The Fire Stone

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  • Words: 6,807
  • Pages: 18
By Jacqui Fleming 9HG

PROLOUGE This being a fragment of an account of how the last end years of the Atlantean civilization came to pass though their misconceptions and their lack of judgment. -adapted from the book of Idaean. -8000 BC “Everything in the universe vibrates and oscillates, therefore the connecting link between all forms of energy is vibration, sympathetic harmony and tone. By studying and applying the principles of Quantum physics and Esoteric science, the Psychometrical engineers in the engineering department were able to see beyond the material matter and into the primary creative forces of nature. Utilising the information from the diverse fields such as Radionics, Psionics, Psychotronics, Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, Sonics, Music and Metaphyics has led to an understanding of how the human mind can interact creatively with the material universe.” Said a man whose tone was vastly superior to the normal man. He wore a white under shirt made of an unknown silk like material with a leather over vest and long black pants that swept along the ground as he paced back and forth. He had dirt brown hair and green eyes that matched the emerald pendant that swung forth around his neck. “My dear friends and esteemed colleagues, he continued, the future is closer than we think. We now see that the newly formed crystals have the healing properties that we thought impossible.” There was an out cry in the crowd at this but he ignored it and continued on. “The healing process works through a system known as the Chakra System, it allows the healing process to be carried out on the mind and physical body by re-balancing the energies through the Chakra system, the crystal heals on all levels of the mind, body and soul.” “Now all that needs to be done is to get the proper funding that we need to make this epic Crystal a reality but there is one more problem, but he was cut off by the crowds laughter and then the crowd started to break up person by person. He heard a disgruntled cough and turned to see who had made the noise. There stood a man not dressed like the other scientists in that quarter, he wore a bright red vest

with a white under shirt and white leather looking pants and long black boots and a bright red cape that reached to the floor, he had black sooty hair and deep blue alluring eyes. He cleared his throat again and said the word the scientist longed to here, ‘How long.” At first the scientist was in shock that after all his campaigning and all his waiting somebody had finally heard and wanted to invest their time and money into bringing the future closer, then he was excited that he finally had a chance to get back at the scientific community and prove that he wasn’t a lonely run down scientist. He nodded at the strangely dressed man…

-1492 B.C This being an eyewitness account of how the fall of the Minoan civilization came to pass. "On the first day of the 9th new moon this year, 1492 B.C at night, the earth suddenly opened near Armenoi, two leagues from Monastiraki. An enormous mountain emerged from the ground with flames coming from its summit. It continued burning for 19 days. Some days later, a new abyss developed and an avalanche of lava rushed down over Armenoi, Monastiraki and part of Apodhoulou. The lava extended over to the northern areas to begin with, running as fast as water, though it soon slowed down and ran like honey. 7 days later, a great rock burst upwards with a thunderous sound and the pressure of the explosion forced the lava going northwards to change direction, flowing then to the north west and west north west. The lava torrent arrived, instantly destroying Stylos and Kalami in the valley. 4 days later, the eruption became stronger. From Kalami lava flowed to khania, covering the whole area and heading for the sea. It ran forceful for six continuous days making a terrible noise. Huge numbers of dead fish floated about on the sea or were thrown on the shore. Then everything quietened, and the eruption appeared to have come to an end finally. But 17 days later, three new fissures formed above Kalami. Enormous clouds of smoke escaped, flowing over the whole island, accompanied by volcanic ashes, sand,

