The Tom Constantino Story

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Dianne Santos and Tom Constantino

by Dianne Santos


ack in 1960 when The Noteworthy Company was a fledgling business and employed only seven people, I interviewed for an office position. Even back then, it was immediately apparent to me that Tom Constantino was a very unusual man. Over the years, I had a first-hand opportunity to see how multi-faceted the man was. Tom had a zest for everything that came his way, whether it was an opportunity or a problem. He met them both head-on. Insatiable with his energy and drive, he worked endless hours to build his business. He always said, “inch by inch it’s a cinch; yard by yard it’s awfully hard.” And inch by inch he moved the company along. At the end of every year he would sit back and reflect, and then write down his resolutions for the new year. Tom always had a goal; he challenged himself and was relentless in pursuing his many dreams. Although his love of business was paramount, there was another, softer side to the man. A dedicated son, he spoke of his mother in almost reverent tones. He appreciated the beauty of nature; he found time to take oil painting lessons, wrote poetry, had a soft spot for animals (he even led a publicity campaign defending the Grand Canyon burros) and genuinely cared about his employees. There was always time for a laugh, time for a prayer, time to spend with friends.

Tom had a deep appreciation of what had come before him; he loved antiques and old buildings. If anyone could breathe new life into an old building, he could. Aesthetics were always important to Tom, and this was reflected in both the office and manufacturing plants. Holidays were special to Tom, and he enjoyed throwing a party; even the most ominous event could evolve into a major celebration. He truly enjoyed people from all walks of life. Where else would one meet a newly ordained Native American Bishop, a breeder of Jack Russell terriers, a winemaker from the Finger Lakes region, a sculptor of a religious statue to be placed in the Vatican gardens or a wandering guitarist who told donkey tales? Well, working for Tom Constantino, I experienced all those introductions and many more. Variety sure was the order of the day. I’m very honored Carol has given me the opportunity to write this introduction. Although I could go into depth about Tom’s multi-faceted personality, the letters from various friends and associates provide the reader with an inside view from different perspectives. In describing his or her relationship with Tom, each writer captures the many interests Tom had. There is one thing, however, that we all have in common; we are all richer for having experienced the uniqueness of this man.



om Constantino was a self-made business man. He possessed the entrepenural spirit and a belief and understanding of the free enterprise system that is seldom found in one individual. His drive, zeal and belief in the litterbag and the advertising specialty industry provided the impetus for the growth in Noteworthy. Beyond all of this, Tom developed over the years a unique set of business precepts. These ideas and beliefs are not normally found in management text books or discussed in advanced college classrooms. Few business people have heard these

concepts discussed in management meetings or reverberated in boardrooms of major conglomerates. Those principles are basically homegrown and earthy ideas that worked well for Tom in the evolution of Noteworthy. Tom, being a mentor of many management people in his lifetime, often passed on these thoughts. It is our belief that these thoughts that Tom used so well are worthy of outlining here to develop a better understanding of Tom Constantino, the man, the manager, the entrepreneur.

BUSINESS PRECEPTS • In pricing, don’t be a hog.

• Build on strengths.

• Whether you lease or whether you buy, you pay the price to occupy.

• What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve.

• Don’t promote controversy.

• Be a man before being a businessman.

• A good businessman must be a student of letters.

• In business, it is important to practice the selfish act of giving.

• Do a lot with a little.

• The donkey should set an example for us in business in terms of quality of character, keenness of hearing, (listening skills) and sense of direction and purpose.

• There is a “key” to every building and when you find that “key” you can best utilize the building.

• Don’t be a know-it-all; be a do-it-all. • In establishing new product pricing, treat the volume considerations as though you have a real piece of action. • You don’t need credit if you have the cash. • Inch by inch it’s a cinch. Yard by yard, it’s very hard. • Always hang around with people smarter than you.


• Reach for the stars and you’ll get a little stardust.

• Look for the good in people and it will be there. • I’m like the donkey – a beast of burden to serve mankind. • The only promise that I make is that I make no promises. • Seek much, need little and you will always have a lot.



riends and colleagues admired Tom Constantino from the beginning for his unique blend of business sense, drive, compassion and love. In 1988, the state and federal governments showed that they too recognized these qualities in Tom. The U.S. Small Business Administration honored him in March of that year with its New York State Small Business Person of the Year award. In May, he and Carol travelled to Washington D.C., where Tom competed with 49 other state winners for the National Small Business Person of the Year award. He almost won that contest as well, finishing third nationwide. Tom was nominated for the state honor by Sen. Hugh Farley, who spoke on the floor of the Legislature when Tom won the award. Both the Senate and the Assembly honored Tom with resolutions citing his outstanding achievements and expressing pride in his being named the state’s top small business person. The application for the award was extensive, and the resulting document revealed much about Tom and about The Noteworthy Company. Contestants were judged on the staying power of their companies, growth in sales and in the number of employees, innovativeness of products or services, ability to overcome adversity, and community involvement. Carefully planned expansion of product lines, services and land and buildings kept Noteworthy in the forefront of the advertising specialty industry. Tom began the company on his own in 1954, so Noteworthy had been in business 34 years when he won the award. Employment grew from one in the beginning – just Tom – to seven in 1961, 91 in 1979 and 220 in 1987. Sales volume increased from 289,000 dollars in 1966 to 2 million dollars in 1976 and 10 million dollars in 1986. The product line, which began with the “Travel Tissue Pak” and the now-famous litterbag, has grown to include many different kinds of bags made of paper and plastic, as well

as note pads, auto floor mats, book jackets, coloring books, activity books, postcards and other items.

