The Everlasting Sun (sequel To Twilight Saga)

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,127
  • Pages: 12
The Everlasting Sun

I opened my eyes around me I saw a nice cool meadow with wild flowers everywhere. I could here the sound of a flowing river nearby. “Crack.” Who is this I thought. Then sensing there power I knew who it was Edward. I yelled “go away.” Loud enough they could here. “With your family to,” I added reading their thoughts to. I knew they weren’t listening so I turned into a beetle and waited for their arrival. As three vampires came into the clearing I instantly gained another power. It was a mental shield. This would be great. I turned on the invisibility and turned back into a vampire. “He was here a second ago. Where did he go?” Edward said with impatience. Edward was a tall vampire with reddish brown hair. He was wearing a button up shirt. He had denim jeans and ok shoes. Bella, a smart vampire had wavy brown hair with a slight tint of red she wore a blue blouse and denim jeans like Edward, looked around sensing someone was still here. “No” she said then ran towards me at that, I dodged her move with out thinking. “A clever one aren’t you” I said and the other two looked my way. Alice and Edward saw nothing. Looking confused Bella took

charge again at me. I dodged again this time I ran to the other side of the meadow. I took off my invisibility. Edward and Alice looked shocked. I then spoke up and said “that power of yours Bella could come in handy, thanks.” Edward growled. They started coming forward. Alice for once spoke up and said “who are you?” “I’m Corrin, Edward your very special your power to read minds it will come in handy. Now if you don’t mind I must be leaving.” I said with the most respect. I started to walk away. I knew all of them were going to follow me. All strange thoughts going through there head. Bella had her shield over then thinking it would do some good. I smiled and said, “hmmm, I wonder how Renesmee is doing let’s go check.” I disappeared from the meadow and ran to the Cullens house. I heard Edward and Bella growl and run after me. When I got in their house, well more like mansion, I turned human, and grabbed an apple lying out and bit into it. When Edward, Alice, and Bella got in I said, “Well its about time.” I set the apple down and transformed into a vampire again. I sat down on their couch and turned on the TV. 8 and a half vampires were staring at me. “ Cool the games on!” Emmett said, and sat down beside me. Rosalie was so mad. “Emmett!” she said the anger reaching her max. Emmett understanding her went over to Rose. They were still staring at me. ‘I wonder what he’s going to do he doesn’t look evil he actually looks kind of cute’ Renesmee thought. I chuckled and I heard Edward growl again. Carlisle then walked to me. “Who are you?” he said with confusion in his voice. Everyone waited for me to speak. I just took a deep breath. Carlisle then added, “I need to know if you’re going to hurt my family. If you aren’t you are welcome to live here.” He said in a fatherly voice. I then thought it was my time to speak said, “I’ll take your offer.” Knowing this was the right thing to do. I haven’t had a family in hundreds of years. My last family was torn apart from the

Vultori. In a matter of seconds Alice squealed with excitement and ran over to hug me. Rosalie looked unpleased. Bella didn’t care she just got up and walked away. Edward soon followed her. Emmett looked at me with an evil grin thinking of all the pranks he would pull on me. Esme looked proud to be my mom. Jasper didn’t care just happy that Alice was happy. Carlisle then asked, “what’s your power?” in a matter of moments everyone was back in the room all wonder what it was. I then said my eyes on Emmett, “Well…I guess you can say I absorb powers or take them from someone.” I gave him the evil grin back then looked at Edward to Emmett then back again. They gasped listing to their thoughts I was surprised to hear some of the things they were saying. ‘That can’t be he must be one of the most powerful vampires ever to be known’ Carlisle was thinking. ‘Wait till the Vultori find out about him, I bet they wish he was on their side’ Bella thought. ‘AWESOME! I can’t wait to battle him. He is so going to lose!” Emmett thought randomly. I saw him flexing his muscles in his arms. Edward’s thoughts were similar to Bella’s but more appropriate word choice. Carlisle whispered “Impossible.” “Nope,” I said, with a bragging tone, then adding, “want to see?” They all nodded probably to shocked I thought. I got up and decided to use Zafrina’s power, this nomad I traveled with for a little under a year. I used the power on all of them. Then I turned it off I used Jaspers power next I made them all angry then sad then happy then confused. It was funny to watch their faces. Finally Alice said, “STOP messing with my feelings Jasper!” she shot him a glare. Jasper took a step back and said, “it’s not me Alice.” “Man,” I said, “you guys sure seem to get mad a lot.” They all looked at me. “Hey, you guys wanted to see my power.” “That’s incredible.” Carlisle said still amazed. Then, I heard loud booming thoughts, and it smelled terrible I hissed. “Your wolf friend is here Renesmee, or do you want me to call you Nessie that’s what he calls you by.” Everyone looked