and debris. The clouds condensed and dropped boiling rain on the land. The volcanic activity remained the same for ten whole days with cattle dropping dead, suffocated by the vapours. 12 days later everything was unseemly hushed. .Two days later, however, smoke and ashes reappeared and continued until the 10th day of the next new moon. Another flow of lava spewed out causing little damage as the surroundings were already scorched and devastated by the pervious lava flow. A further avalanche started on the 27th day, rushing at unbelievable speed towards the sea. It arrived at the shore on 12th new moon and formed a small island in the water where dead fish were found. 16 day later, the lava, which until then had been rushing towards the sea, changed direction, heading southwest, reaching Saklouria, which by the following day, had turned into a vast fire. This quickly devastated the fertile plains of Apodhoulou, but went no further. New eruptions started the following year of the first new moon, 1493 B.C, with spontaneous fireworks decorating the sadness and desolation of the south. Powerful eruptions with radiant lava and blue and red lighting crossed the night sky. 21 days later, a gigantic mountain rose and sunk back into its crater on the same day with such a terrifying sound, covering the island with stones and ashes. The fiery lava streams descended like rivers towards the sea with the ash, rocks and dense smoke making life impossible. That lava flow ceased 6 days later. But on the third day of 2nd new moon, a new cone threw out more lava towards the sea, which continued for 25 following days. On the 20 day of the 3rd new moon, new cones arose, with more eruptions continuing for 11 days. On the 6th day of 4th new moon, the same cones erupted again with even more fury then before. And on the 13th day, two more mountains collapsed into their own craters making a frightfully loud sound. By the 5th new moon, the fire seemed to have burned out, only to start up again the following day, with yet another new cone rising and a current of lava threatening the great city of Phaistos itself. 6 days into new moon, everything was quiet again and remained so for the rest of the month.

However, on the 4th day of the 6th new moon an enormous land rift opened up and gave birth to three new craters and was accompanied by violent tremors and flames which terrified the local people. The eruption once more took place near Lebena. Different openings soon joined into one and the river of lava flowed down to the sea. A new cone appeared among the ruins of Stylos, Kalami and Armenoi. A crater opened on the side of a mountain near Platanas spewing out white fumes, which had never been seen before. Towards the end of the 6th new moon, all the western beaches and shores were covered with an incredible number of dead fish of all species, some with shapes, which islanders had never known before. In the north west, visible from, a great mass of flames and smoke came forth accompanied by violent detonations. In the 10th and the 11th new moon, more eruptions took place which worsened the islanders fears. 25 days into the 12th new moon, the whole island shook with tremors, more violent than ever before. 3 days later, a stream of lava came pouring out of a newly risen cone in the direction of Tylissos. It burned the village and destroyed the Juktas Sanctuary. 5 days into the 1st new moon of 1494, the last tremors died out and it marked the rapid decline in the surviving population.”

Present day… 1993 Chapter 1 “We’ve all heard stories about ‘the lost city of Atlantis’ sunken into the ocean thousands of years ago. The intellectually and technologically advanced civilization, with its electricity and complicated plumbing systems, was far ahead of any other ancient culture thriving during its time. Then like a flash, it was gone, sunken at the bottom of some ocean in a catastrophic event. Like any great myth or legend, the question always exists: did Atlantis exist? If so where was it and who were they and how was it destroyed?” I lectured to a whole room of professors that had an interest in marine historical mysteries. I was 29, had brown hair, brown eyes and I was straining my face trying to contain what I had to say.

“We first hear of accounts of Atlantis from The Greek philosopher Plato in the 4th century B.C. In Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias, Atlantis is described as a vast paradise in the great ocean beyond the Pillars of Hercules. In 1612 an Indian legend was translated that described an island called ‘Bemene’, where old people could bath and emerge young once more. Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon, searched for ‘Bemene’ and the fountain of Youth in vain. On ‘Bimini’ a small spring has been discovered that contained some levels of lithium and sulphur, and where some people have reported an increase of well-being, joy and improvement of certain ailments like arthritis. In 1930, Edgar Cayce, one of America's most famous and well-documented psychics, predicted that the remains of Atlantis would be found near Bimini in '68,'69’. According to Edgar Cayce, many people living today are former Atlanteans, who are drawn back at this time to find Atlantis, to receive enlightenment and to help heal themselves and this ancient site from past turmoil. Edgar Cayce also predicted that a Healing Well could be found and developed into a centre for two purposes, regeneration for those with certain types of ailments, and a centre for archaeological research. In September of 1968, on Bimini, Dr Mason Valentine who was a zoologist, palaeontologist, geologist made and underwater archaeologist made an exciting discovery while accompanied by a guide called Bonefish Sam to a shore reef for some diving. When he looked down he saw hundreds of flat rocks 3 square metres arranged in regular patterns about 1 km from shore in about 3 metres deep of water. Today his discovery is called the Bimini Road and it is approximately 91 metres wide and 487.68 metres long. In 1974 Dr. David Zink, pre historian, and explorer came to Bimini to investigate the mysterious stones. Dr Zink has conducted extensive underwater surveying and archaeological work on Bimini that has included professional surveys, use of sidescan sonar and nuclear activation analysis. His scientific approach of exploring ancient mysteries has utilized U.S. Navy divers, as well as psychics in conjunction with standard archaeological practices. Dr Zink has led 10 expeditions to Bimini…. a man at the back of the room cut me off. “Doctor K’all, what are you proposing? That we go out and find the lost city of Atlantis?” he asked incredulously, taking what I had said as a joke. “Yes” I said in an off hand sort of manner. “There have been many disappearances lately in the Bermuda Triangle and I’m sure that their all not just incidental.