Tom being congratulated by New York State Senator Hugh Farley on winning the Small Business Person Award.

As the product line widened and the number of employees increased, the company expanded its holdings as well. Tom made a series of corporate acquisitions, each one planned to fit his business and personal philosophy and to bring Noteworthy closer to being a selfcontained operation. He also purchased and renovated a number of buildings in Amsterdam in order to enter the warehousing business, rent space to other companies that needed it, and stimulate Amsterdam’s economy. The litterbag, which remains the company’s staple, is a statement of Tom’s corporate philosophy, because it puts an advertising message directly in front of the customer as he or she drives everywhere in the car. In 1954, Americans were beginning a love affair with cars, and Tom sensed that the market would grow. The millions of cars on the road today are testimony of how right he was.


Kluge Presses in the early 60’s.


But the litterbag also is a statement of Tom’s personal philosophy. By using litterbags, motorists were making a conscious effort to prevent litter and to beautify America, something very dear to Tom’s heart. Noteworthy at first produced only paper litterbags, expanding to include plastic in the 1960’s. Plastic is a petroleum product, and by 1973 the oil crisis had led to a tripling of petroleum prices. Tom was forced to buy polyethylene in larger quantities than he needed and to pay more for it than he could afford. But that experience convinced him that he needed to be self-sufficient and produce his own plastic. He borrowed money to purchase machines for the task, bought a building to house the machines, and became his own supplier of polyethylene sheets for making litterbags. Tom’s community involvement – and the company’s – extends far beyond the environmental benefits of the litterbag. His strong religious faith sustained him in business and also led him to embrace many religious causes, including the beatification of Kateri

Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks. Tom and Noteworthy worked to promote Kateri’s cause, and that work took Tom to Rome where he met Pope John Paul II. Tom promoted other Native American causes as well, and became friends with Iron Eyes Cody, a national spokesman for Keep America Beautiful. He set up several different Native American scholarship funds, and a Native American museum was established in Noteworthy’s headquarters building. Tom was active in United Way, the Mohawk Valley Heritage Association, the American Red Cross, Hospice, Keep America Beautiful, the National Council for the Encouragement of Patriotism, the Flag Foundation, the Crime Prevention Council, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, the Amsterdam Free Library, the Caughnawaga Museum, the Knights of Columbus and the Sons of Italy. Tom was a devoted family man. He loved his wife Carol and his sons, Nicholas and Anthony, and made time to be with them despite the demands of his work and his other interests. Staying power, increasing sales, growing employment, innovative products and services, ability to overcome adversity and community involvement were the standards the Small Business Administration used to select its New York State Small Business Person of the Year in 1988. They were tough standards, but Tom Constantino rose to meet them, as he did everything else.

Iron Eyes, Smokey Bear, industrialist Sidney Grossman and Tom.

Energy . . . Enthusiasm . . . Excitement . . .


homas B. Constantino often used these words to describe the importance of the letter ‘e’ in Noteworthy. “for it is without the ‘e’ that “Noteworthy” would be “not worthy” . . . But that little ‘e’ gives us the extras that make us worthy of note. How appropriate it is to reflect on these “e” words and realize that they best define Thomas B. Constantino. This is a collection of memories. The picture of Tom that emerges from these reflections is that of a man who had many facets, or perhaps interests, dimensions and loves. If it can be said of anyone that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” it can be said of Tom Constantino. Yes, he was an outstanding businessman, a pillar of his community, a family man and a man of great personal faith. But those who have contributed to this collection – and all who met this extraordinary man – knew he was so much more.

Stan Linham, who hired Tom as an advertising salesman in the early 1950’s, may have put it best when he wrote: “Tom gave every indication that he was willing to work for success; I recognized that this young man had a fire in his gut to succeed. He lived an exemplary life as a husband, father, Catholic and supporter of charities, his church, Native Americans and others. He was honest and straightforward; what you saw was what you got. Tom was compassionate – to a fault. His employees grew as he did. His church was the benefactor of all his good deeds. His love and devotion to Native Americans was all-consuming. He was a born organizer and leader. Amsterdam and the Mohawk Valley may never have a better ambassador to the world than Tom.”

Stanley Linham and Frank Nowlin sharing a moment at the Promotional Products Trade Show.

