out to the outside world. “Fresh air!” I shouted as I went out of the alleyway. I wanted to go home, putting aside the shopping for now. I took a train station home. I took heavy breaths, with thoughts circling in my mind. The discotheque, the corridors, that room. Images flashed through like a bullet train, from people dancing in ecstasy to the dark depths of the hidden corridors and rooms. I wish to get the shock off of me as soon as I can. I ate dinner in a bit of a hurry, did my homework, and dived to my bed. I hugged my bolster and closed my eyes. So sex parties do exist¸ I thought. It’s all because of that book. No, it was because of my foolishness and stupidity. I’m the one to be blamed for all this! I put all my friends in trouble… Argh, I don’t want to think about this. I shifted my sleeping position. “Now, according to my list, it’s Yoshio’s turn to clean up the lab this time,” Sanae Nakagome, our biology teacher, said after she examined the results of a draw she held last month. I was quite happy I got the number 14 out of 30 back then, but it looks like one month passed by so quickly. “See ya at lunch!” Tatsu said. “Uh huh,” I replied. “Don’t forget to hand your part of the History project to me later, ok?” Masahiro called out as he was about to exit the classroom. “Yeb’m,” I muttered, taking a small towel from the sink. As I was cleaning the double mirrors that are supposed to be facing to each other so an endless loop of reflections can be seen, I thought of Flora, who is not present today, because of a reason only I know, and one that I don’t want to remember. I remembered her being a cheerful and active girl who loves to laugh and play around with her friends. She also has a big appetite, and she always complains about being too fat when in truth she doesn’t look that fat, or even close to it, I may add. Oh, and she’s one of the best coffee makers in our school, so we don’t have to worry about what to decide for a cultural festival, because we always plan on a café and it works all the time. We always put our thanks to the CARD personnel, Calvin, Anthony, Richard, and Darius, for importing in the coffee she needs. Although it might sound materialistic, wealth is something to be shared, right? After all, the profit is organized by Michiro to be sent to charities. I must be reminiscing too much of those days that have gone by a long time ago, that I didn’t realize that I was cleaning the back of the mirror as well. I got to my senses and stopped cleaning before I start cleaning my own face. I looked at the mirror and it’s perfectly shiny. My reflection was clear and crisp and I can see them duplicating by the

hundred as the reflections go farther and farther. I can also see someone passing by at the back— “Wait, someone passing by inside the mirror!?” I blurted out spontaneously in shock. Then I looked around. Where’s Nakagome-sensei? Wasn’t she here when I was still cleaning? I absent-mindedly leaned to the mirror with my hand, but instead of that, I fell. Yes, I fell inside a mirror. It didn’t break or fall down, I basically went inside it. “What the heck?” In confusion and curiosity, I entered the mirror, leaving behind the towel at the desk. I went into a glass hallway that was glass everywhere; perhaps the hallway was created by the many reflections the double mirrors produced. I could see a glass door at the end, but I wanted to go back. The more I walked back, the more I kept going farther from that door and the more I ventured into nowhere. “Ok, I give up,” I groaned as I walked towards the glass door. When I found out what’s beyond the doors, I had a first assumption that I must be returning to the same place again; a devil’s ring. But then I bumped into a mirror on the face. I looked around. Mirrors are still everywhere from floor to ceiling, reflecting my presence to all sides. The door was part of a long hallway that stretched for at least 20 meters. There were several windows that let the moonlight shining through, reflected to all sides of the hallway. The only thing that was not made out of glass was its furniture, with an exception to doors as well. The echoes of my footsteps rang quietly in the hall as I strolled slowly. Over the view given by the window, I could see an inner ward that looks like a circular courtyard that has statues on some of the edges, and has 7 pathways each leading to different areas of what it seems like a castle. This Victorian-style abode is shaped like a donut, hence the reason why the courtyard was in the center. And it was also made entirely out of glass, except for the greenery and the courtyard outside. The sky was a dark blueberry, with pale white stars and a crescent moon. What’s interesting about this structure is the lighting. As I explored the elegant castle, the sources of light in the dark were bright pink energy orbs, shining effulgently. They hovered at a pedestal which was normally for candles, hanging on the side of the halls facing the courtyard. All the colors of this world match harmoniously. Just like an RPG game, I can find doors than are open and doors that are locked. The only way to identify these doors was to find a golden brass door handle on one of the walls, even on big, 2-door rooms, like the kitchen. As I wandered around, a sense of loneliness evoked inside me, the same kind of loneliness when I was in Wrath’s realm. But then, in a square foyer not far from the hallway where I started, the same person, or so it seems, passed through a door at the corner of an upper floor. “Come here, little boy,” a voice whispered gently in my ears. Startled, I looked around to see who had said it, but there was nobody. I then proceeded to the room that person had just entered. It was strangely a bedroom chamber. As far as I know, foyers don’t directly lead to chambers, but that’s not important now. There was a young lady that sat on the edge of the bed with legs crossed, and she looked at me with a seducing smile. She was Floramaria. “Welcome back, hot stuff,” she said, slowly straightening her legs widely. She got up and walked toward me slowly.

