"the Integration And Operation Of Wind Power Plants Into Power

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  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 6

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www.lpqi.org PARTNER NAME S.I.E.R.  internet address - www.sier.ro e-mail address: [email protected]  Address: Bdul Lacul Tei no.1, sector 2, Bucureşti phone number + 0722.361.954  Copyright ©SIER. fax number: + 021.610.52.83


Module 3 THE POWER QUALITY, IN CASE OF WIND POWER PLANTS CONNECTION AT THE NATIONAL POWER SYSTEM. 1 INTRODUCTION The connecting of wind power plants at the electrical power networks and the operating specific conditions of these can determine electromagnetically disturbances into the networks to which are connected to, that influence the power quality parameters into the connecting node if adequate measures are not adopted for limiting the disturbances. The deviations from the voltage quality into the electrical network to which the wind power plants will be connected to can lead to decreasing of their performances and, in some cases at disconnecting by protection system of the respective wind power plant. During a disturbance in the electric power network, the wind power plants/units disconnecting may increase the harmful effects on the power system performances. Generally, when it is connected a wind power plant/unit it is required to be sized so as to cope with the disturbances which appear in the grid. 1.1 General aims This module’s general aim is to provide the attendants the basic knowledge about the power quality and the electromagnetically disturbances produced by the wind power plants, which may affect the power quality into the electrical networks to which are connected to and to familiarize them with the requirements of the Technical Codes for wind power plants to not affect the safe operation of NPS. The aim is achieved through 6 didactic sections, presented at point 2.2 from curricula. 1.2 Target groups This module’s target groups are: investors, consultants, designers, electrical installations building up or installation work contractor, managers and specialists from the electricity generation companies based on renewable power resources, respectively from the electricity companies, responsible with the initiation, financing, designing, implementation/performing, operating and maintenance of wind installations, from equipment sellers and services, as well, who intend to increase their knowledge in this field. 2 SPECIFIC AIMS AND TOPICS The pathway of module consists of a 2 days seminar, subdivided in sections (with different duration), with these contents and related aims. 1st day Contents


Introduction into power quality. Parameters that allow the assessment of wind power plants impact on the power quality. Provisions of Technical Codes of transmission and electricity distribution electrical networks. The first day aim is to provide the attendants the basic knowledge about power quality and parameters that allow the assessment of wind power plants influence on power quality. Also, there are analysed several provisions proposed for the National Technical Codes of transmission and electricity distribution electrical networks and they are compared with some provisions of the Technical Codes in Europe.

2nd day Contents


Harmonics and interharmonics. Voltage fluctuations (flicker effects). The influence of voltage dips, short interruptions and overvoltages from the electrical network on the wind power plants. The measuring of power quality. During the second day are provided the basic knowledge about the electromagnetically disturbances produced by the wind power plants, which may affect the power quality into the electrical networks to which are connected to. Also, there are presented requirements for equipment for power quality measuring and standardized procedures of measurement and aggregation of the measured data.

Below there’s an overview of the module contents. www.lpqi.org PARTNER NAME S.I.E.R.  internet address - www.sier.ro e-mail address: [email protected]  Address: Bdul Lacul Tei no.1, sector 2, Bucureşti phone number + 0722.361.954  Copyright ©SIER. fax number: + 021.610.52.83


2.1 Pathway of course / module Time progression (hours)


Knowledge level

Course opening

Course opening. Information.



Introduction into PQ. Parameters which allow PQ assessment.



Provisions from Technical Codes



Harmonics and interharmonics.



Voltage fluctuations (flicker effects)



The influence of voltage dips, short interruptions and overvoltages



The measuring of Power Quality

The end of seminar/ module

Final discussions. Questioner filling. Confirmation of attendance.







Lesson and discussions


First day: 60 min.

Participants registration

15 min.

Course opening. Information.

90 min.

Section 1: Introduction into power quality. Parameters that allow the assessment of wind power plants impact on the power quality. - The components of power quality. - The electromagnetically disturbances that affect the power quality. - Susceptibility of equipment. Levels of compatibility. - Standards and regulations on power quality. - The effects of quality of electrical network voltage on wind power units/plants. - The influence of wind power plants on the power quality of the electrical power system.

www.lpqi.org PARTNER NAME S.I.E.R.  internet address - www.sier.ro e-mail address: [email protected]  Address: Bdul Lacul Tei no.1, sector 2, Bucureşti phone number + 0722.361.954  Copyright ©SIER. fax number: + 021.610.52.83

3 - The parameters that allow the assessment of the wind power plants on the power quality. Modality: Lesson and discussions. 30 min.

Coffee break

75 min.

Section 2: Romanian Technical Regulation - "Technical conditions for the wind power plants connection to the electrical networks of public interest". - Comparison between some provisions of Technical Codes in Europe. Modality: Lesson and discussions.