confused again till they then heard him a mile away. He then knocked on the door with three loud knocks. Nessie opened the door and hugged him. Jacob didn’t looked shocked when he saw me. For fun I froze time I got off the couch and went behind him and kicked him hard in the, butt. I went back to the couch put on the same expression and let time flow again. “Owwww!” he yelled everyone looked at him. I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. He glared at me I just sighed and looked away. “Who are you?” he asked protectively putting one arm around Renesmee’s shoulder. In a smart aleck response I replied “A vampire.” He glared and said, “ha ha very funny. I mean what’s your name leech.” “ Corrin Samuel Deagro.” I replied to him once again. He didn’t looked pleased, and I added, “Leech isn’t the correct way to name me.” He responded, “why not, leech?” Thinking he’s pushing me, but I didn’t mind one bit. “Because…well…err…I don’t drink blood.” Everyone looked at me with questioning eyes including the mutt. I then said, “I get my energy from my powers so I don’t need to hunt, or what ever you call it.” They all seemed to understand then, but the mutt still looked confused. “What do you mean…powers?” he said with question in his voice. I chuckled a little then sighed. I said, “well earlier I explained to all of them that I absorb powers or like copy them.” He still looked confused so I played with him by saying it slowly, “I copy others powers and then am able to use them later.” With my eyes opened wide and a smile on my face I nodded my head at him. “Understand?” he then nodded. “ Let me see. Use Edwards I’ll pick a number one to a million, ok.” ‘3,652’ he thought. “3,652” I said repeating his thoughts. He then looked amazed. Then I heard another wolfs mind, but this was more kind. So I said who was coming, “Seth is here.” Jacob then looked

annoyed so I read his thoughts. ‘Why does he always follow me.’ Then Seth appeared at the doorway with a big smile on his face. He looked at me. He heard are conversation before so he knew who I was. He sat down by me. He started to ask me where I came from when someone else knocked on the door. I knew who it was Charlie, Bella’s dad he didn’t know any thing about vampires or werewolves so I turned human. Bella opened the door. She put on a surprised face and gave Charlie a hug. “Hey dad, I didn’t know you were coming over.” She said looking at the rest of us. He gave Alice a smile then saw me. He had questioning look on his face. Esme saw his face and put in saying, “that’s Corrin we just adopted him!” with excitement in her words. Charlie then looked at Renesmee. He said in a rough voice, “look how big you got your only how old 16?” I heard his thoughts ‘ something is going on in this family she looks more like a full grown adult and she’s really only 10.’ I knew this was going to be hard to explain if he asked that question so I tapped Charlie on the shoulder and while he looked away from Renesmee I shape shifted her to look like a ten-yearold. He then looked at me. I said response to his statement about Renesmee, “She’s only ten and she doesn’t look that big.” He looked at Renesmee again then was confused as heck when she looked like a ten year old instead of what he saw a moment ago. I looked at all my family and gave them a thumbs up. They all nodded in return. I then turned my head to the dog he had little bit of confusion, but then he understood it was of my doings. Charlie as shocked as he was said, “I better get going see you all later.” He hugged Bella and Renesmee, and left. Emmett came over and gave me a big hug. I then turned Renesmee back to normal. I sat back down on the couch and turned the game back on. That day was a blast Emmett and me are starting a prank war against everyone, but we aren’t telling the rest. When night started

to fall me and Emmett went somewhere alone to discuss are pranks. We ended up in the woods by Canada. Emmett spoke first, “So I was thinking we should use your powers to stop time and then when Bella and Edward are walking to there cottage we should kidnap Edward!” I thought about this, and it did seem pretty good. Then I thought of a better plan. “Or I can shape shift you to be a replica of Edward and then Edward and you can fight over Bella!” Emmett put a big grin on his face. We both laughed are evil laughs and we headed home. It was about 4:00 am when we got there. I told him early that day that I would use Bella’s power so he didn’t have to hide his thoughts from Edward. When we walked in the room no one was there except Carlisle and Esme. I sat down by Esme on the couch. I started to wonder about school. I knew that us kids went to high school. I then asked, “Are we going to start school?” They both looked at me. Carlisle replied, “not until we move to a new state. People would know us if we started school again only a decade after we left, but I can tell you this we are going to move in a month or so.” I knew the others hated school, but I really like school. I love to meet new friends. So I smiled and went to the computer. I looked at the accounts. I decided to make a new one for me. I typed my name and other stuff. I put my picture of a weird cyber thing because of my powers. I went on the Internet and went on Google. I typed in awesome pranks. I then looked around to see if any one was looking at me, and they were all gone. I quickly pressed enter and found lots of prank web sites. I clicked on the first link, but nothing good came up; the rest were all duds too. I was really board by then so I logged off and left the house I went to 24-hour store and bought tons of puzzle books hard. I still had money from my previous job back in LA I was a bodyguard for a club. I took the books home and started to do the first puzzle ‘Sudoko’ it was really easy at first, but when it started out with four numbers that’s when it wasn’t as simple. I finished the book within a hour. It was about eight now. So I started on the next