She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life and maybe even my previous lives. She was wearing a translucent gown with a deep purple tone with some kind of material that had properties like smooth leather, but shimmers more, and it fitted loosely to her body. The gown covered her until her thighs and revealed much of her back, and on top of that, the gown made a narrow V interstice from her shoulders and ended in her tight stomach. Her perfectly big, round, compact breasts that made a tight cleavage that was visible in the interstice jingled within the slightest move she made. Her skin is the sexiest shade of shiny chocolate, mostly a pride of Latin-American women; her lips are fine, silky devil red, bright blue eyes, straight, shimmering silk-like black hair which flew freely to her back. She had flawless body proportions that exceeded a fashion model’s standards and no fat at all showing in her arms or legs; she was just perfect. Yet I don’t feel aroused at all. “Aww, why the long face? Come on; accompany me tonight, will you?” She flirted with him, her voice like the purring of a cat, soft and enticing. “Who could stand sleeping with a bitch like you?” I said, backing in disgust. Luckily only one girl has the power to move my heart. Floramaria bit her lips in disappointment with a sad face. Then, she approached me and hugged me. She looked at me with a face begging for something. Her breasts softly pressed my chest; and I still wasn’t moved by her. “Please?” She asked with her shining eyes pleading me. I pushed her away from me, and she fell to the bed. She put a falling pose such that I can see her bottom when she fell. I turned my eyes away. When I opened them again, she was suddenly in front of me again, suddenly stopping her attempt to seduce me. Her face showed a look of disgust that I had moments ago. “Nice try, Mr. I-am-a-holy-man. I could kill you right now, but this isn’t the place…” She suddenly disappeared, leaving an energy illusion that faded away. I turned around, searching for her, and I saw her in a mirror, walking away from the room. I chased after her, passing from hallway to hallway, foyer to mezzanine, until I finally reached a big hall, with a raised platform on the far end of the hall that had a throne chair, with Floramaria sitting there, waiting with arms folded. “About time you came,” she said in repugnance. “What do you want from me?” I demanded. She dissolved into a reflection on one of the mirror pillars that supported the hall. “I had once hosted a party here. Invited no one but men, hundreds of them I did. Since I forgot to invite you back then, here’s some compensation,” she clicked her fingers. The scene suddenly changed. Floramaria was standing in front of her chair. Around me was an estimated hundred men of all ages; all of them stark naked. Oh no, don’t tell me this is— Yes, my instincts were right. With a pull of her string, Flora’s clothes dropped to the floor like a feather, and a sea of men rushed after her. It was the same scene again. I shut my eyes and ears as hard as I can. I don’t want to hear any more of this. It’s enough. “STOP!” I shouted in anger. A moment later, I was back again, but Flora was nowhere to be seen. “I had the most fun I could ever have for the whole day,” her voice appeared. “Sigh…Too bad all that came today was this little brat who doesn’t want to have fun.” I

turned my back, and there she was, raising her palm. “And those who didn’t participate at that time, died.” With a swing of her hand she swiped out energy mirrors that cascaded towards, getting bigger and bigger as they approached me. It was too late to move away, and I was thrown away by the power of her attack; I skidded 4 meters where I was from. “Don’t you go coughing blood now,” she sneered, “or are you still the girly coward I used to know, and all you do is back out all the time?” I got infuriated by her mocking, so furious that power surged to all parts of my body. As I gained this new ability, I concentrated on Flora and ahead of me, an array of energy missiles blasted towards her. She teleported again, and as the missiles exploded as it made impact with the wall, she appeared in another place and hurled out ricocheting discs. I deflected them as I try to shoot out missiles to her again, but then she was able to avoid it again. “Come on, retard, is that the best you can do?” Flora taunted and laughed annoyingly as she dashed from place to place, and she challenged me by casting 3 waves of mirrors all at once towards me. There were little chances that I could escape all three, so I formed a protective barrier that resisted all of them without recoil. I countered her attack by dashing to her at point blank range and made an uppercut projectile that instantly punched her to the ceiling. “Aaaagh!” she shouted in pain as she flew upwards, but as she reached the ceiling, which was at least two storeys high, she dissolved into it and her reflection ran away towards the foyer that leads to the cloister outside. I chased her with the fury and revenge that was still stirring inside of me. But shortly after that, I had learned to put that aside. I heard voices as I passed through a hallway. I thought it was her at the first place, but I found myself a room with an open door. It was the source of the sounds that I heard. Inside was a projector, a screen, a table and some chairs. The projector was the one who made the noise—it was rolling a black and white movie. It was among the saddest stories I ever knew. “Mom, where are you going?” A girl asked. Her mother didn’t answer. She silently packed her bags and headed out the door. The girl tried to catch up, and ask her what’s going on, but the mother was unmoved. A taxi was waiting for her outside, and she placed her baggage in the trunk. “Mom, please speak to me! What’s going on? Why are you leaving by yourself?” The girl pleaded for answers, but the mother gave her nothing more than a stone cold heart. She pretended that the girl didn’t even existed, and she closed the passenger door, eyes to the front with an icy gaze. “Mommy!!!” The girl fell to her knees and cried a river. The scene shifted. The girl, doing her homework on the living room, was interrupted by her father, who had just arrived home from work, drunk and carrying bottles of beer. “Oh, daddy, tell me you didn’t go out to the pub again, “she rose and tried to help her father who was not walking properly, but he suddenly punched her until so hard she fell to the ground. “Akh!” She squeaked in pain, rubbing her cheek. “So what if go to the pub, you little whore? So what if get drunk all the time, huh? I got kicked out of my job because of you, mother—! “

