The Cause Of Homosexuality

  • May 2020
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The cause of homosexuality Errors to avoid to keep your baby from becoming homosexual The disgust protects the men from the homosexuality.The disgust is almighty to protect the men from the homosexuality. The theory of the attachement (John Bowlby, Attachement and loss) explains the trauma from which homosexuality springs Table of Contents THE NATURAL ORDER AND ITS INVERSION EXPLAINING HOMOSEXUALITY 1. Introduction 2. Inner realm 3. Psychic virility 4. Love instance 5. The trauma from which homosexuality springs 6. Errors to avoid to keep your baby from becoming homosexual EDUCATING INFANTS WITHOUT ARTIFICIAL TOYS THE NATURAL ORDER AND ITS INVERSION Permit me to expound a little on the inversion of the natural order of education and its consequences. I will begin with a child growing up in the 19th century. During the first year of life, that child eats and sleeps much of the time. About the age of one, he learns to walk. At age two or three, he begins to talk. At about two, he learns lack, longing and patience (and perhaps renunciation). How are these things learned? The child learns them naturally by looking around him. He sees that another child has a bicycle, for example. He realises that the other child has a bicycle. He then realises that he himself has none (learning of lack). There spontaneously arises the longing to have a bicycle (learning of longing). That longing will gradually grow until it turns into suffering (the child is dying of longing for a bicycle). Since that excessive longing makes him suffer, he will learn to moderate his longing, to wait (learning of patience) and perhaps to renounce. Note that this learning is a very gradual, drawn out process (taking many months). This education, particularly the learning of patience, is crucial to a child's psychological and social development. Patience is knowing how to control one's drives and being able to stand free and independent of objects. Let us look now at the haphazard, disorganised development of a child in our day and age. Even before a child is weaned, a stuffed toy is placed in his crib. At the age of one, he still has a stuffed toy in his bed and his playpen, and his bedroom is full of toys. The infant becomes accustomed to his toys BEFORE he had learned lack, longing and patience. His education is disorganised; the natural order is not respected. By age two or three, the child has developed a very strong attachment to his comforter (a transitional or intermediate object, often a stuffed toy or doll, but also other things). He cherishes it more than anything in the world. All it takes to create a crisis is for someone to take his comforter (against his will). The infant screams and cries; he throws a tantrum. He is suddenly and violently confronted with lack and longing. The education in patience goes awry because the child is strongly attached to his comforter. Furthermore, there is an assault. Even further, the child is very young (and therefore fragile), in addition to which his sense of ownership is thwarted. The child does not experience physical suffering, but psychological suffering. It is narcissistic suffering. According to Freud, narcissistic wounds are the origin of homosexuality in adults. Depending on the child's age, the circumstances and the repetition of the assaults, the child will present multiple symptoms, such as sleeping disorders (nightmares), stress, hyperactivity, oppositional disorder, and psychosomatic manifestations.

In his book 'Emotional Intelligence,' psychologist Daniel Goleman cites one of many cases clearly illustrating the psychological suffering of a child. 'Len, age five, is fed up with his brother Jay, age two and a half, who is constantly smashing his Lego creations. Furious, Len bites Jay, which starts crying. Their mother, alerted by Jay's screams, intervenes and scolds Len, ordering him to put away his troublesome toys. Given what he must perceive to be blatant injustice, Len bursts into tears, crying on and on. He is inconsolable; his tears seem endless.' When education occurs through inversion of the natural order, it is like throwing a child into the lake BEFORE teaching him to swim. He risks drowning, the education in swimming is too violent. In the case of toys and the learning of patience, psychological suffering is involved; the drowning is psychological if the natural order is not respected. That psychological drowning is not recognized by the parents, who are blind to it. Let us return again to the past. Until the early nineteenth century, working-class children toiled and had no time for play. Toys were strictly for the children of the middle class. In the mid-nineteenth century, industrialisation made toys more accessible. Metal and synthetic materials replaced wood and porcelain. Then toward the middle of the twentieth century, the use of toys became widespread through all social strata in industrialised countries. Canadian educator Daniel Kemp maintains that the personality of children changed around the 1960s. He talks about mutation and calls those mutants 'Teflon children,' whom he describes as very self-centred and aggressive. They apparently are unaffected by solitude; they do not experience guilt; the parents have trouble making them obey; neither punishment nor reward has much effect. Another observation points up psychological exhaustion in teachers, who can no longer control their classrooms. Those teachers suffer panic or breakdown because of turbulent, insubordinate pupils. You will doubtless notice that this change in children's character occurred alongside the generalisation of stuffed animals and toys in society. In her book 'The Child,' Maria Montessori describes the conditions of poor children in 1900. Very simply, they had nothing to call their own. Once the child moved around, walked and touched objects around him, the mother sent him out to play outdoors (in the yard). Working-class children, who spent all day running in the streets, did not tire their mothers. Maria describes the fifty poor children age 3 to 6 who attended her nursery school in 1906. She states that they were sweet, sincere, cheerful and energetic. They shrieked with enthusiasm, clapped, ran, thanked effusively and knew how to show their gratitude. They were outgoing, admired everything and adapted to everything. The most noticeable attitude of those children in nursery school was their workfocused activity. Although the school made marvelous toys available to them, the children never played with them. Maria then describes a nursery school of rich children. The children grabbed objects from one another. They switched from one object to another without sticking with any of them. Some were incapable of being still. In most cases, their movements were aimless. They ran all around the room without knowing why. Their handling of objects conveyed no respect for them. They were unable to concentrate on any task. Sometimes, they rolled around on the floor and upset the chairs. They were disoriented in their work and resisted all direction. These problems were encountered to varying degrees in all rich children, who were intelligently tended by loving families. Maria believed that rich children eventually overcame their problem. Along with the return to normalcy comes the disappearance of disorder, disobedience, selfcentredness, quarrelling, capriciousness, attachment, submissiveness, and so forth. But not all of them overcome their difficulties. A child's first caprices are the first maladies of the soul. Caprices are the expression of an inner disturbance and are manifested as a moment of purposeless, disorderly activity. These children