Tom was particularly devoted to one Native American, Kateri Tekakwitha, the “Lily of the Mohawks.” He was a tireless crusader for the cause of her sainthood and was instrumental in the drive for her beatification in 1980. This involvement and other acts of faith brought Tom into contact with many religious leaders including Pope John Paul II. Monsignor Paul A. Lenz, executive director of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, wrote: “The beatification of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha at St. Peter’s in Rome was such a great event, and it was made even more pleasant and meaningful with Tom going out of his way to do everything he could for everyone. Somehow Iron Eyes Cody, the noted American Indian who was present with Tom at the ceremony, did not have a ticket for the audience with the Holy Father. Tom gave up his ticket so Iron Eyes could meet Pope John Paul II. It happened, though, that someone then arranged for Tom to be present also.


Tom with Monsignor Paul Lenz, Executive Director of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions.

Graces. . . and Tom was present from beginning to end. Our centre always provides a large selection of Padre Pio literature and religious items to thousands in attendance, and each purchase was packed in one of ‘Tom’s Noteworthy Bags’. Tom came to the table and was looking over the books and rosaries, etc. From one of my sisters he purchased a book and it was put into a plastic bag and given to him. Continuing to look down the table, his generous nature took over and he started purchasing book after book and item after item for his many dear friends and relatives, each time refusing the offer of another bag and slipping his purchase into the already bulging bag in his hand. Finally, after stuffing absolutely too much into this poor bag, the handles gave out, the bag broke and his purchases were scattered at the feet of hundreds of others crowded around the literature tables. Without skipping a beat, Tom turned to my sister, Maria, and deadpanned, ‘Damn these cheap bags! If I were you, I’d complain to the president of the company!’ He picked up his items in good humor, slipped away from the tables and left Maria gazing open-mouthed after him!”

“Everyone knew of Tom’s great devotion for Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. He wanted to see her canonized by the church and was the leading layperson for the cause of Blessed Kateri. He and The Noteworthy Company were responsible nationally for much of the interest of Native Americans and others by providing photos, articles and prayer cards to make Blessed Kateri better known.”


Tom also was devoted to Padre Pio, and those at the National Centre for Padre Pio in Barto, Pennsylvania knew him well. Julia Ciccarone, writing on behalf of her mother, Centre President Vera Calandra, recalled Tom’s generosity, and also his humor. “One of the many ways in which Tom assisted the Nation Centre was to send us thousands upon thousands of the plastic bags which he manufactured, in all sizes. Mostly they were overruns from the various contracts that he had with different companies and clients, so it was not unusual to see the devotees of Padre Pio from all over the United States carrying ‘Tom’s Noteworthy Bags’ advertising a lumber company in St. Louis back to their hometown in Texas. “It was the very first of the Padre Pio Days of

Tom and Carol with Bishop Hubbard.

The Most Rev. Howard Hubbard, Bishop of the Albany Roman Catholic Diocese, also reflected on Tom’s many-sided personality. “Tom Constantino lived to fulfill his identity as a Christian gentleman in his relationships with his wife Carol and family, with his civic and business associates, with the church, with the community of Amsterdam and of the Mohawk Valley, and – in a unique way – with the business he founded, The Noteworthy

Company. His very choice of the word “noteworthy” for this business venture quietly but clearly expresses the standard of excellence Tom envisioned and mandated for a business that, in its very identity as the first and largest producer of the litterbags, is connected with concern and respect for the environment. “That term ‘Noteworthy’ characterizes the vigorous and generous support that Tom Constantino accorded the churches in Amsterdam and the Auriesville Shrine over the years. I call attention to his having had a sculpture created for the Vatican. I am well aware of Tom’s magnanimous support for our Diocese of Albany. The term ‘Noteworthy’ also describes his enthusiastic promotion of the heritage of the Mohawk Valley and his participation as a civic leader and businessman in the life and projects and dreams of the area community.”

Rev. Robert Boyle, S.J. former Director of the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in nearby Auriesville, New York.

Father Robert J. Boyle, S.J., was the director of the Auriesville Shrine for several years. He also recalls the sculpture mentioned by Bishop Hubbard, a copy of which Tom also gave to the shrine: “The most memorable occasion in my association with Tom was the acquisition of the statue of Our Lady Fatima designed by Frederick Shrady. It was a truly blessed event. The speedy approval by the Jesuit superiors, the beautiful sculpture, the sharing in the event of

a statue in the Vatican Gardens from the same mold, all made this a truly inspiring occasion. It was through Tom’s generosity that the Shrine has this work of art and tribute to the Blessed Mother. “There were many other indications of Tom’s interest in and devotion to the Shrine. The Kateri float, the donkey cart in which Bishop Pernicone approached the Shrine on Italian Pilgrimage Day, the centennial celebration, the visit to the Shrine of the Kateri conference when the conference was held in Syracuse, are just a few of the occasions when Tom’s interest and generosity benefited the Shrine – and occasionally made life interesting.”

