The Ruling For Celebrating Kafir Festivals

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 3
The Ruling For Celebrating Kafir Festivals What is the ruling on eating food prepared for a Christian festival? What is the ruling on accepting their invitation to their celebrations of the birth of the Messiah (peace be upon him) [i.e., Christmas celebrations]?

Praise be to Allaah. It is not permissible to celebrate innovated festivals such as the Christmas of the Christians, or Nowrooz (Persian New Year) or Mahrajaan (Persian festival), or festivals that have been innovated by Muslims such as the Prophet’s birthday in Rabee’ al-Awwal or the Israa’ in Rajab and so on. It is not permissible to eat from that food which the Christians or Mushrikeen prepare on the occasion of their festivals. It is also not permissible to accept their invitations to join them in their celebrations of those festivals, because this encourages them and is tantamount to approving of their bid’ah, which gives the wrong idea to ignorant people and makes them think that there is nothing wrong with that. And Allaah knows best. (From Al-Lu’lu’ al-Makeen min Fataawaa Ibn Jibreen, p. 27.)

The food designed for those Musyrik celebration are similar to the food being served to Idols and Thaghut (Christ etc), so eating that is going to please Syaithan and invite Allah's jealousy and wrath, stay away from that so you may prosper. Talking about "being tolerant" that's only owns by Muslim. By adhering to Islamic law. The habit of Musyrikin like Christians are that they are trying to fuse with Islamic rite like Idul 'Adha. in their religion there are lots of Sincretism so it isn't awkard to find them inviting thee to join their celebration, because it is their Millat, why is that, look this ayat of Allah, Allahu Jalla Jalaaluhu said: " Quran TransliterationSurah Al-i'Imran Ruku 3 Surah 3Madina (89) 200 Ayahs19 Rukus QS.Al Imran (24) Za_lika bi annahum qa_lu_ lan tamassanan na_ru illa_ ayya_mam ma'du_da_t(in), wa garrahum fi dinihim ma_ ka_nu_ yaftaru_n(a).

This because they say: "The Fire shall not touch us but for a few numbered days": For their FORGERIES deceive them as to their own religion. Their religion forbade them to follow other Bible but Paul's Bible, his own (Paul) Bible, but they transgressed by following 'Idul Adha of Muslimin. This isn't the Manhaj of how we practice Islam, we don't need to apologize because

of that. Allahu Ahad (one), Ahad.., Ahad... not Trinity or Allah and God, but Allah the only God and Lord. If you make them the Christmas food, that means your following their Millat (way of live, ritual, paradigma, characteristics) like Allahu Ta'ala mentioned: Quran TransliterationSurah An-Nisaa Ruku 18 Surah 4Madina (92) 176 Ayahs24 Rukus

QS.4:125 Wa man ahsanu dinam mimman aslama wajhahu_ lilla_hi wa huwa muhsinuw wattaba'a MILLATA ibra_hima hanifa_(n), wattakhazalla_hu ibra_hima khalila_(n). This is millat with ta marbuthah (the round shape of "ta") and QS.2:120 .‫ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ول النصارى حتى تتبع( ملتهم) قل إن هدى الله هو الهدى ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد‬ ‫الذي جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من ولي ول نصير‬ Look at the brackets, that's "Millat" without "ta marbuthah." Quran TransliterationSurah Al-Baqara Ruku 14 Surah 2Madina (87) 286 Ayahs40 Rukus

120.Wa lan tarda_ 'ankal yahu_du wa lan nasa_ra_ hatta_ tattabi'a MILLATahum, qul inna hudalla_hi huwal huda_, wa la'inittaba'ta ahwa_'ahum ba'dal lazi ja_'aka minal 'ilm(i), ma_ laka minalla_hi miw waliyyiw wa la_ nasir(in). Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their FORM of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the (only) Guidance." Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah. This shows thee that if you are against this ayat by making food for Christian at Christmas or helping them to arrange the Christmas tree or saying to them "Merry Christmas," they will be "RIDHA," to thee and this is the winning of SYAITHAN over thee. Millat means way of live or rites or Paradigma or their characteristics. Christmas means the birth of son of God to the world. Then it is Syirik. The path of Muslim is that we will found this obstacle which test are you willing to show your identity. The prophets really like this kind of test, we won't substitute Allah's mercy and Kindness by helping them in Syirik celebration, show them your identity, not that

you're a mere human being, but as Allah's worshippers. It's not "merry Christmas", but it's "Filthy Christmas". Even 'Iisa 'Alaihi Salaam and his followers will hit us badly if we attend those things, then what will Allahu Tabaraka Ta'ala be in front of us if we help people to celebrate the Syirik which jealous and angered Allahu 'Azza wa Jalla because of its badness done by His CREATION.

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