become impenetrable, empty, incompetent, capricious and bored; they exist outside society. Their attention is closed to all but the things they want to possess. Virtually all moral deviance stems from that first phase, in which a decision between love and possession must be made. This phenomenon by which humans become attached to things they do not want to give up, even when those things are useless, poisons the fundamental equilibrium of the psyche. In his book 'Tales from a Traveling Couch,' New York psychotherapist Robert Akeret cites an example to show that putting a teddy bear in a baby's crib may lead the child to zoophilia, and from zoophilia into masochism! The story he tells is true and must be read to be believed. Naturalist Konrad Lorenz in his book 'He Talked with Mammals, Birds and Fish' shows a phenomenon similar to zoophilia (and reproducible) in birds. Indeed, birds raised alone direct their sexual love toward any being with whom they commingled during certain phases of their youth, i.e., very often with humans. Lorenz cites the case of a white peacock, the last survivor of a brood that had met with disaster. The peacock was placed in the giant turtle room at the zoo. For the remainder of its life, the hapless bird had eyes only for giant turtles and was deaf and blind to the advances of the loveliest peacock hens. One characteristic of this amazing process of impregnation is its irreversibility. Now that I have explained how our children have become horrid little monsters, you understand why parents must be taught not to disturb their infants with artificial toys or stuffed animals. In a perfect world, children would be raised as they were in the early nineteenth century, when stuffed animals and artificial toys did not exist among the working classes. EXPLAINING HOMOSEXUALITY 1. Introduction Three concepts are key to understanding the psychological disturbances that bring about homosexuality. They are the concepts of inner realm, psychic virility and love instance. 2. Inner realm The inner realm is an intimate precinct encompassing all those things which a person cherishes. All individuals have their own inner realm. In the normal individual, the inner realm usually encompasses spouse, children, self, trade or profession, automobile, house, and so forth. In sum, it embraces everything that the individual holds dear and would regret losing. The inner realm has no clear boundaries. Outside that precinct lies all that leaves the individual indifferent or arouses disgust. 3. Psychic virility The psychic virility is the psychological centre of drives. It is sensitive to all assault upon the inner realm, meaning aggression against anything lying within that precinct. Its extreme sensitivity makes the psychic virility susceptible not only to assault but also to threat and provocation–to whatever endangers the inner realm. Assault upon the inner realm puts pressure on the psychic virility. Whenever the psychic virility is pressured, a drive is awakened. In the case at hand, the drive is the desire to fend off the assault. If that is possible, the psychic virility decompresses and the drive retreats. The exertion of pressure on the psychic virility creates an unpleasant, almost unbearable sensation. Decompression produces a pleasant sensation. Because of its extreme sensitivity and fragility, the psychic virility suffers under strong pressure. However, the stress arising from the routine vicissitudes of life is generally mild and causes no suffering. The psychic virility is also capable of foresight and can operate to prevent