The Very Rev. Msgr. Edward R. Glavin, for many years pastor of Tom’s beloved St. Mary’s Church in Amsterdam, recalled that a dozen years ago the church needed to raise 1.5 million dollars for a major reconstruction and redecorating project that included the church, the pipe organ, the rectory and even the parking lots. All this was to coincide with Father Glavin’s Golden Jubilee celebration. “For the campaign, we decided to have a stiff cardboard triptych in beautiful colors which would both tell the story of the Parish and its glories. It would also be the instrument for fund raising. Father Gulley and I decided that we would ask Tom to advise us on this triptych, and we met with him, bringing with us photos of the city, the church, the school, and a beautiful stained glass widow, the great organ, the choir, etc. We discussed with Tom the material to be on the six panels. Finally Tom said to us, “It’s not up to me to say this to you, but don’t you think we should include a prayer?” Father Gulley and I laughed and, of course, agreed. So one panel was devoted to the “Magnificat,” which was chosen as the prayer for the success of the campaign. “Coming back from Noteworthy, Father Gulley and I laughed at ourselves that it had taken Tom Constantino to put the prayer into the triptych.”

Tom’s strong religious faith was an integral part of his business and family life as well. Carlyle A. “Bud” Wilson II of Bocar Enterprises, Indianapolis, Indiana, relied on the Bible to characterize Tom.


“We knew each other very well, and also each other’s families. We spent many hours together. We both gave to Mr. Longears. We shared donkeys. Most of all we shared our love of ideas and values. I could write a very lengthy tribute to my friend who has gone home, but five Bible verses say it all. They represent what Tom believed, and he lived by them in all his being: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31). Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22). For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (James 2:26). Faith working through love avail much (Galatians 5:6b). For you Brethren have been called to liberty; only to not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through the love of Christ serve one another (Galatians 5:13)”. Other business associates around the country may or may not have mentioned Tom’s faith specifically in their recollections, but all knew of his deep personal commitment to his family, his business, his church and his community.

David McNeer and his dad, John McNeer meet McGruff in the Noteworthy trade show booth.


Marvin Spike, president of the Advertising Specialty Institute, knew Tom for a long time: “During nearly a quarter century that I was privileged to know Tom Constantino – in many cases to learn from and admire him – there was hardly ever a contact in which I didn’t walk

away with a new idea or stimulating different insight on an old one, be it for business or for the never-ending number of caring causes in which Tom was always involved. “As a client, Tom was always open to an idea. Always willing to listen. More important, as a person, the simplest “hello” usually wound up at least a 15-minute session about something that made me feel better about myself or our mutual world – business or personal. The industry is a better place and more often finds itself being part of important national and world causes because of Tom”. A couple of years ago, Marvin presented Carol with “The Counselor’s” lifetime achievement award in Tom’s memory. During the presentation, he said: “Not surprisingly, though dollars and cents seemed to be anywhere but at the top of the list of priorities to which Tom committed himself and business, his company is among the Top 20 Suppliers this year. But this special award has more to do with a lifetime devoted to the most singularly worthwhile cause imaginable – the betterment of mankind.” Bill Larsen, president of Bill Larsen and Associates Inc., remembers that he and Tom “had to learn to love one another” because they both were impatient and eager to get things done and sometimes took it out on each other. But “The thing that made it work was the fact that we were both good at our respective jobs and we both knew it.” Tom and Bill worked together to develop the red poly danger flag, which first came out with one side red and one side white. But that wasn’t legally acceptable in Wisconsin, so Tom redesigned it in pure red poly. Millions of sales later, it is an industry standard. “The thing that most people didn’t understand about Tom – and neither did I until years later – is that when you didn’t get your on-time delivery, it was more often than not because Tom was into some worthy project. Tom, of course, was totally involved in both donkeys and Catholic charities. I never did understand that combination, but maybe Tom did, and consequently more times than his production manager cares to remember, the equipment was tied up doing some totally nonprofit endeavor for one or the other, while bona fide, profitable orders sat idly by waiting their turn after Tom’s personal contribution was taken care of.

“Tom and I exchanged many promotional ideas over the years, and I credit him for teaching me more about direct mail than any other single person I know. Tom is missed – he always will be missed – but what a privilege it was to know him and work with him over the many fruitful years we spent in association.”

Ray Geiger, chairman of the board of Geiger Bros., also recalled Tom as a man of many dimensions. “He was a dynamic man and dedicated to God, his country, the lowly Indian, and the donkey, which was a part of his life. I often wondered how he could afford to make his trips and find himself in such good company over the years. “Through all the things we did, Tom’s personality came through. He was a loveable guy and was certainly a fine leader.” Les Horton, chairman of the board of Lesco Corp. recalls the early days of the advertising specialty industry. “Our good friend Tom Constantino is one of the leaders who helped bring along the advertising specialty industry. A few of us can remember when our entire international show occupied part of the seventh floor at the Palmer House in Chicago. “Part of the reason for the success of Noteworthy is due to the seeds planted by Tom Constantino, in which his company assisted many distributors in many ways, particularly with creative ideas and extra fine service.” John D. McNeer of Newton Manufacturing Company knew Tom for 35 years. “I sincerely admired his many great attributes and his genuine enthusiasm for our industry and its purpose. “Tom was a self-made man who started his career selling calendars and specialty advertising on the street. He learned this business from the ground up. Tom was always bubbling over with genuine enthusiasm for his products or ideas. Years ago I gave him the nickname, ‘Mr. Bubbles,’ which seemed to fit perfectly. “When you consider that Tom’s main product was an inexpensive litterbag, you can readily see his challenges. Literally hundreds of graphic designs, distribution ideas and advertising programs made his litterbags shimmer and sparkle in the limelight. His creative mind and