“But if you’re proposing to find out why those disappearances are occurring and if Atlantis the lost city is behind it all, how do you plan to go about it, you’re just a historian and a underwater archaeologist, not a detective.” “I understand that and that what I’m doing here is proposing to all of you that we go to the Bimini islands and find out what all the connections are.” The man who had cut me off just laughed in my face, which I found very disrespectful and irksome. I nonetheless kept continuing at what I was trying to say. “I have a ship and I know the local citizens of the small islands of Bimini and they are willing to guide us to these special locations where miracles have happened. They have also given us access to their local libraries which have very large collections of historical events and which they have recorded all the way back to the 3rd dynasty. Thank you” she said rather simply to end the discussion. One by one, the professors in the room filed out and only three remained. The man standing in the centre of the room wore the typical professor out fit of that of a Sydney university professor. We wore a full suit and tie and had an arrogant look about him with an air of superiority. He had black hair, brown-green eyes, his face was rounded and he had a pointed noise. The other man was less puffed up and was a self orientated looking man, he had a scrawny face which at the slightest movement his eyes would dart around the room and when he had figured out a few minutes later that it was all safe his swivelling eyes would fall back on the individual he was talking to. The third man was old looking and he had a faint odour of old dusty books, this man had half moon spectacles. He had the faintest touches of grey intruding upon his lush youthful brown hair. “Good afternoon Doctor K’all I’m fairly interested in all of this, I have noticed myself all the disappearances and I’m interested and I want to find what’s at the bottom of all of this.” Said the man with the half moon spectacles. I had no idea who this man was, I had never seen him before at any of the historical/ archaeology events. “Beg your pardon sir but what is your name, I have not seen you at any events, presentations or lectures apart from now” I asked curiously. “My name is Christopher Pail.” The old man said extending his arm out to shake. “Christopher Pail, Nice to meet you, my name is Jennifer K’all.” I said also extending my arm to shake his.

I turned and looked at the other two men standing in the room with me, I had only heard of these two because of their great reputation in the historical community. “Daniel, Tyler.” I inclined my head at both men and they did the same. Chapter 2 With the wind in my hair and the vast motion feeling rising in my body, I had never felt more at home. I had the excitement building up in me of an approaching adventure, my whole career was spent behind a desk answering phone calls and taking down notes, but now, now, it was my time to shine. We arrived on one of the larger islands and went through the ancient and lengthy arrival ceremony, which the locals all took part in. After all the customary greetings, it took about an hour and a half to get through it. We were taken into a room with shelves filled with their historical scrolls that had piled up over time. “Well we better get started, I guess,” I said to the two other men in the room. I turned and looked at them and they all had a pained face, they were looking at all the scrolls stacked roof high. “This will take all year” I heard the pompous, stuck up Professor Tyler murmur under his breath. I was searching through all the scrolls, pouring through them for any references to the Atlanteans, every time I read though a scroll I wrote down the date it was written and put it in a time line so to speak. In almost every scroll that we found had some mention of the ‘Tuaoi Stone’ (when translated it roughly means fire stone) had swallowed up one of the many Crete islands. After 3 days of reading almost every scroll I could see there was a 5year gap which was completely out of place because the scrolls around that time period only seemed to miss about a one to two year gap at the most. I went back and looked at the scroll just before the gap and then I realised that something was very wrong, it couldn’t be I thought to my self. At the bottom of the scroll it cut off like it was supposed to continue onto another piece of scroll, but there was no other scroll it skipped 5 years. Then I looked at the other scroll just after the 5 yr gap and it continued on in mid sentence which meant that there had in fact been at least a scroll in between. I searched the room high and low and still found nothing.