assault through the search for prestige. Indeed, prestige is a demonstration of strength, which in turn compels respect and thus prevents aggression. (The psychic virility does not wait for the individual to be dead to mobilise, for once death has occurred, it is too late to act.) The search for prestige is important, given what is admittedly an unfortunate human tendency to despise and reject weakness and poverty. The search for prestige has a twofold purpose, for prestige is also a factor in seduction. There are many ways to gain prestige, some of them being to buy a luxury automobile, wear expensive clothes, own a beautiful house or practise a highprofile profession. Prestige can also be acquired through sports, which allow for the show of strength and superiority over one's adversaries. Ordinarily, the drive of the psychic virility is called arrogance in sports confrontations, vanity in the quest is for luxury, jealousy when one covets someone else's property, egotism when everything is seen in terms of self, and pride in other cases. The drive of the psychic virility also intervenes in the desire to seduce, in which case it is the need for love that stimulates (pressures) the psychic virility. Broadly speaking, the psychic virility can be stimulated in three ways, i.e., through aggression, the need for love and the satisfaction of daily needs (e.g., food). Conclusion The function of the psychic virility is to trigger drives. Its physical function is to perpetuate life by ensuring that the individual thrives. Its psychological function is to protect the love instance. The psychic virility is the custodian of the love instance. During sleep, the psychic virility manifests itself through dreams. 4. Love instance The love instance is a psychological mechanism sensitive to tenderness, affection, friendship and love. Nor only is the love instance sensitive to love (friendship, affection); it also has a lifelong need for love (friendship, affection), as though it were nourished by love (friendship, affection). When the love instance lacks love (friendship, affection), the psychic virility comes under pressure. The individual seeks that missing love (friendship, affection), one example being an individual suffering from loneliness, which is a lack of affection and human warmth. When the love instance is nourished (stimulated) by tenderness, affection, friendship or love, the individual loves the one who supplies that tenderness, friendship or love. The love instance is ordinarily called the heart, although some common expressions employing the word 'heart' actually refer to the psychic virility instead of the love instance. The love instance and psychic virility are intimately linked. The psychic virility shields the love instance so that whatever or whoever wounds the psychic virility does not stimulate the love instance. 5. The trauma from which homosexuality springs The trauma from which homosexuality springs occurs when someone takes a young child's toy (against his will). The child suffers from dispossession of his toy and wants to recover it. If he cannot recover it, he suffers more. As his suffering grows, so does the desire to recover the toy so that the suffering will cease. If the child still fails to recover the toy, his suffering grows even more. The more he suffers, the more he

wants his toy. The more he wants his toy, the more he suffers. It is a vicious circle, a hellish spiral. The caregivers of infants have certainly seen a young child throw a screaming or crying tantrum after having his toy taken away. It generally takes several such assaults, I believe, to cause the psychological disequilibrium responsible for homosexuality. The original trauma may also occur when someone breaks the child's toy. Let us analyse events in light of the concepts explained above. The child is attached to his toy, meaning that it is part of his inner realm. Having someone take the toy constitutes an assault upon the child's inner realm. (The assault is particularly brutal if the toy is snatched from the child's hands.) The psychic virility automatically feels pressured, and that awakens a drive. In this case, the drive is to desire to retrieve the toy. If the child cannot retrieve his toy, the assault is confirmed. The stress on the psychic virility intensifies, and the desire to recover the toy becomes imperative. If the toy remains irretrievable, the assault becomes blatant. The stress on the psychic virility builds to an unbearable pitch. That excess pressure probably damages the brain tissues constituting the psychic virility, which can be likened to an over-inflated balloon that eventually bursts. The pressure vanishes and the stress on the walls of the balloon is released, but the tear remains. That rupture will be the weak point in the psychic virility, a wound that does not heal although the surrounding tissues are sound. Scientists have observed that one particular region of the homosexual brain is twenty per cent larger than that same region in the heterosexual brain. That site probably consists of brain tissues of the psychic virility that have been strained through excess pressure. The assault which the child has suffered seems inconsequential, not serious at all, at first glance. Unfortunately, the child lacks sufficient psychological maturity to cope with the situation. He does not know how to relinquish his toy. He is like a hare caught in a stranglehold by a neck-snare. Since the hare is being strangled, it pulls against the snare. The more it pulls, the more it feels strangled. The more it feels strangled, the more it pulls. Once a child has experienced the original trauma, his psychic virility will remain unbalanced, damaged and sick. It will no longer shield the love instance. No longer will the child be master of his heart, one might say! The child will live in a secondary state, as it were, in a haze, a jumble of senses and mind in which there subsists only a feeling of bedazzlement and tenderness towards individuals of his own gender, with that feeling growing stronger over time. The child will no longer be able to love a person of the opposite sex because his psychic virility has been damaged. Since the path that leads to the love instance is routed through the wounded psychic virility, that path becomes blocked. The charm of individuals of the opposite sex is blocked by the damaged psychic virility. That revives the pain of the psychic virility–whence the feeling of homosexuals that women are so dumb and the feelings of misogyny as well. (The charm of individuals of the opposite sex cannot press through to reach the love instance since, by nature, the charm of the person of the opposite sex does not wound the psychic virility.) 6. Errors to avoid to keep your baby from becoming homosexual To keep your baby from becoming homosexual, you should not give him any toys from birth to the age of three years. Nor should you give him musical instruments until he is about four. All sophisticated (personalised) toys, e.g., dolls, stuffed animals, miniature cars and plastic animals, are advised against. All musical instruments, e.g., piano, guitar, trumpet or violin, are advised against. I advise banning toys altogether for young children. Indeed, they cause misfortune