endless brochures helped to educate, inform and inspire distributors and their sales forces on how to use it as one of the finest mass distribution mediums imaginable. “His concern for our environment was extremely important in fostering the growth of the litterbag and the continuing success of his

Tom explaining the benefits inherent in the Noteworthy Trick or Treat bag.

business year after year. Among his many recognitions was the honor of being named New York State Small Business Person of the Year.” John wrote this poem when Tom died: A Tribute to Tom A man so rare you will seldom find, With a giant heart and the keenest mind. So generous, thoughtful, kind and sincere, Tom lived a great life from year to year. He tackled life’s challenges, problems and troubles With boundless energy – our friend “Mr. Bubbles.” We will miss him for sure in the days ahead, But only his body rests with the dead. Those who knew Tom will most certainly say His spirit and soul are in heaven today. Elizabeth Toth, whose husband Al was Tom’s friend for 40 years, recalls that the two men roomed together at a business meeting in Chicago. “Tom asked Al to go with him to Chicago and help him set up his first advertising show. They drove all night to get there, as neither one could afford to stop on the way.


Tom with his boys, Nicholas and Anthony. Tom shown with some of his donkey collection. Below: Tom shown with newborn donkey and Bud Wilson, breeder of Jack Russell terriers and donkeys.


“Tom asked Al to go into business with him, but since Al had a family, he wanted time to spend with his growing children. Tom was not married at the time and had a million ideas going around in his head (Editor’s note: that didn’t change when Tom got married). “There is no question about it – Tom was a very creative man, a wonderful friend. While we were still living in Arizona, Tom called often.” Stan Sufnarski, now a retired teacher living in Vermont, grew up with Tom, graduated from high school with him, served in the Navy at the same time and served with him in the National Guard. Tom was the godfather of Stan’s son, Michael. “Tom would always call me here in Vermont to chat with me and tell me how the company was doing. He loved his company, his employees, his lovely wife Carol and their two beautiful boys. He loved my father, who was an employee of Noteworthy back in the 50’s. “Wherever Tom went, whether California, Italy, Portugal or Mexico, I always received a call from him. He never forgot his pal Stan. “I watched the company grow from a miniscule one-room office in his mother’s house on Slater Street to the prosperous Noteworthy

Company of today on Church Street. Tom enjoyed his work immensely and never minded the long hours he devoted to his business. He always welcomed me with open arms whenever I visited the company in Amsterdam. He generously offered me his camp for an overnight stay any time.” Amsterdam’s business community knew and loved Tom Constantino. He was respected and admired for his drive and his creativity, as well as his love for the City of Amsterdam and his desire to help people. Carl Schmidt, manager of Longview Fibre Company knew Tom for more than 20 years. “Through exceptionally hard work, perseverance, dedication and faith, Tom Constantino nurtured The Noteworthy Company from a gleam in his futuristic eye through some extremely difficult times and laid the groundwork for the splendid company that it is today. “When I arrived in Amsterdam in 1966 to oversee the construction, hire the employees and remain as manager of the Longview Fibre plant, one of the first people in Amsterdam who welcomed me, my family and the company was Tom. He not only made the polite offer of

Right: Tom in Caicos Islands.

assistance, but I could count on him to loan us a piece of equipment if he had it, some space to store machinery or materials on a temporary basis until we could move it to our facility under construction, or to give me some advice that was unique to the Amsterdam area. “I sought and received advice, and used on many occasions Tom’s talent as a sounding board for thoughts and concerns. Over the years we ‘broke bread’ on many occasions, and those fun times will be among my favorite memories of Amsterdam. Tom was a deeply religious man, and I admired him especially for this. I know that his faith carried him over and through some very rough times personally as well as in his work.”

Herbert L. Shuttleworth II, one of the driving forces behind Amsterdam’s carpet industry in its heyday, remembers Tom as a friend on several levels. “I always considered Tom not only to be a close personal friend, but also a dedicated, enthusiastic and far-sighted community leader with a keen desire to advance the interest not only in our Amsterdam area, but also in the

entire Mohawk Valley. With his wellspring of ideas, we met many times in either his office or mine to explore the implications and possibilities “Perhaps my fondest recollection was the trip we made together to completely explore the old Starin Estate outside of Fultonville, and then visiting the site of another of his great interests, the Indian village west of Fonda. He felt strongly that the two places were so important in past history that they should be preserved for posterity. It was a marvelous day, as his interest and enthusiasm were so contagious and compelling.”