I asked the other 3 men to help me go over everything but still, we found nothing. I asked the locals how long it was since anyone had entered this room and they said that as far as they knew no one had entered the room for 1000yrs. They also said that they believed that there was a curse on the room because 1000yrs ago when a man had come into the room to put more scrolls in, he and his whole family had been killed in a mysterious accident over night. I could not sleep that night, too many strange things had happened and my dreams were filled of horrible nightmares and that made me toss and turn and sweat tremendously bad. The next day we all agreed that we should do a radar sweep of the Bimini Road and see what we could from there. We were 20km out from the main island and our boat out of the blue just stopped. I ran down below to see what had happened to our engine and to my awful surprise, the whole engine was fried, I was busy muttering curses that I didn’t hear what Daniel was calling down to me. He started to yell my name I ran back up stairs and saw almost immediately what he was so worried about, it was a massive torrent of water bursting forth from the sea, it was spiralling upwards and it had a faint glow of pink, red and orange in its usual greeny-blue water that was unlike anything on this earth. “Quick start the engine” I heard Daniel scream in a worried tone of voice. “It won’t, it’s completely fried, it burnt out.” I said in an equally worried tone. “WHAT!!” He roared “I payed so much for this boat that rat faced sales man, I’ll kill him, he promised me that the engine could almost withstand any kind of energy pulse. As soon as I get back on land I’m going to kill him!” he roared again. “Yeh if we get back” Christopher retorted. “What, what do you mean by ‘if’…” he said “Well what ever that water spout looking thing is, it’s got a massive energy reading coming off it and at that distance.” “So what are we going to do about it?” Daniel yelled over the noise the waterspout was making. “Well I’m not an expert but that things fanning out and its heading right this way, so we need to find a way to get out of here, its not only giving off energy but its also emitting a type of radiation that is extremely dangerous” he stated

I wasn’t really taking anything in that the pair of them were talking about I was franticly looking for a way to get out of there, there was no way I could get the engine moving it was fried to the bone to the point that it started melting. I caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of my eye and I turned and saw that toffee-nosed Tyler professor was standing at the bow of the boat, it was like he was welcoming this inevitable disaster, we was standing at the very edge with his arms out and embracing the wind that was howling towards us. I then heard Daniel and Christopher swearing their heads off as the water spout started to expand outwards and it was heading straight for us. “What if we jump into the water and dive down so it will pass over us.” I suggested to the pair of squabbling men. “It won’t work” Christopher said “The water spout is coming from one main point at the bottom of the ocean so no matter how far we swim down we wont be able to get under it.” “So we’re doomed?” Daniel said dramatically. “More or less” Christopher replied I looked up in awe at the massive barrier of water coming closer and closer. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, here we go hold onto something, and DON’T let go what ever you do, 3,2,1” The massive wall of water first hit the bow of the ship where Tyler had been standing, as I saw it coming closer and closer I saw all the colours in the rainbow merge into one beautiful unearthly colour, I stood in awe not being able to move my eyes off the beautiful colours that were moving around and swirling. As the water hit me, I realised that it wasn’t as harmful as it seemed to be, I felt an odd sensation that I had never felt before, it was exhilarating. As I passed though the middle of the water wall I could feel everything around me stop and I could see each individual water particle pass though me as if I hadn’t even been there. Outside of the water wall, I saw things changing around me, the sky going darker and lighter the moon rising and setting in a different place and I saw a peculiar whale like animal but it had a fin on its back and an extra blowhole. I saw many dolphins jump backwards and I saw storms blow backwards. Nothing was making sense anymore as I slowly floated through the water wall.

Chapter 3 The force of the water had thrown me off my feet and had pushed me onto the side of the cabin wall. A sharp pole from the bow of the ship had broken off with the waters pressure and had come flying towards me and it pierced my left thigh, the pain was excruciating, the blood was oozing out all over the deck. The look of the wound was horrendous, when the water wall had passed I fell to the deck in one heap. I tried to stand up but when I lent on my leg the pain was insufferable and I had to hop. The pole was still sticking out of my leg and made me stagger when I went to see if Daniel, Christopher and Tyler were all right. I saw Daniel lying unconscious on the top of the deck. I hobbled over to see if he was okay. I bent down to turn him over on his faces but before I had a chance to, I heard spluttering and coughing and to my bewilderment he started to get up himself and once he got most of the water out of his lungs he looked reasonable under the circumstances. Abruptly the leg, which the pole was sticking through collapsed under me and I stumbled to the floor. Daniel rushed over to help me up then he saw the pole protruding out of my left thigh and instead of helping me to stand he lowered be back to the floor and started looking at the wound. He looked up at me and said that the pole would have to be pulled out because it had already started to get infected. I closed my eyes and nodded, I knew that it had to be done but the thought of it creaped me out. “Get ready on three” he replied to my nod. “1, 2, 3”