Apparently I didn’t censor that word; it seems that the film was already edited. Anyways, I saw her being beaten up by his father again, and he dragged her by the hair to her room and banged the door shut. The girl’s face was covered in tears again. It’s an old family problem that never seems to be extinct. The scene shifted again. I saw the girl, sweating as she was sleeping without a blanket, probably because it was a hot summer night. I now realized that the girl had a dark skin color, but I kept on watching. Someone knocked at her door. “Oh, M-chan…..are you theeere? Come out, come out wherever you areee…” the girl woke up, and she was surprised that she found four men entering her room. “M-chaaan…..we’ve come to play with you….” The men approached her bed with lustful, greedy eyes and very sinister smiles. Her father, who was at the door, silently counted money, giving a sad look to her daughter. “I’m sorry, dear; this is the only way we can find our source of living…..” He said without any regrets. “No, daddy, please don’t do this to me,” pleaded the girl as she retreated to a corner of her bedroom trying to keep away from the four men, who was starting to open their top clothes. “No, daddy, help me!!!” He gave one last sad look at her, and said, “Goodnight, my little angel…” He closed the door. One from the group of men got her, followed by the others, and within moments they stripped all of her clothing. The scene instantly shifted to an outside view of her house. It was like a real movie. “NOOOOOOmfrgmbl—“were the sounds produced while in that scene. Oh no. Rape. And then it turned black. After a few moments, I could hear breathing sounds. “Whew! That was one hell of a ride!” A man’s voice said. “Yeah, she was awesome! She did want we wanted all the way!” said another happily. “Oh boys……I think that was only a warm up,” the girl’s voice said, and the scene shifted to a picture of a woman’s lips. “I know you wanted more than that, boys…..Come here, eat you hearts out on me,” the lips moved. The projector went dead. I didn’t realize that I had silently cried tears. Who knows there was such a sad real life scenario like that? I think I already know who it belonged to. Without wasting any more time, I got out of the room and searched for Flora again. This time, I can see her appearance in the center courtyard when I looked to the windows that had a view to the center courtyard. I went to the courtyard through the same way Flora went when she ran away. She waited impatiently for my presence at a chair. “About time you came,” she coldly said, standing up. “Flora, I know it feels good to be a prostitute, but you’ll end up hurting yourself even more!” I said as an approached the courtyard. “So what if I’m a prostitute? So what if I live to please myself with men? I don’t care one speck at all, joda de madre!” For all I know, she uses that Spanish phrase as a curse word. “That’s the reason I hate people like you! I should’ve killed you in the first place, but I went easy on you. Hmph, I shouldn’t waste my time letting you alive.”