Joseph Isabel, a local entrepreneur, counts himself fortunate to have known Tom while Joe was in high school and a college student. “He was a man with a vision: he aimed high and was not afraid of hard work to accomplish his goals. “He knew of my interest in radio and television as a young man. Many people looked at me as a dreamer, but not Tom. He encouraged me to pursue my dreams as he


once did. He was always helpful and ready to render assistance. “I will always remember Tom as an ambitious worker, a man with strong principles and a loving individual – a man who has touched many lives and is dearly missed by the community.

Tom, Dr. Reigh Carpenter, Lionel Fallows, Mayor Mario Villa appear at Noteworthy Christmas party with Iron Eyes Cody.


Reigh Carpenter, Ph.D., longtime friend, confidant and scribe, listed a number of things he remembers about Tom: “The many times he called me in to spend several hours at his home for one-on-one sessions on issues of the day. . . drafting, writing speeches and organizing comments for many of Tom’s local presentations. . . the nice, friendly folks at Noteworthy. . . the many times he would call me in to take notes on his new inspirations. . . notes on future community projects which he asked me to develop, to write and/or to generate a plan of attack. . . late meals at his home at which time he would create a new project, ask for my opinions, input and personal reactions. . . Tom’s absolute devotion to and concern for fostering his religious beliefs. . . for Auriesville and the Tekakwitha Shrine. . . all key factors in his

fulfillment of life. . . the time we spent together with Lionel Fallows in the formation of the Mohawk Valley Heritage Association and the development of the Elwood Museum. . . working to organize the Indian museums with Tom and Joe Todak at the Auriesville Shrine, Tekakwitha Shrine, and Noteworthy Company. . . the numerous meetings with Tom and the Catholic clergy and the bishop on special needs and projects. . . Tom’s many hours of dedication to Noteworthy. . . his contributions to the community, non-profit groups and the many groups who sought his help and donations. “Once he said he liked to have someone with a doctorate degree around him. . . perhaps it helped, but Tom had a deeper, more thorough education than many of the doctorates I have known. Truly, Tom was a self-made man who had more education and knowledge than most Amsterdamians.”

Lionel Fallows also knew Tom for a number of years, collaborating with him to help form an organization that was vitally important to both of them and still fills a critical role in the City of Amsterdam. “A strong expression of purpose and meaning and heritage in our community is the Mohawk Valley Heritage Association, nurtured under Tom’s careful but – as always – positive and demanding leadership. The association was spawned, really, in the Noteworthy board room on Church Street, which Tom encouraged us to use for our meetings. His persuasive and appealing call for recognition down through the years has moved the association forward to its present position. Indeed, without Tom’s tireless and dauntless involvement, the association would have died on the vine. “My personal relationship with Tom was always warm, friendly and loving. He had a great talent to probe our inward thoughts and feelings in his search for what needed to be done for our community, and indeed for our world.”

Tom was a trustee of the Amsterdam Free Library for several years. John Brisbin was the library director during Tom’s time on board. John’s memories of Tom go far beyond the fact that Tom was a tireless worker and an important benefactor for the library.

“At the heart of this brusque dynamo who would jet around the globe to trade shows and storm through the Noteworthy complex bellowing orders and changing his mind for the dozenth time was in fact a very simple guy, a good Italian son, a very loving husband and father, a man who in spite of his fortune never lost his working-class roots. The carpet mills and much of the population left town during the 1970’s, but Tom never left Amsterdam – not physically and certainly not psychologically. What he liked best was sipping coffee and yakking with the everyday crowd in Brownie’s, Fariello’s, or having a steaming plate of linguini with friends up on the hill at Lorenzo’s. “From Amsterdam, then, not only his business but his altruistic and philanthropic interest flowered. They ranged from ecology to the arts to the Native American history of the Mohawk Valley. Tom wanted to ‘uplift’ everything (that was one of his favorite words). He wanted to rebuild and encourage all the fragmented good he saw around him. To that end, he was so incredibly generous that more than a few members of his management team grew pale wondering if he’d give away the whole store and go broke without thinking much about it. Of course, he never did. He just kept on succeeding and he kept on giving. “No one on earth, I’m sure, tried harder to aid the cause of Kateri Tekakwitha’s official sainthood than Tom Constantino did. He printed and circulated hundreds of thousands of holy cards and pamphlets about her, personally lobbied bishops, cardinals and popes on her behalf and paid for the full renovation of her shrine on the northern banks of the Mohawk River”. Tom embraced other causes besides Kateri Tekakawitha’s possible canonization. John A. Calhoun is executive director of the National Crime Prevention Council, whose symbol, McGruff the Crime Dog, has appeared on many Noteworthy products. “Tom was the first businessman to understand both the marketing potential of McGruff and McGruff’s potential for the American public. Tom had that rare ability to combine his social passion with a business – talents rarely, if ever, found together. “Tom could wax eloquent about his attempted canonization of the first Native American saint as well as talk in depth about business practices.