He started to pull the pole very slowly the pain was like death, it felt like a hammer was being bashed into my thigh and there was nothing I could do about it, he looked down at my scrunched face and he had a look of sympathy. “Faster” I said from behind clenched teeth. At my command, he seemed to have incredible strength and speed as he ripped the pole from my leg. He winced once and the pole came sliding out with a small click as he dropped the pole to the deck. He took off his shirt and split it in two and wrapped my left thigh with his shirt and tied it off. My leg was throbbing horribly, the blood was still pouring out everywhere and I felt rather dizzy as the blood was fading from my face. Everything was moving too fast and I couldn’t focus on anything I could hear voices all around me but I couldn’t pin point whose voice exactly it was, quite suddenly everything started to go dark and I couldn’t feel anything…. Chapter 4 I woke up to the sound of voices all around me. At first I couldn’t make out any of the sounds but after a few minutes a could start to hear words and phrases. “Look she’s awake” I heard one voice say. I started opening my eyes and I saw Daniel hovering over me with Christopher not far behind him, but I couldn’t see Tyler anywhere. “Daniel, Christopher where are we? I asked in a soft and strained voice. “When we had exited out of that water spout and after you had blacked out from blood loss, we saw these machines flying over us and we called them down and they picked us up and brought us here”. Christopher replied. “Flying machines...??” I asked confused. “Yeh, that’s right a flying machine. It was long and in the shape of this old and prehistoric marine life that once lived in the ocean around here. Then the door on the other side of the room opened and a man stepped through he wore a white under shirt made of silk with a leather over vest and long black pants. He had dirt brown hair and green eyes that matched an emerald pendant that hung on his neck. “Where’s Tyler? I asked not being able to see his anywhere. Daniel shook his head I knew exactly what that meant, he didn’t make it.

“How I asked” “When we had passed through the water wall the mask of the ship fell on him and crushed him, he died instantly, so he didn’t feel anything. I could feel tears swelling in my eyes, I had never experienced death before and I had lost someone I had know quite well, even though he was an arrogant, puff up know it all he was still the man I had liked. I sat in silence for ages until the man who had walked in broke the silence. “My names Hikaru and I’m the one who rescued you and your friends from your boat.” He said in a comforting voice. “What happened? Where is this place? Who are you” I blurted out. “Well as far as I could tell you were caught in a time dilation field of some kind and it brought you here to our time”. He replied “Hmm, he mused to himself, I wonder..” he turned around to a screen of sorts and started pressing buttons, while he whistled to himself. “Umm excuse me sir, I said, but what’s a ‘time dilation field thingy?” I asked politely. “Gravitational time dilation is the effect of time passing at different rates in regions of different gravitational potential. The higher the local distortion of spacetime appropriate to gravity, the slower time passes. But in this case instead of going forwards you’ve travelled backwards. “Ah sir can you put that in English?” I asked not knowing what he had said. “There are a number of technologies capable of generating an energy barrier which disrupts time and space. Inside such a field, time can move faster or slower, depending on the settings of the device which operates it.” “Wasn’t that easier to say?” I asked him. “No, not really” “So if we came through this time dilation field thing, how do we get back?” I questioned him. “I’m afraid my dear that it doesn’t work that way, once you come through it you cant get back.” “So you mean it’s a one way street?” I asked him in a worried tone. “More or less” he answered back. “Then what are we supposed to do here?” “It’s a chance to start again, start a fresh new life among my people.” Hikaru answered me in a serious manner.