puzzle book this time it was crossword puzzles. This was a lot easier so I finished in 30 minuets. That was when Alice came down she looked at me in the corner with my puzzle books all stacked up. “What?” I said and she started to crack up. Jasper then came down to see what Alice was laughing at when he saw me he joined her. That’s when Alice and me at the same time had a vision. Vision: We were getting ready for school when there was a knock on the door. Carlisle opened the door and right in front of us was a girl. Then the vision went blank. I came back to reality. I saw them all huddled around Alice. She came back when I did we both looked at each other Edward knew to so we looked at him. He said, “A vampire is coming to visit.” He looked at Bella then said “we don’t know when she is coming.” They all looked at me weirdly so I read Rosalie’s thoughts ‘I bet there going to get together. Its simple facts.’ I heard a growl escape my teeth. They all looked away I saw Esme’s face though it was in this big smile. Then I heard Emmett’s booming thoughts in my head ‘lets pull the prank now!’ at that moment I nodded me and Emmett went upstairs. I transformed him into Edward. Then I yelled downstairs. “Edward can you come upstairs I need to show you something.” Sure enough he was in the room in a moment then he saw ‘Emmett’ They both ran downstairs to Bella, and the fun begins. I ran after them in a second seeing what was going to happen. “Get your hands off her Emmett.” Emmett says in Edward’s voice. Bella is so confused right now. Bella adds in, “I don’t know what your problem is you guys, but I let you solve this.” She runs off into the forest and Edward and ‘Emmett’ follow her. “Leave me alone Edwards.” I heard her yell. Then the ‘real’ Edward backs off and comes back home. Emmett stays to see what Bella would do. Alice and Jasper are watching to, they were laughing. Bella then comes home up to the

‘real’ Edward and says “I knew this was the real you.” She kisses him then Emmett came in I took off the power. “Dang it! You were supposed to get mad Bella what fun is that?” Edward growled. I froze time and let Emmett stay moveable. “What do you want to do now?” Emmett looked around. He came back with sharpies in many different colors. He went over to Edward and drew a big Mustache in bright green. Then drew a unibrow on Bella he chuckled then went over to Alice who was laughing. He then drew a big mole on her cheek and nose hairs. Then on Jasper he drew a goatee and a small mustache. Emmett went crazy till everything was covered with sharpies. “I’ll turn you and I invisable so they can’t see us” he nodded and I let time flow again. Bella and Edward looked at each other. Edward had a frown on his face while Bella laughed historically. They both looked at Alice and Jasper. Then Edward gave a little chuckle. Alice and Jasper who were still laughing looked at each other and then laughed more. When they saw Edward and Bella they kept laughing. With everyone laughing Rose, Esme and Carlisle came to see what was up. I thought they were going to get mad, but they gave a chuckle to. Rose interrupted the laughing and said, “Where’s Emmett?” I looked at Emmett he couldn’t take it any longer he let out a loud booming laugh. Everyone looked that way. Seeing now it was useless I took off the invisibility. They saw us appear and Rose ran up to Emmett and kissed him. Then Alice went up to me. She said well thought ‘I can see you fall for the girl that is coming’ with pleasure in her voice. I could see they were all looking at us I turned on my invisibility and left the house and ran as fast as I could. I didn’t know where I was going I just ran. Until I found my self at waters end. I knew I was somewhere up in Canada. I looked out in the lake. I used my powers to see what was going on in the house. They were all in the room still it looked like no one talked. They were still all staring at Alice. Of course Edward already knew