Tom Cummings, Mac Gray (National Crime Prevention Council), Eleanor Hangley of the Ad Council, John Calhoun (NCPC) take a break after discussions involving McGruff, Noteworthy and the Ad Council.

“He was a believer; he took risks, and he realized that in the long run, all of it did not have to do with making money, but with making the world a better place. I saw this when I had dinner at his home with his lovely wife and children. There I saw the value of dignity, hard work and caring being carried on. They will be carried on in his family and his company. “I feel extremely fortunate that our paths crossed.”

Tom loved his country with the same passion with which he embraced other parts of his life. George F. Cahill, president of the National Flag Foundation, remembers that he and Tom hit it off immediately when they first met some 20 or 30 years ago, because each could sense the other’s patriotism. Tom became an important and influential member of the Flag Foundation, and he and Carol went to Flag Plaza in Pittsburgh to attend a reception in honor of actor Jimmy Stewart and his wife. Jimmy Stewart is an honorary director of the National Flag Foundation.


“I called a very small handful of friends near at hand, and fewer still at a distance. Tom immediately indicated that he and Carol would be with us for the luncheon to honor Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. We were thrilled and delighted to have them. Their presence and participation

National Flag Foundation Executive Director George F. Cahill, and Tom agree on a joint promotional venture for NFF.

contributed immensely to our ability to properly host Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. “I remember how absolutely honored and delighted I was to receive an invitation to the 25th anniversary celebration of The Noteworthy Company. It was a delight to see all who worked with and admired Tom so much over the years gather around Tom and Carol to help them celebrate that great event. “Tom Constantino was a patriot extraordinaire who understood the fragility and delicacy of liberty, and demonstrated by his every act a marvelous example of the fact that liberty must constantly be served, nourished and treasured by those who would have it tomorrow.”


Tony Renna of Schenenctady first met Tom 40 years ago when he and Tom were working for

the same cause – immigration. They also worked together for the Sicilian Earthquake Relief Fund. They didn’t see each other for a few years after that while they were involved in what Tony calls “building our empires,” but their paths crossed again when Tom began working with Keep America Beautiful and wanted Schenectady to follow Amsterdam’s example and get involved in this program. Tony was named to head “Keep Schenectady Beautiful,” and says it is still effective and strong after 10 years. “A few years ago, Tom was delighted to learn that I had more time on my hands, so he scheduled more travels together, always serving some worthy cause. We served in promoting Kateri, the Native Americans, Keep America Beautiful, and the religious community wherever needed. Tom was always in the middle of these worthy causes, and yes, I was always at his side doing what I could to help. “Tom was a great man and a great influence on my life. Just by following his daily actions, my religious convictions were intensified. He was always guided by his daily prayers, both morning and night. He would fall to his knees and give thanks for all the guidance he had received each day. Tom was always grateful for each member of his family. He was most proud of his wife and two sons. He was grateful for his family of employees and for the success he enjoyed. “Tom Constantino was my very dear friend. I am proud to have had the privilege to share his world in depth. I learned from Tom, and I am grateful for all his teachings. He was a profound friend.”

Always a flag waver, Tom was thrilled when asked to carry the American flag during a Padre Pio celebration. Shown at left is good friend, Tony Renna, who made the trip to Italy with Tom.

Iron Eyes Cody, Dr. Louis Vaccaro, President of the College of St. Rose with Tom.

Louis C. Vaccaro, president of the College of Saint Rose, recalls meeting Tom and Carol seven or eight years ago. He got to know Tom somewhat later after visiting The Noteworthy Company. “I searched for the underlying reason for his success as a business person, as a community volunteer and as a devoted husband and father. The more I looked and the more I pondered, the clearer it became that Tom was successful primarily because of his genuine goodness. He was good to everyone he met. He was good because he believed in the goodness of other people, and he was generous. He sought out opportunities to help the less fortunate. The college and our students benefited from his generosity when he established the Iron Eyes Cody Native American Scholarship Program. “I enjoyed visiting with Tom because in many ways he retained the childlike qualities of curiosity, adventure and creativity, all interspersed with a deep and abiding faith in people. It is not a surprise to me that The Noteworthy Company continues to thrive, because Tom laid such a solid foundation and was able to assemble a workforce which mirrors many of his fine qualities. “I am happy to be considered a ‘Noteworthy’ friend.” State Senator Hugh T. Farley recognized Tom’s many attributes when he nominated Tom for New York State Small Business Person

of the Year award. Tom won that honor and came very close to being the national winner as well. “I know Tom was extremely proud of the Small Business Person of the Year Award which he received in 1988 from the United States Small Business Administration. As the award certificate notes, Tom exemplified the “imagination, initiative, independence and integrity” which small businesses bring to our free enterprise system. “Tom was a forerunner in the campaign to keep America beautiful. Long before it was a popular notion, and certainly long before others realized its profitability, Tom promoted the pride which comes with cleaning up our roadsides and communities. It was Tom’s vision which made Noteworthy the ‘First and Largest Producer of Litterbags’. “But most important, I know that Tom set his highest sights on being a good father and a good husband. His deep commitment to his religion and family transcended everything else in his life, and in this commitment, Tom found both peace and success.”

