The Last Turn

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,237
  • Pages: 3
The Last Turn The deserted street of late afternoon was breezy. The frozen Neighborhood becomes sunk into a grayish coldness. The late January wind was blowing ruthlessly. Its geeting darker and darker while the thick mist hurriedly covers everything. Night falls fast as they were walking side by side in a noiseless road. The dim lights on the confectioners shop indicates a silent growl that seems bounce from the gaunt hearts of these two sad friends. Rad lit a cigarette. Discharging huge smoke and said, `We suffer a lot in life but not for us, but for other’s, for our unkind parents.They introduce us here.’ Shihab nodded. He knows his friends having hard times, very hard times. One year ago, Rad hate smoking, now he devours three paks a day. Shihab shudder in anticipated dread. Then Rad suggest more details of his earlier statement.`We come here,in this unknown place called Earth and suffer a lot only for our parents enjoyment. Its out-and-out meaningless.’ Shihab noded. He is in a bad mess too as Rad. Rad’s Father is a medical officer in Middle East. He lives there. Rad’s Mother lately mixing freely with a man and thus created scandal. The man’s name is Ahmed Raj; He is an top most indrastrialist in the country ; very powerful a man, deeply sumptuous--all the time running after the ladies. Ahmed Raj loves young ones too. Nadia, Rad’s sister is also in Ahmed Raj clutch ! So Rad’s bleed. Shihab loves Nadia. So, he bleeds too. So they both in a mental agony. Shihab lit a cigarette.One year ago, Shihab hate smoking, now he devour three paks a day. He wonder, How could Misses Sabina pamper that? indulge the relationof her daughter with Mr. Ahmed Raj ? How could she sleep with that man too? He knows life is a sequence of Bizarre occurrence ; and they boot have come to an ugly part of it. Rad said rather ironically,`the entry is blissful but the exit is not, the exit is always painful.’ What do you mean? Shihab asked. Rad let Shihab know, `Sara’s, going to US. but I can not.When I met her ,it was great, Now her exit will be painful’ Rad loves Sara. for a long time when they were in school. The scandal and whisper of Ahmed Raj with Misses Sabina (Rad’s Mother) still worm in the Region;So, Sara’had to leave Rad. Of course Sara was his first and only love. Poor Rad. He is going to lost Sara for his Mother’s primative impulse. Sara is an inteligent person, a poet, an activist of environment disaster. A very aware mind. They parted one hour later when it was hard strolling outside. The next day Shihab heard about the sad demise of Rad. He used a used blade for his exit. He chose his neck. Shihab could not out of his room for a month. Befor leaving country Sara meets Shihab in a coffe shop; TheCOFIA. Her spectacled face with black hair was deeply sad as she wore black dress that add to melancholy visiable.After a long time Shihab could talk.`We could have save him.’ No! Sara snaped. No? Shihab got flabbergasted.

No. Sara said softly. Rad was a poor guy, look, even at his son’s death Rad Father could not have time to come here from abrod. even his death could not change the debauched way of his bitchy Mom and bitchy sis. Rad was really a poor guy Shihab. Sara heaved a sigh. We are all self-centered Shihab, we are all selfish. Do you know? What? After few days of Rad’s death Nadia was seen in a expensive car of Ahmed Raj. They ...they were having sex in the car. How do you suppose to know thar! Shihab tore apart. Its the driver’s know they spread things like that. Oh! Sara almost whisper, Rad Mother is now with her new lover . Its Mr. Ali Jafar. Shihab asked, That famous politician of the Party of Eternal Progress (PEP? Yes, Sara nodded. Ali Jafar is a friend of Ahmed Raj. Ali Jafar saw Rad’s Mother in a party. he liked her, Ahmed Raj introduce her to Ali Jafar for a business deal. Business deal! Yes, Ali Jaffar is also a busness partner of that filthy Ahmed Raj. Even they ownd this coffy shop. This COFIA? Yes, where we now sit in! They have all Shihab, they have all, they have all the land of the states, all the money of the Banks; all the current of the rivers, They have all Shihab they have all, they have long hands, even your mother is not safe from there dreadful hands. They took your land and deliver flats after projected time and you’ll find the tiles of the showerroom broken or crooked, they intruduce in the market a VITAMIN C in a glossy tetra pac without a VITAMIN C in it only the color of orange. In the TV ad, they needlesly boost up a fresh model and the next day they force her to sleep with them aganist her will in a 5STAR hotel room! You can not do anything agnst their extremely cruel barbarous uncivilized act. Subjugation of Strong male over frail humanity has been always the way of human society. These two Strong male killed Rad! He was a painter, a gifted musisian. He deeply loved his Mother, his Sister, So he left the world. Shihab has been listening Sara’s every words with a keen awareness. One hour later, when Sara was gone Shihab still sat in the COFIA...winter has gone, rainy season has set in; the drops of water in the glass makes me sad... After few days of Rad’s death Nadia was seen in a expensive car of Ahmed Raj. They ...they were having sex in the car. Bitch! I will not remember her any more...I will not smoke any more. thinking of Sara’s theory of Subjugation of Strong male over frail humanity, their extremely cruel barbarous uncivilized act...he felt a sudden jolt... Jafar Ali or Ali jafar and Ahmed Raj or Raj Ahmed ownd this coffy shop COFIA? No doubt that life is becoming crooked and rotten and hideous and repulsive and repugnant for them, when we won something. Life is really being disgusting. But, Not always ... ‘cause, Late in that night, Sara called Shihab and said, `I think I could change my plan of going U.S. It’s my parents dream, they want it but I don’t. You and I are both in a mess; we both lost our dearest one,RAD. So, I think we must live together. What do you say?

O.K. ...and I could love you, I think I could have a bit of Rad in you. Shihab shiverd and smilled. I think I Should not seek Nadia in you. Sara said with confidence in her voice,` And we’ll fight together againt over frail humanity.Find a way to save the world. Yes of course. Sara said, Life is good, we come here luckyliy by the joy of our parents. Shihab can remember few months ago in an chilly evening Rad said, `We come here, in this unknown place called Earth and suffer a lot only for our parents enjoyment. Its outand-out meaningless.We suffer a lot in life but not for us, but for other’s, for our unkind parents.They introduce us here.’ Sara contradicts his feelings. So, life goes on.

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