The Liturgy Of The Hours

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The Liturgy of the Hours

Mr. Pablo Cuadra Religion Class

What is the Liturgy of the Hours? 

The Liturgy of the hours is the official public prayer of the Church.

What is the Liturgy of the Hours composed of? 

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The Liturgy of the Hours is composed of: A. Hymns B. Psalms C. Scripture Readings D. Prayers E. Doxologies F. Antiphons G. Spiritual Readings

 

What forms of prayer composed the Liturgy of the Hours?

The Liturgy of the Hours is a prayer of: A. Thanksgiving to God B. Reparation C. Adoration

What grace does the Church ask through Liturgy of the hour?  The grace to continue Christ’s work on earth.

What Jewish practice did the Apostles continue to observe in their prayer? 

The early Christians continue the Jewish practice of reciting prayers at certain hours of the day or night. Jews prayed at the third, sixth and ninth hour of the day. The Apostle continue this practice Acts of the Apostles 10:9

The Liturgy of the Hours 

The Liturgy of the hours is rooted in Jesus’ example in perseverance in prayer. Jesus commands his disciples to pray “You must pray at all times and not lose heart”

The Practice of Prayer in Early Christianity 

By the end of the fifth century, the Liturgy of the Hours was composed of a Vigil or Night Service and seven day offices, of which Prime and Compline seem to be the last to appear, since the fourth-century Apostolic Constitutions VIII, iv, 34 does not mention them in the exhortation: "Offer up your prayers in the morning, at the third hour, the sixth, the ninth, the evening, and at cock-crowing".

What are the seven canonical hours? 

Pre-Vatican II of Day

Post Vatican II

*Matins or Vigils time of day Lauds dawn Prime hour 6:00 a.m. Terce hour 9:00 a.m. Sext hour 12: p.m. None hour 3 p.m. Vespers Compline

Office of Readings


Morning Prayer


      

Abolished Mid-morning prayer Midday Prayer Mid-afternoon prayer Evening prayer Night Prayer


First Third Sixth Ninth Sunset Before

General Instructions for the Liturgy of the Hours No 22 

“Hence, when the people are invited to the liturgy of the hours and come together in unity of heart and voice, they show forth the Church in its celebration of the mystery of Christ.”

Pope Paul IV 

“Christian prayer is primarily the prayer of the entire community of mankind joined to Christ himself. Each individual has his part in this prayer” . Apostolic Constitution “Laudis Canticum”

Vatican II (1962-1965) 

The Fathers of the Council wanted to emphasize the communal dimension of the Church’s prayer The prayer of the Church is not just confined to the clergy or religious; the laity is call to play an important aspect in the invigoration of this ancient tradition of prayer. The practice of Liturgy

The Liturgy of the Hours and the Clergy According to Canon no. 1174 

The clergy: Bishops, priests and deacons are obliged to celebrate the liturgy of the hours daily.

This obligation extends to a certain degree to those in the religious life, example: nuns and brothers.

The Community of Faith (parish) 

The communal aspect of the Liturgy of the hours has many advantages for the parish. A. Greater participation of the Laity in the life of the church. B. An ongoing spiritual renewal invigorated by the power of the Church’s prayer C. An opportunity for instruction in the faith (catechesis)

The new era of Evangelization 

To learn more about the Liturgy of the hours or to pray the liturgy of the hours online, please visit the following link:

The End 

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.  ~Søren Kierkegaard

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