“Hit me,” I taunted. “Oh, look, the coward’s acting all brave now! Ooo, I’m scaaaared!” she said very sarcastically. “Stop joshing and try to kill me if you really want to,” I instantly replied, taunting her back. I was ready with whatever she’s going to throw out to me. And she did. She rose to the air, and in front of her, a violet magic circle appeared, shining mystically. “I call you, O goddess of earthly pleasure, drain the very essences of the lives of foolish men,” Flora chanted. I wonder if the other sins I’m going to bit would have this kind of crap as well? Nevertheless, it’s still dangerous. The circle spun really fast, and it flashed as it assimilates into her body. From her back bones, she forced out a pair of big bat wings made out of transparent glass. She also had two other wings in her lower back. She was now wearing sort of a dark-hued indigo Chinese dress that shimmers like a mirror reflecting a light, in which the curves started from her hip. She had red eyes and a demon’s hoofs now. She had transformed in to a succubus, but she still doesn’t look all that sexy to me, anyways. “Let’s see how you can handle this!” she said, but I swear I can hear two voices talking at the same time. She slowly teleported, while at the same time juxtaposing energy illusions that didn’t fade away. When she was finished, only her illusions remain. In unison, they all began to strike me with weaker versions of cascading mirrors from above. And the moment they are finished, they separately engaged me, making my burden of survival even heavier. The problem is, you have to deflect lots of mirrors while at the same time, trying to dissipate these enhanced illusions that sends you punches and kicks and blasts, all at once. I created a repelling force field after a long period of parrying and countering, which sometimes failed because they were ethereal beings. A second wave of energy mirrors was unleashed. This time, from my imagination, I let out my energy to concentrate on my two hands, and I broke those mirrors at melee range, and so I continued to outsmart the illusions. I was still on the upper hand at that moment. Finally, the illusions dissipated, and among one of them was Flora, who greeted me back with a large energy lance that left trails of purple auroras. The lance pushed and drilled my body to the ground. I was rendered hopeless, because the pain was exorbitantly painful, and with that the rest of my power that once kindled fiercely was dowsed just like that. I inhaled heavy amounts of air, trying to regain consciousness from the heavy impact. I was lying against the wall. She flew towards me, but I couldn’t move or do anything. Then, she kneeled at me and sat at my lap facing me, while hugging me. “Looks like I have no choice but to devour you whole,” Flora said, licking her lips enticingly in front of my face. “Buena comida,” she kissed me very deeply, while trying to make my sex hormones explode. But for me, it didn’t; at all. I felt sadness in her lips, remorse in her breasts, anguish and torture in her heart. O gods of the Heaven, please forgive the sins of this innocent soul…free her from the earthly pleasures and the emptiness of her heart… The same white light from before appeared in my chest. Flora stopped kissing me, and felt alert. Instantly, the light melded itself into a large beam that literally devoured her

inside out. She screamed in pain as her glass wings shattered into sand, and her succubus form melded away along with Lust, the being who had ultimately possessed Flora. It had ended. I got up on my knees, and I saw Flora lying on the floor. She returned to her normal physical state, strangely in her uniform. She groaned as she tried to open her eyes. I was kneeling beside her. “Hey, hey, don’t push it, now,” I said. “…Hurry…through the antechamber…on the foyer…” She struggled to speak. “Which leads to?” I asked “Exit….go quickly….” The whole castle shook. The roofs began to crumble into sand. “Shibata! This whole place’s going down!” I got up and started to run “Yoshio! Wait!” It was the first time she said me by name, just like Kiyomi did. “Yeah, what?” “Gracias, la ganso senor,” she smiled. “…con mucho gusto,” I replied, chuckling. She dissolved into a reflection in the mirror, like a goddess sleeping in her own prison. The castle crumbled down until the second floor began vanishing into sand as well, I have no time to waste, and I ran through the cloisters, down the foyer, until I finally came across the wine cellar, which was a dead end. I had wanted to turn back, but I noticed that one of the shelves was a trapdoor, because it was as reflective as other mirrors. I revolved it, and I finally found the antechamber she mentioned. As soon as I opened the wooden door, I was back in Biology class. Right when I had finished cleaning the back of the mirrors. It took me three minutes to realize where I am. I look into the mirror again. There was no more signs of someone passing by inside. I sighed in relief. No more ghosts in the mirror. I sighed in relief. “Whew, so much for cleaning mirrors,” I said to myself. I felt a sudden urge o my kidneys. I badly needed a toilet break. On the next day, Friday, Floramaria Hernandez was back to her normal self. No more blonde hair, no more ultra -mini skirts, no more makeup, just her usual self. All of us were relieved, and most of us gathered around her to talk, but she seemed quite in a sad mood today. So we tried to cheer her up and all, but Teppei, who was somehow ignorant of this (as he mostly was), accidentally kicked a ball into the back of her head. She flinched in her seat “Oooo, that’s gotta hurt….” “Gonna get it again as usual, say.” But this time she didn’t screamed or anything. She went up to Teppei, and slapped him quite hard. But suddenly, it seems like she couldn’t hold out her tears anymore. Teppei was confused—it was not what she usually does. And then a miracle happened; Flora hugged and kissed him. “Te amo, Teppei, Te amo…” She said as hugged him closely…. “…Aishiteru, Flora-chan,” He replied, caressing her hair. A new love story emerged right in front of our very eyes. “Awwwwww,” most of the girls said. “Looks like we got ourselves a new couple, mate,” Calvin remarked.

“Mmm hmmm. Lovely.” Richard replied. I looked at the calendar. Oooh, no wonder. Today’s February the 14th, the day where love shines the most. I bet Teppei’s still confused, but at least he’s happy. Perhaps true love does exist. Me, I’m not convinced yet. But good thing today’s not the 13th.

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