The Three Revolutions

  • April 2020
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we often use the word ‘revolution’ but what does it really mean ? Every revolution is a change. But every change cannot be called a revolution. Revolution is fundamental and long lasting change as well as revolution means a fundamental change brought about intentionally. The period from 1750 – 1850 i.e. the 18th century witnessed three great revolutions. 1) The American War of Independence. 2) The French Revolution. 3) The Industrial Revolution. In the American continent, took place the American war of independence, in Europe French revolution and the industrial revolution. But question arises what is American war of independence, French revolution and industrial revolutions? Off course! They all are revolutions. The 13 British colonies in North America revolted against their parent country and won freedom. This revolution is, therefore, rightly called ‘the American war of independence’. The French revolution was against the tyrannical monarchy of Louis XVI and succeeded in the overthrow of bourbon dynasty. These two revolutions were somewhat similar as the American war of independence was a kind of revolt against parent country and French revolution was a revolt against the tyrannical monarch of Louis XVI. But the industrial revolution was totally different in nature from the other two revolutions. The industrial revolution was neither a revolt nor a sudden change. It was basically a change in the system of production leading to their fundamental changes in different walks of life. Flanked by the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the pacific on the west, the continent of America remained isolated from the rest of the world for many centuries. It was at its glory due to presence of natural resources in abundant form. But after the discovery of American continent the colonizers from European countries came to America to reap the benefit of nature. Later the were wars among the colonizers which led to destruction of various resources and America lost its glory. During the reign of bourbon monarch Louis XIV France was at a height of her glory. But however within 75 years after Louis XIV death France lost its glory. In the beginning of industrial revolution factory system enabled mass production, which in turn, reduced prices. Availability of more jobs meant more purchasing power in the hands of common people. Variety of goods and low prices were instrumental in improving the standard of living of the masses. But in later phase due to industrialization it became very difficult for workers to live in the cities. Unemployment, low wages, lack of safety in factories was some of the problems arising. Thomas Jefferson was the architect of the draft of American war of independence. Voltaire was a well known philosopher of 18th century Europe. He was known for his satirical writings. Montesquieu concluded that French system lacked the qualities of freedom and equality. Rousseau is regarded as the prophet of French revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte, an intelligent, efficient and an ambitious general shortly thereafter crowned himself as the emperor bringing the French republic to an end. the fact that the French revolution ended the absolute monarchy in France was only due to these reformers. The American war of independence without Thomas Jefferson and George Washington could not become successful. Apart from this there were some incidents which were also important in these revolutions. 1) The Boston tea party in American war of independence. – The ‘Dartmouth’, first of the three ships carrying boxes of tea arrived at Boston harbor. People were agitated over the issue of levy of duty on tea. They wanted the ship to go back to England. As this demand was not coincided, some 8000 people assembled near Boston’s old church. A disciplined group of men disguised as Mohawk Indians rushed on a ship at night and dumped all the chests of tea into the sea. This event is known as ‘Boston tea party’. It was the turning point of American

war of independence. 2) The fall of Bastille during French revolution – mobs in Paris openly revolted against the king they stormed the prison of Bastille, captured the bulk ammunition from there and freed all the prisoners. The fall of Bastille thus, became a symbol of liberty and celebrated as Independence Day even today in France. This was an important incident in the French revolution. At last the American war of independence established a right to revolt against injustice and a right to freedom. The American war of independence is regarded as an event having far reaching effects on the world history. It was an successful revolt. French revolution failed in its objective but this revolution ended the absolute monarchy. This revolution has given value structure of liberty, equality, fraternity, constitutionalism and democracy. The industrial revolution gave an impetus to Europe’s economic progress. Industrialization led to growth of cities. Life of common man improved due to industrialization. The institution of undivided family began to disappear. Traditionalism and blind faith were slowly losing their hold. Man became materialist. Human life became mechanical and monotonous. Thus, industrial revolution had desirable as well as evil effects on individual, family and social life of man. These revolutions had radically changed the world psyche and hence they are considered as an epoch. Joshi Niranjan suryakant 10th – E Roll no. – 21 School –


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