*The Return of Christ Daniel 7:13 = Matt. 25:31 = 1. How is Jesus returning?
1 Tim.6: 14 = Acts 1:10-11 = 2. Who told us that Jesus is coming back in these two scriptures?
Matt. 24:14 = 3. When is Jesus going to return? 4. According to the following verses why is Christ returning? Heb.9: 28 = 2Thes. 1:10 = 1Cor. 4:5 = 2 Tim. 4:1 = Rev. 11:15 =
Jn.14: 3 = 1Cor. 15:25-26 =
5. According to the following verses how is Christ coming? 1Thes. 5:2 = Matt. 24:44 = Matt. 24:50 = Rev. 1:7 = Titus 2:13 = 6. According to 1Thes. 4:17, where is Christ coming and how is He taking us with Him?
1. According to the following verses in what manner is Christ coming? Matt.24: 30 = Matt. 16:27 = Matt. 25:31 = 2Thes. 1:8 = Acts 1:9-11 = 1Thes. 4:16 = 1Thes. 3:13 = Matt. 16:27 =
Mark 13:36 =
2. List the 23 signs of Christ’s returning in 2 Tim.3: 1-7.
3. List the 10 signs in Matt. 24:5-7, and 12-38.
10. According to the following verses what are some other signs that Christ’s return is near? Luke 21:20, and 24 = Romans 11:25 = Matt. 24:14 = 2 Thes.2: 3-8 = Mark 13:21-23 =