Keep America Beautiful President Roger W. Powers, shown with Tom and Jim Phoenix.

There would be a tremendous void if among these fine tributes and accolades we failed to share a bit of the humorous and humanistic side of Tom Constantino. This final letter, from longtime friend Jim Phoenix of Marietta, Georgia, seems to capture the very normal side of this magnanimous man.

A Ride to Remember “One Saturday afternoon Tom phoned to ask if my wife Doris and I would go to a church



festival with him that evening at a small parish about 60 or 70 miles upstate. “We met at Tom’s house, and with Tom at the wheel of his big Lincoln, took off for our destination. As we travelled, Tom would bring up various ideas whirling about in his head. As we discussed them, Tom would gesture with both hands and lean across to look at me to see if I understood his logic. “Every time he did the the car would go faster and faster and weave about on the road until we’d say, ‘Careful, Tom,’ or ‘Watch your speed.’ “By the time we got to the festival, Doris was a nervous wreck and my arm was aching from where she was squeezing for the past hour. As we got out of the car, she whispered, ‘Why don’t you drive going home?’ “Now Tom is beyond the doubt the best promotional man I’ve ever met, and his business accomplishments speak for themselves.

But the one thing I could do better than Tom was to drive a car. In fact, I pride myself on being a superior driver. “Come the dreaded hour of our return journey, I asked Tom if I could drive, but he refused my offer, and we were on the road once again with Tom at the wheel. About 10 minutes into the trip, Tom started to fall asleep. I would nudge his elbow, Tom would snap to attention and I would repeat my offer to drive. After several little naps, Tom finally agreed, climbed into the back seat and was soon sleeping peacefully. “When we arrived at his house I drove up the driveway and started to make my swing around the house. Not being used to the big Lincoln, I had to stop, reverse, then complete the turn. At that, Tom awoke and said ‘What kind of a driver are you, Jim? I always make it on the first try!’ ”

ts, Blarney and Tom shown with pe donkey Herman.

Stromboli and

Native Americans Joh n & Burton Pretty-o n-Top flank Father Larry Lorenzo ni with Rev. Gilbert Hemauer and Tom during 1986 Wo rld Day Prayer for Pe ace.


With Native American

Mrs. Matilda Cumo, wife of the New York Governor, shown in front of the hand pa inted donkey cart owned by Tom. The cart is fro m Palermo, Italy. pe the Auriesville Showing Mrs. Bob Ho . Thomas F. Egan, S.J Shrine with Father e. tim t e during tha Director of the Shrin


n Paul II and Tom.

His Holiness Pope Joh

Tom, Native American Bishop Donald Pello te, and Father Larry Lorenzoni.

Brother Gilbert fiddle

s away for Tom and

Eddie Cherosky Harry Calandra, Tom, Pio Celebration.


at a Padre

Tom presenting Archbishop Pio Laghi with a Kateri statue in 1988.

Father Egan.

k and Tom review a Dr. Konstantin Fran er. ast gm w Ba d an r Winemaste r Lakes region of Ne , made in the Finge ne wi k’s an Fr . Dr of bottle York State.

Tom creating an oil painting of poppies.

America’s Flag Lady,

Mary Lou Kieswetter.

Donkey Mike visits Amsterdam with his guitar.

Paul Harvey & Tom.

Rev. Alessio Parente, Tom and Mrs. Vera Calandra, Executive Director of the Caus e of Padre Pio.


One of Noteworthy’s favorite ads “Judge Us By The Company We Keep” featuring Woodsy Owl, Keep America Beautiful spokesman, Iron Eyes Cody, Tom, Smokey Bear, & McGruff, the Crime Dog.

Tom and his mother.

The Winds of Fate One ship sails east Another sails west On the selfsame winds that blow Tis’ the set of the sail and not the gale That determines the way they go. Like the winds of the sea Are the winds of fate As we journey along through life Tis’ the set of the soul That determines the goal And not the calm or the strife. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Tom during his Navy years.


One of Tom’s favorite poems.

AUTHOR’S NOTE It has been a pleasure, a privilege and an honor to compile this booklet about Tom Constantino. I knew Tom for about 7 years, nowhere nearly as long as the authors of these fine testimonials, but long enough to know that he was an extraordinary man. In my personal and professional dealings with him, he was always honest and forthright, and that is something to be admired. But he was more than that. He genuinely cared about people and about ideals some might think of as old-fashioned – devotion to his family, concern for his employees and associates and friends, patriotism, environmental awareness and a burning desire to succeed. The longer I knew Tom, the more I became aware of the depth of his religious faith. Everything he said and did was influenced by his belief in God, and everyone he met came away richer for that. Including me.

John Becker

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