90 min.

Section 3: Harmonics and interharmonics. - Basic terms and definitions - Fourier analysis and synthesis. - Sources of harmonics and interharmonics. - The effects of harmonics and interharmonics. - Wind power groups / plants - as sources of harmonic disturbances. - Means for limiting harmonics (harmonics mitigation). - Evaluation of power quality indices. Modality: Lesson and discussions.

Second day: 90 min.

Section 4: Voltage fluctuations (flicker effects). - Description disturbances. Basic terms and definitions. - Analytical methods for evaluating the relative variation of voltage. - Sources / causes of voltage fluctuations / flicker effect. - The effects of voltage fluctuations / flicker. - Quantification of voltage fluctuations / flicker phenomenon. - Standardization in the field of voltage fluctuations. Permissible limits. - Simplified methods for evaluating the level of flicker Pst into electrical networks. - Predetermination by calculation of the flicker level generated by the wind power groups and plants. Case-Study. - Limitation of voltage fluctuations. Modality: Lesson and discussions.

60 min.

Section 5: The influence of voltage dips, short interruptions and overvoltages from the electrical networks on wind power plants/installations. - Voltage dips and short interruptions. - The difference between voltage dips and short interruptions. - The voltage dips assessment. - The overvoltages assessment. - The influence of voltage dips on tower vibration. - Effects of voltage dips on the wind power groups/generators. - Effects of voltage dips caused by the wind power groups/generators start-up. - The limiting of voltage dips and short interruptions effects. Modality: Lesson and discussions.

30 min.

Coffee break

105 min

Section 6: The measuring of power quality. - General conditions which must meet the measurement equipment. - Chain of measurement. - Measuring equipment classes. - Uncertainty of Real Time Clock. - Aggregation of data measured. - The concept of flagging. - The measurement of parameters that defining the power quality.

www.lpqi.org PARTNER NAME S.I.E.R.  internet address - www.sier.ro e-mail address: [email protected]  Address: Bdul Lacul Tei no.1, sector 2, Bucureşti phone number + 0722.361.954  Copyright ©SIER. fax number: + 021.610.52.83

4 - The measurement of frequency. - The measurement of rms voltage. - The measurement of harmonics and interharmonics. - The measurement of voltage fluctuations (flicker effect). - The measurement of the unbalance level. - The measurement of voltage dip and short interruptions. - The measurement of temporary overvoltages of industrial frequency. Modality: Lesson and discussions. 30 min.

Final discussions. End of the module/course. User Satisfaction Questioners filling by the attendants. Confirmation of attendance at module/course.

GENERAL NOTES: - each day there will be coffee breaks, in the purpose of dividing the teaching periods in sections not exceeding 2.5 hours; - at the beginning of the module the lecturer will explain the module aims; - at the end of the module/lessons, a user satisfaction survey will help the lecturer in monitoring the module quality. 4


Teaching methods are summarized in three main moments: − knowledge transfer (Lesson): topics exposure by the lecturer with the help of slides and eventually other electronic tools (animations, data sheets, didactic movies); − deepening/learning verification (discussion): general discussion stimulated by the lecturer (also during the lesson) to verify knowledge transfer and to eventually deepen particular topics. During all the sections, the lecturer will always attend, with teaching and/or activity coordination duty. 5


The didactic tools which will be used by the lecturers will be: − Blackboard; − Video-projector; − Pointer; − Notebook. The lecture room will be suitable to allow the use of all the above listed didactic tools. Each user will receive, during the registration, a folder containing: − course program; − lecture notes containing all or part of the lecture slides. At the end of each lesson/section the lectures will perform a Test referring to the taught knowledge. Some additional materials are available, as electronic form, at: http://www.leonardo-energy.org/drupal/ The folder will also include a user satisfaction questionnaire (which will be filled by attendants at the end of the course). 6 EXISTING KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS Topic Electrical circuits Electrical networks and systems Electrical power plants Power quality The measurement of electrical values


Level Medium • • •


• •

www.lpqi.org PARTNER NAME S.I.E.R.  internet address - www.sier.ro e-mail address: [email protected]  Address: Bdul Lacul Tei no.1, sector 2, Bucureşti phone number + 0722.361.954  Copyright ©SIER. fax number: + 021.610.52.83




The knowledge acquired during the seminar/module should be sufficient for retention of basic aspects referable to: - The power quality. - Disturbances produced by the wind power plants, which may affect the power quality. - The parameters needed to allow the assessment of the influence of wind power plants/installations on the power quality. - Standards and regulations in the field - The measuring of power quality.

www.lpqi.org PARTNER NAME S.I.E.R.  internet address - www.sier.ro e-mail address: [email protected]  Address: Bdul Lacul Tei no.1, sector 2, Bucureşti phone number + 0722.361.954  Copyright ©SIER. fax number: + 021.610.52.83

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