unless Alice didn’t think it. Then Emmett broke though the silence and said, “Alice you sure scared him off.” She looked at him then walked away. I knew I was going to have to thank Alice for that one. I was staring at the lake. How could I be so mad. I knew what Alice said wasn’t true, because she can’t see that unless we decide it, but in some way I think it would become true. I always hated true love never knew why. It just bothers me to think I would fall in love with someone I don’t know. I heard footsteps approaching me. Of course it was Alice. Not wanting to say any thing I thought it towards her instead ‘thanks.’ She came out of the woods and stood by the edge of the lake. ‘I don’t understand why you ran’ she thought ‘I don’t know, but I can’t’ I thought then ran slow enough for her to run besides me. ‘You don’t have to be afraid of love.’ She thought again, thinking those were good words to say. I spoke for a first in a while, “you don’t know what my life has been like.” I said with a little anger in my voice. I remembered watching my caring mother be ripped apart from limb to limb and being burned. The Vultori caused this all. They caused all this fear of abandonment all my hate in my body. I was pure angry now. I stopped dead when I knew where Alice was going. I didn’t want to face my family, especially Jasper. Even though I can block his power not when I’m this angry. Alice then senesced how angry I was. She stopped ten feet away. She put out a hand and said, “We can help you.” I looked her right in the eyes. I then showed her what my past was like all the people that I cared for the ones the Vultori murdered. She shook in agony. I then ran again. I knew I was way faster then any of them about twenty times as fast. I was in Florida now I stared at the blue water. I heard my cell phone ring. I looked at the caller I-d it said Alice. I put the phone to my ear. “What!” I growled into the phone. There was a long pause. “Come back please we need you. I didn’t know you had such a hard life.” She said this with sorrow in her voice.

“Why do you need me. There just going to take you away to.” I spit into the phone then i regretted what I just said. I turned off my phone and threw it into the ocean. I spent the next day wandering a forest in Florida. Three days have passed now. I finally decided to go home if they still liked me. I knew I behaved rather rude. It was only my second day there after all when I left. I made the trip as fast I could knowing Alice told the others. When I was close to the house I slowed down. They all came out. Emmett came and gave me a big hug the others did to except Rosalie. I was back in the family. It’s been a month now since I came into this family. Emmett and I are still pulling the best pranks. Alice and I still have are little meetings by the lake. I started going out at night looking for something to do. This one time I went to the Casino. I went over to the poker table and sat down. I froze time and looked at others cards. I won every time. I ended up not coming there again because when I played black jack they kicked me out for counting cards. So I usually ended up at the beech and watching the sunrise. Man was that sun beautiful. We all gathered in the dining room for Carlisle announcement. We all knew what he was going to say. We were moving. Alice looked at me. I read her thoughts ‘She’s coming in about a month so at are knew house in Oregon.’ I replied in her thoughts as well. ‘Oregon so that’s where we’re going.’ She glared at me. Then we turned to Carlisle. “As you all probably know we are moving to Astoria Oregon.” I had a smile on my face. I wanted to start school. I don’t know why the others dreaded school I always liked it for some reason. I turned my attention back to Carlisle again. “So everyone start packing.” I got up and headed for my corner where I kept my things they didn’t have enough rooms for me. I grabbed my puzzle books and my I-pod.

“Bye,” I said to Carlisle and transported to are new house. I went upstairs, this house was wonderful I chose the best room in the house to. It was at the end of the hallway, and when I walked though the door I knew I was going to have good times here. I set my stuff down. The little that I had. I heard the sound of my new cell phone ringing since my old one is somewhere in the ocean by Florida. I flipped it open. “Hello?” I said forgetting to check caller I-d. “Where did you go my son?” Carlisle asked “I’m at the house already, and let me tell you this its magnificent.” “I thought you might like it, but can you come back and drive one of the cars there?” I thought about his question then understood what he meant. “Sure hold on a sec.” I shut the phone off then Transported back to the house. “What car should I drive back?” “Oh…you should take Bella’s Ferrari.” Carlisle said. “Ok” I said and headed to the garage. When I got in her car. I tried something I never done before, teleporting a car. I closed my eyes to concentrate. When I opened them again I was at the house in the garage. This was awesome. I got out and went to my new room. I ran to the furniture store and bought a nice small bed and a dresser. When I was out of site I transported back to my room. I set the bed against the wall right side from my door and put my dresser across from it. By then my family was already here. Edward and Bella’s room was across the hall from mine and Emmett’s and Rose’s were farther down the hall. I decided to put soundproof walls in my room. Everyone was settled in now. School started tomorrow. Alice was all ready with are outfits. This last month Alice got to dress me however she liked. It’s just cloths I thought. It was about six now and school started 7:30. I transported myself to the beech to watch the sunset before I started school for a first time in around 600 years.

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