I started to panic at this, I wanted to go home, I wanted to see my friends and family, I also wanted to see my pet dog, T-Tongue. I was suddenly feeling extremely home sick. It was at that point when I realised that my leg wasn’t hurting anymore. I looked down and saw that my left thigh was how it always had been, no hole in it, I looked up at Hikaru with an inquisitive look. “I’ve been developing a kind of power crystal that not only gives off a type of energy that powers machines up, but it also gives the gift of life. It heals you of all mortal wounds, I’ve been waiting to test it for sometime, and when I found you with your leg in the shape it was, I laid the crystal on your bare leg and it glowed and your leg started to re-grow itself. It was quite amazing that it healed so quickly.” He asked me quite sternly what it was been like in the future and what was Atlantis like 8000 years into the future. I hadn’t been ready for this question first it was the fact that I was 8000 years back in the past and then I hadn’t really wanted to answer because Atlantis had been destroyed by cataclysmic events that no one had ever understood. I answered him the best I could, I avoided saying directly what had happened, so I wouldn’t hurt him by telling him no one from his civilization lasted beyond this year or the next. He eventually guessed what had happened to his people in the future. I was interested to see what the people of Atlantis did with all their power but when I had found out I was so shaken that I could not speak to any of them. When I found out I immediately ran to Daniel, who spent most of his time in the Atlantean archives reading over every book they had. I found him in a small corner in the library. “I need to speak with you immediately” I said it in the most gave tone. “Can’t it wait” he asked me “NO it absolutely can not wait” “Okay, okay, he said, what is it” “You know when we were back on the island of Bimini and we were reading through the scrolls on their history.” “Yes” “Well do you remember how we kept coming across the mysterious ‘Tuaoi Stone’ how it supposedly destroyed one of the islands of Crete, right?”

“Yes that still puzzles me, and I hate puzzles to be left unanswered, I can’t stand the unsatisfactory feeling of not knowing.” Daniel fretted. “Well don’t worry, you’re going to find out now. Well first of all the inhabitants of the island of Crete were the Minoans and the ‘Tuaoi Stone’ is the fire red crystal they use around here for day-to-day life, except it’s 10 times bigger and 10 times more powerful. Now this is where it gets interesting, the Atlanteans are experimenting with weather patterns!!!” “They’re WHAT?!? “Daniel paused to get control of what appeared to be a towering anger. “Do they have any idea at all at what that could do to all the countries affected by the weather change, they can cause droughts, cause floods, cause global freezing. Don’t they know that if you bring a storm from somewhere else or create one it sets off a series of chain events to balance out that one storm? His face mottled with rage. “That’s not all, the reason the Minoan civilization died out was because they didn’t get control of the weather patterns and just let it run wild. They didn’t account for all the so called ‘series of chain events’ they just thought they could do anything they wanted.” “Those FOOLS” he cursed, still in a rage. “Right now where the Minoans live the Atlanteans are tapering with volcanos, their experiments are trying to see whether to see they can control the ferocity of volcanoes by creating their own on some remote island that nobody knows about, hoping that they can get away with it. They have already created 4 volcanoes and right at this moment they are still continuing on with the experiment, they’re killing hundreds of thousands without any heart. I always imagined since I was a child that one day I would find out what happened to the Atlanteans. I had imagined them to be a powerful race that had no faults and that they were perfect, but this, this was horrific.” “We have to stop them” Daniel declared. “I’ve already tried, but they refuse every time I mention it and they all pull out their weapons. We’re going to have to think of something fast. If they keep going the way they’re there going to put the world into another ice age that will last eons and eons, even longer than the last or worse they could change the climate so much they could make the earth inhabitable and everyone on the world will die.” I stated with a worried frown.