for children under four, and children over the age of seven are too old to play with them. Furthermore, children under four could take the toys of their older siblings. Young children can, however, play outdoors with any unsophisticated (nonpersonalised) toys they find, e.g., stones, sticks, earth, soil, grass, and so on. Children can develop through engaging in many activities and games, such as running, singing, playing hide and seek or tag, going to the swimming pool, watching television, playing on a swing, tobogganing, playing with animals (live ones, not toys), picking fruit, walking in the woods and climbing trees, among others. When the child is about three, if and only if he himself asks for a toy, it can be supposed that he has attained the psychological maturity to receive the toy he requests. But parents must not take the initiative of giving toys to a child who does not request them. Allow the child to make his own toys. If he makes a toy himself, he has attained sufficient psychological maturity to have it. Parents who believe that their child will be unhappy without toys should realise that children do not suffer from the lack of something they do not know. Ulrich Bräker writes in his memoirs, 'I was as carefree as a kid could be. I needed my three meals a day and asked for nothing more.' EDUCATING INFANTS WITHOUT ARTIFICIAL TOYS Once a child has learned to walk, he is impetuous in his desire to move about and to play. Play is the richest source of a child's joy, providing for his sound, normal development. Children suffer from solitude and boredom. They need company, companions their own age. Parents who have only one child would be well advised to place them in a playschool as soon as possible. It is the only way to bring joy to their child's life. Children who have grown up without stuffed animals or artificial toys are always happy. They have fun with natural toys found in the woods and at the seashore (e.g., seashells, stones and roots of unusual shapes). They also have fun with sticks, boxes, string and other things they can use to make their own toys. Their games are neither monotonous nor boring. Unfortunately, there are little children who do not know how to amuse themselves for very long. Here are a few suggestions to keep them busy and happy: Playing in the sand Children love playing in sand. They build castles, mountains, canals and many other things. With a few rocks and sticks, they build such things as roads and houses. Children never tire of playing in the sand. Children's songs Singing necessarily accompanies rounds and lends a magical charm to many other diversions as well. Children delight in repeating the same refrain over and over; the simple rhythm catches them up in the beat. The songs learned in the yard brighten up our children's lives. Stories Introduce children to the wonderful world of story. Tell them traditional folktales such as Little Red Hiding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, and Hansel and Gretel, with which your mothers and grandmothers padded your childhood. Stories are an endless source of wonder for children. Playing outdoors Children love to play together in a field or beneath trees. Pity the big-city children who rarely have an opportunity to romp in the open air. Nothing profits youngsters as much as running and playing in the sun. When your children cannot be quiet in their room, send them outdoors to play. Children love going to the swimming pool and also enjoy picking fruit. What fun to eat cherries while perched in a cherry tree!

Social games There are many ways for children to have fun with playmates, e.g., hopscotch, hide and seek, or tag. Every mother will remember others from her childhood. Pastimes When bad weather keeps children indoors, you can suggest some interesting pastimes. Starting at age four or five, children love cutting out, even if only pictures in a catalogue. They also enjoy folding paper to make soldier's caps, pots, boats, paper chains, and so forth. Colouring is another favourite pastime. Toys Once a child is two or three years, he can be given wooden blocks. Starting at age 3, he can be given a ball, jump rope, scooter and other toys involving movement, as well as a paint box, modelling clay, and a pail and shovel. Books Once a child has learned to read in school, he can be given children's books to enjoy.

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