The Saviors Of The Human Race

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  • Words: 1,499
  • Pages: 15

This is Hailey , I don’t know if it’s the best, however you want Hailey too look, fine. lols, PLEEEZ message me on how you think she’d look. And banners, well, ID LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER is ud make them! PLEEEZ MESSAGE SUGGESTIONS!!!!! =D




o how did a couple of average human

teenagers become the ultimate supernatural creature slayers while all other humans are either dead or enslaved for eternity? I’ll tell you soon but, right now… I looked at the boot print encased in the mud and nodded. “Definitely this way.” I chimed. Carter came up behind me and looked at the directions the footsteps led to. His bright shaggy blonde hair was caked with mud and his light tan was much darker because of old dirt and muck. His

bright blue eyes had seen things that would

make the devil cry. Roxy soon followed, her light brown hair was swept into a messy ponytail. She had light olive skin and deep brown eyes. I haven’t seen her really smile since that fateful day.

“Ok, let’s go.” She said unemotionally. “Let’s wait for the rest.” I reasoned. And soon after Drake, Roxy’s brother came up, his perfectly laid out brown hair was unusually

messy and his deep brown eyes were excited

as always. Then Sabrina, Who used to be my worst enemy, and now is helping me defeat the people I found out are my real enemies. She complained the most out of all of us but she was still our friend. She had long blonde hair, she was pale but her face was layered with dirt

and she had pretty green eyes.

Jared was last, he had black hair and an emo hair cut, his had bright hazel eyes, which

always looked miserable. “Come on, let’s go.” I encouraged with a reassuring smile to Jared which he tried his best to return.

I walked swiftly towards the footprints direction. Soon I found myself in a clearing of trees. I put my hand out to signal the rest of the group to stop. I heard rustling in a neighboring tree and took that as a signal to pull out my sword. I smiled at the reassuring sound of metal on metal as I pull the sword out of its holder. The holder was sung over my shoulder for easy reach. “Hailey, I don’t think-“Drake started but he was cut of by the tree leaves parting and a blurry figure leaping out of them. An Armavath Demon pounced on me. His gnarled, olive toned face growled on top of me, showing off his gleaming pointy teeth. I swung my sword and it plunged into the demon’s back causing the demon to roar in agony. I than preceded to plummet the sword into the chest of the breathless demon. He shrieked loud enough that Martians were covering their ears in annoyance. I smiled at the demon’s agony. “I was hoping you’d live up to your hype.” I said mockingly. As I plunged my sword into its chest. I wiped my sword on the grass, ridding it of the pitch black demon blood.

“Known as one of the top demons and that’s all he’s got.” Drake muttered in disbelief. Roxy shook her head, one tear glistening down her cheek. “Roxy?” I asked concerned. She just shook her head and stormed off. Drake was about to go after her but I put my hand out signaling him to stop. Than I followed her through the maze of trees and rocks until I saw her in another clearing, sitting on a rock next to a small lake that reflected the crescent moon in pitch black waters. “Roxy?” I chimed. She sniffled and snapped her head towards me. “What do you want?” She asked, her voice wavering in desperation. “To talk.” I replied calmly while I sat on a rock across from her. “We’re so easy to kill.” Roxy muttered, still sniffling. “Every single thing can kill us, tripping and falling on our head, or starvation and famine. While those god damned heartless evil creatures have one, maybe two weaknesses

able to kill them, and you guys go around and call them weak.” Roxy said her voice barely above a whisper. “That’s the point, the reason their weak is that only one at the most two, thing kill them! While we are killed easily, and we’re still here, we live on. While those heartless Bastards get killed by us. Killed easily by a being that should be simple to kill.” I said holding her hand. She wiped a tear away with her free hand. “Remember how easy everything was before all this.” Roxy said sadly. Of course. Flash Back Sabrina pushed me into a locker while she muttered under her breath. “Loser.” The muttering was met by the cackles of laughter from her posse. I groaned and made my way over to my locker. Roxy joined me and rolled her eyes and Sabrina’s retreating back.

“The wicked bitch still giving you trouble?” Roxy asked leaning on the locker next to mine. “You have no idea.” I muttered sadly, my voice wavering. “It’s alright.” Roxy said hugging me. All of our problems were so trivial “We can handle her… Because…” Roxy started. I smiled. “We kick ass.” We said in unison as we pounded fists. We both laughed a carefree laugh. Un-flashback “Roxy, no puny demon can hurt us or our friendship…because…” I started. She smiled slightly, the most I’ve seen her smile in months.

“We kick ass.” We both said while we collided fists. “Ok, let’s go.” She said a mix of pride and joy in her voice. “I second that motion.” I said as we both rose from the rocks. We headed back, pushing back trees and hedges. As I came closer to the clearing I left everyone in, I heard Sabrina’s voice. “No…no, I love Hailey, But who made her boss. I mean-“ “SABRINA, without Hailey we would all be dead or forced into slavery.” Carter defended. “I know that! And I’m grateful but-“Sabrina shot back. “But nothing! None of us could do any better at leading this pathetic group than Hailey!” Jared shouted. “Well we won’t know if none of us have the chance to try.” Drake said making Carter gasp.

“You’re siding against Hailey for Sabrina?” Carter said in disbelief. I stiffened at that, Roxy shot me a worried glanced. I decided this was the time to interrupt. “Ok-“I started like nothing ever happened, stepping into the clearing. “This is a good campsite, and we’re nearing the village. Remember, this village is full of mostly demon so we are going to need rusty weapons (rusty metal is their weakness) close at hand-“ I started, than put my attention to the rigid and tense forms of the group, looking at me like I was a ghost. “What?” I asked like I had no idea what they we’re talking about a second ago. “…nothing.” Jared assured. “Good.” I said sternly. “Than let’s get the campsite ready.” Everyone nodded, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Drake staring at me, his eyes full of sadness. But when I looked back at him, he

shifted his gaze to the tent he was setting up. I sighed. Flash back “Drake- stop!” I huffed as he tickled me mercilessly. “Nope- not until you admit I’m right!” He said on the verge of having a laughing fit at my red face. “NEVER!” I gasped as he continued to tickle me. “Fine.” I gave up, he stopped tickling me. Before he could move, I leapt from the living room couch to the arch of the doorway, then turned back to him and said “You are always wrong.” He leapt from the couch and ran after me; I shrieked and ran up the stairs to the top of the second story as he followed me. I stopped when Roxy came in front of me out of no where.

“Sorry to interrupt your love fest.” She said, making me blush crimson. “But I’m ready to go, and the mall’s going to close at 7:00.” I nodded and Roxy went downstairs and out the door, I was about to follow her when Drake grabbed my waist, I was glad I was facing the other way so he couldn’t see my blush. “Look Hailey, You know I’ll always agree with you on things that matter. But can’t you just give me slight joy, by siding with me on this minor thing.” Drake pleaded. I took a deep breath and nodded. “Fine, your right, the moon landing was a hoax.” I said defeated. He let go of me and smiled triumphantly. Un-flashback I pushed back my tears. I don’t cry, EVER. As everyone set up the campsite, I found myself fighting to get Drake’s words out of my mind. “I’ll always agree with you on things that matter.”

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