“Lets go see Christopher I’m sure he’s got an idea” Daniel suggested We looked all over the city for Christopher until we found him in his personal studies sleeping with his head down on his desk. I shook him awake and he jumped sky high when he finally arose from his deep sleep. Daniel and I did our best to describe the situation and what was happening to the world around us. “Hmm” he finally said “I think I know a solution, but you may not like it.” “At this point I’m willing to listen to anything” Daniel declared. “Ok well if you insist, I was reading through the original manuscripts that were written in Rome some years ago. There were mentions of a place beyond the Pillars of Hercules and past the 3 islands of Idaean it says its a place that rivals all technologically advanced races beyond imagining. When you reach this place it allows the user of this so called ‘weapon’ two wishes, so to speak and when activated the bearer can do two things only, but it can be anything. In this cause we would use it to put the weather patterns back on track and destroy Atlantis!” Christopher suggested. Daniel gasped at this idea, “We can’t destroy Atlantis, if we destroy Atlantis we will be no better off then they are.” “We have no choice” I replied to Daniel in an earnest voice, “We can not let the Atlanteans get away with all of this. If this plan succeeds we can not only save the mega thousands of survivors of the Minoan civilization but we can also save everyone who will be affected by the world wide floods and world wide ice ages. We can’t let them change the whole worlds weather patterns.” I explained patiently to him. “Okay, okay no need to be obvious, I guess it’s the usual saying a small handful of people dying are better than the whole world, yeh, yeh the leaders of the major countries have said that so many times back home about the war that’s going on.” We snuck out that night, we stole three of their flying machines and activated it with a crystal that Hikaru had given me after he had healed me. The wind was howling in our faces and we flew across the ocean, there was a storm coming and the air was full of static. It took us a couple hours to reach the Pillars of Hercules, then from there we turned due east and headed for the three islands of Idaean. When we finally reached the three islands we turned west until we got to the alter of Zeus and this was our final destination.

Chapter 5 We got off our flying machines and walked closer to the ruins that once used to be the alter of Zeus. “Now what?” Daniel asked “The manuscripts say its at the heart of the ruins.” “Whatever that means. So we’re looking for the middle of the ruins, which I suspect it is an alter we’re looking for.” Daniel replied It took us a while to navigate through the old moss covered ruins. When we finally reached the alter Christopher stepped up to the platform and announced us that we should not stay here for too long because there was radiation emanating from the alter. I walked up to the alter and started studying all the inscriptions that had been chiselled into it. Then I noticed that there was two gaps in the side of the alter, the width of hands. “Christopher, I think I found something.” I yelled out to him. The next minute Christopher was next to me. “Is this it?” I asked him. “Yes now the catch to all of this” he said. “Catch what catch? Daniel and I said at the same time. “Well there’s a part in the manuscript that says ‘man and machine must work together to achieve thy final goal, the ultimate sacrifice thus will be made on this tragic day. Shouldst thou fail thy task all shall be lost.’ He concluded reciting the manuscript. “So that part in the manuscript was part prophecy?” Daniel said in a surprised voice. “Here is where I say good bye” Christopher said in a pained voice. “WAIT Christopher don’t, you can’t” I broke off as I watched in astonishment at what had happened, Christopher before either one of us could stop him, he plunged at the two holes in the alter. As his hands had touched the cold damp stone a beam of light came up out of the ground under his feet, to this day I can still hear his scream as the beam surrounded him and swallowed him up in its light. The light started to change colours from yellow to orange, orange to red, red to pink, pink to blue, blue the green through the whole spectrum of the rainbow. The beam of light vanished after it had finished going though all the spectrums in the rainbow. As the light left Christopher he collapsed on the ground.

Daniel and I ran to him to hold him, he reached up with his arm and said; “And so it ends” and his voice trailed even as the light was still pouring out of him. His body went limp and it could have been a trick of the light but it almost seemed that there was a smile on Christopher’s lips. Epilogue I heard the sound of clapping and I spun around and there stood Tyler, he looked different somehow he wasn’t wearing his usual suit and tie instead he was wearing what the Atlanteans wore and his hair wasn’t gelled back. “What are you doing here Tyler?” We saw your body dead on the boat, you can’t still be dead. Daniel demanded “You saw only what I wanted you to see.” He replied “Wait, is your name even Tyler” I asked “Well done Jennifer, you figured it out, my name’s not really Tyler its one of many I use, the one I’m most famous for is Eris! Eris said some what arrogantly. “But she’s a girl you’re a man? I pointed out “Very perceptive, I find in this era a male gets more recognition than a female does.” “I remember reading descriptions of you in many scrolls your described as the ‘bringer of death’” “Yes that’s one of my other names” he chuckled an evil sort of laugh and faded away. “I guess that’s not the last time we’ll see him or her around.” Daniel said “Definitely, the descriptions I’ve read of Eris says that she never passes up the chance to create fear and chaos in the world and in our world his better know as the Greek goddess Eris of discord and strife.”

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